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Four forms of nitrogen (N), isobutylidene diurea (IBDU), urea, ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), and calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2] were applied to boronia plants at three rates of application (25, 50, and 100 kg N/ha) either as a single application in late October or in two equal applications, one in October and the other in early January. Two sites and two clones were investigated, growth measurements were taken on one site on a regular basis throughout the year, and flowers were harvested in September. Leaf N, flower N number of nodes, and flower and oil yields as well as the percent volatiles and ß‐ionone content of the oil were positively correlated with increased rates of N application. Ammonium nitrate and Ca(NO3)2 gave the highest yields for both clones. IBDU and urea were partially toxic to Clone 5 at 100 kg N/ha which was thought to be due to an inability to detoxify ammonium (NH4) rather than a low nitrate reductase activity. This results of this experiment provides guide lines for N management in the future.  相似文献   

我国桃树的栽培面积居世界第一位,产量占世界的三分之一左右。为了片面追求单果重、果实大小和产量,果农大量施用氮肥的现象十分普遍,据调查平谷果园的平均施氮量为N600kg/hm^2左右,个别农户的氮素投入甚至超过N1000kg/hm^2。桃树对氮素较为敏感,大部分桃树每年因收获带走的氮素仅为N40~100kg/hm^2,尽管氮素供应不足可能会影响到产量以及果实大小,但是过量施氮导致桃树营养生长过旺,影响树体对其它元素的吸收,果实营养品质下降。国外桃园生产非常注重桃果实的风味和着色,并非产量和大果,  相似文献   

【目的】 针对基质栽培番茄的营养液管理问题,研究了基于叶片数增长动态调控营养液供给对番茄生长、产量和品质的影响。 【方法】 温室基质栽培条件下,以番茄为试验材料,根据植株每增长 1、2 和 3 片叶时营养液浓度的提高幅度分别设置 TR0.1 (0.1 mS/cm)、TR0.2 (0.2 mS/cm)和 TR0.3 (0.3 mS/cm) 3 个处理,即叶片数增长动态处理;另设常规营养液管理模式作为对照(CK),即番茄定植至开花前、开花至第一穗果坐果、第一穗果坐果至采收结束 3 个生育期内供给营养液浓度分别为 1.5、2.1 和 2.7 mS/cm。通过测定营养液总盐含量和番茄株高、茎粗、叶片数、产量、养分利用率和品质等指标对不同营养液管理方法进行评价。 【结果】 叶片数增长动态处理 (TR0.1、TR0.2和TR0.3) 营养液浓度提高频率是 CK 的 2.0~5.6 倍,且可利用的营养液总盐含量、大量元素和微量元素的总含量均表现为 CK > TR0.1 > TR0.2 > TR0.3。叶片数增长动态处理 (TR0.1、TR0.2和TR0.3) 和 CK 的茎粗和叶片数受营养液浓度提高幅度影响较小。TR0.1 处理的产量和营养液养分利用率比 CK 分别提高了 30.4% 和 37.7% ( P < 0.05)。与 CK 相比,TR0.1、TR0.2 和 TR0.3 处理的果实中硝酸盐含量和可滴定酸含量分别降低了 19.4%~68.6%和16.7%~23.2% ( P < 0.05),总可溶性固形物和糖酸比分别增加了 0.8%~12.9% ( P < 0.05,TR0.3 除外) 和 31.3%~34.7% ( P < 0.05),说明叶片数增长动态处理的果实品质优于 CK。基于叶片数增长动态调控营养液供给的方法中,与 TR0.3 处理相比,TR0.1 处理的株高增加 7.5 cm ( P < 0.05),产量和营养液养分利用率分别提高了 30.7% 和 29.4% ( P < 0.05);TR0.1 处理果实硝酸盐含量、总可溶性固形物、可滴定酸含量和糖酸比均最高,除糖酸比外,各处理呈显著性差异。 【结论】 基于叶片数增长动态调控营养液浓度供给的方法优于常规基质栽培营养液管理方法,可以实现基质栽培番茄的高产优质,提高营养液养分利用率,其中每增长 1 片叶营养液浓度增加 0.1 mS/cm 的供给方法 (TR0.1),因营养液浓度变化速率快,浓度变化幅度小,对促进番茄生长、养分吸收及增加产量、改善品质的效果最好,为供试条件下最优的营养液调控方法。   相似文献   


