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In two experiments, ‘Charm’ and ‘Delano’ chrysanthemum [Dendranthema x grandiflorum (Ramat.) Kitamura] were grown in a peat‐based root medium using standard greenhouse cultural practices. Fertilization treatments included (1) alternate liquid fertilization (ALF): water‐soluble formulation of 15N‐4.3P‐24.9K (15–10–30) at 536 mgL‐1 N alternated with tap water irrigation; (2) Constant Liquid Fertilization (CLF): 15N‐4.3P‐24.9K(15–10–30)at268 mgL‐1 Napplied at each irrigation; (3) slow release resin‐coated fertilizer (SRR): slow release formulation of 12N‐4.3P‐14.1K(12–10–17); and (4) slow release tablets (SRT): slow release formulation of 14N‐1.7P‐4.9K (14–4–6). Irrigation volume and timing of application were arbitrary for all plants in the first experiment, but they were determined gravimetrically for each treatment in the second experiment. Irrigation volumes exceeded container capacity by 20 to 30% (leaching fractions of 0.2 to 0.3). Leachate had lower electrical conductivity and higher pH with the slow release products than with liquid fertilizer. All treatments except SRT produced plants which met commercial crop standards and had adequate nutrient levels in shoot tissue. However, root dry mass was higher with slow release fertilizer than with liquid fertilizer. Rootrshoot ratios were ranked SRT>SRR>ALF=CLF. Root data suggest that an advantage of SR fertilization over LF fertilization is that greater root mass will develop. Estimations of nitrogen (N) recovery in Experiment 2 suggest that chrysanthemums grown with SRR resulted in most efficient uptake of fertilizer with 64 to 68% of applied N recovered in plant tissue (compared to 41 to 46% from LF treatments) and 18 to 21 % recovered in container leachate (compared to 32 to 41% from LF treatments).  相似文献   


Coal gasification slag is a by‐product of the power industry that may prove useful to the horticultural industry as a component of growing media. The objectives of this research are to determine if suitable crops of chrysanthemum and poinsettia can be produced in media of slag alone or in combination with moss peat. Chrysanthemums and poinsettias were grown in slag or slag mixes in an ebb and flow irrigation system with a complete nutrient solution being recycled. Slag alone had a high bulk density and high pH, but adding 50% by volume peat decreased bulk density and pH so that an acceptable growing mix resulted. Weight of plant shoots grown in slag was lower than for plants that were grown in slag mixes. Weight of plants in slag mixes was similar to the peat‐perlite control. Plants grown in slag or slag mixes generally were low in phosphorus (P) and manganese (Mn) and high in boron (B). The slag mixes seem to remove P and Mn from the fertilizer solution while releasing B and to some extent calcium (Ca) to the fertilizer solution.  相似文献   

Waste water coming from two factories, namely Manquabad (fertilizer) and Bani Qura (detergents and oils) factory and Arab El-Madabegh sewage effluents were determined for their phytotoxicities and physicochemical properties. The effect of the waters on the growth, chlorophyll content, transpiration rate and leaf relative water content of sunflower plants was undertaken in pots. In addition, the phytotoxicity present in the waste waters on embryonic radicle growth was also studied. The experiments were repeated each month from January to June, 1992. The three waste waters exhibited significant phytotoxic effects on the radicle growth of sunflower. The phytotoxicity varied with monthly sampling. The waste water from the fertilizer factory (Manquabad) collected in February, May and June showed almost 100% inhibition on the radicle growth, while January and April sampling had a stimulatory effect. Most of the tested water exhibited significant inhibition on shoot growth. Root growth was significantly enhanced by Arab El-Madabegh sewage water collected in February, March and April and was suppressed in the other three months. The three waste waters showed inhibitory effect on chlorophyll content. The inhibition was very high in the January sampling. Chlorophyll stability to heat was significantly lower in February and March and higher in May and June water-treated plants. Generally waste water-treated plants showed a lower transpiration rate than the control (tap water). Leaf relative water content of plants grown in the waste waters was significantly lower in May and June collected water than in the other four months collections. The physicochemical analysis of the waste waters revealed that the amount of Na+, K+, Ca+2 Zn+2, Cu+2, Iron, Cl?, SO4 ?2 and the degree of electrical conductivity were often above the limits of the standard for irrigation water for agricultural land, and some of these properties would be severely detrimental to crop growth. Generally waste water coming from the Manquabad fertilizer factory consistently revealed the highest inhibition, Bani Qura detergents and oils factory the second and Arab El-Madabegh sewage the least.  相似文献   

Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotz) cultivars ‘Annette Hegg Brilliant Diamond’ (AH), ‘Gutbier V‐14 Glory’ (GG), and ‘Eckespoint C‐1 Red’ (ER) were grown in a peat‐perlite potting medium to study lime and Mo effects on the occurrence of Mo deficiency. Two rates of dolomitic limestone, 0 and 3 kg/m3of growing medium, and weekly applications of micronutrient solutions containing 0.0 or 1.0 ppm Mo were made in factorial combination. Lime, Mo, or both prevented Mo deficiency symptoms in all cultivars. Without both lime and Mo, Mo deficiency symptoms appeared on AH and GG, but not on ER. Lime and/or Mo reduced NO3‐N content, increased Mo content and increased nitrate reductase enzyme activity (NRA) in the upper recently matured leaves of all cultivars. Lime and Mo interacted to affect these parameters in all cultivars. Comparing the three cultivars without both lime and Mo, NO‐‐N content was lowest and NRA highest in ER. However, the Mo content of ER leaves was equal to or less than that of AG and GG which showed Mo deficiency symptoms.  相似文献   

根际通气对盆栽玉米生长与根系活力的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对盆栽作物生长空间有限且通气不良的生长环境问题,为改善根际气体环境,试验设每隔2d通气1次(T1)、每隔4d通气1次(T2)两个通气处理,以不通气(CK)为对照,研究根际通气对盆栽玉米生长及根系活力的影响。结果表明,T1和T2处理均能提高玉米株高、叶面积、叶绿素含量,促进地上部分和地下部分干物质的积累。T1、T2处理有利于提高玉米根冠比和根系活力,拔节期T1和T2处理的根冠比分别是CK的1.27倍、1.18倍,根系活力分别为CK的1.26倍和1.54倍;抽穗期根冠比分别为CK的1.18倍、1.09倍,根系活力分别为CK的1.22倍和1.40倍。同时,通气处理能够促进作物吸收土壤内的养分。研究结果表明,根际通气能够增强盆栽玉米的根系活力,促进植株的生长发育。  相似文献   

为解决当前在八仙花规模化生产中施肥盲目的问题,探究适宜八仙花生长发育的优质肥料种类。试验以八仙花‘花手鞠’品种为供试材料,设置6个施肥处理,分别为:CK(不施肥)、T1(水溶肥)、T2(有机肥)、T3(有机肥+水溶肥)、T4(控释肥)、T5(控释肥+水溶肥),分析比较不同施肥处理对八仙花生长、生理特性及叶片矿质元素含量、土壤理化性质和酶活性的影响。结果表明:(1)与CK相比,各施肥组除胞间CO2浓度及土壤pH和电导率外,其它生长、生理、光合特性、土壤理化性质及酶活性均呈增加趋势;(2)与其它各施肥处理相比,T5处理植株的株高、冠幅、叶宽、茎粗,叶片叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、可溶性蛋白含量以及全氮、全磷含量,蒸腾速率、气孔导度及净光合速率,土壤的电导率,碱解氮和有效磷含量及脲酶和蔗糖酶活性均最高;(3)与单一施用有机肥相比,有机肥和水溶肥混合施用,八仙花的株高、冠幅、枝长、叶宽分别显著升高了24.8%、19.9%、26.2%、24.7%,叶片的可溶性糖及全氮含量分别显著升高了64.8%、25.3%,土壤养分含量及脲酶活性也有所上升但未达显著水平。综合分析结果可得:单一或混合施入水溶肥、有机肥、...  相似文献   


