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抗药性杂草种群的发展及其治理对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
抗药性杂草种群的发展及其治理对策马晓渊(江苏省农科院植保所南京210014)化学除草已成为现代化农业生产的一项重要措施。全球除草剂的施用面积、总用量及费用均已超过杀虫、杀菌剂的总和(Gressel1991)。但自80年代以来,全世界范围内抗药性杂草种...  相似文献   

杂草抗药性及其治理策略研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了杂草抗药性产生机理、杂草抗药性演化影响因素,并对其治理途径进行阐述,为杂草抗药性治理提供参考。除草剂抗药机制分为靶标抗性、非靶标抗性,其中靶标抗性包括除草剂作用位点改变、基因倍增及过量表达;非靶标抗性主要包括代谢解毒能力增强、屏蔽作用或与作用位点的隔离作用等。杂草抗药性演化受多种因素共同影响,不仅包括抗药性突变频率、除草剂选择压、杂草适合度及杂草种子库寿命四大因素,还与基因突变和遗传特征直接相关。在未来的杂草治理中,要经常进行田间杂草调查与鉴定,正确使用除草剂(交替使用、混用),并辅以合理的农艺管理措施来减缓杂草抗药性的演化速度。同时,应加强植物间化感作用的基础研究。  相似文献   

考察安徽、江西、湖南三省共计8个县(市、区)早稻田杂草的抗药性情况,对抗药性杂草的发生特点进行了初步总结,分析了稻田杂草抗药性迅速上升的原因,提出了相应的抗药性治理建议。  相似文献   

我国水稻田杂草抗药性研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
水稻是我国最主要的粮食作物之一,杂草的危害严重影响了水稻的产量与品质。化学防除仍然是治理水稻田杂草最有效的途径。目前我国水稻田稗属杂草、千金子、马唐、雨久花、野慈姑、异型莎草、耳叶水苋、眼子菜、节节菜、萤蔺等多种杂草对二氯喹啉酸、五氟磺草胺、氰氟草酯、噁唑酰草胺、苄嘧磺隆、吡嘧磺隆、双草醚、噁草酮、乙氧氟草醚等多种常用除草剂产生了抗药性。面对日趋严重的水稻田抗药性杂草的危害,对抗药性杂草进行深入系统的研究以达到科学防治的目的显得尤为重要。本文总结了我国水稻田抗药性杂草的抗药性水平、靶标酶抗药性机理、代谢酶抗药性机理和其他抗药性机理,归纳了抗药性杂草的交互抗性、多抗性发生情况以及抗药性治理现状,分析了我们在杂草抗药性研究与治理方面面临的问题。  相似文献   

抗药性杂草的管理   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
抗药性杂草的管理黄建中,褚建君,叶建强(南京农业大学杂草研究室210095)自Ryuan于1968年发现,1970年报道了均三氮苯类除草剂抗药性杂草以来,在世界范围内发现了多种抗药性杂草。LeBaron(1991,1992)报道全世界共有113种抗药...  相似文献   

氟乐灵抗药性杂草研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
氟乐灵抗药性杂草研究进展黄建中,孙丙耀,李扬汉(南京农业大学杂草研究室210095)Ran于1970年首次公开报道欧洲千里光(Seneciovulgaris)对三氮苯类除草剂西玛津和阿特拉津产生抗性以来,不断有杂草对除草剂产生抗性的报道。杂草抗药性问...  相似文献   

农田杂草抗药性的发生为害、原因与治理   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
抗药性是杂草防除最大难题之一。杂草抗药性演化速度由抗药性突变起始频度、除草剂选择压、杂草适合度及杂草种子库寿命四个因素控制。治理抗药性杂草必须进行综合治理:在农业防治基础上根据除草剂发生抗药性的风险大小,采取合理轮用、混用等措施可延缓、预防抗药性;抗性杂草发生后及早发现,控制抗性中心以防止其蔓延。  相似文献   

延边地区稻田抗药性杂草的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
延边地区及其周围稻田大量发生外来杂草狼巴草(BidenstripartitaL.)、大狼巴草(BidensfrondosaL.)和柳叶鬼针草(BidenscernuaL.)。长期连续使用农得时,稻田杂草雨久花(Monochoriakorsakowiikegelet Maack.)、野慈姑(SagittariatrifoliaL.)对磺酰脲类除草剂表现出很强的抗性,初步认为这些杂草为抗磺酰脲类除草剂的生态型。  相似文献   

几种抗药性杂草的检测方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
农田化学除草已成为全球性现代化农业生产的重要组成部分。除草剂的长期和大面积使用给农民带来巨大好处,但杂草抗药性问题逐渐突出。为解决抗性杂草,国际上专门成立了治理除草剂抗性的组织,如除草剂抗性治理委员会(HRAC)等。70年代末80年代初,我国除草剂应...  相似文献   

农田杂草抗药性研究方法简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近20年来,抗除草剂的杂草生物型迅速增加,而且蔓延很快,目前已经明确获得抗药性的杂草生物型已近100种,对某些国家和地区的农业生产已构成威胁。我国发展农田化学除草已有30多年历史,近年来在一些长期使用单一除草剂的农田,由于多次用药或  相似文献   

