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Leaf chlorophyll content is closely related to leaf nitrogen (N) content, so it is reasonable to assume that ammonium‐N (NH4‐N): nitrate‐N (NO3‐N) ratio in the nutrient solution used to grow tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) hydroponically may affect leaf greenness, and consequently chlorophyll meter (SPAD) readings. It has also been shown that increasing nutrient solution strength (NSS) increases tomato productivity, but there are no reports regarding how NSS affects SPAD readings under greenhouse conditions. Genotype may also influence SPAD readings, and standardization for cultivar and sampling time may be needed. The objective of this study was to characterize SPAD readings for five tomato cultivars and SPAD reading response to a combination of two NSS (1X and 4X Steiner solution strength daily applied 18 days after transplanting at 7 p.m.) and two concentrations of NH4‐N in solution (0 and 25%) in order to evaluate the potential of SPAD readings as a tomato yield predictor in greenhouse production systems. The SPAD readings were not uniform across tomato varieties tested, being consistently higher for ‘Max’ and lower for the other varieties. Initially, SPAD readings for tomato varieties used in this study were low at the vegetative stage, and increased up to 40 DAT, but subsequently decreased at 49 DAT, or the fruit set of the first and second clusters. After this time, SPAD readings showed no variation. Chlorophyll meter readings for ‘Max’ were higher in the top plant layers, but decreased in the top plant layer of the other tomato varieties. The SPAD readings were higher for plants supplied with 25% NH4‐N than those without NH4‐N in solution, but the use of a nighttime nutrient solution did not affect SPAD readings. None of the possible interactions among tomato variety, NH4‐N: NO3‐N ratio, and NSS were consistently significant.  相似文献   


Norms for the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated system (DRIS) developed for greenhouse tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) were evaluated experimentally by varying the N concentration (115, 243, and 443 mg N L‐1 ) or the salinity level (1.4, 2.5, and 3.7 dS m‐1 ) of the nutrient solution. Foliar samples were taken at different intervals during the season for total N, P, K, Ca and Mg analysis. The nutrient imbalance index (NII) was calculated by summing up DRIS indexes irrespective of sign. A dry matter index (DM) was included in the modified DRIS (M‐DRIS) approach as a separator between excessive or deficient nutrients. Yield of marketable fruit that accumulated over a 8 week harvest period was quadratically related to N fertilization: 115, 243, and 443 mg N L‐1 produced 2.9, 3.3, and 2.3 kg per plant respectively. Larger than critical NII values, 82 days after transplanting, were associated with excess of N, and Mg, and Ca deficiencies. Contrary to the DRIS and M‐DRIS approaches, the critical nutrient range approach (CNR) did not indicate any N excess. In the salinity experiment, marketable yield decreased linearly with salinity: 1.4, 2.5, and 3.7 dS m‐1 produced 3.3, 2.9, and 2.3 kg per plant, respectively. Increasing salinity caused an increase in the NII at all sampling periods. However, Nil's were always smaller than the critical NII and were inconsistent with the low yields obtained. Thus, NII was considered a poor indicator of the salt effect.  相似文献   