The 1: 1.5 water, Spurway and saturated media extract procedures were evaluated for cyclamen and 1: 1.5 water extract for poinsettia growing in bark, peat and peat + soil using nutrient uptake as the criterion. In addition, the N, P, and K desirable values (DV) to give maxi Timm dry wt in two harvests and to give maximum growth rate for various growing periods, in samples taken at the start of the trial and midway through the trial, were determined using a quadratic function for both crops. The relationships between N, P and K uptake and the soil test values were generally very good, although the methods overestimated N uptake and underestimated P uptake in bark‐relative to peat. Underestimation of P uptake in peat + soil was even greater. The initial desirable N soil test value in relation to midterm harvest (IDVM) for cyclamen in peat varied from 100–104 ppm for water, 303–312 ppm for saturated media and 44–46 for Spurway extraction. The midterm soil test value in relation to final harvest (MDVF) values varied from 125–136 ppm for water, 471–502 for saturated media and 44–53 ppm for Spurway extraction. Corresponding values in bark were generally higher. The IDVM and MDVF values using the water extract for poinsettia were 180–225 ppm and 155–215 ppm in peat and bark respectively. It was not possible to determine phosphorus IDVM values for cyclamen due to the poor fit of the response curve. The phosphorus MDVF values in peat for cyclamen were 8.1–8.8 ppm for water, 24.5–26.7 ppm for saturated media and 3.2–3.5 ppm for Spurway extraction. The corresponding values in bark were about half of those values and even lower in peat + soil. The phosphorus MDVF values in peat for poinsettia were 14–19 ppm and in bark 4–4.5 ppm for the water extraction. It was not possible to determine K desirable values for cyclamen because of lack of adequate plant response from K application. Potassium IDVF and MDVF values for poinsettia in peat were 100–136 and 80–126 ppm respectively. The DV obtained using growth data were broadly similar to those using plant dry wt. The desirable plant nutrient levels for maximum dry wt of cyclamen at final harvest varied from 1.9–2.4% for N, 0.10–0.17% for P and 1.0–1.7% for K. The DV values for poinsettia at mid harvest were 3.6–4.6% N, and at final harvest 2.7–3.6% N and 0.18–0.37% P.  相似文献   

温室盆栽一品红生长发育模拟模型   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
该研究的目的是建立一个温室盆栽一品红(Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.)生长发育模拟模型,为温室盆栽一品红生产中的光温精准调控提供理论依据与决策支持。以一品红品种‘中国红’(Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Red China)为研究对象,通过不同定植期和不同密度的试验,定量分析了一品红生长发育与光温的关系。在此基础上,以生理辐热积(Physiological product of thermal effectiveness and PAR,PTEP)为尺度,建立了温室盆栽一品红生育期模拟子模型;以冠层吸收的生理辐热积(Canopy intercepted PTEP, PTEPint)为尺度,建立了温室盆栽一品红干物质生产和分配模拟子模型;综合生育期模拟子模型与干物质生产和分配模拟子模型,建立了温室盆栽一品红生长发育模拟模型,并用独立的试验数据对模型进行了检验。模型对从摘心到短日处理、单苞、单蕾、多蕾和开花期的模拟预测值与实测值的符合度较好。模拟值与实测值基于1︰1线的决定系数R2为0.99,回归估计标准误差RMSE分别为0.7、3、3.5、0.7和2 d,预测精度明显高于以有效积温为尺度的发育模型(RMSE分别为8、4.5、3.8、2.8和7.2 d)。模型对单位面积总干质量、叶干质量、茎干质量和苞叶干质量的模拟值与实测值基于1︰1线的R2和RMSE分别为0.98、0.97、0.91和0.95;7.12、7.49、3.89和2.48 g/m2。模型对一品红单位面积总干质量的预测精度明显高于基于光合作用驱动的生长模型(R2和RMSE分别为0.77和35.06 g/m2)。该研究建立的模型能够较准确地预测温室盆栽一品红各生育期出现时间、干物质生产和各个器官干质量的动态,模型的预测精度较高、参数少且易获取、实用性较强。  相似文献   

A. Wild  A. Mazaheri 《Geoderma》1979,22(2):127-136
The adsorption coefficients of boric acid in a sandy loam and an organic loamy clay measured by batch equilibration were about twice as high as by elution from cylinders of soil aggregates. The latter values gave predicted rates of leaching which agreed with those observed in a field experiment under winter rainfall.Adsorption coefficients of weakly adsorbed solutes are easily measured from elution experiments in the laboratory and appear suitable for field use. They avoid the difficulties of incorporating reaction velocity constants and correcting empirically for the number of adsorption sites, which are required when the coefficients are measured by batch equilibration.  相似文献   

Mining activities along the west coast of South Africa will lead to salinization of the soil if sea-water is used in the mining process. Laboratory studies were conducted to determine the influence of leaching depth and the amount and frequency of irrigation on the growth of Atriplex semibaccata R. Br. Leaching depth as well as the amount and frequency of irrigation had no significant effect on biomass production. However, the interaction between leaching depth and amount of irrigation did influence the biomass production of Atriplex semibaccata. Root:shoot ratio increased as the amount of irrigation decreased.  相似文献   

