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In 2006–2007 small radish was cultivated in a pot experiment. Foliar applications were applied twice with solutions of the following compounds: 1) control (water); 2) urea; 3) urea+molybdenum (Mo), 4) urea+Mo+benzyladenine (BA); 5) urea+Mo+BA+sucrose; 6) urea+Mo+BA+sucrose+salicylic acid (SA), 7) BA; 8) SA; and 9) sucrose. The above solutions contained following concentrations of compounds: urea 20 g dm?3, sucrose 10 g dm?3, Mo 1 mg dm?3, BA 5 mg dm?3 and SA 10 mg dm?3. In comparison with the control, spraying plants with the solution of urea+Mo+BA+sucrose and SA only caused an increase in leaf mass of one plant. Foliar applications did not have any effect on the yield of edible roots. When compared with the control, the use of sucrose resulted in a decreased content of nitrate (V) in leaves, while the application of urea+Mo+BA+sucrose led to elevated content of nitrate (V) in roots. In case of spraying plants with solutions containing urea (combinations no. 2–6) there was a tendency to increase ammonium (NH4 +) and nitrogen (N)-total content in leaves and roots, and increase in N uptake by leaves and by the whole plant but not by the radish roots. In combinations 7–9 we noted a decline in the level of ascorbic acid, and in combinations 2–6 there was a decrease in the content of soluble sugars in roots. In comparison with the control, an increase was observed in combinations 2 and 3, while in combinations 7–9 a decrease in the content of free amino acids in roots was observed. None of the combinations with foliar application caused any significant changes in the content of assimilative pigments in radish leaves and concentration of nitrate (III), dry matter in leaves and roots, the content of phenolic compounds, content of potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca) extracted with 2% acetic acid in roots as well as free radical activity of radish roots.  相似文献   

本试验用240ppm“多效好”分别在优质米“白优香”的孕穗期、始穗期及灌浆期作叶面喷施,早造每亩增产稻谷17.73kg,晚造增产22.83kg;精米品质也得到提高,蛋白质,早造提高1.63%,晚造提高0.40%;脂肪,早造提高0.20%,晚造提高0.05%;直()淀粉,早造降低1.60%,晚造降低6.60%;氨基酸,早造在17种氨基酸中有15种提高,总氨基酸含量提高0.63%,晚造在17种氨基酸中有12种提高,总氨基酸含量提高0.20%.表明“多效好”有较好的提高产量及改善品质的作用。  相似文献   

模拟酸雨和酸雾(pH2.0~5.6)的土培试验结果表明,低pH酸雨和酸雾处理对水稻产生明显伤害,水稻叶片出现坏死斑点,细胞膜透性增大,汁液pH值明显下降,叶绿素含量和光合速率明显降低,并随酸雨和酸雾的酸度增大、处理剂量增加而加重;叶片N,P和K养分被淋失,生长受抑制,产量明显下降。酸雨和酸雾处理诱导叶片过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶和抗坏血酸氧化酶活性增高,但不同酶的活性峰值出现在不同的处理酸度梯度上。相同酸度下,对水稻生长的抑制作用以酸雾大于酸雨。  相似文献   

The effects of salinity [30 or 90 mM sodium chloride (NaCl)] and calcium (Ca) foliar application on plant growth were investigated in hydroponically-grown parsley (Petroselinum crispum Mill). Increasing salinity reduced fresh weight and leaf number. Calcium alleviated the negative impacts of 30 mM NaCl on plant biomass and leaf fresh weight but not in case of 90 mM. Plant height, leaf and root dry weight and root length did not differ among treatments. Total phenols increased with calcium application, chlorophyll b reduced by salinity, while total carotenoids increased with salinity and/or Ca application. Salinity reduced nutrient uptake [nitrate (NO3), potassium (K), phosphorus (P) and Ca] and elemental content in leaves and roots. Calcium application reduced P but increased Ca content in plant tissues. Increments of Na uptake in nutrient solution resulted in higher Na content in leaves and roots regardless Ca application. These findings suggest that calcium treatment may alleviate the negative impacts of salinity.  相似文献   