Squash, cv Dixie, grown on a Lakeland sand was subjected to factorial combinations of 3 tillage systems and 2 N application methods during 1979 and 1980. Fruit yield was greatest with a combination of moldboard plow tillage and application of 22 kg N/ha preplant and 18 kg/ha increments of N by fertigation 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks after planting. Plant growth and nutrient uptake were greatest and N available for potential contamination of the ground‐water was least with subsoil‐bed tillage and N application by fertigation. Disc harrow tillage with 67 kg N/ha preplant and 45 kg N/ha 4 weeks after planting resulted in 42% less yield, 61% less plant growth, 29 to 64% less nutrient uptake and more than 5 times as much N available for potential contamination of the groundwater as the best practices.  相似文献   


Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. Chinensis group) production is expanding in the U. S., and guidelines regarding its production under Western cultural practices are needed. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of N source and rate on Chinese cabbage yield, marketability, and wrapper leaf nutrient concentrations, and to estimate the critical wrapper leaf‐N concentration associated with maximum yield and marketability. Chinese cabbage was grown in five sequential plantings using raised‐bed, polyethylene mulch culture with subsurface irrigation on a sandy soil. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at rates of 0, 67,112, and 157 kg/ha using the following sources: 1) ammonium nitrate. 2) calcium nitrate, 3) urea‐ammonium nitrate solution (Uram, 32% N), 4) urea, and 5) a urea‐calcium solution (18% N). Mature Chinese cabbage wrapper leaf concentrations of P, Ca, and Mg increased with increasing N rate, while leaf‐K concentration decreased. Leaf‐N concentration increased in response to N rate, but was not affected by N source or harvest date. Leaf‐P, K, Mg, and B concentrations were sufficient or high according to established standards, but leaf‐Ca was low. Leaf‐Ca and Mg concentrations were lowest with N sources containing only urea, and highest where at least part of the N was applied as NO3 . Chinese cabbage head weight and percentage marketable heads increased as N rate increased. Yield and quality were highest with N sources which contained NO3 , and were smallest where N was applied entirely as urea, which may have been due to plant sensitivity to NH4 +. The critical value of mature cabbage wrapper leaf‐N concentration above which yield or marketability was not limited was estimated to be 36 to 41 mg/g, which agrees well with established standards.  相似文献   


In this study, the effect of different levels of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) fertilizers on vegetative fresh bulb yield, quality and biochemical attributes of sweet fennel were investigated in spring 2017 and 2018. Treatments consisted of 0, 50, 100, or 150?kg ha?1 of N and K in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Results showed that, the bulb fresh yield increased with application of N and K in both years, while the higher level of K had significant adverse effect in first year. Results also showed that sweet fennel bulb treated by N and K exhibited higher vitamin C, total phenols and flavonoid contents, and antioxidant capacity, especially in first year. In both years, alone or combined application of N and K increased total soluble solids (TSS) content as compared to control, and this effect was more pronounced in 2017 season. Macronutrient contents of bulb including magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), K, N, and calcium (Ca) were significantly enhanced by NK fertilizer, however an alone application of K decreased Ca and Mg nutrient contents. Therefore, to improve fresh bulb yield, quality and antioxidant capacity in sweet fennel, 150?kg ha?1 K and 100?kg ha?1 N is recommended.  相似文献   

Pot-grown tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Maofen) was used to study the effects of three shading levels (0, 75% and 40%) for 8 days on dry matter partitioning, contents of nitrogen (N),phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in leaves and yield at three growth stages (early flowering (EF), peak flowering (PF) and later flowering (LF)). Shading reduced the dry weight of root and stem tissues at the EF and PF stages, but the 40% shading increased root dry weight and stem dry weight by 43.2% and 21.6%,respectively, at the LF stage. The influence of shading on the dry weight of leaves was very small at most growth stages. Shading had no effects on total leaf N, P and K contents at the EF and PF stages, showing that N, P and K absorption were regulated by the carbon assimilation at these two stages. The leaf N, Pand K contents of 40% shaded plants at the LF stage were significantly increased. There were no obvious differences in leaf N and K contents between 75% and 40% shading treatments, but significant difference in leaf P contents was found between them at the LF stage. Shading significantly enhanced the friit yield of 40% shaded tomato plants at the LF stage, but failed to affect the fruit yield of shaded plants at the EF stage. These showed that tomato could grow well and a better yield could be obtained if some moderate shading (i.e., 40% shading) was applied at the LF stage at s, mmer midday.  相似文献   


