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介绍了农业气象观测记录报表资料管理系统的总体设计思路和主要功能。系统具有资料录入、错情检查、资料查询、机制报表、数据入库等功能,可以满足气象台站对农气观测记录报表的信息化工作需要。同时对该系统的进一步设计开发进行了深入思考。  相似文献   

安徽省新一代酸雨资料采集处理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于安徽省气象局建立的国家级和省级酸雨观测站资料,利用BCB语言编制基于WINDWOS平台的酸雨信息采集处理和分发系统,包括数据采集、规范格式资料传输、酸雨报表制作及其它辅助功能,实现对酸雨数据的自动采集和处理,为安徽省气象特种观测系统提供基础数据。  相似文献   

小麦播种受干旱,雨涝的限制限大。本文统计了1981-1990年农气观测,大田生产和田间试验资料,提出小麦播种量的温水调控模式:M=L.K.W/(N.P),经验证效果良好,能够一定程度减轻旱涝灾害的影响,已在生产中广应用。  相似文献   

农业环境信息网终端计算机软件简介周万青(中科院空间中心,北京100087)在农业环境信息网中,可以通过计算机进行的工作主要有:文档、报表打印,数据统计、管理,程序设计、信息交换、音像制作等几部分。下面就结合这几部分对与其相关的部分软件作一简要介绍。1...  相似文献   

根据某林业局1997年和2007年两期地理信息系统属性数据库及报表资源,局级固定样地的复查数据,将全局森林生长量(率)整体统计分析,得出森林资源的林分生长量(率)的变化的结论。  相似文献   

风云卫星微波遥感土壤湿度产品在农业应用中,尤其是在作物监测和干旱预警中发挥着重要作用,对其产品可靠性的评估至关重要。本研究以中国气象局的自动土壤水分观测站土壤湿度数据为参考,系统分析了山东地区2018年FY-3B和FY-3C卫星反演2级土壤湿度产品的质量及其时空分布,并与SMAP和SMOS卫星反演3级土壤湿度产品进行对比。使用EASE-Grid投影方法的转换方程进行空间匹配,将卫星的格点转换成经纬度后,自动站对应的卫星观测结果由其周围4个观测格点结果加权平均得到。对自动站数据去除异常值后,将卫星过境时刻数据与自动站小时数据进行时间匹配。结果表明,在山东地区FY-3B、FY-3C和SMAP与自动站观测数据时间一致性较好,均方根误差(RMSE)约0.09m3·m−3,相关系数(R)大于0.3。SMAP无偏均方根误差(ubRMSE)可以达到0.05m3·m−3,说明其去除系统误差之后有较高的应用价值,而SMOS在山东地区的适用性不如SMAP。同时,FY-3B、FY-3C和自动站的相关性和误差有明显的季节变化,FY-3B和FY-3C往往高估5、8和9月的土壤湿度,与冬小麦和夏季玉米的成熟期对应,而在其余时间会低估,这可能是因为风云卫星使用的X波段探测深度较浅,其结果受表层植被的影响较大;而SMAP和SMOS使用的L波段探测较深,其结果受表层植被影响较小。该发现说明,未来风云卫星土壤湿度的反演算法可以通过优化植被的影响来获得更精确的反演结果。  相似文献   

传统TCP/IP 协议的FTP 文件传输方式和服务产品一次性制作、统一分发的服务方式已无法满足现有服务针对性、多样性、高时效性的要求。为减少冗余农用天气预报服务产品的产生,提高运算效率及服务针对性,本研究以宁夏酿酒葡萄为例,采用移动互联网与云计算技术,研发了基于用户地理位置及关注农事活动的宁夏农用天气预报云服务平台,实现了在线实时制作并发布服务产品。平台主要由资料加工软件、产品云制作软件、农气服务APP三部分组成。通过将气象业务网内的基础数据及必要的中间数据上传至云服务器数据库,利用资料获取、指标比较、预报制作等子程序,通过已建立云服务网站API接口方式,获取相关农用天气预报。其次,还可利用开发的APP获取具有很强专业性、时效性和针对性的、基于用户地理位置的农用天气预报产品。平台有力提升了宁夏农用天气预报业务的客观化、自动化水平及业务产品质量,可为国内农用天气预报技术向专业化和精细化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

