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为了评价腐植酸对铜污染土壤的改良效果,以冬小麦为研究对象,设置施加铜和腐植酸双因素田间盆栽试验,研究成熟期小麦的干物质积累与分配以及对氮、磷、铜素的吸收与利用。结果表明:(1)铜污染土壤中小麦器官的生长受到抑制,总生物量显著降低28.7%~66.9%;小麦吸收氮、磷量分别显著降低18.4%~61.5%、9.6%~65.5%,氮、磷素收获指数显著下降;尽管铜污染使小麦对铜素的吸收量显著增加40.5%~115.2%,但茎向叶和穗的迁移系数下降,使得收获指数无变化。(2)施用腐植酸明显改善铜污染造成的小麦根、茎、穗生长受到的抑制,缓解小麦吸收氮、磷素减少的不利影响;相比铜污染处理,腐植酸低(20g/kg干土)和高(40g/kg干土)用量可使小麦生物量分别提高25.0%和115.6%,促进小麦对氮(22.6%~111.9%)、磷(28.3%~161.9%)的吸收并提高氮、磷素的收获指数。高腐植酸用量更有助于小麦抵抗铜污染危害胁迫。(3)增施腐植酸能使小麦铜素收获指数显著降低7.2%~9.0%,但会显著增加铜素由茎向叶(12.2%~30.7%)和由茎向穗(46.8%~71.9%)的迁移,导致铜在穗中的积累量增加。由此可见,施用腐植酸改良铜污染土壤的农用效果仍需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

土壤缺镁日益成为制约我国柑橘生产的重要因素,土壤中过量的钾可通过钾镁拮抗作用进一步降低根系镁素吸收和转运,进而导致柑橘地上部镁素不足而影响生长。为此,在盆栽模拟条件下设置了高钾(300 mg·kg-1)、适宜钾(150 mg·kg-1)2个施钾水平及5个施肥钾镁比(K/Mg,4∶0,4∶1,4∶2,4∶3,4∶4),并研究了两种典型柑橘砧木——香橙(Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka)和枳[Poncirus trifoliata(L.)Raf.]在上述条件下的生长及养分吸收差异,为明确适宜的土壤K/Mg和平衡施肥提供依据。与适宜钾处理相比,高钾处理的香橙、枳株高分别降低7.7和11.7 cm,地上部和根系生物量及钾、镁累积量均显著降低。当施肥K/Mg从4∶0减少到4∶4,土壤交换性镁含量从61增加至166 mg·kg-1,叶片镁含量从1.09增加至4.14 g·kg-1,生物量先增加后减少。回归方程表明,施肥的K/Mg介于4∶1~4∶2时,两种砧木的生物量和各部位干重最大。镁过量导致土壤K/Mg和地上部K/Mg降低,进而抑制柑橘砧木的生长。高钾和适宜钾处理下,枳根中镁含量/地上部镁含量均显著低于香橙。在酸性缺镁土壤上施用过量钾肥会加剧柑橘缺镁症状,将土壤K/Mg维持在1.5~2.0之间有利于柑橘生长;相比香橙,枳对缺镁的耐受性更强,能把更多的镁转运到地上部。综上,在合理施用钾肥的基础上,注重钾镁平衡施用和选择合适的砧木品种可以缓解柑橘生产中镁缺乏的问题。  相似文献   

以盆栽梨树苗为试材,研究了酶解法和碱解法海藻提取物对梨树苗生长、生理特性和养分吸收的影响。结果表明,浇施海藻提取物提高了梨树苗的叶面积、百叶鲜重、根体积和净光合速率,其中酶解法海藻提取物处理在高浓度条件下叶面积最大,较对照显著提高27.76%,碱解法海藻提取物处理叶面积均显著高于对照,海藻提取物浓度处理间差异不显著;与对照相比,浇施海藻提取物均增加叶片丙二醛、磷和钾含量,显著降低脯氨酸含量,其中,酶解法海藻提取物分别在低和中浓度处理的叶片磷和钾含量最高,较对照分别显著提高30.17%和7.00%。主成分分析综合得分显示,酶解法海藻提取物低浓度处理得分最高(1.21),其次为碱解法海藻提取物低浓度处理(0.81)。初步得出结论,酶解法和碱解法海藻提取物均能促进梨树苗生长和增加叶片磷、钾含量,其中,以低浓度(5 mg/L)酶解法海藻提取物的效果最优。  相似文献   

