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The objective of the research was to define the changes in photosynthetic activity induced by prehardening and to determine their involvement in frost tolerance of winter rape.
Prehardening of winter rape, consisting of keeping the plants at + 12°C during the light periods from sprouting until the beginning of the 1st stage of cold hardening, contributed to increasing its effectiveness. After 42 days of hardening at + 2°C the resistance of the prehardened plants equalled that attained by winter rape in the most favourable seasons of vegetation in the field. Prehardening stimulated the efficiency of photosynthesis at chill temperatures (+ 2–5°C). Differences in photosynthetic efficiency, like those in frost resistance, increase with successive weeks of hardening. They also concern the leaves already developed at the hardening temperature. A prehardened photosynthetic apparatus is less susceptible to the progress of photoinactivation taking place when the seedlings are kept at + 2°C. It also demonstrated greater activity even during the first hour of hardening or in the newly expanding leaves, and also at higher temperatures, most probably because of the more efficient progress of the dark, processes. The described changes in the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus induced by prehardening were thus qualitatively very similar to those observed during long-term growth at + 5°C. already described in the literature.  相似文献   

The effect of prehardening (early stage of growth at moderate low temperatures (+12°C) during the day) on the reliability of frost resistance estimation in a controlled environment has been studied on three winter oilseed rape cultivars differing markedly in their field survival rate (Leo, Górczański and Idol). It has been also examined the relationship between the photosynthetic activity during the first stage of cold acclimation and the level of frost resistance observed in investigated cultivars. Presented results demonstrated that prehardening, which increases to a significant degree the effectiveness of the cold acclimation process, also increases the differences in cold hardiness between cultivars, and limits the magnitude of experimental errors made during frost resistance estimation under controlled conditions. In all studied cultivars, prehardening increases significantly the photosynthetic activity during cold acclimation. On the other hand, both in the prehardened and in the non-prehardened plants, no relation has been found between either gas exchange rates or chlorophyll 'a' fluorescence characteristics at low temperatures and cultivar ability for acclimation. Neither the existing differences in photosynthetic activity, nor the degree of photosynthetic apparatus acclimation to cold, which occurs during prehardening, are the factors responsible for the frost resistance variation observed between studied cultivars.  相似文献   

Cultivars of European winter oilseed rape cultivated in the second half of the 1970s and in the mid-1990s were screened for their winter hardiness, frost resistance and vernalization requirement. A strong correlation between winter hardiness and frost resistance in both groups of rape has been noticed. Among oilseed rapes cultivated in the late 1970s, low erucic acid and particularly double zero cultivars were less winter hard than high erucic acid cultivars. Double zero cultivars were characterized by lower frost resistance and lower vernalization requirement. A significant correlation between vernalization requirement and both frost resistance and field survival has also been shown. Frost resistance of the 1990s (double zero) cultivars was higher than that of double low cultivars from the late 1970s. Their vernalization requirement was still small and did not correlate with either frost resistance or winter hardiness. It was concluded that reduction in the content of glucosinolates in the 1970s involved decrease in winter hardiness and vernalization requirement of cultivars. During the following 20 years winter hardiness of double low cultivars has been improved, but vernalization requirements have not changed. As a result no correlation between winter hardiness and vernalization requirement in contemporary canola cultivars has been observed.  相似文献   

Germinating seeds and young plants of winter rape var. Górczañski were vernalized for 56–63 days under conditions of 9-hour day, at the temperature 2 and 5 °C and in continuous darkness at the temperature 2 °C. After vernalization the plants grew under conditions enabling to complete vernalization: in a glass-house at the temperature day/night 15/10 °C and in semi natural conditions of open vegetation hall in the period from June till August. After sub-optimal vernalization further growth of the plants at lowered temperature increased its effectiveness (completion of vernalization). Depending on the degree of the vernalization of the plants the completion of their vernalization was both obligatory, i.e. conditioning the acquisition of the ability of generative development, and facultative i.e. accelerating this development. It has been demonstrated that the population of plants of the examined variety is strongly differentiated not only with respect of vernalization requirements in the particular plants, but also what regards the effectiveness of vernalization completion. New observations have been made indicating that the mechanisms controlling the successive phases of generative development, i.e. phase of forming flower buds and the flowering phase are not identical which may be interpreted as indicating that the "flowering factor" is polymorphous.  相似文献   

