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Sub‐optimal nitrogen (N) affects the N‐rich carbon dioxide (CO2) assimilation enzymes which can limit maize (Zea mays) production. The status of the carboxylation system is closely correlated to the Assimilation Efficiency Index (AEI) which is the initial slope of the CO2 assimilation rate versus intercellular leaf CO2 concentrations. Experiments were undertaken to ascertain the effect of soil N nutrition on the AEI, determine genotypic variability for AEI under N‐deficiency, determine how leaf and plant development affect treatment differences, and examine correlations between the AEI and plant development. Studies were conducted in the field and greenhouse on five maize genotypes on leaves of different ages at three stages of plant development. Field studies were conducted on a fine, silty mixed, mesic cumulic Hapludoll (1.2 g N kg‐1), and high and low N treatments were imposed in the greenhouse. Quantum yield of emerging and mature leaves was determined. Results indicated that emerging and fully mature leaves had the greatest AEI values compared to other expanding leaves. Low N availability reduced the AEI of younger leaves but increased the AEI on the oldest leaf. The AEI increased until tasseling and then declined. Correlations were established between the AEI and leaf N concentrations and with CO2 assimilation. Grain yield was correlated to the AEI during grain fill. Quantum yield of the mature leaf was greater with low N than with high N availability indicating that the energy capture or transfer mechanism was less affected by N levels than was the CO2 trapping mechanism. There were pronounced gsnotypic differences in the AEI at tassel emergence but not in leaf N concentrations intimating differences in the distribution of N to enzymes and other compounds important for CO2 assimilation. Internal N distribution was also dependent upon available N. The study demonstrated that the ability of a plant to maintain high carboxylation activity under N stress may be a valuable selection criteria for obtaining tolerance of corn to low soil N.  相似文献   


A group of spring wheat cultivars originating from Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, and the Netherlands was analysed for powdery mildew resistance. Using functional molecular markers, two alleles of the major resistance gene Pm3 were detected among the cultivars under the study. One of the alleles, Pm3d, was detected in the resistant cultivars ‘Vinjett’, ‘SW Estrad’, and ‘Zebra’, and in ‘Tjalve’, a cultivar of earlier release susceptible to the local population of powdery mildew. The second allele of Pm3 detected in the analysed group of cultivars was the allele Pm3f, rarely used in Europe. It was identified in the resistant cultivars ‘Satu’, ‘Helle’, and in the moderatively resistant cultivar ‘Mahti’. Pm3f was found to be effective against the local population of powdery mildew in Estonia, while Pm3d provided no protective effect. Besides the Pm3d allele on chromosome 1A, monosomic analysis of the cultivar ‘Vinjett’,which is almost immune to powdery mildew, identified two additional loci on chromosomes 5D and 7D, respectively, presumably responsible for the high resistance in this cultivar. In contrast to the earlier cultivars, six recently released cultivars (‘Vinjett’, ‘SW Estrad’, ‘Zebra’, ‘Satu’, ‘Helle’, ‘Meri’) demonstrated a high resistance to the powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis DC. f. sp. tritici both in the field and seedling tests, showing that the genetic basis of powdery mildew resistance in Nordic spring wheat has been improved noticeably in the last ten years.  相似文献   

Organic plant material with a high C-to-N ratio was labeled with 15N and incorporated into a dryland loessal soil in enclosed microplots. Wheat was grown on the microplots for 1–3 yr and recovery of the 15N from the organic residues was monitored.Despite the high C-to-N ratio of the 15N-labeled organic residues (between 50 and 75), some N was mineralized and taken up by the plants even during the first season. Considerably more was detected in the wheat plants in the second year. At the end of the third year, recovery in the wheat was low but still detectable. Cumulative recovery over 3yr varied between 6 and 16%. It is concluded that most of the N in organic residues with high C-to-N ratios is rapidly incorporated into the stable organic N fraction and after a modest initial flush in the first and second years, it is released at a rate equivalent to that of the mineralization of soil organic N.  相似文献   


Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is low in cereals especially in wheat. Different wheat cultivars may vary in NUE due to inherited biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) potential. In this study, three wheat cultivars (Punjab-2011, ARRI-2011 and Millat-2011) were fertilized at the rate of 140?kg ha?1 with three N sources [nitrophos (NP), urea and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN)]. The soil nitrate (NO3?)-N contents were significantly enhanced coupled with simultaneous decrease in ammonium (NH4+)-N contents in the rhizosphere of cultivar Punjab-2011, fertilized with NP; however, cultivar Millat-2011 receiving urea behaved in contrast. Wheat cultivar Punjab-2011 fertilized with NP had the highest grain yield and agronomic NUE than other treatments due to significant increase in chlorophyl contents, allometric and yield parameters. The highest net benefit was recorded from the cultivar Punjab-2011 fertilized with CAN. In conclusion, use of NP in Punjab-2011 enhanced the grain yield and agronomic NUE.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted to study the responses of grain yield and nitrogen (N) use efficiency at five input rates (N0, N82.5, N165, N247.5, and N330 kg ha?1) in a set of nine of the most representative rice cultivars. Grain yields of rice across the nine cultivars were increased significantly by N level. All the cultivars contained a significant linear plus plateau or quadratic relationship between N levels and grain yields.The minimum yields (means of 2 years) at N0, N82.5, N165, N247.5, and N330 level all occurred in No. 2 cultivar. Compared with the grain yield of No. 2 at different N levels, those of the maximum cultivars increased by 37.1 (No. 8), 39.1 (No. 7), 48.4 (No.3), 43.3 (No. 4), and 43.9% (No. 3), respectively. In 2011, the highest average apparent nitrogen recovery efficiency (ANRE) in grain of the 4 N levels occurred in No. 3 cultivar (45.9%), followed by No. 4, No. 6, and No. 1, and the highest average agronomic efficiency (AE) in grain of the 4 N levels occurred in No. 9 cultivar [29.0 kg (kg N)?1], followed by No. 3, No. 1, and No. 4. For the second-season planting, the highest average ANRE occurred in No. 4 cultivar (28.4%), followed by No. 3, No. 5, and No. 6, and the highest average AE occurred in No. 5 cultivar [18.1 kg (kg N)?1], followed by No. 4, No. 3, and No. 7. Overall, No. 3 and No. 4 cultivars were the ideal ones that not only increased the grain yield but also improved the N use efficiency.  相似文献   

There has never been an intensive study of the sulfur (S) nutrition of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) when grown under field conditions. Field studies were conducted on two non‐irrigated soils to evaluate the S‐uptake characteristics of four selected cotton cultivars that are representative of those produced in the Southern United States. Four cultivars with diverse genetic backgrounds, Deltapine 90, Coker 315, Paymaster 145, and Stoneville 825 were grown on a Norfolk fine sandy loam (fine loamy, siliceous, thermic, Typic Kandiudults) and a Decatur silt loam (clayey, kaolinitic, thermic, Rhodic Paleudults). Whole plants were collected at two‐week intervals over the growing season starting at 15 days after planting. The plants were partitioned into leaves, stems, burs, seed, and lint, and analyzed (except for lint) for S. Total S uptake when averaged over both soils and all four cultivars was 20.4 (±9.4) kg/ha [or 2.7 (±0.7) kg S per 100 kg lint produced]. Sulfur uptake on the Norfolk soil (15.6 (±8.5) kg/ha) was lower compared to the Decatur soil [25.1 (±7.9) kg/ha]. There were no cultivar differences in total S uptake on the Norfolk soil, but total S uptake on the Decatur soil was affected by the interaction between sampling date and cultivar. The concentration of S and S uptake by some plant parts were affected by the interaction between sampling date and cultivar, however, cultivar differences were not consistent among soils or over the growing season. Maximum daily accumulation of S occurred during the final two week sampling period at the end of the growing season (cumulative heat unit 1193–1444) during which an average of 29.5% of the total S was accumulated.  相似文献   

