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Phytoextraction using indica rice plants (Indian Rice Oryza ssp.) is a promising technique for remediating cadmium (Cd)-polluted paddy fields. Because this technique has only been established for paddy fields, we decided to examine phytoextraction in upland fields that have been converted from paddy fields. Although “CHOKOUKOKU” shows a shattering habit and lodging, its Cd uptake was significantly higher than that of other indica rice varieties. On the other hand, “IR8”, which was able to accumulate only moderate levels of Cd in its shoots, has a lodging tolerance, making it an optimal variety for southwest Japan, which experiences several typhoons each year. Therefore, both “CHOKOUKOKU” and “IR8” were useful in estimating practical phytoextraction in upland fields. A practical phytoextraction examination showed that the total Cd uptake of “CHOKOUKOKU” and “IR8” was 822 and 545 g ha?1, respectively, after a 4-year period. After phytoextraction by planting high Cd-accumulating rice plants, the Cd concentration of the plot soil decreased by approximately 35%, compared to the initial Cd concentration. To evaluate phytoextraction efficiency in the upland field, wheat (Triticum aestivum) was subsequently grown in the remediation field. The Cd concentration in the grains of “SHIROGANEKOMUGI” grown in the phytoextraction plot was lower than that grown in a non-phytoextraction plot; regrettably, it exceeded the Codex Alimentarius Commission standard, whereas the grain Cd concentrations of “CHUGOKU165” planted in phytoextraction plots complied with the Codex standard for wheat grain. These results suggest that phytoextraction using high Cd-accumulating rice varieties is a practical remediation system for low Cd-polluted upland fields. Moreover, we determined the end point of the phytoextraction process, which occurs when the soil Cd concentration of the phytoextraction fields is less than 0.6 mg kg?1 if “CHUGOKU165” is cultivated in this area.  相似文献   

This survey examined the element toxicities in wheat grown in naturally waterlogged farmer's sodic fields. Seven sites located in three districts (Faizabad, Pratapgarh, and Ambedkar Nagar) of eastern Uttar Pradesh, India were selected for the study. The data on soil redox potential (Eh), soil pH, soil electrical conductivity (EC), waterlogging duration, and crop age during waterlogging were recorded at the time of plant sampling in all the sites. Waterlogging caused a reduction of 21% to 65% in shoot dry weight in the survey sites. During waterlogging, the concentrations of iron (Fe), aluminum (Al), and sodium (Na) in leaves increased dramatically; the values of these elements were many folds higher than their reported critical toxicity levels (Fe-100 ppm, Al-50 ppm, and Na-8000 ppm, respectively). The results support the hypothesis that element toxicities occur during waterlogging in wheat grown in farmer's sodic field and identified Fe, Al, and Na toxicities as a major constraint for wheat production in the study area.  相似文献   

The effects of leaf water status in a wheat canopy on the accuracy of estimating leaf area index (LAI) and N were determined in this study using extracted spectral characteristics in the 2 000-2 300 nm region of the short wave infrared (SWI) band. A newly defined spectral index, relative adsorptive index in the 2 000-2 300 nm region (RAI2000-2300), which can be calculated by RAI2000-2300 = (R2224 - R2054) (R2224 + R2054)-1 with R being the reflectance at 2 224 or 2 054 nm, was utilized. This spectral index, RAI2000-2300, was significantly correlated (P 〈 0.01) with green LAI and leaf N concentration and proved to be potentially valuable for monitoring plant green LAI and leaf N at the field canopy scale. Moreover, plant LAI could be monitored more easily and more successfully than plant leaf N. The study also showed that leaf water had a strong masking effect on the 2 000-2 300 nm spectral characteristics and both the coefficient between RAI2000-2300 and green LAI and that between RAI2000-2300 and leaf N content decreased as leaf water content increased.  相似文献   

