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In order to study the effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), Azolla compost and Azolla biochar on some soil quality indicators and rosemary growth, a greenhouse experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with six replications. Treatments consisted of T1 (control), T2 (1% Azolla compost), T3 (1% Azolla biochar), T4 (PGPR (P. fluorescens), T5 (1% compost + PGPR) and T6 (1% biochar + PGPR). Rosemary growth parameters and nutrients concentration increased in all treatments compared to control. Treatments increased soil nutrient concentrations, soil microbial respiration (SMR) and microbial biomass C (MBC) but decreased soil metabolic quotient (qCO2) compared to control treatment. A significant enhancement in rosemary growth occurred due to the improved soil quality as a result of organic fertilizers application, particularly by co-application of P. fluorescens and compost or biochar of Azolla.  相似文献   

温宏伟  杨斌  王东胜 《核农学报》2021,35(9):2194-2203
干旱胁迫是影响小麦生长发育与产量形成最主要的非生物胁迫因子,近年来化肥的过量使用及全球气候变化产生的不利影响,导致小麦在生长过程中受到的干旱胁迫危害日趋严重。植物根际促生菌(PGPR)不仅可以协助小麦提高养分利用率,促进其生长发育,还能够通过自身作用或产生多种代谢产物协助小麦抵御干旱胁迫。本文归纳总结了PGPR促进小麦生长及提高其抗旱性的研究进展,为利用PGPR提高小麦促生抗旱的研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of seven nitrogen (N2)-fixing and/or phosphorus (P)-solubilizing and siderophore-producing microorganism based bio-fertilizers in single and triple strain combinations isolated from the acidic rhizospheric soil of native tea, grapevine, and wild red raspberries. As a result of this study, bacterial efficiency was found to be variable and depended on the bacterial strains and evaluated growth parameters. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) has improved macro- and micro-nutrient concentrations in grapevine leaves, and stimulated plant growth. Triple inoculation and single inoculation based bio fertilizers were found to stimulate overall plant growth, including shoot and leaf weight, main shoot length, leaf ground index, chlorophyll, nitrogen, zinc and iron content of grapevine cv ‘Italy’. Bio-fertilizers increased the nutrients such as nitrogen, zinc and iron concentrations and consequently increased the chlorophyll content of the leaves.  相似文献   

Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) enhance the plant growth directly by assisting in nutrient acquisition and modulating plant hormone levels, or indirectly by decreasing the inhibitory effects of various pathogens. The aim of this study was to select effective PGPR from a series of indigenous bacterial isolates by plant growth promotion and antifungal activity assays. This study confirmed that most of the isolates from maize rhizosphere were positive for PGPR properties by in vitro tests. Azotobacter and Bacillus isolates were better phosphate solubilizers and producers of lytic enzymes, hydrocyanic acid (HCN), and siderophores than Pseudomonas. Production of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and antifungal activity were the highest in Azotobacter, followed by Bacillus and Pseudomonas. The most effective Azotobacter isolates (Azt3, Azt6, Azt12) and Bacillus isolates (Bac10, Bac16) could be used as PGPR agents for improving maize productivity. Further selection of isolates will be necessary to determine their efficiency in different soils.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at selection of efficient bacterial isolates with multiple plant growth-promoting (PGP) traits at variable doses of chemical fertilizers for enhanced wheat productivity and sustenance of soil health. Ten bacterial isolates from wheat (rhizosphere soil and root endosphere) were screened for PGP traits (indole acetic acid, phosphate solubilization, siderophore production, and ammonia production). Only three isolates (B2, SIR1, and BIS2) possessed all PGP traits. Net house evaluation of these isolates at graded doses of chemical fertilizers revealed that the potential of B2 isolate is significantly superior for enhancing wheat yield and soil properties. On the basis of 16S rDNA analysis, the potential isolate (B2) was identified as Serratia marcescens. Conjoint use of the B2 isolate at 80% recommended doses of fertilizers (RDF) significantly increased wheat growth and saved 18 kg nitrogen and 10 kg phosphorous on per hectare basis. The developed module not only increases profitability but also protects the environment and sustains soil health.  相似文献   

