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Agricultural nitrogen balance and water quality in the UK   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Nutrient balance calculations have been advocated as indicators of the risk of nitrate loss from agricultural land. To explore this concept, a spatially distributed UK agricultural nitrogen balance was derived using annually updated statistics. The mean UK N surplus for 1995 was 115 kg N ha–1, made up of 51 kg ha–1for arable land, 140 kg ha–1 for agricultural grassland (excluding rough grazing) and an additional 14 kg N ha–1for agricultural land from pig and poultry units. Nitrogen surpluses were greater in lowland grassland (mainly in western, wetter areas) than in arable areas. However nitrate concentrations in rivers were generally greater in arable areas. The relationship between N balance and nitrate leaching was very different for grassland and arable systems, and was also sensitive to climate, level of inputs and management practices. Nitrogen surplus was therefore weakly or even negatively correlated with river nitrate concentrations or loads. A positive correlation was found only where the comparison was restricted to grassland-dominated catchments. Nitrogen surplus calculations identified areas of very high livestock densities, which would be associated with increased risk of pollution. However their use in isolation as indicators of N leaching, or of progress towards mitigation, could be misleading especially if comparing areas differing in land use, climate or soil type.  相似文献   

Crop water parameters, including actual evapotranspiration, transpiration, soil evaporation, crop coefficients, evaporative fractions, aerodynamic resistances, surface resistances and percolation fluxes were estimated in a commercial mango orchard during two growing seasons in Northeast Brazil. The actual evapotranspiration (Ea) was obtained by the eddy covariance (EC) technique, while for the reference evapotranspiration (E0); the FAO Penman–Monteith equation was applied. The energy balance closure showed a gap of 12%. For water productivity analysis the Ea was then computed with the Bowen ratio determined from the eddy covariance fluxes. The mean accumulated Ea for the two seasons was 1419 mm year−1, which corresponded to a daily average rate of 3.7 mm day−1. The mean values of the crop coefficients based on evapotranspiration (Kc) and based on transpiration (Kcb) were 0.91 and 0.73, respectively. The single layer Kc was fitted with a degree days function. Twenty percent of evapotranspiration originated from direct soil evaporation. The evaporative fraction was 0.83 on average. The average relative water supply was 1.1, revealing that, in general, irrigation water supply was in good harmony with the crop water requirements. The resulting evapotranspiration deficit was 73–95 mm per season only. The mean aerodynamic resistance (ra) was 37 s m−1 and the bulk surface resistance (rs) was 135 s m−1. The mean unit yield was 45 tonne ha−1 being equivalent to a crop water productivity of 3.2 kg m−3 when based on Ea with an economic counterpart of US$ 3.27 m−3. The drawback of this highly productive use of water resources is an unavoidable percolation flux of approximately 300 mm per growing season that is detrimental to the downstream environment and water users.  相似文献   


In a fertilizer trial in a Valencia orange orchard, two soil types were distinguished: a poorly aerated loamy sand (A) and sandy clay loam (B). Mineral composition of leaves and fruit quality characteristics differed significantly in the two soil types, regardless of the fertilizer treatments. Fruits on the sandy clay loam were larger, had a thicker peel, and contained more total acids and vitamin C in the juice, and were less affected by a peel disorder (creasing). The leaves of such trees contained more K and Mg and less Ca and P.  相似文献   

Winter chilling trends for deciduous fruit trees in Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Deciduous fruit trees require exposure to cold winter temperatures to fulfil chilling requirements allowing production of normal harvests. Trends in chill accumulation over the last 100 years were investigated at a number of important horticultural locations in Australia. Historical analysis is a necessary first step when considering potential impacts of climate change. Chill was examined using four chill models; the 0-7.2 °C, Modified Utah, Positive Utah and Dynamic models. Differences between locations were found with notable recent declines at Orange, Lenswood, Tatura, Yarra Valley and Bacchus Marsh. Other locations have remained stable with no location exhibiting a consensus increase in chill across all models. Trends in chill were shown to differ between models with results indicating that the 0-7.2 °C model frequently behaved differently to the other three chill models. These results highlight the need for multi-model analysis for chill trends, especially in a climate change context, to avoid maladaptation.  相似文献   