砂姜黑土小麦分蘖成穗及其调控研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验和小区试验相结合的方法 ,对砂姜黑土上不同小麦品种的分蘖成穗特性及其调控进行了研究 .结果表明 ,兰考 90 6分蘖发生快、多且衰亡也最快 ,分蘖成穗率较低 ,主要是由于二、三级分蘖发生较多 ,越冬期具有 4张以上叶片的分蘖才能成穗 .温麦 6号分蘖发生平稳 ,成穗率最高 ;百农 64分蘖力中等 ,增加一定的施肥量能明显提高分蘖成穗率 .不同生长调节剂对兰考 90 6分蘖成穗有明显的调控作用 ,以 6 BAt和 2 ,4 D控制分蘖成穗效果最为明显  相似文献   

Leaf wetness (LW) is one of the most important input variables of disease simulation models because of its fundamental role in the development of the infection process of many fungal pathogens. The low reliability of LW sensors and/or their rare use in standard weather stations has led to an increasing demand for reliable models that are able to estimate LW from other meteorological variables. When working on large databases in which data are interpolated in grids starting from weather stations, LW estimation is often penalized by the lack of hourly inputs (e.g., air relative humidity and air temperature), leading researchers to generate such variables from the daily values of the available weather data.Although it is possible to find several papers about models for the estimation of LW, the behavior and reliability of these models were never assessed by running them with inputs at different time resolutions aiming at large-area applications. Furthermore, only a limited number of papers have assessed the suitability of different LW models when used to provide inputs to simulate the development of the infection process of fungal pathogens. In this paper, six LW models were compared using data collected at 12 sites across the U.S. and Italy between 2002 and 2008 using an integrated, multi metric and fuzzy-based expert system developed ad hoc. The models were evaluated for their capability to estimate LW and for their impact on the simulation of the infection process for three pathogens through the use of a potential infection model. This study indicated that some empirical LW models performed better than physically based LW models. The classification and regression tree (CART) model performed better than the other models in most of the conditions tested. Finally, the estimate of LW using hourly inputs from daily data led to a decline of the LW models performances, which should still be considered acceptable. However, this estimate may require further work in data collection and model evaluation for applications at finer spatial resolutions aimed at decision support systems.  相似文献   

Four mathematical models were systematically evalusted in describing responses of four different crops at 7 rates of nitrogen application.Residual sum of squares and a total point ranking method were used to assess the model fitting for crop responses to nitrogen application.Sparrow‘s inverse quadratic polynomial model performed the best.  相似文献   

Summary Esterase isozymes of tetraploid wheat landraces originating from four localities in the central highlands of Ethiopia were studied using the horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. The landraces studied consisted of 60 Triticum turgidum L., one T. dicoccon Schrank, one T. polonicum L. and an improved local cultivar. One introduced durum cultivar was also included for comparison.A total of 12 esterase zymograms were detected in the landraces. Among these, the types C, A and G were found to be the most prevalent. The esterase isozymes exhibited high variation in the landraces. The esterase zymograms of the introduced durum cultivar and T. dicoccon differed from those of the landraces while the patterns attained in T. polonicum and the improved local cultivar were identical to those of the other landraces.The total number of bands detected was 10, of which 2 were rare, being displayed by only 1 pattern each. The band content of zymograms was in the range of 3–6 and the average was 4. The unique bands were observed in zymograms with both high and low prevalences in the landraces. Two zymograms, including zymogram C which had the highest frequency, occurred in all the localities. The high yielding landraces displayed 4 of the zymograms, one of which belonged to two of the zymograms with widest distribution.  相似文献   

Little-discussed aspects of mathematical models of migration, which contribute to better understanding of soil processes, were considered. These are the effect of the sorption isotherm parameters and sorption kinetics on the complexity of the migration models, the potentially great contribution of the diffusion of adsorbed ions to the general migration in the soil, the probability of an anomalously high diffusion flux through the soil under high sorption conditions, and the possibility for the nontrivial assessment of the exchangeable and mobile forms of substances in the soil from the migration parameters. The migration analysis features under field conditions and related additional uncertainties compared to the laboratory experiments were discussed, as well as new opportunities for the control of the technogenic contamination of the environment.  相似文献   


