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Bark extracts from the African cherry, Prunus africana (Rosaceae), are a popular treatment for enlarged prostates. Harvests of the bark began in Cameroon in the 1970s. Because of concerns regarding the sustainability of the trade, the species is included on the IUCN Red List and in CITES Appendix II. This study followed five P. africana populations in the Kilum-Ijim Forest Preserve on Mount Oku, Cameroon, examining growth, mortality and reproductive parameters, as well as response to harvest and other human activities. During the first part of the study (1998–1999), the forest had limited human activity; by the second part (2007–2008), more activity was apparent, including wildfires, grazing and a forest-wide bark harvest in 2005/2006. Over the study period, population structure differed from a typical J-shaped frequency curve for long-lived species, which may reflect past harvesting. After the 2005/2006 harvest, the population structure had shifted slightly toward the smaller size classes. In addition, the number of surviving trees was reduced in all size classes. About half of the reproductive trees died during the study. Size class was not a significant predictor of death, but the location of the harvest (plot) was. All trees affected by wildfires died, suggesting that the species is not adapted to fire. Trees that were harvested without disrupting the vascular cambium survived better and had minimal loss of crown. Thus, the fate of the trees in a given plot may lie in the care taken by an individual harvester. Average growth (0.34 cm per year) was not significantly different among the size classes. Crown die-back significantly reduced fruit production, obscuring the asynchronous alternating fruiting pattern. Seedling numbers followed a similar alternating pattern, but survival was negligible due to grazing. The combined factors of mortalities of a large percentage of reproductive trees (especially the largest ones), highly reduced fruit production and poor seedling survival offer a bleak prognosis for future regeneration and long-term persistence of the species in this forest. Only after decades of harvest are existing standing crop inventories and scientifically based annual quotas now being determined. It is known that the trees are easily domesticated. Efforts have been intensified to train villagers and community forest managers in vegetative propagation techniques and nursery practices, offering some hope that the species can be successfully managed to provide for sustainable harvests and dependable rural livelihoods.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal and habitat selection of hazel grouse Bonasa bonasia juveniles were assessed by radio tracking in a temperate forest of South Korea during June 2003–November 2006. The birds used in the dispersal analysis (n = 43), 88% of birds dispersed. The average dispersal of hazel grouse from the natal area was 2231 ± 494 m (mean ± SD); range 134–6267 m. There were no significant differences in dispersal rate and distance between sexes. Hazel grouse’ habitat use differed from random use of available natal dispersals. In this natal dispersal scale of habitat selection, natural deciduous forest ranked highest, followed by mixed forest, coniferous plantation, deciduous plantation and others (rock and bare lands). We found that in general, the hazel grouse is an active disperser. Knowledge of aspects of habitat use that are relevant to dispersal may provide a better assessment of the fitness effects of dispersal in proximate and ultimate terms.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. is an important species for agroforestry and commercial plantations in India. Results of a combined provenance–progeny trial of E. tereticornis laid out in 2002 at Midnapore (West Bengal) located in eastern tropical region of India are reported and discussed. Twelve provenances representing 70 families from Australia and Papua New Guinea were evaluated up to the age of 3 years. As a local seed source open-pollinated seed collected from a land race, i.e., Mysore gum (commonly known as Eucalyptus hybrid) was used to serve as check material (control). Significant variation in plant height, clean stem height, girth at breast height (GBH) and field survival was observed due to provenances, as well as families within provenances. This offers an ample scope to a breeder for increasing the growth and productivity in E. tereticornis through selection of provenances and families having potential for higher productivity. Heritability (narrow sense) values were appreciable for growth traits. Within provenance individual tree heritability estimates for height, clean stem length, GBH and number of branches at age 3 years were 0.318, 0.215, 0.269 and 0.231, respectively (assuming a coefficient of relationship of 0.4 for open-pollinated families of E. tereticornis). Provenance of Walsh River, Queensland Australia performed best for plant height, clean stem height, GBH, number of branches and field survival. Apart from this, the provenance from Oro bay to Emo, Papua New Guinea and Burdekin river, Queensland also showed good performance. Provenance from Yurammie, SF from New South Wales performed poorest for growth and survival. Correlations on growth traits were high and statistically significant, indicating that substantial gains could be achieved through indirect selection for one trait based on the direct selection for another. Age–age genetic correlations between age 1 and 3 years for the growth traits were highly significant and positive. Geographic clinal variation pattern was observed as latitude was negatively correlated with height and GBH (P < 0.05); longitude with number of branches (negative, P < 0.05). Fair differences were observed between phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variability.  相似文献   

