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研究了马杜拉放线菌的保藏方法,揭示了不同保藏方法和同一保藏方法的不同传代次数对其生物代谢的影响,认为菌丝冷冻保藏更有利于其生物性状的稳定,而斜面保藏则加速菌种退化。  相似文献   

Four, rumen fistulated swamp buffalo bulls were used to study microbial populations in the rumen when supplemented with coconut oil and mangosteen peel. Animals were randomly assigned to a 4 × 4 Latin square design. Four treatments were un‐supplemented (Control), supplementation with coconut oil at 50 g/kg (CO5), supplementation with mangosteen peel at 30 g/kg (MP3) and supplementation with CO5 and MP3 (COM), of total DM intake. Animals received concentrate at 10 g/kg of BW, and rice straw was given ad libitum. Abundance of total bacteria was increased by CO5 supplementation, whereas populations of protozoa and Fibrobacter succinogenes were reduced by CO5 and COM supplementation. Dietary supplementation did not affect methanogen, Ruminococcus flavefaciens or Ruminococcus albus abundances. Dietary treatments changed denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) band patterns of methanogens and protozoa when compared with the control group, especially when supplemented with MP3. Supplementation of COM resulted in the greatest difference in pattern of DGGE bands for total bacteria compared with the control. Coconut oil and mangosteen peel supplementation resulted in changing of rumen microbial abundances and communities; however, combination of them could be more benefit to improve rumen fermentation of swamp buffalo fed on rice straw.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):269-276
A new species of hyperoliid frog, Heterixalus carbonei n.sp., is described from the Antsingy forest inwestern Madagascar. It is characterized by an advertisement call consisting of long and regular note series. The only other Heterixalus with a similar call structure, H. betsileo from higher altitudes in eastern Madagascar, has distinctly shorter notes. After recent discoveries of the occurrence of H. luteostriatus and H. tricolor in western Madagascar, the new species brings the number of Heterixalus known from western Madagascar to three.  相似文献   

Pregnancy‐associated glycoproteins (PAG) constitute a large family of glycoproteins found in the outer placental epithelial cell layer of the placenta in Eutherian species. In ruminants, they are noted to be structurally closely related among the different species. This study was designed to determine PAG concentrations in maternal and fetal plasma, allantoic and amniotic fluids in buffalo species. Antisera (AS) generated in rabbits against distinct PAG molecules were used in three radioimmunoassay (RIA)‐PAG systems: RIA‐1 (antiserum raised against bovine PAG67kDa; AS#497), RIA‐2 (antiserum raised against caprine PAG55 + 62 kDa; AS#706) or RIA‐3 (antiserum raised against buffalo PAG; AS#859). Samples were collected at a slaughterhouse (n = 67). PAG concentrations determined by RIA‐2 gave significantly higher results in both allantoic and amniotic fluids (12.7 ± 2.1 ng/mL and 24.0 ± 7.3 ng/mL, respectively). Regarding maternal and fetal plasma, PAG concentrations obtained by RIA‐2 (21.8 ± 2.4 ng/mL and 20.2 ± 2.5 ng/mL, respectively) and RIA‐3 (25.0 ± 2.2 ng/mL and 21.9 ± 3.2 ng/mL, respectively) were higher than those obtained by RIA‐1 (15.5 ± 1.4 ng/mL and 16.1 ± 1.8 ng/mL, respectively). The correlation among the three systems was very high. The study clearly reveals the ability of different PAG‐RIA systems to measure PAG concentration in swamp buffalo samples.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对黄土高原塬区作物轮作系统磷动态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在黄土高原塬区,对保护性耕作下小麦-大豆轮作系统的土壤全磷(total phosphorus)、速效磷(available phosphorus)和作物吸磷量进行了动态观测。保护性耕作处理为传统耕作+秸秆覆盖(ts),免耕(nt),免耕+秸秆覆盖(nts),以传统耕作(t)为对照,结果表明,实施保护性耕作10年对轮作系统冬小麦产量没有显著影响,夏播大豆产量对秸秆覆盖有积极响应;免耕处理提高了土壤全磷和速效磷含量,使土壤磷在0~5 cm层次表聚化,土壤磷含量随着保护性耕作时间的延长呈增加趋势, nts和ts 处理下大豆籽粒吸磷量比对照显著提高111%和82%,秸秆覆盖提高了作物对磷的吸收;小麦-大豆轮作有助于提高土壤速效磷含量。结果揭示了黄土高原雨养农业区保护性耕作对土壤-作物系统磷动态的影响,为该系统的磷管理提供了一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