A group of spring wheat cultivars originating from Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, and the Netherlands was analysed for powdery mildew resistance. Using functional molecular markers, two alleles of the major resistance gene Pm3 were detected among the cultivars under the study. One of the alleles, Pm3d, was detected in the resistant cultivars ‘Vinjett’, ‘SW Estrad’, and ‘Zebra’, and in ‘Tjalve’, a cultivar of earlier release susceptible to the local population of powdery mildew. The second allele of Pm3 detected in the analysed group of cultivars was the allele Pm3f, rarely used in Europe. It was identified in the resistant cultivars ‘Satu’, ‘Helle’, and in the moderatively resistant cultivar ‘Mahti’. Pm3f was found to be effective against the local population of powdery mildew in Estonia, while Pm3d provided no protective effect. Besides the Pm3d allele on chromosome 1A, monosomic analysis of the cultivar ‘Vinjett’,which is almost immune to powdery mildew, identified two additional loci on chromosomes 5D and 7D, respectively, presumably responsible for the high resistance in this cultivar. In contrast to the earlier cultivars, six recently released cultivars (‘Vinjett’, ‘SW Estrad’, ‘Zebra’, ‘Satu’, ‘Helle’, ‘Meri’) demonstrated a high resistance to the powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis DC. f. sp. tritici both in the field and seedling tests, showing that the genetic basis of powdery mildew resistance in Nordic spring wheat has been improved noticeably in the last ten years.  相似文献   


The results of a 4-year experiment combining irrigation, N, and K showed that to maintain productivity and tree growth it is necessary to attain a higher leaf N status than current diagnosis standards. To sustain high oil yield and quality and to avoid excessive vigor, a critical N concentration was established for olive trees of 1.94% for leaves sampled in July. A negative relationship was obtained between N leaf concentration and some quality parameters. Above 1.94% N, total phenolic content and oxidative stability fell below 220?mg kg?1 and 10?hr, respectively. In addition, above this N leaf concentration other factors including the alternate bearing index (ABI) and vegetative growth distorted productive and qualitative responses. Moreover, the differential productive response of trees related to alternate fruit bearing status implies that the interpretation of leaf nitrogen content can be more accurate when ABI suggests an ON tree status.  相似文献   

冬小麦机械断根技术源于小麦高产的生产实践,是冬小麦精播高产栽培的重要配套技术,机械断根方式是影响小麦断根质量和断根效果的重要因素。根据小麦机械断根的农艺要求,设计了三种断根方式:锄铲断根、刀片断根、锄铲+刀片组合断根,对三种断根方式的断根效果和增产效果进行了试验研究,为正确设计小麦断根机械提供了依据。试验结果表明:三种断根方式都有明显的断根效果和增产效果,断根率为25.8%~42.1%,与对照相比,小麦产量平均提高9.96%~11.41%。其中,锄铲+刀片组合断根工作稳定、不翻土、不损伤麦苗,单株断根率为42.1%,平均断根深度10.2 cm、变异系数小,对根系生长的促进作用最大,断根增产效果最显著,比对照提高11.41%。综合各项指标,小麦进行机械断根作业时的工作部件应选用锄铲+刀片组合方式配置。  相似文献   

A collection of 164 Aegilops tauschii accessions, obtained from Gatersleben, Germany, was screened for reaction to leaf rust under controlled greenhouse conditions. We have also evaluated a selection of synthetic hexaploid wheats, produced by hybridizing Ae. tauschii with tetraploid durum wheats, as well as the first and second generation of hybrids between some of these resistant synthetic hexaploid wheats and susceptible Triticum aestivum cultivars. Eighteen (11%) accessions of Ae. tauschii were resistant to leaf rust among which 1 was immune, 13 were highly resistant and 4 were moderately resistant. Six of the synthetic hexaploid wheats expressed a high level of leaf rust resistance while four exhibited either a reduced or complete susceptibility compared to their corresponding diploid parent. This suppression of resistance at the hexaploid level suggests the presence of suppressor genes in the A and/or B genomes of the T. turgidum parent. Inheritance of leaf rust resistance from the intercrosses with susceptible bread wheats revealed that resistance was dominant over susceptibility. Leaf rust resistance from the three synthetics (syn 101, syn 701 and syn 901) was effectively transmitted as a single dominant gene and one synthetic (syn 301) possessed two different dominant genes for resistance.  相似文献   

