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Salts were applied as aqueous solution to the outer surfaces of astomatous isolated cuticles, and the water was allowed to evaporate. Effects of salt residues on the surfaces of cuticles on water permeability of cuticles were measured at 25°C. A surface dose of 0.2 mol m–2 Cs2CO3 and K2CO3 increased the water permeability of pear leaf cuticles by factors of 9.9 and 3.9, respectively. Na2CO3 was barely effective, and Li2CO3 as well as (NH4)2CO3 had no influence on water permeability. Potassium applied as sulfate, nitrate, or chloride had no effect on the water permeability of pear leaf cuticles, while K+ salts of weak acids (0.2 mol m–2) were effective, as they increased water permeability by factors of 5.4 (K+‐acetate), 3.9 (K2CO3), and 2.0 (K2HPO4), respectively. Sensitivity of Idesia polycarpa leaf cuticles to treatment with K2CO3 at 0.2 mol m–2 was greatest as water permeability was increased 35‐fold, while the water permeability of cuticles from other species tested (astomatous leaf cuticles from Hedera helix, Citrus aurantium, Prunus laurocerasus, Pyrus communis, and Populus canescens; fruit cuticles from Capsicum annuum and Lycopersicon esculentum) increased only by factors ranging from 1.7 to 3.9. Data are discussed in relation to swelling and ion‐exchange properties of cuticles.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to investigate the role of boron and zinc on growth, yield and quality of onion. There were eight treatment combinations consisted of four levels of boron (0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5%) and 4 levels of zinc (0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5%) were applied as foliar spraying. application of 0.5% boron significantly increased the growth (plant height, 63.93cm and number of leaves per plant, 7.25), yield (30.74 t ha?1) and quality (total soluble solids, 13.45 0B and pyruvic acid 5.94 µmol g?1) of onion. Among various levels of zinc 0.5% exhibited the best growth (plant height, 67.25cm and number of leaf per plant, 7.75), yield (33.34 t ha?1) and quality (total soluble solids, 14.57 0B and pyruvic acid, 5.86 µmol g?1) attributes of onion. These results suggest that the foliar application of boron and zinc significantly influenced the growth, yield and quality of onion.  相似文献   

Pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wang.) C. Koch.] trees were given four treatments: (i) control (no zinc application) (ii) DeltAg Zinc Plus® applied in fall, at budbreak, and after pollination (iii) DeltAg Zinc Plus applied in fall only and (iv) zinc sulfate 36.6% applied at budbreak, 3 weeks later, and after pollination. Leaf elemental concentration of zinc (Zn) increased with all zinc treatments in year one. In year two, the three applications of Zinc Plus produced the highest leaf elemental concentrations of Zn. The zinc sulfate treatment had a positive effect on nut and kernel weight in both years while the other two Zn treatments had effects that varied across years. Zinc sulfate had yields at least as good and nut quality at least as good as the other Zn treatments. Given that Zinc sulfate is the lowest-cost Zn treatment, the results reported here favor using zinc sulfate.  相似文献   

以三月红荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.cv Sanyuehong)成年树为试材,以叶面喷施Ca、Mg肥以及它们的混合液为处理,以清水为对照(CK),探讨叶面喷施Ca和Mg肥对三月红荔枝果皮着色影响的初步机理。结果表明,叶面喷施不同的肥料可以明显提高果皮同种矿质元素的含量;不同处理和CK的果皮水溶性K含量与全Ca含量、水溶性K含量与全Mg含量、水溶性Mg含量与全Ca含量以及全Ca含量与全Mg含量的偏相关系数均达到显著水平,水溶性和全量K、Ca和Mg含量之一分别与其余5种含量间的复相关系数达到极显著水平;Ca+Mg处理解决了三月红荔枝果皮"滞绿"问题,Mg处理解决了三月红荔枝果肉"退糖"问题;Mg处理和CK的果皮水溶性Mg含量较高,是促进其果皮红色着色的主导因素,Ca处理的果皮全Ca含量较高,是促进其果皮红色着色的主导因素,Ca+Mg处理的果皮水溶性Mg含量以及全Ca含量较高,是促进其果皮红色着色的主导因素;不同处理和CK的果皮全Mg、水溶性Ca、全Ca含量均与其花色素苷含量呈正相关指数函数回归关系,不同处理和CK的果皮水溶性Ca含量均与叶绿素含量呈负相关指数函数关系。可见,在三月红荔枝果皮着色发育过程中,Ca和Mg元素具有增益作用,不同的施肥处理通过提高Ca、Mg元素的含量而促进果皮着色。  相似文献   