Introducing specific microorganisms into the soil ecological system is an important strategy for improving nutrient use efficiency. Two pot experiments were conducted in the greenhouse from December 3, 2012 to January 25, 2013 (Experiment 1) and March 11 to April 23, 2013 (Experiment 2) to evaluate the effect of nitrogen (N) source and inoculation with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on plant growth and N and phosphorus (P) uptake in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grown on calcareous soils from South Florida, USA. Treatments included urea, controlled release urea (a controlled release fertilizer, CRF) each at low and high N rates and with or without inoculation of PGPR. A mixture of PGPR strains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IN937a and Bacillus pumilus T4 was applied to the soil during growing periods of tomato. Treatments with PGPR inoculation increased plant height compared to treatments without PGPR in both experiments. Inoculation with PGPR increased shoot dry weight and shoot N uptake for the same N rate and N source. In both experiments, only at high N rate, CRF and urea treatments with PGPR had significantly (P < 0.05) greater shoot biomass than those without PGPR. Only at high N rate, CRF treatment with PGPR significantly increased shoot N uptake by 39.0% and 10.3% compared to that without PGPR in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Meanwhile, presence of PGPR in the soil increased shoot P uptake for all treatments in Experiment 1 and for most treatments in Experiment 2. In Experiment 1, only at low N rate, CRF treatment with PGPR significantly increased shoot P uptake compared with that without PGPR. In Experiment 2, a significant increase in shoot P uptake by inoculation of PGPR was only observed in CRF treatment at high N rate. Results from this study indicate that inoculation with PGPR may increase plant growth and N and P uptake by tomato grown on calcareous soils. However, the effect of PGPR varied and was influenced by many factors such as N source, N rate, and soil fertility. Further investigations are warranted to confirm the effect of PGPR under different soil conditions.  相似文献   

Plant growth promoting effects of Alcaligenes 637Ca, Staphylococcus MFDCa-1, MFDCa-2, Agrobacterium A18, Pantoea FF1 and Bacillus M3 were tested on strawberry cv. ‘Aromas’ based on yield, number, and weight of fruit, leaf area, vitamin C, total soluble solids (TSS), acidity and ionic composition of leaves under calcareous soil conditions. The results demonstrated that all of bacterial treatments significantly affected all parameters tested. The best result was obtained from 637Ca treatment, which significantly increased fruit yield, number and weight about 47.5, 34.7, and 9.4%, respectively, compared to control. Except for magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn) in the leaf, the concentrations of all plant tissue nutrients [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), boron (B)] were significantly increased by bacterial treatments tested. The data in the present study showed that all bacterial treatments including Alcaligenes 637Ca, Staphylococcus MFDCa-1, MFDCa-2, Agrobacterium A18, Pantoea FF1, and Bacillus M3 to strawberry plants can ameliorative the deleterious effect of high lime on fruit yield, growth and nutrition. These results suggested that plant growth-promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) treatments could be offer an economic and simple means to increased plant resistance for high calcareous soil conditions.  相似文献   

选用山东省花生主产区的代表性石灰性土壤,通过土培试验的方法,研究了波尔多液营养保护剂BNPP和美国铜基杀菌剂Koeide两种可湿性粉剂对石灰性土壤pH值和铜、铁有效性及其对花生产量的影响。结果表明,与CK(喷清水)相比,喷施BNPP后,土壤pH值有所降低,而土壤有效铁、铜含量都有所提高。同时喷施BNPP后土壤有效铜含量要低于Kocide处理。另外.BNPP处理花生叶绿紊、活性铁、全铁含量以及生物量都有显著提高,产量比CK提高了1.25~1.53倍。波尔多液营养保护剂效果要优于美国Kocide产品。  相似文献   

Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) is a nutrient-demanding perennial crop and cultivated in typically acidic soil under sub-tropic humid condition. A large amount of fertilizers, especially urea and muriate of potash (MoP), are applied in the soil to sustain tea productivity. However, high potassium (K)-loss from soil under humid conditions suggests the requirement of an alternative K source for supplementing K in the soil during tea cultivation. The objective was to evaluate the possibility of using K-containing minerals, namely, potassium feldspar (K-spar) and mica waste (WM), as alternative K-source for supplementing K in the soil. In this study, application of WM at the recommended dose increased exchangeable K content in soil compared to control (received no K input); however, the value was lower than that of MoP treatment. The WM-treated plants had better growth and higher K uptake than plants with the MoP treatment. Application of WM at half of the recommended dose increased K content in the soil above no K-treated soil and recorded comparable growth and K accumulation by plants as MoP. MW could be used as K amendment in acidic soil, especially during tea cultivation.  相似文献   

The partial sterilization of soil eliminates useful microorganisms, resulting in the reduced growth of mycorrhizae-dependent citrus plants, which are often unresponsive to the application of fertilizer. Research was conducted to test the hypothesis that indigenous mycorrhizae (IM) inoculation is as efficient as selected mycorrhizal inoculation under sterile and non-sterile soil conditions. Rhizophagus clarus and indigenous mycorrhiza spores, isolated from citrus orchards, were used as arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi under greenhouse conditions with sterile and non-sterile Çanakçi series (Typic xerofluvent) soils with low phosphorus (P) fertility. Different P (0 and 100 mg kg?1) and zinc (Zn) (0, 5 and 10 mg kg?1) concentrations were used at the start of the experiments. The shoot, root dry weight (RDW), root colonization, and P, Zn, iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) concentrations of the shoot were determined; mycorrhizae dependency (MD) was also calculated.

The results indicate that R. clarus and indigenous mycorrhiza in sterile and non-sterile soil conditions considerably increased the growth of citrus plants. Owing to existing beneficial indigenous rhizosphere microorganisms, citrus plant growth without inoculation was better in non-sterile soils than in the sterile soils. In non-sterilized soil, the plant growth parameters of R. clarus-inoculated soils were higher than those of indigenous mycorrhiza-inoculated soils. Mycorrhizae infection increased certain citrus plant growth parameters, such as root infection, biomass and nutrient uptake (P, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu). In sterile soil, the addition of up to 5 mg kg?1 soil Zn and the inoculation of R. clarus significantly increased plant growth; inoculation with indigenous mycorrhiza produced more dry weight upon the addition of up to 100 mg kg?1 phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5). Under sterile soil conditions, without considering fertilizer addition, MD was found to be higher than that of non-sterile soils. In general, the contribution of the indigenous soil spores is significant. However, indigenous soil mycorrhizae may need to be managed for better efficiency in increasing plant growth and nutrient uptake. The major finding was that the inoculation of citrus seedlings with mycorrhiza is necessary under both sterilized and non-sterilized soil conditions.  相似文献   