简单分析了地面气象自动观测定时数据缺测问题出现的原因,阐述了地面气象自动观测定时数据缺测的处理方法,针对地面气象自动观测定时数据质量控制水平的提高展开了深入的研究分析,希望可以有效解决数据缺测问题,降低数据缺测发生率,提供准确、完整的气象观测数据。  相似文献   

集成化的省级农情遥感监测系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在“中国农情遥感速报系统(CropWatch-China)”的基础上,中国科学院遥感应用研究所开发了集成化的中国省级农情遥感监测系统(CropWatch-Province)。系统以遥感为主要数据源,在县、主产区和省3个尺度上进行农情信息的监测,包括作物长势、单产、种植面积、复种指数监测及作物估产、农气分析等,对系统的技术方法、结构、功能及其主要特点进行了详细论述。2010年系统通过“信息处理产品标准符合性检测中心”的检测,系统具有集成化程度高、灵活性强和应用新数据等特点。系统可以根据不同区域的特点进行灵活定制,通过集成化开发可以独立完成从数据预处理、科学计算、信息提取到结果输出的全部任务,并将包括HJ-1在内的一系列新数据应用于农情信息的获取。  相似文献   

应用网络脚本语言PHP结合MySQL数据库设计了网络病虫模式报表自动采集系统,通过网络应用程序将基层站点的原始调查数据自动归纳整理成模式报表,并保存到网络数据库中,节约了用户的时间和精力,加快了病虫信息的发布速度。  相似文献   

无线传感网获取的农田数据管理系统集成与实例分析   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
无线传感网络日益成为大范围农田信息采集的重要手段,如何科学管理无线传感网自动获取的大量农田数据成为重要的研究问题。该研究利用Oracle10g工具构建了农田观测数据库,并基于Microsoft Visual Studio.net、ESRI ArcGIS Engine9.3和ERDAS9.2软件集成开发了农田观测数据管理系统,实现了与无线传感器网络数据自动获取平台之间的无缝对接及数据高效管理。该数据管理系统包括数据自动入库、数据编辑管理、数据浏览统计分析、空间化数据产品生产应用等4个功能模块。数据自动入库模块主要完成无线传感网获取的农田原始数据到数据库初级产品的管理,包括自动接收控制、数据校正与纠错、观测器异常报警等基本功能;数据库编辑管理模块负责已入库数据的元数据生成与维护,真实数据检索、显示与分析等任务;空间化数据产品生产应用模块主要实现观测数据的空间扩展、时空耦合模拟,以及农情监测业务应用等需求,包括空间插值和时间维模拟等。该系统在河南省鹤壁市进行了实测应用,已经稳定运行1年,结果表明:系统能实现农田参数的自动入库、相关处理、分析和管理,具有良好的稳定性、安全性、完善的功能性和便捷的人机接口等特点。  相似文献   

作物气候生产潜力估算中的地形因子订正方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用皖西大别山区岳西县的常年和临时测站资料,并参考文献[2]给出的获取不同高度水平地表面上用于计算作物气候生产潜力的光温水三要素的订正方法,建立了适用于大别山区不同高度水平地表面和不同坡向坡度上的作物生产潜力计算仪式。  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to assess the effect of environmental, management, and stress factors on nitrogen uptake patterns through the crops’ growth cycle and to associate temporal patterns of N uptake with biomass and grain yields. Existing complete experimental data, provided by several institutional databases and through an extensive literature review, were utilized together with crop simulation models (CSMs) to synthesize yield and N uptake profiles of the key staple cereal crops in selected agro-ecologies. Approximately 465 observations were identified for combined maize grain yield and plant N uptake: 156 for rice and 254 for wheat. The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT), which comprises CSMs and data that integrate capabilities on soils, daily weather, crops, and management, was used in combination with field information to first validate the CERES-maize, -rice, and -wheat models. The most noteworthy results from synthesis of the data set for the three key cereals were as follows: (a) N uptake continued to increase with time until physiological maturity with adequate N supply; (b) significant effect of soil N status on N uptake kinetics was observed at zero N; (c) N uptake profile was also influenced by the planting date, with the summer planting showing higher uptake than other planting dates; (d) field methods of N application influenced N uptake kinetics: a one-time injected or subsurface-applied urea continued to provide an adequate amount of N throughout the crop growth phase that was comparable or even higher than with broadcasting multiple splits; (e) N uptake was also dependent on crop cultivars, including stages of vegetative and reproductive phases, with shorter vegetative and longer reproductive phases showing continuous N uptake and lesser dependence on N remobilization; and (f) predictions suggested that modest changes in ambient temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations would not significantly alter the N uptake kinetics, with the uptake rate expected to increase under future climate change scenarios. The combined data suggest that no one N uptake kinetic pattern fits all crops under all environments and management practices.  相似文献   

