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微生物肥对水稻产量及氮肥利用的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
以杂交稻中浙优1号和甬优9号为材料,研究微生物肥对水稻产量及氮肥利用的影响。结果表明,在相同施氮水平下,施用微生物肥后2个水稻品种分别增产41%和87%,其中主要增加了水稻有效穗,提高结实率和籽粒粒重;但分蘖成穗率有所下降;微生物肥能提高水稻叶片的光合速率,穗分化期和齐穗期的叶片光合速率均高于对照,也有利于增加齐穗期的物质生产量。研究表明微生物肥能提高氮素的农学利用率,实现减肥增产,且随着施氮量下降,氮素利用率呈升高趋势。  相似文献   

施氮量对间作玉米土壤硝态氮累积量及氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马忠明  孙景玲 《核农学报》2012,26(9):1305-1310
通过田间定位试验,监测了不施氮和不同施氮水平(分别为210、420和630kg.hm-2)下间作玉米各关键生育时期0~200cm土层硝态氮累积量的动态变化、玉米产量及其构成,计算分析了间作玉米的氮肥利用率。研究结果表明,间作玉米0~200cm土层土壤硝态氮累积量总体表现为0~60cm土层>60~200cm土层。0~60cm土层土壤硝态氮累积量呈"M"形变化,即玉米播种前和玉米大喇叭口期出现高峰,小麦播种前、玉米拔节期和玉米收获后出现低谷。60~120cm和120~200cm土层土壤硝态氮累积量呈倒"V"形变化,总体在玉米大喇叭口期前后出现高峰值,210~630kg.hm-2施氮处理下120~200cm土层的硝态氮累积量较不施氮处理分别高出149.1%、115.6%和126.3%。随着施氮量的增加,间作玉米穗长、穗粒数、穗重呈增大趋势,秃顶呈降低趋势,增产幅度依次减小,氮肥利用率依次降低。  相似文献   

Over-application of nitrogen (N) in North Central China is primary reasons for yield restriction and low nutrient use efficiencies. This study was to determine N management practices on grain yield, N efficiency, and N balance in China. Results from four season crops indicated that no significant yield differences across different N rates for the first season wheat were observed. Treatments with N rates lower than 75 kg N ha?1 manifested yield reduction for the following seasons, and no much yield differences existed for the rest treatments. The accumulated N recovery efficiency (NREac) values ranged from 10.1% to 44.2% over the four seasons, and over N fertilization led to low NREac. The net N balance increased with N applied. Results from current study provided the proof that in the current rotation system the N150N150 treatment was the best economic treatment for achieving both higher yield and N use efficiency.  相似文献   

包膜尿素对夏玉米产量、吸氮量和氮分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以施氮量调控氮代谢,提高氮肥利用率为目标,利用15 N研究了包膜尿素(CU100、150和225kg/hm2)和普通尿素(150和225kg/hm2)对夏玉米产量、生物量、氮肥利用率以及各器官氮分配的影响。结果表明:包膜尿素比普通尿素显著增加玉米从肥料中的吸氮量,显著增加地上部生物量;15N包膜尿素肥料利用率(15NU...  相似文献   

移栽叶龄对水稻氮素吸收利用及~(15)N-肥料去向影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用15N示踪技术研究了不同叶龄移栽对水稻产量、氮肥吸收利用及其氮素去向的差异。结果表明,随移栽叶龄推迟,水稻产量显著降低,籽粒与秸秆氮肥吸收量、肥料利用率及其残留量也降低,而氮素损失增加。水稻所吸收的氮素约2/3来源于土壤氮,1/3来源于当季肥料施的氮。肥料利用率为20.8%~25.7%,氮肥残留率为17.9%~32.2%,有42.1%~61.3%的肥料损失。无论哪种叶龄移栽条件下,肥料主要残留在0~20cm土层中。研究表明水稻早栽能增加产量、提高肥料利用率,减少肥料损失,降低氮素对环境的污染。  相似文献   