Studies on nutrient interactions in aromatic rice are needed for proper understanding of impact of imbalanced use of nutrients in the era of multi and micro-nutrient deficiencies. A pot experiment was conducted during the rainy/wet season (June–October) of 2013 at New Delhi, to study the interaction effects of two levels each of nitrogen (N) (0 and 120?kg?ha?1), phosphorus (P; 0 and 25.8?kg?ha?1), and zinc (Zn; 0 and 5?kg?ha?1) in two aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties, viz. Pusa Rice Hybrid 10 and Pusa Basmati 1121. Application of N, P, and Zn resulted in increase of dry matter (0.91, 0.32, and 0.24?g plant?1, respectively) 60?days after sowing (DAS) and grain yield of rice (3.68, 1.67, and 1.17?g plant?1). The increase in yield of rice owing to N application was relatively higher by 0.98, 0.22, and 1.05?g plant?1, respectively, when either P or Zn or both were applied with N than alone application of N, indicating synergetic effect of P and Zn application with N. The higher concentration and uptake of K in grain (0.25% vs 0.10%) and straw (1.32% vs 0.94%) were observed in the treatment received N than no N, though K was applied uniformly in all the treatments. It indicates positive interaction of N and K. The higher uptake of P in grain and straw was observed when P was applied with N and Zn (3.34 and 2.15?mg plant?1), or with N (3.26 and 2.11?mg plant?1) signifying positive effect of N on P uptake in rice.  相似文献   

Growth, development, and uptake of essential nutrients as influenced by nitrogen (N) form and growth stage was evaluated for ‘Freedom’ poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Ex Klotz.). Treatments consisted of five nitrate (NH4 +):ammonium (NO3 ) ratios (% NH4 +:% NO3 ) of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100 with a total N concentration of 150 mg L‐1. Plants were grown in solution culture for ten weeks under greenhouse conditions. Nutrient uptake data was combined into three physiological growth stages. Growth stage I (GSI) included early vegetative growth (long days). Growth stage II (GSII) began at floral induction and leaf and bract expansion (short days). Growth stage III (GSIII) was from visible bud through anthesis and harvest. Dry weights for all plant parts and height increased as the ratio of NO3 increased. Leaf area and bract area were maximized with 25:75 and 50:50 N treatments, respectively. Nitrogen treatments significantly affected foliar nutrient concentrations with calcium (Ca++) and magnesium (Mg++) being highest when NO3 was the predominant N form. Uptake of each macronutrient was averaged across all treatments and divided into physiological growth stages (GS) to identify peak demand periods during the growth cycle. The greatest uptake of NH4 + and NO3 was from the early vegetative stage to floral induction (GSI). Phosphorus (P), potassium (K+), and Mg++ uptake were greatest from floral induction to visible bud (GSII) and Ca++ uptake remained relatively unchanged through GSI and GSII. Uptake was lowest for all nutrients from visible bud to anthesis (GSIII). Results from this study clearly indicate that peak demand periods for macronutrient uptake existed during the growth cycle of poinsettia.  相似文献   


