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为丰富花生种子特异启动子资源,本研究利用PCR技术在花生基因组中克隆了种子贮藏蛋白基因PSC32的启动子AHSSP1,利用半定量RT-PCR检测了PSC32基因表达模式,借助NewPLACE在线分析了AHSSP1序列中存在的顺式作用元件,并构建了AHSSP1驱动GUS报告基因的表达载体,经农杆菌转化获得转基因拟南芥,经GUS组织化学染色鉴定了该启动子的功能。结果表明,PSC32基因957 bp长的启动子AHSSP1序列具备种子特异表达启动子特有的3个RY REPEAT元件。半定量RT-PCR分析发现,PSC32基因在花生成熟种子中表达,而在饱果成熟期根、茎、叶片、花、入土前的果针、成熟种子的果壳中均不表达。GUS组织化学染色发现,转基因拟南芥成熟种子以及萌发种子的子叶、下胚轴和胚根均能够被染上蓝色;长出真叶后,子叶和下胚轴仍能被染色,而根和真叶不能被染上蓝色;成年期转基因拟南芥的叶片也不能被染上蓝色。而野生型拟南芥整个生长时期均不能被染上蓝色。以上现象说明AHSSP1是一个种子特异启动子。本研究丰富了花生种子特异启动子的资源,对花生籽仁品质改良或以花生籽仁作为"生物反应器"的研究具有重...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the salt tolerance of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) under greenhouse conditions and to examine the interactive effects of salinity and nitrogen (N) fertilizer levels on yield. The present study shows the effects of optimal and suboptimal N fertilizer levels (270 kg ha?1 and 135 kg ha?1) in combination with five different irrigation waters of varying electrical conductivity (EC) (ECiw = 0.25, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0 dS m?1) and three replicates per treatment. At optimal N level, yield decreased when the irrigation water salinity was above ECiw 2 dS m?1. At the suboptimal N level, a significant decrease in yield occurred only above ECiw 4 dS m?1. At high salinity levels the salinity stress was dominant with respect to yield and response was similar for both N levels. Based on the results it can also be concluded that under saline conditions (higher than threshold salinity for a given crop) there is a lesser need for N fertilization relative to the optimal levels established in the absence of other significant stresses.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are able to alleviate salt stress on plant growth by enhancing and adjusting mineral uptake. The objectives were to determine (1) the effects of soil salinity on mineral uptake by different wheat genotypes and (2) the effectiveness of different mycorrhizal treatments on the mineral uptake of different wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under salinity. Wheat seeds of Chamran and Line 9 genotypes were inoculated with different species of AM fungi including Glomus mosseae, G. intraradices, and G. etunicatum and their mixture at planting using 100 g inoculum. Pots were treated with the salinity levels of 4, 8, and 12 dS/m before stemming. Different arbuscular mycorrhizal treatments, especially the mixture treatment, increased wheat mineral uptake for both genotypes. Although Line 9 genotype resulted in greater nutrient uptake under salinity stress, Chamran was more effective on adjusting sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl?) uptake under salt stress.  相似文献   


To establish a critical limit in soils and plant, an experiment was conducted in red and lateritic soil (Alfisols) of farmer’s field in tribal-dominated Panchayat Kurum, Palkot block, Gumla district, Jharkhand, India. Based on the results of the field experiment, the critical limits were determined as 0.48, 0.50, 0.47, and 0.42 mg kg?1 in the soil, respectively, for hot water, hot calcium chloride, salicylic acid, and ammonium acetate-extractable B, while a critical limit of 12.00 mg kg?1 was observed in maize tissue using the graphical method. In an analysis of variance method, the critical limits of B in soils were found as 0.45, 0.54, 0.49, and 0.43 mg kg?1 using hot water, hot calcium chloride, salicylic acid, and ammonium acetate extractants, respectively. Maize plants were highly responsive to B application where soil B level was below the critical limit (0.50 mg kg?1). In a field experiment, grain yield of maize increased with increasing levels of B application, while soil application at 1.0 kg ha?1 + two foliar application (at the knee and pre-flowering stages) of borax at 0.2% were showed significantly higher grain yield of the maize crop. The hot water, hot calcium chloride, salicylic acid, and ammonium acetate-extractable B were significantly and positively correlated with organic carbon and negatively correlated with the electrical conductivity of soils.  相似文献   

