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A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the response to vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) infection of two species of Cassia and Gliricidia sepium in an oxisol with two levels of soil P. At P level optimum for VAM activity, comparable levels of VAM infection were observed on the roots of the test species. However, the species reacted differently to VAM infection. Hence, VAM inoculation significantly stimulated dry matter accumulation in C. spectabilis and G. sepium, but had no positive influence on this variable in C. reticulata. These differences were not explainable in terms of tissue P status, because P uptake was significantly enhanced by inoculation in all the species tested. At the higher soil P level, roots of all species were colonized by the inoculum, but colonization level in C. reticulata and G. sepium was reduced. Nevertheless, only C. spectabilis benefitted from the presence VAM endophytes at this level of soil P. The results underline the significance of ascertaining the mycorrhizal requirements of host species before reliable VAM inoculation recommendation could be made.  相似文献   

Apple (Malus hupehensis Rehd) seedlings were grown in sterilized and non‐sterilized soil with or without phosphorus (P) added and inoculated by VA mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi (Glomus versifome Daniels et Tappe and Glomus macrocarpum Tul et Tul). In sterilized soil, the VAM infection increased the transpiration rate (Tr.) of the leaves, reduced the stomatal resistance (Sr.) and the permanent wilting percentage (PWP) and enhanced the rate of recovery of the plant from the water stress and the plant growth (e.g. leaf number, stem diameter and dry weight). It also increased absorption of most minerals, especially Zn and Cu by the roots and weakened the P‐Cu and P‐Zn interactions. Phosphorus fertilization had some positive effects on the water status, P nutrition and growth, but it reduced the Cu concentration. VAM improved the water status and enhanced drought tolerance of the trees by enhancing absorption and translocation of water by the external hyphae. The efficiency of inoculation in nonsterile soil was not obvious.  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of three vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) species in an Oxisol subjected to simulated erosion using Leucaena leucocephala as an indicator host. The extent of colonization of leucaena roots increased significantly due to VAM inoculation of the eroded and uneroded soils. The highest level of VAM colonization was observed when leucaena was grown in association with Glomus aggregatum. followed by G. mosseae and G. etunicatum. Increased infection associated with inoculation of the eroded soil did not result in enhanced mycorrhizal effectiveness. Inoculation of the uneroded soil, however, led to significant improvement in root colonization as well as in symbiotic effectiveness. Suppression in expression of mycorrhizal effectiveness in the eroded soil appears to be a result of nutrient deficiency. The results suggest the importance of restoring lost nutrients before differences in VAM species could be effectively exploited for a successful establishment of a mycorrhizal plants in eroded soils.  相似文献   

Two experiments were undertaken to determine the degree of mycorrhizal dependency of pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes, Palmae) seedling progenies from two Amazonian (Pampa Hermosa; Putumayo) and one Central American (Guatuso) land races. Plants were grown in subsurface samples of either an Oxisol (the Amazonian progenies) or an Ultisol, with or without inoculation with the vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizae fungus (VAMF) Glomus aggregatum, at three concentrations of soil solution phosphorous (P). VAMF inoculation enhanced leaf phosphorus (P) concentration and dry matter accumulation at the intermediate soil P concentration in all progenies. Dry matter accumulation was enhanced by 17%, 54%, and 64% in the Pampa Hermosa, Putumayo, and Guatuso progenies, respectively. They are therefore classified as being marginally (Pampa Hermosa) or highly dependent. This infra‐specific genetic variation with respect to mycorrhizal dependency merits further study for possible exploitation in plant improvement for sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

The growth and phosphorus (P) nutrition of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in a soil, methyl bromide fumigated or untreated and supplied with or without mycorrhizal inoculum, was studied in pots placed under a field environment. Inoculation significantly raised the overall levels of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) infection. The relative increase was significantly greater in sterile than nonsterile soil. Soil sterilization produced significantly higher dry matter throughout the experiment. Inoculation resulted in a significant growth depression earlier in the season which could not be offset by the following mycorrhizal enhancement in P absorption rates. The primary reasons for this yield depression were most probably the root density and available P status of the soil which might have been over the threshold limit for positive mycorrhizal yield response in barley. In this experiment, the result of inoculation could be regarded beneficial considering 17 and 30% higher P concentrations in grain and straw, respectively, but detrimental with respect to 20% loss in grain plus straw yield.  相似文献   


A phosphorus sorption curve was developed to evaluate the influence of established levels of soil solution P on the development of vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) activity in Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit grown on soil:sand mixture. The P sorption curve developed after nutrient amendment and wetting and drying treatments in the greenhouse predicted levels of P established in the soil solution more accurately than P sorption isotherm developed in the laboratory.

