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三江平原湿地农业的基本科学问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
湿地是地球上陆地与水域之间具有过渡性质的自然综合体,湿地农业是在大面积湿地集中分布区域从事的农业生产活动,三江平原是我国重要的湿地集中分布区,有高度的生物多样性,传统的单一种植生产模式已不能适应当前湿地农业发展的需求,通过分析三江平原湿地农业的特点,提出湿地农业持续发展的基本对策,这些措施包括保护湿地景观,建设微型湿地保护区,充分利用湿地生物资源。  相似文献   

优先流问题研究及其科学意义   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
 优先流是近年来针对土壤水运动所提出的术语,它是一种较为常见的土壤水分运动形式,与土壤入渗、地表及地下水质密切相关。开展优先流研究,是土壤水运动机制研究由均质走向非均质领域的标志。分析优先流的基本涵义及特征,阐述大孔隙流、环绕流、管流、漏斗流、指流、沟槽流、短路流、部分置换流、地下强径流、非饱和重力流、异质流、摆动流及低洼再蓄满等优先流类型及其表征现象,论述优先流研究的科学意义,并指出了优先流研究存在的问题及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Records of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) held within the South-East Region of the Nature Conservancy Council were examined. Reasons for site designation were complex and depended upon several flexible conservation criteria, as well as administrative considerations. The wide range of semi-natural habitats concerned were associated with poor, unproductive land, of little value to agriculture. However, SSSI status often failed to prevent damage by agencies such as farming, urban development and forestry, and resulted in a constant stream of proposals to develop or improve the land. Of these, the non-statutory consultations, especially those involving agricultural improvements, were most successfully implemented. Although urban development applications were more frequent, especially in densely populated counties, they were less successful because of existing planning controls.Pressures of all kinds resulted in the loss, or radical alteration of 6% of the notified SSSI area in Kent during an eleven year period (1968–1979), and affected two-thirds of all sites. A number of case studies are used to illustrate the main reasons for these losses, and the likelihood of future damage is discussed in the context of the greater protection measures now afforded by the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981.  相似文献   

The European Journal of Soil Science rapidly established itself as a leader, strong in most branches of soil science. Nevertheless, it would be even more attractive if authors would break away from the misleading formalism and stultifying style of the conventional scientific paper. Let us report our research more nearly as it happened; let us overcome our fear of revealing our humanity, our good luck, even our failings, and acknowledge the contributions from our intuition and imagination as well as the hard graft in the field and at the bench. Let us also liven our prose by writing more in the active voice and so that readers can know who did what and who is responsible. Let us convey the wonder of discovery in our writing without sacrificing scientific rigour; then soil research would be seen to be exciting with a bright future.  相似文献   

随着科技和互联网技术的发展,人们可以获得的科技文献越来越多,读者要在文献信息海洋里获取特定的文献,就必须正确选择检索工具、应用科学的检索方法。通过对引用的参考文献检索,将全文文献与引用的参考文献链接起来,实现基于参考文献的源文献查找,实现文献所述知识点的追根溯源,提高获取知识的效率。  相似文献   

I have tried to show in this paper that there is a need for our expertise in areas outside agriculture, though in the immediate future employment is likely to remain largely through applications to agriculture. At the same time, in broadening our interests we must not neglect to develop our understanding of the properties of soils, their behaviour and the processes that occur in them, because it is fundamental knowledge which finds applications. A related requirement is for us to be aware of innovation in other sciences and technologies. We also have the difficult task of selling our subject to the public while maintaining our scientific integrity. I believe that our image will improve if we can do all this. As interests broaden and the range of applications increases, as I expect they will, there is a danger of a Society like ours becoming fragmented. If one part isolates itself it can become sterile because soil biology, chemistry, mineralogy, physics and pedology interact with each other. In this narrow sense we should all be holists at heart even though developments in science require us to specialize.  相似文献   

依靠科技创新发展广西水果产业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,广西水果业发展较为迅速,已成为新的经济增长点,随着市场经济的发展和人们消费结构的变化,水果市场在不断拓宽的同时竞争也日益激烈,发展机遇与挑战并存,只有紧跟农业科学技术发展,依靠科技创新,才能推动广西水果业持续发展。  相似文献   

开发网络资源拓宽科技期刊的发展空间   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用网络新技术.改造传统期刊的编辑出版方式,实现新旧媒体技术的优势整合,应该是今后期刊网络化发展的主要方向。我国科技期刊网络化的形式主要有期刊网站、网络期刊、期刊网页、传统期刊电子版等。各类科技期刊应根据自身的特点和实际,选择实现期刊网络化的最佳发展道路。科普技术类科技期刊网络化比较适合采用期刊网站—网络期刊—传统期刊电子版—传统期刊纸质印刷版的发展模式;专业性科技学术期刊网络化采用期刊网页—网络期刊—传统期刊电子版—传统期刊纸质印刷版的发展模式;综合性科技学术期刊网络化采用期刊网页—传统期刊电子版—传统期刊纸质印刷版的发展樟式.  相似文献   

为明确东北农户春玉米施肥现状,实现东北地区春玉米稳产增产和养分高效利用,2019年对东北典型春玉米种植区247个农户的春玉米养分管理调研,基于区域不同产量水平推荐施肥量评价农户施肥量,分析农户施肥存在的问题及其对科学施肥技术的掌握情况.结果表明,调研地区春玉米氮肥(N)、磷肥(P2O5)和钾肥(K2O)的平均施用量分别...  相似文献   

Conservation involves making decisions on appropriate action from a wide range of options. For conservation to be effective, decision-makers need to know what actions do and do not work. Ideally, decisions should be based on effectiveness as demonstrated by scientific experiment or systematic review of evidence. Can decision-makers get this kind of information? We undertook a formal assessment of the extent to which scientific evidence is being used in conservation practice by conducting a survey of management plans and their compilers from major conservation organizations within the UK. Data collected suggest that the majority of conservation actions remain experience-based and rely heavily on traditional land management practices because, many management interventions remain unevaluated and, although some evidence exists, much is not readily accessible in a suitable form. We argue that nature conservation along with other fields of applied ecology, should exploit the concept of evidence-based practice developed and used in medicine and public health that aims to provide the best available evidence to the decision-maker(s) on the likely outcomes of alternative actions. Through critical evaluation, we present the challenges and benefits of adopting evidence based practice from the decision-makers point of view and identify the process to be followed to make it work.  相似文献   

树立科学发展观大力推进生态省建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了我国生态环境面临的严峻现状和存在的主要问题 ,指出生态省建设是可持续发展的历史选择 ,亦是我国全面奔小康的加速器。树立科学的发展观是生态省建设的核心工作 ,必须树立正确的国情观、资源观、效益观、政绩观、法制观和消费观  相似文献   

New Potentilla synonyms of the Fragaria species names are discussed and considered to be dispensable. Further unnecessary nomenclatural changes based on the argument to recognize monophyletic but not paraphyletic taxa should be avoided to maintain nomenclatural stability for global communication about plant genetic resources. The new combination Fragaria×rosea (Mabb.) K. Hammer et Pistrick is presented for the hybrid Potentilla palustris (L.) Scop. ×Fragaria×ananassa Duchesne ex Rozier.  相似文献   

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