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The efficacy of an injectable and a pour-on formulation of moxidectin against Dictyocaulus viviparus in cattle was examined. The results show that both formulations have an efficacy of 100% against adult worms and developing and inhibited larval stages of D. viviparus.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to evaluate the persistent efficacy of doramectin injectable solution against experimental challenges with infective larvae of Cooperia punctata and Dictyocaulus viviparus. In each study, four groups of ten randomly-assigned calves, negative for trichostrongyle-type eggs on fecal examination, were treated subcutaneously in the midline of the neck with saline (1 ml/50 kg) on Day 0 or doramectin (200 microg/kg = 1 ml/50 kg) on Day 0, 7, or 14. Two additional calves from the same pool of animals were randomly assigned as larval-viability monitors and received no treatment. On Days 14-28, approximately 1000 and 50 infective larvae of Cooperia spp. and D. viviparus, respectively, were administered daily by gavage to each animal in Groups T1-T4. On Day 28, the two larval-viability monitor calves were inoculated in a similar manner with a single dose of approximately 30000 and 2000 larvae of Cooperia spp. and D. viviparus, respectively. Equal numbers of calves from each treatment group were killed on Days 42-45, as well as the two viability monitor animals to enumerate worm numbers. A 2% or 5% aliquot of small intestinal contents and washings were examined for worm quantification and identification, while 100% of the lung recoveries were quantified and identified. For each study and across the three studies, geometric mean worm recoveries for each treatment group were calculated from the natural log transformed data (worm count + 1) and were used to estimate percentage reduction. In the three studies, doramectin injectable solution was 97.5% efficacious against lungworms for up to 28 days and was 99.8% efficacious in reducing infection resulting from challenge with infective larvae of C. punctata for at least 28 days post-treatment.  相似文献   

Three groups of eight Friesian calves, reared parasite-free, were experimentally infected with 1000 infective larvae of Dictyocaulus viviparus. Two groups were injected subcutaneously with 1% doramectin at 0.2 mg/kg body weight, one group 5 days after infection and the other 25 days after infection. A third group served as untreated controls. Faecal samples were examined for lungworm larvae on days 28, 32, 33, 34 and 35 after infection; the calves were killed and necropsied 39 or 40 days after infection and any lungworms present recovered and counted. Doramectin proved 100% effective against both 5-day-old and mature D. viviparus infections.  相似文献   

The persistent efficacy of the injectable and topical formulations of doramectin was compared against experimental challenges with infective larvae of Dictyocaulus viviparus in two separate studies. Four groups of 10 randomly-assigned calves, negative for lungworm larvae by the Baermann technique, were used in each study. Calves were treated subcutaneously in the midline of the neck or poured down the midline of the back with saline (1 ml/50 kg. injection: 1 ml/10 kg. pour-on) on Day 0 or doramectin (200 microg/kg = 1 ml/50 kg. injection: 500 microg/kg = 1 ml/10 kg. pour-on) on Day 0, 7, or 14. Two additional calves from the same pool of animals were randomly assigned as larval-viability monitors and received no treatment. Calves were inoculated daily with a gavage of approximately 100 larvae of D. viviparus from days 35 to 49 for the injectable study and days 28 to 42 for the pour-on study. The two larval viability monitor calves received approximately 3000 infective larvae in the same manner on Day 49 or 42 for the injectable and pour-on studies, respectively. Equal numbers of calves from each treatment group as well as the larval viability monitor calves were necropsied on days 14 and 15 after the last lungworm inoculation to enumerate the worm burden. The worms recovered were quantified and identified. For each study, geometric mean worm recoveries for each treatment group were back transformed from the natural log-transformed data (worm count +1) and were used to estimate percentage reduction. Doramectin injectable solution was 100.0% efficacious against lungworms for up to 49 days and the pour-on formulation was 100.0%, 93.1% and 81.5% effective in reducing lungworm infection resulting from challenge infection for up to 28, 35, and 42 days post-treatment, respectively.  相似文献   

