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张吉立  冀金凤  王宁  王鹏 《土壤》2023,55(2):441-445
通过研究甜菜在雨养条件下施肥和施肥后补灌对甜菜干物质积累、产量、产糖量和养分吸收的影响规律,可以为甜菜栽培中施肥和灌溉提供理论依据。试验在田间条件下,设置雨养无肥(对照)、雨养施肥、补灌施肥3个处理,大区试验设计,3次重复。结果表明:收获期补灌与雨养施肥处理相比显著提高了甜菜总干物质积累量和产糖量;补灌施肥、雨养施肥与无肥处理相比显著提高了地上部和总干物质积累量、产量、产糖率和产糖量;收获期补灌与雨养施肥处理相比显著降低了甜菜地下部、地上部氮吸收量和总氮、总钾吸收量,雨养施肥与无肥处理相比显著提高了总氮、总钾吸收量;收获期补灌与雨养施肥处理相比显著提高了甜菜地下部、地上部干物质积累量和总磷吸收量,雨养施肥与不施肥处理相比显著提高了地上部干物质积累量和总磷吸收量。综合分析认为,补灌与雨养施肥处理相比利于促进甜菜生长发育,提高产量、产糖量和磷吸收量,降低甜菜对氮、钾的吸收量,建议在5—6月发生季节性干旱时进行人工补灌。  相似文献   

通过加工番茄大田试验,研究了不同施肥方式下,膜下滴灌加工番茄的干物质积累与养分吸收规律及产量构成。结果表明,在滴灌追施100%氮肥和初果期之后滴灌追施70%钾肥的基础上,基施65%磷肥和初果期之前滴灌追施35%磷肥(优化处理)比100%磷肥基施的加工番茄干物质增加11.51%,产量提高3.59%,氮、磷、钾肥的利用率分别增加了6.06、4.15和5.26个百分点。氮肥和磷肥在初果期之前滴灌追施,氮肥和钾肥在初果期之后滴灌追施的滴灌配方肥处理的产量显著低于优化处理,且优化处理的肥料效益也好于滴灌配方肥处理。加工番茄在初果期之前滴灌追施氮与磷,在初果期之后滴灌追施氮与钾可以提高加工番茄产量,增加肥料利用效率。  相似文献   

加气灌溉改善大棚番茄光合特性及干物质积累   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为揭示不同加气灌溉参数对作物光合特性及干物质积累的影响规律,以番茄为研究对象,研究了不同土壤加气量与加气深度组合对番茄光合作用、叶绿素含量、干物质积累及产量的影响。结果表明,对番茄根区土壤加气可显著提高叶片叶绿素含量和气孔导度,增强光合作用,增加干物质积累及产量。随加气量的升高,大棚番茄净光合速率总体上呈先升高后降低的趋势。15和40 cm滴管带埋深下,标准加气量(49.4 L/m2)下2次测定净光合速率平均较不加气处理升高21.4%和65.0%。滴灌带埋深为15 cm时,叶绿素含量、干物质积累量及产量随加气量的升高呈先升高后降低趋势,标准加气量下较不加气处理分别提升38.0%、55.4%和59.0%,滴灌带埋深为40 cm时随加气量的升高呈持续升高趋势,1.5倍标准加气量(74.2 L/m2)处理较不加气处理分别提升33.7%、36.2%和105.4%。综合考虑,当滴灌带埋深为15 cm时,宜采用标准加气量作为加气标准,而埋深为40 cm时,最佳加气量为1.5倍标准加气量。  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究不同有机肥对盐渍化耕地棉花干物质积累与养分吸收的影响。结果表明:增施有机肥可使棉花干物质的积累和养分吸收及产量有不同程度的提高,鸡粪表现的更为明显;苗期时,棉花干物质和氮磷钾积累量分别较对照高出161.8%、171.4%、116.3%和187.1%,花铃期干物质及氮磷钾积累量分别较对照高出118.9%、105.6%、57.14%和98.21%,吐絮期分别较对照高了34.3%、21.9%、60.0%和10.8%;产量较CK提高了6.4%。在有机肥对土壤电导率抑制作用方面,鸡粪在棉花各生育期表现较优。棉花干物质及氮磷钾积累分配规律为苗期和花铃期主要在叶中积累,吐絮期主要在铃中积累。  相似文献   

