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Two bush bean cultivars [Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. ‘Wonder Crop 2’ (WC‐2) and ‘Green Lord’ (GL)], differing in Mn toxicity, were grown in a growth chamber for 12 days in Hoagland No. 2 nutrient solution containing 0.05 to 1 ppm Mn as MnCl24H2O with 1 ppm Fe as Fe‐EDTA, at an initial pH 5.00. Concentrations of Zn, K, Ca and Mg in the tissues of two bush bean cultivars were examined in relation to Mn toxicity.

The concentration of Zn in the leaves of Mn‐sensitive WC‐2 increased significantly with increasing Mn concentration in the solution, but such levels were not toxic to the plants.

The percent distribution of Zn and K in Mn‐sensitive WC‐2 plants (% of total uptake) significantly increased in the tops and decreased in the roots with increasing Mn concentration in the nutrient solution; however, Mn treatment had no effect on distribution of either Ca or Mg in WC‐2. External Mn concentration had little or no effect on the K, Ca, or Mg concentration in the tops of Mn‐tolerant GL.  相似文献   


Seventy‐one soybean genotypes were grown in the field on an acid Norfolk loamy sand to evaluate growth, seed yield, and nutrient concentrations in aerial plant fractions. The pH values in the Ap, A2, and B horizons were 4.6, 4.4, and 4.4, respectively. Cation exchange capacities (CEC) were 2.1, 0.9, and 2.8 me/100 g with an Al saturation of 34, 49, and 40%, respectively. Very few visual toxicity or deficiency symptoms were found among the genotypes. Analyses of aerial plant fractions collected when the genotypes were in bloom or early pod fill showed some significant differences, but In general P, K, Ca, and Mg concentrations were adequate, while Al, Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations were very high. Average yields of genotypes in maturity groups IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII were 2.7, 2.7, 2.6, 2.4, and 2.2 t/ha, respectively. There were significant differences in seed yield among genotypes in maturity groups IV and VIII, but differences among genotypes in the other maturity groups were nonsignificant. Correlations between yield and nutrient concentration showed some significant relationships, but in general, this technique did not differentiate genotypes according to their tolerance to acid soil conditions.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted in which four varieties of soybean (Glycine max L.) and three varieties of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) were grown in a calcareous soil with and without soil applied FeEDDHA (0 and 2 mg Fe/kg soil). Soil applications of FeEDDHA increased Fe concentrations and reduced Mn concentrations in all varieties of soybean and eliminated Mn toxicity symptoms in Corsoy soybeans. Soil applications of FeEDDHA did not increase Fe uptake or affect Mn uptake into sorghum leaves. This study tends to support the hypothesis that there are distinct plant mechanisms between dicots and graminaceous species for the uptake of Fe, and that these mechanisms have a direct effect on Mn availability for plant uptake.  相似文献   

Nineteen bush bean cultivars were screened for tolerance to excess Mn in nutrient solution and sand culture experiments. Seven‐day‐old seedlings were treated with full strength Hoagland No. 2 nutrient solution containing different Mn concentrations for 12 days in the greenhouse.

Cultivars showing the greatest sensitivity to Mn toxicity were ‘Wonder Crop 1’ and ‘Wonder Crop 2'; those showing the greatest tolerance were ‘Green Lord’, ‘Red Kidney’ and ‘Edogawa Black Seeded’.

Leaf Mn concentration of plants grown in sand culture was higher than that for plants grown in solution culture. The lowest leaf Mn concentration at which Mn toxicity symptoms developed, was higher in tolerant than in sensitive cultivars. The Fe/Mn ratio in the leaves at which Mn toxicity symptoms developed, was higher in the sensitive cultivars than in the tolerant ones.

