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The leaching of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and radionuclides (232Th, 226Ra, 228Ra, and 40K) from Joel sands amended with red mud/gypsum (RMG) at 9 rates (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 t/ha) was measured using columns. Intense leaching conditions (34 mm/day for 12 days) and a high rate of applied P (320 kg/ha as superphosphate) and N (680 kg/ha as ammonium nitrate) were used to simulate extremes of irrigated vegetable production on the Swan Coastal Plain. Addition of the highest rate of RMG (256 t/ha) reduced leaching of fertiliser P and ammonium‐nitrogen (NH4‐N) by 85% and 50%, respectively, compared with 0 t/ha after 12 days. At 641 RMG/ha P leaching was reduced 50% compared with 0 t/ha. Nitrate‐nitrogen (NO3‐N) leaching was not affected by addition of RMG.

Reduced leaching of NH4‐N was attributed to an increase in cation exchange capacity of the soil with the addition of RMG. Bicarbonate‐extractable P in the soil increased with rate of RMG to >50 μg P/g soil at 256 t/ha. This indicates that soil testing of residual P could be used to reduce P inputs to vegetable crops after soils were amended with RMG. This would further reduce the impact of vegetable production on the water systems of the Swan Coastal Plain and extend the period of effectiveness of RMG amended soils. The increase in 232Th specific activity in Joel sand amended with RMG was well below statutory limits even at the highest rate. Neither 40K nor 226Ra were detectable in RMG amended sands up to 2561 RMG/ha. There was no evidence of leaching of 226Ra or 228Ra at any rate of RMG. These results suggest that the use of RMG amendment on commercial horticultural properties on the Swan Coastal Plain could be feasible.  相似文献   

The point at which nitrogen (N) applied approaches 100% recovery in the soil once plant and microbial sinks have been saturated has not been determined in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production systems. In dryland winter wheat, subsoil accumulation has not been found to occur until N rates exceed that required for maximum yield. Many conventional N rate experiments have not properly evaluated subsoil N accumulation due to the lack of equally spaced N rates at the high end of the spectrum over which accumulation is expected to occur. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to (i) determine when soil profile accumulation efficiencies reach 100% in continuous winter wheat production and (ii) to evaluate the potential for nitrate‐nitrogen (NO3 N) leaching in continuous winter wheat when extremely high rates of fertilizer N are used. Two field experiments (T505 and T222) were conducted for two years using ten N rates (preplant‐incorporated) ranging from 0 to 5376 kg N ha1. No additional preplant fertilizer was applied in the second year. Following the first and second year wheat harvest, soil cores were taken to 2.4 m and bulk density, ammonium‐nitrogen (NH4‐N) and NO3‐N were determined. Crop N‐use efficiency (NUE) (N uptake treated ‐ N uptake check/rate applied) and soil profile inorganic N accumulation efficiencies (NAE) [net inorganic N accumulation in the soil profile/(fertilizer applied ‐ net N removed in the crop)] changed with fertilizer rate and were inversely related. Priming (increased net mineralization of organic N pools when low rates of fertilizer N are applied) may have occurred since increased NUE was observed at low N rates. The highest N‐accumulation efficiencies were at N rates of 168 and 448 kg ha‐1 in experiments T505 and T222, respectively. At both T222 and T505, no subsoil accumulation of NH4‐N or NO3‐N beyond 100 cm was observed for any of the N treatments when compared to the 0‐N check, even when N rates exceeded 448 kg ha‐1.  相似文献   

The Pickering lithium gradient system was used with a modified Hewlett‐Packard HPLC and post‐column ninhydrin derivatization to separate and visualize the free amino acids and other ninhydrin‐positive substances in corn (Zea mays). About 50 major and minor components were discernible, with generally very good separation. Analytical focus was on S‐methylmethionine, principal precursor of the volatile flavor component dimethyl sulfide, in several sweet corn genotypes. The standard Pickering gradient program gave excellent separation of S‐methylmethionine from the other basic amino acids, permitting detection of as little as 20 pmoles. Quantitation was highly reproducible when canavanine was used as internal standard. Free methionine and lysine were also measured.  相似文献   