VAM activity measured in terms of P content of pinnules of Leucaena was significantly higher at lower soil solution P levels (0.01 and 0.02 mg/L) than at higher levels. In general, VAM activity declined after reaching a peak value at 30 days after planting (DAP).

Soil solution P levels monitored during the course of the experiment indicated that low initial P levels (0.01 and 0.02 mg/L) were readily maintained than higher ones. The proposed approach is thus appropriate for establishing soil solution P levels that permit optimal VAM activity.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase activity and vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) infection associated with four spring wheat genotype roots were investigated. Plants were grown in a typic low P volcanic soil with and without P‐fertilizer addition and harvested at 21, 42, 63, 84 and 96 days. Results show that phosphatase activity, expresed as ug p‐nitrophenol released per g dry root, decreased from 21 to 96 days in all cultivars. Conversely, trends of VAM infection were similar in all genotypes being higher in P added plants at 63 days after sown. This opposite effects may be viewed as alternative and/or complementary adaptations for P‐uptake by plants growing in low nutrient situations. It was concluded that one of the ways of P‐alleviation in wheat growing in our volcanic soils might be the search of genotypes having high biochemical and/or biological root activities.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness of phosphorus (P) applications on growth and the effect of added P on the extent of infection of roots of narrowleaf birsfoot trefoil (Lotus tenuis) and of broadleaf birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) by an indigenous VAM fungi (Glomus sp.) was studied on a P‐deficient soil (Typic Natraquoll). In terms of rate of increase of shoot growth per unit of added P, broadleaf was more efficient than narrowleaf birsdfoot trefoil but they did not differ in the relative effectiveness of P for growth. For the two Lotus species, when increasing the level of added P there was an initial increase in the percentage of root length infected, and then with further additions, there was a consistent decrease of the infection. For narrowleaf, the maximum percentage of root length infected was when plants reached 11% of their maximum shoot growth. Whereas for broafleaf, the maximum percentage of root infected was when plants reached the 66% of their maximum shoot growth. Despite differences in both, the shape of the response curve of shoot growth to P and the extent of infection between Lotus species, they did not differ in their ability to utilize the P that had reacted with the soil for a period of time.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate the yield, fruit size, and vegetative growth of three strawberry cultivars inoculated with three vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) species at three phosphorus (P) fertility levels. Vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculation and P fertility had no effect on inflorescence or flower number, total yield, fruit weight, or crown number. Higher levels of P did not increased total dry shoot weight, total fresh shoot, weight leaf area, total dry root weight, and leaf number in the present of VAM. However, the cultivars responded differently to VAM inoculation. Vesicular‐ arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculation in combination with P at all levels increased total dry and fresh shoot weight, leaf area, and leaf number compared to application of P alone. The results indicated that it may be possible to increase strawberry stolon production by inoculating the strawberry plants with VAM, a technique which might be useful in nurseries to produce certified strawberry plants.  相似文献   

The roots of red clover plants inoculated with the vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus clarus Nicolson & Schenck were treated with a drench of benomyl at a time when mycorrhizal infection was already well established. Benomyl halted further infection and reduced phosphorus inflow by one order of magnitude compared to untreated controls. The fungicide also decreased the rate of plant growth probably as a consequence of reduced phosphorus inflow.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the degree to which Albizia ferruginea and Enterolobium cyclocarpum respond to colonization of their roots by the vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (VAMF) Glomus aggregatum. Plants were grown in pots containing a subsurface ultisol uninoculated or inoculated with the fungus at three target soil solution phosphorus (P) concentrations. VAMF inoculation enhanced pinnule P content of Albizia but not of Enterolobium at the native P concentration of the experimental soil. However, dry matter yield was not affected by VAMF inoculation for either species. Mycorrhizal inoculation effect was either negative or nil at the highest soil solution P concentration tested. The highest mycorrhizal inoculation effect was observed at soil P concentration of 0.02 mg/L. Based on these data, both Albizia and Enterolobium were classified as highly mycorrhizal dependent species.  相似文献   

Many producers are using foliar fertilizers on seedling cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with the intent of promoting early vigor and increasing yields. However, the hypothesis that foliar feeding young cotton increases seedling vigor and yield has not been rigorously tested. We conducted 5 studies during 1990 to 1992 to investigate the value of one, two or three foliar applications of 12–48–8 fertilizer to seedling cotton. Two studies also included foliar‐applied urea. Plant height and whole‐plant phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N) were determined two weeks after each application in two studies. Yield and P and N concentrations were not influenced by foliar fertilizers in any study. Seedling height was not influenced by applications of 12–48–8. A slight early‐season height advantage was observed with foliar‐applied urea at one location. Our results suggest that application of foliar N and P fertilizers to seedling cotton has little agronomic value.  相似文献   