We concluded that Mn tolerance in certain bush bean cultivars is due to a greater ability to tolerate a high level of Mn accumulation in the leaves.  相似文献   


The effects of foliar fertilization on the yield and seed composition of two soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) varieties were investigated under mid‐Missouri conditions over a 2‐year period. The foliar fertilizer treatments consisted of (i) 80–8–24–4 (NPKS) kg/ha, (ii) 40–4–12–2 (NPKS) kg/ha, and (in) control (no foliar treatment) with the optimum proportion of N:P:K:S in the solution 10:1:3:0.5 respectively. Nutrient sources were urea, potassium polyphosphate, and potassium sulfate. Water solutions of fertilizers (pH 6.9) containing 0.1% Tween 80 (v/v) were sprayed on the plants using a CO2 ‐ pressurized back‐pack sprayer. Foliar fertilizer was split between four equal applications during the seed filling period. The variety Mitchell at the higher rate and the variety Williams at the lower fertilizer application rate produced slight, though statistically insignificant, yield increases. At the higher rate of application, the seed protein contents of both varieties increased, while the oil contents decreased. The concentrations of P and K in the seeds were not affected by foliar fertilization, but at the higher rate, there was a small decrease in S content of Williams variety.  相似文献   

The pollution of agricultural soils by metals is of growing concern worldwide, and is increasingly subject to regulatory limits. However, the effect of metal pollutants on the responses of plants can vary with soil types. In this study, we examined the growth and antioxidant responses of soybean plants exposed to contrasting soils (Oxisol and Entisol), which were artificially contaminated with cadmium (Cd) or barium (Ba). Cadmium reduced plant growth at concentrations higher than 5.2 mg (kg soil)–1, while Ba only affected plant growth at 600 mg kg–1. Such levels are higher than the limits imposed by the Brazilian environmental legislation. Lipid peroxidation was increased only at a Cd concentration of 10.4 mg kg–1 in the Oxisol, after 30 d of exposure. Twelve superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC isoenzymes were evaluated, most of which were classified as Cu/Zn forms. The SOD activity in the leaves of plants grown in the Oxisol decreased over time, whilst remaining high in the Entisol. Catalase (CAT; EC activity in the leaves exhibited little response to Cd or Ba, but increased over time. Glutathione reductase (GR; EC activity was reduced over time when exposed to the higher Cd concentrations, but increased following Ba exposure in the Oxisol. The enzyme‐activity changes were mainly dependent on soil type, time of exposure and, to a lesser extent, the metal concentration of the soil. Soybean plants grown in a sandy soil with a low buffering capacity, such as Entisol, suffer greater oxidative stress than those grown in a clay soil, such as Oxisol.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that limpograss, Hemarthria altissima (Poir), Stapf & C. E. Hubb (PI 364344) was tolerant to low temperature and to high concentrations of Al in acid soil, mine spoil and nutrient solution. Additional experiments were conducted to test the tolerance of this limpograss clone to excess Mn, another potential growth‐limiting factor in acid soils.

Cuttings from a single plant were grown in pots of Mn‐toxic Zanesville soil with no lime (pH 5.1) and 1250 ppm CaCO (pH 6.3) and in nutrient solutions containing 0, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 ppm Mn at pH 4.0. The grass was highly tolerant to excess Mn in both media. Liming the soil from pH 5.1 to 6.3 did not significantly affect top dry weight of the first harvest and significantly decreased that of the second. In nutrient solutions at pH 4.0 top dry weights were not significantly affected by Mn concentrations up to 64 ppm. Root dry weights were significantly increased by Mn additions of 16, 32 and 64 ppm. Limpograss (PI 364344) was not injured when Mn concentrations were as high as 930 and 9152 ppm in tops and roots, respectively. High Mn tolerance is yet another trait that should enhance the potential use of this grass in revegetating acid mine spoils and other acid sites.  相似文献   


An experiment to determine the effect of inoculum, N, P, and K on certain attributes of two soybean varieties was conducted in 1967 at JNKW. The experimental area had no prior history of soybean production and contained few, if any, soybean rhizobia.

