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Two cultivars of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Al‐sensitive ‘Dayton’ and Al‐tolerant ‘Kearney’, were grown under controlled environmental conditions to determine the influence of Al stress and water stress imposed separately and in combination with one another. Plants were grown for 4 weeks in polyethylene‐lined, waxed cartons containing 1 kg of acid, Al‐toxic, Tatum subsoil (clayey, mixed, thermic, Typic Hapludult) at high (pH 4.7) or low (pH 6.6) Al stress. During the final 2 weeks they were also subjected to low (‐20 to ‐40 kPa) or high (‐60 to ‐80 kPa) water stress. Under low water stress, little difference in the growth or appearance of the two cultivars was found, even in the presence of low Al stress (pH 6.6). When high water stress treatment was superimposed on low Al stress treatment, however, significant differences between the two cultivars in biomass production, leaf enlargement, and tillering resulted. When high water stress was combined with high Al stress (pH 4.7), these differences in vegetative growth were further magnified. Thus, drought exacerbates the stress effects of Al toxicity in plants and may account for a significant portion of the reduction in yield commonly observed in acid soils under field conditions and formerly attributed to Al toxicity alone. By increasing soil moisture level, the growth suppressive effect of Al toxicity was significantly reduced.  相似文献   


Determination of the nutrient requirements of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] grown on acid soils is, a critical step in the development of plants which are adapted to these problem soils. Sorghum genotype, environment, and soil type interact with the uptake of elements and affect plant growth and production. This study compared the yields of a sorghum grain hybrid grown on a sandy loam soil at four acid pH levels. Nutrient concentrations in sorghum leaves on these soil regimes were also investigated. Grain yields declined 96% as soil pH decreased from 5.5 to 4.4. Leaf element analysis revealed that as pH decreased from 5.5 to 4.4, there was an increase in plant Al, Fe, Mn, K, P and a decrease in Cu, Zn, Mg, Ca. Interactions among several of these elements were readily apparent. Additional data involving different sorghum genotypes and different soil types are needed to establish a consistent pattern of element uptake on acid soils in relation to yield and plant production.  相似文献   


The objective of the present study was genetic analysis of yield-based drought tolerance indices using the diallel method. Twenty-one genotypes of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) derived from a half diallel cross between six inbred lines were evaluated in both stress and non-stress conditions using a randomized complete block design for each one. Eight drought tolerance indices comprising stress tolerance index (STI), mean productivity (MP), geometric mean productivity (GMP), harmonic mean (HM), stress susceptibility index (SSI), tolerance index (TOL), yield index (YI) and yield stability index (YSI) were calculated based on grain yield under stress and non-stress environments. Significant genotypic differences were observed in TOL, GMP, MPSTI, HM and YI. Diallel analyses revealed the importance of both additive and non-additive gene effects in GMP, STI, HM and YI. However, the Baker ratio supported the predominance of an additive effect in their expression. Our results demonstrated that SSI, YSI, TOL and MP are not reliable indices to select drought tolerant genotypes in sunflower breeding programmes because of their low heritability. Indices such as GMP, STI, HM and YI were moderately heritable and are usually able to select high-yielding genotypes in both environments and could be usefully employed in drought tolerance breeding programmes of sunflower.  相似文献   

Aluminum tolerant oat cultivars are needed for use on acid soil sites where neutralization of soil acidity by liming is not economically feasible. Oat germplasm in Poland has not been examined for range of Al tolerance. Eleven Polish oat cultivars were screened for Al tolerance in nutrient solutions containing 0, 5 and 15 mg L‐1 Al. Three of these cultivars showing high to moderate tolerance to Al in nutrient solutions were also grown in greenhouse pots of soil and in field plots of soil over a pH range of 3.8 to 5.5 as determined in 1 N KC1.

The eleven oat cultivars differed significantly in tolerance to Al in nutrient solutions. Based on relative root yield (15 mg L‐1 Al/no A1%), the cultivars ‘Solidor’ and ‘Diadem’ were most tolerant and ‘Pegaz’ and ‘B‐20’ were least tolerant. For these three cultivars, the order of tolerance to acid soil agreed with the order of tolerance to Al in nutrient solution ‐ namely, Solidor > Diadem > Leanda. Hence, for these cultivars, the nutrient solution methods used appear adequate for selecting plants that are more tolerant to Al in strongly acid soils. Additional study is needed to assess the value of this method for screening a broad range of germplasm.

Superior tolerance of the Solidor cultivar to acid soil was associated with significantly higher concentrations of N in the grain. Hence, results suggest that selecting for acid soil or Al tolerance may increase N efficiency in oats.  相似文献   


Lines of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit were grown in greenhouse pots of an acid, Al‐toxic Tatum subsoil (clayey, mixed, thermic typic Hapludult) treated with 0 or 3000 ppm CaCO3 to give final soil pH values of 4.1 and 5.3, respectively. Lines of L. leucocephala, plus those of other Leucaena species, were also tested on an acid, Monmouth soil (clayey, mixed, mesic, typic Hapludult) treated with 0 or 1500 ppm CaCO3 to give final soil pH values of 4.8 and 6.6, respectively. The major index of acid soil tolerance used was relative root yield (unlimed/limed %).