渭干河灌区灌排管理与水盐平衡研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
灌排管理不当是干旱地区灌区土壤次生盐碱化发生和扩展的主要原因.该文以新疆渭干河灌区为例,利用多年的水盐监测资料,采用水盐平衡方法,确定了渭干河灌区的临界排灌比为9.19%,并深入讨论了确定排灌比的主要影响因素和在灌区灌排实际管理中的应用问题;通过对耕地和新垦荒地盐分动态的对比分析,表明干排盐措施在渭干河灌区具有可行性和必要性;探讨了节水条件下的灌区土壤盐分管理,指出在灌溉规模的一定的条件下,提高田间水分利用效率和保持必要的淋洗比是实现灌区土壤盐分平衡的关键.该研究对干旱半干旱区灌溉农业的可持续发展具有指导意义.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of radiocesium (134Cs and 137Cs) in three orchards in Tsukuba, 170 km southwest from the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 9 months after the accident. The radiocesium was distributed mainly in the surface soil. The distribution of radiocesium differed between deciduous and evergreen plants. In deciduous blueberry (Vaccinium virgatum Aiton), the concentration was high in the old branches because the bushes had no leaves at the time of the accident. Therefore, the concentration per bush was greater in unpruned than in pruned bushes. More radiocesium was present in the trunk and rootstock of each bush, although the concentration was low. In evergreen Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marcow), the concentration was high in the leaves, and it was higher in old leaves that expanded before the accident than in new leaves that expanded after the accident, because the old leaves were contaminated by direct deposition of the fallout. However, the total radiocesium was higher in the new leaves than in the old leaves because of the greater amount of new leaves. The radiocesium concentration in fruits was higher in trees with fewer fruits than in trees with many fruits, but the total radiocesium in fruits was higher in trees with many fruits.  相似文献   

Following the accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Company, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP), radiocesium (134Cs + 137Cs) concentrations in deciduous mature fruits were determined in orchards in the northern area of Fukushima Prefecture. At the time of the nuclear accident, most deciduous fruit trees were in the dormant stage prior to bud burst. To evaluate the relationship between radiocesium deposition in the soil and fruit contamination, radiocesium concentrations were measured from the 5-cm topsoil and from six fruit species across 17 orchards in 2011. The vertical distribution of radiocesium in the topsoil (0–30 cm in depth) and its spatial distribution in the 5-cm topsoil underlying the tree canopy of a peach, Prunus persica (L.) Batsh, orchard (“Akatsuki” cultivar) were also investigated. Significant correlations between the radiocesium concentration in the mature fruit and that in the 5-cm topsoil layer were observed for the 17 orchards as well as for the trees of the peach orchard. However, 93% of the 137Cs found in the 30-cm soil core was retained within the top 3 cm of the soil in the peach orchard. Considering the profile of the root of this deciduous fruit tree, we assumed a negligible level of radiocesium uptake via the roots. However, the possibility of inward migration via the bark was undeniable, because some radiocesium adhered to the tree canopy before bud burst while depositing on the soil surface. Additionally, transfer factors for peach and grape, hybrid of Vitis labrusca L. and Vitis vinifera L., from young, uncontaminated trees cultivated with contaminated soil were lower than those previously reported.  相似文献   

根域水分亏缺对涌泉灌苹果幼树产量品质和节水的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了有效提高山地苹果树的水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)以及合理分配灌溉用水,该文以陕北黄土高原地区山地苹果树为研究对象,通过大田试验,研究了涌泉根灌(surge-root irrigation,SRI)条件下水分亏缺对苹果树生长、产量、品质及WUE的影响。试验于2016—2018年分别在萌芽期(I)设置轻度(L)、中度(M)和重度(S)3个水平亏缺处理,在开花坐果期(II)和果实膨大期(III)分别设置L和M 2个水平亏缺处理,另设全生育期充分灌溉(FI)与不灌水(NI)作为对照,共9个处理。结果表明:苹果树各生育期耗水量由大到小依次为III期、II期、I期、果实成熟期(IV),其中III期耗水量占全生育期耗水总量的59%~71%,远高于其他3个生育阶段。调亏灌溉与FI相比节水效果显著(P<0.05),且其一定程度上抑制了苹果树新梢生长,苹果树水分调亏程度大的处理在下一个阶段复水后其耗水量越大。水分亏缺可调节苹果的品质,I期进行水分亏缺对果实含水率、可溶性物质含量和可溶性还原糖含量的影响均不显著(P>0.05),III期进行水分亏缺可增加果实硬度,降低单果质量、优果率和果实含水率,因此不宜在苹果树III期设置水分亏缺;而在苹果树II期进行水分亏缺使果实硬度略有增加,果实含水率略有下降,同时单果质量、优果率、可溶性物质和可溶性还原糖含量提高,使苹果更甜且易存储。其中II-M处理的苹果产量、品质及WUE均达到较高水平,建议最优的水分调亏应是II-M处理。该研究可为陕北山地苹果水分管理、精准灌溉提供理论与技术参考。  相似文献   