利用15N同位素示踪技术,研究了不同灌水处理条件下2个高产小麦品种吸收利用不同来源氮素的差异。结果表明:1)同一灌水条件下,泰山23(T23)植株氮素总积累量、来自肥料氮的量、来自土壤氮的量、肥料氮和土壤氮开花期在营养器官中的总积累量及成熟期在子粒中的积累量均显著高于山农664(S664)。2)泰山23底墒水+拔节水处理(W1)营养器官中积累的肥料氮向子粒的转移量显著高于底墒水+拔节水+开花水处理(W2),土壤氮的转移量W1与W2处理无显著差异;山农664营养器官中积累的肥料氮和土壤氮的转移量均为W2显著高于W1处理。3)泰山23的子粒蛋白质含量、灌溉效益和水分利用效率为W1显著高于W2处理,子粒产量、蛋白质产量和氮素利用效率在W1与W2处理间无显著差异;山农664的子粒产量和蛋白质产量为W2显著高于W1处理,子粒蛋白质含量、氮素利用效率、灌溉效益和水分利用效率在W1与W2处理间无显著差异。从子粒产量、蛋白质含量和氮素与水分利用效率等方面综合分析,W1和W2处理分别是泰山23和山农664高产高效的灌水方式。  相似文献   

Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are increasing. In a glasshouse experiment with wheat grown at 5 levels of nitrate (NO3) supply, CO2 enrichment (1500 cm3/m3) substantially decreased critical concentrations of N03‐N and total‐N in stem bases and leaves. For example, critical NO3‐N concentrations in stem bases at Feekes Stages 1.5, 5, and 10.3, were 4.5, 2.0, and 2.0 mg/g dry wt, respectively, for CO2‐enriched plants, compared with 7.5, 6.2 and 6.4 mg/g dry wt, respectively, for control plants grown at the ambient level of CO2. However, concentrations of NO3‐N in the rooting medium required to produce maximum dry matter accumulation by CO2‐enriched plants were similar to those of control plants at the three growth stages. Critical concentrations of NO3‐N and total‐N declined with time in stem bases and leaves of plants grown at both ambient and elevated CO2 levels, but the decline was greater for CO2‐enriched plants. It was concluded that diagnostic criteria based on current critical N concentrations may become invalid as the atmospheric level of CO2 increases.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted at the ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, to study the response of spring wheat to boron applied as boron-coated urea (BCU) and the effect of boron (B) coating on the use efficiency of applied fertilizer urea nitrogen. The BCU (0.5% B) significantlyrecorded the highest increase in leaf area index (30.2%), spike length (12.5%), number of spikes (10.9%), filled grains (15.7%) and grain weight (16.3%) per spike in spring wheat than uncoated prilled urea (PU). Furthermore, the application of 0.5% BCU enhanced the grain and straw yields of spring wheat by 11% and 10.6% over uncoated PU. The BCU (0.5% B) also significantly increased the N concentration and N uptake both in wheat grain and straw. The BCU (0.5% B) recorded 24.8% higher recovery efficiency of applied nitrogen and an increase of 3.6 kg grain kg?1 N applied in agronomic efficiency compared to uncoated PU. The net returns (USD915.1 ha?1) and benefit:cost ratio (1.40) werealso the highest with 0.5% BCU, significantly higher than uncoated PU. Therefore, 0.5% boron coating onto PU is recommended for increased productivity and enhanced efficiency of applied fertilizer nitrogen for spring wheat in Indo-Gangetic plains of India.  相似文献   

The availability of nitrogen (N) contained in crop residues for a following crop may vary with cultivar, depending on root traits and the interaction between roots and soil. We used a pot experiment to investigate the effects of six spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars (three old varieties introduced before mid last century and three modern varieties) and N fertilization on the ability of wheat to acquire N from maize (Zea mays L.) straw added to soil. Wheat was grown in a soil where 15N‐labeled maize straw had been incorporated with or without N fertilization. Higher grain yield in three modern and one old cultivar was ascribed to preferred allocation of photosynthate to aboveground plant parts and from vegetative organs to grains. Root biomass, root length density and root surface area were all smaller in modern than in old cultivars at both anthesis and maturity. Root mean diameter was generally similar between modern and old cultivars at anthesis but was greater in modern than in old cultivars at maturity. There were cultivar differences in N uptake from incorporated maize straw and the other N sources (soil and fertilizer). However, these differences were not related to variation in the measured root parameters among the six cultivars. At anthesis, total N uptake efficiencies by roots (total N uptake per root weight or root length) were greater in modern than in old cultivars within each fertilization level. At maturity, averaged over fertilization levels, the total N uptake efficiencies by roots were 292?336 mg N g?1 roots or 3.2?4.0 mg N m?1 roots for three modern cultivars, in contrast to 132?213 mg N g?1 roots or 0.93?1.6 mg N m?1 roots for three old cultivars. Fertilization enhanced the utilization of N from maize straw by all cultivars, but root N uptake efficiencies were less affected. We concluded that modern spring wheat cultivars had higher root N uptake efficiency than old cultivars.  相似文献   

