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Vegetable proteins are an integral part of infant weaning diets in Latin America. Protein quality in plant-based products, however, is constrained by amino acid composition and intrinsically present antinutritional factors. The goal of this study was to improve bean protein quality by utilizing fermentation and germination processing. The objectives were to determine if protein quality, as measured by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) approved True Protein Digestibility (TPD) and Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Scores (PDCAAS), of formulated bean-based weaning products could be improved upon fermentation and germination and if protein quality could be further improved when processed beans were combined with cooked rice. Results showed that the highest TPD and PDCAAS values were obtained for cooked germinated beans combined with rice. The TPD values for products ranged from 80 to 91%, and the PDCAAS values were 0.38-0.51. There was no significant increase (P < 0.05) of either TPD or PDCAAS values upon fermentation. Germination increased TPD of cooked bean products; this increase was not, however, accompanied by an increase in PDCAAS. When combined with rice, the PDCAAS values for all bean products improved significantly, thus supporting the concept of cereal-legume complementation. In conclusion, this study showed the range of PDCAAS in processed black bean and bean-rice infant weaning food products. The potential for incorporation of these products into the diets of weaning age Latin American children would, however, be confirmed only after validation with growth or metabolic balance studies in human infants.  相似文献   

The kinetics, depletion/repletion of zinc, and effects of dietary ligands/food matrices on (65)Zn uptake was studied in Caco-2 cells. The uptake of zinc showed a saturable and nonsaturable component, depending upon the media zinc concentrations. Intracellular depletion increased zinc uptake, whereas zinc loading did not. Phytic acid and histidine inhibited zinc uptake, while tannic acid, tartaric acid, arginine, and methionine increased zinc uptake. Tannic acid at a 1:50 molar ratio promoted zinc uptake from wheat- and rice-based food matrices. Further, Caco-2 cells responded similarly with zinc and iron uptake when fed Indian bread prepared from low- and high-extraction wheat flour, representing low and high phytate content. However, inclusion of tea extract or red grape juice as a source of polyphenols enhanced the uptake of zinc while decreasing that of iron. These results suggest that the Caco-2 cells predict the correct direction of response to dietary ligands even from complex foods.  相似文献   

Extrinsic and intrinsic iron and zinc labels were used to test iron and zinc absorption from two bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) genotypes, containing normal (common beans, CB) or higher (HFeZnB) iron and zinc concentrations, fed in single meals to young women with low iron reserves. The women were divided into two groups, with one receiving a CB test meal (n = 12) and the other, an HFeZnB test meal (n = 11). The beans were intrinsically labeled hydroponically with (55)Fe (CB and HFeZnB) and with (70)Zn (HFeZnB). Concentrations of zinc and iron were 98 and 65% higher, respectively, in HFeZnB as compared to CB, but phytic acid contents were similar. Extrinsic labels were (59)Fe (CB and HFeZnB), (67)Zn (CB), and (68)Zn (HFeZnB). Iron and zinc percent absorption levels were calculated from radio-iron activity in red blood cells and from urinary excretion of zinc isotopes. Intrinsic and extrinsic iron absorption measures were highly correlated (R (2) = 0.986) (average extrinsic/intrinsic ratio was 1.00). Iron absorption was low (geometric mean < 2%) in both bean types, and total iron absorbed was not different between types. Intrinsic zinc absorption from the HFeZn beans was higher than extrinsic absorption (15.2% vs 13.4%, p < 0.05) (average extrinsic/intrinsic was 0.90). The correlation between intrinsic and extrinsic zinc measures was not as high as that for iron (R (2) = 0.719). Percent zinc absorption levels were similar in both bean types, but total extrinsic zinc absorbed was 90% higher (p < 0.05) from the HFeZnB meal. Thus, the less expensive and time-consuming extrinsic labeling may be used to screen various varieties of beans for iron bioavailability in humans, but it underestimates zinc absorption by approximately 10%. Selective breeding for high-zinc bean genotypes may improve zinc status. However, high-iron genotypes appear to have little effect on iron status when fed alone in single meals to women with low iron reserves.  相似文献   


Sanilac and Saginaw varieties of navy beans were grown on Wisner silty clay loam. Treatments of no added Zn and 3 ppm Zn were applied to the soil fertilized with N, K, and 500 ppm P. Selected plant tissues were harvested two, four, six, or eight weeks after planting.

