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Mulches can alter plant growth by changing the soil environment, but their effects on mineral uptake in grain sorghum are unknown. A 3‐year study was conducted to measure nutrient uptake in plants grown under 0, 2200, 4400, and 8800 kg/ha mulch. Plants were irrigated to insure that moisture was not limiting. Dry‐matter production, total mineral uptake and concentrations were determined at 7‐ to 9‐leaf, late boot, soft dough, and physiological maturity growth stages. Mulches altered sorghum growth by delaying plant maturity and by increasing dry‐matter yields. Nutrient uptake increased with increased dry‐matter production although elemental concentrations declined. Hybrid reaction to mineral uptake was dependent on the specific environment created by the mulch. Hybrids did not respond the same to given mulch rates each year. Management considerations for soil fertility under mulch conditions should be made on the basis of expected dry‐matter yields for the specific environment.  相似文献   


The relationship between nutrient uptake and root growth of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was studied under field conditions. This basic information could be beneficial when making best management decisions concerning the time of application and placement of fertilizer. A field study was conducted in North Alabama on a fertile Dewey silt loam (clayey, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Paleudult). Aboveground whole plants were harvested at approximately 10‐day intervals beginning at 211 cumulative heat units (CHU) after planting (37 days after planting: 4‐true leaves). Root length of harvested plants was also measured by depth and distance from the plant. Maximum root length was obtained at 1174 CHU (117 days after planting), while dry matter continued to increase until a maximum was obtained at 1317 CHU (128 days after planting). Maximum root length density of 1.60 cm cm3 was obtained in the surface 0–15 cm layer in the in‐row position at 912 CHU (99 days after planting). After first bloom approximately 70% of the cotton root system was in the surface 30 cm of soil. Average daily influx of S per m of root length increased with plant age until 1317 CHU (near cut‐out), after which influx declined. Nitrogen (N), calcium (Ca), and iron (Fe) influx peaked very early in the season (291–469 CHU) followed by a general decrease with plant age. Maximum daily influx of potassium (K), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) per meter of root occurred at approximately peak‐bloom (764–912 CHU, 87–99 days after planting) and decreased with plant age. Copper, Fe, Mn, and Zn influx rates were ~ 1000 times lower as compared to the other nutrients.  相似文献   


Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) cultivars differ in their root morphology and their nutrient uptake capabilities. The relation between root growth, P and K uptake, and grain yield was investigated using eight cultivars grown in the field on Raub (Aquic Argiudoll) silt loam which received 49 kg P/ha and 93 kg K/ha. Hobbit (maturity group III, determinate) was among the highest in grain yield, P and K uptakes, and root system length. However, this cultivar was intermediate in its relative efficiency to utilize P and K to produce grain yield; among the most efficient cultivars were Asgrow 3127 (maturity group II) and Williams‐79 (maturity group III). The hay cultivar, Wilson‐6, was the least efficient. It was concluded that even though grain yield was correlated with nutrient uptake, selection for higher yields was not necessarily a selection for higher efficiency in utilization of fertilizer for grain production.  相似文献   

The use of efficient bio-inoculants in chickpea is the best way to increase crop productivity under rainfed conditions. To assess the combined effect of bio-inoculants on crop yield, field experiments were conducted during Rabi seasons at Research Station, Punjab Agricultural University, Ballowal Saunkhri, Punjab, India. The application of different bio-inoculants significantly improved number of pods, grain and straw yield of chickpea over the un-inoculated treatment. The combined application of Rhizobium + PSB?+?AM fungi?+?azotobactor inoculums as seed treatment with 75% of recommended phosphorus produced highest grain yield. The nodule count, nodule weight, per cent root colonization of AM fungi and different enzymes activities in soil were also highest in combined bio-inoculants treatment. The present study concluded that combined application of bio-inoculants (Rhizobium, PSB, AM fungi and azotobactor) can save 25% of recommended phosphorus by sustaining the crop yield and improving the soil health.  相似文献   


Legumes have a unique ability to obtain a significant portion of atmospheric nitrogen (N2) through a symbiotic relationship with Rhizobia spp of bacteria but it takes time, thus, an early supply of N to the plant may positively influence growth and development. However, too much fertilizer in close proximity to the seed can damage the seedling. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the maximum safe rates for starter seed-row fertilizer application under low seedbed utilization conditions (15%). Emergence, biomass yield and nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) uptake responses to starter fertilizer products and blends applied at 0, 10, 20 and 30?kg?N?ha?1 in the seed-row were investigated for six different pulse crops: soybean, pea, faba bean, black bean, lentil and chickpea. The general sensitivity (injury potential) for starter N, P, S fertilizer was lentil?≥?pea?≥?chickpea?>?soybean?≥?black bean?>?faba bean. Lentil, pea and chickpea could generally only tolerate the 10?kg?N?ha?1 rates while soybean and black bean could tolerate 10–20?kg?N?ha?1. Faba bean emergence appeared relatively unaffected by all three rates of N and showed least sensitivity to seed row placed fertilizer. In terms of 30-day biomass response, soybean and black bean were most responsive to fertilization, while pea, faba bean, lentil and chickpea were least responsive to the starter fertilizer applications, with no benefit increasing above the 10?kg?N?ha?1 rate.  相似文献   


