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为了合理地制定大棚滴灌灌溉制度,以大棚黄瓜为对象,在结果期设置了4种膜下滴灌灌溉频率(每隔3、6、9、12 d灌溉一次),并以传统沟灌灌溉作为对照,研究了不同灌溉频率对黄瓜生长(株高,茎粗和叶片数)和产量的影响。结果表明,与传统沟灌相比,采用滴灌灌溉有利于黄瓜生长并获得高产;在滴灌条件下,灌溉频率越高,植株越高大粗壮,叶片越多,同时促进了果实成熟;但灌溉频率对总产量影响较小,不同处理之间产量差异均不显著(p0.05)。综合比较,6 d灌溉一次黄瓜长势较好,产量最大112.4 t/hm~2,灌溉工作量合理,因此,建议在大棚黄瓜结果期滴灌灌溉频率以每隔6 d一次为宜。  相似文献   

宁夏引黄灌区春玉米微咸水灌溉管理模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据宁夏引黄灌区春玉米微咸水灌溉试验的数据结果,应用SWAP模型在田间尺度上对微咸水灌溉条件下春玉米田间土壤水盐运移规律和灌溉制度进行模拟,对拟定的各种灌溉方案进行评价。结果表明,率定与验证的SWAP模型可用于当地微咸水灌溉管理;25%降雨年型下,春玉米适宜灌水方案为生育期内灌2水(拔节水、抽雄水),灌溉定额为1200 m3/hm2;50%降雨年型下,春玉米适宜灌水方案为生育期内灌2水(拔节水、抽雄水),灌溉定额为1500 m3/hm2;75%降雨年型下,春玉米适宜灌水方案为生育期内灌3水(拔节水、抽雄水和灌浆水),灌溉定额为2400 m3/hm2。  相似文献   

灌溉回归水的利用与效益分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在引黄灌区下游的骨干排水河道上建设提水设施和拦蓄工程,利用灌溉回归水灌溉农田,是合理利用水资源,弥补黄河水源不足,缓解灌区上、下游争水矛盾的一条行之有效的措施,具有十分显著的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

Irrigation scheduling performance by evapotranspiration-based controllers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evapotranspiration-based irrigation controllers, also known as ET controllers, use ET information or estimation to schedule irrigation. Previous research has shown that ET controllers could reduce irrigation as much as 42% when compared to a time-based irrigation schedule. The objective of this study was to determine the capability of three brands of ET-based irrigation controllers to schedule irrigation compared to a theoretically derived soil water balance model based on the Irrigation Association Smart Water Application Technologies (SWAT) protocol to determine the effectiveness of irrigation scheduling. Five treatments were established, T1-T5, replicated four times for a total of twenty field plots in a completely randomized block design. The irrigation treatments were as follows: T1, Weathermatic SL1600 with SLW15 weather monitor; T2, Toro Intelli-sense; T3, ETwater Smart Controller 100; T4, a time-based treatment determined by local recommendations; and T5, a reduced time-based treatment 60% of T4. All treatments utilized rain sensors set at a 6 mm threshold. A daily soil water balance model was used to calculate the theoretical irrigation requirements for comparison with actual irrigation water applied. Calculated in 30-day running totals, irrigation adequacy and scheduling efficiency were used to quantify under- and over-irrigation, respectively. The study period, 25 May 2006 through 27 November 2007, was drier than the historical average with a total of 1326 mm of rainfall compared to 1979 mm for the same historical period. It was found that all treatments applied less irrigation than required for all seasons. Additionally, the ET controllers applied only half of the irrigation calculated for the theoretical requirement for each irrigation event, on average. Irrigation adequacy decreased when the ET controllers were allowed to irrigate any day of the week. All treatments had decreased scheduling efficiency averages in the rainy season with the largest decrease of 29 percentile points with a timer and rain sensor (T4) and an average decrease of 20 percentile points for the ET controllers, indicating that site specific rainfall has a significant effect on scheduling efficiency results. Rainfall did not drastically impact the average irrigation adequacy results. For this study, there were two controller program settings that impacted the results. The first setting was the crop coefficients where specific values were chosen for the location of the study when calculating the theoretical requirement whereas the controllers used default values. The second setting was the soil type that defines the soil water holding capacity of the soil. The ET controllers were able to regularly adjust to real-time weather, unlike the conventional irrigation timers. However, the incorporation of site specific rainfall measurements is extremely important to their success at managing landscape water needs and at a minimum a rain sensor should be used.  相似文献   

储水灌溉是一种利用土壤水库 ,采用较大灌水定额、减少了灌水次数的一种灌溉方法。结合石津灌区现状 ,通过对灌区典型地块土壤质地的分析 ,提出了灌区适宜的储水灌溉制度。田间试验结果表明 ,利用这种储水灌溉模式 ,实现了节水、高产、增效  相似文献   