加入不同量生物质炭盐渍化土壤盐分淋洗的差异与特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
岳燕  郭维娜  林启美 《土壤学报》2014,51(4):914-919
生物质炭作为土壤调理剂,能够显著地改良培肥土壤,但对盐渍化土壤盐分淋洗的影响缺乏研究和了解。本研究采用土柱模拟试验,将蘑菇棒生物质炭按照不同的质量比(0%、2%、5%、10%),添加到内蒙古河套地区硫酸盐盐渍化土壤0~20 cm的土层中,并进行淋洗,测定淋出液和土壤盐分及主要盐分离子含量,以期了解生物质炭对土壤盐分和主要盐分离子洗脱的影响。结果表明:加入生物质炭的土柱,淋洗液出现的时间提前了5~36 d,电导率降低至5 mS cm-1缩短了41~100 d;生物质炭加入量越大,淋洗液出现的时间越早,电导率降低至5 mS cm-1所需的时间也越少。其中,生物质炭用量2%的处理,淋洗结束表层脱盐效果较好,含盐量与对照相比降低了34.25%。显然,向盐渍化土壤加入生物质炭,不仅能够缩短盐分洗脱时间,而且提高洗盐效率,但对盐分离子洗脱先后顺序及其速率,并没有表现出明显的影响。  相似文献   


Biosolids compost is used in media to grow potted plants. Nitrogen (N) in media leachate may contribute to nitrate (NO3‐N) contamination of surface or ground water. Addition of sawdust to potting media containing biosolids compost will increase the carbon (C) to nitrogen ratio and could prevent N leaching without adversely affecting plant growth. A control medium containing 0% sawdust (v/v), 30% perlite, 50% municipal biosolids compost, and 20% sand was modified to contain either 10, 20, or 30% (v/v) fresh hardwood sawdust. The sawdust replaced either 1/3, 2/3, or all of the perlite in the control medium. Slow release fertilizer, slow plus quick release fertilizer, or no fertilizer was added to each of the four media to determine how the sawdust affected fertilizer needs. Coreopsis (Coreopsis grandiflora L.) and Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia hirta L. ’Goldstrum') were grown in pots for five months. Leachate was tested for NO3‐N and ammonium N (NH4‐N). Increasing amounts of sawdust produced no differences in growth of Coreopsis and few differences in the growth of Rudbeckia. The addition of slow or slow plus quick release fertilizer had little effect on the growth of Coreopsis and a greater effect on the growth of Rudbeckia. Sawdust and fertilizer had no effect on the leaching of N. Nitrogen leached primarily as NH4‐N during the first four weeks of the experiment.  相似文献   

Tillage, mineralization and leaching: phosphate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phosphate is usually the limiting nutrient for the formation of algal blooms in freshwater bodies, so tillage practices must minimize phosphate losses by leaching and surface run-off from cultivated land. Mineral soils usually contain 30–70% of their phosphate in organic forms, and both organic and inorganic phosphate are found in the soil solution. Some organic phosphates, notably the inositol phosphates, are as strongly sorbed by soil as inorganic phosphates, and this decreases their susceptibility to mineralization. The strength with which both categories are sorbed lessens the risk of their being leached as solutes but makes it more likely that they will be carried from the soil on colloidal or particulate matter, and the greatest losses of phosphate from the soil usually occur by surface run-off and erosion. Recent studies at Rothamsted have, however, shown substantial concentrations of phosphate in drainage from plots that have long received more phosphate as fertilizer than is removed in crops. These losses probably occurred because preferential water flow carried the phosphate rapidly from the surface soil to the field drains. For lessening losses of phosphate by leaching and run-off, the prime requirement of tillage is that it should encourage flows of water through the soil that help it to retain phosphate. Primary and secondary tillage should ensure that the surface roughness and porosity of the top-soil encourage the flow of water into the soil matrix where it will move relatively slowly and allow phosphate to be sorbed, thereby avoiding problems from run-off and preferential flow. Inversion tillage can be useful for lessening the loss of phosphate by run-off and erosion. Secondary tillage could be used to decrease the size of the aggregates and increase the surface area for sorption. Although tillage will increase the mineralization of organic phosphate, pulses of mineralization are unlikely to be so rapid or to lead to such large losses as with nitrate. The strength with which phosphate is sorbed also lessens the problem. As with nitrate, the key to managing phosphate is basically good husbandry.  相似文献   