The use of chlorate as a nitrate analogue to screen soft red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars for differences in nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was studied by adding potassium chlorate to a hydroponic nutrient solution in which wheat seedlings were growing. After 14 days, leaf symptoms indicating chlorate‐induced toxicity were rated. It was hypothesized that wheat plants which were susceptible to chlorate‐induced toxicity reduced chlorate and nitrate more rapidly than did resistant plants. In experiments testing the potential of this assay, wheat and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars previously reported to have low NRA were less susceptible to chlorate‐induced toxicity than were cultivars reported to have high NRA. The assay was used to screen 15 soft red winter wheat cultivars for differences in sensitivity to chlorate‐induced toxicity. Variable toxic reactions were observed both among and within the cultivars. To determine whether the within‐cultivar variation was environmental or genetic, single plant selections for contrasting chlorate response were made, and bulked progeny were rescreened. In eight of 15 cultivars, the contrasting selections were different for chlorate‐induced toxic response, indicating heterogeneity for this trait within these eight cultivars. These chlorate‐selected lines may also be near‐isogenic lines for NRA. Seedling screening of wheat for chlorate response may be useful for identification of high NRA breeding lines.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) or growth regulator application to small grain cereals near anthesis has been demonstrated to alter grain fill and grain yield, the protein yield and nutritional quality may also be modified by these management factors. The objective of this study was to determine whether delivery of N, growth regulator, or sucrose solutions into greenhouse‐grown barley (Hordeurn vulgare L. cv. Leger) or wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Katepwa), plants through peduncle perfusion altered the amino acid composition of the grain. The following treatments were tested: N (25 and 50 mM), chlormequat (30 μM), ethephon (15 μM), N + chlormequat, N + ethephon, detillering + N, sucrose (250 mM), distilled water check, and non‐perfused check. Perfusion lasted 30 d beginning 5 to 8 d after spike emergence. Addition of N via peduncle perfusion increased protein concentrations and concentrations of all amino acids in both barley and wheat when expressed in terms of grain dry matter. Protein yield and lysine content were also increased. However, the increase in essential amino acids such as lysine, methionine, threonine, isoleucine, arginine, and leucine was relatively small, and the proportions of these amino acids in the grain protein were actually reduced. The sucrose treatment only affected wheat, increasing lysine concentration and decreasing the total protein concentration. Growth regulators used in this study did not alter protein yield or amino acid composition in either crop.  相似文献   


Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) occupies large hectarage and is important in crop rotations on the highly weathered, low organic matter silt loam soils common in southern Illinois and the southern midwest United States region. Sulfur (S) is an essential element with some potential for deficiency, but it is not commonly applied to winter wheat grown on these soils. This study was conducted to determine if S nutrition is limiting winter wheat growth and grain yield. Interactive effects of topdressed fertilizer S (0 and 28 kg S/ha), tillage (disk‐till, DT and no‐till, NT), and wheat variety on plant growth, nutrient concentration, and grain yield were investigated for three crop years on two soils in southern Illinois; Cisne silt loam (fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Mollic Albaqualf), Brownstown site, and Grantsburg silt loam (fine‐silty, mixed, mesic Typic Fragiudalf), Dixon Springs site. Grain yield was unaffected by S application although flag leaf and whole plant S concentrations increased. Lack of yield response to S application was consistent each year on both soils and across all varieties and tillage systems. Equivalent yields were produced with both tillage systems at Brownstown, but slightly lower yield occurred with no‐till at Dixon Springs. Plant S concentrations and soil sulfate levels indicated sufficient S was available from sources other than fertilizer S, including extractable soil S and atmospheric deposition. Wheat variety consistently influenced plant nutrient composition and grain yield more than tillage or application of S fertilizer. If, in the future, wheat grain production, atmospheric S deposition, and extractable soil S remain at levels measured in this study, then S fertilizer applications would not be expected to increase winter wheat grain yield.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that under hydroponic conditions, spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) plants produce higher grain yields, more tillers, and increased dry matter when continuously supplied with mixtures of NO3 and NH4 than when supplied with only NO3. The objective of this study was to determine if mixed N needs to be available before or after flowering, or continuously, in order to elicit increases in growth and yield of wheat. During vegetative development, plants of the cultivar ‘Marshal’ were grown in one of two nutrient solutions containing either a 100/0 or 50/50 mixture of NO3 to NH4 and, after flowering, half the plants were switched to the other solution. At physiological maturity, plants were harvested, separated into leaves, stems, roots, and grain and the dry matter and N concentration of each part determined. Yield components and the number of productive tillers were also determined. Availability of mixed N at either growth stage increased grain yield over plants receiving continuous NO3, but the increase was twice as large when the mixture was present during vegetative growth. When the N mixture was available only during vegetative growth the yield increase was similar to that obtained with continuous mixed N. The yield increases obtained with mixed N were the result of enhanced tillering and the production of more total biomass. Although plants receiving a mixed N treatment accumulated more total N than those grown solely with NO3, the greatest increase occurred when mixed N was available during vegetative growth. Because availability of mixed N after flowering increased the N concentration over all NO3 and pre‐flowering mixed N plants, it appears that the additional N accumulation from mixed N needs to be coupled with tiller development in order to enhance grain yields. These results confirm that mixed N nutrition increases yield of wheat and indicate that the most critical growth stage to supply the N mixture to the plant is during vegetative growth.  相似文献   