利用两间玻璃室不同的夜间温度条件, 研究了水稻生长期间夜温升高对双季早、晚稻物质生产和养分积累的影响。结果表明: 夜温升高对双季早稻的生物产量没有影响, 但可显著提高晚稻生物产量。早稻穗分化前夜温升高可增加物质积累量, 而穗分化后则减少物质积累量; 夜温升高减少晚稻幼穗分化至抽穗期间的物质积累, 而增加其他生育期的物质积累。夜温升高加速早稻剑叶衰老, 而对晚稻无显著影响。夜温升高对水稻氮素积累影响较小, 对磷、钾积累影响较大。其中, 播种至幼穗分化夜温升高有利于早稻稻株的养分积累, 而幼穗分化后不利于养分积累; 夜温升高不利于晚稻播种—抽穗的养分积累, 而有利于抽穗后的养分积累。试验表明, 夜温升高对不同季水稻及水稻不同生育期物质生产与养分吸收的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

Total dry matter (TDM) and nutrient accumulation, nutrient partitioning, and cumulative growing degree days at the time of maximum nutrient accumulation for two‐row spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) are not well quantified under high‐yielding irrigated conditions common in the semi‐arid western United States. Thus, five cultivars of barley were grown under irrigated conditions on a loam soil in the 2015 and 2016 growth seasons to determine these factors. Total nutrient accumulation was greatest at either the soft dough or maturity stage where specific nutrients were greater at one stage as compared to the other. Mean N accumulation was greatest at the soft dough stage (256 kg ha?1) where the regression model accounted for 80% of the variation in the data. Additionally, spike N increased from 91 to 105 kg ha?1 from soft dough to maturity. Specific nutrients (e.g., K) had significantly greater plant (i.e., culms plus leaves) accumulation between soft dough and maturity, 253 and 172 kg ha?1, respectively, where the spike at the same growth stages had an accumulation of 37 and 42 kg ha?1, respectively. In contrast, other nutrients (e.g., P) were remobilized to the spike as noted by the increase from 14 kg ha?1 at soft dough to 26 kg ha?1 at maturity. In addition to nutrient partitioning, linear regressions resulted in well‐correlated models between TDM and total nutrient accumulation (R2 = 0.35–0.88) for measured nutrients. Results from the current study provide critical data on nutrient accumulation as well as regression models for two‐row barley under high‐yielding conditions. This information can be used to improve harvest decisions as well as more accurately predict nutrient cycling in barley cropping systems.  相似文献   

The nutritional status of 22 apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) dwarfing rootstocks, with varied degrees of dwarfing, was evaluated during stoolbed production in 1983 and 1984. Rootstock effects were observed for all leaf nutrient elements studied except Cu. Except for EMLA 27, leaf N levels were generally highest in dwarfing EMLA and Polish series and lowest on vigorous MAC and EMLA rootstocks. Relatively few significant differences were found in leaf P and K content among rootstocks. Foliar Ca and Mg concentrations were generally highest on Polish and Budagovski rootstocks and lowest on EMLA 111. Leaf B levels on vigorous and semi‐dwarfing EMLA rootstocks and Fe levels in MAC, Polish, and Budagovski series were considerably higher than on other rootstocks. Although significant differences were found in leaf Mn and Zn among rootstocks, no specific effect for rootstock vigor was observed for either element. Positive correlations between leaf Ca and Mg occurred in 17 rootstocks while negative correlations between N and Fe were observed in 21 rootstocks.  相似文献   

