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The spatial variability of throughfall and stemflow in Amazonian tropical rainforest is analysed. Statistical tests are used to assess the minimum sampling size and number of gauges required. Random relocation of throughfall gauges is shown to be better than fixed position gauges and random relocation of gauges on a transect line is better than over an area. During the study period, throughfall and stemflow, calculated as percentages of gross rainfall, were 91(± 2) and 1.8(± 1)%, respectively. No attempt was made in this study to investigate storm size dependency of these figures.  相似文献   

Rhizomorphs of Armitlaria mellea Karst s.l. were collected in the stemflow and throughfall areas of beech stands on four soil types in Hungary in order to compare their chemical element contents. The amount of rhizomorphs found in the samples increased with decreasing pH of the soil types as well as with decreasing pH caused by the influence of stemflow water. Least rhizomorphs were collected in the Ranker, whereas most were found in the stemflow areas of the pod- zolized Brown Earth. Rhizomorph and beech root samples, collected for comparison, showed highly significant differences in their chemical element contents. Rhizomorphs contained less B, Fe. Ga, Li, Mg, Mn, Ti and V, but more Cd, Co, P, Pb, Si and Zn in all soil types than comparable beech root samples. Remarkable was the high Pb content of rhizomorphs, which is not characteristic of mushroom fruiting bodies collected in unpolluted areas.  相似文献   

Content of copper, manganese, lead, and zinc in samples of bulk precipitation, throughfall and stemflow has been studied in a forest area in central Bohemia. The sampling localities are situated on two types of bedrock, granite and cenomaniau sandstones. The content in bulk precipitation reflects the impact of fossil fuel emission sources and the vehicular sources of lead. The deposition rate of elements in throughfall, in comparison with that of the deposition on an open land, exhibits increased values in essential microelements (in Mn approx. 45 times, Zh-5 times, Cu and Cd-2 times), with significant seasonal fluctuations. The value of the same ratio for ecotoxic lead is 0.23. The enhanced flux of elements in throughfall is ascribed mainly to the metabolic processes of the trees. Differences in the chemical composition of throughfall and stemflow collected on stands with different kind of bedrock are ascribed to various degree of accessibility of the micronutrients and various intensity of their vegetation uptake.  相似文献   


The effects of increasing levels of NaCl in the irrigation water on the foliar content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Mn of six citrus seedling varieties were studied. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions in a factorial design. Treatments consisted of addition of irrigation waters containing 1.5, 10, 20, and 40 me NaCl/l. Increasing salinity significantly decreased K and Mn contents and increased those of N and Mg. Leaf content of P, Ca, and Fe was not affected. Results also showed that seedling variety and sampling data had a significant effect on the mineral composition of the leaf.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted using a Candler fine sand (hyperthermic, uncoated, Typic Quartzipsamments) amended with either citrus leaves or compost, to measure the nitrogen (N) mineralization and its availability to two citrus rootstock seedlings. A rapid increase in NH4‐N concentration was evident in the soil amended with citrus leaves as compared to compost during the initial 14 to 20 d. Subsequently, the concentration of NH4‐N decreased in the citrus leaves amended soil. The extractable NO3‐N concentration was greater in the soil amended with citrus leaves as compared to compost, throughout the 270 d duration of the study. The N concentrations and N uptake by Cleopatra mandarin (CM) and Swingle citrumelo (SC) seedlings grown in citrus leaf amended soil were very similar to those in urea amended soil. Therefore, mineralization of N from dry ground citrus leaves was quite rapid. The N concentrations in both rootstock seedlings were much lower in the compost amended and unamended soils as compared to those in either citrus leaves or urea amended soils. Rapid mineralization of N from cirrus leaves added to sandy soil, resulting in an increased availability of N, suggested that the contribution of N from shed leaf mineralization must be considered while developing N rate recommendations for improving N use efficiency.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the antioxidant activity, hepatoprotective effect, and phenolic composition of the ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) extracted from Houttuynia cordata tea. EAF was shown to exhibit strong ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and scavenging activity against DPPH radical in vitro, and the antioxidant effects were further verified by suppressing CCl?-induced oxidative stress in mouse liver at three tested doses of EAF (250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg bw). Pretreatment with EAF (1000 mg/kg bw) prior to CCl? administration significantly (p < 0.001) decreased the CCl?-elevated levels of serum AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, and hepatic MDA in mice and prevented the increases in GSH, SOD, and CAT caused by CCl?. HPLC analysis revealed that three predominantly polyphenolic compounds present in EAF were quercitrin (111.7 μg/mg), quercetin (43.8 μg/mg), and hyperoside (29.1 μg/mg). These results combined with liver histopathology indicate that EAF possesses a significant protective effect against acute hepatotoxicity induced by CCl?, which may be due to the strong antioxidant activity of phenolic components.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of iron (Fe) chlorosis on the mineral composition of lemon tree leaves cultivated in calcareous soil in the region of Murcia, Spain. A Fe‐polyflavonoid was employed as fertilizer to control Fe deficiency. The evolution of the leaf content in Fe, potassium (K), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) was monitored during all the sampling cycle. A high correspondence between total Fe and chlorophyll content could be appreciated. A multivariance analysis was performed with the data obtained, showing that Fe was correlated with P, Mn, and K.  相似文献   