Application of 10 mM urea to the flag leaf of wheat plants enhanced in vivo urease activity several fold. Photosynthetic rate was also increased considerably. There were significant differences in the leaf internal carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations between the urea‐treated and untreated leaves. The finding that carbon (14C) was detected in the ethanol extract of the leaves fed with 14C‐urea suggests that CO2 released from urea is re‐fixed by the leaves.  相似文献   


The potential for using dicyandiamide (DCD) to enhance yield of take‐all‐infested winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was evaluated in six field experiments on four acid soils (pH 5.7–6.2). Ammonium and NO3 concentrations and NH4 +: NO3 ratios in 0–10 and 10–20 cm soil depths were measured for ten weeks after spring topdressing 180 kg N/ha as urea with 0, 13, or 27 kg DCD/ha. Nitrification was strongly inhibited for 6 to 10 weeks by either 13 or 27 kg DCD/ha. Averaged over the ten‐week sampling period, NH4 +: N03 ratios in the 0–10 cm depth of soil were 36: 1 for DCD‐treated plots as compared to 2: 1 for plots receiving only urea. Ratios in DCD‐treated plots were considerably wider than ratios associated with take‐all suppression (10: 1 to 3: 1) in earlier studies. Extractable NH4 + + NO3 concentrations in soil were high in DCD‐treated plots after 30 to 40 days, suggested that DCD had reduced crop uptake of N because of the lower mobility of NH4 + as compared to NO3 . In four of the six studies, grain yields tended to be reduced by DCD. Results suggest that lower rates of DCD and/or application of some NO3 will be necessary if DCD is to be used as a tool for suppressing take‐all.  相似文献   


Changing conventional tillage to conservation tillage systems affects nitrogen (N) cycling in agroecosystems. Our objective was to evaluate the role of soil organic pools, specially plant residues, as sources‐sinks of nitrogen in an humid and warm temperate environment cropped to wheat, under plow‐ and no‐tillage. The experimental site was in the Argentine Pampa on a Typic Hapludoll. A balance‐sheet method was used: Nupt+Nres=Nsow+Nmin, where Nupt=N uptake by the crop at harvest; Nsow=soil mineral N as NH4 and NO3 at 0–90 cm depth, one month before sowing, plus N added as fertilizer; Nres=residual soil mineral N as NH4 and NO3 at 0–90 cm depth, at harvest; Nmin=N mineralized from humus and plant residues during wheat growing period. Nupt did not differ between tillage systems. Nitrogen supply by the mineral N pool, estimated by the difference Nsow‐Nres, was ca. 150 kg N ha‐1 in both tillage systems. Plant residues decomposed and released N under both treatments. This organic N pool decreased 77% along the crop cycle. Nmin, calculated using the balance equation was 83 kg N ha‐1, and did not differ between tillage managements, representing 35% of Nupt. This results highlight the importance of the organic pools as sources of N for wheat in the Humid Pampa. They also brink our attention on the importance for evaluate residue decomposition and humus mineralization in warm‐temperate regions when fertilizer requirements are determined, in order to minimize environmental hazard and economic losses by overfertilization.  相似文献   

The ability of plants to utilize P efficiently is important for crops growing in P‐deficient soils or on soils with a high P‐fixing capacity. The purpose of this work was to investigate early physiological changes which occur when wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings were grown under P‐deficient conditions. Wheat plants were grown in a greenhouse and watered with nutrient solution containing or lacking P. During the interval 12 to 18 days after planting, the dry weight of wheat seedlings was similar regardless of P treatment, although the P‐deficient plants had a greater proportion of the total plant weight in the roots. Sixteen days after planting, the roots and leaves of P‐deficient plants had only 20 to 30% the P content of P‐sufficient plants. After 16 days, plants grown under P stress had 41% more p‐nitrophenol phosphatase activity and 70% more β‐glucosidase activity in shoot homogenates than was found in P‐sufficient plants. Changes in both enzyme activities may be involved in the mobilization of plant resources during the early stages of P‐deficient growth.  相似文献   

