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The logistic model has proven very useful in relating dry matter production of forage grasses to applied nitrogen. A recent extension of the model coupled dry matter and plant ? accumulation through a common response coefficient c. The objective of this analysis was to establish the validity of the extended model for each of the three major nutrients (?, ?, ?), with a common coefficient c between dry matter and each applied nutrient. Analysis of variance established the validity of this hypothesis. The model accurately described response of dry matter, plant nutrient removal, and plant nutrient concentration to applied nutrient, with overall correlation coefficients of 0.9928, 0.9972, and 0.9975 for applied N, P, and K, respectively. Furthermore, the model closely described the relationship between yield and plant nutrient removal, as well as between plant nutrient concentration and plant nutrient removal, for each nutrient. This work confirmed earlier results for applied ? with various grasses and established the validity of the model for applied ? and ? for the first time. The logistic equation is well‐behaved and simple to use on a pocket calculator. It can be used to describe yields and nutrient removal in evaluation of agricultural production and environmental quality.  相似文献   


Efficient and environmentally acceptable nutrient management requires an understanding of when and at what rates nutrients are accumulated by plants. For graminaceous species, a mathematical procedure involving compound cubic polynomials was previously demonstrated to be useful for evaluating growth and nutrient accumulation patterns. Our objective for this study was to compare dry matter and nutrient accumulation rates for determinate and indeterminate soybean [Glycine max L. (Merr.)] by reanalyzing the original data from five field experiments. Data from a maximum yield research (MYR) experiment that yielded 6.8 Mg ha‐1 provided information for soybean grown with near‐maximum accumulation rates. The high MYR yield resulted from intensive management practices that included high fertilization, high plant population, complete pest control, and timely irrigations to supplement rainfall. The MYR results were compared with rates determined for four non‐MYR studies that yielded from 2.2 to 5.4 Mg ha‐1 in Iowa, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Contrary to patterns found for corn (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), no consistent, distinct peaks in accumulation rate were observed for soybean. Instead, trends were masked by short‐term variation caused either by responses to environmental variation or by random sampling errors. In addition, computed maximum growth rates for the 6.8 and 5.4 Mg ha‐1 studies were higher than the hypothesized maximum rate of 360 kg ha‐1 d‐1, suggesting either biased sampling or a need to reexamine the theory. These findings lead us to conclude that further research in intraseasonal accumulation patterns for soybean should concentrate on causes for short‐term variation, such as weather patterns, via mechanistic simulation. Further, the data for extremely high yields should be considered cautiously until supporting data are found.  相似文献   

温室黄瓜光合生产与干物质积累模拟模型   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:17  
根据“源-库”理论及黄瓜生理学和作物生态学的基本原理,建立了温室黄瓜冠层光合生产和干物质积累模拟模型,模型由叶面积动态、光合作用、呼吸作用、干物质积累等子模型组成,模型中参数由相关文献和试验资料确定。通过收集国产温室黄瓜各生育时期干物质积累量对模型进行检验。结果表明,以光合作用为基础的干物质积累量模拟值与实测值的相对误差在-3.0%~10.0%之间,说明所建立的模拟模型具有较高的精确性、机理性和实用性。  相似文献   

超高产春玉米干物质及养分积累与转运特征   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
以金山27为供试品种,设超高产栽培(SHY)和普通高产栽培(CK)2个处理,通过2009年、2010年2年的田间试验,研究了超高产春玉米干物质及氮、磷、钾养分积累与转运特征。结果表明,超高产栽培下春玉米单位面积干物质积累量极显著高于普通高产栽培,尤以吐丝后为甚,吐丝后干物质积累率较普通高产栽培高4.5%(2009)和3.2%(2010),干物质积累对产量的贡献率较普通高产栽培高8.5%(2009)和3.9%(2010)。超高产栽培春玉米营养器官干物质转运率为15.1%(2009)和14.9%(2010),转运量对产量贡献率为16.6%(2009)和18.5%(2010),确保了协调的源库关系。超高产栽培植株吐丝后氮、磷、钾的积累率及其对子粒贡献率均显著高于普通高产栽培,其中,氮积累对子粒贡献较普通高产栽培高30.0%(2009)和16.3%(2010),磷积累对子粒贡献较普通高产栽培高10.8%(2009)和6.0%(2010),钾积累对子粒贡献较普通高产栽培高7.9%(2009)和8.2%(2010),在生育后期保持了较强的养分吸收能力。超高产栽培玉米茎鞘中氮、磷转运率均高于普通高产栽培,叶片中氮、钾转运率低于普通高产栽培。其中,超高产栽培玉米叶片氮的转运率为41.0%(2009)和42.9%(2010),对子粒氮的贡献率小于普通高产栽培,超高产栽培使叶片在玉米生育后期维持了较高的光合能力。  相似文献   