Plant height, height to first pod, lodging, seed quality, and seed weight were affected by applied N. Applied P had a quadratic effect upon plant height, while plant height decreased linearly with increasing levels of applied K. The effect of N was linear and applied P curvilinear upon lodging. Uninoculated plants had seed with poorer seed quality scores and lower seed weights than inoculated plants. Applied P increased seed weight. Height to first pod was higher for Bragg than for Clark 63.  相似文献   


This research was undertaken on a paleudult soil in southern Brazil, 30° south latitude, to quantify lime and P effect upon soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). A lime x P factorial experience with lime treatments of 0, 0.5, 1, and 2 times SMP interpretation to pH 6.5, and 0, 44, 88, 132, and 176 kg P/ha with 3 replications were installed. The experiment was conducted for 2 years (1973–74, 1974–75), with leaf‐N, P, and K; yield; seed‐N, P, and K; Bray P2 (0.03N NH4F + 0.1N HC1) avail‐able‐P and soil pH measurements completed each year. Data was evaluated with linear, quadratic, logarithmic, polynomial, segmented line, and multiple regression using the coefficient of determination as goodness of fit.

The best model fit between P treatment and Bray P2 available‐P was a quadratic equation; the model between relative yield and Bray P2‐P with 54% of the relative yield attributed to Bray P2 available‐P, a sigmented line. This model indicated point of maximum yield (91% relative yield) was obtained at 7.4 ppm‐P, with no increase in relative yield with increasing levels of soil available‐P. To calculate the P fertilizer necessary to increase available soil‐P to the level of maximum yield of equation Yp = [1639(7.4 ‐ xs)]1/2, where Yp = kg P/ha fertilizer needed; and xs = initial Bray P2 soil available‐P in ppm's. The lime effect upon soil pH was best described as a linear relationship. Yield increase with lime at this site was not significant at the 5% level.

The leaf‐N, P, and K increased significantly with soil available‐P levels. A second degree polynomial with logarithmic function best defined these relationships. The calculated DRIS indices and sum proved useful to evaluate the plant‐N, P, and K balance of each treatment.

Only seed‐P level was directly related to soil available‐P. Both seed‐N and seed‐K were highly correlated with indirect effects of soil available‐P levels.

Results from this study suggest the segmented line model would best interpret soybean yield response to Bray P2 available‐P for this soil. To obtain maximum yield using this model rather than the second degree polynomial would require less fertilizer P. Foliar analyses interpretation confirmed adequate plant‐P level would be supplied for maximum yield at this level of fertilization.  相似文献   

Prolonged flooding of soybean [Glycine max(L.) Merrill] reduce yields. One explanation for lower yields in legumes has been the reduction in N fixation associated with the reduction in 02 supply in the flooded soil. This work investigated the effects of prolonged flooding at the initiation of reproductive growth on the dry matter and N and P accumulation in soybean. The field study was conducted on a Crowley silt loam (Typic Albaquaif). Forrest soybean were flooded at R2 for 7 consecutive days at a flood height of 2.5 cm. Dry matter accumulation and concentrations of N and P of the stems, leaves, branches, and pods were determined by nodes on both flooded and non‐flooded plants for six sampling periods of 0, 7, 14, 21, 36, and 62 days after flooding. The results showed that, in terms of concentration and total amounts accumulated, flooding at R2 adversely affected N nutrition in soybean. The soybean recovered from this effect two weeks after the flood was removed. As compared to the non‐flooded soybean, flooding improved P nutrition. The flooded soybean had greater P concentrations and total amounts of P accumulated. Flooding also prolonged vegetative growth in the upper portion of the canopy.  相似文献   

植被恢复是防治崩岗侵蚀的重要方法,为研究植物根系对崩岗洪积扇土壤水分状况的影响,以崩岗洪积扇上种植的深根系巨菌草和浅根系宽叶雀稗为研究对象,对其分层取样后,用环刀法测定土壤的密度、孔隙度和最大持水量等物理性质,计算土壤蓄水能力,并用WinRHIZO根系分析系统,测定根长和密度等参数.结果表明:巨菌草和宽叶雀稗的各根系特征指标,均随土层深度的增加而减小,巨菌草各根系指标均大于宽叶雀稗;有植被覆盖下的土壤密度均小于裸地,植被覆盖下土壤总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度均大于裸地,且随土层深度的增加而减小;有植被根系的土壤饱和蓄水量和毛管蓄水量均比裸地高,且与裸地差异显著;在土壤表层,宽叶雀稗增加土壤孔隙性和土壤保水能力大于巨菌草,而在土壤中深层,则巨菌草大于宽叶雀稗;根系改善土壤性质的能力,主要取决于其根长密度和根系总表面积,直径小于0.5mm的根系是影响土壤水分的最主要因子.研究植物根系对改良土壤水分状况的影响,以期为崩岗侵蚀防治中植被种类的筛选和推广提供依据.  相似文献   

