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Dry matter yields at flowering and seed yield responses of five soybean cultivars (Bragg, Semstar, Flegler, Davis and Wills) to six soil phosphorus levels in an Oxic Paleustalf were determined in a pot experiment. Ninety percent maximum dry matter yield at flowering was attained at the following supernatant solution P concentrations (determined from P sorption curves): Bragg, 0.012 μg ml‐1; Davis, 0.009 μg ml‐1; Semstar, 0.010 μg ml‐1; Flegler, 0.011 μg ml‐1; Wills, 0.012 μg ml‐1. Ninety percent maximum seed yield was attained at a supernatant solution P concentration of 0.007 μg ml‐1 by Bragg, Semstar, Flegler and Wills. Davis required 0.011 μg P ml‐1 for 90% maximum seed yield.

It is concluded from these results that Bragg, Semstar, Flegler and Wills will have similar phosphorus fertilizer requirements, but Davis will require larger additions of phosphorus than the other cultivars for maximum seed yield.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted in which four varieties of soybean (Glycine max L.) and three varieties of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) were grown in a calcareous soil with and without soil applied FeEDDHA (0 and 2 mg Fe/kg soil). Soil applications of FeEDDHA increased Fe concentrations and reduced Mn concentrations in all varieties of soybean and eliminated Mn toxicity symptoms in Corsoy soybeans. Soil applications of FeEDDHA did not increase Fe uptake or affect Mn uptake into sorghum leaves. This study tends to support the hypothesis that there are distinct plant mechanisms between dicots and graminaceous species for the uptake of Fe, and that these mechanisms have a direct effect on Mn availability for plant uptake.  相似文献   

磷素子粒生产效率不同品种的小麦磷素吸收利用差异   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
盆栽试验研究了130份小麦不同生育时期的干物重、磷素含量、子粒产量等指标,采用组内最小平方和的动态聚类方法将供试品种按磷素子粒生产效率从低到高依次分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ和Ⅵ 6个类型,研究不同类型磷素吸收利用的差异。结果表明: 1)供试品种的磷素子粒生产效率差异较大(CV=1660%),Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ和Ⅵ类品种的平均磷素子粒生产效率为P 13629、15167、16916、18589、20132、24466 g/g。子粒产量随磷素子粒生产效率提高呈增加趋势(r=03203**)。2)不同生育时期,小麦植株磷浓度与吸磷量类型间差异显著或极显著。成熟期磷素子粒生产效率与植株磷浓度极显著正相关(r=06969**),子粒产量与抽穗期、成熟期植株吸磷量显著或极显著相关(r=02966*、r=09271**)。3)不同生育时期磷素干物质生产效率的类间差异均达显著水平; 成熟期磷素干物质生产效率与磷素子粒生产效率极显著正相关 (r=07391**)。4)拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期干物重均表现出随磷素子粒生产效率增加而增加的趋势,成熟期尤为突出。拔节期成熟期磷素吸收量是影响子粒产量形成的重要因素,磷素子粒生产效率高的品种在拔节期后有较强干物质和子粒产量形成能力。  相似文献   


Field experiments were carried out on three representative soils, to evaluate the effect of various starter fertilizers, together with different rates of band placed phosphorus (P), on nutrient uptake and yield of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The starter fertilizers were placed in the immediate vicinity of the seed, while the band placed P was placed at about 5 cm below the seeds and spaced at 25 cm between alternate seed rows. As starter fertilizer, monoammonium phosphate (MAP), calcium nitrate (CAN), ammonium nitrate (AN) and triple superphosphate (P20) were compared. In both species, effects of starter fertilizer on P uptake were most marked early in the growing season. At GS 13 application of 20 kg P ha?1 as MAP increased the P uptake by 50% in barley and by 35% in wheat, compared to no seed-placed nutrients. For grain, the increase in P content was 8% for both species. The higher P uptake at GS 13 was supported by observations of higher plant vigour in the treatments with either P20 or MAP as starter fertilizer. The use of N only as starter fertilizer did not increase the vigour of the plants. Band placement of P also gave more vigorous plants in spring barley. The grain yield increased on the silty clay loam and on the silt soil when starter fertilizer was applied, especially with the use of MAP. Smaller and non-significant yield differences were found when starter fertilizer was used on the loam soil. No delay or reduction of emergence was observed with starter fertilizer. Therefore, on soils where root growth or nutrient uptake becomes limited during the first weeks after sowing, application of starter fertilizer is recommended in Norway for both spring barley and spring wheat. Crops grown on silty soils seem to have an especially high demand for easily available P given as starter fertilizer.  相似文献   


Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) has been shown to have a great capacity to take K from soil, suggesting that it might absorb K from non‐exchangeable forms. In this paper, the effect of level of K fertilization on soil exchangeable K content and K uptake by soybean are discussed. The experiment was conducted on a Typic Haplortox (sandy loam), fertilized with 0, 40, 80, 160 and 240 kg K2O/ha as KC1 or K2SO4. During five years before the experiment, half of the plots received those K rates annually and the other half only in the first three years, providing an opportunity to study the residual effect of applied K. Plant samples were taken at pod filling and at harvest. Soil cores were collected in 20 cm increments down to 80 cm deep at plant emergence, pod filling and after harvest. There was a residual effect of K, and 240 kg K2O/ha applied in a 3‐year term led to the same yield and K uptake as 80 kg ICO/ha applied annually for 3 years. Fertilized plants absorbed 160% more K than unfertilized ones, but soil exchangeable K accounted for less than 50% of plant uptake; therefore the exchangeable pool must have been replaced in time for soybean uptake. On the other hand, the K recycled from the plant to the soil was not found in the exchangeable form. There was evidence of K leaching deeper than 80 cm, and in addition, the K recycled from the plants may have turned into non‐exchangeable forms in the soil.  相似文献   

Intercropping is of increasing interest in temperate-arable farming systems. The influence of nitrogen (N) fertilization and sowing ratio on concentrations and uptake of calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus (P) by oat and pea was assessed in three substitutive intercrops on a fertile soil in eastern Austria. N decreased Ca in oat grain and increased P in pea grain as well as Ca and Mg in oat residue and Mg and P in pea residue. Intercropping did not affect nutrient concentrations of oat grain, whereas a lower pea share in intercrops increased P in pea grain. In residue, Ca, K and Mg concentrations were higher in oat and Ca and K partly lower in pea with a lower share of each crop. The oat-dominated intercrops could partly achieve a slightly higher total grain nutrient yield than pure stands at no or low N; however, these benefits diminished with a higher pea share and N input. In comparison to pure stands, higher residue nutrient yields were obtained by intercropping in all sowing ratios and fertilization levels. Consequently, oat–pea intercropping can be a strategy for increasing the macronutrient yield of grain and especially of residue for ruminant feeding.  相似文献   


Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) cultivars differ in their root morphology and their nutrient uptake capabilities. The relation between root growth, P and K uptake, and grain yield was investigated using eight cultivars grown in the field on Raub (Aquic Argiudoll) silt loam which received 49 kg P/ha and 93 kg K/ha. Hobbit (maturity group III, determinate) was among the highest in grain yield, P and K uptakes, and root system length. However, this cultivar was intermediate in its relative efficiency to utilize P and K to produce grain yield; among the most efficient cultivars were Asgrow 3127 (maturity group II) and Williams‐79 (maturity group III). The hay cultivar, Wilson‐6, was the least efficient. It was concluded that even though grain yield was correlated with nutrient uptake, selection for higher yields was not necessarily a selection for higher efficiency in utilization of fertilizer for grain production.  相似文献   