微生物肥对水稻产量及氮肥利用的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
以杂交稻中浙优1号和甬优9号为材料,研究微生物肥对水稻产量及氮肥利用的影响。结果表明,在相同施氮水平下,施用微生物肥后2个水稻品种分别增产41%和87%,其中主要增加了水稻有效穗,提高结实率和籽粒粒重;但分蘖成穗率有所下降;微生物肥能提高水稻叶片的光合速率,穗分化期和齐穗期的叶片光合速率均高于对照,也有利于增加齐穗期的物质生产量。研究表明微生物肥能提高氮素的农学利用率,实现减肥增产,且随着施氮量下降,氮素利用率呈升高趋势。  相似文献   

有机肥料和土壤中的有机磷对水稻的营养效果   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
孙羲  章永松 《土壤学报》1992,29(4):365-369
本文对三种有机肥料和二种土壤的肌醇六磷酸磷含量和有机磷进行了测定和分组,通过无菌溶液培养,比较了肌醇六磷酸磷与无机磷在等磷量的条件下对水稻的营养效果.结果表明:猪、鸡粪中有机磷的形态主要是以肌醇六磷酸钙镁盐为主,而土壤和牛粪是以肌醇六磷酸铁的形式为主.肌醇六磷酸磷对水稻的营养效果明显优于无机磷.磷的分组结果表明:猪、鸡粪中有机磷以活性和中等活性有机磷为主,而土壤则以稳定性有机磷为主,牛粪介于二者之间.因此,猪、鸡粪中有机磷的有效性高于牛粪,而以土壤中的有机磷为最低.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of foliar fertilization of some micronutrients [i.e., manganese (Mn) and boron (B)] on reproductive yield and fatty acid concentrations of a standard sunflower hybrid (‘NuSun 636') irrigated with different concentrations of saline water made by dissolving sea salt. Reproductive yield showed a significant decrease with the increase in salt in the rooting medium. However, foliar sprays of boric acid (H3BO3) and manganese chloride (MnCl2) showed a significant increase in seed number, seed weight, and oil content of seeds in the nonsaline control, which persisted even under saline water irrigation. An increase under the MnCl2 spray was more than with H3BO3 irrespective of non saline or saline water irrigation. Increasing levels of salinity appeared to be responsible for a decrease in oleic monounsaturated fatty acid concentration and an increase in the linoleic polyunsaturated, palmitic and stearic saturated fatty acid content whereas no significant change was found in linolenic polyunsaturated fatty acid content. Foliar applications of H3BO3 and MnCl2 brought some beneficial alteration in fatty acid concentrations of sunflower. Foliar application of H3BO3 caused a significant increase in palmitic and stearic saturated fatty acids and linoleic polyunsaturated fatty acids in control as well as under saline conditions. Oleic monounsaturated fatty acid concentration showed a decline under H3BO3 treatment irrespective to nonsaline or saline conditions. Foliar applications of MnCl2 increased the concentration of palmitic saturated fatty acid and oleic monounsaturated fatty acid irrespective to the plant growth under non saline or saline conditions. While stearic saturated fatty acid, linoleic and linolenic polyunsaturated fatty acid decreased with the application of manganese as compared to the non sprayed control.  相似文献   

磷影响下根际无机砷的形态分布及其对水稻生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
两种有代表性的紫色土的水稻盆栽试验结果表明 ,磷的加入可减轻受砷污染的红紫泥中砷对水稻的毒害 ;但磷的加入会加剧受砷污染的红棕紫泥中砷对水稻的毒害。根际无机砷的形态分布研究表明 :试验土壤上 ,根际砷各形态都比非根际高 ,砷在根际呈富集状态 ;在根际环境的作用下 ,红紫泥中 ,磷的加入加剧了砷由有效态砷 (Al As、Fe As)向相对无效态砷 (O As)转化 ,砷对水稻的毒性减弱 ;红棕紫泥中 ,磷的加入加剧了砷由相对无效态砷Fe As和Al As向有效态砷Ca As和A As(表示水溶态砷及松结合态砷 )的转化 ,砷对水稻的毒性增强  相似文献   