It is still unclear if different sources of nitrogen (N) can variably influence grain accumulation of zinc (Zn), N, and phytate. We tested foliar treatments of 0 or 0.25% Zn as zinc sulfate in combination with 0 or 1% N as ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate or urea sprayed on field-grown-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) foliage at anthesis and 10 days later. Leaf burning caused by ammonium chloride significantly decreased grain yield. Grain N concentration was the highest in the urea +0.25% Zn treatment. Foliar N application influenced grain Zn concentration only if Zn was included in the spray. Grain phytate concentration was significantly decreased by both N and Zn sprays. Estimated Zn bioavailability in grains was the highest at 0.25% Zn and was not influenced by the N sources. Based on grain yield, grain N concentration, and Zn bioavailability in grains, foliar application of Zn?+?urea is an optimal strategy.  相似文献   


A study was made to evaluate Zn removed by extraction with a 0.075 N acid mixture (0.05 N HCl + 0.025 N H2SO4). A ratio of soil to extracting solution of 1 to 4 and an extracting time of 15 minutes was selected. Data obtained by the method was significantly correlated with dithizone (0.01%) extraction. The method was found to be acceptable for evaluation of the Zn status of Southern Coastal Plain soils and easily adapted to routine use in soil testing. A significant correlation was obtained between extractable soil Zn and leaf blade content of Zn for Zn‐deficient and non‐deficient corn plants.  相似文献   


Leaf samples from cranberry plants in Wareham, Massachusetts were collected during the 1980–82 growing seasons and analysed for N, P, K, Ca and Mg. The seasonal patterns which emerged allowed the proposal of normal ranges for the elements and optimum times for sampling. The foliar nutrient levels obtained were compared to those for cranberries grown in other areas as well as to those for crops which are grown under similar conditions.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the foliar uptake rate, distribution, and retranslocation patterns of novel, synthesized zinc hydroxide‐nitrate nanocrystals (ZnHN; solubility 30–50 mg Zn L?1) applied on to the adaxial surface of tomato leaves (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Roma). The total Zn absorption from ZnHN suspension positively increased with ZnHN application rates, but the relative efficacy started to decline at > 400 mg Zn L?1. Within the 3 weeks, total Zn recovery in the ZnHN‐treated plants was 16% of the total ZnHN‐Zn applied, compared to the near 90% total Zn recovery in the Zn(NO3)2‐plants at the same Zn rate. Foliar‐absorbed ZnHN‐Zn was distributed from the treated leaves into other plant parts and preferentially translocated into the roots. Distribution of Zn from ZnHN‐treated leaves to apical parts was not limited by Zn deficiency. These results demonstrate that ZnHN crystals with controlled solubility provided some sort of slow‐release Zn over a certain growth period at a rate slower (but quantitatively effective) than the soluble Zn(NO3)2. The efficacy of the prolonged foliar Zn supply could be enhanced if the ZnHN suspension is sprayed over a large leaf surface area at the peak vegetative or early flowering stage.  相似文献   

通过对瓦里短枝和长富2号两个品种不同枝条类型叶片取样,测定分析了苹果树不同生育阶段叶片营养元素含量变化特征,为营养诊断采集标准叶样和指导施肥提供依据。结果表明,不同采样时期、 不同枝类叶片营养元素含量差异很大,以新梢停止生长期的各类枝条叶片营养元素含量最为接近。在年周期中,叶片营养元素含量变异系数从小到大顺序为营养枝<中枝<长枝<短枝<叶丛枝。常量营养元素含量周年变化幅度小于微量元素,氮含量变幅最小,锰变幅最大。品种间除硼元素含量变化有差异外,其它营养元素含量变化趋势相近或相同。随树体生育进程,叶片营养元素含量变化规律为氮、 磷、 铜含量呈降低趋势;钾、 锌、 铁、 硼含量呈波动状态;钙、 镁含量至新梢停止生长期最高,且枝条长度越小,含量越高;锰含量变化近似正态分布。苹果新梢停止生长期是叶片养分最稳定时期,营养枝是叶最佳采样枝类。  相似文献   