The weights and Zn contents of some tissues were not affected by Zn application regardless of variety but the growth of the plant parts above the primary leaves and the Zn contents of the trifoliolate leaves increased with Zn rate. The three oldest trifoliolate leaves and younger tissues showed equal or greater increases in growth and Zn contents than the total plant tops, but the primary leaves and the lower portions of stems were less influenced by available Zn in the soil. These responses indicated that the three oldest trifoliolate leaves were the most reliable indexes for available Zn throughout the growing period.

As the plants matured, the growth and Zn contents of the young tissues of the Saginaw variety responded more to Zn fertilization than did the young tissues of Sanilac. This differential response appeared to be partially due to the lower plant weights of the Saginaw than the Sanilac variety where no Zn had been applied to the soil.  相似文献   

缺铁是个世界性的营养失衡问题,给人类健康和经济发展带来严重的负面影响。主要膳食中的铁缺乏或低生物有效性被认为是造成铁缺乏的主要原因。通过植物育种措施,尤其是提高植物源铁富集育种被认为是解决铁营养失衡最经济且有效的途径。然而,近年的研究表明,人体铁吸收与植物源有效铁量密切相关,而与铁积累总量没有相关性。快速、准确的评价植物源铁生物有效性对高有效性富铁作物育种意义重大。本文阐述了植物源铁富集和生物有效性的基因型差异及影响因素, 并分析了铁生物有效性评价方法的优缺点,为植物源铁生物有效性育种及评价提供参考。  相似文献   

Iron and Zn absorption, interactions, and Cu inhibitions were characterized in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.), and pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Poir.) by kinetic parameters Vmax and Km. Influx and Vmax values for Fe and Zn absorption decreased in each species as plant age increased. For the Michaelis constant, Km, Fe values in cucumber and watermelon and Zn values in watermelon and pumpkin were relatively unchanged with increased plant age. Km values for Zn absorption in cucumber and Fe absorption in pumpkin decreased as plant age increased. Among species, watermelon appeared to have a particularly effective uptake mechanism for Zn at low solution concentrations. Non‐competitive inhibition of Zn absorption by Fe (20, 50 uM) was indicated in each species. Iron uptake in pumpkin was inhibited non‐competitively by Zn (5, 10 uM), however no significant effects of Zn on Fe absorption were evident in either watermelon or cucumber. Copper (0.5, 1, 5 uM) inhibited uptake of Fe non‐competitively and Zn competitively in each species.  相似文献   

Rice is the staple food for more than half of the world's population and, hence, the main source of a vital micronutrient, zinc (Zn). Unfortunately, the bioavailability of Zn from rice is very low not only due to low content but also due to the presence of some antinutrients such as phytic acid. We investigated the effect of germination and Zn fortification treatment on Zn bioavailability of brown rice from three widely grown cultivars using the Caco-2 cell model to find a suitable fortification level for producing germinated brown rice. The results of this study showed that Zn content in brown rice increased significantly (p < 0.05) as the external Zn concentrations increased from 25 to 250 mg/L. In contrast, no significant influence (p > 0.05) on germination percentage of rice was observed when the Zn supply was lower than 150 mg/L. Zn fortification during the germination process has a significant impact on the Zn content and finally Zn bioavailability. These findings may result from the lower molar ratio of phytic acid to Zn and higher Zn content in Zn fortified germinated brown rice, leading to more bioavailable Zn. Likewise, a significant difference (p < 0.05) was found among cultivars with respect to the capacity for Zn accumulation and Zn bioavailability; these results might be attributed to the difference in the molar ratio of phytic acid to Zn and the concentration of Zn among the cultivars evaluated. Based on global intake of Zn among the world population, we recommend germinated brown rice fortified with 100 mg/L ZnSO(4) as a suitable concentration to use in the germination process, which contains high Zn concentration and Zn bioavailability. In the current study, the cultivar Bing91185 fortified with Zn through the germination process contained a high amount as well as bioavailable Zn, which was identified as the most promising cultivar for further evaluation to determine its efficiency as an improved source of Zn for target populations.  相似文献   