In this study, the yields, yield components, agronomic, and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) traits of the eighty-four winter wheat cultivars were investigated under nitrogen (N)-sufficient and -deficient conditions. Dramatic variations were observed in the yield and agronomic traits among the cultivars. Based on absolute yields under the N treatments, the cultivars were categorized into N efficiency groups of high, close high, medium, and low, in which the high efficiency group cultivars generally exhibited improved agronomic traits under these contrasting N-supply conditions. Additionally, the wheat cultivars were classified into various N response groups, including toleration, relative toleration, sensitive, and most sensitive based on the ratios of yield under N deficiency to that under N sufficiency. Regression correlation analyses revealed that straw biomass, total biomass, grain N amount, and straw N amount were significantly correlated with yield, suggesting that these traits can be acted as indices in evaluating yield potentials in wheat.  相似文献   

不同氮素利用效率小麦品种的氮效率相关生理参数研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在不同氮处理条件下,研究了不同氮效率小麦品种的子粒产量、植株氮含量和植株氮累积量及氮效率相关的生理参数。结果表明,在低氮处理(LN)下,氮高效品种沧核036较氮低效品种衡6599具有较高的子粒产量、植株氮含量和植株氮累积量,其产量比对照的下降幅度也明显小于衡6599;单位面积穗数的大幅减少是衡6599产量明显下降的主导因素。在LN条件下,沧核036在挑旗期、开花期和灌浆期,植株上部三片展开叶均具有较高的硝酸还原酶(NR)、亚硝酸还原酶(NIR)和谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性,以及较高的光合色素含量和可溶蛋白含量;生育后期该品种的气孔导度和光合速率也高于衡6599。在LN条件下,叶片的可溶性糖含量和脯氨酸含量以衡6599较高;各测定时期的丙二醛含量,沧核036也低于衡6599,但SOD活性在两品种间差异较小。表明LN条件下,氮高效品种沧核036表现的氮高效特征,是其具有较强的氮素吸收和同化能力;较高SOD活性,缓解了细胞的膜脂过氧化程度;光合色素含量增加和光合暗反应活性增强,使光合碳同化能力提高的综合作用结果。  相似文献   


A pot experiment was done in a greenhouse to investigate the effect of low phosphorus (P) and moisture content on growth and yield components of four spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. Days to emergence of seedlings were shortened, plant height, tiller number, and SPAD (Soil-Plant Analyses Development) index of the leaves were significantly (p?R2) values ranging from 0.72 to 0.90. The study underlines the strong relationship between moisture, P availability and uptake and provides more information on P nutrition during the vegetative stage of wheat in moisture and P deficient soils.  相似文献   