研究了在群体水培条件下,3种氮素水平(5、15和25mg.kg-1)对6种不同氮效率利用基因型迟熟中粳水稻物质生产与分配的影响。结果表明:氮素水平、基因型对水稻氮素干物质生产效率(NUEdm)、氮素籽粒生产效率(NUEg)均有极显著的影响。6种不同氮效率基因型可分成氮高效和氮低效利用型2类。NUEdm在2类基因型水稻中总体上均随着氮素水平升高呈现上升趋势;而NUEg在氮低效基因型中表现为随氮素浓度升高而先升后降。在水稻的4个关键生育期,不同氮素水平、2类基因型之间水稻干物质积累量差异显著。成熟期,氮素水平对水稻茎鞘、根、穗的干物质分配比例影响显著,对叶片干物质分配比例影响不显著。相同氮素水平下,就平均值而言,水稻茎鞘、叶片、根系干物质比例均表现为氮低效基因型>氮高效基因型,而穗的干物质比例均表现为氮高效基因型>氮低效基因型。氮素水平对不同基因型水稻产量影响显著,同一氮素水平下均表现为氮高效型基因型水稻产量显著高于氮低效型基因型,且施氮量越大差异越大。相关分析表明,水稻各关键生育期的干物质生产量、产量、每穗粒数均与氮素水平、基因型的NUEg、NUEdm显著或极显著相关,与成熟期水稻各器官干物质分配比例相关性则相对较弱。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of nitrogen (N) application source and rate on silage corn (Zea mays L.). Urea, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium sulfate were compared at 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg N ha?1. The application of ammonium sulfate produced the highest plant height, leaf area index (LAI), total yield, and stem, leaf, and ear dry matter, followed by ammonium nitrate and urea. However, nitrogen sources had no marked effects on the content of protein, ash, oil, soluble carbohydrates, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). As the rate of nitrogen increased plant height, LAI, total yield, and stem, leaf, tassel, and ear dry matters, and protein, ash and oil contents increased while soluble carbohydrates, ADF, and NDF contents decreased. Ammonium sulfate was the most effective N source on production and 200 kg N ha?1 was the most effective N rate on corn yield and quality.  相似文献   

以水稻品种金优207为材料,对不施氮肥(T1)、试验区当地农民习惯氮肥用量(T2:尿素,纯N187.5 kg/hm2)和在农民习惯施氮量基础上减量配施氮肥(T3:氮减少20%,30%农民习惯用化肥+20%习惯用量的有机肥+30%习惯用量的缓释肥,纯N 150kg/hm2)3种施肥模式下水稻不同生育期的生理特性、产量及其...  相似文献   

1991~1992年的试验结果表明,利用芝麻秆还田,晚稻病虫、杂草危害明显减轻,稻谷产量增加17.09%~30.34%,稻田土壤肥力亦有所提高。为水稻病虫、杂草的生物防治提供一条新途径。  相似文献   

Improving zinc efficiency of cereals especially wheat under zinc deficiency is a priority area of research to determine and manipulate the plant factors that govern zinc uptake and utilization. Experiments conducted to ascertain variability and also the contribution of seed zinc (complete seed and half seed) to zinc efficiency in diverse wheat genotypes raised on zinc sufficient and deficient nutrient solution, showed wide genetic variability and general deficiency response such as, increase in root to shoot ratio and decrease in leaf chlorophyll, superoxide dismutase activity, total plant zinc concentration, and uptake. Since difference in zinc deficiency response were more distinct at the initial growth stage, seed zinc could be crucial for determining plant establishment, vigor, and yield. A few exceptional genotypes, where cutting seed zinc supply infect triggered growth, root characteristics, zinc uptake and use efficiency were identified and their zinc uptake capacity on low zinc soil was measured. The difference in zinc efficiency was attributable to phytosiderophore release capacity of the genotypes.  相似文献   

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