基于前人取得的主要成果,系统分析了从土壤锌有效性到锌在子粒部位的积累主要过程及其控制点,从三方面:1)植株对锌的吸收过程;2)锌在地上部各营养器官间的运转分配过程;3)锌从营养器官向子粒部位的运转过程,总结并提出今后应利用作物锌高效性的种质资源特点,通过传统育种与生物技术方法选育出锌高效积累型品种和合理配套的栽培技术等农艺措施,提高作物子粒锌的含量。  相似文献   

A solution culture was conducted to investigate the effects of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) toxicity on growth of mung bean (Phaseolus aures Roxb. cv VC‐3762) and accumulation of polyamine. Eight‐day‐old seedlings were grown in diluted nutrient solution with different concentrations of Cu and Zn for 6 days. Results showed that elongation of epicotyl and fresh weight of plants were decreased by 10 μM Cu and 100 μM Zn significantly compared to control (0.03 μMCu and 0.1 μMZn). Accumulation of polyamine, especially putrescine (Put) was found in the epicotyl of mung bean seedlings. Addition of 5 mM calcium (Ca) into nutrient solution improved the growth of 10 μM Cu‐treated seedling, and decreased the concentration of Put and increased concentrations of spermine and spermidine in epicotyl of plants. Moreover, supplying Put did not increase tolerance of plant to Cu or Zn. It was suggested that Put accumulation resulting from toxicity of Cu and Zn might merely be a symptom of stress injury.  相似文献   

Artepillin C (AC), an active ingredient of Brazilian propolis, permeates intact across Caco-2 cells by transcellular passive diffusion. The permeation of AC across Caco-2 cells is as efficient as that of phenolic acids and the microbial metabolites of poorly absorbed polyphenols, which are actively absorbed by the monocarboxylic acid transporter (MCT) (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2005, 1713, 138-144). Here, the absorption of orally administered AC in rats has been studied to evaluate its pharmacokinetics and bioavailability in vivo in comparison with those of p-coumaric acid (CA), a substrate of MCT. Rats were given 100 micromol/kg of body weight of AC or CA, and blood was subsequently collected from the portal vein and abdominal artery. AC, CA, and their metabolites were quantified by coulometric detection using HPLC-ECD. The serum concentration of intact AC and CA in the portal vein peaked at 5-10 min after administration, with a C(max) of 19.7 micromol/L for AC and 74.8 micromol/L for CA. The area under the curve (AUC) for intact AC and CA in the portal vein was calculated from the serum concentration as 182.6 and 3057.3 micromol.min.L(-1), respectively. The absorption efficiency of CA was about 17-fold higher than that of AC. Furthermore, the bioavailability of CA was about 278-fold higher than that of AC, and the ratio of AUC in the abdominal artery to AUC in the portal vein was 0.04 and 0.70, for AC and CA, respectively. Thus, AC is likely to be more susceptible to hepatic elimination than is CA. The bioactive compound of AC in vivo should be investigated further.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) is generally low in bioavailable zinc (Zn); however, agronomic biofortification can cure human Zn deficiency. In the present experiment, Zn was applied in pots as ZnSO4 · 7H2O to maize cultivar DK-6142 as foliar spray (0.5% w/v Zn sprayed 25 days after sowing and 0.25% w/v at tasseling), surface broadcasting (16 kg Zn ha?1), subsurface banding (16 kg Zn ha?1 at the depth of 15 cm), surface broadcasting + foliar and subsurface banding + foliar in comparison to an unfertilized control. As compared to control, all treatments significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased growth, yield and nutritional attributes in maize. Grain Zn and protein concentrations were correlated and ranged from 22.3 to 41.9 mg kg?1 and 9 to 12 %, respectively. Zinc fertilization also significantly reduced grain phytate and increased grain Zn concentration. Zinc fertilization, especially broadcasting and subsurface banding combined with foliar spray decreased grain [phytate]:[Zn] ratio to 28 and 21 and increased Zn bioavailability by trivariate model of Zn absorption to 2.04 to 2.40, respectively. Conclusively, broadcasting and subsurface banding combined with foliar spray is suitable for optimal maize yield and agronomic Zn biofortification of maize grain. This would also be helpful to optimize Zn and protein concentration in maize grain.  相似文献   

