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温室黄瓜干物质分配与产量预测模拟模型初步研究   总被引:24,自引:7,他引:17  
依据温室黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)器官生长与温度和辐射的关系,建立了基于分配指数和采收指数的温室黄瓜干物质分配与产量预测模拟模型,并利用不同品种和基质的试验资料对模型进行了检验。结果表明,模型对黄瓜地上部分干重、根干重、茎干重、叶干重、果实干重的预测结果与1∶1直线之间的R2分别为0.98,0.73,0.83,0.92,0.94;RMSE分别为232,6.8,157.6,173.9,196.8 kg/hm2。模型对黄瓜产量的预测结果与1∶1直线之间的R2为0.80,RMSE为7526.4 kg/hm2。本模型对不同基质、品种的黄瓜干物质分配和产量的预测值与实测值符合度均较高,说明本模型的普适性较好。模型不仅能较好地预测中国现有生产水平下温室黄瓜的干物质分配及产量,而且可以为实现中国温室黄瓜生产环境优化调控和模式化栽培管理提供决策支持。  相似文献   

温室黄瓜光合生产与干物质积累模拟模型   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:17  
根据“源-库”理论及黄瓜生理学和作物生态学的基本原理,建立了温室黄瓜冠层光合生产和干物质积累模拟模型,模型由叶面积动态、光合作用、呼吸作用、干物质积累等子模型组成,模型中参数由相关文献和试验资料确定。通过收集国产温室黄瓜各生育时期干物质积累量对模型进行检验。结果表明,以光合作用为基础的干物质积累量模拟值与实测值的相对误差在-3.0%~10.0%之间,说明所建立的模拟模型具有较高的精确性、机理性和实用性。  相似文献   

温室蝴蝶兰干物质分配及产品上市期模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为对温室蝴蝶兰生育过程的基本规律和量化关系有一个清楚的理解和认识,并对其生长系统的动态行为进行预测,从而辅助进行对蝴蝶兰生长和生产系统的适时合理调控,本研究根据温室蝴蝶兰器官生长与温度和辐射的关系,建立了基于分配指数的温室蝴蝶兰干物质分配及产品上市期的模拟模型,并利用试验资料对模型进行了检验。模拟系统是采用C Builder6.0为编程语言,在Pentium(R)4 CPU、512 MB内存计算机、中文Windows XP操作平台上开发的可执行模型系统。研究结果表明,模型对地上部分干重、根干重、茎干重、叶干重、花梗和花干重的模拟结果与实测值均符合较好,模拟结果与实测值之间的拟合度值分别为0.99、0.99、0.94、0.98、0.97和0.99(均为0.01水平显著相关),预测相对误差分别为1.19%、1.79%、5.66%、1.22%、2.90%和1.53%。与已有的温室作物生长模型相比,本研究建立的模型预测精度较高、功能全面,且模型参数易获取,具有较强实用性。模型能够预测温室蝴蝶兰干物质分配及产品上市期,从而为温室蝴蝶兰生产管理和环境调控的优化提供决策支持。  相似文献   

加工番茄地上部干物质分配与产量预测模拟模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了探究加工番茄在滴灌栽培条件下地上部干物质分配动态和产量形成过程,该文通过定量分析加工番茄的生长发育特征,设置不同品种的播期试验,构建了基于分配指数(partitioning index,PI)和收获指数(harvest index,HI)的加工番茄地上部干物质分配与产量预测的模拟模型。利用与建模数据相独立的试验资料对模型进行了初步检验,结果表明,模型对不同播期、品种的加工番茄各生育期(出苗至开花、开花至坐果、坐果至红熟、红熟至拉秧期)干物质量,全生育期总干物质量、地上部茎、叶、果干质量的预测结果与1:1直线间的R2分别为0.9754、0.9936、0.9840、0.9713;0.9856;0.9595、0.9798、0.9671;RMSE和RE分别为0.029 t/hm2、11.43%;0.074 t/hm2、5.09%;0.250 t/hm2、6.83%;0.102 t/hm2、5.71%;0.504 t/hm2,8.06%;0.332 t/hm2,14.62%;0.200 t/hm2,10.84%;0.549 t/hm2,18.30%。模型对加工番茄产量的预测结果与1:1直线间的R2为0.9658,RMSE和RE分别为5.806 t/hm2、8.07%。该模型对于不同播期、品种的加工番茄干物质分配与产量的预测值与模拟值之间符合度较高,表明模型具有较好的预测性和适用性。该研究可为滴灌加工番茄精准栽培提供理论参考。  相似文献   