Production rates of metabolic wastes by channel catfish (Ictalurus punctutas) were estimated by analyzing effluents from high density culture of 940 g and 60 g catfish. Results were integrated over a 24 h steady-state period in which normal feeding activities were maintained and were expressed as g day?1kg?1 fish and g day?1 kg?1 feed consumed. When expressed on a unit fish weight basis, production rates were greater for 60 g than for 940 g catfish. However, when expressed on a feed consumption basis, production rates of most catabolic products were approximately equal for both size fish. Average values (g day?1 kg?1 feed) were as follows: total N, 67; ammonia N, 20; nitrate-nitrite N, 20; 5-day BOD, 98; total solids, 180; total P, 15; total K, 18. Filtered solids from effluent contained 5% nitrogen, 1.6% phosphorus and .13%. potassium. Diurnal variation in production rates were noted with solid production reaching a maximum after each feeding and BOD, NH3 and nitrate reaching a maximum only in the afternoon.  相似文献   

Quality and elemental content of fruit from internal tree canopies were compared with those from external canopy positions in 4 citrus varieties: ‘Kinnow’ mandarin; ‘Redblush’ grapefruit; ‘Valencia’ orange; and ‘Lisbon’ lemon. Fruit weight, total juice per fruit, peel fresh and dry weight, and rind thickness of fruit from internal canopies of all 4 varieties were significantly higher compared with external fruit. Mandarin, grapefruit, and orange fruit from external canopies had higher soluble solids and specific gravity. Fruit from internal canopies of all varieties had generally higher peel concentrations (% dry weight) of N, P and K due to a dilution effect, while the opposite condition existed in mandarin when these elements were expressed on a percent fresh weight basis. Peel Mg and S from external fruit were higher in all varieties, expressed as percentages of either dry weight or fresh weight. Nitrogen content of mandarin and orange juice and Ca content of grapefruit and lemon juice from external fruit were significantly higher compared to those from internal canopy fruit. Elimination of fruit quality and mineral variations as a result of canopy positions is recommended by the means of cultural practices.  相似文献   

A Poisson model is developed to describe sunfleck or gap size distributions beneath clumped plant canopies. This model is based on the assumption that foliage clumps are randomly distributed in space and foliage elements are randomly distributed within each clump. Using this model, the foliage clumping index, leaf area index (L), clump area index, element area index in each clump, and element and clump widths were successfully derived for two artificial canopies and a thinned and pruned Douglas-fir forest stand. It is shown that existing theories for deriving L from measurements of canopy gap fraction have limitations, and the use of canopy architectural information derived from canopy gap size distribution can substantially improve the technique for indirectly measuring L of plant canopies.  相似文献   