研究了国家农作物资源数据结构组织模式的架构,设计了国家作物科学数据管理远程控制平台,构建了国家农作物品种资源数据管理工具,包括农作物资源信息规范视图处理器、数据结构生成器、数据视图生成器,从而提升远程数据管理和存储管理能力,实现国家作物科学数据的安全性和完整性,达到可持续发展的运行目标。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction between yield levels of nonleguminous crops and soil organic matter (SOM) under the specific conditions of organic and conventional farming, respectively, and to identify implications for SOM management in arable farming considering the farming system (organic vs. conventional). For that purpose, correlations between yield levels of nonlegume crops and actual SOM level (Corg, Nt, Chwe, Nhwe) as well as SOM‐level development were examined including primary data from selected treatments of seven long‐term field experiments in Germany and Switzerland. Yield levels of nonlegume crops were positively correlated with SOM levels, but the correlation was significant only under conditions of organic farming, and not with conventional farming treatments. While absolute SOM levels had a positive impact on yield levels of nonlegumes, the yield levels of nonlegumes and SOM‐level development over time correlated negatively. Due to an increased demand of N from SOM mineralization, higher yield levels of nonlegumes obviously indicate an increased demand for OM supply to maintain SOM levels. Since this observation is highly significant for farming without mineral‐N fertilization but not for farming with such fertilization, we conclude that the demand of SOM‐level maintenance or enhancement and thus adequate SOM management is highly relevant for crop production in organic farming both from an agronomical and ecological point of view. Under conventional management, the agronomic relevance of SOM with regard to nutrient supply is much lower than under organic management. However, it has to be considered that we excluded other possible benefits of SOM in our survey that may be highly relevant for conventional farming as well.  相似文献   

Abstract. A model was developed to predict evapotranspiration and soil moisture changes, which could be used either for scheduling irrigation or crop water-use studies. The general form of the model is reported here, and its validation for sugarbeet and potatoes is described in a subsequent paper. The soil characteristics required are depth of topsoil, texture or available water capacity of topsoil and subsoil, and whether a significant slope exists. The plant characteristics required are species and planting date. Meteorological data used to calculate potential evapotranspiration are obtained from the Meteorological Office synoptic network, but local rainfall data are preferred.
The model estimates potential evapotranspiration of a reference crop, and uses this to model canopy and root development for all crops at each location. Available options allow for observed data on canopy or root development to be incorporated into the simulations. Estimates of potential evapotranspiration for each crop are then adjusted to allow for the effects of water stress, taking soil characteristics, root depth and evapotranspiration demand into account.
The model enables growers to reduce the risks of under- or over-watering their crops and has proved successful in irrigation management.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of observing school meals on children's dietary reports. SUBJECTS AND SETTING: One hundred and twenty children randomly selected, but with half girls, from usual school-meal eaters among 312 volunteers (from all 443 fourth-grade children in six schools in one district). DESIGN: Children were assigned randomly to one of 12 conditions yielded by crossing observation status (observed; not observed), target period (previous day; prior 24 hours), and interview time (morning; afternoon; evening). RESULTS: Response variables included interview length, number of meals and snacks reported for the target period, and, for two school meals, number of meal components reported, importance-weighted number of items reported and kilocalories reported. These variables were transformed to principal components; two were retained (1, the school meal variables; 2, interview length and number of meals and snacks). Analyses of variance on principal component scores tested effects of observation status, target period, interview time and all interactions. Observation status did not affect scores on either retained principal component. Scores on Component 2 showed that more intake was reported in prior-24-hours interviews than in previous-day interviews. CONCLUSIONS: The effect of target period on reported intake indicates that the response variables were sufficiently reliable to detect manipulations. This, together with the finding that response variables did not depend on observation status, suggests that observation of school meals does not affect fourth-grade children's dietary reports, and that conclusions about dietary reports by fourth-grade children observed eating school meals in validation studies may be generalised to dietary reports by comparable children not observed.  相似文献   