杏棉间作棉花干物质积累分配与养分吸收的分析模拟   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在南疆自然生态条件下,研究了杏棉间作对棉花干物质积累及植株养分运移的影响。试验采用Logistic生长函数模拟,拟合效果较好,均成s型曲线。结果表明,间作棉总干物质积累速率最快时刻在出苗后73~99d,快速生长期为35~59d,最大积累量平均为278.79 kg/d。间作棉对N、P2O5、K2O养分吸收强度最大的时刻分别在出苗后56~59、48~62、48~52d,快速积累期为36~38、29~32、39~58d;最大积累量平均分别为3.51、1.47、2.64 kg/d。间作棉盛铃后仍有一部分光合产物、养分输送给茎、叶等营养器官,降低了向蕾铃的分配,将会对产量和品质的产生负面影响。  相似文献   

生物炭提高花生干物质与养分利用的优势研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
【目的】 以秸秆为原料生产生物炭可用于改良土壤和提高养分利用率,其与秸秆直接还田以及传统的制作堆肥后还田相比是否具有优势需要用试验来验证,本研究可为生物炭的高效利用提供理论依据。 【方法】 以传统猪厩肥和秸秆直接还田为对照,连续进行了8年的花生田间微区 (2 m2) 试验。在氮磷钾总投入量相等的条件下,共设4个处理,分别为秸秆还田 (CS)、猪厩肥 (PMC)、生物炭 (BIO) 和基于生物炭的炭基花生专用肥 (BF),每个处理重复3次,随机区组排列。试验于2016年在花生苗期、开花下针期、结荚期和饱果成熟期进行采样,测定植株茎叶、根和荚果的干物质和氮磷钾养分积累量,并计算对应的分配情况,探讨其对花生产量的影响。 【结果】 生物炭处理的花生产量显著高于其它处理,达到7231.7 kg/hm2;生物炭复合肥和猪厩肥处理则相对较低,分别是生物炭处理的82.4%和83.8%,秸秆处理产量最低,为5623.9 kg/hm2。猪厩肥处理的出仁率显著高于其它处理。生育前期各处理的干物质和养分主要在茎叶中积累,从结荚期开始逐渐向荚果中转移。与对照处理相比,复合肥处理的干物质和氮磷钾养分整株积累量在各时期均较高,尤其在结荚期以前保持了良好的荚果干物质和养分分配系数;生物炭处理则至饱果成熟期时呈现出明显优势,干物质积累量达到6295.0 kg/hm2,分别高出专用肥、秸秆和猪厩肥处理43.1%、36.1%和50.8%,茎叶分配比例高达34.5%,氮、磷、钾积累量持续增长至236.4 kg/hm2、 21.7 kg/hm2、77.8 kg/hm2,显著高于其它处理,但此时期荚果的氮、钾分配系数仅有0.83和0.52,低于对照处理(CS、PMC处理) 0.02~0.03和0.15~0.21。 【结论】 在氮磷钾养分投入量相等、不考虑有机碳投入量的前提下,施用生物炭、炭基复合肥和猪厩肥效果均显著好于秸秆直接还田;生物炭可显著提高花生整株的干物质量和氮磷钾积累量,特别是提高生育后期的干物质和养分分配量,促进产量的提高,对花生高产增效有良好的促进作用;炭基复合肥在花生进入结荚期后,对花生干物质及养分积累分配的促进作用减弱,效果与施用猪厩肥相当。因此,在本试验条件下,生物炭直接施用具有维持其养分长期稳定释放,提高花生产量和肥料养分利用率的作用。   相似文献   