Relative root yields of 117 L. leucocephala lines on Tatum soil ranged from 34 to 246%. Hence, liming the soil from pH 4.1 to 5.3 was highly beneficial to some lines and highly detrimental to others. Because Tatum subsoil is 89% Al saturated at pH 4.1, line tolerance to unlimed soil indicates tolerance to Al. Causes of yield depression at pH 5.3 were not determined.

On Monmouth soil, in a test involving 148 lines of 6 Leucaena species, relative root yields (unlimed/limed %) ranged from 23 to 386%. The line showing highest tolerance to the acid soil (P.I. 279578) and that showing lowest tolerance (P.I? 281636) are both L,. leucocephala. The majority of lines used on Monmouth soil (124 of a total of 148) were from this species. Average performances of the 6 species indicated that L. diversifolia Benth. (5 lines) was most tolerant to the acid Monmouth soil and liming the soil from pH 4.8 to 6.6 actually decreased root yields. The species L.. leucocephala (124 entries) and L. pulverulenta Benth. (4 lines) were intermediate, and L. lanceolata S. Wats. (3 lines) and I., retusa Benth. (1 line) appeared more sensitive to acid Monmouth soil. The Al saturation of Monmouth soil at pH 4.8 was only 23% (compared with 89% for Tatum at pH 4.1). The major growth limiting factor in acid Monmouth soil is believed to be Al toxicity, but this soil has not been as throughly characterized as has Tatum, and other factors may well be involved in explaining differential tolerances of Leucaena lines on the unlimed versus limed soil.

Results of these studies indicate that Leucaena species and lines within species differ significantly in tolerance to acid soils having high levels of exchangeable Al. Acid soil tolerant lines of Leucaena may be useful in expanding the acreage of this crop on oxisols and ultisols of the tropics and subtropics.  相似文献   

It is not known why sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivated in tropical regions tolerates acid soil. Here, we report the involvement of mycorrhizal symbiosis in this tolerance. Plants were grown in root-boxes filled with either acidic soil (pH 4.2) or the same soil amended with lime (pH 5.2) for 30 d in a growth chamber. In the inoculated treatments, the percentage of root length colonized by Gigaspora margarita was not affected by soil pH (23±9% at pH 4.2 vs. 30±12% at pH 5.2). The root and shoot dry weights of the non-mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 were 27 and 35%, respectively, of those at pH 5.2. The root and shoot dry weights of the mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 were 70 and 51% of those at pH 5.2. Growth promotion in mycorrhizal plants was significant only at pH 4.2 (2-fold increase in whole plant dry weight), but not at pH 5.2. As a result, no significant difference was detected in whole plant dry weight between the mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 and non-mycorrhizal plants at pH 5.2. The mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 showed reduced toxic symptoms of Mn (brown specks on mature leaves) and Al (poor root growth) compared to non-mycorrhizal ones, but tissue concentrations of P, K and Ca did not increase in mycorrhizal plants. We assume that the mycorrhizal colonization can reduce toxic effects of those elements while the exact mechanisms should be further investigated.  相似文献   

The separate and combined effects of water and Al stress on concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B, Al, Sr, and Ba were determined in tops of ‘Dayton’ (Al‐tolerant) and ‘Kearney’ (Al‐sensitive) barley (Hordeum vulgäre L.) grown in an acid, Al‐toxic, Tatum subsoil (clayey, mixed, thermic, Typic Hapludult). Plants were grown 4 weeks in a plant growth chamber at high (pH 4.7) or low (pH 6.6) Al stress. During the last 2 weeks they were also subjected to low (‐20 to ‐40 kPa), moderate (‐40 to ‐60 kPa), or high (‐60 to ‐80 kPa) water stress. In general, Al stress had a greater overall effect on mineral element concentration of tops than water stress. Aluminum stress significantly decreased concentrations of P, Ca, and Mg and increased concentrations of Zn, Sr, and Ba, irrespective of the cultivar or water stress treatment. Cultivar differences in Mn concentration were observed with Al stress under all water stress conditions. In each case, Mn concentration was lower in ‘Kearney’ than in ‘Dayton’. Potassium, Ca, and Mg were lower in ‘Kearney’ than in ‘Dayton’ only at low and moderate water stress, under low Al stress, ‘Kearney’ had significantly higher concentrations of K and Ca than did ‘Dayton’ under all water stress conditions. The effects of water stress on mineral element concentration varied greatly with cultivar, Al stress treatment, and severity of water stress. Under high Al stress, increasing drought conditions from low water stress (‐20 to ‐40 kPa) to high water stress (‐60 to ‐80 kPa) significantly increased the concentrations of Ca, K, Zn, Sr, and Ba in Al‐sensitive ‘Kearney’ and reduced the concentrations of Zn, Sr, and Ba in Al‐tolerant ‘Dayton'; P and Mg concentration were unaffected by water stress. In contrast, under low Al stress, a corresponding increase in water stress significantly increased the concentrations of Ca and reduced that of P in ‘Kearney’ and increased Ca and B concentration in ‘Dayton'; Mg concentrations were unaffected in either cultivar. Thus, it appears that Al stress and water stress had opposite effects on Ca accumulation in barley tissue.  相似文献   