日光温室番茄氮素资源综合管理技术研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
根据养分资源综合管理原理,应用氮素供应目标值结合PSNT(Presidedress.Soil.Nitrate.Testing)技术对日光温室春、秋季番茄主要生育时期0—30.cm土壤硝态氮进行实时监测并进行氮素追施调控。试验设计为:当春季目标产量为84.t/hm2时,在第一、二、三穗果膨大期每次追肥时采用N.300.kg/hm2的氮素供应目标值(0—30.cm土层NO3--N+灌溉水带入氮素+追施化肥氮素),之后每次追肥采用N.200.kg/hm2的氮素供应目标值;当秋季目标产量为75.t/hm2时,在第一、二、三、四穗果膨大期每次追肥时采用N.200.kg/hm2的氮素供应目标值,之后每次追肥采用N250.kg/hm2的氮素供应目标值。结果表明,与传统氮素处理相比,由于充分利用了来自环境的氮素养分(包括矿化态有机氮和灌溉水中氮素),氮素追施调控处理的番茄在春季生长后期(3至6穗果生长时期)、秋季生长前期(1至3穗果生长时期)没有追施氮肥;在氮肥总投入量分别减少62%和78%的情况下,番茄产量不降低,但显著降低了土壤—蔬菜体系中氮素表观损失量,作到了氮素资源的综合管理与作物的高效利用,减轻了过量施氮对环境产生的负面影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this trial was to study the spatio-temporal variability in solution nutrient concentration under intensive greenhouse tomato production, to determine the number of suction-cups needed to obtain a representative sample and the influence by the position in the greenhouses. Twenty sampling points were selected within the greenhouse with one suction-cup per sampling point. One soil solution were sampled per point at weekly intervals to analyze for pH, electrical conductivity, chloride, nitrate, phosphate, sulfate, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium (EC, Cl?, NO3?, H2PO4?, SO42—, Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) concentrations. The pH, Cl?, H2PO4?, and SO42? concentrations showed no spatio-temporal variation but EC, NO3?, and K+ showed temporal variation. The spatial variability in EC, K+, Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ can be influenced by microclimate and topography. The numbers of suction cups required for a representative sample ranged from 1 to 10 depending on nutrient.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cationic proportions (K/Ca/Mg) in the nutrient solution on fruit quality (quality attributes and antioxidant content) using a high-pigment, 'Lunarossa', tomato cultivar and a standard tomato cultivar ('Corfù') grown in soilless culture. Treatments were defined by a factorial combination of three nutrient solutions having different cationic proportions and two indeterminately growing round tomato cultivars. A high proportion of K in the nutrient solution increased the quality attributes (fruit dry matter, total soluble solids content) and the lycopene content of tomato fruit, whereas a high proportion of Ca improved tomato fruit yield and reduced the incidence of blossom-end rot (BER). The highest total antioxidant activity was observed in the treatment with a high proportion of Mg in the Lunarossa cultivar. The high-pigment hybrid has provided a higher antioxidant content (lycopene and alpha-tocopherol content) than the commercial hybrid, but it was more susceptible to BER and consequently less productive.  相似文献   

采用日光温室小区试验,研究了氮磷钾均衡管理对戈壁滩日光温室基质栽培秋冬茬番茄产量与养分吸收的影响,以期为戈壁滩日光温室基质栽培蔬菜提供科学施肥依据。结果表明,(1)日光温室秋冬茬番茄栽培基质营养主要限制因子是氮和钾,施磷也有一定增产效果,施氮、施钾和施磷平均分别增产31.2%、17.0%和4.1%。(2)氮磷钾均衡管理处理较习惯施肥能显著增加产量和经济效益,平均增产16.3%,增收17.5%;氮磷钾均衡管理处理产量和经济效益均略高于高氮和高钾处理,产量平均分别增加4.8%和3.0%,经济效益平均分别增加4.9%和3.2%。(3)氮磷钾均衡管理能维持番茄对氮磷钾的吸收量,提高化肥氮磷钾利用率,氮磷钾均衡管理处理的化肥氮、磷和钾利用率分别为25.8%、17.6%和35.7%,而习惯施肥处理的化肥氮、磷和钾的利用率分别为15.9%、6.5%和19.7%。(4)本试验条件下日光温室基质栽培秋冬茬番茄适宜N、P2O5和K2O用量分别为392、136和455 g/m3基质,生产1 000 kg番茄产品对N、P2O5和K2O的推荐量分别为3.1、1.1和3.6 kg。  相似文献   