Six ultimate factors (forage abundance, horizontal sheltering class, distance from human disturbance, snow depth, tree coverage, and edge effect) of Red deer (Cervus elaphus) were investigated in eastern Heilongjiang Province during winter from 1988 to 1991. On the basis of analysis of field data, we evaluated winter habitat conditions of Red deer. The results showed as follows: the wintering habitat quality of Red deer in poplar-birch stands was excellent in the Wanda Mountains, and was moderate in shrub-woods and Korean pine seed stands. According to habitat index (HI) values, the habitat quality in poplar-birch stands (HI=0.8185) was superior to that in shrub-woods (HI=0.4825) and in Korean pine seed stands (HI=0.4385). The wintering habitat quality of Red deer in the Wanda Mountains was superior to that of Dailing Forestry Region. According to the current situations of forestry areas in northeastern China, strengthening habitat management was important for the conservation and management of Red deer population in the next decades. This subject is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province. (Responsible Editor: Zhu Hong)  相似文献   

小陇山锐齿栎天然林结构动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]为了解锐齿栎天然林群落动态变化过程。[方法]采用每木定位监测样地重复观测的方法,对甘肃小陇山林区百花林场王安沟营林区内的锐齿栎天然林进行研究,从树种组成及多样性结构、径级结构、空间结构等几方面分析了锐齿栎天然林群落的结构动态特征。[结果]表明:2次调查群落树种组成和优势树种的重要值排序变化不大,有2个稀少种退出群落,死亡林木40株,死亡率8.3%;群落乔木层的物种丰富度和树种空间多样性下降,优势树种的集中性变大,物种个体数目分配的均匀程度下降。林分径级结构由典型的反"J"型分布变化为左偏的单峰状曲线;群落的空间结构没有发生显著变化,林木分布格局仍为随机分布,中林层和上林层林木个体增加,垂直结构更趋复杂;树种隔离程度下降,建群种锐齿栎的优势度增强,膀胱果、白桦和青榨槭种群的优势度下降。[结论]锐齿栎天然林群落组成和结构变化是一个复杂和缓慢的过程,6年间仅发生了一些微小的波动。  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to determine the extent of variations among nine provenances of Populus tomentosa Carr. in terms of leaf characteristics. A total of 263 accessions were studied under field conditions in the National Gene Bank of P. tomentosa in 2003. All of the accessions were characterized by 17 indices from 1 to 2-dimension constructions. Variance analysis of all characteristics showed that there were significant differences among the nine provenances and among individuals within each provenance. This study reveals that the evaluated germplasm appears to have a wide genetic base and high potential for further genetic improvements and it also indicates that abundant gene resources of P. tomentosa have been collected and preserved in the National Gene Bank. [Supported by the “Tenth Five-year Plan” National Key Project in Science and Technology (Grant No. 2002BA515B0303) and the National “863” Project (Grant No. 2002AA241071)]  相似文献   

从我国四个不同立地带-长白山,百花山,鼎湖山,尖峰岭自然保护区,采集到林下0-5cm土层土壤样品75个,分离到苏云金芽孢杆菌39株。其中芽孢杆菌的总数量和苏云金芽杆菌的出土率和分离率所有差异,pH偏中性和含水量稍高的土壤,菌数较高;而与所测的各种土壤养分无明显相关。对39株苏云金芽孢杆菌的鉴定:17株属库尔斯塔亚种,6株属松Zhu亚种,16株未定名。毒力测定表明:对杨扇舟蛾和马尾松毛虫幼虫的致死率  相似文献   