磷影响下根际无机砷的形态分布及其对水稻生长的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
两种有代表性的紫色土的水稻盆裁试验结果表明,磷的加入可减轻受砷污染的红紫泥中砷对水稻的毒害;但磷的加入会加剧受砷污染的红棕紫泥中砷对水稻的毒害。根际无机砷的形态分布研究表明:试验土壤上,根际砷各形态都比非根际高,砷在根际呈富集状态;在根际环境的作用下,红紫泥中,磷的加入加剧了砷由有效态砷(Al-As、Fe-As)向相对无效态砷(O-As)转化,砷对水稻的毒性减弱;红棕紫泥中,磷的加入加剧了砷由相对无效态砷Fe-As和Al-As向有效态砷Ca-As和A-As(表示水溶态砷及松结态砷)的转化,砷对水稻的毒性增强。  相似文献   

陈际型  宣家祥 《土壤学报》1999,36(4):433-439
本文研究了我国南方的低盐基土壤施用K、Ca、Mg对水稻生长,养分迁移和养分吸收的影响,结果表明,在低盐基土壤NP基础上施K,随K用量增加到一定量,水稻生长受阻,生长量和产量下降的趋势。NPK肥基础上施Mg生长量随之增加;NPK肥基础上Ca,Mg一起补给,产生协同作用,使水稻生长量明显增加。阳离子交换树脂模拟试验表明,K-Mg、K-Ca和Mg-Ca在养分向根迁移过程中即存在正的交互作用。盆载试验表明  相似文献   

Boron (B) foliar treatments (300 mg L?1 as Solubor DF) were applied at two different dates in 2006 and 2007, prior to flowering and just after fruit set, on olive (Olea europaea L.) trees with no visual symptoms of B deficiency. Leaf B level increased after the first application as compared to control (?B). After July treatment, leaf B levels in ?B and +B treated trees increased when compared to the first sampling date. Foliar B application did not significantly affect vegetative growth in either year. During the first year of study (considered as an “on year”), B application had no significant effect on several phenological characteristics including fruit set, yield oil contents and oil quality. In the second year (“off year”), B sprays improved blooming rate, which increased from 20% in ?B to 30% in + B treated trees, and olive yield, which increased by 27% in response to B.  相似文献   

An investigation was initiated to examine the effects of nanoscale zinc oxide particles on plant growth and development. In view of the widespread cultivation of peanut in India and in other parts of the globe and in view of the potential influence of zinc on its growth, this plant was chosen as the model system. Peanut seeds were separately treated with different concentrations of nanoscale zinc oxide (ZnO) and chelated bulk zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) suspensions (a common zinc supplement), respectively and the effect this treatment had on seed germination, seedling vigor, plant growth, flowering, chlorophyll content, pod yield and root growth were studied. Treatment of nanoscale ZnO (25 nm mean particle size) at 1000 ppm concentration promoted both seed germination and seedling vigor and in turn showed early establishment in soil manifested by early flowering and higher leaf chlorophyll content. These particles proved effective in increasing stem and root growth. Pod yield per plant was 34% higher compared to chelated bulk ZnSO4. Consequently, a field experiment was conducted during Rabi seasons of 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 with the foliar application of nanoscale ZnO particles at 15 times lower dose compared to the chelated ZnSO4 recommended and we recorded 29.5% and 26.3% higher pod yield, respectively, compared to chelated ZnSO4. The inhibitory effect with higher nanoparticle concentration (2000 ppm) reveals the need for judicious usage of these particles in such applications. This is the first report on the effect of nanoscale particles on peanut growth and yield.  相似文献   

盛殿阁  王一凡 《核农学报》1993,7(2):105-109
利用~(15)N、~(32)P示踪研究硅氮磷颗粒肥对水稻吸收利用NP影响结果表明,硅氮磷颗粒肥对促进水稻生长发育、增蘖、增穗有明显作用。插秧时施用,稻谷平均增产18.4%。水稻植株体内积累总N量比不施硅氮磷颗粒肥的高11.45%,全磷高12.1%。水稻植株对肥料N、P利用率分别提高7.7%和3.4%。  相似文献   

本文以小麦幼苗为材料,研究了14MeV快中子辐照种子对植株核酸和可溶性蛋白质的影响。结果表明,快中子辐照处理后,幼苗DNA含量显著下降,并随着剂量增大而降低。RNA变化比较复杂,低剂量处理后,RNA含量上升,高剂量处理后,RNA含量略有下降。与RNA含量变化相对应,RNase经低剂量处理后活性下降,而高剂量处理则略有上升,种子经快中子辐照后,幼苗可溶性蛋白质含量也明显下降,且随着辐照剂量的增大而降低。SDS-PAGE表明,可溶性蛋白质的组分也发生了显著变化。  相似文献   