高浓度营养液对黄瓜和番茄下胚轴徒长的抑制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】黄瓜和番茄是我国主栽蔬菜种类,育苗过程中容易遭遇高温、高湿、弱光等不良环境,导致幼苗下胚轴徒长,严重影响后期丰产性。在控制幼苗徒长的实际操作中,利用植物生长调节剂、机械刺激、补光、温度调节、水分控制等调控方法容易受到多种因素影响而效果不佳。本文研究高浓度营养液浓度对黄瓜和番茄幼苗下胚轴徒长的抑制作用,以期提出一种有效制御幼苗徒长的方法。【方法】试验以Hoagland标准营养液配方为基础浓度(设为1.0C),通过成比例增减大量元素组分用量而不改变微量元素组分用量,组成0.5C、2.5C、5.0C、7.5C、10.0C和12.5C 6个浓度。以0.5C为对照,在日光温室条件下分别对黄瓜和番茄幼苗进行灌施处理。待幼苗生长至子叶平展期时,测定黄瓜和番茄幼苗形态及生长指标,研究营养液浓度对幼苗下胚轴细胞长度、生长速率及内源激素含量的影响;随后对幼苗进行0.5C低浓度营养液的恢复生长处理,待幼苗生长至第一真叶平展期时,再次进行幼苗形态及生长指标的测定,从而确定高浓度营养液对黄瓜和番茄下胚轴徒长的抑制效果及机制,并确定最适合制御幼苗徒长的营养液浓度。【结果】6种浓度营养液对黄瓜和番茄幼苗下胚轴徒长的影响结果为: 1)高浓度营养液显著提高了基质EC值(r=0.99),黄瓜和番茄幼苗在子叶平展期其下胚轴生长受到明显抑制,下胚轴长度、绝对生长速率和含水量均呈下降趋势,下胚轴皮层薄壁细胞轴/径向生长也受到影响。与对照相比,10.0C营养液处理下黄瓜和番茄幼苗下胚轴皮层薄壁细胞缩短为49%和48%。2)随着营养液浓度的增加,黄瓜和番茄下胚轴内源激素含量发生显著变化,其中赤霉酸(GA3)、玉米素核苷(ZR)含量呈降低趋势,而脱落酸(ABA)含量呈升高趋势,且ABA含量与下胚轴长度呈极显著负相关关系(P<0.01)。生长素(IAA)含量在不同浓度营养液处理下呈现区位性变化特征。3)在幼苗子叶平展期重新灌施0.5C浓度的营养液,对5.0C和7.5C处理下生长的幼苗均有恢复生长的作用,且幼苗株高/茎粗比明显优于对照和其它处理,该浓度可望有效避免幼苗徒长。【结论】高营浓度养液通过改变幼苗内源激素的动态平衡,特别是促进ABA的合成和积累,从而抑制幼苗下胚轴皮层细胞伸长生长,有效制御幼苗徒长。灌施高浓度营养液对黄瓜、番茄幼苗下胚轴伸长的抑制作用可以通过降低营养液浓度而得到解除,这种防治幼苗徒长的操作方法简便易行,具有潜在的应用前景,但在不同品种蔬菜幼苗生长过程中,最优化的营养液施用浓度及其影响机制尚需进一步研究分析。  相似文献   

Effects of nutrient solution composition ratio on (Tulipa gesneriana L.) cv, ?Apricot Parrot? and ?Daytona? growth and flowering were studied hydroponics. Plants were grown with five treatments respectively: S1(0), S2(0.01), S3(0.02) S4(0.03) and S5(0.04) meq L.-1 ammonium or 0,0.38, 0.74, 0.11 and 0.14 ammonium (NH4+)/NH4+nitrate (NO3)?ratios. Flowering was accelerated by increase of ammonium level for both cultivars. Nutrition solution was not significant on the stem length of Daytona cultivar, but maximum flowering stem length occurred S2 solution for Apricot Parrot cultivar. Increasing ammonium level, decreased potassium concentration in the aerial parts. Total nitrogen of new bulbs decreased with increasing ammonium level for both cultivars. Maximum bulblet production rate occurred in plants that were fed with S5 solution. Maximum flower longevity was in S2 solution for both cultivars. growth and quality of tulip were affected by ammonium level in nutrient solution, so for obtain the best flower quality must added to nutrient solution.  相似文献   