硼对烤烟干物质积累和养分吸收的动态模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用溶液培养方法,研究了不同硼浓度下烤烟干物质积累动态和养分吸收动态变化特点。结果表明,不同硼浓度下烤烟干物质积累动态和养分吸收动态可用Logistic方程描述。烤烟地上部分和根部干物质积累最大速率和养分吸收最大速率出现日期不同。BO33-浓度为0~200.mg/L的各处理烤烟植株地上部氮、磷、钾养分吸收最大速率出现在干物质积累最大速率之前;而根部则出现在干物质积累最大速率之后。BO33-浓度为0.25~2.00.mg/L的各处理烤烟干物质积累和养分吸收最大速率明显高于其他3个处理,并且最大积累速率出现时间均相对较晚。  相似文献   

冬油菜叶片的物质及养分积累与转移特性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为优化当季和下季作物的养分管理,采用田间试验研究了冬油菜品种:华双5号与中油杂12号叶片的干物质及氮、磷、钾的积累及转移规律,并比较了品种间的异同。结果表明,两个油菜品种的绿叶干物质量在苗后期基本达最大值,花后期迅速降低;苗期的落叶干物质量较小,蕾薹期后直线增加;叶片总干物质先增后减,花期达最大值。中油杂12号的落叶及叶片总干物质均高于华双5号,差异随生育期的推进逐渐明显。绿叶氮含量出苗后逐渐降低,后因越冬肥的施用又略有升高,蕾薹期后便迅速下降;落叶氮含量持续降低,苗后期降至最低点,其后一直保持稳定。绿叶磷含量在苗期缓慢增加,蕾薹期达到最大值,而后迅速下降;苗期落叶的磷含量逐渐降低,蕾薹期降至最低值,角果期后又略有升高。出苗50d后绿叶钾含量快速下降,70d达到最低值,其后保持稳定;落叶钾含量在蕾薹期达到最低值,其后波动较大。两品种叶片养分含量的变化趋势相似,但无论绿叶还是落叶,华双5号的养分含量总体略低于中油杂12号。绿叶的养分与叶片总养分积累的变化规律一致,即氮、磷、钾积累量均先增加后降低,分别在蕾薹期、苗后期和花期达到最高值。落叶的养分积累量在抽薹后迅速增加,收获期达最大值。华双5号叶片的干物质、N、P2O5、K2O转移率分别为25.5%、82.9%、75.4%、45.8%;中油杂12号则分别为8.4%、76.0%、60.2%、38.8%,品种间差异显著。  相似文献   

作物产量潜力估计对于作物生产及超高产创建具有重要的理论指导意义。本文以玉米品种‘先玉335’为试验材料,于2005—2013年在吉林省3个不同生态类型区(乾安县、公主岭市和桦甸市)布置密度试验进行玉米超高产研究,利用获取的田间试验资料结合FAO-AEZ模型提出了一种基于优化模式的玉米产量潜力估计方法,解决了FAO-AEZ模型中收获指数常数的选择问题,并进一步建立玉米超高产生产中干物质积累途径分析方法。结果表明,玉米的产量与描述其干物质积累过程的Logistic方程参数密切相关,所建关系模型达到极显著水平(P0.01),并通过2012年和2013年实际产量统计检验;基于非线性优化理论,利用所建产量关系模型估算出乾安县和桦甸市的产量潜力,较FAO-AEZ模型潜力估计值年平均提高17.5%和16.1%;以实际生产数据作为约束条件,进一步求出乾安县、公主岭市和桦甸市产量达到15 000 kg·hm-2时的最低种植密度分别为7.7万株·hm-2、8.2万株·hm-2和7.9万株·hm-2,同时求出各生态区相应的干物质积累参数和各生育阶段的干物质积累量指标,为玉米超高产栽培播前决策和生育期调控提供理论依据。本文分析结果可作为吉林省玉米产量潜力估计及高产与超高产创建的理论依据,所建模型及相关分析方法也可作为其他地区作物产量潜力估计的参考。  相似文献   