Pest management has changed dramatically during the past 15 years by the introduction of transgenes into crops for the purpose of pest management. Transgenes for herbicide resistance or for production of one or more Bt toxins are the predominant pest management traits currently available. These two traits have been rapidly adopted where available because of their superior efficacy and simplification of pest management for the farmer. Furthermore, they have substantially reduced the use of environmentally and toxicologically suspect pesticides while reducing the carbon footprint of pest management as reduced tillage became more common, along with fewer trips across the field to spray pesticides. The most successful of these products have been glyphosate-resistant crops, which cover approximately 85% of all land occupied by transgenic crops. Over-reliance on glyphosate with continual use of these crops has resulted in the evolution of highly problematic glyphosate-resistant weeds. This situation has resulted in some farmers using weed management methods similar to those used with conventional crops. Evolution of resistance has not been a significant problem with Bt crops, perhaps because of a mandated resistance management strategy. Transgenic crops with multiple genes for resistance to different herbicides and resistance to additional insects will be available in the next few years. These products will offer opportunities for the kind of pest management diversity that is more sustainable than that provided by the first generation of transgenic crops.  相似文献   

利用位于北京的称重式蒸渗仪,对喷灌条件下的冬小麦和糯玉米需水规律进行了测定,进而计算了两种作物的作物系数。结果表明,冬小麦和糯玉米的作物系数与播种后天数之间的关系均可以用四次多项式来表征。根据FAO-56推荐的作物系数计算方法,计算了两种作物的分段单值作物系数和双作物系数,发现华北平原喷灌条件下冬小麦和糯玉米的作物系数在生育期内的变化可以用FAO-56推荐的模式来描述,但实测值一般大于FAO-56的建议值。为了能利用FAO-56推荐的模式较好地描述喷灌作物系数变化规律,依据实测资料对FAO-56建议的单值作物系数和基础作物系数进行调整后,模拟了两种作物需水量的变化,模拟的作物阶段需水量与实测值吻合良好。  相似文献   

Abstract. The field experiment tested the effects of three management systems on nitrate leaching losses from a five crop rotation on the Lincolnshire Limestone in Eastern England. The Standard system was similar to farming practice in the area. The Protective system integrated individual practices which were expected to decrease nitrate losses (e.g. cover crops, cultivation delay in autumn and reduced intensity, manipulation of drilling dates and, during the first few years of the first rotation, straw incorporation). The Intermediate system was a compromise between the two extremes. All crops were grown at full and half recommended nitrogen rates. This paper reports data from the second full rotation (years 6–10), thus enabling the medium-term effects of continued management practices to be investigated. Average annual nitrogen leaching losses at 49, 35 and 25 kg N ha–1 for Standard, Intermediate and Protective systems, respectively, were significantly different. The respective flow-weighted average NO3 concentrations were 167, 131 and 96 mg l–1. Thus, adopting nitrate retentive practices through the rotation was able to substantially decrease losses. The Protective system was as effective as in the first full rotation, demonstrating that 10 years of such practices had not failed in the medium-term. However, continued minimal cultivation caused serious problems of weed build-up. The cost of weed control and yield loss caused by grass weeds made cereal production uneconomic in some years. Thus, rules for nitrate leaching control need to be tempered with practical and agronomic considerations. Also, few (if any) management techniques tested guaranteed that nitrate losses would be small in all years, as the interaction with winter weather, particularly rainfall, was of vital importance.  相似文献   

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