冬小麦叶片绿度时空变异特征研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用地统计学方法测定分析海河低平原区农田冬小麦关键生育期叶片绿度时空变异特征结果表明,冬小麦叶片绿度时间变化趋势为拔节期<孕穗期<抽穗期<灌浆期;各生育时期叶片绿度在180m×720m空间存在变异性,其相关距离为145.4~320.0m;块金效应占各自总方差的25%~79%,经验半方差可用球状模型模拟。  相似文献   

Wheat grown in Gabalong soil was examined for the microflora of its seminal and nodal root systems of similar age. At all stages of sampling, the seminal roots were found to support a significantly-larger population of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi in their rhizosphere than the nodal roots. The seminal roots had higher numbers of bacteria and actinomycetes in their residues, but fungal numbers were not significantly different. The “rhizosphere effects” of the two root systems, in the combined analysis, were significantly different only for fungi. An interesting trend on both root systems was that while the numbers of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi in the rhizosphere decreased with root age, their numbers in the residue increased with age.  相似文献   

The contribution of forest soils to the total carbon budget and to the emission of greenhouse gases is an important problem involved in many international programs, including the Kyoto Protocol. Direct measurements of the carbon pool in forest soils and its changes are slow and expensive; therefore, mathematical models are proposed in different countries for describing the dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM). The models differ in complexity and consider different processes of SOM mineralization and humification. The input parameters include model coefficients (these are usually the rates of decomposition and humification of different SOM compartments) and the initial values for different SOM pools. The coefficients can be estimated in special laboratory and field experiments, but the characteristics of the initial values for different SOM pools are usually absent. In this case, some assumptions about the character of SOM accumulation, which depends on forest vegetation, are used. The most realistic is the use of databases on the pools of carbon and other elements related to the types of forest or habitat conditions, including the primarily water regime and soil fertility. Under some suppositions, the agreement conditions between the main parameters of the SOM and forest vegetation can be formulated to assess the initial SOM pools in the forest litter and mineral horizons of the soil. An example of assessing the prediction of forest soil dynamics in Leningrad oblast was considered.  相似文献   

蒸散量是农田水循环中水分损失的主要途径,其准确估算对节水灌溉具有重要意义。单源的Penman-Monteith (P-M)模型是最常用的蒸散量估算方法,但模型中冠层阻力的合理参数化一直是研究中的难点。该研究选取常用6种冠层阻力模型,使用北京顺义2 a(2020年和2021年)的波文比实测结果,分析不同模型进行冬小麦冠层阻力及蒸散估算的可行性。结果表明:1)无参数校正条件下,6种模型均低估了冬小麦冠层阻力,同时高估了蒸散量。其中,Todorovic模型(TD)的普适性最好,其模拟的冠层阻力、蒸散量与实测值的R2都在0.605及以上;耦合的冠层阻力模型(CO模型)普适性最差,冠层阻力、蒸散量与实测值的R2分别为0.113、0.046;2)进一步使用2021年的试验数据进行模型参数校正、2020年的数据进行验证,发现校正后的JA、CO、GA、KP及FAO56-PM模型计算的冠层阻力和蒸散量与实测值的一致性大幅提高。除JA模型低估冠层阻力外,其余均高估冠层阻力、低估蒸散量。其中KP模型模拟的冠层阻力和蒸散量效果最好,R2均在0.907及以上,而其余5种模型估算精度也较好。6种模型的估算精度排序为KP、GA、TD、FAO56-PM、CO、JA。综上,所评价的模型校正后均可作为P-M模型的冠层阻力输入来估算冬小麦蒸散量,但TD 模型不需要参数校正,在数据不足时可作为首选;而KP模型参数较少,校正后拟合精度最高,在数据充足时可作为首选。研究结果对华北地区使用P-M一步法计算冬小麦蒸散量具有重要价值。  相似文献   