本文根据作者在云南南部筇刺竹集中分布地区所做的调查观测,对筇刺竹的生物学特性,包括形态特征、生态习性、个体结构规律和发笋率与竹丛结构因子的关系进行了分析研究。研究结果表明:筇刺竹是我国南部热区的适生竹种,尤其适于在河谷地带、盆地边缘和低山丘陵地区发展;筇刺竹秆形指标(f1.3)为0.695,明显大于其它相近竹种或树木;竹秆最大直径和最长节间出现于秆之中部;胸径与秆高呈指数函数关系,可用H=2.246473D0.926725来表达;胸径与秆重呈正线相关,可用W=0.193395(D2H)0.690404来表达;竹丛发笋率、成竹率与秆丛密度和竹丛平均秆径有较密切的关系。本文对竹笋采收指数与老秆采伐年龄的确定进行了探讨  相似文献   

11条白桦BpSPL家族基因的生物信息学和表达分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]研究白桦中SPL转录因子的基因序列特征及其在不同时期不同组织中的表达规律。[方法]依据白桦45个转录组测序结果,共获得12条全长SPL基因,依次命名为白桦BpSPL1-BpSPL12,对其中11条BpSPL进行了生物信息学及基因表达特征分析。[结果]生物信息学分析发现,11条BpSPL均含有1个高度保守的SBP结构域,且基因长度差异较大,含有2 10个不等数目的外显子,系统进化分析发现11条白桦SPL分属于六大类SPL蛋白;qRT-PCR分析结果显示,白桦BpSPL基因在不同时期的叶、顶芽、茎、雄花序中表达变化显著,多数SPL基因在顶芽中7月5日和8月20日至9月20日时期表达较高,除BpSPL1基因外在雄花序从6月份到9月份的生长阶段中,SPL的表达水平呈现逐渐升高的总体趋势。[结论]BpSPL基因可能参与到了白桦顶芽和雄花序的生长发育过程。  相似文献   

以思茅松人工林中龄林、近熟林和过熟林及附近区域思茅松天然林和常绿阔叶林为研究对象,探讨造林对思茅松人工林土壤有机碳和氮储量大小与空间分布的影响。结果表明:各林地类型土壤有机碳、氮含量与C:N随着土层厚度增加而减少,过熟林土壤有机碳和氮含量随土层加深则显著高于其它林地类型,近熟林土壤表层有机碳和氮含量显著低于中龄林和过熟林。思茅松人工林乔木层碳储量随林龄增大而增加,过熟林乔木层碳储量最高。造林对思茅松人工林土壤氮储量的影响不显著,而土壤有机碳储量随林龄增大先减少后增加至过熟林恢复至常绿阔叶林和思茅松天然林水平,土壤有机碳与氮储量随土层加深而减少。与常绿阔叶林和思茅松天然林相比,思茅松人工林的中龄林与过熟林土壤有机碳和氮储量的年变化量高于近熟林,近熟林年变化量呈净减少;在思茅松天然林中,人工更新与在常绿阔叶林中造林相比,思茅松人工林可以累积更多的土壤有机碳和氮储量。此外,土壤含水量越大,土壤有机碳储量则越高。  相似文献   

沙地樟子松天然纯林的结构特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]为了解红花尔基地区沙地樟子松天然纯林的结构特征,指导沙地樟子松的保护与经营。[方法]在红花尔基地区设置2块100 m×100 m的樟子松天然纯林固定样地,利用样地内每木定位调查数据和分析统计软件进行一元分布及二元分布特征分析。[结果](1)樟子松天然林纯林直径分布为单峰或多峰山状分布,垂直结构简单,只有乔木层和草本层。(2)樟子松天然纯林的林木分布格局为均匀分布,接近随机分布,林木分布格局类型与林分密度无关;林分中樟子松个体竞争激烈,多数单元中林木呈较密集状态。(3)2块样地中随机分布状态下的林木多数为中等密集或比较密集,不同分布状态下的林木优劣性差异较小;低密度樟子松天然纯林中多数密集状态的林木为绝对优势木或优势木,而高密度林分中林木密集度分布与林木大小无关。[结论]红花尔基沙地樟子松天然林结构不合理,应选择病腐木及聚集分布的个体作为潜在调整对象,进行密度调整和结构优化。  相似文献   