In closed-chamber fumigation experiments dry matter partitioning and chlorophyll fluorescence of wheat were studied, analysing the effects of ozone during different stages of plant development. Ozone causes enhanced leaf senescence, leading to a loss of green leaf area and, consequently to a decreased supply of assimilates, affecting (in increasing order of severeness) stem, ear and grain productivity because of reduced storage pools for translocation. Leaves of plants before shooting stage were most sensitive but the lack of green leaf area after ear emergence had the most pronounced effects on grain yield.Measurements of photochemical capacity showed that evidence for negative ozone effects could be found in changes of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in leaf sections not yet showing visible ozone injury. Negative effects on photosynthesis were more distinct with increasing accumulated ozone dose, with increasing age of leaf tissue and with increasing ozone sensitivity of the cultivar. The changes in chlorophyll fluorescence are most likely to be explained by a decreased pool size of plastoquinones caused by ozone.  相似文献   

加气灌溉改善大棚番茄光合特性及干物质积累   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为揭示不同加气灌溉参数对作物光合特性及干物质积累的影响规律,以番茄为研究对象,研究了不同土壤加气量与加气深度组合对番茄光合作用、叶绿素含量、干物质积累及产量的影响。结果表明,对番茄根区土壤加气可显著提高叶片叶绿素含量和气孔导度,增强光合作用,增加干物质积累及产量。随加气量的升高,大棚番茄净光合速率总体上呈先升高后降低的趋势。15和40 cm滴管带埋深下,标准加气量(49.4 L/m2)下2次测定净光合速率平均较不加气处理升高21.4%和65.0%。滴灌带埋深为15 cm时,叶绿素含量、干物质积累量及产量随加气量的升高呈先升高后降低趋势,标准加气量下较不加气处理分别提升38.0%、55.4%和59.0%,滴灌带埋深为40 cm时随加气量的升高呈持续升高趋势,1.5倍标准加气量(74.2 L/m2)处理较不加气处理分别提升33.7%、36.2%和105.4%。综合考虑,当滴灌带埋深为15 cm时,宜采用标准加气量作为加气标准,而埋深为40 cm时,最佳加气量为1.5倍标准加气量。  相似文献   

不同供锌水平对苹果幼树干物质和锌积累及分配的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用盆栽砂培试验,研究了低、中、高3个供锌水平(Zn 0.013、0.254和5.070 mg/L)对苹果幼树干物质和锌积累、分配动态的影响。结果表明,锌的过量及缺乏均对果树的生长及养分吸收产生影响。生长初期,苹果幼树根系活动较晚,枝叶的快速生长主要利用根茎中的养分,锌的积累量呈快速增加趋势,处理间差异显著;低锌处理,除根系明显增加外,其他器官变化较小,根系的锌分配比例明显高于中锌、高锌处理。说明生长后期,低锌、高锌抑制了树体的生长,且低锌处理的树体锌主要分布于地下,上运明显受阻;而中锌、高锌处理,地上部锌含量要高于根系。  相似文献   