Germinating seeds and young winter rape plants were vernalized 56–63 days at 5 or 2°C under nine-hour days or in darkness. The highest percentage of generative plants and the most rapid flowering were obtained following the vernalization of young seedlings and germinating seed under conditions of nine-hour day, at 5°C. The least effective induction of generative development followed the vernalization at 2°C in continuous darkness. The vegetation period from the end of vernalization till the beginning of flowering was the shortest when four-week-old plants were vernalized under conditions of nine-hour day, yet the vegetation period from the beginning of germination to flowering was the shortest when seed germinating under conditions of nine-hour day were vernalized. The period was extending as older plants were being vernalized. Data indicating that the optimal temperature for vernalization of older plants is higher than for germinating seed and young seedlings were obtained.  相似文献   

The field experiments conducted on the grey‐brown podzolic soil in the four growing seasons (1998–2001) at Krzeslice Farm, central‐western Poland comprised seven fertilization variants: 80NF + 80CAN; 80CAN + 80CAN; 80AN + 80AN; 80NF + 50CAN + 30CN; 80CAN + 50CAN +30CN; 80AN + 50AN + 30CN (where NF – nitrofos NPK; CAN – calcium‐ammonium nitrate; AN – ammonium nitrate; CN – calcium nitrate) and control (without N) applied in split rates at the beginning of spring regrowth (80 kg N ha?1), stem elongation (80 or 50) and flower buds visible stages (30). The yielding effect of tested fertilization variants was significant in comparison with the control (2.24 t ha?1). The highest mean seed yield (3.64 t ha?1) was collected from 80AN + 80AN and 80CAN + 80CAN variants. Mean values of 4 years indicate that the second N rate division (80 + 50 + 30) decreased yield, although not significantly in comparison with these two N treatments. Plants grown on these treatments have developed different patterns of growth to yield the seeds. These patterns were characterized by very high crop growth rate during flowering (above 21 g m?2 day?1) and negative at maturation (down to ?2.5 g m?2 day?1). Plants fertilized with ammonium nitrate (80AN + 80AN) reached maximum growth rate earlier (65 days), which lasted longer (20 days) than plants fertilized with calcium‐ammonium nitrate (71 days lasting 17.5 days). Plants grown on the control treatment reached the highest crop growth rate within 79 days (14.8 g m?2 day?1), which lasted 15 days.  相似文献   

The effects of 10-day periods of soil drought during flowering (DI) or pod growth (DII) and during both these phases (DI + DII) on leaf water status, photosynthesis rate, plant growth and production of biomass was studied in pot experiments with field bean. Soil water content during drought spells were kept at 30% of field water capacity. Soil water deficiency DI and DII depressed the leaf water potential relatively to control by about 100 % and 140 % respectively, increased the water deficit by 100 % and 120 % and reduced photosynthesis rate by 80 % and 90 %. Rehydration of tissues completely abolished any decline of photosynthesis rate caused by drought DI, but after drought DII photosynthesis rate remained depressed by about 30 % even after rehydration. Drought periods DI and DII caused more rapid withering of leaves, a decline in the total leaf area and a temporary increase of root weight.
Drought occuring at flowering (DI) also activated the mechanism of plant adaptation to water deficiency during the pod formation phase (DII). Single or double periods of drought had not any significant influence on the number of pods and seeds, but decreased their weight.  相似文献   