Depositions originating from a central Slovak Al smelter may increase metal solubility in adjacent soils because they contain F (mainly HF). The reason for fluoro‐mobilization of metals may be the formation of soluble fluoro‐metal complexes or the mobilization of organic matter and subsequent formation of organo‐metal complexes. The objectives of our work were (1) to assess the extent of metal mobilization by fluoride in a Slovak Lithic Eutrochrept affected by the emissions of an Al smelter and (2) to model the dissolved metal species with the help of a chemical equilibrium model (MINEQL+). The O (Moder), A, and B horizons were equilibrated with solutions at F concentrations of 0, 0.9, 2.7, and 9.0 mmol l—1. In the extracts, the concentrations of Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), free and complexed F, and the pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were determined. The heavy metal concentrations in the O horizon (Cd: 0.99, Cr: 18.0, Cu: 44, Ni: 26, Pb: 110, and Zn: 84 mg kg—1) were 2.5 to 9 times larger than those in the A and B horizons. The concentrations of H2O‐soluble F decreased from the O (261 mg kg—1) to the A (103 mg kg—1) and B horizon (92 mg kg—1). In batch experiments increasing addition of F increased the equilibrium concentrations of Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and DOC in all samples, of Cd in the A, and of K in the B horizon. At the same time the concentrations of complexed F and pH increased whereas EC decreased. Chemical equilibrium modelling indicated that the mobilizing effect of F resulted from the formation of fluoro‐Al complexes and organo‐complexes of all other metals.  相似文献   


It has been proposed that salicylic acid (SA) acts as an endogenous signal molecule responsible for inducing environmental stress tolerance in plants. In this study, the effects of seed soaked (1.0 mM for 24 h) and soil incorporated (0.1 mM and 0.5 mM) salicylic acid (SA) supply on growth and mineral concentrations of maize (Zea mays L., Hamidiye F1) grown under either salt, boron toxicity or drought-stressed conditions were investigated. Exogenously applied SA either with seed soaked (SS) or soil incorporated (SI) increased plant growth significantly in all the stresses conditions. Salicylic acid inhibited Na and Cl accumulation in saline conditions, and 0.5 mM of soil incorporated SA decreased B significantly in boron toxicity treatment. Except in drought condition, SA treatments stimulated N accumulation in plants. And P, K, Mg and Mn concentrations of SA received plants were increased in the stress conditions. These results suggest that SA regulates the response of plants to the environmental stresses and could be used as a plant growth regulator to improve plant growth and stimulate mineral nutrient concentrations under stress conditions.  相似文献   

针对黄淮海平原典型中低产土壤砂姜黑土黏粒含量较高,土壤有效水分库容较低,严重限制作物生产的现状,该文采用盆栽试验,研究了不同外源改性物料的添加对土壤持水性能及小麦生理的影响,以期获得农田水分管理过程中的关键参数。盆栽试验设置常规氮磷钾(control,CK),常规氮磷钾配施下的添加秸秆(straw returning,SR)、秸秆碳(straw carbon,SC)和粉煤灰(fly ash,FA)处理,维持土壤相对含水率在80%,培育小麦至抽穗期,开展为期10 d的干旱胁迫试验。结果显示SR和SC处理提高了土壤持水能力,且处理间的差异较小;FA处理因其表面富含大量疏水性结晶矿物,土壤相对含水率下降较快,迟效水含量显著低于其余处理,但土壤速效水含量显著提高。不同改性措施均有提高小麦叶片相对含水率,减轻干旱胁迫的趋势,但在极端干旱胁迫下,FA处理叶片相对含水率不仅明显低于其余处理,且作物体内积累大量丙二醛、过氧化氢等有害物质。田间管理中砂姜黑土相对含水率应维持在38%(SR)、36.5%(SC)和24.5%(FA)以上,当土壤相对含水率低于30.78%(SC)、28.43%(SR)和22.5%(FA)时将会对作物生理产生不可逆的伤害。鉴于秸秆优良的保水性能,粉煤灰“富水,不保水”的特性,秸秆与粉煤灰的配合施用将利于砂姜黑土的改良。相关机制值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

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