Eighteen calves aged approximately three months were each infected with Dictyocaulus viviparus larvae at a rate of 30/kg bodyweight. Seven days later they were randomly allocated to three groups of six animals. Calves of group 1 were controls. Calves of group 2 were given levamisole at a dose rate of 10 mg/kg and calves of group 3 were given ivermectin at a dose rate of 200 micrograms/kg. The anthelmintic activity of these two drugs was compared using clinical, functional, parasitological and pathological parameters. The results showed that the efficacy of ivermectin, given at a therapeutic dose, against immature D viviparus was higher than that of levamisole, given at double the recommended dose.  相似文献   

Protection against challenge with Dictyocaulus viviparus larvae was studied in two groups of calves. The first group was vaccinated orally with an irradiation-attenuated larval vaccine on two occasions, 28 days apart, as recommended by the manufacturer. Each dose contained 1000 larvae. The second group was vaccinated by two subcutaneous injections of vaccine, also 28 days apart. Compared with unvaccinated calves the protection in both groups of vaccinated calves was similar, ie, over 95 per cent reduction in adult worm burdens after an oral challenge of 3000 to 4000 larvae. These results indicate that the passage of irradiated larvae through the intestine and mesenteric lymph nodes is not necessary for the stimulation of a high degree of immunity and opens up the possibility of parenteral vaccination against this and related diseases.  相似文献   

In a study of the comparative speed of action of anthelmintics against Dictyocaulus viviparus infection in cattle levamisole reduced the lungworm burdens by 87 per cent within three hours of administration whereas fenbendazole and febantel required 36 hours to achieve 80 and 87 per cent reduction, respectively. The more rapid action of levamisole may be advantageous in the treatment of bovine parasitic bronchitis since it allows virtually immediate elimination of the majority of the lungworms and limits undesirable sequelae dependent on the continued presence of the parasite.  相似文献   

Anthelmintic activity of albendazole against adult Dictyocaulus viviparus was evaluated in a controlled experiment. Calves were raised nematode-free to approximately 8 weeks of age and were each given 4,000 infective 3rd-stage larvae. Twenty calves with patent parasitisms were allotted to 2 groups of 10 calves each. Calves in group 1 were used as nonmedicated controls, and calves in group 2 were given albendazole in paste formulation at the dosage concentration of 7.5 mg/kg of body weight on the 30th day after administration of infective larvae. At necropsy, nonmedicated control calves had a total of 308 adult D viviparus, whereas the albendazole-treated calves had 11, for an average efficacy of 96.4%. These reductions were statistically highly significant (P less than 0.01). At necropsy, none of the treated calves was passing 1st-stage C viviparus larvae in their feces, whereas control calves were passing an average of 46 larvae/10 g of feces.  相似文献   


The Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) provides a very efficient technique for detecting antibodies against Dictyocaulus vivparus in calves. Although low level cross reactions were found in animals with gastrointestinal nematodes, the specificity and sensitivity of the technique are sufficient for herd diagnosis of lungworm infections and for survey work. This conclusion is reached on the basis of artificially and naturally infected calves. ELISA titres correlate well with Indirect Haemagglutination titres, parasitological findings, and clinical observations.  相似文献   

Fifteen calves, each infected with approximately 3000 third stage larvae, were used to compare the tendencies of two strains of Dictyocaulus viviparus to inhibit at the fifth larval stage and to evaluate the efficacy of ivermectin. There were notable differences between the strains. While greater than 99% of worms developing from infection with an Alpine strain remained inhibited 42 days after infection, only 0-26% of those recovered following infection with a U.K. laboratory strain were arrested. Neither adult nor immature D. viviparus were present in the lungs of animals treated with ivermectin subcutaneously at 200 micrograms/kg body weight 28 days after infection with the Alpine larvae.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional serological survey of Dictyocaulus viviparus was carried out to determine the prevalence of lungworm infections in 28 dairy cattle farms distributed in five selected areas from Costa Rica. The influence of area, farm, host (breed, age and lactation number) and ecological factors (altitude and life zones) on the presence of lungworm infection was analyzed. A sub-sample of 924 sera collected between September 1998 and July 1999 was processed by ELISA (Ceditest). A total of 162 (17.5%) animals from 26 (93.0%) farms showed antibodies against D. viviparus. The overall seroprevalence detected among areas was Poás 25.0%, Cartago 24.3%, Tilarán 22.0%, Alfaro Ruiz 12.0% and San Carlos 12.1%. Using analysis of variance no significant influence of area and host factors on D. viviparus infections was determined, whereas the variable farm within area was highly significant (p<0.001). However, altitude and life zones showed significant association to seropositive animals, when a Chi-square test was applied. In altitudes of 1000-2000 m (p<0.001) and life zones of Lower Montane moist forest and Montane moist forest (p<0.001) D. viviparus infections in bovines were significantly higher. The results obtained in this study indicate a high D. viviparus seroprevalence in the analyzed farms and that the factors farm, altitude and life zones were significantly related to lungworm infections.  相似文献   