Mineral nutrient contents in vegetable-based foods are a concern in human diets, and depleted soil fertility and high-yielding cultivars are associated with low nutrient contents. This study explored if mineral nutrient concentrations of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) can be increased though selection of cultivars and nutritional regimes in greenhouse production. Cultivars including butterhead, romaine, and loose-leaf phenotypes of heritage and modern origins were studied. Hoagland solution, a commercial inorganic fertilizer, and a commercial organic fertilizer were the nutrient regimes. Heritage cultivars had about 10% higher phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc (P, K, Ca, Mg, and Zn) concentrations than modern cultivars. Differences in elemental concentrations occurred among phenotypes and nutritional regimes but with no consistent trend among elements for phenotypes or regimes. Some cultivars had twice the concentrations of nutrients of other cultivars. This work suggests that cultivars can be selected for production of mineral nutrient-rich lettuce.  相似文献   

设施栽培番茄的氮磷钾肥料效应研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
采用"3414"肥料试验设计开展了设施栽培番茄的氮、磷、钾肥料效应研究。结果表明,在高肥力土壤上适量施用氮、磷、钾肥均可增加番茄产量,但过量施用会降低其产量;钾肥的增产作用大于磷肥,氮肥的作用较小;氮、钾肥和磷、钾肥配施可增加番茄产量,而氮、磷肥配施降低产量。氮、磷(P_2O_5)和钾(K_2O)最佳经济施肥量分别为119.0、50.4和375.6 kg/hm~2,施肥比例为1∶0.42∶3.16。不同施氮量对番茄硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量的影响不规律,增施磷、钾肥番茄硝酸盐含量呈先增加后减少趋势;氮、磷肥和磷、钾肥配施可降低番茄硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量。氮、钾肥和磷、钾肥配施提高了番茄可溶性糖含量,氮、磷肥和磷、钾肥配施降低了番茄总酸含量,氮、钾肥配施则有增加番茄总酸含量的趋势,氮、钾肥和磷、钾肥配施均可提高番茄Vc含量。氮、磷、钾肥料合理配施对番茄产量和品质的提高具有重要作用。  相似文献   

不同营养液浓度对温室盆栽黄瓜产量与品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
营养液浓度与供液方式会影响温室黄瓜的产量与品质。本文通过盆栽试验,以山崎黄瓜专用营养液配方标准浓度1S为基准,研究了负水头供水控水盆栽装置供液条件下 1/2S、3/4S、1S、1S 4种营养液浓度以及常规浇灌1S(CK)营养液浓度对温室盆栽基质栽培黄瓜产量与品质的影响。结果表明, 地上部干重和产量与营养液浓度成显著正相关关系; 1S处理产量与地上部干重显著大于1S (CK)处理,但营养液生产效率差异不显著; 黄瓜整体品质随生育进程而提高,采收初期果实品质整体指标各处理差异较大,1S处理的较高; 采收中期1S与1S处理的较高,而采收末期各处理整体品质差异较小,1/2S与1S(CK)处理的相对较高; 其中1S(CK)处理各采收时期果实硝酸盐含量明显高于1S处理,而其它各指标两者无显著差异。负水头供水控水盆栽装置供液方式与1S营养液浓度处理是一种较好的供液方式与供液浓度。同时,适当提高黄瓜生育前期与降低生育末期营养液浓度能提高黄瓜的整体品质。  相似文献   

[目的]设施蔬菜生产中普遍存在氮肥施用过量、有机无机肥配合不合理以及灌水频繁等问题,我们通过田间试验研究了优化施氮模式对番茄产量、土壤硝态氮残留和氮平衡的影响,为蔬菜生产优质高效和减量优化施肥提供科学依据.[方法]试验在山东惠民蔬菜大棚内进行,灌水量为农户平均灌水量(482.5 mm)的80%(390 mm),供试蔬菜...  相似文献   