不同供Zn量对三种小麦基因型幼苗生长和养分吸收的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用溶液培养方法,研究了不同供Zn量(0、0.5、104、0.mg/L,分别用Zn0、Zn0.5、Zn10、Zn40表示)对三种亲缘关系很远的半冬性小麦基因型郑麦9023、陕512、西农979幼苗生长发育及Zn、Fe、Mn吸收的影响,以期为筛选耐高锌的小麦基因型提供理论依据。结果表明,不供Zn时小麦幼苗未出现缺Zn症状;Zn0.5对小麦的正常生长影响较小。三种基因型小麦的幼苗在过量供Zn(Zn10、Zn40)时均受到严重伤害:抑制小麦分蘖、根系及地上部生长,叶片叶绿素SPAD值显著降低,小麦植株尤其是根部的耐性指数降低;施入的Zn的转运率显著降低,却大大提高了小麦植株尤其是根部的Zn含量和吸收量,但Zn10时幼苗体内Zn含量和吸收量大于Zn40,且Zn10比Zn40更能在根部积累Zn。Zn与Fe的吸收在根部似乎表现为互助作用,而地上部表现为颉颃作用;Zn与Mn之间表现出强烈的颉颃作用。过量供Zn时以西农979耐性指数最大,Zn转运率最高,植株体内的Fe、Mn含量也高。总之,供Zn量为通常配方的51~0倍时对小麦幼苗的生长尚无明显影响;1002~00和4008~00倍时则能对小麦幼苗造成严重伤害,三种供试小麦基因型中以西农979对过量Zn毒害的耐性最强。  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) phytotoxicity is closely related to pH and Cu activity in solution. The effect of pH on growth and uptake of Cu by Swingle citrumelo rootstock seedlings were investigated in solution culture with varying Cu activities. Copper activities of either 0.05, 0.5, 5, and 10 μM at pH 5 and 6 were maintained by adding copper sulfate (CuSO4) to the hydroponic solution based on the calculation by GEOCHEM computer program. After 42 days, root and shoot growth decreased significantly in solutions where Cu activities were greater than 0.5 μM. The concentration of Cu in roots are greater and the dry weights of roots and shoots were less in solutions at pH 6 than those at pH 5. A 200‐fold increase in Cu activity in solution resulted in a corresponding increase in concentration of Cu in the root but not in the shoot.  相似文献   

Understanding the fate of different forms of nitrogen (N) fertilizers applied to soils is an important step in enhancing N use efficiency and minimizing N losses. The growth and N uptake of two citrus rootstocks, Swingle citrumelo (SC), and Cleopatra mandarin (CM), seedlings were evaluated in a pot experiment using a Candler fine sand (hyperthermic, uncoated, Typic Quartzipsamments) without N application or with 400 mg N kg–1 applied as urea or controlled-release fertilizers (CRF; either as Meister, Osmocote, or Poly-S). Meister and Osmocote are polyolefin resin-coated urea with longevity of N release for 270 days (at 25°C). Poly-S is a polymer and sulfur-coated urea with release duration considerably shorter than that of either Meister or Osmocote. The concentrations of 2 M KCl extractable nitrate nitrogen (NO3 -N) and ammonium nitrogen (NH4 +-N) in the soil sampled 180 days and 300 days after planting were greater in the soil with SC than with CM rootstock seedlings. In most cases, the extractable NH4 + and NO3 concentrations were greater for the Osmocote treatment compared to the other N sources. For the SC rootstock seedlings, dry weight was greater with Meister or Poly-S compared with either Osmocote or urea. At the end of the experiment, ranking of the various N sources, with respect to total N uptake by the seedlings, was: Meister = Osmocote > Poly-S > Urea > no N for CM rootstock, and Meister = Poly-S = Osmocote > Urea > no N for SC rootstock. The study demonstrated that for a given rate of N application the total N uptake by seedlings was greater for the CRF compared to urea treatment. This suggests that various N losses were lower from the CRF source as compared to those from soluble fertilizers. Received: 11 April 1997  相似文献   