China lies at the heart of the global center of freshwater crab diversity in tropical Asia, where the 2 most diverse families occur: Potamidae (505 species, 95 genera) and Gecarcinucidae (344 species, 59 genera). China stands out as the country with the highest species richness of freshwater crabs globally. Its fauna comprises 243 species in 37 genera and in 2 families, and species discovery is still progressing at a rapid pace. The vast majority of the species are distributed in southwest, south central and eastern China in the Oriental zoogeographical region. China also stands out as having a highly endemic freshwater crab fauna at the species level (96%) and at the genus level (78%). Although the recent International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list conservation assessment found only 6 out of 228 species (2%) to be threatened (5 potamids and 1 gecarcinucid), the majority (more than 75%) of Chinese species are regarded as data deficient, so the number of threatened species is likely to be a serious underestimate. Threats from increasing habitat destruction and pollution are a major concern due to the rapidly growing economy and massive developments taking place in China. There is therefore an urgent need for increased species exploration and for the development of a conservation strategy for China's threatened (and potentially threatened) endemic freshwater crab species.  相似文献   

Biosphere reserves are protected areas whose purpose is to combine conservation and sustainable development. However, their effectiveness has not been tested sufficiently, especially from an ecological and genetic approach. In this sense, the Peromyscus genus represents an excellent bioindicator to address these questions, due to its short life and high evolutionary rate and fecundity. For conservation managers, genetic structure can increase the rate of loss of genetic diversity because alleles exclusive of a subpopulation are more likely to disappear as a consequence of genetic drift in comparison with a panmictic population. Here we analyzed the abundance, movement distances, morphology/morphometry and genetic structure of 3 populations of Mexican deer mouse (Peromyscus mexicanus) located in different protected zones of La Tigra National Park (Honduras). Our results are consistent among the 3 approaches and showed the highest values of abundance, morphometry and genetic diversity in the population located at the core zone, whereas non‐statistically significant differences were found between buffer and transition zone populations, suggesting suitable effectiveness of conservation management in the core zone but a lack of ecological buffering function of the other zones. In addition, the low movement distances and high genetic structure among the studied populations provide evidence of poor conservation management in the buffer and transition zone. Thus, we discuss the utility of the novel methodology used in this work, combining morphometry, abundance and genetics, in testing the effectiveness of conservation strategies in biosphere reserves, and the value of the Peromyscus genus as a bioindicator.  相似文献   

 分别设计位于CSN3 5个外显子旁侧引物,采用DNA测序法对沼泽型和河流型水牛CSN3编码区结构进行了分析,并对10个水牛群体共106个样本CSN3第4外显子序列进行了变异检测。结果表明,两类水牛CSN3编码区由848个核苷酸组成,包括ORF序列573 bp、5′-UTR序列69 bp和3′-UTR序列206 bp。在水牛CSN3第4外显子中共检测到4个SNP,其中c.445G>A,c.467C>T和c.516A>C为异义替换,导致相应的κ-CN成熟肽中氨基酸发生p.Val128Ile、p.Thr135Ile和p.Glu151Asp改变,c.467C>T和c.516A>C替换可能对κ-CN功能产生了影响。群体遗传分析表明,在河流型水牛中,等位基因c.445G、c.467C、c.471C和c.516A均为优势等位基因,而在沼泽型水牛中,仅c.445G、c.467C和c.471C为优势等位基因,河流型和沼泽型水牛的遗传差异主要体现在SNP516位点的群体遗传组成上。  相似文献   

The present study investigated 15 dead cases of captive wild goslings (Anser anser), which were bred in a small poultry farm in Shandong Province, China. The examined cases presented diverse clinical signs accompanied with neurological manifestations and fatal outcomes. Bacterial culture identified the gram‐negative Neisseria sp. from the brain homogenate of most examined cases (10/15, 66.7%). The isolated bacteria were identified based on morphologic characteristics, biochemical tests and 16S rDNA typing. Results proved that 1 identical bacterial strain (BNO09‐3) was isolated from the positive cases. The phylogeny based on the 16S rDNA gene sequences indicated that this isolate has a close relationship with various strains of genus Neisseria sp. isolated from liver and feces of duck. This is the first report of Neisseria sp. causing fatality in captive wild geese in China.  相似文献   