以“千禧”樱桃番茄为试材,研究不同氮素供应水平及植株打顶后的修剪方式对樱桃番茄的果实发育、产量及氮素营养的影响。结果表明,与传统修剪方式(Pc)相比,在氮素供应充足条件下,优化修剪方式(Po)可明显提高樱桃番茄的产量和果实单果重。其中在适宜氮素供应水平下,樱桃番茄产量提高49%,平均单果重提高20%;在氮素过量供应条件下,樱桃番茄产量提高27%,平均单果重提高25%。进一步分析表明,优化修剪能显著提高樱桃番茄果实的干物质积累比例,并通过提高植株叶片中的氮含量来促进番茄源活力,说明在适宜的氮素供应水平下,改善打顶后的樱桃番茄的库源关系可以显著提高番茄的产量。  相似文献   

The influence of the electrical conductivity (EC) of the substrate solution during the night, i.e., moderately high EC (“HEC”, 3.0 dS m–1, full solution) and low EC (“LEC”, 0.5 dS m–1, CaCl2 or Ca(NO3)2 and H3BO3), on the incidences of blossom‐end rot (BER) and fruit cracking (FC) in greenhouse tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) was investigated and compared with a control without additional nighttime fertigation (NTF). In three consecutive experiments conducted in Central Thailand between November 2005 and March 2007, additional NTF cycles were applied for 1 h after the regular daytime fertigation (EC 1.5/1.8 dS m–1, prior to/after the first harvest). In the first experiment (dry season 2005/06), two cultivars with either low (FMTT 260) or high (King Kong 2) susceptibility to BER and FC were used. The total amount of fruits affected by FC or BER was 4‐ and 10‐fold, respectively, higher in King Kong 2, but the relative response to NTF was similar in both cultivars. Therefore, in the following experiments only FMTT 260 was planted. In all experiments, NTF exerted significant effects on the uptake and allocation of water and mineral elements to the fruits and the proportions of fruits affected by BER and FC. The overall proportion of nonmarketable fruits was not significantly reduced, neither through LEC nor HEC because a decrease in BER by LEC and in FC by HEC was counteracted by enhanced FC in LEC and BER in HEC. It is concluded that under the tropical climate conditions of Central Thailand leading to high losses of marketable fruit yield through BER and FC, an integrated approach is required combining an optimized management of the fertigation system and particularly the selection of genotypes highly tolerant of BER and FC.  相似文献   

  【目的】  我国设施蔬菜过量施肥现象严重,在设施栽培条件下,比较常规施肥与化肥减施增效技术 (简称化肥减施) 下蔬菜产量 (生物量) 和氮肥利用率,研究氮素去向,为高效施肥提供依据。  【方法】  2017—2018年在河北省定兴县龙华村基地的日光温室进行2个试验。试验1根据差减法设计4个处理,包括常规施肥 (CF, N–P2O5–K2O为858–594–1284 kg/hm2)和化肥减施40% (RF,N–P2O5–K2O 为 608–297–720 kg/hm2) ,及其相应的不施化肥氮对照(CFNN和RFNN)。试验2为15N示踪试验,用15N尿素替代普通尿素15NRF和15NCF 2个处理。番茄收获后,取0—20、20—40和40—60 cm土层样品,测定氮素的残留量。分期收获成熟番茄及枯枝落叶,拉秧时取植株地上和地下部分,再分为不同部位,对番茄产量和养分吸收量进行测定。  【结果】  差减法试验结果表明,RF处理番茄产量、总吸氮量分别较CF显著增加了10.4%、14.8%,化肥氮利用率增加了15.4个百分点。15N示踪试验结果表明,15NRF处理产量、氮吸收量和15N吸收量分别较15NCF处理增加12.1%、25.3%和13.8%,15NRF和15NCF处理的化肥氮利用率分别为36.4%、20.3%。15N示踪法研究还表明,不同土层的全氮含量及15N原子百分超呈自上而下逐渐降低的趋势;15NRF处理的化肥氮损失、番茄氮吸收以及土壤氮残留比例分别为40.4%、36.4%和23.2%,15NCF处理化肥氮损失、番茄氮吸收和土壤氮残留比例分别为59.6%、20.6%和19.6%,化肥氮去向总体表现为损失 > 番茄吸收 > 土壤残留;15NRF处理化肥氮损失率较15NCF处理低19.2个百分点;15NRF和15NCF处理0—20 cm土层化肥氮残留量分别占土壤中化肥氮总残留量的88.9%和87.9%。  【结论】  在施用30 t/hm2有机肥的前提下,减少农户常规化肥用量的40%并调整氮磷钾比例,番茄产量和氮素吸收量显著增加,土壤残留比例没有明显变化,损失量显著降低,化肥氮利用率提高15个百分点以上。  相似文献   