低铁胁迫对玉米苗期根系生长和铁素吸收利用的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了揭示不同耐低铁玉米品种苗期根系生长和铁素吸收利用的差异,为玉米耐低铁能力的遗传改良提供依据,以耐低铁玉米品种‘正红2号’和不耐低铁玉米品种‘川单418’为材料,采用重度[10μmol(Fe~(3+))·L~(-1)]、中度[30μmol(Fe~(3+))·L~(-1)]和轻度[50μmol(Fe~(3+))·L~(-1)]3种低铁胁迫及对照[100μmol(Fe~(3+))·L~(-1)]的铁营养液处理3叶1心玉米幼苗,分析低铁胁迫对不同耐低铁玉米品种苗期根系生长和铁素吸收利用的影响。结果表明,随着营养液铁浓度降低,两个玉米品种幼苗的根长、根体积、根系活力、干物质、铁含量、铁积累量、相对吸铁能力均显著降低,但根系麦根酸分泌量增多,铁素向地上部转移分配能力增强,铁素的生理效率提高,这是玉米适应低铁胁迫的重要生理机制之一。玉米幼苗的铁素积累量与根长、根体积、根干重、根系活力等根系性状均呈极显著或显著正相关。耐低铁玉米品种在中度和重度低铁胁迫下根长、根体积、根干重、根系活力均较不耐低铁玉米品种高,是其铁素吸收积累量高的重要原因。根系麦根酸分泌量与铁素茎叶分配率呈正相关,铁素茎叶分配率与铁素生理效率呈极显著正相关,增加根系麦根酸的分泌量可在一定程度上提高玉米铁素的茎叶分配率,从而提高铁素生理效率;耐低铁玉米品种在中度和重度低铁胁迫下麦根酸分泌量增幅高于不耐低铁玉米品种,是其铁素生理效率高的主要原因。  相似文献   

Genotypic variation in nitrogen (N) efficiency of rapeseed is caused by differences in reproductive growth. This might be related to genotypic variation in sulfur (S) utilization. In this study it was tested if S deficiency in growing plant parts is induced under N-limiting conditions due to high sulfate accumulation in mature leaves which is poorly remobilized. Leaf S remobilization was compared under high and low N supply in four rapeseed cultivars that were grown in hydroponics with leaf-senescence induction by shading. Low N conditions did not increase sulfate accumulation in mature leaves. Total S remobilization from the leaves was higher under N-limiting than N-sufficient conditions. The proposed S deficiency in young plant parts therefore may not be more probable under low than under high N conditions. However, genotypic variation in S uptake and remobilization was found under N-limiting conditions only and might therefore contribute to genotypic variation in reproductive growth.  相似文献   

Short-term tracer experiments (36Cl) were conducted with the differentially salt susceptible soybean cultivars “Lee” (moderately tolerant) and “Jackson” (sensitive) to elucidate the pattern of Cl? uptake and translocation in relation to the physiology of salt tolerance. Rates of Cl? uptake by excised roots of “Jackson” were much greater in the lower (0.1–0.5 mM NaCl) and particularly in the higher concentration range than by the more tolerant cultivar. The transfer rate to the shoot was significantly higher in “Jackson” than in “Lee” and increased with time of treatment. The cultivar “Lee” translocated a relatively high amount of Cl? during the onset of salt treatment, but in contrast to “Jackson” was then able to slow down Cl? translocation into the shoot to a degree about proportional to the increment of dry matter. In experiments on secondary translocation both cultivars extruded substantial amounts of 36Cl? to the nutrient solution during the period in inactive solution with constant salinity following labeling. Possibly, some Cl? that had moved into the leaves during labeling was retranslocated and extruded via the roots. The absolute efflux rate was presumably greater for “Jackson” than for “Lee” although it appeared not efficient enough to compensate for the high rate of influx into the root. After 5–6 days of secondary translocation a lesser amount of Cl? was shifted from the root to the shoot in “Lee” as compared with “Jackson”. Chloride accumulation in the upper root and lower stem, similar to that reported for Na+ in several Na+ excluding species, was not observed. From the results it may be concluded that the cultivar “Jackson” cannot sufficiently control the uptake of Cl? and its translocation, particularly into the mature leaves; this contributes causally to the development of severe injury under continuous salt stress.  相似文献   