Heavy-metal pollution of soils causes many environmental, animal, and human health problems. Phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soils is an effective and economic technique. Humic acids are naturally occurring phenol body polymerisates, which form chelate compounds with heavy metals. In the present study the influence of soil- applied humic, citric, and malic acids on the lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and chromium (Cr) uptake from a contaminated soil by canola plant was examined in a greenhouse experiment. The experiment was arranged in factorial design based on randomized complete blocks with three replications. The factors of experiment included three organic acids (humic, citric, and malic acid) as first factor and five concentrations [0, 0.001, 0.002, 0.003, and 0.004 (v/v)] as second factor. The results showed that increase in organic acid concentration significantly increased heavy-metal uptake by canola plant, which accumulated heavy metals in different parts of the plant. In addition, crop growth representing by plant height and plant dry weight as well as seed production significantly decreased. Based on these results, canola can be considered as effective crop for phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soils.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to assess the zinc (Zn) availability to wheat in alkaline soils during Rabi 2009–2010. Wheat seedlings in pots having 2 kg alkaline sandy soil per pot were treated with 5, 10 and 15 kg Zn ha?1 as soil and with 0.5 and 1.0% zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) as foliar application. Results showed that Zn increasing levels in soil helped in phosphorus uptake up to boot stage but its conversion to grain portion lacked in Zn treated plants. Potassium (K) uptake also increased up to 6.24% in boot stage with treatment of 10 kg Zn ha?1 + 1.0% ZnSO4 foliar spray. Zinc (Zn) concentration increased in plant tissues with the increasing level of Zn application but this disturbed the phosphorus (P)-Zn interaction and, thus, both of the nutrients were found in lesser quantities in grains compared to the control. Despite of the apparent sufficient Zn level in soil (1.95 mg kg?1), improvement in growth and yield parameters with Zn application indicate that the soil was Zn deplete in terms of plant available Zn. The above findings suggest that the figure Zn sufficiency in alkaline soil (1.0 mg kg?1) should be revised in accordance to the nature and type of soils. Furthermore, foliar application of Zn up to 1.0% progressively increased yield but not significantly; and it was recommended that higher concentrations might be used to confirm foliar application of Zn as a successful strategy for increasing plant zinc levels.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in heat-sterilized soil to evaluate the effect of effective microorganism (EM) application on growth, yield, and nutrient uptake in Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var. NIAB Mung 98 in different soil amendment systems. Pot soil was amended with farmyard manure (FYM), Trifolium alexanrinum L. crop residues (TCR), and half (½NPK) and recommended dose (NPK) of chemical fertilizers. The EM application significantly enhanced shoot and root biomass in TCR-amended soil. However, grain yield was significantly enhanced in FYM, TCR, and NPK amendments by 24%, 15%, and 84%, respectively, as a result of EM application. Effect of EM application on nutrient uptake was variable with respect to soil amendment and plant growth stage. In general, EM application enhanced plant nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) nutrition in organic amendments while its effect was either negative or insignificant in chemical fertilizer amendments. Effects of EM application on plant nutrient uptake were more pronounced at maturity than at flowering stage.  相似文献   

为探讨桃园生草不同条件还田对土壤微生物、酶活性及有效态养分的影响,以清耕为对照,设置生草自然还田、生草刈割还田、生草刈割配施有机物料腐熟剂还田3个处理,连续开展3年定位试验.采集根际和非根际土壤,研究桃园生草不同条件还田对土壤微生物数量、土壤酶活性以及土壤不同形态氮、钾含量的影响.结果表明:生草不同条件还田提高了根际土...  相似文献   


Red acid soil is generally distributed in humid tropical areas under high rainfall. The main constraint is usually the extremely low pH of the soil due to the very intensive leaching of the bases from the soil. At the same time, however, the soluble micro elements, such as iron, are high. This can cause plant toxicity. The liming of acidic soils is normally performed to reduce the iron toxicity as the first step toward providing a balanced nutrition for cultivated plants. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of liming on the soil pH, on the decrease of iron in the soil and on the growth of the pineapple. The research was done in the Greenhouse of the Research and Development Department, PT Great Giant Pineapple, Lampung, Indonesia, from November 2015 to April 2016. The design of the experiment was arranged as a completely randomized design with seven treatments and three replications, consisting of: No dolomite (D0), dolomite 1 t ha?1 (D1), dolomite 2 t ha?1 (D2), dolomite 3 t ha?1 (D3), dolomite 4 t ha?1 (D4), dolomite 5 t ha?1 (D5) with added Fe-EDTA and for the control treatment, no dolomite and no Fe-EDTA (C0). The results showed that an increase in the dolomite dose can increase the pH, potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in the soil and can decrease the iron (Fe) in the soil significantly. Increasing the pH, K, Ca and Mg and decreasing the Fe in the soil were seen to influence the growth of the pineapple. In particular, the leaf area of the pineapple plant increased considerably. The other parameters also increased, but not significantly.  相似文献   