The presence of small amounts of apparently physiologically significant nitrate‐N in citrus leaves was demonstrated. Nitrate‐N and total N were determined and compared in citrus tree leaves receiving different rates of N and, in one case, additional P and K fertilizers. The nitrate‐N in the leaves showed a close relationship with the N fertilizer rate. In P and K fertilized trees, nitrate‐N content was also affected by these two elements.  相似文献   

Leaf and needle litter of the deciduous trees beech, birch, oak, ash, common maple, hornbeam, hazelnut, willow, poplar, hawthorn and the coniferous trees pine, spruce-fir, douglas-fir and larch were collected immediately after “leaf-fall” in October and analysed for their water-soluble phenolic compounds. By collecting leaf and needle litters three times in the period from October to January leaching rates of these organic compounds could be determined. There were considerable differences in the amount and leaching rate of water-soluble phenolics between litter-types. The concentration found in freshly deposited litter of the leaf-forming species was high and most of the water-soluble phenolics in these litter types were released in the period from October to January. In needle litters concentrations of water-soluble phenolics were low and they leached at a slow rate. By using gas chromatography, 14–18 phenolic compounds could be identified in the leachates. Benzoic acids dominated the phenolic spectra in October. In the course of time cinnamic acids became more important in the water-leachates. The results are discussed in view of their importance for the relationship between woodland-types and understory vegetation.  相似文献   

河套灌区典型灌排单元农田耗水机制研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
由于耕荒地交错分布、作物插花种植、地下水埋深浅等特点,河套灌区灌溉水利用情况极为复杂。该研究以灌区典型灌排单元(农渠尺度)为研究对象,基于2 a野外试验观测数据,对整个观测区及其内部的不同作物田块分别建立水平衡方程,推求研究区平均给水度和不同作物田块腾发量,继而对研究区灌溉水利用状况及盐分归趋进行了评价分析。结果表明,研究区给水度为0.062,而仅考虑地下水位变动带的给水度为0.037;该研究提出的经验方法"上升下降法"可以较好地估算不同作物田块的腾发量;2 a中农毛渠系统输水损失水量(包括渗漏和蒸发)约占引水量的18%,灌到田间的水量占76%,直接退走的水量占6%;通过不同土地类型间地下水的横向交换,农田不但全部利用了田间灌溉水量,还通过地下水侧向流入的方式利用了约12%的渠道渗漏量,荒地利用了约65%的渠道渗漏量,排沟排走了23%;最终研究区农田腾发消耗了总引水量的78%,积累了总引入盐分的39%,荒地腾发消耗了总引水量的11%,承纳了总引入盐分的40%。研究结果可为灌区水盐管理提供依据。  相似文献   

A field trial investigated the early performance of six tree species planted into an acidic minespoil ameliorated by ploughing or incorporation of 10 per cent by weight of pulverized fuel ash (PFA). Common alder, Italian alder and silver birch produced the greatest total shoot extensions for PFA-ameliorated minespoil. Rowan, sycamore and aspen were unsatisfactory for both ameliorative treatments. PFA increased the pH of the minespoil for a period of time potentially beneficial for the establishment of the tree species. For the rate of PFA application studied, general salinity effects and cold-water-soluble boron both presented problems for successful tree growth.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of trehalose contents in roots and root-nodules of five legumes in a tropical deciduous forest in Jalisco, México, were determined. The tree species were: Lonchocarpus eriocarinalis and Erythrina lanata (sub-family Papilionoideae) and Piptadenia constricta, Albizia occidentalis and Lysiloma microphylum (sub-family Mimosoideae). Trehalose accumulation in nodules and roots varied seasonally and among species. For example, the Papilionoid-species retained nodules longer than those in the Mimosoideae (5 and 4 months, respectively), and accumulated the highest amounts of trehalose (average values of 178 vs. 2.88 mg g−1 nodule (d. wt), respectively). Generally, maximum trehalose contents in nodules and roots were observed in November, at the beginning of the dry season.  相似文献   