土壤水分对烤烟生长、物质分配和养分吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室内盆栽试验研究了不同土壤含水率对烤烟生长、物质分配和养分吸收的影响。结果表明,烤烟株高随土壤含水率的增加而增高;生物量随土壤含水率的降低而减小,其减幅为叶茎根,而根冠比则与土壤含水率成反比,反映了烟草对土壤水分含量差异响应的整体特征。不同生育期叶绿素对土壤含水率的响应不同,团棵期、旺长期和成熟期的土壤相对含水率分别为70%~75%、80%~85%和50%~55%时,各处理中叶绿素含量最高。各处理烤烟对养分的吸收表现为对N、K吸收量显著大于P,且当土壤含水率低于烤烟所需的适宜含水率时,随着土壤含水率的降低,烤烟茎、根的养分吸收量均有不同程度的升高,但叶中却有所下降;而各生育期根、茎、叶在土壤含水率过高的情况下,对养分N、P、K的吸收均显著降低。  相似文献   

土壤紧实胁迫对黄瓜生长、产量及养分吸收的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
用容重分别为1.2、1.4和1.6.g/cm3的土壤进行盆栽试验,研究了土壤紧实度对黄瓜生长、产量及养分吸收的影响。结果表明,当土壤紧实度增大时,黄瓜秧苗的株高在定植后的15.d后受到显著抑制;第4叶的叶宽和叶长在定植后9~17.d内增加;茎粗则是在稍紧的土壤中(R.1.4)最大,过紧的土壤中(R.1.6)最小;根系伸长生长受阻,干物质质量及活力显著下降,根冠比降低;生物学产量、经济产量、经济系数的变化情况及植株对氮、磷、钾吸收量的变化与茎粗的变化趋势相同。在本试验条件下,容重为1.2.g/cm3的土壤利于株高及根系的生长,容重1.4g/cm3的土壤则利于茎粗、根系养分的吸收及产量的增加。  相似文献   

生物碳对土壤磷素和棉花养分吸收的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过两年温室盆栽试验,研究了不同磷肥用量下生物碳对土壤磷素含量、 棉花生长和养分吸收的影响。试验以棉花秸秆为原料制备生物碳,制成三种热解温度(450℃、 600℃和750℃)的生物碳,分别以BC450、 BC600和BC750表示,同时以空白土壤为对照(CK); 磷肥(P2O5)用量设3个水平0、 0.25、 0.5 g/kg(分别以P0、 P1、 P2表示)。研究结果表明,施用生物碳可显著提高土壤磷素含量及其有效性,随着生物碳热解温度的升高,土壤水溶性磷、 速效磷及全磷含量均显著增加,且对三种磷素含量的影响表现为水溶性磷 全磷 速效磷。施用生物碳处理两年棉花的干物质重均显著高于对照,但不同热解生物碳处理对两年棉花干物质重的影响各异。施用生物碳可显著增加棉花养分吸收量,总体表现为750℃ 600℃ 450℃。因此,施用生物碳可显著提高土壤磷素含量,促进棉花生长和养分吸收; 热解温度是影响生物碳质量的重要因素,生物碳的热解温度越高(450~750℃),其促进作用越好。  相似文献   

Germination, seedling growth, concentrations of photosynthetic pigments and nutrient uptake inTriticum vulgare L. (Var. W-H-147) were studied in response to sugarmill effluent application (10% concentration) in aqueous Vs. soil medium. The effluent rich in various nutrients showed particularly high concentration of sodium. Germination was not affected by the effluent treatment. Seedling growth was reduced significantly by the effluent in aqueous medium, but not in soil. The effluent treatment increased the concentrations of various pigments, however, the pigment ratios got changed in the aqueous medium only. The uptake of nitrogen, magnesium and carbon by the seedlings decreased while that of calcium, sodium and phosphorus increased in effluent treated plants, the changes being more marked in aqueous medium except for phosphorus. In the effluent treated plants, uptake of potassium and chloride increased in aqueous medium, hut decreased sharply in soil.  相似文献   