Objective To obtain a better understanding of a disease affecting dogs in which nodular mycobacterial granulomas are present in the subcutis or skin. Design Retrospective survey Procedure A diagnosis of an unidentified mycobacterial infection was made in 45 dogs following detection of acid-fast bacilli surrounded by granulomatous or pyogranulomatous inflammation in tissue sections. Eight cases were identified from the records of our diagnostic laboratory. In all cases culture for mycobacteria was unsuccessful. Another 37 cases were identified by practitioners and veterinary pathologists in response to a survey mailed to veterinary clinics throughout Australia. Data from these 45 cases were entered into a data base. The data set was incomplete, as some respondents did not answer all questions. Results Over 90% of affected dogs had short coats and about half were Boxers or Boxer-cross dogs. A weak seasonal trend for the development of primary lesions in autumn and winter was identified. Cases were recorded from New South Wales (35 dogs), Western Australia (4), Queensland (4), Tasmania (1) and New Zealand (1). The subcutis and skin of the ears and head (including the ears) were involved in 64% and 85% of cases, respectively, for which lesion site was recorded. Culture was attempted but was unsuccessful in 19 cases, including 11 cases where material was submitted to our laboratory and/or a Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory. Lymph node enlargement, internal organ involvement or constitutional signs were not a feature of the syndrome, and most lesions did not worry the dogs. Although many practitioners recorded a favourable response to therapy with doxycycline (response rate 57%) or amoxycillin-clavulanate (63%), spontaneous resolution of infection was thought to have occurred in six of seven dogs (86%) not given systemic antimicrobials, and three dogs where antimicrobials had failed previously. A minority of cases failed to respond to antimicrobial therapy and continued to have chronic lesions. There was no discernible trend for dogs of a particular age or sex to be affected. Conclusion This syndrome is caused by saprophytic mycobacteria of limited pathogenicity that give rise to lesions restricted principally but not exclusively to the subcutis and skin of body extremities. Fastidious growth requirements have prevented their isolation on synthetic media used for culture of mycobacteria. Organisms presumably enter the subcutis following a breach in integrity of the epidermal barrier and produce self-limiting disease in immunocompetent dogs. Lesions tend to resolve spontaneously. The possibility of a public health threat from affected dogs is highly unlikely.  相似文献   

Redonda is a small volcanic Caribbean island that is home to at least 4 endemic lizard species, including the Critically Endangered ground lizard (Pholidoscelis atratus). Black rats (Rattus rattus) and domestic goats (Capra hircus) were introduced to the island at some time after its discovery by Europeans in the late 1500s. They had a devastating effect on the island, resulting in the loss of nearly all trees and most of the ground vegetation. Point count surveys of P. atratus in 2012 indicated low densities, and the invasive rats were observed hunting and preying on the lizards. Both populations of rats and goats were successfully removed in 2017 as part of an ecological restoration program, and native vegetation and invertebrate populations have increased rapidly since. Population surveys in 2017, 2018, and 2019 show the lizard population has increased by more than sixfold. In 2017, as rats and goats were being removed, we evaluated the morphology and escape behavior of this species and repeated these measurements 1 year later. We observed that P. atratus had become bolder, with a reduced flight distance. We also detected changes in limb morphology related to locomotion and suggest possible explanations that will need to be further investigated in the future. These results show how the removal of invasive species can rapidly affect lizard population recovery and behavior, potentially restoring island ecosystems to their pre-human interference dynamics.  相似文献   

The fossil history of turtle and whale barnacles (Coronuloidea: Chelonibiidae, Platylepadidae, Coronulidae and †Emersoniidae) is fragmentary and has only been investigated in part. Morphological inferences and molecular phylogenetic analyses on extant specimens suggest that the roots of whale barnacles (Coronulidae) are to be found among the chelonibiid turtle barnacles, but the hard-part modifications that enabled early coronuloids to attach to the cetacean skin are still largely to be perceived. Here, we reappraise a fossil chelonibiid specimen from the Miocene of insular Tanzania that was previously referred to the living species Chelonibia caretta. This largely forgotten specimen is here described as the holotype of the new species †Chelonibia zanzibarensis. While similar to C. caretta, †C. zanzibarensis exhibits obvious external longitudinal parietal canals occurring in-between external longitudinal parietal septa that abut outwards to form T-shaped flanges, a character so far regarded as proper of the seemingly more derived Coronulidae and Platylepadidae. Along with these features, the presence of a substrate imprint on the shell exterior indicates that †C. zanzibarensis grasped its host's integument in much the same way as coronulids and platylepadids, albeit without the development of macroscopic parietal buttresses and bolsters. Thin section analyses of the inner parietal architecture of some extant and extinct coronuloids conclusively demonstrate that vestiges of comparable external parietal microstructures are present in some living members of Chelonibiidae. This observation strengthens the unity of Coronuloidea while significantly contributing to our understanding of the evolution of the coronuloid shell structure in adapting to a diverse spectrum of hosts.  相似文献   