摘要:针对黄淮海一年两熟地区麦茬地免耕播种存在秸秆堵塞单体,缺少适宜的防堵装置等问题,研制了一种用于麦茬地免耕播种机的清秸覆秸装置,该装置采用弹齿作为清秸部件,并融合了秸秆横向位移的思想和主动式防堵的特点。为确定清秸覆秸装置的合理结构,采用L9(34)正交试验方法,对该装置的参数进行了优化试验。结果表明:弹齿线速度20.72 m/s、作业速度4.5 km/h、弹齿齿数7排、挡板角度75°时,清秸率达98%以上、覆秸均匀度达7.48、覆秸宽度达2.89 m。按照国家标准GB/T6973-2005《单粒(精密)播种机试验方法(Testing Methods of Single Seed Drills)》对免耕播种机进行了田间播种性能试验。结果表明,在理论株距分别为6和8 cm,理论播深为3~5 cm条件下,免耕播种机的粒距合格指数、重播指数、漏播指数及株距变异系数均达到了国家部颁标准优等品要求水平,播深合格率达到一等品的要求水平。该研究对解决麦茬地免耕机械化播种问题具有参考意义。  相似文献   

基于赤池信息量准则的冬小麦叶面积指数高光谱估测   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
冬小麦叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)是描述冠层结构的重要参数之一,对评价其长势和预测产量具有重要意义。该文利用灰色关联分析(grey relational analysis,GRA)对植被指数进行排序,用偏最小二乘法(partial least squares regression,PLS)选择不同的植被指数个数作为自变量进行回归建模,通过赤池信息量准则(Akaike’s information criterion,AIC)选择AIC值最小的模型作为冬小麦LAI最优估算模型,即GRA、PLS和AIC 3种方法整合建立冬小麦LAI最优估算模型。使用2008-2009年在中国北京通州区和顺义区获取的整个生育期冬小麦LAI和配套的光谱数据进行建模,利用2009-2010相关数据进行验证。研究表明:采用GRA评价标准与冬小麦LAI关联度最大的植被指数是VOG1,关联度最小的植被指数是SR;通过AIC建立的以8个植被指数作为自变量的冬小麦LAI模型效果最优,建模集的决定系数R2和标准误SE分别为0.76和0.009,验证集的R2和相对均方根误差RRMSE分别为0.63和0.004,预测模型和验证模型均具有较高的精度和可靠性。结果表明采用GRA-PLS-AIC方法进行冬小麦LAI反演是可行的,为提高冬小麦LAI遥感预测精度提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

Abstract. Direct drilling was compared with mouldboard ploughing on a sandy clay loam using winter wheat as the test crop for a period of four years (1978/79 to 1981/82). The effect of short- and long-term sequences of direct-drilling on grain yield from 1981/85 was also investigated and in 1983/84 and 1984/85 the effect of soil loosening by a slant-legged subsoiler, the'Paraplow'. The range in annual mean yields was 7.19 to 9.32 t ha-1. There were no significant differences in grain yield between direct-drilling and ploughing except in 1979 when direct-drilled wheat yielded 0.60 t ha-1 more than wheat after ploughing. The number of years the land had been direct-drilled had no effect on grain yield.
Using a slant-legged subsoiler on direct-drilled land significantly reduced cone resistance and increased root density, but these effects were variable across the working width of the implement. Subsoiling did not increase yield in 1983/84, and in 1984/85 it reduced yield by 0.45 t ha-1.
Long-term direct drilling of winter wheat on the Tickenham soil series is unlikely to result in a loss of yield provided straw is burnt and grass weeds are controlled.  相似文献   

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