The forage crops corn (Zea Mays), sorghum‐sudangrass (Sorghum Vulgare Pers. x Sorghum sundanese stapf.), and kenaf (Hybiscus cannabinus L.) were irrigated with municipal effluent at rates of 5, 10, 15, and 20 cm/week on Lakeland fine sand. Plant samples were collected weekly from each plot to measure green weight, dry matter, and nitrogen content. From these data crop nitrogen (kg/ha) was calculated for each week. Finally, uptake of nitrogen was calculated to determine efficiency of nitrogen recovery from the effluent as the crops matured. In all cases efficiency of uptake decreased with increasing application rates, as expected from fertility studies. For corn, efficiency of uptake continued to increase up to harvest. For sorghum‐sudangrass and kenaf a peak was reached at about 50 days after planting, after which efficiency of uptake declined rapidly.  相似文献   


Bio-inoculants have been used for enhancing plant growth in horticultural crops even in nutrient-limited soils. The present research evaluated the effect of inoculation of two growing media with six biofertilizer consortia on the growth and buddability of ‘Rough lemon’ rootstock subsequently budded with ‘Kinnow’ mandarin variety. Soil + FYM + Cocopeat (SFC) with Azospirillum (Azo) + AM fungi consortium improved seed germination, seedling growth, chlorophyll, P, K, root growth, root epidermis, and cortical region thickness; xylem and phloem diameter in rough lemon; budding success and growth in Kinnow mandarin saplings. It also increased OC, P, and K levels in growing media. AM spore count and AM root colonization showed a positive correlation with budding success, root P and soil P content. SFC fortified with Azo + AM fungi resulted in better growth and buddability of rough lemon seedlings along with better growth of Kinnow mandarin saplings.  相似文献   

As part of an overall assessment of the commercial suitability of strawberry cultivars for the Nordic environment, we studied 13 diverse cultivars in an experimental field in South East Norway. Early-maturing cultivars were characterized by early initiation of floral primordia and early flowering and fruit maturation. High temperatures in July and early August delayed floral initiation in the early cultivars, resulting in more synchronous initiation of early and late cultivars. The recent Norwegian cultivar ‘Nobel’, which has an everbearing parent, differed from the other cultivars by early initiation also at elevated summer temperature. Inadequate yield and berry size were identified as important causes for outdating of older cultivars, such as ‘Senga Sengana’ and ‘Glima’. Overall, the high-yielding and large-fruited ‘Sonata’ was judged as the best fresh consumption cultivar in Norway, and market trends indicate that it will continue to expand its market share at the expense of ‘Korona’, mainly because of inadequate fruit firmness and shelf life of the latter. Adequate yields and berry quality justify the use of the late maturing ‘Florence’ for prolongation of the fresh market season. The results are discussed together with practical experiences and market preferences in an attempt to provide overall cultivar recommendations for Norway.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizae can enhance plant growth and phosphorus (P) use efficiency in horticultural plants. This research evaluated the effectiveness of mycorrhizae on increasing growth and yield of nine horticultural plants for two different rates of P fertilization under field conditions. The mycorrhizal inoculums increased the root colonization of mycorrhizal horticultural plants compared with the non-inoculated treatments. Mycorrhizal inoculation significantly increased onion, garlic, chickpea, broad bean, carrot, parsley and cress plants. Mycorrhizal effectiveness showed that without P addition the effect of mycorrhizae on plant yield is much higher than that with P fertilizer addition. Under low P fertilization inoculation effectiveness is much higher than P addition treatments. Mycorrhizal inoculums also increased tissue P and zinc (Zn) for horticultural plant. The improved growth, yield, Zn and P uptake in plants demonstrated the potential of mycorrhizal inoculation to reduce the effects P fertilization on horticultural plants grown under field conditions.  相似文献   

通过加工番茄大田试验,研究了不同施肥方式下,膜下滴灌加工番茄的干物质积累与养分吸收规律及产量构成。结果表明,在滴灌追施100%氮肥和初果期之后滴灌追施70%钾肥的基础上,基施65%磷肥和初果期之前滴灌追施35%磷肥(优化处理)比100%磷肥基施的加工番茄干物质增加11.51%,产量提高3.59%,氮、磷、钾肥的利用率分别增加了6.06、4.15和5.26个百分点。氮肥和磷肥在初果期之前滴灌追施,氮肥和钾肥在初果期之后滴灌追施的滴灌配方肥处理的产量显著低于优化处理,且优化处理的肥料效益也好于滴灌配方肥处理。加工番茄在初果期之前滴灌追施氮与磷,在初果期之后滴灌追施氮与钾可以提高加工番茄产量,增加肥料利用效率。  相似文献   


The uptake of micro elements by cucumbers grown on rockwool was investigated in a series of experiments. The elements studied in the experiments consisted of iron, manganese, zinc, boron, copper and molybdenum. Five different levels of each of these elements were compared.