降低设施菜田的氮素淋溶对于缓解菜区农业面源污染具有重要意义.通过有机肥替代氮肥及节水研究了设施番茄和辣椒农田氮素淋溶变化特征.试验设置:化肥(HF)处理、有机肥替代化学氮肥40%(TDN)处理、有机肥替代化学氮肥40%+节水30%(TDN+JS)处理.研究结果表明:两个监测年度不同蔬菜季所有处理淋溶液硝态氮平均浓度为7...  相似文献   

为探讨不同灌水量下砂壤温室黄瓜土壤中氮浓度的变化特征,借助温室内称重式蒸渗仪试验平台,以直径20 cm蒸发皿的蒸发量(E_p)为灌水依据,设置了I1(K_(cp1):0.8)、I2(K_(cp2):1.0)和I3(K_(cp3):1.2)3种灌水水平,研究了黄瓜生育期内不同土层土壤溶液中氮浓度的动态变化及氮淋洗情况。结果表明,减少灌溉量增加了20和40 cm土层中的硝态氮浓度,降低了60 cm土层的硝态氮浓度。与处理I3相比,处理I2在20和40 cm土层中的硝态氮生育期平均浓度增加了75.59%和134.36%,60 cm土层的硝态氮生育期平均浓度降低了18.88%。不同灌溉量处理在各土层中铵态氮最大浓度仅为0.4 mg·L~(-1),其中20 cm土层铵态氮浓度具有和硝态氮相似的变化规律,而40和60 cm土层中各处理无明显差异。黄瓜季淋洗出90 cm土体的氮总量为56.08~203.13kg·hm~(-2),占总施氮量的9.02%~32.69%。相比处理I3,I2处理不仅具有最高的黄瓜产量,而且氮淋洗总量降低了49.16%(P0.05),灌溉水利用效率和氮肥偏生产力分别提高了39.24%(P0.05)和18.88%(P0.05)。综合考虑土壤中氮浓度、淋洗量及黄瓜产量等指标,I2处理(K_(cp2):1.0)为供试条件下较优灌溉量。  相似文献   

在日光温室栽培条件下,研究了不同施氮模式对番茄产量、品质及土壤肥力的影响。结果表明,与当地习惯施肥模式(N1)相比,分别减施化肥氮26%(N2)、减施化肥氮26% 结合调节土壤C/N(N3)、减施化肥氮26% 结合调节土壤C/N和采用滴灌(N4)、减施化肥氮45% 结合调节土壤C/N和采用滴灌(N5)的集成模式对产量和品质无显著影响; 减氮模式下植物吸收的总氮量、氮素利用率和氮肥农学效率均高于习惯施肥模式,其中N5模式的氮素利用率和氮肥农学效率显著高于N1模式(P<0.05),说明减少化肥氮的施用量结合调节土壤C/N和/或滴灌措施能够保证番茄的产量和品质,达到减肥增效的目的。结果还看出,番茄拉秧后0—100 cm土层累积的硝态氮含量低于习惯施肥模式,对0—20 cm表层土壤碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量和土壤脲酶和蔗糖酶活性的影响不显著; 减氮条件下,N3和N5模式土壤细菌/真菌比值高于N1模式。综上研究结果表明,N3和N5 两个集成模式具有明显优势。  相似文献   

