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A third species of peccary, discovered in the Chaco of Paraguay, is added to the living members of family Tayassuidae. It is assigned to the genus Catagonus Ameghino, heretofore considered confined to the Pleistocene. The new peccary is conspecific with Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi), a species placed in the related extinct genus Platygonus LeConte when it was described from pre-Hispanic archeological deposits of Argentina.  相似文献   

The discovery of an existing member of the Glypheidae, a family believed to have been extinct since the Eocene, may yield significant information on the evolution and classification of the decapod Crustacea. The single known specimen displays characters not apparent in fossil material, some of them perhaps representative of an ancestral decapod lineage, others reminiscent of the Astacidea and Thalassinidea.  相似文献   

Rose KD 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1982,216(4546):621-623
A nearly complete skeleton of early Eocene Diacodexis, the oldest known member of the mammalian order Artiodactyla, is described. Its slender, elongate limb elements indicate that Diacodexis was highly cursorial and closer in postcranial adaptations to tragulids and other primitive ruminants than to living or extinct nonruminant artiodactyls. Its skeletal specializations call into question the widespread notion that Diacodexis was the ancestor of all later artiodactyls.  相似文献   

Seventeen of eighteen orders of living placental mammals are not known before 65 million years ago. The monophyly of each order is well established, but interrelations have been less certain. A superordinal grouping of up to seven extant orders plus a variety of extinct orders, all included within Ungulata ("hoofed" mammals), can be linked to Late Cretaceous mammals from the 85-million-year-old Bissekty Formation, Uzbekistan (and, less certainly, North America and Europe), thus pushing the origin of this major clade back by 20 million years. Ungulatomorphs are not closely related to primates, rodents, or rabbits.  相似文献   

New fossils of giant, flightless penguinlike birds have been found in late Oligocene and early Miocene rocks in Japan and in the state of Washington. These birds belong to the order Pelecaniformes, in the extinct family Plotopteridae, previously known by a single fragment of bone from California. Hindlimb and pelvic morphology is most similar to that of Recent anhingas, but the wing is paddlelike and remarkably convergent toward penguins and flightless auks. Both the Plotopteridae and the giant penguins became extinct by the middle Miocene, possibly because of competition from seals and porpoises.  相似文献   

论述了高校图书馆知识女性在新的形势下应寻找在事业上追求“刚性”、在家庭生活中捕捉“柔性”,并在事业与家庭中以自身发展为基础寻求“弹性”;同时呼吁要努力营造适应新形势下高校图书馆知识女性全面发展中的工作、学习和生活环境。  相似文献   

Partial skeletons of four species of extinct carnivores have been found in their dens excavated in the floodplain of an early Miocene ephemeral braided stream at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Nebraska. Bear dogs (Carnivora: Amphicyonidae) were the principal occupants; their den dimensions and body size are similar to those of living wolves and hyenas. Discovery of this predator community extends the record of denning behavior of large mammalian carnivores to the early Miocene, 20 million years ago.  相似文献   

A fossil from the Early Jurassic (Sinemurian, approximately 195 million years ago) represents a new lineage of mammaliaforms, the extinct groups more closely related to the living mammals than to nonmammaliaform cynodonts. It has an enlarged cranial cavity, but no postdentary trough on the mandible, indicating separation of the middle ear bones from the mandible. This extends the earliest record of these crucial mammalian features by some 45 million years and suggests that separation of the middle ear bones from the mandible and the expanded brain vault could be correlated. It shows that several key mammalian evolutionary innovations in the ear region, the temporomandibular joint, and the brain vault evolved incrementally through mammaliaform evolution and long before the differentiation of the living mammal groups. With an estimated body weight of only 2 grams, its coexistence with other larger mammaliaforms with similar "triconodont-like" teeth for insectivory within the same fauna suggests a great trophic diversity within the mammaliaform insectivore feeding guild, as inferred from the range of body sizes.  相似文献   

随着移动互联网技术发展和人们生活消费习惯的改变,图书馆主要服务工作受到了巨大冲击,图书馆消亡论一度盛行。随着“第三空间”理念与应用的兴起,图书馆作为场所、空间的价值正日益突显,彰显了其强大的生命力。文章结合“第三空间”的一般属性和图书馆作为获取与利用知识的文化场所的特殊属性,探讨基于空间视野下的图书馆专属的文化品牌的建立,将其建成文献资源服务基地、幼儿早期阅读推广基地、读者分享阅读心得与社交的基地、终身学习的基地,成为居民闲暇时爱去的“第三文化空间”。  相似文献   

Pristiguana brasiliensis, new genus and species, from the Upper Cretaceous Baurú Formation of Brazil, is the oldest fossil referable to the living lizard family Iguanidae. It resembles living primitive South American iguanids in some features, but also shows similarity to members of the related family Teiidae. Iguanid fossils do not appear in North America until the early Eocene, probably by waif dispersal from South America during the late Paleocene or early Eocene. A southern continental (Gondwanan) origin of iguanids is more plausible than the northern one often suggested.  相似文献   

无核椪柑--"赣椪1号"花粉育性的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对无核Peng柑“赣Peng1号”品种的花粉发芽率,花粉畸形率,花粉量,花粉粒的大小,花粉生活力的测定及花粉形态观察等试验,与普通有核Peng柑品种为对照,研究其花粉育性。研究表明,“赣Peng1号”花粉育性属中育型,其无核性状的成因并非由于花器发育不正常与雌雄配子不育所引起,可能因其胚早期败育或自交不亲和所致。  相似文献   