To identify the best combinations of micronutrient-based fertilization treatments in terms of crop yield and nutrient uptake, three field experiments with greengram?fingermillet as the test sequence with 12 treatments on micronutrient-based fertilization [with recommended nitrogen (N)?phosphorus (P)?potassium (K) fertilizer] were conducted during 2005 to 2007 in a semi-arid Alfisol at Bangalore. The effects of treatments on available soil and plant uptake of nutrients [N, P, K, sulfur (S), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), boron (B), and molybdenum (Mo)] and yield of crops were assessed based on standard analysis of variance procedure. Using the relationships of yield with soil and plant nutrient variables, regression models of yield through soil and plant variables were calibrated and effects of variables on crop yields were assessed. The models gave high and significant yield predictability in the range of 0.87 to 0.98 through different variables. The model of plant uptake through soil nutrients indicated that soil S, Fe, and Zn had significant positive effects, whereas soil N, K, B, and Mo had negative effects on plant nutrient status in greengram. Similarly, soil P, Mn, and Zn had significant positive effects, whereas soil N, K, and Fe had negative effects on plant uptake of nutrients in fingermillet. Based on a relative efficiency index (REI) criteria, T2 for plant uptake and T12 for maintaining soil nutrients were found to be superior in greengram, whereas T2 for plant uptake and T8 for maintaining soil nutrients were found to be superior in fingermillet over years based on REI. The combined REI over soil and plant nutrients for both crops indicated that application of T8 for greengram and T2 for fingermillet could be prescribed for attaining maximum plant uptake of nutrients and productivity of crops in sequence, apart from maintaining maximum soil fertility of nutrients under semi-arid Alfisols.  相似文献   


Plant residue material produced compost is an organic fertilizer source and it is commonly used for soil amendments. Also in order to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers need mycorrhizal inoculation can be used as an agricultural strategy. Thus, the aim of the research is to examine the effect of several residue materials produced compost and mycorrhizae fungi with two growth media on leek plant growth, nutrient uptake, and mycorrhizae spores’ production.

Eight different row organic materials and animal manures were used as compost production during 8 months. Leek (Allium porrum L.) plants were inoculated with Funneliformis mosseae and Claroideoglomus etunicatum with a level of 1000-spore per pot. The leek plant was analyzed for determination of nutrient concentration, root colonization, spore production, and shoot/root dry weight.