不同氮浓度对温室番茄生长发育和叶片光谱特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
营养液培养法研究不同氮浓度对温室番茄的生长发育及叶片光谱特性的影响。结果表明,在01~5 mmol/L范围内,随着营养液中氮浓度的增加,番茄的叶面积指数、株高、叶片数、花穗数、产量和叶片的吸光度都增大,但是超过一定的范围,植株的生长和发育均会受到抑制,说明适宜的氮素促进了植株的生长和发育。其中,处理N15的叶面积指数达到了3.0,叶片数和花穗数分别是26.7和7.0,均高于其它处理。不同处理间番茄产量均存在极显著的关系,以N15处理最高,N5的最低。从叶片的光谱图中可提取出与叶绿素有关的特征波段。在本试验条件下,番茄水培时营养液适宜的氮浓度为15 mmol/L。  相似文献   

通过两年大田随机区组试验,研究不同形态氮素运筹对0~30 cm耕层土壤养分和酶活性及对玉米产量的影响。所有处理进行分层操作,设置不施氮肥(CK)、普通尿素一次施肥(PU1)、普通尿素传统施肥(PU2,60%种肥+40%追肥)、普通尿素分层施肥(PU3,上层20%N+中层30%N+下层50%N)、缓释尿素(PCU)与普通尿素(PU)配施分层施肥[上层20%N(普通尿素)+中层30%N(配施)+下层50%N(配施),PCU1(PCU∶PU=中3∶7、下3∶7)、PCU2(PCU∶PU=中5∶5、下5∶5)、PCU3(PCU∶PU=中3∶7、下5∶5)、PCU4(PCU∶PU=中5∶5、下3∶7)]共8个处理。结果表明:在0~10 cm土层中,处理PU2的土壤养分和酶活性较高,除CK外,其它处理间无显著差异。缓释尿素与普通尿素配施处理(PCU1、PCU2、PCU3、PCU4)的土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮含量分别比普通尿素的处理(PU1、PU2、PU3)在10~20 cm土层提高0.48%~5.66%、2.61%~7.64%、11.57%~43.30%,PCU4处理含量最高,分别为24.30 g/kg、1.61 g/kg、84.28 mg/kg;在20~30 cm土层提高0.68%~7.32%、3.37%~9.04%、2.51%~26.17%,PCU2处理含量最高,分别为24.13、1.33、72.23 mg/kg。缓释尿素与普通尿素配施处理(PCU1、PCU2、PCU3、PCU4)的脲酶、过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶活性比未配施缓释尿素的处理(PU1、PU2、PU3)在10~20 cm分别提高2.49%~8.33%、7.25%~28.12%、1.05%~13.79%、14.57%~73.16%,PCU4处理酶活性最高,分别为0.60 mg/g、1.04 mol/L、29.15 mg/g、0.98 mg/g,20~30 cm土层提高9.52%~15.91%、9.60%~32.14%、12.26%~36.39%、26.40%~45.42%,PCU2酶活性最高,分别为0.60 mg/g、1.07 mol/L、25.27 mg/g、0.87 mg/g。缓释尿素与普通尿素配施处理较全部施普通尿素PU3产量两年分别提高1.78%~15.85%和2.32%~24.56%,PCU4产量最高达13 016和13 899 kg/hm2。缓释尿素与普通尿素配施施肥方式能提高耕层10~30 cm土壤养分含量和酶活性,促进玉米生长并显著增加玉米产量,其中PCU4处理施肥方式最佳。  相似文献   

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