The set of viable design elements available for animals to use in building skeletons has been fully exploited. Analysis of animal skeletons in relation to the multivariate, theoretical "Skeleton Space" has shown that a large proportion of these options are used in each phylum. Here, we show that structural elements deployed in the skeletons of Burgess Shale animals (Middle Cambrian) incorporate 146 of 182 character pairs defined in this morphospace. Within 15 million years of the appearance of crown groups of phyla with substantial hard parts, at least 80 percent of skeletal design elements recognized among living and extinct marine metazoans were exploited.  相似文献   

A profound faunal reorganization occurred near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, when several groups of mammals abruptly appeared on the Holarctic continents. To test the hypothesis that this event featured the dispersal of groups from Asia to North America and Europe, we used isotope stratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, and quantitative biochronology to constrain the relative age of important Asian faunas. The extinct family Hyaenodontidae appeared in Asia before it did so in North America, and the modern orders Primates, Artiodactyla, and Perissodactyla first appeared in Asia at or before the Paleocene/Eocene boundary. These results are consistent with Asia being a center for early mammalian origination.  相似文献   

Multiple death signals influence mitochondria during apoptosis, yet the critical initiating event for mitochondrial dysfunction in vivo has been unclear. tBID, the caspase-activated form of a "BH3-domain-only" BCL-2 family member, triggers the homooligomerization of "multidomain" conserved proapoptotic family members BAK or BAX, resulting in the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. We find that cells lacking both Bax and Bak, but not cells lacking only one of these components, are completely resistant to tBID-induced cytochrome c release and apoptosis. Moreover, doubly deficient cells are resistant to multiple apoptotic stimuli that act through disruption of mitochondrial function: staurosporine, ultraviolet radiation, growth factor deprivation, etoposide, and the endoplasmic reticulum stress stimuli thapsigargin and tunicamycin. Thus, activation of a "multidomain" proapoptotic member, BAX or BAK, appears to be an essential gateway to mitochondrial dysfunction required for cell death in response to diverse stimuli.  相似文献   

Rangia cuneata, a valuable clam of the estuarine zone where fluctuating salinities (from 0 to 15 parts per thousand) exclude most animals, is now developing large populations in many estuaries from Florida to Maryland. Before 1955 it was thought to be extinct on the East Coast since the Pleistocene and to be living only in Gulf Coast estuaries.  相似文献   

Phoberomys is reported to be the largest rodent that ever existed, although it has been known only from isolated teeth and fragmentary postcranial bones. An exceptionally complete skeleton of Phoberomys pattersoni was discovered in a rich locality of fossil vertebrates in the Upper Miocene of Venezuela. Reliable body mass estimates yield approximately 700 kilograms, more than 10 times the mass of the largest living rodent, the capybara. With Phoberomys, Rodentia becomes one of the mammalian orders with the largest size range, second only to diprotodontian marsupials. Several postcranial features support an evolutionary relationship of Phoberomys with pakaranas from the South American rodent radiation. The associated fossil fauna is diverse and suggests that Phoberomys lived in marginal lagoons and wetlands.  相似文献   

"代耕农"是珠三角农业流动人口中的特殊弱势群体,其生存状况令人堪忧,并随时可能引发系列社会问题,影响社会稳定。社会工作者作为弱势群体的关注者,能够以其专业技能、专业方法介入代耕农问题,一方面,从优势视角帮助代耕农发挥自身潜能,使其能够"自助",缓解甚至解决代耕农的各种生存、转业困境;另一方面,以中介者、资源联系者等角色去协调社会关系,形成以政府为主导、社会力量广泛参与解决"代耕农"问题的有效干预方式,最终达致解决和预防社会问题,促成社会公正和谐的良好局面。  相似文献   

A full understanding of primate morphological and genomic evolution requires the identification of their closest living relative. In order to resolve the ancestral relationships among primates and their closest relatives, we searched multispecies genome alignments for phylogenetically informative rare genomic changes within the superordinal group Euarchonta, which includes the orders Primates, Dermoptera (colugos), and Scandentia (treeshrews). We also constructed phylogenetic trees from 14 kilobases of nuclear genes for representatives from most major primate lineages, both extant colugos, and multiple treeshrews, including the pentail treeshrew, Ptilocercus lowii, the only living member of the family Ptilocercidae. A relaxed molecular clock analysis including Ptilocercus suggests that treeshrews arose approximately 63 million years ago. Our data show that colugos are the closest living relatives of primates and indicate that their divergence occurred in the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

An analysis of the range of morphology among arthropods demonstrates that disparity among living arthropods is similar to that in Cambrian arthropods. The range of morphological design resulting from the Cambrian "explosion" has been overestimated, reflecting a tendency to separate as "problematic" taxa that cannot be accommodated in the classification on the basis of the living biota. Problematic taxa are largely an artifact of an inadequate taxonomy. Special evolutionary processes may not be necessary to explain the early radiation of the metazoans.  相似文献   

在“85-02”早籼稻大田中发现自然变异单株,经系统选育,育成“赣早籼57号”。该品种具有高产、优质、抗性好、熟期偏早等特点,于2004年通过江西省品种审定委员会审定,与早杂搭配种植,有利于早稻品种布局。  相似文献   

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