An extraction procedure for potted crop media is proposed which removes under vacuum a solution from an intact pot. The vacuum extracted solution had nitrate and potassium concentrations and conductivity lower than a solution obtained by saturated paste extract procedure. A high correlation between the conductivity of solution obtained by vacuum and saturated paste extract methods permitted an interpretation of the vacuum extraction results based on ranges suggested for a saturated paste extract.  相似文献   

Nutrients losses through leaching are the main problem facing coastal saline soil. Effective microorganisms (EM) and Gypsum (G) at the application rate of 5%G and 10%G by weight were used as soil amendments. The pot experiment aimed to improve the leaching of nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4) and total nitrogen (TN) on the coastal saline soil. The EM+ 5%G treatment effectively reduced the content of NO3 and NH4 in the leachate by 86.59% and 68.18%, respectively. EM treatment reduced the leaching of NO3 and NH4 by 70.86% and 62.12% and EM+ 10%G reduced NO3 and NH4 by 11.80% and 50.76%, respectively. Moreover, the content of TN in leachate was reduced up to 13.23%, 5.80%, and 2.67% in response to EM, EM+ 5%G, and EM+ 10%G, respectively, compared to the control. These results indicate that EM combined with G as soil amendments can reduce leaching of nutrients and further support the regulation of a coastal saline soil pH and EC.  相似文献   

施磷对苦麦菜生长及土壤磷素淋失的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用网室土柱模拟试验, 研究了不同磷用量[0、0.05 g·kg-1(土)、0.10 g·kg-1(土)、0.20 g·kg-1(土)]对苦麦菜产量、磷素吸收和利用及土壤磷淋失的影响。结果表明, 施磷显著增加苦麦菜产量、促进植株对磷的吸收。苦麦菜产量在低磷水平[0.05 g·kg-1(土)]时最高, 为每个土柱186.29 g。随磷用量增加, 苦麦菜产量和磷肥利用率明显降低, 植株吸磷量无明显变化。施磷显著增加土壤磷淋失量, 且随磷用量增加, 不同形态磷淋失量均显著增加。同一磷处理颗粒磷淋失量高于溶解态磷。不同磷用量条件下土壤各形态磷的淋失率均低于0.1%。低量施磷条件下溶解态磷在施磷后第10 d 出现第1 次淋失高峰; 中量和高量施磷条件下溶解态磷在施磷后第10 d 和第40 d 分别出现2 次淋失高峰。土壤总磷和颗粒磷淋失高峰期在施磷后第40~50 d 出现。施肥后第60 d, 土壤总磷、溶解态磷和颗粒磷淋失浓度均明显降低。综合考虑苦麦菜产量、磷素吸收和利用及土壤磷淋失量等因素, 苦麦菜以0.05 g·kg-1(土)的施磷量为佳。  相似文献   

Tomato plants were grown in sand culture with NO3 or NH4 N at two levels of light. Foliar sprays at three levels of N as well as combinations of foliar and root feeding were used.

Shade increased NH4 toxicity in plants sprayed with NH4 but decreased the toxicity in plants receiving NH4 through the roots. NH4‐N greatly reduced growth and cation uptake when supplied through the roots but not with foliar application. Plants sprayed with NH4 showed better growth, higher K, Ca, and Mg content and lower free NH4 in shoot, compared to plants receiving NH4 through the roots.

The overall free amino acid contents of shoots was higher for NH4‐fed plants regardless of how the N was applied. Plants sprayed with NH4 incorporated a greater amount of N into insoluble compounds compared with NO3 nutrition. The N uptake per unit of leaf area was higher for plants grown under full sun light whereas N content was higher for plants grown under hade. N content in tissue increased with N concentration in foliar spray, although plants supplied with N through the roots had higher levels of free amino acids and total nitrogen.  相似文献   

控释复合肥对番茄生长效应的影响研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
采用流化床包膜技术制作的控释期为90d的4种养分比例不同的控释复合肥与等养分量的普通复合肥进行了番茄肥效对比盆栽试验。试验结果表明,控释复合肥具有养分缓慢释放的特点,施肥后40d达到高峰,有利于番茄生殖生长对养分的需求。施用控释复合肥番茄株高、叶面积、叶片数和鲜果重明显优于普通复合肥,且对防止病虫害有良好效果。施用控释复合肥番茄鲜果产量平均比普通复合肥提高63.1%。在本试验条件下,以CRF3处理,N-P2O5-K2O用量为0.4-0.26-0.37g/kg(即N:P2O5:K2O养分比例为1:0.65:0.93)肥效最好。  相似文献   

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