不同氮肥对油菜生长和养分吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用盆栽试验研究了潮土中不同氮肥对油菜生长和N、P、K、Ca、Mg等养分吸收的影响,结果表明:不同氮肥对油菜生长和养分吸收的影响以生长初期(5周时)差异最显著。生长初期,除硝酸钙外,不同氮肥均显著抑制油菜的生长,氯化铵>硫酸铵、尿素>硝酸铵;对N、K、Ca、Mg的吸收,氯化铵、硫酸铵和尿素表现显著的抑制作用,且氯化铵和尿素有大于硫酸铵的趋势,而硝酸钙表现显著的促进作用,硝酸铵大多情况下作用不明显;对P的吸收,各氮肥均表现显著的抑制作用,且氯化铵>尿素>硫酸铵、硝酸铵和硝酸钙。但随着时间推移,各氮肥最终均显著促进油菜生长和养分吸收,且不同氮肥的差异也逐渐减小。  相似文献   

The comparative influence of soil microorganisms, aerial contaminants and Bacillus subtilis on growth and potassium nutrition was studied in Zea mays and other cereals under aseptic growth conditions. Soil microorganisms, but not aerial contaminants, markedly modified root morphology and growth. Potassium uptake and translocation, measured by 86Rb as a tracer, were enhanced by growth in the presence of a soil inoculum although the relative influence on uptake and translocation varied from inoculum to inoculum. Similar metabolic changes were not found in seedlings inoculated with aerial contaminants.  相似文献   

In view of restrictions in the application of antibiotics in animal production, Lanthanum (La) is intended to be introduced as a new growth promoter for pigs. Because most of the supplied La is subsequently excreted, it will be found in organic fertilizers which are applied to agricultural land. Thus, we examined the effect of lanthanum on the growth and La contents of plants in nutrient solution and in soils as well as its extractability from different soils. In nutrient solutions with concentrations of available La of up to 20 μmol L–1, shoot growth of bush bean was markedly reduced by up to 60% of the control at 20 μM La. By contrast, growth was not affected in maize. Lanthanum was mainly accumulated in the roots, but maize shoot contained considerable amounts of La as well. In contrast to nutrient solution, shoot growth of bush bean and spinach in soils supplemented with La up to 360 μmol kg–1 (50 mg kg–1) was not decreased. In contrast to spinach, bush bean shoots showed an increased La content at the highest La level. Extractability of La with 0.1 mol L–1 acetic acid from 12 different soils previously spiked with La was related mainly to soil pH, CEC, and Corg. We therefore conclude that except of strongly acidic conditions, the application of La‐containing organic fertilizers does not represent a risk for plant growth for the next over 100 years, provided that the recommended doses of feed supplementation is not increased.  相似文献   

采用土柱试验,研究不同颗粒组成的沸石粉添加到0~20 cm砂壤土耕层对玉米生长、养分累积的影响,为改良沙地提供理论依据。本研究共设8个处理:CK0:不施肥+0 g沸石粉体(简称粉体);CK:施肥+0 g粉体;A:施肥+8 g粉体a;B:施肥+8 g粉体b;C:施肥+8 g粉体c;D:施肥+8 g粉体d;E:施肥+8 g粉体e;F:施肥+8 g粉体f。结果表明,处理A、B、C、D、E、F与CK之间的玉米株高均不存在差异;但其生物量均高于CK,粉体颗粒构成中0.002 mm的含量最高的两个处理E、F达显著水平,分别比CK高71.36%和63.69%。结果还表明,生物量与不同粉体颗粒5个粒级分布的百分比x1、x2、x3、x4、x5即0.05~0.25 mm、0.02~0.05 mm、0.01~0.02 mm、0.002~0.01 mm、0.002 mm百分率之间存在多元回归方程Y=3.69-0.050 6x1+0.082 5x2-0.093 4 x3-0.009 44 x4+0.064 86 x5,表明了玉米生长与颗粒组成之间的密切关系;方程系数表明生物量与细小颗粒含量呈极强的正相关,而与粗颗粒含量呈负相关。与CK处理相比,加粉体处理A、B、C、D、E、F均促进了氮和钾的吸收,但只有处理F对氮的吸收以及E和F处理对钾的吸收达显著水平。显著促进吸收的氮量达74.52%、钾量分别达63.39%和63.62%,而对磷没有显著促进作用。由此可以推论,在此土壤条件下,只有沸石粉体粘粒级颗粒含量高于39%时才显著促进玉米生长发育以及增加植株对氮、钾的吸收和利用。  相似文献   