通过田间小区试验,研究了磷钾肥滴灌追施对玉米干物质、产量及养分吸收的影响。结果表明,磷钾肥部分基施、部分滴灌追施玉米的生物量和产量要优于磷钾肥全部基施,其中磷肥75%基施和25%滴灌追施比磷肥全部基施的玉米干物质提高4.36%,产量增加8.14%;钾肥50%基施和50%滴灌追施比钾肥全部基施的玉米干物质增加4.86%,产量增加4.98%。磷钾肥部分基施、部分滴灌追施显著提高了玉米氮、磷、钾的吸收量和利用率,其中磷肥75%基施和25%滴灌追施的氮、磷、钾肥的利用率分别为46.65%、28.42%、46.33%,比磷肥全部基施分别提高了6.0、8.44和8.95个百分点;钾肥50%基施和50%滴灌追施的氮、磷、钾肥的利用率分别为45.46%、27.92%、46.95%,比钾肥全部基施分别提高了4.26、0.99和11.89个百分点。  相似文献   

  目的  施钾是保障土壤钾素供应和棉花高产的必要手段,缩节胺化学封顶是调节棉花生物量分配的重要措施,合理协调两者的关系是棉花提质增产的前提,因此探究包膜含缩节胺氯化钾对土壤钾素形态及棉花生长特性的影响,可为维持土壤钾素平衡及实现棉花减肥高产提供依据。  方法  采用盆栽试验,共设7个处理,分别为一次基施包膜含缩节胺氯化钾(CRKMC,0.15 g kg−1土)、减量30%包膜含缩节胺氯化钾(CRKMC70%)、控释氯化钾(CRK)、减量30%控释氯化钾(CRK70%)、分次施用普通氯化钾(KCl)、减量30%普通氯化钾(KCl70%)及空白对照(CK)。测定棉花生育期内土壤钾素含量、棉花株高、茎粗、光合特性和产量。  结果  CRKMC处理的籽棉产量最高,较CRK和KCl处理分别显著增加了13.80%和22.58%,且CRKMC70%处理棉花产量与CRK处理相比不减产。此外,CRKMC处理显著提高了棉花植株茎粗、净光合速率、SPAD值和钾素农学利用率,且蕾期后CRKMC处理的土壤速效钾、缓效钾和水溶性钾含量高于KCl处理。蕾期至盛花期,速效钾部分转化为缓效钾储存,使得缓效钾含量升高,且各控释处理效果优于普通钾肥。  结论  一次基施包膜含缩节胺氯化钾可有效保障土壤钾素供应,提高土壤固钾潜力并优化棉花生长特性,为实现棉花高产、优化用工提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Insufficient potassium (K) nutrition produces detrimental effects on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) lint yield and fiber quality. To further understand the deleterious effects caused by K deficiency, a 2‐yr (1991 and 1992) field study was conducted to determine how dry matter partitioning and nutrient concentrations of various plant tissues for the cotton genotypes, ‘DES 119’ and ‘MD 51 ne’, were altered by varying the application rate of fertilizer K and nitrogen (N). All plots received a preplant application of 112 kg N ha‐1, and half of the plots were later sidedressed with an additional 38 kg N ha‐1. Within each N treatment, half the plots received 112 kg K ha‐1, preplant incorporated, with the remaining plots not receiving any fertilizer K. Dry matter harvests were taken three times in 1991 and two times in 1992. At cutout (slowing of vegetative growth and flowering), plants that received K fertilization had a 14% more leaf area index (LAI), a 3% increase in the number of main stem nodes, and a 2% increase in plant height. However, those plants had a 12% lower specific leaf weight (SLW) than plants receiving no K fertilization. By the end of season, the of K fertilization had resulted in more stem (21%), bur (13%), seed (19%), and lint weight (20%), but harvest index was not affected. Varying the level of N fertilization did not affect any of these dry matter parameters at any harvest. In general, the larger plants produced under K fertilization had reduced concentrations of N, phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), and sodium (Na) in the various plant parts. While N uptake efficiency was not affected by K fertility, plants that received K fertilization had increased efficiency of fertilizer N use and of N utilization within the plant. The smaller LAI of the K deficient plants probably reduced the photosynthetic capacity per plant. A reduced assimilation capacity could explain the inefficiency of N use, lint yield reductions, and poorer fiber quality often associated with K deficiencies.  相似文献   