The deficiency and excess symptoms were described and the fruit yields were recorded. The trace element contents of the nutrient solution in the root environment were determined by regular sampling. From time to time, samples were also collected of the leaves and fruits of the cucumber crop.

No relationship appeared to exist between the iron contents in the root environment and those in the leaves and fruits. However, relationships were found for all other elements included in the investigation. The relationship between the contents in the root environment and in the crop is curvilinear and can be compute roughly by a function of the model y = axb, in which x represents the content of the element in the root environment and y represents the content in the crop.

The limits are given at which deficiency and excess symptoms may be expected.  相似文献   

Sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L., cv. Dwarf) were grown with distilled water only or increasingly saline solutions (NaCl) to determine the influence of salinity on seedling growth and on the distribution of mineral nutrients obtained exclusively from cotyledons. Seedling growth was decreased by moderate (50mM) and high (100mM) concentrations of NaCl in the growth solution. Salinity generally decreased mineral transport (especially Fe, Mn, Mg, and Ca) from seed to seedling, except for K. Transport of Fe, Mg, and Ca to the aerial part was also markedly reduced.  相似文献   

The growth characteristics and nutrient uptake dynamics of Mytilaria laosensis Lec. seedlings treated weekly with conventional and exponential fertilizations were investigated at intervals of 3 weeks for 12 weeks in a greenhouse. Leaf area and pigment compositions were also examined at the final harvest. The fertility treatments (mg nitrogen seedling–1) included two conventional (50C and 100C) and four exponential (50E, 100E, 200E and 400E) fertilizations, and no fertilization (0) as control. The biomass and nutrient contents of M. laosensis seedlings increased exponentially with time. Steady-state nutrition of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were achieved under exponential fertilization treatment of 50?mg?N?seedling?1 (50E) and conventional fertilization treatment of 100?mg?N?seedling–1 (100C), resulting from simultaneous increase of their biomass and nutrient contents. The nutrient uptake efficiency continuously increased over time in conventionally fertilized seedlings, but it increased initially and declined or remained stable from 11 weeks after transplanting in the exponentially fertilized seedlings. At the end of the experiment, the conventionally fertilized seedlings performed remarkably better than all exponentially fertilized seedlings except for seedlings in the exponential treatment of 200?mg?N?seedling–1 (200E) in height, root collar diameter and biomass. The optimum N and P uptake occurred in 200E seedlings because their N and P contents were 71%/60% and 14%/9% higher than both conventionally fertilized seedlings (50C/100C) without significant differences in growth performance between them. The leaf areas and chlorophyll contents of seedlings increased significantly with the increase of fertilizer levels and nearly peaked at the range from 100 to 200?mg?N?seedling–1, whereas the delivery schedule (conventional and exponential) had little effect on leaf areas and chlorophyll contents of seedlings at the same nutrient level (50 or 100?mg?N?seedling–1). These findings will provide evidence to make guidelines on fertilization for nursery production of M. laosensis, and help understand the nutrient demands for this species and further benefit the development of its plantations.  相似文献   

平衡施肥对玉米养分吸收、产量及效益的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
采用田间试验方法,探讨了平衡施肥对玉米养分吸收、产量和经济效益的影响.结果表明,平衡施肥能促进玉米对养分的吸收和利用,在OPT施肥水平下,每形成100 kg玉米籽粒吸收1.95 kg的N、1.05 kg的P2O5、1.96 kg的K2O,玉米吸收NPK的比例约为1∶0.54∶1;平衡施肥较农民习惯施肥增产5.6%,增收714元/hm2;在本试验条件下,钾是玉米产量的第一限制因子.因此,必须科学合理地调配氮磷钾施用比例,加大钾肥的施用量,才能实现玉米高产.  相似文献   

Roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil, give mechanical support to plants, and supply hormones that affect many physiological and biochemical processes. Roots also exert control over whole-plant growth and development by synthesizing plant hormones and controlling the uptake of mineral nutrients. Coronatine (COR) is an analogue of jasmonic acid and is a chlorosis-inducing non-hostspecific phytotoxin with an alleviative effect on plant growth under stress conditions. A 2-year field study was conducted to determine the effect of COR on the physiological and biochemical attributes of the root and the seed yield of soybean (Glycine max L. Cv. Zhonghuang 13). COR was foliar-applied at 10 nM during the 7-trifoliolate leafs stage. Root dry weight was significantly increased on average by 37% with COR over the 2 years. The root nitrogen concentration increased by 19.2%, phosphorus concentration by 23.3%, and potassium concentration by 31.2% following COR application. The content of cytokinins was increased by 31.5% and 46.0%, while that of abscisic acid was decreased by 45.0% and 25.5% with COR over the 2 years. Seed yield was increased 7.0% in 2008 and 9.6% in 2009, respectively, due to COR application.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of silicon (Si) on growth, nutrient uptake, and yield of peanut under aluminum (Al) stress. Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. Zhonghua 4) raised with or without Si (1.5?mM) in the growth chamber under 0 and toxic Al (0.3?mM) levels. Aluminum stress significantly decreased the biomass and root dry weight by 12.9% and 10.7%, and the pod yield, number of mature pod per plant and seed number of per pod by 16.7%, 10.7%, and 13.9%. The content of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) was significantly decreased, but that of Al increased markedly in shoots and roots of peanut after Al exposure at seedling, flower-needle and pod-setting stage. Under Al stress condition, Si application protected peanut by improving nutrient uptake at different growth stages and favoring the partitioning of dry mass to pod and the allocation of tissue N, P, K, Ca, and Mg to shoots and pod and decreasing Al uptake and accumulation.  相似文献   


Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) norms for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), chlorine (Cl) and sodium (Na) and nutrient sufficiency ranges for Aloe vera, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Lavandula multifidi, and Rosmarinus officinalis were based on two experiments. DRIS norms and nutrient ratios were computed and selected. Nutrient sufficiency ranges were developed using the data of the whole population according to the DRIS approach. The development of DRIS norms revealed that only K. blossfeldiana and R. officinalis showed limiting nutrients. The nutrient sufficiency ranges for each species expressed in mg g?1 were: A. vera (N (9–28), P (1–3), K (37–48), S (8–10), Cl (47–50), Na (17–37)), K. blossfeldiana (N (16–22), P (2–3), K (35–39), S (7–10), Cl (45–54), Na (7–19)), L. multifida (N (15–16), P (1–7), K (18–37), S (7–8), Cl (41–60), Na (21–49)), R. officinalis (N (9–23), P (2–5), K (31–48), S (7–8), Cl (36–40), Na (7–12)). The establishment of these DRIS norms will useful to manage the nutritional status of the species studied under saline conditions.  相似文献   


Eight grasses were grown under high water table conditions for 14 weeks in a greenhouse experiment. Water tables were maintained at 2 or 5 inches below the soil surface. Differences in water table depth influenced clipping yields only slightly. Although total root weights were not reduced with the 2‐inch water table, there was a trend for fewer roots at lower depths and more roots near the surface with this treatment. The shallowest root systems occurred with annual bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and creeping red fescue. Elemental composition of the clippings was influenced by species and time of sampling. The greatest effect of water table depth on elemental content of the clippings occurred with Mn.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 2006–2007 and 2007–2008 to evaluate the effects of three calcium carbide (CaC2) based formulations (slow release sources of acetylene and ethylene) - matrix-1 [(M-1)(21% CaC2, 58% polyethylene and 21% plaster of paris)], matrix-2 [(M-2)(42% CaC2, 48% polyethylene and 10% plaster of paris)] and paint coated [(PC)(35% CaC2, 44% paint and 21% plaster of paris)] - on nitrification inhibition; growth, yield and nitrogen (N)-uptake of wheat. All the three CaC2 formulations (CCF,s) inhibited nitrification, reduced plant height, and improved N-uptake, spike bearing tillers, 1000-grains weight and yield of Inqulab-91 and Bhakhar-02 wheat cultivars. Increase in grain yield was found maximum (22% over the control) with M-1 applied at 30 kg CaC2 ha?1; followed by M-2 and PC. Furthermore, CaC2 significantly reduced lodging in Bhakhar-02 plots. It is concluded that grain yield of wheat can be enhanced by the application of CaC2 formulations particularly M-1 along with NPK fertilizers.  相似文献   

不同施氮量对甜瓜养分吸收、分配、利用及产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
通过田间膜下滴灌栽培,研究不同氮素水平对甜瓜养分吸收、 分配及产量的影响。结果表明,增施氮肥显著提高了甜瓜的氮、 磷、 钾的积累量,特别是显著提高了甜瓜后期氮、 磷、 钾的积累量。在施P2O5 140 kg/hm2、 K2O 150 kg/hm2 的基础上施N 225 kg/hm2,甜瓜的养分吸收量和产量均为最高,各施氮处理甜瓜氮肥利用率在11%~29%之间,且随施氮量的增加而降低。甜瓜对钾的吸收量最高,氮次之,磷最少,表明甜瓜是喜钾作物。  相似文献   

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