Dry bean yields (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were raised to similar levels as the topsoil by manure application to eroded or leveled Portneuf silt loam soil (coarse‐silty mixed mesic Durixerollic Calciorthid). Only soil organic matter and zinc (Zn) content of leaf tissue were correlated with improved yields. Manure application increased mycorrhizal colonization and Zn uptake in pot experiments with dry bean which would explain the increased yields in the field. A field study was conducted to see if similar effects of manure and mycorrhizal colonization could be observed in field grown spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and sweet corn (Zea mays L.). This study was conducted on existing experiments established in the spring of 1991 at the USDA‐ARS farm in Kimberly, Idaho, to study crop rotation/organic matter amendment treatments on exposed subsoils and focused on mycorrhizal colonization as related to topsoils and subsoils treated with conventional fertilizer (untreated) or dairy manure. Mycorrhizal root colonization was higher with untreated than with manure‐treated wheat and sweet corn. Root colonization was also higher in subsoil than in topsoil for wheat, but there were no differences between soils for sweet corn. Shoot Zn and manganese (Mn) concentrations generally increased with increased root colonization for both species (except between soils with corn Mn contents). Wheat shoot potassium (K) concentration was increased by manure application, but the affect declined with time, was the opposite of colonization and was not observed with sweet com. Phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu) concentrations either were not influenced or were erratically affected by mycorrhizal colonization. Yields of wheat were highest for manure‐treated subsoil and topsoil compared to untreated soils. Mycorrhizal colonization was different between conventional and manure‐treated soils and between topsoil and subsoil and these differences increased Zn and Mn uptake, but they did not explain the improvement in wheat yields obtained with manure application.  相似文献   

Field experiments show that wheat grown after oilseed rape (OSR) achieves higher yield levels, while the nitrogen (N) application is reduced. However, field experiment data are based on few locations with optimised management. We analysed a large dataset based on farm data to assess the true extent of break crop benefits (BCB) for yield and N fertilisation within German commercial farming.

Across all German states and years, average yield of wheat preceded by OSR was 0.56 Mg ha?1 higher than yield of wheat preceded by cereals (7.09 Mg ha?1), although considerable variation between regions was observed. Mean N application across all states to wheat after OSR was 5 kg ha?1 lower than to wheat after cereals. Choice of wheat types for different end uses (bread flour or animal feed) showed higher (0.77 Mg ha?1) or lower (0.44 Mg ha?1) BCB for yield of wheat cultivated after OSR compared with after cereals. The calculated BCB for yield and N fertilisation were lower than expected from dedicated field experiments and fertiliser recommendations. Thus the advantages of OSR as a preceding crop are generally utilised by commercial farmers in Germany but there is room for improvement.  相似文献   

A field experiment using a split-plot randomized complete block design with three replications was carried out to determine relationships between spectral indices and wheat grain yield (GY), to compare the performance of four vegetation indices (VIs) for GY prediction, and to study the feasibility of VI to estimate grain protein content (GPC) in winter wheat. Two typical winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars 'Xuzhou 26' (high protein content) and 'Huaimai 18' (low protein content) were used as the main plot treatments and four N rates, i.e., 0, 120, 210, and 300 kg N ha^-1, as the sub-plot treatments. Increasing soil N supply significantly increased GY and GPC (P ≤ 0.05). For the two cultivars combined, significant and positive correlations were found between four VIs and GY, with the strongest relationship observed when using the green ratio vegetation index (GRVI) at mid-filling. Cumulative VI estimates improved yield predictions substantially, with the best interval being heading to maturity stage. Similar results were found between VI and grain protein yield. However, when using cumulative VI, GPC showed no significant improvement. The strong relationship between leaf N status and GPC (R2 =0.9144 for 'Xuzhou 26' and R2 = 0.8285 for 'Huaimai 18') indicated that canopy spectra could be used to predict GPC. The strong fit between estimated and observed GPC (R2 = 0.7939) indicated that remote sensing techniques were potentially useful predictors of grain protein content and quality in wheat.  相似文献   