The separate and combined effects of water and Al stress on concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B, Al, Sr, and Ba were determined in tops of ‘Dayton’ (Al‐tolerant) and ‘Kearney’ (Al‐sensitive) barley (Hordeum vulgäre L.) grown in an acid, Al‐toxic, Tatum subsoil (clayey, mixed, thermic, Typic Hapludult). Plants were grown 4 weeks in a plant growth chamber at high (pH 4.7) or low (pH 6.6) Al stress. During the last 2 weeks they were also subjected to low (‐20 to ‐40 kPa), moderate (‐40 to ‐60 kPa), or high (‐60 to ‐80 kPa) water stress. In general, Al stress had a greater overall effect on mineral element concentration of tops than water stress. Aluminum stress significantly decreased concentrations of P, Ca, and Mg and increased concentrations of Zn, Sr, and Ba, irrespective of the cultivar or water stress treatment. Cultivar differences in Mn concentration were observed with Al stress under all water stress conditions. In each case, Mn concentration was lower in ‘Kearney’ than in ‘Dayton’. Potassium, Ca, and Mg were lower in ‘Kearney’ than in ‘Dayton’ only at low and moderate water stress, under low Al stress, ‘Kearney’ had significantly higher concentrations of K and Ca than did ‘Dayton’ under all water stress conditions. The effects of water stress on mineral element concentration varied greatly with cultivar, Al stress treatment, and severity of water stress. Under high Al stress, increasing drought conditions from low water stress (‐20 to ‐40 kPa) to high water stress (‐60 to ‐80 kPa) significantly increased the concentrations of Ca, K, Zn, Sr, and Ba in Al‐sensitive ‘Kearney’ and reduced the concentrations of Zn, Sr, and Ba in Al‐tolerant ‘Dayton'; P and Mg concentration were unaffected by water stress. In contrast, under low Al stress, a corresponding increase in water stress significantly increased the concentrations of Ca and reduced that of P in ‘Kearney’ and increased Ca and B concentration in ‘Dayton'; Mg concentrations were unaffected in either cultivar. Thus, it appears that Al stress and water stress had opposite effects on Ca accumulation in barley tissue.  相似文献   

A 2‐year field experiment and a pot experiment were carried out to compare Mn uptake, tillering, and plant growth of lowland rice grown under different soil water conditions in the ground‐cover rice‐production system (GCRPS) in Beijing, North China. The field experiment was conducted in 2001 and 2002, including two treatments: lowland‐rice variety (Oryza sativa L. spp. japonica) grown under thin (14 μm) plastic‐film soil cover (GCRPSplastic) at 80%–90% water‐holding capacity (WHC) and traditional lowland rice (paddy control) grown with 3 cm standing‐water table. The pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with four treatments: (1) traditional lowland rice: paddy control; (2) GCRPS, water‐saturated soil: GCRPSsaturated; (3) GCRPS at 90% water‐holding capacity (WHC): GCRPS90%WHC; and (4) GCRPS at 70% WHC: GCRPS70%WHC. Results of the field experiment showed that dry‐matter production, number of tillers, as well as N and Mn concentrations in rice shoots of GCRPS were significantly lower than in paddy control, while there was no significant difference in shoot Fe, Cu, Zn, and P concentration and nematode populations. In the pot experiment, shoot Mn concentration significantly decreased with decreasing soil water content, while soil redox potential increased. Shoot–dry matter production and tiller number of GCRPSsaturated were significantly higher than in other treatments. Significant correlations were observed between the shoot Mn concentration and tiller number at maximum tillering stage in the field and pot experiment, respectively. We therefore conclude that the limitation of Mn acquisition might contribute to the growth and yield reduction of lowland rice grown in GCRPS. The experiment provides evidence that GCRPSplastic combined with nearly water‐saturated soil conditions helps saving water and achieving optimum crop development without visual or latent Mn deficiency as observed under more aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

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