通过加工番茄大田试验,研究了不同施肥方式下,膜下滴灌加工番茄的干物质积累与养分吸收规律及产量构成。结果表明,在滴灌追施100%氮肥和初果期之后滴灌追施70%钾肥的基础上,基施65%磷肥和初果期之前滴灌追施35%磷肥(优化处理)比100%磷肥基施的加工番茄干物质增加11.51%,产量提高3.59%,氮、磷、钾肥的利用率分别增加了6.06、4.15和5.26个百分点。氮肥和磷肥在初果期之前滴灌追施,氮肥和钾肥在初果期之后滴灌追施的滴灌配方肥处理的产量显著低于优化处理,且优化处理的肥料效益也好于滴灌配方肥处理。加工番茄在初果期之前滴灌追施氮与磷,在初果期之后滴灌追施氮与钾可以提高加工番茄产量,增加肥料利用效率。  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究不同有机肥对盐渍化耕地棉花干物质积累与养分吸收的影响。结果表明:增施有机肥可使棉花干物质的积累和养分吸收及产量有不同程度的提高,鸡粪表现的更为明显;苗期时,棉花干物质和氮磷钾积累量分别较对照高出161.8%、171.4%、116.3%和187.1%,花铃期干物质及氮磷钾积累量分别较对照高出118.9%、105.6%、57.14%和98.21%,吐絮期分别较对照高了34.3%、21.9%、60.0%和10.8%;产量较CK提高了6.4%。在有机肥对土壤电导率抑制作用方面,鸡粪在棉花各生育期表现较优。棉花干物质及氮磷钾积累分配规律为苗期和花铃期主要在叶中积累,吐絮期主要在铃中积累。  相似文献   

Total dry matter (TDM) and nutrient accumulation, nutrient partitioning, and cumulative growing degree days at the time of maximum nutrient accumulation for two‐row spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) are not well quantified under high‐yielding irrigated conditions common in the semi‐arid western United States. Thus, five cultivars of barley were grown under irrigated conditions on a loam soil in the 2015 and 2016 growth seasons to determine these factors. Total nutrient accumulation was greatest at either the soft dough or maturity stage where specific nutrients were greater at one stage as compared to the other. Mean N accumulation was greatest at the soft dough stage (256 kg ha?1) where the regression model accounted for 80% of the variation in the data. Additionally, spike N increased from 91 to 105 kg ha?1 from soft dough to maturity. Specific nutrients (e.g., K) had significantly greater plant (i.e., culms plus leaves) accumulation between soft dough and maturity, 253 and 172 kg ha?1, respectively, where the spike at the same growth stages had an accumulation of 37 and 42 kg ha?1, respectively. In contrast, other nutrients (e.g., P) were remobilized to the spike as noted by the increase from 14 kg ha?1 at soft dough to 26 kg ha?1 at maturity. In addition to nutrient partitioning, linear regressions resulted in well‐correlated models between TDM and total nutrient accumulation (R2 = 0.35–0.88) for measured nutrients. Results from the current study provide critical data on nutrient accumulation as well as regression models for two‐row barley under high‐yielding conditions. This information can be used to improve harvest decisions as well as more accurately predict nutrient cycling in barley cropping systems.  相似文献   