[目的]为明确云南省切梢小蠹种群结构及变化规律,指导切梢小蠹的防控。[方法]在云南蠹害林区调查采样并鉴定切梢小蠹种类,比较20世纪90年代和2010年代石林、安宁、丘北3地切梢小蠹种群结构及变化情况。[结果]共有4种切梢小蠹在云南发生危害,其中,横坑切梢小蠹占发生总量的38.1%,云南切梢小蠹占36.6%,松芽小蠹占19.7%,华山松切梢小蠹占5.6%。小蠹种群结构90年代与目前比较发生了显著变化,主要体现在横坑切梢小蠹和云南切梢小蠹,云南切梢小蠹所占种群数量由20世纪90年代的92.1%减少到目前的42.7%,而横坑切梢小蠹由20世纪90年代的7.9%,迅速增长到目前的57.3%。[结论]在云南,经过20年种群演替,之前云南切梢小蠹一支独大危害松林的局面,已转变为云南切梢小蠹和横坑切梢小蠹角力共同危害松林,预示当地松林尤其是云南松林正处于亚健康或不健康的状况,结果为云南省切梢小蠹的监测和防控提供了新的科学数据支持。  相似文献   

红花尔基沙地樟子松天然林枯立木特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]了解沙地樟子松天然纯林中枯立木的数量及空间结构特征,探究枯立木形成的原因,为樟子松林的保护和经营提供依据。[方法]在沙地樟子松天然纯林中设置2块1 hm~2的大样地,用全站仪对样地中所有胸径大于5 cm的立木进行定位并进行全面调查;对调查样地的基本特征,枯立木的数量特征及径级分布进行了分析,提出了用于表达林分中枯立木微环境的活立木比的概念,并采用林分空间结构参数一元分布和二元分布分析方法,对枯立木与其最近4株相邻木的关系进行分析。[结果]2块不同密度的樟子松天然纯林下更新幼苗和枯立木数量相差较大,密度较小(样地1)的样地更新幼苗和枯立木较少,而密度较大的样地(样地2)中枯立木达到200棵,林下更新幼苗数量达到15 280株·hm~(-2);樟子松天然纯林样地内枯立木主要以小径级木为主,胸径集中在11 cm以下;样地1枯立木径级连续分布,幅度较窄;样地2中的枯立木径级幅度较宽,但在20 22 cm缺刻,有2株大于23 cm的枯立木;2块样地中枯立木的分布格局均为随机分布,样地1中枯立木周围的4株相邻立木大多为活立木,且胸径较枯立木大;样地2中,只有一半的枯立木周围的最近4株立木为活立木,且有三分之一以上的枯立木胸径不是最小的,枯立木有连续分布的现象。2块样地中枯立木的角尺度-大小比数二元分布特征的差异不明显,而角尺度-活立木比二元分布特征和大小比数-活立木比二元分布特征差异明显,样地1中枯立木的最近4株随机分布于其周围的相邻木为活立木且胸径大于枯立木的比例明显高于样地2,而枯立木最近4株随机分布于其周围的相邻木有枯立木的比例明显小于样地2。[结论]樟子松天然纯林枯立木以小径级林木为主,枯立木的数量与林分密度相关,林木竞争是林木死亡的主要原因,密度过大也会产生病虫害,因此,对天然樟子松纯林要进行适度经营,保持合理密度。  相似文献   

为了改良白花泡桐的干形,对树冠结构,生长性状与干形的遗传相关进行了剖析和通径分析,计算出主要树冠性状、生长性状对于干形的63个选择指数方程。结果表明,胸径、小枝数、分枝总长、冠表面积和树高对形数,圆满度的决定系数在0.405~0.940和0.426~1.064之间。由以上5性状和形数或圆满度组成的综合选择指数方程效果最好。对形数选择遗传进度,相对效率分别为0.155和159.0157%。对圆满度选  相似文献   