Greenhouse experiments were carried out to study the influence of gyttja, a sedimentary peat, on the shoot dry weight and shoot concentrations of zinc (Zn) and boron (B) in one bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Bezostaja) and one durum wheat (Triticum durum L., cv. Kiziltan) cultivar. Plants were grown in a Zn‐deficient (DTPA‐Zn: 0.09 mg kg?1 soil) and B‐toxic soil (CaCl2/mannitol‐extractable B: 10.5 mg kg?1 soil) with (+Zn = 5 mg Zn kg?1 soil) and without (?Zn = 0) Zn supply for 55 days. Gyttja containing 545 g kg?1 organic matter was applied to the soil at the rates of 0, 1, 2.5, 5, and 10% (w/w). When Zn and gyttja were not added, plants showed leaf symptoms of Zn deficiency and B toxicity, and had a reduced growth. With increased rates of gyttja application, shoot growth of both cultivars was significantly enhanced under Zn deficiency, but not at sufficient supply of Zn. The adverse effects of Zn deficiency and B toxicity on shoot dry matter production became very minimal at the highest rate of gyttja application. Increases in gyttja application significantly enhanced shoot concentrations of Zn in plants grown without addition of inorganic Zn. In Zn‐sufficient plants, the gyttja application up to 5% (w/w) did not affect Zn concentration in shoots, but at the highest rate of gyttja application there was a clear decrease in shoot Zn concentration. Irrespective of Zn supply, the gyttja application strongly decreased shoot concentration of B in plants, particularly in durum wheat. For example, in Zn‐deficient Kiziltan shoot concentration of B was reduced from 385 mg kg?1 to 214 mg kg?1 with an increased gyttja application. The results obtained indicate that gyttja is a useful organic material improving Zn nutrition of plants in Zn‐deficient soils and alleviating adverse effects of B toxicity on plant growth. The beneficial effects of gyttja on plant growth in the Zn‐deficient and B‐toxic soil were discussed in terms of increases in plant available concentration of Zn in soil and reduction of B uptake due to formation of tightly bound complexes of B with gyttja.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with Phalaris aquatica L. cv. Sirolan under hydroponic conditions in the glasshouse at constant temperature of 25°C and natural sunlight. Plants were grown in double pot system with four sulfur and three molybdenum levels along with all the major‐ and micro‐nutrient elements. There was increase in growth, nitrate‐reductase activity and contents of most of the nutrient elements at all levels of sulfur and 1.68 μ/L molybdenum. Molybdenum at 3.36 μg/L level inhibited growth and nitrate‐reductase activity and decreased concentration of nutrient elements in plant. The inhibitory effect of higher level of molybdenum is perhaps mediated through its role in the nitrate‐reductase.  相似文献   


A pot experiment was conducted in the greenhouse to determine the influence of vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) inoculation on growth of pineapple (Ananas comosus, cv.’Smooth Cayenne') and its interaction with fosetyl‐Al in a Wahiawa soil (Tropeptic Eutrustox) at soil solution P levels of 0.003, 0.02 and 0.2 mg/L. Pineapple crowns were dipped in a solution of fosetyl‐Al before planting. Inoculation of soil with the fungus Glomus aggregatum (Schenck & Smith emend. Koske) significantly increased VAM colonization of pineapple roots at soil solution P levels of 0.003 and 0.02 mg/L. VAM inoculation also increased mycorrhizal effectiveness measured six weeks after planting. At harvest, pineapple grown in the inoculated soil at the lowest P level had significantly higher D‐leaf P concentration and plant fresh weight than that grown in the uninoculated soil. Fosetyl‐Al appears to have no significant effect on VAM‐pineapple interaction.  相似文献   

’Dormanred’ raspberry (Rubus species) plants grown in sand culture were subjected to varying concentrations of N, Ca, and Mg over a two‐year period. Increasing nitrogen fertilization resulted in linear reductions of leaf Ca, K, Zn, Fe, and Mn but did not affect leaf Mg. Leaf Ca and K increased linearly with Ca fertilization, but applied Ca had an antagonistic influence on leaf Mg. Magnesium fertilization had a positive influence on leaf Mg but negatively affected leaf K, Ca, and Mn. Plant growth was negatively correlated with leaf Ca and leaf K, but had a positive correlation with leaf Mg and Mn. Nitrogen fertilization increased plant growth up to the mid‐level of applied N, but additional N reduced plant growth.  相似文献   