河套灌区灌溉制度研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
根据河套灌区的气象、土壤、灌水等资料,利用ISAREG模型模拟了4种主要作物充分灌溉和非充分灌溉2种灌溉制度方案。根据模型的优化模拟结果分析,在作物产量比率仅略有下降的情况下,作物实施非充分灌溉将减少灌水次数和灌溉定额(平均下降45 mm),建议灌区把作物实施非充分灌溉作为一种节水措施之一。  相似文献   

新疆北部苜蓿耗水规律及灌溉制度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对苜蓿的需水量、需水时间、灌溉次数等方面的试验对比分析,总结了苜蓿的耗水规律,即在苜蓿生长的幼苗期、分枝期,耗水量依次表现出递增的趋势,开花成熟期则有所下降。同时揭示了苜蓿耗水量与产量的关系,苜蓿产量与需水量之间的关系曲线呈抛物线形式,需水量在较小值时,苜蓿的产量随着需水量的增加而增加,直至到达产量最大值,此后随着需水量的増加产量反而开始下降。结合试验成果和当地荒漠戈壁地的土质结构和性状,初步提出了当地种植苜蓿的灌溉制度,苜蓿收获三茬的灌溉定额为8 040.5m3/hm2,全生育期的灌水次数为15次。  相似文献   

极端干旱区葡萄滴灌耗水规律试验研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
在水资源严重紧缺的吐哈盆地进行了葡萄滴灌耗水规律试验研究.通过对不同灌水量处理下的土壤含水率和葡萄植株生理指标进行观测和分析.得出以下结论:葡萄在整个生育期内各处理耗水呈现由低到高再降低的变化趋势.本试验中总灌水量为675 mm时,可以满足葡萄对水分的需求.此处理下吐哈盆地滴灌葡萄萌芽期耗水量45 mm,新梢生长期13...  相似文献   

南方大型灌区水稻田灌溉制度实时优化方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】提高南方大型平原自流灌区农业用水效率,发展精准灌溉。【方法】针对江苏省洪金灌区,基于降雨短期预报和水量平衡方程,开展水稻灌溉制度的实时优化研究。【结果】基于7 d短历时天气预报,2017年7月7─13日洪金灌区采用实时优化方法确定的灌溉方案与传统灌溉制度相比,在满足同样灌水要求情况下的灌溉水量减少了32%。【结论】该方法对南方水稻区种植具有普遍指导意义,能够更加精确地安排水稻灌溉制度,提高雨水利用率,优化地区水资源分配。  相似文献   

The Central Asian countries face high water scarcity due to aridity and desertification but excess water is often applied to the main irrigated crops. This over-irrigation contributes to aggravate water scarcity problems. Improved water saving irrigation is therefore required, mainly through appropriate irrigation scheduling. To provide for it, after being previously calibrated and validated for cotton in the Fergana region, the irrigation scheduling simulation model ISAREG was explored to simulate improved irrigation scheduling alternatives. Results show that using the present irrigation scheduling a large part of the applied water, averaging 20%, percolates out of the root zone. Several irrigation strategies were analyzed, including full irrigation and various levels of deficit irrigation. The analysis focused a three-year period when experiments for calibration and validation of the model were carried out, and a longer period of 33 years that provided for an analysis considering the probabilities of the demand for irrigation water. The first concerned a wet period while the second includes a variety of climatic demand conditions that provided for analyzing alternative schedules for average, high and very high climatic demand. Results have shown the importance of the groundwater contribution, mainly when deficit irrigation is applied. Analyzing several deficit irrigation strategies through the respective potential water saving, relative yield losses, water productivity and economic water productivity, it could be concluded that relative mild deficits may be adopted. Contrarily, the adoption of high water deficit that produce high water savings would lead to yield losses that may be economically not acceptable.  相似文献   

吴婕 《节水灌溉》2019,(5):46-50,56
通过在疏勒河流域玉门市进行色素辣椒田间试验,分析不同灌水量对辣椒全生育期生长指标、品质、干物质积累的影响,研究全生育期耗水特性,综合考虑产量、水分利用效率等各项指标,提出疏勒河流域最适宜灌溉制度。结果表明:坐果期株高是开花期的3.2倍,坐果期叶面积系数是开花期的5.6倍,开花期至坐果期是辣椒株高、叶面积增速最大期;从坐果期到膨大期,辣椒器官存储的营养成分逐渐向果实移动,果实干重与整株干重的比值逐渐增大,干物质平均增加了22.88g,占整个生育期干物质总量的50%以上;不同灌水量对辣椒营养品质影响差异显著,其中DG2相比其他处理显著提高辣椒品质,较对照CK分别显著提高3.61%、3.90%、13.88%、29.76%;全生育期耗水量呈现由低到高再降低的变化趋势,开花期耗水模数最大,坐果期耗水强度最大,开花期、坐果期和膨大期3个生育期的耗水量占全生育期耗水量比例达60%以上,此时是辣椒对水分最敏感的时期,应保证辣椒正常生长所需的水分和养分要求;综合辣椒产量和水分生产效率考虑,提出全生育期灌水9次、灌溉定额3540m^3/hm^2为疏勒河流域辣椒膜下滴灌的最适宜灌溉制度。  相似文献   