[目的]以思茅松人工中龄林为研究对象,探讨不同坡向、坡度和坡位对思茅松人工林SOC储量的影响,为精确评估思茅松人工林碳储量提供科学依据。[方法]对不同坡向、坡度和坡位不同土壤层次的SOC含量、全氮、土壤密度、C:N和SOC储量进行T检验和单因素方差分析,对不同土层的SOC储量和全氮、土壤密度、C:N之间进行Pearson相关分析。[结果]思茅松人工中龄林,SOC含量、全氮和C:N随着土层加深而减少,土壤密度随着土层加深而增加。不同的坡向和坡度显著影响SOC储量大小,阳坡的SOC储量要显著高于阴坡,坡度为20 30°的SOC储量要显著低于10 20°和0 10°,坡位对SOC储量大小无显著影响。在0 100 cm土层中,随着土层深度的增加,不同立地条件的思茅松人工中龄林的SOC储量呈减小趋势,不同坡向、坡位和坡度0 20 cm土层SOC储量均显著高于其它土层。坡向和坡度显著影响0 20 cm土层的SOC储量(P0.05);坡位对各层SOC储量均无显著影响(P0.05)。0 20 cm土层中SOC储量和土壤密度呈极显著负相关,和坡向、坡度呈显著负相关关系;除2040 cm土层外,其它土层的SOC储量与全氮之间呈极显著正相关;SOC储量和坡位与C:N在任一土层均无显著相关关系。[结论]立地条件差异影响SOC储量的大小与分布,尤其是坡向和坡度的不同会造成思茅松人工中龄林SOC储量的差异。  相似文献   

沉香属植物繁殖研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沉香属植物为瑞香科名贵木材树种,我国有土沉香(又名白木香)和云南沉香2种,其中土沉香是我国生产沉香的重要植物资源。由于沉香的用途极其广泛,其野生资源已日趋枯竭,出现供不应求的局面。文中从种子繁殖、扦插繁殖、嫁接繁殖、组培繁殖等方面综述了土沉香等沉香属植物繁殖技术的研究进展,并对沉香属植物繁殖的研究重点进行了展望,以期为沉香属植物高效繁育优质种苗提供参考,并有利于野生资源保护和可持续利用。  相似文献   

To better understand tree regeneration trajectories and the resultant coexistence of Abies with co-dominants, Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis, Tsuga diversifolia and Betula ermanii, in an old-growth subalpine forest, we investigated spatial mortality patterns during the regeneration of Abies mariesii and A. veitchii, which are abundant in the understory reflecting their shade tolerance. Regeneration of these Abies spp. from shaded understory to canopy status is affected by other canopy co-dominants. Snags of understory Abies spp. were common, suggesting that the primary mortality agent is suppression by the overstory. Although live, small Abies trees in the understory were positively associated with a Picea canopy, the long-term survival was reduced among Abies trees close to the canopy, suggesting that shading by large Picea in the overstory negatively affects understory Abies plants. The existence of shade-intolerant canopy co-dominants such as Picea and also Tsuga, which are larger and longer lived than the shade-tolerant Abies, may play an important role in preventing the Abies spp. from competitively displacing these other tree species, which are much rarer in the understory, though common in the canopy. Moreover, in spite of the fact that Betula canopies fostered recruitment and growth of Abies saplings, Abies showed no association with Betula canopy and their survival at later-stage was rather reduced near or beneath Betula canopies at the subsequent understory small tree stage. Based on spatially significant events related to tree death, this study detected such “habitat shifts” in the trajectory of tree regeneration. Accordingly, it can be concluded that careful consideration of the regeneration habitat is required for a fuller understanding of ecological processes in spatially complex old-growth forest systems.  相似文献   