日光温室芹菜外观形态及干物质积累分配模拟模型   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为实现日光温室芹菜外观形态与干物质积累分配预测。该研究依据芹菜(Apium graveolens L.)生长发育的光温反应特性,以‘尤文图斯’为试验品种,利用2年2茬分期播种试验观测数据,依据温室芹菜外观形态生长与关键气象因子(温度和辐射)的关系,以单株辐热积(Photo-ThermalIndex,PTI)为自变量构建了外观形态模拟模型;并建立了基于PTI的干物质分配模拟模型;结合叶面积指数模拟模块、光合作用和呼吸作用模拟模块,构建了干物质积累模拟模型;结合各器官各个发育阶段内的相对含水量,可计算鲜物质积累模拟模型。基于各子模块共同组成了日光温室芹菜外观形态及干物质积累分配模拟模型,确定了模型品种参数,利用独立试验数据对模型进行验证。结果表明,1)在外观形态模拟模型中,对根长、主茎茎粗、主茎茎长、株高、整枝和自然管理方式下叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index,LAI)形态指标均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error,RMSE)分别为2.46 cm、1.49 mm、6.72 cm、11.08 cm、0.74 m~2/m~2和0.77 m~2/m~2,归一化均方根误差(Normalized Root Mean Square Error,NRMSE)分别在16.63%~20.63%之间。2)在干物质分配模拟模型中,各器官的干物质分配指数NRMSE在8.24%~27.19%之间,RMSE在0.60%~7.01%之间。3)在干物质积累模拟模型中,不同器官(根、茎、叶、总茎、总叶、主茎、叶柄、整枝和自然管理方式下地上部)的干物质质量RMSE在3.85~85.80 g/m~2之间,NRMSE分别为14.21%~23.13%之间,说明干物质积累模拟模型对不同器官的干物质模拟均有较高的模拟效果。表明模型能够较准确模拟芹菜外观形态与干物质积累分配,系统化定量地表现出日光温室芹菜的生长动态过程。  相似文献   

Among Crotalaria L. species, Crotalaria spectabilis stands out for its good adaptation to various production systems in the Brazilian cerrado, high nutrient cycling, reduction of weeds incidence, and antagonistic action on the nematode population. Thus, the aim of this study was to characterize dry matter production and macronutrient accumulation in plant shoots at different growth and development stages. The experimental design consisted of random blocks, with 12 cutting times and 5 repetitions. At each collection, the plants were divided into leaves, stems?+?branches, pods, and seeds, for macronutrient level determination. The stem?+?branches are the primary drain on nutrients during the formation of reproductive structures. Macronutrient concentration in the shoots exhibited the following order: K?>?N>Ca?>?P>Mg?>?S and the order of nutrient export in seeds was N?>?K>P?>?Ca?>?S>Mg. Cutting aimed at nutrient supply to the soil should be conducted before pod formation, and at the end of the cycle for biomass production.  相似文献   

Nodulating and non‐nodulating soybeans were grown on a Alfic Udipsamment and a Typic Hapludoll amended with 10 or 100 kg N/ha. Tissue and grain samples were analyzed to determine N2‐fixation, dry matter, and N, P, and K accumulation. Highest grain yields were associated with the highest levels of N2‐fixation and N and K accumulation in grain. The largest dry matter production was by nodulating plants grown on a high soil N regime. Nodulating plants accumulated more grain and tissue N, P, and K than non‐nodulating plants. Nitrogen stress increased P concentrations in both grain and tissue and decreased harvest indices.  相似文献   

为合理施用钾肥,稳定夏玉米产量,减少倒伏,采用田间试验法,以河北省黑龙港低平原区冬小麦/夏玉米粮田为研究对象,研究钾肥用量对夏玉米产量及其构成因素、体内干物质和钾素积累与分配、茎秆抗倒性的影响。结果表明,增施钾肥促进干物质和钾素在植株体内各器官的运输和分配,植株干物质积累直到成熟期。成熟期,各施钾肥处理籽粒中干物重和钾素分别占整株的51.1%~57.0%和15.8%~20.7%,各处理籽粒干物质和钾积累量分别是灌浆期的1.33~1.61和0.70~0.97倍,整株干物质和钾积累量分别是灌浆期的0.98~1.15和0.75~1.00倍,说明钾和干物质在玉米体内的运输和分配不同步,在施用其他养分时应合理分期调控。施用钾肥增加玉米茎秆抗拉力、抗折力和穿刺强度,以K225处理最大,且茎秆抗拉力和抗折力均在灌浆期最强。同一植株随节位上升茎秆抗折力和穿刺强度下降,基部第3节作用最强。因此,钾肥用量225 kg·hm-2时,不仅促进玉米体内干物质和钾素有效运输、积累和利用,增强其抗倒性,还可提高玉米产量,节约钾肥资源。  相似文献   