渭北旱塬果园自然生草对土壤水分及苹果树生长的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
土壤水分不足是渭北旱塬苹果生产中的首要问题。为了提高果园土壤贮水量,促进果树生长,该试验以果园清耕和人工生草(三叶草)为对照,探讨渭北旱塬果园自然生草(繁缕和牛繁缕群落)对土壤水分及苹果树生长的影响。结果表明:自然生草在苹果开花坐果期可提高0~80 cm土层土壤水分,在幼果膨大期和花芽分化期可提高0~120 cm土层土壤水分,在果实采前膨大期可提高0~160 cm土层土壤水分,而人工生草则降低了土壤水分。自然生草和人工生草主要影响0~80 cm土层土壤水分,且对0~40 cm土层土壤水分影响较大,对120 cm以下土层影响较小。自然生草的土壤蒸散量较人工生草和清耕分别减少了17.30和8.07 mm,单果重分别提高了15.46%和6.21%,产量分别提高了21.29%和6.10%,土壤水分利用效率分别提高了25.09%和7.64%。自然生草不但可提高果园土壤贮水量,而且可提高果实单果重与产量,渭北旱塬应积极推广果园自然生草。  相似文献   

氮素对温室黄瓜开花后干物质分配和产量影响的模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
了解氮素对干物质分配和产量的定量影响是实现温室黄瓜氮肥优化管理的前提.该研究通过黄瓜雌性无限生长型品种"戴多星"(Cucumis sativas.'Deltastar')不同定植期和开花后不同氮素处理试验,定量分析了氮素施用水平对该类型黄瓜开花后干物质分配和产量的影响,并建立了开花后分配指数和采收指数与盛果期叶片氮浓度的关系方程.在此基础上,建立了氮素对黄瓜开花后干物质分配和产量影响的预测模型,并用独立的试验数据对模型进行了检验.结果表明,模型对茎干物质量、叶干物质量和果实干物质量及黄瓜产量(鲜质量)预测值与实测值之间基于1:1直线之间的决定系数R2分别为0.945、0.943、0.990、0.955;相对预测误差RE分别为13.0%、12.3%、9.2%、16.8%.本模型可预测不同氮素水平下温室黄瓜地上部各器官干物质量和产量,可以为中国温室黄瓜生产的氮肥优化管理决策提供参考.  相似文献   

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, particularly those from the genus Azospirillum spp., may affect root functions such as growth and nutrient/water uptake, which in turn may affect shoot growth. Calculations based on data from literature on shoot and root mass of crop grasses (79 plant/bacteria associations were analyzed) revealed that inoculation with Azospirillum spp. increased the shoot-to-root (S/R) ratio in about half of reported cases and decreased the S/R ratio in the other half. In 11 of 35 cases, the S/R ratio increased when the shoot mass increased more than the root mass. In 23 of 35 cases, the root mass did not increase, yet the S/R ratio still increased. Thus, the increase in the S/R ratio indicated that shoot growth responds to inoculation more than root growth. A decrease in the S/R ratio occurred when (a) root growth dominated shoot growth even though both increased (16 of 36 cases), or (b) root growth either increased or remained unchanged, and shoot growth was either unaffected or even decreased (19 of 36 cases). This analysis suggests that: (a) Azospirillum spp. participates in the partitioning of dry matter (both carbon compounds and minerals) at the whole plant level by affecting root functions, and (b) the bacteria affect crop grass through multiple mechanisms operating during plant development.  相似文献   

Physiological responses of plants to ammonium (NH4) versus nitrate (NO3) nutrition can vary considerably. A greenhouse study was conducted to examine the effect of ammonium‐nitrogen/nitrate‐nitrogen (NH4‐N/NO3‐N) ratio on dry matter partitioning and radiation use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.). The hybrid Funks G 4673A was supplied with nutrient solutions that contained 8:1, 1:1, or 1:8 ratios of NH4‐N/NO3‐N. At each of four harvests, plants were separated into leaf blades, stem + leaf sheaths, and roots. Radiation use efficiency was calculated from these dry matter harvests and measured photosynthetically active radiation. Generally, more dry matter was partitioned to the stem than to leaf tissue when supplied with the 1:8 NH4‐N/NO3‐N ratio than when supplied with the other N treatments. Corn supplied with 8:1 and 1:1 ratios of NH4‐N/NO3‐N resulted in radiation use efficiency values for total dry matter that were significantly higher by 39 and 25%, respectively, than that of corn supplied with the 1:8 ratio indicating that Funks G 4673A was more efficient in converting radiation into dry matter when supplied with high proportions of NH4 than when supplied primarily with NO3.  相似文献   