Data on the geographic distribution of swine herds tested for pseudorabies virus (PRV) in the state of Illinois (USA) were analyzed to determine whether the prevalence of PRV-infected herds was clustered geographically at the county level. Second-order analysis of spatial dependence indicated there was a spatial clustering of counties of high PRV prevalence rates and that this clustering was greater than the observed clustering of counties with a large number of swine herds. The clustering of county PRV prevalence rates was most apparent within a radius of 120 km (on the average, approximately two couties away). The association of county PRV prevalence rates with average herd size, geographic density of swine herds in the country and regional (within 120 km) density of PRV-infected herds was analyzed using multiple linear regression. The primary factor affecting county PRV prevalence rates was the regional PRV density, which interacted with the other model variables. For counties with a low regional density of PRV infection, county PRV prevalence rates charged little with a change in county herd density or average herd size. In contrast, for counties with a high regional density of PRV infection, PRV prevalence within a county increased with increasing average herd size and increasing geographic density of swine herds in the county. The results of the current and previous studies implicate an important role for the geographic proximity of infected herds in the spread of PRV among swine herds.  相似文献   

The program for eradication of pseudorabies virus (PrV) from swine herds in Illinois was evaluated with respect to compliance with Livestock Conservation Institute (LCI) guidelines for selection of intervention strategies and for the effectiveness of these interventions under different herd conditions. The sample consisted of 395 swine operations quarantined between 1988 and 1994. These herds were followed until the end of 1996. The association of herd characteristics (number of sows, sow PrV seroprevalence, type of housing, number of PrV-seropositive farms within 1.5 mi) at the time of quarantine with the producer's selection of an initial intervention strategy (vaccination, offspring segregation, test-and-removal, depopulation-and-repopulation) was analyzed using logistic multiple regression. The interaction of herd characteristics with intervention strategies to affect the duration of quarantine was analyzed using multivariable Cox regression.

Factors favoring selection of vaccination were increased herd size, higher sow PrV seroprevalence, and more PrV-seropositive farms within 1.5 mi. Offspring segregation was preferred when sow PrV seroprevalence was higher, and test-and-removal was preferred when seroprevalence was lower. Depopulation-and-repopulation was more likely in outdoor operations. Except for depopulation-and-repopulation, selection of an intervention strategy was in accordance with LCI guidelines.

Vaccination and offspring segregation were associated with longer times under quarantine, and test-and-removal and depopulation-and-repopulation with shorter times. Test-and-removal was more effective in reducing the duration of quarantine when sow PrV seroprevalence was low. Vaccination increased the duration of quarantine less when sow PrV seroprevalence was high. Vaccination increased the duration of quarantine more when there were one or more PrV-seropositive farms within 1.5 mi than when there were no PrV-seropositive farms within 1.5 mi. It is apparent that herd characteristics affect the duration of quarantine and therefore need to be taken into account in the selection of a PrV-intervention strategy.  相似文献   

Tacrolimus ointment (TAC) is an effective treatment for atopic dermatitis in humans and dogs. The purposes of the present study were to evaluate the effect of 4 weeks of TAC on intradermal skin testing (IST), and in case of suppression, to investigate if reactivity returned to baseline by 2 or 4 weeks post treatment. Intradermal skin test was performed using saline, histamine, lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 0.4 mg mL(-1)), house dust (25 PNU mL(-1)) and house dust mite (1 : 40 000 w/v) at weeks 0, 4, 6 and 8 on nine dogs enrolled in a blinded, crossover, clinical trial, using 0.1% TAC or placebo once daily for 4 weeks. Reactions were evaluated at 15 min, and at 4 and 6 h. Ointment was applied after the 15-min evaluation on weeks 0 and 4. Data were analysed using the statistical software SAS System for Windows. At week 4, TAC did not affect 15-min IST, but some reactions in the TAC group were suppressed at 6 h compared to baseline. In the TAC group, 4-h IST reactivity was reduced 2 weeks after discontinuation but returned to baseline by 4 weeks. In conclusion, TAC has no effect on immediate reactions but decreased some late-phase reactions. Therefore, no withdrawal is recommended to evaluate only immediate reactions, but a 4-week withdrawal may be necessary for evaluation of late-phase reactions.  相似文献   

绿孔雀曾广布于中国南方多个省份,包括湖南、湖北、四川、广东、广西及云南等省区,现仅分布于云南局部地区,其种群数量不断减少,种群逐渐分散、衰退,根据最新调查结果显示,中国现存野生绿孔雀数量仅剩约235~280只,已被云南省列为极危(CR)物种。绿孔雀数量及分布区急剧缩减的原因主要包括人类的干扰和猎杀、栖息地侵占,破坏和斑块化等因素。科研人员及保护工作者在保护区的建设、绿孔雀人工繁育等方面保护绿孔雀野生种群,扩大人工种群。目前,涉及绿孔雀保护工作的保护区达十余个,已全面覆盖绿孔雀栖息地。本文概述了绿孔雀的形态、生态习性、繁殖行为、亚种分化及地理分布等生物学特征,分析绿孔雀濒危现状及致危因素,整合目前立法保护、就地保护、易地保护等保护措施,为将来的保护及科研工作提出了建议和展望。  相似文献   

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