为探明小麦花后碳、氮代谢平衡对干物质积累和产量的影响,采用质量浓度2%的尿素和5%的蔗糖作为外源氮、碳调控物质,在强筋型龙麦33和中强筋型克旱19两种类型春小麦的抽穗期叶面喷施,分别于喷施后5、10、15、22、29和36 d取样,测定小麦植株不同部位器官的干重,并于成熟收获后取样测定产量构成。结果表明:小麦抽穗后旗叶的干物质积累逐渐增加,而倒二叶的干物质积累降低,但籽粒灌浆阶段,旗叶和倒二叶总的干重趋于稳定,进入籽粒成熟期后重量急剧降低;穗下节鞘、倒二节鞘的干物质积累呈单峰曲线,节鞘干物质积累量占地上部干物质积累的比例逐渐降低。外源氮处理缓解了旗叶干重损失,促进了穗下节鞘和倒二节鞘的干物质积累,而外源碳处理反之。外源碳、氮处理不同程度提高了穗轴单位长度干重,显著降低了无效小穗比率,提高了穗粒数和千粒重,尤其是外源氮处理作用显著,龙麦33和克旱19的无效小穗比率分别降低了3.3%、3.7%,穗粒数增加了19.7%、8.4%,千粒重分别增加了2.7、1.4 g,外源喷施蔗糖、尿素使龙麦33和克旱19的单产分别提高了6.9%、15.8%和10.1%、16.9%。因此,外源氮、碳处理通过增加旗叶干物质积累促进了穗轴单位长度干重,提高物质向穗部的输导能力,从而减少了无效小穗,提高了穗粒数和千粒重,增加了籽粒产量,尤其是氮处理作用显著。  相似文献   

用辐热积法模拟温室黄瓜叶面积、光合速率与干物质产量   总被引:24,自引:10,他引:24  
依据温室黄瓜叶片生长与温度和辐射的关系,用辐热积构建了两种不同整枝方式下的叶面积模拟模型,并与已有的光合速率和干物质生产模型相结合,建立了适合中国种植技术的温室黄瓜光合速率与干物质生产模拟模型,并利用不同品种、基质的试验资料对模型进行了检验。结果表明,本模型比积温法和比叶面积法能更准确地预测温室黄瓜的叶面积和总干重,为温室作物生长模拟提供了新思路。  相似文献   

为了探讨干物质生产及分配模型在西北地区温室环境不同水分处理的使用性,以番茄为材料,于2013-2015年在陕西省杨凌区温室内进行亏水处理试验,设置全生育期充分灌水处理、仅苗期亏水50%处理、苗期开花期连续亏水50%和全部亏水50%共4种水分处理,通过2013-2014年温室试验分析不同水分处理条件下番茄茎、叶、果实和根系的动态变化,建立了基于番茄耗水量、地上部和根系分配指数、地上部各器官分配指数的番茄干物质生产及分配模型;利用2014-2015年试验数据对干物质生产及分配模型进行验证。结果表明,利用累积辐热积与干物质总量进行拟合得到的关系式,可以利用累积辐热积较为准确地模拟不同水分处理下番茄干物质总量。番茄干物质总量受累积辐热积和水分影响较大,而干物质总量在地上部、根系及地上部各器官的分配指数只随辐热积变化,不随灌水量发生显著的变化。运用番茄耗水量、累积辐热积、经验公式和经验系数得到的干物质生产及分配模型,通过该模型估算不同水分处理番茄茎、叶、果实和根系干物质的预测值和实测值拟合度较高,其绝对误差为0.24~9.46 g/株,均方根误差为0.35~10.01 g/株和决定系数为0.78~0.89,可以用该模型预测肥料充分条件下各水分处理温室番茄各器官的干物质生产及分配,为温室番茄不同水分条件下番茄生产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