铝和镉胁迫对两个大麦品种矿质营养和根系分泌物的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A hydroponic experiment was carried out to study the effect of aluminum (Al) and cadmium (Cd) on Al and mineral nutrient contents in plants and Al-induced organic acid exudation in two barley varieties with different Al tolerance. Al- sensitive cv. Shang 70-119 had significantly higher Al content and accumulation in plants than Al-tolerant cv. Gebeina, especially in roots, when subjected to low pH (4.0) and Al treatments (100 μmol L^-1 Al and 100 μmol L^-1 Al +1.0 μmol L^-1 Cd). Cd addition increased Al content in plants exposed to Al stress. Both low pH and Al treatments caused marked reduction in Ca and Mg contents in all plant parts, P and K contents in the shoots and leaves, Fe, Zn and Mo contents in the leaves, Zn and B contents in the shoots, and Mn contents both in the roots and leaves. Moreover, changes in nutrient concentrations were greater in the plants exposed to both Al and Cd than in those exposed only to Al treatment. A dramatic enhancement of malate, citrate, and succinate was found in the plants exposed to 100 μmol L^-1 Al relative to the control, and the Al-tolerant cultivar had a considerable higher exudation of these organic acids than the Al-sensitive one, indicating that Al-induced enhancement of these organic acids is very likely to be associated with Al tolerance.  相似文献   

磷对不同基因型玉米生长及氮磷钾吸收的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用田间试验法,在高磷和低磷土壤上分别设置施磷和不施磷处理,研究磷对9个玉米基因型生物量、产量、氮磷钾养分吸收量的影响及其各基因型间的异同,为磷肥合理施用提供科学依据。结果表明,在高磷土壤上,不施磷对各玉米基因型的生物量、产量、产量构成因素和多数玉米基因型的氮磷钾吸收量影响不大;在低磷土壤上,不施磷降低各玉米基因型的生物量、穗粒数、产量及氮磷钾吸收量。两个磷水平下,均以蠡玉16的生物量和产量最大,冀单28最小,这与前者具有较多的养分吸收量有关。不同玉米基因型间有明显差异,在玉米生产中应该因地制宜合理施用磷肥。  相似文献   

【目的】比较高积累型苋菜品种Tianxingmi与低积累型苋菜品种Zibeixian在Cd胁迫下Cd吸收转运特征差异性,揭示苋菜品种Tianxingmi高积累镉的机理。【方法】采用水培试验,添加代谢抑制剂来研究两品种苋菜根系吸收Cd的主要途径。分别在30 μmol/L CdCl2处理4 h、8 h、16 h、1 d和2 d采样测定,采用非损伤微测技术(Non-invasive micro-test technique,NMT),进行植物活体动态测试,调查、测量两品种苋菜根系Cd2+离子流特征,比较了两品种对代谢抑制剂的反应。【结果】在30 μmol/L CdCl2处理1 d后,Tianxingmi生物量达到最大值5.90 g/plant,是Zibeixian生物量的二倍;Tianxingmi根、茎和叶中Cd浓度分别为609、254和62.3 mg/kg,分别是Zibeixian的1.4倍、1.9倍和1.6倍,地上部和全株的Cd累积量分别高达602.0、1308 μg/plant;Tianxingmi富集系数(BCF)与转运系数(TF)分别为Zibeixian的2.1倍和1.5倍,这些结果两品种均表现出显著性差异(P < 0.05)。NMT技术测定两品种根系Cd2+离子流,通过扫描位点测定发现,距根尖0~300 μm范围内两品种苋菜根系Cd2+内流最强且差别最大,并在此做定点位点测定,发现Tianxingmi根系Cd2+内流是Zibeixian根系Cd2+内流的3.75倍,说明了两品种的富集特征与NMT结果一致。添加代谢抑制剂处理显著降低了高积累型Tianxingmi各器官中的Cd浓度,富集系数(BCF)与转运系数(TF),以及根系Cd2+内流(P < 0.05),主动吸收特征明显,而对低积累型Zibeixian的相关生理指标影响不大。【结论】两苋菜品种Cd吸收转运特征均表现出显著性差异。Tianxingmi具有更强的Cd吸收和向地上部转运与累积能力,并且根系对Cd的吸收与转运是主动需能的过程,共质体途径在Cd进入Tianxingmi根系并向地上部运输的过程中起着主要作用。  相似文献   