The use of conservation tillage methods, including ridge tillage, has increased dramatically in recent years. At the present time, there is great concern that farmers are applying more nitrogen (N) fertilizer than is environmentally or economically sound. In order to determine if N requirement for optimum yield differs with tillage system, tests were initiated to study tillage and N effects on N content, soil moisture content, and yield of corn (Zea mays L.). The study was established in 1987 on two soil types, an Estelline soil (Pachic Haploboroll) and an Egan soil (Udic Haplustoll), located in eastern South Dakota. Five rates of N (0, 65, 130, 195, and 260 kg ha?1) were applied to plots managed with 3 tillage systems: chisel plow, moldboard plow, and ridge. On the Estelline soil, in both 1988 and 1989, ridge‐tilled plots contained a greater amount of water in the soil profile at emergence and at mid silk than did plots in the other two tillage systems. Soil moisture content at mid silk was significantly correlated with earleaf N, total N uptake, and grain yield in 1988 and earleaf N and grain yield in 1989. However, the correlation coefficients were higher in 1988 than in 1989. On the Egan soil, there were no significant differences in soil moisture content among tillage systems. On the Estelline soil, corn grain yield was affected by a tillage x N‐rate interaction in 1988. Maximum yield within the ridge system was achieved with the 130 kg ha?1 rate. In 1989 on the Estelline soil, yield was affected by tillage and N rate, but there was no interaction between factors. When averaged over N rates, yields were 7.1, 6.6, and 6.5 Mg ha?1 in the ridge, moldboard, and chisel systems, respectively. In 1988 plant total N uptake was greater in the ridge system than the moldboard or chisel systems; in 1989 uptake was affected by N rate alone. On the Egan soil, tillage did not affect soil moisture, total N uptake or grain yield in either year. Corn grain yield increased with increasing N rate up to the 195 kg ha?1 rate. This study indicates that, on some soil types, ridge tillage can improve soil water holding capacity, N utilization and yield of corn.  相似文献   

【目的】研究强筋小麦产量品质形成的适宜氮肥形态和施氮量,对增加小麦产量、提高籽粒品质及减少农田氮污染有重要意义,同时为合理精确运筹施氮提供理论依据。【方法】田间试验采用二因素裂区设计,氮肥形态为主区(硝态氮肥、铵态氮肥、酰铵态氮肥),氮肥用量为副区(低氮75kg/hm^2、中氮150kg/hm^2、高氮225kg/hm^2)。分析小麦的氮转运量和产量、品质。【结果】1)在同一形态氮肥下,小麦成熟期氮累积量、籽粒产量和收获指数均在中氮(150kg/hm^2)处理达到最大值,中氮(150kg/hm^2)处理能通过显著增加花前氮转运量和花后氮积累量进而提高籽粒含氮量。生物产量、籽粒蛋白质组分含量(除醇溶蛋白)、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、面筋指数、总淀粉、直链淀粉、支链淀粉、可溶性糖和蔗糖含量均随施氮量增加而提高。2)在同一施氮量下,硝态氮肥和酰胺态氮肥处理的小麦各时期植株含氮量、生物产量和籽粒产量均显著高于铵态氮肥(P<0.05),硝态氮肥和酰胺态氮肥的籽粒产量处理无显著差异(除低氮处理)。铵态氮肥处理的品质最差,酰胺态氮肥处理更有利于增加蛋白质和淀粉含量,改善籽粒品质,酰胺态氮肥处理的氮素吸收效率和氮素生产效率最高。3)不同形态氮肥显著影响穗数,施氮量显著影响千粒重。产量和品质达到最优所需的氮肥用量不同,中氮(150kg/hm^2)时产量最高,高氮(225kg/hm^2)时品质最优。4)方差分析表明,不同形态氮肥和施氮量对冬小麦各生育阶段氮素积累量及所占比例有极显著的影响(P<0.01),且二者存在极显著的互作效应。通径分析表明,叶片花前氮转运量对产量的直接影响最大,直接通径系数为0.614。【结论】酰胺态氮肥是适合该地区的氮肥种类,酰胺态氮肥在中氮(150kg/hm^2)条件下能显著提高强筋小麦产量和籽粒含氮量,在高氮(225kg/hm^2)条件下能显著改善强筋小麦品质,因此在实际小麦生产中要根据产量品质要求合理运筹氮肥。  相似文献   