营养元素N、P、K对Pb超富集植物吸收能力的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
为了探索提高Pb(铅)超富集植物吸收能力的方法,该文通过温室土培方法,研究了单一营养元素N、P、K对Pb超富集植物羽叶鬼针草(Bidens maximowicziana)、绿叶苋菜(L.Amaranthus tricolor)和紫穗槐(Sophora japonica)3种植物Pb吸收的影响。营养元素的设计水平为N 0、0.06、0.12、0.18、0.24、0.30 g/kg,P2O5 0、0.06、0.12、0.18、0.24、0.30 g/kg,K2O 0.08、0.16、0.24、0.32、0.40 g/kg,其他2种元素恒定为0.12 g/kg,土壤铅浓度为800 mg/kg土。结果表明土壤中施入不同水平的营养元素显著影响植物Pb迁移总量。18个处理中羽叶鬼针草、绿叶苋菜与紫穗槐Pb迁移总量最大值与最小值的比值分别为:11.6、10.6、11.9。该试验表明通过调节土壤营养的方法可以提高植物的重金属的迁移总量,利用Pb超富集植物修复Pb污染土壤。3种营养元素对植物的效应不一致,少量的N和K可促进富集植物干质量的增加,促进植物对Pb的吸收,随着N和K水平的增加,植物对Pb的吸收能力降低,但K的抑制作用不如N的显著;土壤供P会降低植物对Pb的吸收,且下降极显著。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验方法,研究了污泥改良锰矿尾渣对紫茉莉(Mirabills jdapa)、青葙(Celosia argentea)、一串红(Salviasplendens)和鸡冠花(Celosia cristata)4种花卉植物生长及其富集铅、镉、锌和锰的影响。结果表明,添加污泥增加基质的EC值、总氮、总磷、总钾和有机质含量,而降低铅、镉、锌和锰含量。紫茉莉与青葙生物量、株高和根长大于一串红和鸡冠花。紫茉莉根部铅、镉和锰含量分别为3110.93~4189.16、300.28~399.16和31100.93~36809.77mg·kg-1,都远高于其地上部分含量。青葙根部铅含量超过1000mg·kg-1,而其地上部分含量少;其地上部分镉和锰含量分别为322.13~441.88和21888.54~26511.31mg·kg-1,都大于其根部含量,青葙具有镉和锰超富集植物的特性。污泥改良锰矿尾渣促进这4种花卉植物生物量、株高和根长增加。除紫茉莉锌含量外,添加污泥改良锰矿尾渣增加这4种花卉植物的铅、镉、锌和锰含量。在锰矿尾渣污染区进行植物修复时,采用紫茉莉、青葙和添加污泥强化植物修复效率可行。  相似文献   


Growth, mineral nutrition, leaf chlorophyll and water relationships were studied in cherry plants (cv. ‘Bigarreau Burlat’[BB] and ‘Tragana Edessis’[TE]) grafted on ‘Mazzard’ rootstock and grown in modified Hoagland solutions containing 0, 25 or 50 mmol L?1 NaCl, over a period of 55 days. Elongation of the main shoot of the plants treated with 25 or 50 mmol L?1 NaCl was significantly reduced by approximately 29–36%, irrespective of the cultivar. However, both NaCl treatments caused a greater reduction in the dry weight of leaves and scion's stems in BB than in TE plants. Therefore, BB was more sensitive to salinity stress than TE. The reduction of leaf chlorophyll concentration was significant only when BB and TE plants were grown under 50 mmol L?1 NaCl. Osmotic adjustment permitted the maintenance of leaf turgor in TE plants and induced an increase in leaf turgor of BB plants treated with 25 or 50 mmol L?1 NaCl compared with 0 mmol L?1 NaCl. Concerning the nutrient composition of various plant parts, Na concentrations in all plant parts of both cultivars were generally much lower than those of Cl. For both cultivars, leaf Cl concentrations were much higher than the concentrations in stems and roots, especially in the treatments containing NaCl. Finally, the distribution of Na within BB and TE plants treated with NaCl was relatively uniform.  相似文献   