以长期定位试验为基础,设置7个紫云英和化肥施用配比试验处理,以探索施用绿肥情况下减施化肥对土壤养分、持水和供水能力的影响。结果表明:在翻压紫云英条件下,即使不施化肥土壤氮也可基本得到满足,应适量施用化学钾肥,必须合理施用磷肥,以保证土壤全量和速效养分得到平衡和持续供给,化肥施用量减少未显著降低水稻产量;土壤持水、供水能力在处理间的趋势表现为:紫云英+40%化肥紫云英+60%化肥紫云英+80%化肥、紫云英+100%化肥单施100%化肥、单施紫云英CK,与CK相比,其它6个处理田间持水量提高了1.6%~15.4%,有效含水量增幅更大,平均提高1.5%~30.5%,说明紫云英化肥配施能显著提高土壤的持水、供水能力,且化肥施用量越少效果越好,而单施化肥或单施紫云英效果有限。因此,紫云英施用量一定时(22 500 kg/hm~2),化肥施用量应减少至40%甚至更低。  相似文献   


Despite the importance of Zn nutrition, little information is available on the effectiveness of foliar Zn application, in general, and Zn-amino acid complexes in particular on pistachio nut yield and quality. Response of pistachio (Pistachio vera L. cv. Akbari) to foliar application of zinc (Zn) in the form of mineral (ZnSO4) and complexed with methionine (ZnMet), lysine (ZnLys), and lysine plus methionine (ZnLysMet) was investigated. Lysine alone treatment was used to distinguish the effects of accompanying Lys. A control treatment with no amino acids and Zn was also used. The critical deficiency concentration of Zn in the leaf to achieve the highest 100-kernel mass was 37.6?mg kg?1. Foliar application of Zn significantly increased leaf Zn concentration in comparison with control. In both years, foliar supply of Zn in the form of complexed with amino acids resulted in a significant increase of total nut yield, fresh mass of 100-nut, and spilled nuts. A significant decrease in the empty nuts was also observed by Zn application. The effectiveness of ZnMet in improving yield and quality attributes of pistachio was in general, higher than the other Zn sources.  相似文献   


Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is of prime importance because of its quality fiber and edible oil production. Boron (B) is among essential micronutrients for plant growth; it aids in the transfer of sugars and nutrients from leaves to fruit that are involved directly or indirectly in many plant functions. Cotton growth, yield and quality are strongly affected with boron application. A two-year study was conducted to evaluate the impact of foliar applied B (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10?g of B L?1 of water) on the performance of cotton cultivars (FH-113, MNH-786 and CIM-496). The results indicated that growth, yield and quality traits of cotton were significantly influenced by different levels of foliar applied boron as well as cultivars of cotton. Among cotton cultivars, the yield and quality parameters were superior in cultivar “FH-113.” Foliar application of boron at 6?g L?1 of water improved leaf area index and leaf area duration and eventually improved the number of bolls per plant, boll retention percentage, average boll weight, lint yield, ginning out turn, fiber length and uniformity ratio of cotton. Foliar application of B at 6?g per liter of water, showed promising results by improving growth and quality parameters and is recommend to enhance the economical yield production of cotton cultivar “FH-113” with improved quality.  相似文献   


The mobility of 45Ca applied to several of the aboveground parts of the broad bean plant (Vicia faba L.) was investigated to determine the effect of foliar application of calcium (Ca). Calcium applied to the top or the underside surface of a leaf scarcely moved from the leaf. A small amount of Ca applied to a pod moved to the inner seeds, but the majority remained on the pod wall. Calcium applied to the stem was the most mobile. Most of the Ca applied to the axillary side of the stem moved to the leaves and pod on the applied nodes. By contrast, more of the Ca applied to the side opposite the axillary side of the stem moved to the upper nodes. Thus, Ca solution should be sprayed onto the stem rather than the leaves for effective foliar application of Ca.  相似文献   