The effects of exposure in the vegetative phase of growth to 10-day spells of mild (30 % of field water capacity – fwc) and severe (20 % fwc) drought on leaf water status, photosynthesis rate, plant growth and distribution of dry matter were studied in field bean. Either drought level caused similar changes of leaf water status and reduced photosynthesis rates. In older leaves these drought effects were greater. Plants exposed to mild drought quickly recovered their full photosynthetic activity and growth rate when optimum water supply was restored, but after severe drought the slower rate of these processes persisted much longer. Reduced growth caused by drought was proportionally the same in stems, leaves and roots, so that the share of dry weights of these organs in total dry matter of whole plants was similar as in control.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out on grey‐brown podzolic soil in the four consecutive growing seasons (1998–2001) at Krzeslice Farm, central‐western Poland. The effect of seven N fertilization treatments (in kg N ha?1): 80NF + 80CAN; 80NF + 50CAN + 30CN; 80CAN + 80CAN; 80CAN + 80CAN + 30CN; 80AN + 80AN; 80AN + 50AN + 30CN, where, NF – nitrofos NPK, CAN – calcium‐ammonium nitrate, AN – ammonium nitrate, CN – calcium nitrate and control (without N) on N uptake dynamics and N efficiency was studied. Mineral fertilizers were applied at the start of spring regrowth, beginning of stem elongation and at the flower‐bud‐visibility stage. The study revealed two distinct strategies of oilseed rape plants’ adaptation to timing and N fertilizer application sequences. Both strategies based on nitrogen uptake rate (NUR), were analysed at different plant growth stages. Ammonium nitrate (AN) applied in the two‐split system gave the highest NUR (387 mg m?2 day?1) during stem elongation (for comparison, a value of 166 mg m?2 day?1 was obtained in the control). In the case of calcium‐ammonium nitrate (CAN), a moderate level of NUR was obtained (304 mg m?2 day?1) but N uptake lasted 12 days longer compared with the AN treatment. Hence, N accumulation in leaves at the end of flowering explained about 81 % of yield variability. The second adaptation strategy was attributed to the three‐split N treatment. Plants fertilized with AN and CAN fertilizers showed an inconsistent pattern of NUR with time. Nitrogen accumulation in stems at the beginning of maturity, explained 69 % of yield variability. Nitrogen‐use efficiency did not show any response to N treatments.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted during the winter seasons of 1992–93 and 1993–94 at Anand to study the effect of FYM, nitrogen and source of fertilizer on growth and yield of mustard [ Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj & Cosson]. The results showed significant variation in leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), dry matter production and seed yield. The direct effect of farmyard manure (FYM) was conspicuous in improving the growth of mustard. FYM application at 10 tonnes ha−1 significantly increased the LAI, CGR and dry matter accumulation per plant at almost all the stages during first year study (1992–93) and in pooled analysis. Similarly, nitrogen application registered maximum LAI, CGR at 75 kg level and RGR and NAR at 50 kg level at almost all the during both years. Sulphur carrying source (Ammonium sulphate plus single super phosphate) increased all stages growth characters. Maximum dry matter accumulation per plant and seed yield were recorded with highest levels of FYM (20 tonnes ha−1), N (75 kg ha−1) and source having S. Seed yield was strongly associated with LAI and dry matter accumulation per plant at all the stages.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) and glycinebetaine (Glybet) biosynthesis in photoautotrophic rice seedlings. The role of Glybet on physiological and growth responses to salt stress in both salt‐tolerant and salt‐sensitive lines is to be investigated. The BADH activity in salt‐tolerant seedlings cultured under extreme salt stress (342 mm NaCl) progressively increased during the first few hours until it peaked after 72 h. This was about 2.5 times greater than in salt‐sensitive plants. Similarly, the amount of Glybet detected in salt‐tolerant lines was 1.3 times more than in salt‐sensitive lines at 96 h salt exposure. The BADH activities were positively related to Glybet accumulation in both salt‐tolerant and salt‐sensitive lines. The accumulation of Glybet in salt‐tolerant lines was directly correlated with pigment stabilization. Relative water content in the salt‐tolerant lines was closely related to water oxidation in photosystem II (PSII), defined by maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm). In addition, a high concentration of total chlorophyll is more efficient in capturing light energy, defined by photochemical quenching. The concentrations of chlorophyll a and total carotenoid were positively related to the quantum efficiency of PSII (ΦPSII) and non‐photochemical quenching, respectively, resulting in a high net‐photosynthetic rate (NPR) and the promotion of growth. The high level of Glybet in salt‐tolerant lines plays a role as a salt defensive response mechanism in terms of pigment stabilization and water oxidation in PSII, resulting in high NPR and growth efficiency.  相似文献   

Rice reportedly possesses a very low capacity to accumulate glycinebetaine (Glybet), but may be accumulated by the exogenous application of Glybet or Choline (Cho) as an alternative way to improve its salt‐tolerant ability. The aim of this research was to determine whether Glybet accumulation could be induced in Thai jasmine rice by the exogenous application of Glybet and Cho, and to determine the effects of Glybet and Cho treatment on various growth parameters of seedlings cultured under salt‐stress conditions. Thai jasmine rice seeds were aseptically germinated in vitro on solidified Murashige–Skoog media, supplied with either Glybet or Cho in the culture media for 12 days and then treated with 342 mm NaCl (salt stress) for 4 days. GlyBet content, water relation, photosynthetic capabilities and growth characteristics of salt‐stressed seedlings were measured. The addition of Glybet or Cho to plant culture media containing 342 mm NaCl resulted in increased accumulation of Glybet in rice seedlings. Increased Glybet accumulation was strongly associated with a high efficiency of water usage (r = 0.96), which in turn correlated with increased maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) (r = 0.86). Moreover, the pigment concentrations of seedlings cultured under salt stress were maintained by a function of Glybet, led to high efficiency of photochemical and non‐photochemical quenching of PSII as well as to exhibit on net photosynthetic rate. Thus, our results suggest that the addition of either Glybet or Cho to the plant growth media can improve growth performance under salt stress conditions by increasing the salt tolerance of Thai jasmine rice. The exogenous application of Glybet and/or Cho to culture media may be an effective method of improving resistance to salt stress via the promotion of Glybet accumulation with in rice seedlings.  相似文献   

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