北京九龙山侧柏生态公益林空间结构分析与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]分析侧柏生态公益林空间结构并进行经营迫切性评价,为侧柏生态公益林空间结构的优化调整及区域内其它生态公益人工林空间结构优化调整奠定理论基础。[方法]基于北京九龙山侧柏生态公益林的实测数据,选取混交度、大小比数、角尺度、密集度、林层指数、开敞度和竞争指数7个空间结构参数分析侧柏生态公益林的空间结构特征,并从密度、格局、竞争和混交等方面选取10个指标构建了经营迫切性评价指标体系并确定评价标准,进而对侧柏林进行了经营迫切性评价。[结果]侧柏生态公益林空间结构较为简单,林分呈均匀分布,树种组成单一,以零度和弱度混交为主,呈现单种聚集趋势;林木大小分化不明显,侧柏的优势度最大;林木之间较为密集,处于很密集和比较密集的林木比例较高;林分中所有林木几乎都分布在中林层与上林层,林层指数为0.288,林层结构不太明显;林分开敞度和竞争指数分别为0.274和0.318,总体处于生长空间不足、中度竞争状态;侧柏林的经营迫切性指数为0.8,经营迫切性等级为特别迫切,说明侧柏人工林大多数状态特征不符合标准,急需通过采取有效的经营措施优化林分配置,改善森林状况,以实现侧柏人工林可持续发展的目的。[结论]林分空间结构的分析与经营迫切性评价,不仅能够发现林分结构的不合理方面,还能针对性的制定空间结构调整措施,促进侧柏生态公益林不断向健康稳定的方向发展,实现其生态、经济和社会效益的持续发挥。  相似文献   

国内外无患子属种质资源研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无患子属(Sapindus L.)种质资源是无患子产业发展的基础,种质资源研究可为探讨无患子属的起源、进化、分类、资源保护与利用、良种选育、高效栽培等提供科学依据和基础。文中综述了国内外无患子属分类、分布及亲缘关系,种质资源的收集、保存与评价,种质资源多样性等方面的研究进展,得出如下结论:1)世界上无患子属树种共13种,我国分布4种1变种;2)我国多个研究团队收集、保存无患子属种质资源近1 000份,以假种皮皂苷、种子脂肪酸利用为目标,筛选评价出性状优异的9个种源、7个家系和54株优树;3)无患子种质资源在表型、假种皮皂苷、种子脂肪酸、遗传等方面多样性丰富,并受环境因子极大的影响,根据遗传多样性分析推测我国无患子起源于自然分布区中部并向四周扩散。研究认为,目前研究仍存在种质资源收集不足、缺乏对该属树种系统研究和无优良品种推出等亟待解决的问题,提出应加强无患子属分子生物学基础研究、以居群为单位加强无患子属种质资源收集和评价力度、加强良种选育和高效培育技术以及国际合作研究等建议,以期为无患子产业可持续发展提供有力支撑,促进无患子属种质资源的开发利用。  相似文献   

The Random Amplified Polymorphism DNA (RAPD) markers were used to study the intra-specific diversity and regional differentiation of the Chinese forest frogs (Rana chensinensis), which were sampled from the fields of 8 regions in, Heilongjiang Province. Totally 78 polymorphic DNA loci were amplified by 10 RAPD primers. By genetic distance analysis and phylogenetic tree reconstruction with the Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method the results showed that the populations of Chinese forest frogs distributed in 8 regions existed great differentiation (Average Fst=0.347, SD=0.235) while, there was the paradox between geographic distances and genetic distances. Based on geographic and geological data, a hypothesis was posed that it is very possible that the hilly lands in the downstream of the Songhua River and the Heilong River were the center of the origin of the Chinese forest frogs in Heilongjiang Province. And mainly through the Songhua River system, the Chinese forest frogs dispersed into the Songneng Plain from the Sanjiang Plain whereas the Fangzheng region became a sub-center for the western dispersion. Foundation item: This project is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (C9726). Biography: XIAO Xiang-hong (1960-), female, professor in College of Wildlife Resources, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P.R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

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