为黑龙江省某国营农场面积约66.67hm2小麦种植区进行膜下滴灌系统设计。首先,介绍了工程概况;其次,计算了滴灌设计的耗水强度、灌水定额和灌水周期,确定了一次灌水延续时间、滴灌的轮灌制度、毛管的极限长度和水头差分配,确立了各级管道的直径和长度,并进行了滴灌管网系统的布置,推算了各级管道的流量,进行了管网的水力计算;最终选择了水泵的型号。膜下滴灌系统为实际生产提供了技术支持和帮助。实践表明,膜下滴灌系统较传统种植方式节水灌溉,平衡施肥,可大幅度提高产量。  相似文献   

针对目前新疆地区大力发展的棉花膜下软管灌技术,在塔里木盆地阿瓦提丰收灌区进行了田间对比试验研究。结果表明,毛管布置方式一膜三管在灌水均匀度、棉花产量等方面都优于一膜二管的布置方式;膜下软管灌棉花生育期内适宜灌溉定额为3600~4200 m3/hm2,灌水次数为10次;膜下软管灌技术灌水均匀,是一项较好的灌水技术。  相似文献   

In order to adjust correctly the irrigationcalendar to actual weather and waterlimiting conditions, farmers requireguidelines to help them in their day to daydecisions. In this paper a procedure isoutlined to present such guidelines in theform of a single chart. On the chartinformation concerning the irrigationinterval and irrigation duration ispresented. Tables guide the user (i) toadjust the irrigation interval to theactual weather conditions throughout thegrowing season and (ii) to select theduration of the water application as afunction of the characteristics of theirrigation system. In case of watershortage during a particular period,additional data informs the user on thesensitivity of the crop to water stress. Anexample is presented for drip irrigatedtomatoes in the region of Tunis on afluvisol.  相似文献   

甘肃景泰提水灌区作物需水量与灌溉制度研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据甘肃景电一期灌区节水改造规划,利用当地19年的逐日气象资料,计算了灌区不同水平年的作物需水量和净灌溉需水量。利用计算机模型对灌区主要作物的现行灌溉制度进行了模拟和评价,并针对现行灌溉制度中存在的主要问题提出了改进方案。  相似文献   

灌溉水价与灌区灌溉用水量关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用经济学理论分析了灌溉水价与灌区灌溉用水量的关系,根据2000—2009年对关中地区冯家山、羊毛湾、石堡川3个灌区的实际调查资料,对不同灌区建立农业灌溉用水需求函数,计算灌溉用水需求价格弹性。研究表明,关中地区3个灌区中,石堡川灌区弹性最高,为-1.11;冯家山灌区和羊毛湾灌区弹性分别为-0.47和-0.69,即灌溉水价提高1%,灌溉用水量将下降0.47%~1.11%。对于现行水价较低的灌区,水价调高对该灌区将产生明显的节水效应;对现行水价较高的灌区,水价继续调高。  相似文献   

国内外灌溉水利用系数研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李睿冉  刘旭 《节水灌溉》2011,(11):56-58
灌溉水利用系数是定量评价灌溉水利用程度的一项指标。正确确定灌溉水利用系数,并利用灌溉水利用系数对灌区用水进行管理,对于农业节水及水资源的可持续利用都至关重要。对国内外灌溉水利用系数方面的研究进行了综述和评价,对本领域的研究前沿进行了展望。  相似文献   

低压输水管道灌溉技术是一种有效的节水灌溉措施,具有节水、节能、省地、省工、输水便捷、适应性强等特点,目前在我国平原井灌区应用较为普遍。山区自流灌区发展管灌技术,尚有许多问题需要研究解决。结合红旗渠灌区节水灌溉技术研究,我们对山区自流灌区发展管灌技术进行了一些有益的探索,就此项研究中取得的成功经验和存在问题作一介绍,和大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

根据单井膜下滴灌系统运行中 ,机井出流量均匀无调蓄能力、灌水定额小、周期短的特点 ,提出单井出流量一定条件下作物各生长阶段水量分配及单井控制面积优化方法 ,建立了与膜下滴灌系统相适应以周为时段的灌溉制度优化模型 ,并结合实例进行了计算与分析。  相似文献   

The Irrigation Optimisation System (IOS), a decision support tool and an extension of the combined hydraulic-hydrological modelling system for canal-command, is applied as a planning tool to the Mahanadi Reservoir Irrigation Scheme, a large irrigation project in Central India. Besides the MIKE 11 and MIKE SHE modelling systems, for the hydraulic and hydrological simulations respectively, it has an optimisation module to govern the canal releases. The results show that presently the canal releases are inefficient and lead to the wastage of a significant amount of water during the monsoon season. It is shown that the application of IOS reduces this wastage and results in higher irrigation intensity and physical productivity of water in the command. The case study also illustrates the capability of IOS as a planning and decision support tool.  相似文献   

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