In recent years, interest has grown in cultivating Allium species with enhanced health benefits and/or distinct flavor. Concentrations of phytochemicals determining these desired characteristics may be influenced by nitrogen forms (ammonium or nitrate) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. We examined these relations with the test plant bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.). Three different ammonium‐to‐nitrate (NH : NO ) ratios were supplied in combination with or without inoculation with an AM fungus (Glomus mosseae). The plants were evaluated for dry weight, leaf number, and content of nutrients (N, NO , P, S), sugars (glucose, fructose, and sucrose), and organosulfur compounds (measured as pyruvic acid). The experiment was carried out under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Plants were grown on perlite amended twice a day with nutrient solution. In nonmycorrhizal plants, the application of nutrient solution with predominant NO or NH4NO3 as N source supported adequate growth of Allium fistulosum while predominant NH supply resulted in decreased growth and occurrence of wilting symptoms. Mycorrhizal inoculation significantly increased dry weight and leaf number of predominantly NH ‐fed or NH4NO3‐fed plants. While shoot P concentration increased with higher NH supply, shoot N concentration increased in predominantly NH ‐fed plants only. Nitrogen form and AM colonization had little effect on shoot S or sugar concentrations. The total content in organosulfur compounds was significantly affected by both, N form and AM colonization. The optimal growth condition for a high formation of organosulfur compounds in this experiment was a nutrient solution with predominant NO supply, but when supported by AM fungi, Allium fistulosum produced similar amounts of pyruvic acid in NH4NO3‐fed plants.  相似文献   

采用田间试验研究了硝态氮、铵态氮、酰胺态及不同硝态氮与铵态氮配比对川芎生长发育和产量与品质的影响。结果表明,硝态氮、铵态氮、酰胺态及硝态氮与铵态氮配施均可在一定程度上促进川芎的生长,延长其根长,茎蘖数增加,干物质积累增加,从而显著提高川芎的产量以及阿魏酸和生物碱含量。在硝态氮、铵态氮和酰胺态氮单独施用时,以尿素的增产增收和改善品质的效果最好,硝态氮最差;硝态氮与铵态氮配施可增强其肥效,延长其肥效持续期。高产高效的最佳施肥方式是50%的硝酸钙与50%的碳酸铵配施;优质高产的最佳施肥方式是75%的硝酸钙与25%的碳酸铵配施。  相似文献   

为探讨有机肥氮替代化肥氮在新疆棉花生产中的增产增效作用,在滴灌条件下,采用连续2年定位试验,研究了不施氮(CK)、牛粪堆肥(OM)、农民常规施肥(CF)和不同有机肥氮替代10%(OF1)、20%(OF2)和30%(OF3)的化肥氮时,对棉花氮磷钾养分吸收、氮素利用率及产量的影响。与单施化肥相比,有机肥氮替代部分化肥氮均有利于棉花氮磷钾养分吸收,可提高棉花氮素表观利用率、偏生产力、肥料氮贡献率和农学效率。在有机肥氮替代10%化肥氮的情况下,氮素利用率最高并能提高氮素表观利用率10.5个百分点,棉花产量增加6.8%(P<0.05),而且棉花经济效益与单施化肥相当。有机肥氮替代20%的化肥氮时,棉花产量增加7.9%(P<0.05)。有机肥氮替代30%化肥氮,获得与单施化肥相当的产量,氮素表观利用率仅提高3.4个百分点。综合养分吸收、氮素利用效率、产量及经济效益等方面考虑,有机肥氮替代10%化肥氮是该地区中等肥力棉田增产稳产、氮肥增效的合理施肥方式。  相似文献   

The effects of bark mulch and NPK fertilizers on yield and leaf and soil nutrient status of ‘Korona’ strawberry plants (Fragaria×ananassa Duch.), were studied over a period of three years. A significant effect of mulching was found in the first harvest year, but additional fertilizer did not affect total yield. Bark mulch slightly decreased the level of leaf nitrogen, but increased the level of leaf phosphorus and potassium in all years. Bark had a significant, negative effect on soil nitrate and ammonium content in the two first seasons. Mulching increased the soil moisture content in all years.  相似文献   