The logistic model has proven very useful in relating dry matter production of warm‐season and cool‐season forage grasses to applied nitrogen (N). A recent extension of the model coupled dry matter and plant N accumulation through a common response coefficient c. The objective of this analysis was to apply the extended model to both warm season pearl millet [Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.) Staph and C. E. Hubb.] and cool season ryegrass [Lolium multiflorum Lam.], and to establish a common response coefficient, c, between accumulation of dry matter and plant N for the two grasses in rotation. Analysis of variance established the validity of this hypothesis. The model accurately described response of dry matter, plant N removal, and plant N concentration to applied N, with an overall correlation coefficient of 0.9954. Furthermore, the model closely described the relationship between yield and plant N removal. The logistic equation is well behaved and simple to use on a pocket calculator. It can be used to estimate yield and plant N removal in evaluation of agricultural practices and the influences on environmental quality.  相似文献   

张吉立  冀金凤  王宁  王鹏 《土壤》2023,55(2):441-445
通过研究甜菜在雨养条件下施肥和施肥后补灌对甜菜干物质积累、产量、产糖量和养分吸收的影响规律,可以为甜菜栽培中施肥和灌溉提供理论依据。试验在田间条件下,设置雨养无肥(对照)、雨养施肥、补灌施肥3个处理,大区试验设计,3次重复。结果表明:收获期补灌与雨养施肥处理相比显著提高了甜菜总干物质积累量和产糖量;补灌施肥、雨养施肥与无肥处理相比显著提高了地上部和总干物质积累量、产量、产糖率和产糖量;收获期补灌与雨养施肥处理相比显著降低了甜菜地下部、地上部氮吸收量和总氮、总钾吸收量,雨养施肥与无肥处理相比显著提高了总氮、总钾吸收量;收获期补灌与雨养施肥处理相比显著提高了甜菜地下部、地上部干物质积累量和总磷吸收量,雨养施肥与不施肥处理相比显著提高了地上部干物质积累量和总磷吸收量。综合分析认为,补灌与雨养施肥处理相比利于促进甜菜生长发育,提高产量、产糖量和磷吸收量,降低甜菜对氮、钾的吸收量,建议在5—6月发生季节性干旱时进行人工补灌。  相似文献   


Dry matter accumulation and nutrient uptake patterns of crops must be determined to optimize fertilizer scheduling. This study assesses the dry matter accumulation and nutrient uptake patterns of onion seed crop. Plant samples were collected between 0 and 120?days after planting, and their nutrient content was analyzed to determine the dry matter accumulation and nutrient uptake patterns. The quantity and period of nutrient uptake and the mobility of nutrients within the plant parts varied for different nutrients. The absorption of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) was the highest during vegetative stage, whereas phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) uptake was the highest during flower initiation stage. N, P, K, and S, which had accumulated in the vegetative parts, moved from the senesced vegetative parts to the inflorescence during the reproductive stages owing to their high mobility in the phloem. The onion plants continued to absorb zinc, copper, manganese, and iron throughout their growth owing to the immobility of these elements in plant system. The result of this study may facilitate efficient scheduling of fertilizer application to increase nutrient uptake and yield.  相似文献   

利用Logistic方程对2个早熟棉品种(中36、中50)和2个中熟品种(中41、鲁28)的单株干物质积累、N、P2O5、K2O吸收动态进行模拟研究,结果表明,早熟品种与中熟品种吸收积累养分的高峰期均在开花至吐絮期。2个早熟棉品种单株干物质质量、N、K2O积累快速增长持续时间短于中熟品种,P2O5积累快速增长持续时间略长于中熟品种。早熟品种在吐絮至收获阶段,干物质积累及养分吸收占全生育期的比例高于中熟品种,成熟单株对P2O5、K2O的吸收比例高于中熟品种,在肥料配比上可适度加大磷钾肥比例。  相似文献   

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