凤眼莲生态修复工程改善滇池水质及湖体氮磷收支平衡   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了研究凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)对滇池草海水体水质改善及湖体氮、磷归趋的影响,于2011-2013年在滇池草海实施了规模化控养凤眼莲生态修复富营养化湖泊水体的试验性工程。生态工程实施期间,监测草海水体总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)浓度及分析湖体TN、TP收支平衡。结果显示,草海水体TN和TP浓度均值分别由工程实施前(2006-2010年)的14.48 mg/L和0.60 mg/L降低至工程实施期间(2011-2013年)的7.09和0.36 mg/L,分别下降了51.04%和40.00%;草海入湖水体TN和TP浓度均值由入湖河口经凤眼莲控养区至出湖口的沿程方向上分别下降了9.74和0.40 mg/L。草海湖体TN、TP收支平衡表明,经出湖口排出和水体库存的TN量占入湖TN量比例较小,凤眼莲的吸收作用是入湖TN量去除的重要途径之一,而大部分入湖TN量(40.31%~59.04%)极可能是通过微生物的硝化反硝化、沉积等作用去除;各种途径支出的TP量高于入湖TP量,其中凤眼莲吸收的TP量为入湖TP量的40.44%~116.56%。因此,规模化控养凤眼莲对草海水质改善发挥了较大作用,凤眼莲的吸收作用既是湖体TN去除的重要途径之一,又是TP去除的主要途径之一。  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - It is well known that irrigation with saline water is increasingly popular for reclaiming saline-alkali soil and for increasing crop productivity in some countries...  相似文献   

陕北丘陵沟壑区常见树种叶片的吸水性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了比较不同树种叶片的吸水性能,在陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区采用浸水法测定刺槐、臭椿、小叶杨、新疆杨、河北杨、84K杨(银白杨×腺毛杨)6种常见树种叶片的吸水能力。结果表明:1)不同树种叶片的吸水量均随浸水时间的增加而增加,与浸水时间呈对数关系;吸水速率均随浸水时间的增加而降低,与浸水时间呈幂函数关系;叶片浸水后0~60min吸水速率较大,是叶片的主要吸水阶段。2)不同树种叶片吸水量、吸水速率表现为:新疆杨〉刺槐〉84K杨〉臭椿〉河北杨〉小叶杨,其中新疆杨叶片的吸水量为0.415g/g,小叶杨为0.179g/g。3)不同树种中,新疆杨的吸水量、吸水速率最大,新疆杨在树冠截留方面应具有更重要的作用。  相似文献   

The use of saline water for plant production will become increasingly necessary over future decades. In some cases, fruit quality such as in tomato, can be improved by irrigation with saline water. The influence of different salt concentrations on physiological responses and the expression of some selected genes of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L), cv. West Virginia 106, was examined. Tomato plants were grown in peatmoss substrate and irrigated with 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 or 150?mM sodium chloride (NaCl) in a glasshouse. The NaCl treatments of 75, 100 and 150?mM salt resulted in shorter plants, decreased stem width, a lower plant dry weight, fewer flowers, and smaller leaf area, while yield was reduced by treatment with concentrations of 50?mM NaCl and above. Average fruit weight and fruit number were also negatively affected by treatment with 50?mM salt and above. Salinity treatment led to increased fruit total soluble solids, titratable acidity and firmness and improved the taste index. Salt-responsive marker genes identified in Moneymaker were also induced in cherry tomato but not at the highest salt concentrations. Our results indicated that cherry tomato treated with 25?mM NaCl produced fruit with improved quality in comparison with non-salinized control plants without compromising yield, while at 50 and 75?mM the improved fruit quality was accompanied by a reduction in yield.  相似文献   

Although per growing season nutrient uptake of adequately growing forest trees is less than the nutrient uptake of annual crop species, nutrient uptake per unit root length in trees is considerable. Because of high heterogeneity of soil conditions and root growth in forest soils, modelling of uptake processes is even more difficult for forest than for crop stands. Detailed studies show that white lips of growing tree roots have a high nutrient uptake capacity. However, most root tips are usually colonised by mycorrhizal fungi. These fungi can participate substantially in tree nutrient uptake, in particular in the utilisation of organically-bound phosphorus and nitrogen in soils. Mycorrhizal hyphae, root tips, and older root zones can all absorb water, but their actual contribution is difficult to assess. In this review, experimental results from our laboratory and literature data are used to describe the potential activity of tree roots and mycorrhizas in nutrient and water uptake. Methodology for in situ measurements must be developed to quantify at different forest sites the actual contribution of mycorrhizas and different root parts.  相似文献   


The utilization of prebloom tissues to predict nutrition of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees is limited. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the possible use of mineral analyses of the prebloom spur leaves and flowers to forecast the nutrition of ‘Idared’ apple trees in the mid-summer (based on the leaves from current-season shoots). The prebloom leaf concentrations of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, boron and manganese were positively correlated with those in the summer leaves. The significant relationships between nitrogen, calcium, boron, and manganese in the flowers and those in the mid-summer leaves were also found. However, only the relationship between boron in the prebloom spur leaves and in the summer leaves was sufficiently strong. The calculated optimal range of boron in the prebloom spur leaves was 20–25?mg kg?1.  相似文献   

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