探讨不同微生物菌剂 -化肥配施对柠檬苗的生长和土壤改良效果,为柠檬苗的科学施肥提供可靠的依据。以“云柠1号”柠檬苗为试验材料,研究不同微生物菌剂-化肥配施对柠檬苗植株生长状况及土壤理化性质的影响,以期获得微生物菌剂-化肥配施的最佳组合。结果表明:在丛枝菌根、拜赖青霉、枯草芽孢杆菌、复合菌株 4种菌剂配施化肥的处理中,从植株生长情况和土壤营养状况综合来看,效果最佳的是83.30 mL/株拜赖青霉 +柠檬专用肥20 g/ 株的处理;显著提高了土壤中的有机质、速效钾、碱解氮、中微量元素和植株叶片的叶绿素含量,较单施化肥(CK)分别提高了142.88%、305.63%、72.22%、32.66%、43.23%;且土壤 pH值保持在适合柠檬生长范围,植株表现为主干增粗、冠幅均匀、营养枝和结果枝比例协调;叶面积和叶片鲜重增加显著,分别较CK提高了211.11%、20.68%。结合植株的生长情况和土壤营养状况整体来看,4种微生物菌剂-化肥配施表现为:拜赖青霉> 丛枝菌根>复合菌株>枯草芽孢杆菌>CK;与 CK相比,4种微生物菌剂-化肥配施均可促进柠檬苗的生长,提高土壤有机质、氮、磷、钾及矿质元素含量,其中,拜赖青霉 -化肥配施效果最佳。  相似文献   


A pot experiment was conducted to determine most limiting nutrients for maize performance using nutrient omission treatments in three soil types of southwestern Nigeria. There were six treatments; full nutrient [120?kg nitrogen (N)/ha, 40?kg phosphorus (P)/ha, 80?kg potassium (K)/ha, 10?kg molybdenum (Mo)/ha, and 5?kg zinc (Zn)/ha]; full nutrient minus N, P, K, Mo, and Zn including control was replicated thrice. Treatments were arranged as split plot in a complete randomized design. Data were collected on growth parameters, shoot, root dry weights, and NPK uptakes. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and means separated using LSD0.05. Majeroku and Egbeda soils and full nutrient supported better maize growth and NPK uptakes. Shoot weight was higher in Egbeda while root weight was higher in Itagunmodi soil. Phosphorus was the most limiting in Egbeda and Itagunmodi soils, and nitrogen in Majeroku soil. In conclusion, maize growth, nutrient uptake and most limiting nutrient varied with soil types.  相似文献   