小麦苗期氮素吸收利用效率差异及聚类分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】氮肥过量施用,不仅造成氮素大量流失,还增加了农业生产成本,对生态环境带来了巨大的威胁。筛选和培育氮高效小麦品种是提高氮肥利用率、 降低环境污染风险的有效途径。本文通过对44个小麦品种苗期性状的考察,初步筛选出具有氮高效潜力的小麦品种。【方法】利用循环营养液培养方法,研究了安徽省44个小麦品种(系)在正常氮(5 mmol/L)和高氮(45 mmol/L)条件下苗期氮素吸收利用效率的差异。采用隶属函数法将评价指标数据进行标准化,区间为[0,1];而后采用客观赋权法将标准化后的数据整合成一个无量纲的综合值,最后基于综合值运用最短距离法、 欧氏距离平方聚类分析方法,将44个小麦品种划分成不同的氮效率类型。【结果】在两种供氮水平下,不同小麦品种的茎叶干重、 根干重、 叶面积、 茎叶氮累积量和根氮累积量存在显著性差异,其变异系数分别在27.9%~33.7%和21.5%~32.8%之间,可作为小麦苗期氮效率的评价指标。小麦苗期氮效率综合值在正常氮和高氮水平下分别在0.053~0.920和0.001~0.853之间,其中鉴76在正常氮和高氮条件下的氮效率综合值均大于80%。通过隶属函数氮效率综合值及其聚类分析,将44个供试小麦品种分为氮高效型、 氮中效型和氮低效型三类;其中扬麦16和鉴76在正常氮和高氮条件下均表现为高效型,皖麦68、 F60501-4、 鉴62和安农1026只在高氮条件下表现为高效型。氮高效型、 氮中效型、 氮低效型小麦品种在正常供氮和高氮条件下分别占供试品种总数的4.54%、 54.55%、 40.91%和13.63%、 38.64、 47.73%。【结论】在正常供氮和高氮条件下,44个供试小麦品种的茎叶氮累积量、 茎叶干重、 根部氮累积量、 根部干重和叶面积存在显著性差异,可以作为小麦苗期氮效率评价指标;初步确定扬麦16和鉴76为正常供氮和高氮条件下的氮高效型品种,皖麦68、 F60501-4、 鉴62和安农1026 为高氮条件下的氮高效型品种。  相似文献   

[目的]研究产量高低差异明显的小麦品种干物质和氮素积累转运对水氮响应的差异,为以产量为目标的小麦优化水氮运筹提供参考.[方法]于2016—2018年,以中产型品种'泰科麦33'和高产型品种'济麦22'为供试材料进行了两因素三水平完全方案田间试验.两因素为灌水量和氮肥用量,3个灌溉水平为300、450和600 m3/hm...  相似文献   

The amounts of organic materials released into soil from roots during the first 4 weeks of growth were determined for 11 cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Carbon loss from roots was measured by supplying 14CO2 continuously to the shoots and measuring the 14C content of the roots, root-free soil, water-soluble material and CO2 flushed from the root chamber. Six cultivars were compared in each of two experiments, with the cultivar Condor common to both experiments. There were no significant differences between cultivars, relative to Condor, for 14C activity present in soil, roots, water-soluble material or rhizosphere CO2. There was a significant difference between cultivars in experiment 1, but not in experiment 2, for the variate log10 (14C lost from roots: 14C translocated to roots).There was evidence that a reduction in growth temperature, within the range 10–15°C, increased carbon loss from wheat roots into the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Sewage sludge (SS) can be used as an alternative fertilizer in agriculture. It is normally broadcasted and plowed into soil, but it is not clear if it has a potential as a placement fertilizer. A rhizobox experiment was conducted to investigate the placement effect of SS and mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer on shoot and root growth as well as nutrient uptake of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The treatments included localized SS, mixed SS, localized SS and ammonium, localized ammonium, and a control without addition of SS and ammonium to examine the effect of SS placement and, further, if ammonium co‐localization would enhance the placement effect. The results show that SS fertilization improved soil N and P availability, which significantly increased plant N and P uptake and enhanced shoot growth, while root length was significantly reduced compared to the control. Localized SS increased root proliferation in the placement region, resulting in enhanced uptake of P from the SS patch compared to homogenous application. However, co‐localized application of ammonium with SS significantly depressed plant shoot and root growth. Localized ammonium markedly restricted root proliferation in the placement region and reduced soil pH in both bulk soil and placement region, contributing to decreased nutrient uptake and plant growth.  相似文献   

In an identical experiment conducted at Mandan (ND), Manhattan (KS) and Lubbock (TX), the influence of the environment and nitrogen (N) fertility upon light interception efficiency (ei) and light use efficiency (ec) of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were examined using remotely sensed canopy reflectance data to estimate ei. Treatments consisted of two cultivars, four levels of applied N and three levels of irrigation. Increased N application resulted in increased ei, with only secondary effects on ec. Whole season values of ec did not differ significantly between sites or between crops grown under different N regimes. However, ec did change through the season, increasing from an average of 1.5 during the double ridge-to-terminal spikelet stage to an average of 3.8 during the terminal spikelet-to-anthesis stage and finally decreasing to an average of 3.1 during the anthesis-to-soft dough stage. These changes in ec corresponded to changes in the mean temperatures for each growth period.  相似文献   

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