设施栽培油桃对叶面施15N的吸收、分配特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以设施栽培的5年生早红珠油桃/山毛桃为试材,应用15N示踪技术研究油桃叶片对15N-尿素的吸收及运转特性。结果表明,叶片施用15N-尿素标记叶吸收主要发生在叶片涂抹15N-尿素后6.h内,平均吸收速率为0.204mg/(g.h);标记叶中15N吸收量24.h达到最高,新梢和梢顶嫩叶15N含量在施用15N-尿素48.h达到最高,下部叶15N含量很低,没有明显的峰;处理168.h各器官中15N含量为标记叶梢顶嫩叶新梢下部叶;试验结束时分配势Ndff(即各器官N含量来自化肥N所占的百分率)为标记叶中最高,然后依次为梢顶嫩叶、新梢、下部叶。这说明氮素迅速被吸收并运到嫩梢和嫩叶中,从而促进这些新生器官的形态建造,可起到以N增C的作用。不同叶面处理的试验还表明,正面和背面全部涂抹的叶片15N含量最高,只涂抹叶片背面次之,涂抹正面最低。设施栽培油桃叶片可迅速吸收尿素,其吸收量早晨明显优于中午和下午,因此设施油桃栽培管理中于早晨进行叶面施尿素,且正反面兼顾,N素的吸收利用效果最好。  相似文献   

As the land area of short‐rotation coppice (SRC) increases, their soil physical impacts have to be evaluated. The objective of this study was to detect the effects of long‐term SRC with poplar and willow on the vertical distribution of soil physical properties (bulk density, water retention, penetration resistance) and on solute transport patterns. An 18‐year‐old SRC located in northeastern Germany was compared to an adjacent continuous arable cropping system by means of soil sampling, penetrologger measurements and dye tracer experiments. The topsoil's bulk density was significantly lower under SRC than under cropland. This effect was especially pronounced in the uppermost 10 cm, where also the air capacity and the plant‐available water content were higher under SRC. The penetration resistance in 25–50 cm depth was reduced under SRC compared to the cropland, indicating a loosening of the plough pan. Dye tracer experiments showed that the importance of preferential flow was higher under SRC due to tree root channels and an increasing colonisation with invertebrates. SRC has ecologically advantageous effects on soil physical properties of the topsoil, however, combined with an enhanced risk of preferential solute transport upon application of agrochemicals.  相似文献   

Soil fertility problems resulting in low maize yields in smallholder farms are common in the West African moist savanna. The effectiveness of commercial foliar fertilizers in improving maize growth and yield was evaluated in three savanna agro‐ecological zones of Nigeria in two steps. In step one, eight commercial foliar fertilizers were assessed in a greenhouse study with two soil types using maize (Zea mays L. cv. 2004 TZE‐Y POPDT STR C4). The treatments included a control and a reference that received the optimum concentrations of nutrients. In step 2, three promising products from the greenhouse study (Turbotop, Agroleaf General, and Agroleaf high‐P) were evaluated under field conditions to validate the efficacy of products to enhance crop growth and yield. The foliar products were applied at the rate of 5 kg ha?1. The treatments also included three rates of P application (0, 30, and 60 kg P ha?1) as triple super phosphate (TSP) with or without foliar fertilizers. In the greenhouse study, differences in maize shoot dry matter yield and N and P concentrations, attributable to the spraying of the commercial foliar fertilizers, were observed for both soils. Spraying Turbotop, Agroleaf General, and Agroleaf high‐P gave the highest shoot dry biomass and N and P uptake compared to other products. Under field conditions, foliar spraying of Agroleaf high‐P significantly increased the shoot dry biomass of maize compared with the 0 P treatment in all locations. The grain yield of maize ranged from 1 to 4 t ha?1 with significant differences across sites. Products with high concentrations of P and N in their formulation improved maize yield suggesting that appropriate management of P and N resources is a prerequisite for a sustainable maize intensification in the savanna agro‐ecologies.  相似文献   