Sustainable food production includes mitigating environmental pollution and avoiding unnecessary use of non-renewable mineral phosphate resources. Efficient phosphorus (P) utilization from organic wastes is crucial for alternative P sources to be adopted as fertilizers. There must be predictable plant responses in terms of P uptake and plant growth. An 18-week pot experiment was conducted to assess corn (Zea mays L.) plant growth, P uptake, soil test P and P fractionation in response to application of organic P fertilizer versus inorganic P fertilizer in five soils. Fertilizers were applied at a single P rate using: mono-ammonium phosphate, anaerobically digested dairy manure, composted chicken manure, vegetable compost and a no-P control. Five soils used varied in soil texture and pH. Corn biomass and tissue P concentrations were different among P fertilizers in two soils (Warden and Quincy), with greater shoot biomass for composted chicken manure and higher tissue P concentration for MAP. Plant dry biomass ranged from highest to lowest with fertilizer treatment as follows: composted chicken manure?>?AD dairy?=?MAP?=?no-P control?=?vegetable compost. Soil test P was higher in soils with any P fertilizer treatment versus the no-P control. The loosely bound and soluble P (2.7?mg P kg?1) accounted for the smallest pool of inorganic P fractions, followed by iron bound P (13.7?mg P kg?1), aluminum bound P (43.4?mg P kg?1) and reductant soluble P (67.9?mg P kg?1) while calcium bound P (584.6?mg P kg?1) represented the largest pool of inorganic P.  相似文献   

Aluminum tolerant oat cultivars are needed for use on acid soil sites where neutralization of soil acidity by liming is not economically feasible. Oat germplasm in Poland has not been examined for range of Al tolerance. Eleven Polish oat cultivars were screened for Al tolerance in nutrient solutions containing 0, 5 and 15 mg L‐1 Al. Three of these cultivars showing high to moderate tolerance to Al in nutrient solutions were also grown in greenhouse pots of soil and in field plots of soil over a pH range of 3.8 to 5.5 as determined in 1 N KC1.

The eleven oat cultivars differed significantly in tolerance to Al in nutrient solutions. Based on relative root yield (15 mg L‐1 Al/no A1%), the cultivars ‘Solidor’ and ‘Diadem’ were most tolerant and ‘Pegaz’ and ‘B‐20’ were least tolerant. For these three cultivars, the order of tolerance to acid soil agreed with the order of tolerance to Al in nutrient solution ‐ namely, Solidor > Diadem > Leanda. Hence, for these cultivars, the nutrient solution methods used appear adequate for selecting plants that are more tolerant to Al in strongly acid soils. Additional study is needed to assess the value of this method for screening a broad range of germplasm.

Superior tolerance of the Solidor cultivar to acid soil was associated with significantly higher concentrations of N in the grain. Hence, results suggest that selecting for acid soil or Al tolerance may increase N efficiency in oats.  相似文献   

Manganese tolerant ‘Lee’ and Mn sensitive ‘Forrest’ soybean cultivars were grown in a potting soil with no known Mn toxicity and in Loring soil treated with excess Mn. Manganese toxicity in Loring soil was induced by the addition of Mn at 0, 100, 200 and 400 ug g‐1 as MnSO4.H2O. A preliminary experiment was conducted to determine the appropriate Mn stress levels for Lee and Forrest soybean cultivars in Loring soil. Because the Loring soil produced severe Mn toxicity in both cultivars, even with an intial pH of 4.9 and no added Mn, CaCO3 (2 g kg‐1 ) was added to Increase the pH to 6–6.3. Soil was analysed for extractable and water soluble Mn and plants for Mn, Ca and Fe.

A second experiment was conducted to determine the effect of Mn toxicity on stomatal function. The procedure was the same as in the first experiment except that the CaCO3 treatment was 2.5 g kg‐1 to raise soil pH to 6.2 ‐6.5. Plants were grown in a greenhouse for 10 days and then moved to a growth chamber before making stomatal conductance measurements. A steady state porometer (LI 1600) was used. Results indicated that Mn toxicity closed stomates and decreased transpiration rates. This effect was more pronounced in Mn sensitive Forrest than in Mn tolerant Lee.  相似文献   