烤烟根系分泌物对烤烟幼苗生长和养分吸收的影响   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
连作是烟草栽培中的普遍现象,已引起生长抑制、产量下降和品质恶化等问题。本试验采用溶液培养的方法,在培养液中分别加入未分组和分组后的烤烟根系分泌物,研究根系分泌物对烤烟幼苗生长和养分吸收的影响。结果表明,加入未分组的烤烟根系分泌物显著抑制幼苗的生长,降低根系活力,并随加入量的增加抑制作用增强;加入酸溶性、碱溶性、中性组分的根系分泌物,均降低幼苗根系活力,以中性组分的抑制作用较强。三种不同组分的根系分泌物均显著降低根系对NO3-、PO43-、K+离子的吸收,其中中性组分对NO3-吸收的影响最大,而酸溶性组分对K+的吸收抑制作用较强。推测在烤烟根系分泌物中,可能存在多种抑制烤烟生长和养分吸收的化学物质。  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment to study the effect of humic acid (HA) on the growth and nutrient uptake of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.), a tropical hardwood, was conducted in Ibadan, Nigeria. The plants were grown for four months in top soils (0–30 cm) collected from an Alfisol (high organic matter) and an Oxisol (low organic matter) in Southern Nigeria. Three levels of HA, viz:, 50, 500, and 1000 mg/kg were added to the two soils. The results indicated that HA was beneficial to the growth and nutrient uptake of teak seedlings. Plant monthly growth rates, and height and total dry matter yield increased significantly (p = 0.05) over the controls in the two soils at the three HA application levels. Effects of adding 500 mg/kg and more of HA to the Alfisol were less beneficial while plant parameters and nutrient uptake tended to increase with increasing amounts of HA in the Oxisol. A significant positive correlation was established between rate of HA application and plant height (r = 0.57), stem diameter (r = 0.77) and total dry matter yield (r = 0.67) in the Oxisol, whereas the HA application rate was significantly correlated only with height (r = 0.57) and root/shoot ratio (r = 0.56) in the Alfisol. The addition of HA to the two soils increased the uptake by seedlings of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, and Cu, while Mn was decreased.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine ammonium nitrogen uptake by cherrybark oak and overcup oak as affected by soil redox conditions. Seedlings of the two species were grown in laboratory microcosms for 60 days in soil suspensions incubated at three separate Eh levels (+560, +340, and + 175 mV). In both species, uptake of added 15N labeled nitrogen (N) (NH4Cl) and photosynthesis activity decreased with decreasing soil redox potentials. Net photosynthesis in cherrybark oak decreased by 72.9 and 100% in response to the +340 and + 175 mV treatments as compared to control plants, respectively. Similarly, net photosynthetic rates were reduced by 53.7 and 65.8% in overcup oak under + 340 and + 175 mV treatments, respectively. A significant correlation between net photosynthesis and leaf 15N content was found in cherrybark oak (r=0.866, P=0.01) but not in overcup oak (r=0.648, p>0.05). However, in overcup oak, the correlation between net photosynthesis and total leaf N content was significant (r=0.911, P=0.01). Maximum 15N uptake was measured at the highest soil redox level (+560 mV). Uptake of 15N in cherrybark oak decreased from a maximum of 1.83 mg under aerated (+560 mV) treatment to 0.11 mg under reduced conditions (+175 mV). Similarly, 15N uptake in overcup oak decreased from 2.37 mg under the + 560 mV treatment to 0.28 mg under + 175 mV treatment. Greater uptake of soil and fertilizer nitrogen was measured under the soil redox conditions in which adequate plant growth was recorded. Moderately reducing soil redox conditions (+340 and + 175 mV) adversely affected both plant nitrogen uptake and net photosynthetic activities of the two species.  相似文献   

为探究施肥对美国山核桃幼苗生长和叶片养分状况的影响,以美国山核桃1年生实生苗为试验材料,共设置0 (CK)、100、200、400、600、800 mg/株6个不同的施氮处理,运用指数施肥法研究了6种氮素施肥处理下美国山核桃生长和叶片养分含量的变化。结果表明:美国山核桃幼苗的苗高、地径、生物量随着施氮量的增加均呈现出先增加后减小的趋势,分别在N600处理(600 mg/株)达到最大值,分别为33. 4 cm、5. 08 mm和9. 33 g/株。运用临界浓度法确定出美国山核桃幼苗叶片氮、磷、钾含量的临界值分别为22. 58、1. 89和12. 71 g/kg,最适含量范围分别为22. 58~32. 73、1. 89~3. 15和12. 72~22. 05 g/kg。综合3种养分的最适含量范围,推断出美国山核桃幼苗的最适施氮量为600 mg/株。  相似文献   

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