This study evaluated the effect of variety and nitrogen (N) fertilization on sucrose, dry‐matter, and cation concentrations in sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) root tissue. A field experiment was conducted on a non‐saline, calcareous Nunn clay loam soil (Aridic argiustoll) using a factorial experimental design with three N‐rates, two varieties, and four replications. Beets were harvested nine times during the growing season. The first and final harvests were on June 25 and October 11, respectively. In addition to the above measurements, purity and extractable sucrose also were measured at the final harvest. Dry‐matter content, sucrose, sums of monovalent and divalent cations, and the monovalent:divalent cation ratios all were influenced significantly by variety, N‐fertilization, and date of harvest. Sucrose concentration was negatively correlated to the sum of monovalent and divalent cations. Root drymatter content was negatively correlated to the monovalent:divalent cation ratio. A relationship of cation concentration to the organic‐ and inorganic‐ anions that influence purity is discussed.  相似文献   

Rhizobial and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbioses each may consume 4-16% of recently photosynthetically-fixed carbon to maintain their growth, activity and reserves. Rhizobia and AM fungi improve plant photosynthesis through N and P acquisition, but increased nutrient uptake by these symbionts does not fully explain observed increases in the rate of photosynthesis of symbiotic plants. In this paper, we test the hypothesis that carbon sink strength of rhizobial and AM symbioses stimulates the rates of photosynthesis. Nutrient-independent effects of rhizobial and AM symbioses result in direct compensation of C costs at the source. We calculated the response ratios of photosynthesis and nutrient mass fraction in the leaves of legumes inoculated with rhizobial and/or AM fungi relative to non-inoculated plants in a number of published studies. On average, photosynthetic rates were significantly increased by 28 and 14% due to rhizobial and AM symbioses, respectively, and 51% due to dual symbiosis. The leaf P mass fraction was increased significantly by 13% due to rhizobial symbioses. Although the increases were not significant, AM symbioses increased leaf P mass fraction by 6% and dual symbioses by 41%. The leaf N mass fraction was not significantly affected by any of the rhizobial, AM and dual symbioses. The rate of photosynthesis increased substantially more than the C costs of the rhizobial and AM symbioses. The inoculation of legumes with rhizobia and/or AM fungi, which resulted in sink stimulation of photosynthesis, improved the photosynthetic nutrient use efficiency and the proportion of seed yield in relation to the total plant biomass (harvest index). Sink stimulation represent an adaptation mechanism that allows legumes to take advantage of nutrient supply from their microsymbionts without compromising the total amount of photosynthates available for plant growth.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to investigate the effects of four boron (B) doses (control, 0 kg B ha?1; B1, 1 kg B ha?1; B2, 3 kg B ha?1; and B3, 6 kg B ha?1) in soils deficient in available B (0.19 mg B kg?1) and lime (CaCO3) content (20.7%) on yield and some yield components of five chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes, namely Akçin‐91, Population, Gökçe, ?zmir‐92, and Menemen‐92 in central Anatolian Turkey in the 2002 and 2003 growing seasons. Plant height, pods per plant, grain yield, protein content, protein yield, thousand seed weight, and leaf B concentration were measured. Grain yields in all genotypes (except for Gökçe) were significantly increased by 1 kg ha?1 B application. Application of 1 kg ha?1 B increased the yield by an average of 5%. Genotypes studied showed significant variations with respect to their responses to additional B. Akçin‐91 gave the highest grain yield (1704.8 kg ha?1) at 3 kg B ha?1, whereas Population, ?zmir‐92, and Menemen‐92 yielded best (1468.2 kg ha?1, 1483.0 kg ha?1, and 1484.7 kg ha?1, respectively) at 1 kg B ha?1. Interestingly, Gökçe reached to the highest level of grain yield (1827.1 kg ha?1) at the control. Gökçe was a B deficiency B tolerance genotype. The other genotypes appeared to have high sensitivity to B deficiency. This study showed that B deficiency could result in significant yield losses in chickpea under the experimental conditions tested. Thus, B contents of soils for the cultivation of chickpea should be analyzed in advance to avoid yield losses.  相似文献   

Growth of vinca [Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don ‘Grape Cooler'] was compared under several cultural conditions. Conditions investigated included two types of media (a peat‐lite mix and a mix containing 25% pine bark) and five types of nutrient charges in the peat‐lite media (sulfated micros, chelated micros, sulfated or chelated micros with pH adjustment to 5.5, and no charge). Nitrogen (N) source effect on growth was also investigated. Plants were grown at five different ratios of nitrate‐N to ammonium‐N. Greatest growth as measured by shoot length and shoot dry weight occurred in the peat‐lite media at either the sulfated micro or chelated micros adjusted to pH 5.5 and at the highest ratios of nitrate‐N to ammonium‐N. Root dry weight and growth were negatively affected by high levels of ammonium‐N in the fertilizer solution.  相似文献   

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