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The Canadian cow-calf sector is about to undergo major transformative change because of shifts in Canada’s population demographics. To understand the impact of this change on the Canadian beef cow-calf sector, Statistics Canada census data from 1991 to 2011 were analyzed for trends. From 2006 to 2011, the number of Canadian cow-calf producers and operations decreased by 24.6% and 26.0%, respectively. Furthermore, as of 2011, 61.9% of producers were > 50 y of age. The number of cow-calf producers is positioned to decrease by another 40% by 2021. If Canada’s cow-calf industry is to maintain its current levels of production then the average herd size will need to increase markedly. The shift towards fewer but larger operations will impact the type of veterinary services demanded by cow-calf producers, and the number of veterinarians required to service this industry. Veterinary colleges will need to examine whether they are producing graduates who will meet the changing demands of livestock producers.  相似文献   

The classes of 2007 from the Atlantic Veterinary College, Ontario Veterinary College, and Western College of Veterinary Medicine were surveyed to determine what factors influenced the respondents’ career path choices. Seventy percent (166/237) of those contacted participated in the survey of which 89.1% were female, 62.7% had an urban upbringing, and 33.0% expected to be employed in a small center (population ≤ 10 000). Half (52.5%) of the respondents reported that they were interested in mixed or food animal practice at the time of entry into veterinary college, but this proportion declined to 34.2% by the time of graduation. Three factors were significantly associated with choosing a career in mixed or food animal practice: having been raised in a small center, being a male, and having a good to excellent knowledge of food animal production at the time of entry into veterinary college, as determined by a self-assessment.  相似文献   

The detection of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in beef cattle closed Canadian beef export markets to 30 countries, including the USA, with devastating financial losses. The detection and confirmation of the fifth and seventh BSE-infected animals but first infected dairy cows extended the problem of risk management to Canadian dairy farmers. As the public are concerned about the safety not only of beef but also of milk and milk products that may contain disease-causing prions, this review examines the evidence for the safety of milk from studies on prions in milk or colostrum and their vertical and lateral transmission in various animal systems. The evidence indicates that the risk of contracting new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease through the consumption of milk is negligible.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的迅猛发展,人们生活水平的日益提高,食品安全被摆上了议事日程。人们对“环境保护”“安全消费”“可持续发展”这样的字眼已不再陌生,生产优质、高效的绿色产品已刻不容缓,而开发绿色食品中的乳制品则是增加农民收入,构筑和谐社会的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

我国奶业如何迈过后三聚氰胺时代这道坎   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,特别是近几年,我国奶业持续快速发展,奶牛饲养规模不断扩大,加工能力明显增强,奶类产量持续增长,乳品消费稳步提高,对丰富城乡市场、优化农业结构、增加农民收入作出了重要贡献.但是,三鹿牌婴幼儿奶粉事件发生以来,我国奶牛养殖效益大幅度下降,部分奶牛养殖户亏损,个别地区还出现宰杀母牛犊现象.对此,政府给予了高度重视.目前,尽管被三聚氰胺事件剥落的中国奶业陈痂正在逐渐止血,但不可否认的是,如今的中国奶业仍然面临着信任危机,后三聚氰胺时代对我国奶牛业的影响也逐渐显现出来.奶业如何才能迈过这道坎?为此,记者采访了中国农业科学院助理研究员董晓霞博士.  相似文献   

预防控制奶牛疫病确保乳业健康发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳制品已成为日常重要消费品,在乳制品相对充足条件下,消费者越来越重视其营养价值和安全性。欲求从根本上保证乳品安全,必须从源头即保障奶牛健康上下大气力;预防、控制奶牛疫病,才能确保乳制品的营养价值和安全性。  相似文献   

As people become more aware of the environmental footprint of different foods, consumers may modify their diets to reduce the impact of their diets on the environment. For this to occur, it is necessary to know the impact that individual food types have on the environment. This publication presents the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as the GHG emission intensity associated with various types of poultry production in Canada for the census years 1981 to 2006. Greenhouse gas emissions were calculated using the methodology from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change adjusted for conditions in Canada. Direct emissions of CH4, N2 O, and CO2 from birds, their facilities, and the avian crop complex, corresponding to the area used to grow the crops that feed Canadian poultry, were estimated using poultry diet surveys. Between 1981 and 2006, because of the strong growth of broiler production, GHG emissions from the poultry industry increased by 40%. The main GHG was N2 O, representing approximately 57% of the total emissions. Fossil fuel CO2 accounted for approximately 38%, whereas CH4 accounted for 5%. In western Canada, GHG emission intensities decreased owing to a reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels associated with the adoption of reduced- and no-tillage cropping systems, whereas in eastern Canada, the reduction was due to lower N2 O emissions. The emissions of all 3 GHG from turkeys decreased because of the more rapid turnover of a marketable product (shortened life span) in later census years. Compared with other Canadian meat protein commodities in 2001, poultry emitted only 47% as much GHG per unit of live weight as pork and only 10% as much GHG per unit of live weight as beef.  相似文献   