盆栽试验选用东农42(高蛋白品种)、合丰25(中间型品种)、东农46(高油品种)3个基因型大豆品种,在每千克土壤施N和K2O各为0.033g基础上,设P0、P5、P10、P15 4个P处理(即每kg土壤分别施P2O5 0、0.033、0.067、0.100g),研究了不同磷素水平对大豆生育期功能叶片及子粒谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性的影响。结果表明,东农42和合丰25均为P10处理功能叶片和子粒GS活性最高;东农46为P10处理功能叶片GS活性最高,P5处理子粒GS活性最高。同一处理不同品种间东农42功能叶片和子粒GS活性最高,东农46最低,合丰25处于二者之间;3个品种不同处理功能叶片GS活性最高值均出现在结荚期,东农42子粒GS活性处于高值时间较长,东农46最短,合丰25处于二者之间。施磷对3个大豆品种叶片及子粒GS活性有影响,适宜的施磷量有利于提高其活性。  相似文献   

The release of phytosiderophore (PS) from roots of Fe-deficient graminaceous plants follows a distinct diurnal rhythm with maximum release rates occurring usually 3 to 4 hours after the onset of light. However, it remains to be determined whether absorption of the PS-Fe3+ complex shows a diurnal rhythmicity similar to that of PS release, Barley plants grown with or without 10 µM FeEDTA for 7 days were fed with ferreted PS (10 µM labelled with 59Fe) at 4-h intervals to study the diurnal variations in the absorption and transloca tion of 59Fe, The absorption of 59Fe, irrespective of the Fe nutritional status of the plants, was higher during the day and lower during the night but did not show any peak throughout the day-night cycle. On the other hand, the translocation of 59Fe into shoots of Fe-deficient plants was lower than that of Fe-sufficient plants, while the Fe nutritional status of the plants did not affect the absorption of 59Fe by roots, The formation of root apoplastic 59Fe was lower during the day and higher during the night, regardless of the Fe nutritional status of plants. Our results showed that the absorption of the PS-Fe3+ complex by roots did not follow the PS release pattern.  相似文献   


The effect of soil test levels of K (1 N, NH4OAc) on yields of soybean (Glycine max Merr) reproductive growth, seed size and numbers were evaluated for early, medium, and late maturing cultivars on a Maury silt loam (Typic Paleudalf). Relative yields were near maximum when extractable K was approximately 210 pp2m. Concentrations of K in uppermost, fully expanded leaves at flower initiation at the high production level were approximately 2.0 to 2.15%.

Neither dates of flower initiation nor pod maturation of the three cultivars, Bonus, Cutler 71, and Williams, were altered by K nutrition. Either seed size or seed number were approximately equally capable of serving as a mechanism for increasing yield in response to improved K nutrition. Among cultivars, Bonus tended to have more smaller seeds, whereas Cutler 71 tended to have larger seeds with fewer seeds being produced.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) and chromium (Cr) stresses often occur simultaneously in agricultural soils, and pose a great damage to crop growth, yield formation and product safety. In the current study, the influence of combined Al and Cr stresses on plant biomass, metal and nutrient contents was determined in comparison with that of Al or Cr stress alone. A hydroponic experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of pH, Al and Cr in the medium solution on the uptake of mineral elements as well as Al and Cr in the two barley genotypes differing in Al tolerance. Aluminum sensitive genotype Shang 70-119 had significantly higher Cr and Al contents in plants than Al-tolerant genotype Gebeina. Barley roots had much higher Al and Cr contents than above-ground plant parts. Chromium contents were much higher in the solution with pH 4.0 than in that with pH 6.5. Aluminum stress reduced phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and boron (B) contents in roots and restrained potassium (K) and iron (Fe) from being translocated into shoots and leaves. Chromium stress resulted in reduced P, K, Mg, S, Fe, Zn and Mn contents in roots at pH 6.5 and P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn and Mn contents at pH 4.0. Translocation of all nutrients from roots to upper parts of plants was inhibited except Ca in pH 6.5 with Cr addition. Lower contents of all nutrients were observed at pH 4.0 as compared to pH 6.5. Combined stress of Cr and Al, on the whole, caused further reduction in mineral content in all plant parts of the two barley genotypes as compared to Al or Cr stress alone. Moreover, the reduction was more pronounced in Al sensitive genotype Shang 70-119.  相似文献   

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