In support of a new clinical trial designed to compare the effects of crushed fresh garlic and two types of garlic supplement tablets (enteric-coated dried fresh garlic and dried aged garlic extract) on serum lipids, the three garlic products have been characterized for (a) composition (14 sulfur and 2 non-sulfur compounds), (b) stability of suspected active compounds, and (c) availability of allyl thiosulfinates (mainly allicin) under both simulated gastrointestinal (tablet dissolution) conditions and in vivo. The allyl thiosulfinates of blended fresh garlic were stable for at least 2 years when stored at -80 degrees C. The dissolution release of thiosulfinates from the enteric-coated garlic tablets was found to be >95%. The bioavailability of allyl thiosulfinates from these tablets, measured as breath allyl methyl sulfide, was found to be complete and equivalent to that of crushed fresh garlic. S-Allylcysteine was stable for 12 months at ambient temperature. The stability of the suspected active compounds under the conditions of the study and the bioavailability of allyl thiosulfinates from the dried garlic supplement have validated the use of these preparations for comparison in a clinical trial.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine and compare reactive and total lysine contents in a range of breakfast cereal products. Crude fiber, fat, ash, and crude protein contents of 20 breakfast cereal products ranged from 4 to 38, 14 to 144, 7 to 32, and 52 to 253 g/kg, respectively. The concentrations of glutamic acid (18.7-32.1 g/100 g protein) and proline (4.7-10.8 g/100 g protein) were high while those of the amino acids methionine (1.2-2.0 g/100 g protein) and histidine (1.2-3.3 g/100 g protein) were relatively low. There was a strong relationship between reactive lysine determined using the guanidination and fluorodinitrobenzene methods (R = 0.99). The total lysine content, determined after conventional acid hydrolysis, ranged from 0.8 to 3.7 g/100 g protein, while the reactive lysine content (guanidination) ranged from 0.4 to 2.8 g/100 g protein. Reactive lysine was 20-54% lower than total lysine in the cereal products. The large differences between total and reactive lysine suggest a considerable loss of lysine in the breakfast cereals tested.  相似文献   

This study determined the bioavailability of selenium (Se) from yellow peas and oats harvested from the high-Se soil of South Dakota, United States. The Se concentrations were 13.5 ± 0.2 and 2.5 ± 0.1 mg/kg (dry weight) for peas and oats, respectively. Male weanling Sprague-Dawley rats were depleted of Se by feeding them a 30% Torula yeast-based diet (4.1 μg Se/kg) for 56 days, and then they were replenished with Se for an additional 50 days by feeding them the same diet supplemented with 20, 30, or 40 μg Se/kg from peas or oats, respectively. Selenium bioavailability was determined on the basis of the restoration of Se-dependent enzyme activities and tissue Se concentrations in Se-depleted rats, comparing those responses for yellow peas and oats to those for l-selenomethionine (SeMet; used as a reference) by using a slope-ratio method. Dietary supplementation with peas or oats resulted in linear or log-linear, dose-dependent increases in glutathione peroxidase activities in blood and liver and in thioredoxin reductase activity in liver. Supplementation with peas or oats resulted in linear or log-linear, dose-dependent increases in Se concentrations of plasma, liver, gastrocnemius muscle, and kidneys. The overall bioavailability was approximately 88% for Se from yellow peas and 92% from oats, compared to SeMet. It was concluded that Se from naturally produced high-Se yellow peas or oats is highly bioavailable in this model and that these high-Se foods may be a good dietary source of Se.  相似文献   

Staple foods, such as rice, can now be enriched in micronutrients through conventional breeding (i.e., biofortification) to enhance dietary intake of vulnerable populations. The objectives of this study were (1) to establish a rapid, high capacity Caco-2 cell model to determine the relative bioavailability of zinc (Zn) from samples of staple food breeding lines for potential use as a guideline for selection/breeding and (2) to determine the relative bioavailability of Zn from conventional rice varieties and one Zn-biofortified type. Polished or undermilled, parboiled rice samples were digested in vitro with pepsin and pH adjustment, and by pancreatic enzymes. Zn uptake from digested samples was measured in Caco-2 cells in culture. A previously validated rat pup model was also used to assess Zn absorption in vivo, using gastric intubation and (65)Zn labeling. Pups were killed after 6 h, and radioactivity in tissues and in small intestine perfusate and cecum-colon contents was used to measure Zn bioavailability. A biofortified rice variety contained substantially more Zn than conventional varieties, with no change in phytate content. Absorbed Zn (μg/g rice) was significantly higher from the new variety in both the in vitro Caco-2 cell model (2.1-fold) and the rat pup model (2.0-fold). Results from the two models were highly correlated, particularly for the polished samples. Biofortification of rice with Zn results in significantly increased Zn uptake in both models. Since results from the Caco-2 cell model correlated well with those from rat pups, this cell model is likely to predict results in human populations and can be used for screening purposes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of a natural tomato extract (TE) on cataract formation in two animal models. A TE containing 5% lycopene was included in the diet of diabetic sand rats at 0.2%, and Sprague Dawley rats were fed a high-galactose diet (30 g/100 g of diet), supplemented with either the lycopene-rich extract at concentrations of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8% or BHT (0.2%). TE had no significant effect on plasma glucose levels or cataract development in sand rats; however, in rats maintained on a diet rich in galactose, both BHT and TE decreased cataract incidence, and grades were lower than in control animals. In addition, lens protein and reduced glutathione levels were higher and aldose reductase activity was lower than in the control group. The results suggest that antioxidants act as protective agents when oxidative stress is a primary cause of cataract formation but may be less effective in preventing cataracts in hyperglycemic animals.  相似文献   