The composts were made from domestic waste, animal manure (bovine animal), animal manure (ovine animal), and different plant materials were determined to be the most suitable compost material for plant growth and mycorrhizal spore production compared to the rest of compost material. Mycorrhizal inoculation significantly increased leek plant growth and nutrient uptake especially phosphorus (P), potassium (K), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). Plants grown in 5:3:2 (volume/volume) growth media was responded better to the mycorrhizal inoculation than grown in 1:1:1 (v/v) growth media. Funneliformis mosseae inoculated plants have higher plant growth and nutrient uptake than that of Claroideoglomus etunicatum inoculation.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess fertilizer effect on pearl millet–wheat yield and plant-soil nutrients with the following treatments: T1, control; T2, 100% nitrogen (N); T3, 100% nitrogen and phosphorus (NP); T4, 100% nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK); T5, 100% NPK + zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) at 25 kg ha?1; T6, 100% NPK + farmyard manure (FYM) at 10 t ha?1; T7, 100% NPK+ verimcompost (VC) at 2.5 tha?1; T8, 100% NPK + sulfur (S) at 25 kg ha?1; T9, FYM at 10 t ha?1; T10, VC at 2.5 t ha?1; T11, 100% NPK + FYM at 10 t ha?1 + 25 kg S ha?1 + ZnSO4 at 25 kg ha?1; and T12, 150% NPK treatments. Treatments differed significantly in influencing soil-plant nutrients and grain and straw yields of both crops. Grain yield had significant correlation with soil-plant N, P, K, S, and zinc (Zn) nutrients. The study indicated superiority of T11 for attaining maximum pearl millet grain yield (2885 kg ha?1) and straw yield (7185 kg ha?1); amounts of N (48.9 kg ha?1), P (8.8 kg ha?1), K (26.3 kg ha?1), S (20.6 kg ha?1), and Zn (0.09 kg ha?1) taken up; and amounts of soil N (187.7 kg ha?1), P (13.7 kg ha?1), K (242.5 kg ha?1), S (10.1 kg ha?1), and Zn (0.70 kg ha?1). It was superior for wheat with grain yield (5215 kg ha?1) and straw yield (7220 kg ha?1); amounts of N (120.7 kg ha?1), P (13.8 kg ha?1), K (30 kg ha?1), S (14.6 kg ha?1), and Zn (0.18 kg ha?1) taken up; and maintaining soil N (185.7 kg ha?1), P (14.5 kg ha?1), K (250.5 kg ha?1), S (10.6 kg ha?1), and Zn (0.73 kg ha?1). Based on the study, 100% NPK + FYM at 10 tha?1 + Zn at 25 kg ha?1 + S at 25 kg ha?1 could be recommended for attaining maximum returns of pearl millet–wheat under semi-arid Inceptisols.  相似文献   

The effects of two types of treated wastewater on soil biological activity were studied in a pot experiment. Four irrigation treatments were tested on both soils sown with barley and unsown soils: distilled water (DW), half-strength Hoagland nutrient solution (NS), treated wastewater from a conventional treatment plant (CWW), and treated wastewater from a lagoon (LWW). Three types of soils were used: Chromic Luvisol, Calcaric Regosol, and Calcaric Arenosol. The greatest barley production was obtained under NS treatment in the three soils, whereas the least was produced by the DW treatment. Soil biological activity was strongly correlated to plant production, whereas no effect of treated wastewater irrigation was observed in the unsown soils. The greatest soil biological activity was found in the Luvisol. In conclusion, both soil type and the presence of plant root systems were found to have more influence on soil biological activity than irrigation water type.  相似文献   

The effect of cattle manure and sulfur fertilizer on seed yield and oil composition of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var. Styriaca) under inoculated with Thiobacillus thiooxidans was investigated in a factorial study based on a randomized complete block design. Experimental factors consisted of cattle manure (M) (M0: 0, M1: 10; and M2: 20 t ha?1), sulfur (S) (S0: 0, S1: 250; and S2: 500 kg ha?1) and T. thiooxidans (B): inoculated (B1) and non-inoculated (B0). Results demonstrated that the application of T. thiooxidans, cattle manure, and S fertilizer decreased the soil pH. The largest number of seed per fruit (367), highest fruit yield (70.57 t ha?1), seed iron (Fe) content (16.26 mg 100 g?1), and seed yield (111 kg ha?1) was obtained when 20 t ha?1 manure was applied in combination with 500 kg ha?1 S inoculated with T. thiooxidans. In this condition, the content of S, Fe, phosphorus (P), and nitrogen (N) in plant shoots was increased by 44.8%, 22.58%, 33.89%, and 10.38%, respectively, compared to the control. Moreover, the highest content of seed protein was observed in 10 t ha?1 manure and 500 kg ha?1 S fertilizer inoculated with T. thiooxidans. When 250 kg ha?1 S fertilizer was applied, 20 t ha?1 manure decreased seed P content sharply. At the rate of 500 kg ha?1 S fertilizer, the highest content of seed P was obtained from 20 t ha?1 manure. Totally, 20 t ha?1 cattle manure, along with 500 kg ha?1 S fertilizer as well as T. thiooxidans inoculation, improved oil and seed yield of medicinal pumpkin.  相似文献   

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