不同施氮量对甜瓜养分吸收、分配、利用及产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
通过田间膜下滴灌栽培,研究不同氮素水平对甜瓜养分吸收、 分配及产量的影响。结果表明,增施氮肥显著提高了甜瓜的氮、 磷、 钾的积累量,特别是显著提高了甜瓜后期氮、 磷、 钾的积累量。在施P2O5 140 kg/hm2、 K2O 150 kg/hm2 的基础上施N 225 kg/hm2,甜瓜的养分吸收量和产量均为最高,各施氮处理甜瓜氮肥利用率在11%~29%之间,且随施氮量的增加而降低。甜瓜对钾的吸收量最高,氮次之,磷最少,表明甜瓜是喜钾作物。  相似文献   

Spotty chlorosis appeared on the young leaves of Al toxic plants and was severe or high Al level. Stems of the Al‐treated plants were purple While the roots were short, thick and brown in colour with little branching.

The dry matter yield of tops and roots decreased with increased Al level. The concentration of P was greater in roots of Al toxic plants than in the control plants but a converse affect was recorded in tops.

Increased rates of Al caused a decrease in the concentrations of P,K,Ca, Mc and Mn in plant tops, while Al concentration increased both in tops and roots. Iron content in tops affected with increased Al and in root a regular increase was observed. The results indicate that Al toxicity depressed the growth of oats, resulted in abnormal root development with tittle branching and affecting the utilization of several essential plant nutrients by oat plant.  相似文献   


White yam (Dioscorea rotundata cv. Olonko) was grown consecutively for three growing seasons, i.e. from February to October of 1975, 1976 and 1977, and treated with six levels of nitrogen, viz: 0, 40, 60, 120, 160 and 200 kg N/ha in the field. Leaf samples were taken at four stages of growth as follows: vegetative, tuber formation, tuber development and tuber maturation, and analyzed for NO3‐N, P, K, Ca and Mg.

Increasing nitrogen fertilization consistently increased leaf‐NO3‐N, particularly at the vegetative stages of growth, while no consistent trend was established for leaf‐P. Leaf‐K was increased at low rate of nitrogen fertilization during tuber formation and maturation whereas leaf‐Ca increased only at tuber maturation in the presence of higher rates of nitrogen fertilization. There was a marked increase in leaf‐Mg at all stages of growth when N treatment was increased to 200 kg N/ha. A positive correlation (r = 0.84???) was obtained for leaf‐K at the vegetative growth stage with tuber yield, while leaf‐Mg was positively correlated with tuber yield at vegetative (r = 0.46?), tuber formation (r = 0.50?) and tuber development (r = 0.67??) stages. All other elements were negatively correlated with yield at all stages of growth. Tuber yield was highest at the 200 kg N/ha treatment.  相似文献   

Drought in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] decreases yield‐related processes and N2 fixation is more sensitive to drought than are many other of these processes. Therefore, application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer may increase drought tolerance over those plants primarily dependent on N2 fixation. In a field experiment, NH4NO3 applications (+N) to drought‐stressed soybean resulted in biomass and N accumulation rates similar to those rates for an irrigated treatment without N fertilizer (‐N). In contrast, biomass and N accumulation rates were decreased for the ‐N treatment. N fertilization increased seed growth rate and decreased seed fill duration for irrigated and drought treatments. In the drought treatment, N application increased seed number per unit area, which resulted in higher yields. In a greenhouse experiment, fertilization with either KN03 or NH4C1 increased biomass and N accumulation rates during drought over those of plants dependent solely on N2 fixation. It was concluded that application of N fertilizer to soybean increases drought tolerance because of the extreme sensitivity of N2 fixation to drought.  相似文献   


‘Carina’ rose was grown on seven different rootstock clones. These, combinations were tested for effect on flower production and mineral content of the leaves when grown in fumigated ground beds in an evaporatively cooled plastic greenhouse. Plants growing on R. odorata ISU 5710–2 produced the highest flower yields followed by R. fortuniana and R. manetti while R. multiflora ISU 62–5 produced the lowest number of blooms. Rootstocks caused large differences in the levels of some minerals in the leaves. R. fortuniana caused a Mn accumulation that was five times the quantity developed by R. odorata but this did not seem to be related to flower production. However, R. odorata was a superior accumulator of K and under conditions of relatively low supply R. fortuniana and R. odorata were good accumulators of N and K. These factors were related to flower yield.  相似文献   

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