土壤耕层熟化度对水盐动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏北滨海盐渍土地区,地势低平,地下水位高,矿化度大,排水深度有限,但雨量较多而较集中,有一定自然淋盐条件,因此,壤质地区的盐渍土,脱盐较容易,返盐亦很快,水盐动态变化频繁,防盐保苗困难,产量低而不稳.  相似文献   

水网地区水稻土的含硒量及根外施硒对糙米硒含量的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张雪林  姚鼎汉 《土壤学报》2000,37(2):242-249
本文通过对嘉善县平原水稻土硒含量特征和该区水稻硒含量之间关系的调查研究表明:(1)嘉善县平原水稻土,水溶态硒含量低于一般水稻土水溶态硒的临界值(0.010μg/g),这与该区的土壤母质、地形等因素相关;(2)低硒水稻土了水稻对硒的吸收积累,因此该县出产的稻米硒含量亦普遍较低,平均含硒量低于粮食硒的正常含量范围(0.040~0.070μg/g);(3)水稻地上各部分含硒量存在差异,糠、秸杆中的含硒量  相似文献   

通过两年对水稻新品种“奇选42”进行分期播种试验,研究温度和太阳辐射对其生育和产量的影响。结果表明,温度偏高,太阳辐射偏强,其生育速度加快。在产量形成时期,特别是在抽穗前20d至成熟期间,温度过高或过低都会使产量降低。并提出该品种的适宜播种期和提高产量应采取的措施。  相似文献   

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., cv. ‘Parris Island’) was grown hydroponically in autumn, winter and spring under five levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization. Plant biomass was highest in spring and lowest in autumn at N rates of 200 and 260 mg L?1, respectively. Increasing N application correlated positively with rates of photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal carbon dioxide (CO2) conductance and leaf chlorophyll concentration. Photosynthetic rate, stomatal CO2 conductance, and chlorophyll a/b ratio were higher in spring than in autumn or winter. Nitrate concentrations within the leaves increased with increasing N application in all seasons. It is concluded that lettuce growth and yield is higher in spring than in winter or autumn due to enhanced photosynthesis thanks to increasingly favorable photoperiod. Regardless of season, high N rates promote yield but increase leaf nitrate concentrations. Therefore, for the production of healthy produce the recommended N rate should be based not just on yield but also on the nitrate content.  相似文献   

□ Effects of different arsenic (As) concentration (0–30 mg L?1) on seed germination, root tolerance index, relative shoot height, root and shoot biomass, photosynthetic pigments and arsenic accumulation in two wheat varieties were investigated. Low concentrations of arsenic (0–2.5 mg L?1) stimulated germination percentage, shoot and root elongation, plant biomass as well as chlorophyll content as compared with control, however, these factors all decreased gradually at high concentrations of arsenic (5–30 mg L?1). ‘Zarin’ variety had a significantly higher tolerance to arsenic than ‘Sardari.’ Arsenic accumulation by plants root and shoot increased with the increasing arsenic concentrations in medium, which ‘Zarin’ had a higher ability to absorb and translocate arsenic to the shoots. Root accumulated more arsenic than shoot. The similar trend of chlorophyll content and wheat growth under different arsenic concentration suggesting that arsenic toxicity affects the photosynthesis which ultimately results in the reduction of wheat growth and yield.  相似文献   

研究了植酸对霍山石斛类原球茎悬浮培养细胞生长、多糖合成和培养基中主要营养成分消耗的影响,并分析了细胞中可溶性还原糖、可溶性蛋白质、丙二醛含量以及过氧化物酶和多酚氧化酶的活性。结果表明,植酸能抑制过氧化物酶和多酚氧化酶的活性,提高细胞活力,从而促进细胞生长和多糖合成,以2.5g/L浓度的植酸效果最好,培养36d时,类原球茎干重为29.4g/L,多糖产量为2.06g/L。动力学分析表明,添加2.5g/L的植酸还有利于碳、氮、磷等营养物质的吸收。  相似文献   

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