This review focuses on proactive and reactive management of glyphosate‐resistant (GR) weeds. Glyphosate resistance in weeds has evolved under recurrent glyphosate usage, with little or no diversity in weed management practices. The main herbicide strategy for proactively or reactively managing GR weeds is to supplement glyphosate with herbicides of alternative modes of action and with soil‐residual activity. These herbicides can be applied in sequences or mixtures. Proactive or reactive GR weed management can be aided by crop cultivars with alternative single or stacked herbicide‐resistance traits, which will become increasingly available to growers in the future. Many growers with GR weeds continue to use glyphosate because of its economical broad‐spectrum weed control. Government farm policies, pesticide regulatory policies and industry actions should encourage growers to adopt a more proactive approach to GR weed management by providing the best information and training on management practices, information on the benefits of proactive management and voluntary incentives, as appropriate. Results from recent surveys in the United States indicate that such a change in grower attitudes may be occurring because of enhanced awareness of the benefits of proactive management and the relative cost of the reactive management of GR weeds. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Although proactive or reactive herbicide‐resistant weed management (HRWM) practices have been recommended to growers in different agroecoregions globally, there is a need to identify and prioritise those having the most impact in mitigating or managing herbicide selection pressure in the northern Great Plains of North America. Our perspective on this issue is based on collaborative research, extension activities and dialogue with growers or farming experience (cereal, oilseed and pulse crop production) during the past 30 years. We list our top 10 HRWM practices, concluding with the number 1 practice which is the foundation of the other nine practices: crop diversity. Although our top 10 HRWM practices have broad applicability across agroecoregions, their ranking may vary widely. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

小麦是我国主要的粮食作物, 麦田草害的发生与危害严重影响小麦的产量与品质。我国小麦田的禾本科杂草主要包括日本看麦娘、看麦娘、菵草和多花黑麦草等, 田间杂草防除主要依靠化学除草剂。精噁唑禾草灵自20世纪80年代进入我国市场以来, 长期用于小麦田禾本科杂草防除, 已经报道麦田多种禾本科杂草对精噁唑禾草灵产生了高水平抗药性。为更加科学合理地控制小麦田杂草的发生与危害, 一些学者就麦田禾本科杂草对精噁唑禾草灵的抗药性水平监测和抗性机理进行了系统研究。本文系统总结了我国小麦田抗精噁唑禾草灵杂草的发生种群、抗性水平、靶标酶抗性机理与非靶标抗性机理, 还梳理了抗性杂草的交互抗性与多抗性发生情况, 分析了我国在抗性杂草治理方面的经验以及面临的问题, 为农田杂草防除提供指导。  相似文献   

近年我国农田杂草防控中的突出问题与治理对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李香菊 《植物保护》2018,44(5):77-84
我国田园杂草有1 400多种,严重危害的130余种,恶性杂草37种。我国杂草发生面积约9 246.7万hm2次,防治面积1.04亿hm2次,挽回粮食损失2 699万t,每年主粮作物仍有近300万t产量损失。杂草防控中的突出问题是:杂草群落演替,难治杂草种群增加;除草剂单一使用,杂草抗药性发展迅速;除草剂对作物药害频发,影响种植结构调整;新除草剂创制能力不足,难以满足不同作物田除草需求;农村劳动力短缺,杂草防控更依赖于化学防治。解决上述问题,应实施以下对策:加强杂草发生危害的监测预警,科学轮换使用除草剂,推广除草剂减量与替代技术,加快新除草剂研制及推广应用,加速耐除草剂作物商业化进程,推进统防统治及农民培训。  相似文献   

There is interest in more diverse weed management tactics because of evolved herbicide resistance in important weeds in many US and Canadian crop systems. While herbicide resistance in weeds is not new, the issue has become critical because of the adoption of simple, convenient and inexpensive crop systems based on genetically engineered glyphosate‐tolerant crop cultivars. Importantly, genetic engineering has not been a factor in rice and wheat, two globally important food crops. There are many tactics that help to mitigate herbicide resistance in weeds and should be widely adopted. Evolved herbicide resistance in key weeds has influenced a limited number of growers to include a more diverse suite of tactics to supplement existing herbicidal tactics. Most growers still emphasize herbicides, often to the exclusion of alternative tactics. Application of integrated pest management for weeds is better characterized as integrated weed management, and more typically integrated herbicide management. However, adoption of diverse weed management tactics is limited. Modifying herbicide use will not solve herbicide resistance in weeds, and the relief provided by different herbicide use practices is generally short‐lived at best. More diversity of tactics for weed management must be incorporated in crop systems. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