Evaluation of nitrogen (N) dynamic in soil using regression equations is important for proper determination of N fertilization. A 3-year field experiment was conducted to (1) develop the best-fitted regression model relating corn grain and stover yield to soil residual ammonium (NH4)-N and nitrate (NO3)-N for corn yield prediction and (2) evaluate how such a model can be beneficial to the health of ecosystem by predicting the appropriate rates of N fertilization for corn production. Soil NH4-N and NO3-N were determined at corn harvest at the depths of 0–30 and 30–60 cm. Nitrogen fertilizer rates and soil mineral N accounted for a maximum of 93% variation in corn grain yield. Soil mineral N enhanced corn yield more than N fertilizer. Totals of 63.1 and 14.1 kg/ha of soil residual NO3-N and NH4-N were found in the 0- to 60-cm depth, indicating the importance of performing soil N tests.  相似文献   

辣椒苗期耐热耐湿鉴定方法的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以辣椒各生理指标的耐逆系数为衡量辣椒单项耐逆能力大小的指标,用聚类分析法、主成分分析法、隶属函数法对辣椒不同品种(系)耐热耐湿性予以综合评价。综合评价的结果,将10个供试品种(系)按耐热耐湿由强到弱划分为4级:高度耐热耐湿(I)、中度耐热耐湿(G、J、W、H)、不耐热耐湿(C、E、F、K)和极不耐热耐湿(D)。几种关于辣椒品种(系)耐热耐湿综合评价的方法具有较好的一致性,同时利用耐热耐湿性的综合评价值与单项指标间建立的最优回归方程可以预测其它辣椒品种(系)耐热耐湿性大小。  相似文献   

锌铬复合污染对水稻根系抗氧化酶活性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了研究水稻在金属复合污染条件下的适应过程,该文就成都平原两种常见的重金属污染元素(锌、铬)对土壤复合处理后,进行水稻盆栽试验.结果表明,锌铬复合污染条件下,在水稻不同生育期,水稻根系3种抗氧化酶(SOD,POD和CAT)活性随锌、铬浓度的增加而表现出不同的变化趋势.在水稻分蘖期,随铬浓度的增加,水稻根系SOD活性和POD活性呈先降后升的变化趋势;随锌浓度的增加,水稻根系SOD活性和POD活性呈升高的趋势;而水稻根系CAT活性则随锌、铬浓度的增加呈一定的降低趋势.在水稻孕穗期,随锌、铬浓度的增加,水稻根系SOD活性呈先降后升的变化趋势,POD活性及CAT活性则呈降低的趋势.在水稻灌浆结实期,水稻根系SOD、POD及CAT活性均呈一定的降低趋势.水稻籽粒产量随锌、铬浓度的增加呈降低的趋势.锌、铬浓度对水稻籽粒产量产生了复合效应,并与水稻籽粒产量有极显著的线性回归关系.这表明水稻通过调节自身的生理代谢能提高对锌铬复合污染的生态适应性,这能为培育适合重金属污染地区生长的水稻品种提供理论基础.  相似文献   

Determination of different agronomical properties including soil-related parameters for enhanced canola (Brassica napus L.) production can be of great significance. Hence, the objectives were to determine the effects of different tillage systems, canola cultivars and different planting dates on: (i) canola yield and oil, and (ii) soil moisture and microbial carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). Two field experiments were planned as split-plot experiments in three replicates. The main plots were different tillage systems including no-tillage (NT), minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT), and the subplots were the combination of different canola cultivars (PF and Hyola 401) and different planting dates (PD): 8 and 23 September and 7 October. Soil moisture under CT and PF was significantly less than that of MT and NT, and Hyola 401, respectively. Carbon and N microbial biomass was the highest at NT and on the first PD. The tillage method and planting date also significantly affected canola yield, oil content and the amount, and the number of earthworms. We may conclude that although the amount of yield was the highest at CT, it may be more agronomically sustainable to plant canola under NT or MT earlier during the autumn growing season.  相似文献   

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