Greenhouse grown ‘Golden Delicious’ apple seedlings were treated with soil drenches of paclobutrazol (PP333) at rates equivalent to 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.6 kg of active ingredient (a.i.) ha.‐1 Eleven weeks after treatment initiation, seedlings were harvested, divided into leaves, stems, and roots, weighed and analyzed for the content of macro‐and microelements. Shoot growth rate, leaf area, and total dry weight showed a decreasing trend with increasing rates of PP333. In contrast, specific leaf weight increased in response to growth regulator treatments. The total amount of N, Zn, and Cu absorbed by seedlings was not affected and that of K, Ca, Mg, and Mn was decreased by PP333 treatments. Concentration of Ca and Mn in leaves, N in roots, and N, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, and Cu in stems increased in response to PP333 treatments. The magnitude of these increases were dependent on the rate of growth regulator applied. Potassium was the only element which declined in concentration in leaves and stems; this was true, however, only at the two highest rates of PP333 (0.8 and 1.6 kg ha‐1) Root K concentration was not affected by PP333 treatments.  相似文献   

不同果实负载下温室黄瓜干物质分配的模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
黄瓜是中国温室栽培的最主要作物之一,果实负载决定着果实发育和产量,构建不同果实负载下温室黄瓜干物质分配模型对温室黄瓜栽培管理具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。根据温室黄瓜生长对光温需求,以辐热积(TEP)为尺度建立温室黄瓜干物质分配模型,并用与建模试验不同的试验数据进行模型检验。模型对温室黄瓜茎、叶和果实干质量的预测结果与实测值1∶1线回归估计标准误(RMSE)和决定系数(R2)分别为223.08、119.23、316.34 kg/hm2和0.76、0.73、0.75,模型的预测结果与实测值之间的吻合度较好。  相似文献   

The mineralization of organic matter in the soils under the six main Siberian forest-forming species was studied. The nitrogen mineralization and nitrification were the most affected by the different tree species. The rate of the CO2 formation was similar in the soils under the different tree species. The factors affecting the variation of the data characterizing the microbiological processes were revealed. The nitrogen mineralization and nitrification correlated with the contents of the soil carbon, nitrogen, and NH4+ and the soil acidity, while the carbon mineralization correlated only with the NH4+ concentration and the C/N ratio.  相似文献   

Phosphorus has many similarities to N for plant nutrition, but little is known regarding P partitioning among genotypes and factors that affect it. Experiments were conducted to measure variation in partitioning of P and its relationship to N, dry matter, and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Sixteen cultivars grown under field conditions were sampled at anthesis for P, N, and dry matter and at maturity for the same constituents and for yield components. Relationships among the traits were determined by Spearman rank correlation coefficients. Accumulation of P and dry matter during grain development and grain HI, NHI, and PHI differed significantly among genotypes. Post‐anthesis P, N, and dry matter accumulation correlated positively as did HI, NHI, and PHI, but accumulation of the constituents was not related to their His. The positive associations were attributed to requirement of P and N for growth and their accumulation as reserve compounds in grain. Genotypic variation in PHI may be as useful as variation in HI and NHI for wheat improvement.  相似文献   