Duplicate studies in France and Northern Ireland were carried out to determine the persistent efficacy of topical moxidectin and doramectin against natural infections of Cooperia oncophora. In each study, groups of 15 nematode-na?ve calves were treated either with topical doramectin or moxidectin, and put out to graze on pasture contaminated with C. oncophora infective larvae. The persistent efficacy for preventing establishment of infection was assessed by the time to faecal egg excretion of C. oncophora eggs. It was found that the moxidectin treatment prevented infection for less than 10 days and the effect of doramectin lasted for 24 days.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the persistent activity of injectable formulations of abamectin and doramectin against gastrointestinal nematodes of cattle.
Design Controlled slaughter study assessing residual efficacy.
Procedure Nematode-free calves were treated with abamectin or doramectin (each at a dose of 200 μg/kg) and infections then induced with repeated doses of infective larvae of Trichostrongylus axei, Haemonchus placei, Ostertagia ostertagi and Cooperia species. The duration of challenge ranged from 14 to 28 days. The calves were slaughtered at either 38/39 or 45/46 days after the treatments and nematodes recovered from the gastro-intestinal tract.
Results Significant reductions in numbers of O ostertagi occurred for both abamectin and doramectin treatments (> 93%) relative to counts in untreated calves, when challenge was administered up to 21 days after treatment. For T axei and Cooperia spp significant reductions occurred when the challenge occurred for 14 days after treatment (99%). Although differences from untreated animals were not significant, the results for H placei suggested high efficacy (> 85%) for up to 21 days for doramectin and up to 28 days for abamectin.
Conclusion There was no significant difference between abamectin and doramectin for any parasite at any challenge point, indicating that there is equivalent persistent activity of doramectin and abamectin against important gastrointestinal nematodes of cattle.  相似文献   

In a series of five laboratory experiments observations were made on the role of Pilobolus in the translation of infective lungworm larvae from faeces of cattle. The results indicated that a substantial proportion of the lungworm larvae present in the faeces may be translated from the faeces by this fungus within eight days at a temperature of 15 degrees C. No clear relationship was observed between the numbers of Pilobolus and the translation of lungworm larvae. Further a longitudinal study on the occurrence of Pilobolus on faecal pats of grazing calves showed that between the beginning of July and the middle of September peak emergence of sporangia generally occurred within one week and most sporangia emerged within three weeks. From faecal pats which had been deposited at the end of September and the middle of October emergence of sporangia was lower and mainly occurred after two to four weeks.  相似文献   

Comparative controlled trials were undertaken to establish whether resistance to reinfection can develop in cattle following anthelmintic treatment of a primary lungworm infection. Levamisole proved more effective than diethylcarbamazine.  相似文献   

A repeated-exposure challenge model was used to evaluate the pour-on formulation of doramectin in preventing the establishment of louse infestations in cattle. Twenty calves cleared of preexisting biting and sucking louse infestations were randomly and equally allocated to either a doramectin-treated or untreated control group, with five replicates per group. Doramectin pour-on was administered topically at a dose rate of 500 microg/kg body weight. Every 14 days, from a pool of seeder calves with infestations of at least 50 biting and 50 sucking lice each, 10 calves were selected and 1 was placed in each replicate pen. Every week during the 112-day study, 9 predilection sites on the doramectin-treated and untreated calves were examined to estimate the louse population density. A calf met the infestation criterion for a louse species when two or more live lice were counted on two or more body regions for two consecutive count days. Because only 4 of 10 untreated calves acquired Solenopotes capillatus infestations, the persistent efficacy of doramectin against S. capillatus was not evaluated. Bovicola bovis and Linognathus vituli infestations in the untreated calves developed shortly after exposure to infested seeder calves. The acquisition of B. bovis and L. vituli infestations in the doramectin-treated group was delayed for 77 days and 105 days, respectively.  相似文献   

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