Ma G  Li Y  Jin Y  Du S  Kok FJ  Yang X 《Public health nutrition》2007,10(8):848-854
OBJECTIVES: To assess the intake inadequacy and food sources of zinc of people in China. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: Diets of 68 962 subjects aged 2-101 years (urban 21 103, rural 47,859) in the 2002 China National Nutrition and Health Survey were analysed. Dietary intake was assessed using 24-hour recall for three consecutive days. Zinc intake inadequacy was calculated based on values suggested by the World Health Organization. RESULTS: The median zinc intake ranged from 4.9 mg day- 1 (urban girls, 2-3 years) to 11.9 mg day-1 (rural males, 19+ years). The zinc density of urban residents (2-3 to 19+ years) was 5.0-5.3 mg day-1 (1000 kcal)-1, significantly higher than that of their rural counterparts (4.7-4.8 mg day-1 (1000 kcal)-1). Differences in food sources of zinc from cereal grains (27.4-45.1 vs. 51.6-63.2%) and animal foods (28.4-54.8 vs. 16.8-30.6%) were found between urban and rural residents. Zinc from vegetables and fruits (8.2-13.8 vs. 9.7-12.4%) and legumes (1.3-3.3 vs. 2.5-3.4%) was comparable between urban and rural residents. The proportion of zinc intake inadequacy ranged between 2.8% (urban females, 19+ years) and 29.4% (rural lactating women). Rural residents had higher proportions of zinc intake inadequacy than their urban counterparts. Significantly higher proportions of zinc inadequacy were found in the category of phytate/zinc molar ratio >15 for both rural and urban residents. CONCLUSIONS: About 20% of rural children are at risk of inadequate zinc intake, with phytate as a potential important inhibitor. Moreover, lactating women are also considered a vulnerable group.  相似文献   

Vitamin D in different fortified foods is determined by using liquid chromatography (LC). Sample preparation is described for fortified skim milk, infant formulas, chocolate drink powder, and diet food. The procedure involves 2 main steps: saponification of the sample followed by extraction, and quantitation by LC analysis. Depending on the sample matrix, additional steps are necessary, i.e., enzymatic digestion for hydrolyzing the starch in the sample and cartridge purification before LC injection. An isocratic system consisting of 0.5% water in methanol (v/v) on two 5 microns ODS Hypersil, 12 X 0.4 cm id columns is used. Recovery of vitamin D added to unfortified skim milk is 98%. The results of vitamin D determination in homogenized skim milk, fortified milk powder, fortified milk powder with soybean, chocolate drink powder, and sports diet food are given.  相似文献   

During the last 7 decades, uric acid methodology has kept pace with the introduction of state-of-the-art technology (e.g., spectroscopy, electrochemistry, chromatography) or the discovery of unique chemical processes (e.g., redox, enzymatic). We envision this practice will continue in the future. There never will be a single analytical method applicable for biofluids or foodstuffs. Therefore, it is imperative that the analyst not only understand the advantages and disadvantages of a procedure, but also thoroughly understand its underlying chemical and technological principles. Since many procedures available for analysis of biofluids and foodstuffs rely on identical chemical or technological principles, this report shall review both sample types and the available spectroscopic, electroanalytical, and chromatographic methods.  相似文献   

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