Sustaining agricultural productivity and environmental quality requires efficient use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer by crops. A zero‐tillage study was conducted over a 9‐yr period in southwestern Saskatchewan to determine the influences of snow trapping and N fertilizer management, on efficiencies of N uptake and of N utilization for annually grown spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). We assessed the effects of rates (0–100 kg/ha), placement (deep banding, broadcast), and time of application of N (fall, spring). Multiple regression, was used to relate the N in grain, straw, and plant (above‐ground), the efficiencies of N uptake and N utilization, and N harvest index (NHI) to water use by the crop (WU), soil nitrate‐N (NO3‐N) in 0–60 cm depth measured in fall (SN), rate of fertilizer N(FN), and years of study (Yr). The relationships for N in grain and plant were highly significant (R2 = 0.85***); those for straw N (R2 = 0.68 ***) and N utilization efficiency (R2 = 0.60***) were significant but less precise, while that for NHI (R2 = 0.40***) had poor precision. Plant N was greater for springthan for fall‐applied N, and for deep‐banded than for broadcast‐N. Nitrogen utilization efficiency ranged between 20–42 kg grain/kg plant N, was inversely related to FN, and lower for spring‐applied than fall‐ applied N, but placement had little effect. Available water and FN had greater influence on characteristics studied than placement or timing of N application. Uptake efficiency of N increased with SN but decreased with FN, probably indicating more efficient uptake of SN in this zero‐tillage continuous wheat study. The relationships developed should be useful to modellers for estimating the characteristics studied, on medium‐textured, aridic and typic borolls.  相似文献   


Soil bulk density markedly influences hydrolysis of surface‐applied granular urea that is vulnerable to serious ammonia volatilization losses. In order to decrease the ammonia losses by retarding urea hydrolysis, several chemicals have been tested for their soil urease inhibition properties. Phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPDA) is a potent soil urease inhibitor. Laboratory studies using soil column incubations were conducted to investigate the effect of soil bulk density on inhibition of hydrolysis of surface‐applied urea granules (=20 mg of urea/granule) containing 1% PPDA in unsaturated soils. The increase in soil bulk density (from 0.69 to 1.50 Mg/m3) markedly increased the rate of hydrolysis of surface‐applied urea granules and significantly decreased the apparent urease inhibition by PPDA present in the granules. These results are attributed to the probable spatial separation of urea and PPDA because of the differences in diffusive transports in unsaturated soils caused in part by differences in their solubilities in water.  相似文献   

A field study was made of the seasonal changes in dry‐matter production, and the uptake, distribution, and redistribution of 12 mineral nutrients in the semi‐dwarf spring wheat, Egret, grown under typical irrigation farming conditions. Most of the dry‐matter production and nutrient uptake had occurred by anthesis, with 75–100% of the final content of magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), chloride (Cl), sulfur (S), phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and potassium (K) being taken up in the pre‐anthesis period. The above‐ground dry‐matter harvest index was 37%, and grain made up 76% of the head dry matter. Redistributed dry matter from stems and leaves could have provided 29% of the grain dry matter. Concentrations of phloemmobile nutrients, such as N and P, decreased in the leaves and stems throughout the season, whereas concentrations of phloem‐immobile nutrients, such as calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe), generally increased. The decline in the N concentration in stems and leaves was not prevented by N fertilizer applied just before anthesis. Leaves had the major proportion of most nutrients in young plants, but stems had the major proportion of these nutrients at anthesis. Grain had over 70% of the N and P, and 31–64% of the Mg, manganese (Mn), S, and zinc (Zn), but less than 20% of the K, Ca, sodium (Na), Cl, and Fe in the plant. Over 70% of the N and P, and from 15 to 51% of the Mg, K, Cu, S, and Zn was apparently redistributed from stems and leaves to developing grain. There was negligible redistribution of Ca, Na, Cl, Fe, and Mn from vegetative organs. Redistribution from stems and leaves could have provided 100% of the K, 68–72% of the N and P, and 33–48% of the Zn, Cu, Mg, and S accumulated by grain. It was concluded that the distribution patterns of some key nutrients such as N, P, and K have not changed much in the transition from tall to semi‐dwarf wheats, and that the capacity of wheat to redistribute dry matter and nutrients to grain is a valuable trait when nutrient uptake is severely restricted in the post‐anthesis period.  相似文献   