为明确几种除草剂对兰州百合田杂草的防除效果及其安全性, 采用土壤处理和茎叶喷雾处理的方法, 开展了5种土壤处理除草剂和13种茎叶喷雾处理除草剂在推荐剂量下防治百合田杂草的田间药效试验和对兰州百合的安全性评价。土壤处理试验结果表明:药后60 d, 5种除草剂对兰州百合田杂草具有较好的防除效果, 且对兰州百合安全。对阔叶杂草的株防效和鲜重防效分别达83.23%和89.15%以上, 对禾本科杂草的株防效和鲜重防效分别为87.28%和89.58%以上。其中, 50%异丙隆WP 1 350 g/hm2(有效成分用量, 下同)和240 g/L乙氧氟草醚EC 180 g/hm2的防效最好, 表现出很好的除草活性。茎叶喷雾试验结果表明:15%硝磺草酮OD 150 g/hm2、30%苯唑草酮SE 27 g/hm2、15%噻吩磺隆WP 33.75 g/hm2、56%2甲4氯钠SPX 840 g/hm2、24%氨氯吡啶酸AS 108 g/hm2、30%二氯吡啶酸AS 180 g/hm2和30%氨氯·二氯吡啶酸AS 150 g/hm2喷雾处理, 药后45 d, 这7种除草剂对兰州百合田阔叶杂草具较好的防除效果且对兰州百合安全, 株防效在77.99%~93.48%, 鲜重防效在81.62%~95.05%, 但对禾本科杂草基本无效。70%嗪草酮WP 735 g/hm2能有效防除兰州百合田杂草且对兰州百合安全性高, 对阔叶杂草的株防效和鲜重防效分别为96.95%和99.52%, 对禾本科杂草的株防效和鲜重防效分别为91.81%和95.21%。研究结果可为兰州百合田除草剂的合理选择和应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Goosegrass (Eleusine indica), regarded as one of the world's worst weeds, is highly pernicious to cash crop‐growers in Malaysia. Following reports in 2009 that glufosinate‐ammonium failed to adequately control goosegrass populations in Kesang, Malacca, and Jerantut, Pahang, Malaysia, on‐site field trials were conducted to assess the efficacy of glufosinate‐ammonium towards goosegrass in both places. Preliminary screenings with glufosinate‐ammonium at the recommended rate of 495 g ai ha?1 provided 82% control of the weed at a vegetable farm in Kesang, while the same rate failed to control goosegrass at an oil palm nursery in Jerantut. The ensuing greenhouse evaluations indicated that the “Kesang” biotype exhibited twofold resistance, while the “Jerantut” biotype exhibited eightfold resistance towards glufosinate‐ammonium, compared to susceptible goosegrass populations. The occurrence of glufosinate resistance in goosegrass calls for more integrated management of the weed to prevent escalating resistance and further proliferation of the weed in Malaysia.  相似文献   

Current status of biological control of paddy weeds in Vietnam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rice is a staple food in Vietnam and accounts for > 7.7 × 106 cultivated ha, which provide 35.5 × 106 t of rice, of which 4.2 × 106 t were exported in 2004. The enlargement of the cropping area and the enhancement of rice yield have rapidly increased the amount of agrochemicals, including herbicides, in crop production in Vietnam. From 1990–2003, the percentage of herbicides in total pesticides has increased ≈ 10-fold to 30.2%. In addition, the improper use of herbicides caused environmental hazards, unsafe agricultural products, and human health problems. Biological management integrated with traditional weed control techniques might help to reduce the dependence on synthetic herbicides and build eco-friendly, sustainable agricultural production in Vietnam. This paper reviews the efforts in establishing a strategy for biological management of weeds that was conducted in recent years by Vietnamese weed scientists. This has included cropping system management, water and soil management, integrated pest management, and utilization of plant allelopathy as major components of the strategy. Many plants with strong allelopathic potential can be a source for biological weed suppression and soil fertility improvement. The utilization of allelopathic properties in rice might also help to provide new rice cultivars with weed-suppressing characteristics.  相似文献   

在除草剂使用中存在苗前用量偏低或低 ,整地质量差 ,施药过晚 ,土壤干旱 ;苗后施药期天气干旱 ,高温或喷液量过大 ,施药时期偏晚 ,混用不当 ;喷洒器械及喷洒技术落后等影响了药效 ,苗前除草剂应根据土壤有机质及质地确定用药量。采用混土施药法适期施药 ,苗后应因杂草叶龄确定施药时期。混用除草剂选择比例 ,干旱条件下施药时药液中加植物油喷雾助剂 ,选择合适的喷洒器械 ,使用前应进行调整  相似文献   

Herbicide research and development: challenges and opportunities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The high adoption of chemical weed control and the broad range of solutions already available to manage most weed problems are significant hurdles to the development and launch of new herbicides. Business potentials are influenced by the high technical and biological standards provided by existing herbicides, as well as the intense competition in the marketplace. Other factors adding complexity are agronomic, structural and technological changes, including the introduction of herbicide‐tolerant crops, and the high costs of development for new active ingredients, mainly due to increasing regulatory requirements. In the light of increasing weed resistance to widely used herbicides, securing diversity in agronomy as well as weed management is a key to efficient crop production in future. In order to support this objective, new herbicides, preferably with new modes‐of‐action, will need to be discovered and developed.  相似文献   

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