Due to the lack of information on mineral nutrition of ornamental plants, especially tropical species, we aimed to evaluate the effects of nitrogen fertilization on development, flowering, and mineral nutrition of potted Costus productus. Plants were cultivated along 1 year under protection in Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, and submitted to five treatments that corresponded to increasing nitrogen doses (0.0, 1.2, 2.4, 3.6, and 4.8 g N plant?1). Evaluated plant variables were potted development, height, dry matter of aerial part, number of inflorescences, and nutritional status. Analysis of variance and linear and polynomial regressions were performed for definition of the best adjustments according to the combination of significance and greater determination coefficient. The nitrogen fertilization positively influenced development, flowering, and mineral nutrition of potted C. productus plants, and the dose of 4.8 g N plant?1 promoted best results  相似文献   

Production light levels [1900, 1140 and 380 μE˙m‐2 ˙s‐1 photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)] and fertilizer treatments [Osmocote (18N‐3P‐10K) 12 g/15 cm pot, soluble. (20N‐6P‐17K) 480 ppm N weekly and combination of soluble 240 ppm N weekly plus Osmocote 6 g/pot] influenced growth parameters and elemental tissue content of Brassaia actinophylla in a 3×3 factorial experiment. Growth index, chlorophyll content and plant grade were greater in plants grown under medium and low PAR intensities (1140 and 380 μE˙m‐2 ˙s‐1) and when produced with the Osmocote fertilizer treatment. Inter‐nodal length decreased as production PAR levels increased. Analysis of leaf tissue indicated that decreasing PAR intensities produced an increase in N, P and K and a decrease in Mg. Calcium was unaffected.  相似文献   

不同水氮水平冬小麦干物质积累特征及产量效应   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
为了阐明灌水施氮对冬小麦干物质积累和产量形成的影响机制,通过2012-2014年在关中平原进行的3个灌水水平、4个施氮水平的田间试验,采用Richards生长曲线对干物质积累过程进行拟合,定量分析了干物质积累过程的动态特征和产量效应。结果表明灌越冬水和拔节水均能显著延长干物质积累的总时间,使最大干物质量由雨养下的10 831提高到灌两水条件下的13 813 kg/hm~2。氮肥显著提高了干物质积累过程的平均速率和最大速率,缩短了达到最大速率的时间,使最大干物质量由8 001(不施氮)提高到14 112 kg/hm~2(施氮210 kg/hm~2)。年份主要通过控制进入快速生长期和达到最大速率的时间来影响干物质量积累过程。灌水的产量效应年际变异较大,在2013和2014年分别通过增加千粒质量和每平方米粒数来影响产量,2013年千粒质量由雨养下的35.8提高到灌两水下的41.7 g,2014年每平方米粒数由雨养下的13 833增加到灌两水条件下的15 749粒/m~2。氮肥主要是通过增加每平方米粒数来提高产量,由不施氮下的10 414增大到施氮210 kg/hm~2条件下的15 911粒/m~2,继续增施氮肥对产量及产量构成要素影响不大。产量和每平方米粒数均与干物质积累过程的平均速率和最大速率呈显著正相关性,表明在该研究地区小麦产量主要受氮肥限制。该研究为干旱半干旱地区合理调控水肥措施,实现作物高产高效提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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