Addition of paclobutrazol (PP333) at 0.2 ppm to a nutrient solution in which 11‐month‐old apple seedlings were growing reduced terminal growth, fresh weight increase (FWI), transpiration and Ca and K uptake per seedling. Total root surface area was not affected by PP333 treatment. Reduced Ca uptake preceded the reduction in transpiration and FWI. In the case of K these changes were parallel. This may indicate that different mechanisms were responsible for reduced Ca and K uptake in PP333‐treated plants. At the conclusion of the experiment control and treated plants were absorbing similar amounts of Ca per unit of FWI. At the same time the amount of K uptake per unit of FWI was significantly lower in treated than control plants.  相似文献   

The effect of shade and fertilizer application on nutrient uptake and dry matter (DM) partitioning in cocoyam was evaluated by growing the plant under different levels of shade and fertilizer application at Forest and Horticultural Crops Research Centre, Kade, within a period of 9 months. The shade levels used were 80%, 70%, and 50% shade, and full sunlight exposure. The fertilizer rates used were 112 kg/ha nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) (15-15-15 120 kg/ha NPK (15-15-15) in a form) of mineral fertilizer, 112 kg/ha NPK organic fertilizer and no fertilizer (control). The split-plot design was used with shade levels as the main plot factor and fertilizer levels as the sub plot factor. The interaction effect of shade and fertilizer had a significant effect (p ≤ 0.05) on DM of cocoyam leaves, petioles, corm, and cormels as well as nutrient accumulation in plant parts. Cocoyam leaves of plants grown under 50–70% shade stored significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) quantities of nutrients (1.51 ppm of N, 6.61 ppm of P, and 53.10 ppm of K) and accumulated more DM (71.30 g) than leaves of plants grown under full sunlight exposure which accumulated 1.37 ppm of N, 4.31 ppm of P, 26.06 ppm of K, and 30.7 g DM, at the two rates of the chemical fertilizer application. Under full sunlight exposure, significantly higher amounts of DM were accumulated in the corms and cormels at mineral fertilizer level of 112 kg/ha. At mineral fertilizer rate of 120 kg/ha, nutrient accumulation was significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in the corm and cormels (1.72 ppm of N and 7.72 ppm of P) of plants grown under full sunlight exposure than those grown under 70% shade level (0.6 ppm of N and 2.94 ppm of P). Nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation was significant in the petioles of plants grown under the 70% shade level at fertilizer rate of 120 kg/ha. It is recommended that cocoyam be grown under 50–70% shade at a fertilizer rate of 112–120 kg/ha for leaf production and under full sunlight exposure at 112 kg/ha (NPK) for cormel production.  相似文献   

施氮量对枣棉间作棉花干物质积累,产量与品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了枣棉间作下棉花干物质积累与产量品质对不同施氮量的响应机制,确定枣棉间作的合理施氮量,为果棉间套作立体种植模式的合理氮肥运筹,提高棉花产量与品质提供理论依据。以在南疆的主栽棉花品种中棉所49为材料,研究了4个氮素水平(N 0、 150、 450 和750 kg/hm2)下棉花干物质的积累和产量的差异。结果表明,不同施氮量下棉花干物质累积存在显著差异,氮素缺乏或过量均影响其干物质在不同生育时期的累积量,使产量降低。施氮量对棉花品质也有显著影响,合理的氮肥用量不但能提高棉花单株结铃数和单铃重,从而提高产量,而且可使其有较好的整齐度,棉纤维长度,比强度和马克隆值。因此,在枣棉间作条件下,施氮量为N 450 kg/hm2 时棉花的干物质积累量较高,增产效果显著,品质较好。  相似文献   

本文着重综述了近二十年来有关苹果树钙素营养研究的主要进展,内容包括苹果树的钙素吸收、运输与分布,钙对果实细胞壁、细胞膜和酶的作用,果实中钙-激素相互作用,果实缺钙的生理失调与矫治等.  相似文献   

石灰性中肥力土壤,玉米施用锌、锰肥具有明显的增产效果,平均每公顷增产玉米328.5kg,增产6.4%.锌、锰可促进玉米对N、P、K的吸收及茎叶、子粒干物质的积累;但锌锰配合施用的子粒干物质量低于单施锌.  相似文献   

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