一、我国奶业发展进入从数量扩张向结构优化、提高素质的关键时期,发展前景广阔 奶业是农业的重要组成部分.奶业发展水平是一个国家农业现代化程度的重要标志.改革开放30年来.我国奶业发展经历了起步发展、调整巩固和快速增长三个阶段.  相似文献   

Dairy Australia is the national service body for the Australian dairy industry. Its role is to help farmers adapt to a changing operating environment and achieve a profitable, sustainable dairy industry. Although the use of antibiotics in Australian agriculture is relatively low in global terms, Dairy Australia recognises important drivers for continuous improvement in antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). Dairy Australia’s first strategic priority is to support profitable farms. This priority has driven the development of a range of on‐farm change management programs in the animal health and welfare fields to optimise the unit cost of production and dairy cattle welfare. Dairy Australia’s third strategic priority is to further develop a ‘trusted dairy industry’. Previous and current work under these two strategies position the dairy industry favourably with respect to confronting the challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and supporting sound AMS with the guiding principle of ‘as little as possible, as much as necessary’. However, given an incomplete but ongoing threat of AMR, more work is needed. Supported by Dairy Australia, the dairy industry has developed an antimicrobial use strategy aligning with the Australian Animal Sector National AMR Plan 2018.  相似文献   

1概述 奶牛是一种草食动物,可以把大量粗饲料、青草、农作物秸秆以及食品加工副产品转化成高质量的动物性食品──牛奶和牛肉。在人们饲养的各种畜禽中,奶牛把饲料转变成人们能吃食物的能力最强、效率最高。以蛋白质为例,把饲料蛋白转换成动物蛋白,奶牛(产奶)的转换率为26.3%,蛋鸡(产蛋)为23%,肉用仔鸡(产肉)为22.8%,猪为15.5%,而肉牛仅为5.3%,并且可以利用非蛋白氮,转化为动物蛋白。奶牛将饲料中能量转化为食品能量,也是所有家禽中最高,同时也是饲养畜禽中经济效益最好的。在城市附近饲养奶牛,…  相似文献   

中国乳业发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳业是我国畜牧业生产中最具发展潜力的一大产业。积极扶持奶农和乳业既是我国农业结构调整的重要内容,也关系到我国居民饮食习惯的改善和身体素质的提高。国务院已将乳业列为重点鼓励发展的产业,引导牛奶消费的努力已取得明显效果。在竞争中造就了一批乳业龙头企业,乳业产业化经营正在向深度和广度发展。乳业横跨第一、二、三产业,具有一定的特殊性。分析乳业经济发展的经验和教训,制定合理的发展战略,对于提升我国乳业发展水平,进一步繁荣和扩大乳品市场具有重要的意义。1改革开放以来,我国乳业迅速发展1.1改革开放以前,乳业缓慢发展这一…  相似文献   

1乳业的竞争,归根到底是资本的竞争2002年可谓是中国乳业市场硝烟四起的一年,最吸引眼球的莫过于:光明乳业(600597)成功登陆A股市场。伊利股份(600887)增发5000万A股成功。新希望(000876)欲发8亿元可转债,并在各地马不停蹄地收购11家乳业企业。国外资本进入蒙牛乳业。2002年8月  相似文献   

纵观桂林奶业发展的过程,一场(厂)一户各自为政的经营模式,缺少品牌效应的生产企业,滞纳了奶业的快速发展。桂林奶业的发展在于改变观念,用市场经济规律去指导工作;在于生产、加工联合体的自然形成,闭合乳业运转链条;在于打品牌效应战,克服小农意识;在于龙头企业的带动作用,壮大奶业自身实力使奶业形成规模化、集约化,大步迈向产业化,对内产生动力推动奶业的快速向前发展,对外具备抗击各种风险的能力,确保奶业航船的稳定行驶。  相似文献   

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