Several interelemental relationships have been examined in field‐cultivated wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Vergina) growing on naturally enriched copper (Cu) soils. Mean soil Cu concentration per site ranged from 103–394 μg.g‐1 dry weight (DW). Interrelationships between Cu, iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), and magnesium (Mg) concentrations in the soil and plant tissue (roots, stems, and leaves) were examined using Principle Components Analysis. Soil samples were clustered according to collection site and were primarily differentiated according to their Cu concentrations. Soil Cu concentrations were positively correlated with Zn, Ca, Fe, and K in the soil, with Cu, K, and Ca in the roots, and Cu and Fe in the leaves and negatively correlated with Fe in the roots. The increase in Cu in the roots and leaves was positively correlated with increases in K and Ca in the roots and Fe and Ca in the leaves, but negatively with Fe in the roots. Increases in leaf Ca concentrations were correlated with increases in Mg and decreases in Zn concentrations in the leaf. Plants growing in soil with high Cu concentration exhibited toxicity symptoms with reduced height, decreased total leaf area and lower chlorophyll concentrations. Photosynthesis expressed per unit leaf area was not affected by increasing Cu concentrations in the soil or plant tissue.  相似文献   

Biological input of nitrogen (N) from the atmosphere by free-living diazotrophs can help alleviate fertilizer use in agricultural systems. In this study, we investigated the effect of N fertilizer and winter pea (Pisum sativum L.) crop on the community structure and abundance of free-living diazotrophs in a two year study of dryland winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) no-till production system in Eastern Oregon, USA. Based on quantification of the nifH gene, diazotroph abundance was strongly influenced by plant species and the crop year in which the soil samples were collected. A greater amount of nifH copies was recovered in 2012 compared to 2011 either as copies per gram soil or normalized to the abundance of bacterial 16S rRNA genes. The quantity of genes was greater under pea than wheat in 2012 although no difference was observed in the preceding year. The nifH gene abundance was positively correlated to ammonium concentration in 2011 and bacterial abundance in 2012. Nitrogen application did not influence diazotroph abundance in the top 0–5 cm; however the abundance was reduced by application at the lower 5–10 cm depth under wheat crop. The diazotroph community structure appeared to be influenced more by N fertilization rather than plant species with the exception of wheat in 2012. Changes in the community structure over the two years were greater for fertilized than unfertilized soil. Collectively, these data suggest that year-to-year variability had a greater influence on diazotroph communities rather than specific parameters of plant species, fertilization, total N, total organic C, or soil pH. Multi-year studies are necessary to define the specific drivers of diazotroph abundance, community structure and function.  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment was carried out to study severity of the zinc (Zn) deficiency symptoms on leaves, shoot dry weight and shoot content and concentration of Zn in 164 winter type bread wheat genotypes (Triticunt aestivum L.) grown in a Zn‐deficient calcareous soil with (+Zn=10 mg Zn kg?1 soil) and without (‐Zn) Zn supply for 45 days. Tolerance of the genotypes to Zn deficiency was ranked based on the relative shoot growth (Zn efficiency ratio), calculated as the ratio of the shoot dry weight produced under Zn deficiency to that produced under adequate Zn supply. There was a substantial difference in genotypic tolerance to Zn deficiency. Among the 164 genotypes, 108 genotypes had severe visible symptoms of Zn deficiency (whitish‐brown necrotic patches) on leaves, while in 25 genotypes Zn deficiency symptoms were slight or absent, and the remaining genotypes (e.g., 31 genotypes) showed mild deficiency symptoms. Generally, the genotypes with higher tolerance to Zn deficiency originated from Balkan countries and Turkey, while genotypes originating from the breeding programs in the Great Plains of the United States were mostly sensitive to Zn deficiency. Among the 164 wheat genotypes, Zn efficiency ratio varied from 0.33 to 0.77. The differences in tolerance to Zn deficiency were totally independent of shoot Zn concentrations, but showed a close relationship to the total amount (content) of Zn per shoot. The absolute shoot growth of the genotypes under Zn deficiency corresponded very well with the differences in tolerance to Zn deficiency. Under adequate Zn supply, the 10 most Zn‐ inefficient genotypes and the 10 most Zn‐efficient genotypes were very similar in their shoot dry weight. However, under Zn deficiency, shoot dry weight of the Zn‐efficient genotypes was, on average, 1.6‐fold higher compared to the Zn‐inefficient genotypes. The results of this study show large, exploitable genotypic variation for tolerance to Zn deficiency in bread wheat. Based on this data, total amount of Zn per shoot, absolute shoot growth under Zn deficiency, and relative shoot growth can be used as reliable plant parameters for assessing genotypic variation in tolerance to Zn deficiency in bread wheat.  相似文献   

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