Fresh citrus honey was stored at 10, 20, and 40 degrees C for 12 months. The effect of storage on the quality of honey was evaluated using physicochemical parameters, volatile compounds, mono-, di-, and trisaccharides, and sensory analysis. Diastase activity and HMF were out of the legal limit in honey stored 12 months at 40 degrees C. Volatile compounds (especially terpenes and terpene derivatives), monosaccharides, and disaccharides presented important losses during honey storage at any temperature. Honey storage at 10 or 20 degrees C maintained their floral, fresh, citric, and fresh fruit aroma, while the intensities of these attributes were diminished. Storage at 40 degrees C during 12 months resulted in the appearance of attributes such as "medicinal, smoked, toasted, cooked vegetable, and ripened fruit", associated with compounds formed during the Maillard reaction or through degradation of sugars such as volatile pyrroles, furanones, pyranones, and pyrazines, which appeared or increased in concentration during honey storage mainly at high temperature.  相似文献   

During plant maturation, degradability of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) stems declines due to accumulation of highly lignified xylary tissue. Xylem and nonxylem tissues dissected from lower alfalfa internodes were analyzed for cell wall constituents and degradability. Cell walls comprised 740 mg g(-1) of xylem and 533 mg g(-1) of nonxylem tissues. Xylem tissues contributed about 60% of the cell wall mass in internodes. Xylem walls contained 28% lignin, 4% pectin, 29% hemicellulose, and 39% cellulose as compared to 15% lignin, 25% pectin, 30% hemicellulose, and 30% cellulose in nonxylem walls. Fungal enzymes hydrolyzed 22 and 73% of the structural carbohydrates in xylem and nonxylem walls, respectively. In both cell wall fractions, the release of xylose was 56-90% lower than that of other sugars, indicating that lignin preferentially restricted xylan degradation in secondary walls and xyloglucan degradation in primary walls. Elucidation of lignin-xylose interactions may reveal strategies for improving fiber degradability of alfalfa.  相似文献   

Arachis hypogaea , known as the peanut, is native to South America. Peanut contains several active components including flavonoids, phenolic acids, phytosterols, alkaloids, and stilbenes. Some therapeutic effects have been reported for peanut seed extracts, such as antioxidative, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory activities. This paper aims to give an overview of the chemical composition, focusing on secondary metabolites, and of the biological activity of A. hypogaea, to stimulate new studies about species of the Arachis genus.  相似文献   

The contribution of the chemical composition to the flavor of cocoa liquor from an Ecuadorian selfed population of clone EET 95 was investigated. Polyphenols, purine alkaloids, organic acids, and sugars were quantified, and the key sensory characteristics of cocoa were scored by a trained panel. Despite the short bean fermentation (2 days) commonly used for Arriba cocoa, acetic acid content was closely correlated to liquor pH, demonstrating its essential role in cocoa liquor acidification. Polyphenols were positively correlated to astringency, bitterness, and the green note and negatively correlated to the fruity character. Alkaloid and polyphenol levels fluctuated significantly within the selfed progeny and tended to be lower than those of the heterozygous clone EET 95 (inbreeding effect). These results support the idea that polyphenols might be essential to the overall perception of cocoa liquor characteristics and indicate that the composition and the sensory quality of cocoa liquor are the result of both a genotypic contribution and the conditions of fermentation and roasting.  相似文献   

We present a new measurement technique based on image correlation to capture the wind-induced motions of crop canopies. Tests were carried out on an alfalfa field submitted to natural wind. The motion is video-recorded from the side of the field and we take advantage of the natural periodicity of the crop to correct the distortion due to perspective. The computation of the canopy motions between successive images is based on Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), and takes advantage of the natural small-scale heterogeneities of the canopy. It provides the two-dimensionnal spatio-temporal velocity field of the crop top surface with high spatial and temporal resolution. The Bi-Orthogonal Decomposition (BOD) of the velocity field then reveals large coherent propagating structures that scale with typical wavelength of wind fluctuation over canopies.  相似文献   

Wakayama Prefecture is one of the important districts of citrus production in Japan. The citrus groves are located in the northern districts of the prefecture along the watershed of the Kii, and Arita rivers. Geologically, the rocks in these districts are classified into crystalline schist, Palaeozoic Upper Chichibu and Mesozoic Cretaceous systems. The associated soils are chiefly members of the Red Yellow Podzolic and Lithosol group.7)  相似文献   

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