Massive volumes of raw wastewater have been spread on sandy Luvisols in the Paris region since 1899, causing major soil contamination with metallic trace elements (MTE). To identify the factors influencing the vertical and horizontal redistribution of MTE at the plot scale, a study was carried out of the three‐dimensional distribution of zinc. The background and exogenous fractions of zinc in the contaminated soil were discriminated using correlations between zinc and iron defined from unpolluted soils of the area. At the surface, the spatial distribution of zinc is determined by the geometry of the irrigation system and the terrain topography. The highest concentrations are observed near the irrigation outlets and in areas of very slight slope. The exogenous zinc has migrated down to the base of the studied solums (1 m depth), and its subsurface distribution depends upon the physico‐chemical properties of the horizons. In the E horizon, the trapping of exogenous zinc is governed by the number of available reactive sites, whereas in the Bt horizon it is a function of the vertical and lateral behaviour of the drainage. Moreover, lateral transfer of exogenous zinc occurs in the C horizon. In the case of soil contaminated with raw wastewater, the organization of water flow on the surface and in the subsurface is a determining factor in the redistribution of zinc within a plot.  相似文献   

【目的】施用锌肥是改善作物缺锌、 提高产量和籽粒锌含量的重要措施。锌肥的施用效果受多种因素的影响,通过总结自70年代以来锌肥施用对我国主要粮食作物小麦、 玉米、 水稻产量的影响,分析不同年代、 锌肥施用方式、 锌肥用量对这三大作物产量影响的进程,探讨锌肥的适宜用量和施用方式。【方法】利用万方数据库、 中国知网,查阅了1970至2013年间,我国主要粮食作物水稻、 小麦和玉米锌肥施用相关的田间试验文献333篇,剔除文献中没有产量数据、 没有具体施肥相关信息如施肥量、 施肥方式等文献,有效样本数总计为1656个。采用相关分析、 方差分析等统计分析方法,Microsoft Excel 2010软件分析。【结果】锌肥增产效果受锌肥施用方式、 施用量、 年代的影响,具体结果如下, 1)锌肥施用方式土壤施用、 叶面喷施和种子处理在小麦上的平均增产率分别为11.3%、 10.0%和11.1%; 在玉米上的平均增产率分别为13.7%、 12.7%和12.1%; 水稻上的平均增产率分别为15.0%、 9.8%和9.7%。与叶面喷施和种子处理相比,无论是小麦、 玉米还是水稻,土施锌肥的增产效果最好。2)锌肥施用量小麦、 玉米和水稻的增产率随土施锌肥量增加而增加,当施锌量达到一定量后,随施肥用量的进一步增大,增产率有所降低。小麦、 玉米和水稻土施锌肥的合适用量分别为1545 kg /hm2、 2030 kg/hm2、 2030 kg/hm2。小麦增产率与喷施锌肥的浓度关系不明显,叶面喷施浓度在0.4%~0.5% ZnSO47H2O时增产效果最佳; 而玉米、 水稻增产率和叶面喷施锌肥的浓度变化趋势与土施锌肥变化趋势一致。过去40年玉米和水稻适宜喷施锌肥浓度分别是0.1%~0.3%、 0.2%~0.4% ZnSO47H2O。3)施肥年代随着年代的变化,不同作物施用锌肥的增产幅度不同。随着年代的推进,同一锌肥施用方式在小麦上增产率呈逐渐增高的趋势; 锌肥土施和叶面喷施在玉米上的增产率呈下降趋势; 锌肥土施在水稻上的增产率呈下降趋势,而叶面喷施在水稻的增产率呈先降低后增加的趋势; 种子处理方式在水稻和玉米上的增产率随年代的变化不明显。【结论】施用锌肥能有效提高小麦、 玉米和水稻的产量,但是其增产效果受锌肥施用方式、 施用量、 年代的影响。因此,今后在锌肥施用方面,农户应根据作物、 土壤、 环境等条件,选择恰当的施肥方式及锌肥用量,来提高锌肥的增产效果。  相似文献   

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