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Phytosiderophore (PS) release, which occurs mainly under iron deficiencies in the representative Poaceae, has been speculated to be a general adaptive response to enhance the acquisition of micronutrient metals. However, it is very common to encounter deficiency of micronutrients other than iron (Fe) in soils and interactions with respect of multi-micronutrient deficiency to effect on PS release are not known. Further, the diurnal rhythm for the release of PS may also be affected under multiple micronutrient deficiency. PS release capacity and PS content of roots and the diurnal rhythm of PS release was measured in selected efficient and inefficient wheat genotypes varied on individual and combined deficiency of Fe, zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) in nutrient solution culture. A nutrient sufficient treatment was also taken as experimental control. Lack of Fe in the nutrient medium caused a significantly higher release of PSs followed by Zn, Mn and Cu in the same order. The diurnal rhythm of PS release was similar in the absence of either of the micronutrients or under their combined deficiency. Micronutrient sufficient control did not release any PS. Fe-use-efficient cultivars produced and released a larger amount of PS and differed from the inefficient cultivars in terms of the PS release but not in the PS biosynthesis in the roots. Thus, indicating that the limitation at the level of release of the PS is responsible for low Fe use efficiency of the Fe deficiency susceptible cultivars. Further, the diurnal variation in the PS release was similar for all the investigated wheat cultivars and did not influence the variation in the Fe use efficiency.  相似文献   

Using six bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aesttvum L. cvs. Dagdas‐94, Gerek‐79, BDME‐10, SBVD 1–21, SBVD 2–22 and Partizanka Niska) and one durum wheat genotype (Triticum durum L. cv. Kunduru‐1149) experiments were carried out to study the relationship between the rate of phytosiderophore release and susceptibility of genotypes to zinc (Zn) deficiency during 15 days of growth in nutrient solution with (1 μM Zn) and without Zn supply. Among the genotypes, Dagdas‐94 and Gerek‐79 are Zn efficient, while the others are highly susceptible to Zn deficiency, when grown on severely Zn deficient calcareous soils in Turkey. Similar to the field observations, visual Zn deficiency symptoms, such as whitish‐brown lesions on leaf blades occurred first and severely in durum wheat Kunduru‐1149 and bread wheats Partizanka Niska, BDME‐10, SBVD 1–21 and SBVD 2–22. Visual Zn deficiency symptoms were less severe in the bread wheats Gerek‐79 and particularly Dagdas‐94. These genotypic differences in susceptibility to Zn deficiency were not related to the concentrations of Zn in shoots or roots. All bread wheat genotypes contained similar Zn concentration in the dry matter. In all genotypes supplied adequately with Zn, the rate of phytosiderophore release was very low and did not exceed 0.5 μmol/48 plants/ 3 h. However, under Zn deficiency the release of phytosiderophores increased in all bread wheat genotypes, but not in the durum wheat genotype. The corresponding rates of phytosiderophore release in Zn deficient durum wheat genotype were 1.2 umol and in Zn deficient bread wheat genotypes ranged between 8.6 μmol for Partizanka Niska to 17.4 umol for SBVD 2–22. In Dagdas‐94, the most Zn efficient genotype, the highest rate of phytosiderophore release was 14.8 umol. The results indicate that the release rate of phytosiderophores does not relate well with the susceptibility of bread wheat genotypes to Zn deficiency. Root uptake and root‐to‐shoot transport of Zn and particularly internal utilization of Zn may be more important mechanisms involved in expression of Zn efficiency in bread wheat genotypes than release of phytosiderophores.  相似文献   

The effect of Zn deficiency in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Ares) on the release of Zn mobilizing root exudates was studied in nutrient solution. Compared to Zn sufficient plants, Zn deficient plants had higher root and lower shoot dry weights. After visual Zn deficiency symptoms in leaves appeared (15–17 day old plants) there was a severalfold increase in the release of root exudates efficient at mobilizing Zn from either a selective cation exchanger (Zn-chelite) or a calcareous soil. The release of these root exudates by Zn deficient plants followed a distinct diurnal rhythm with a maximum between 2 and 8 h after the onset of light. Re-supply of Zn to deficient plants depressed the release of Zn mobilizing root exudates within 12 h to about 50%-, and after 72 h to the level of the control plants (Zn sufficient plants). The root exudates of Zn deficient wheat plants were equally effective at mobilizing Fe from freshly precipitated FeIII hydroxide as Zn from Zn-chelite. Furthermore, root exudates from Fe deficient wheat plants mobilized Zn from Zn-chelite, as well as Fe from FeIII hydroxide. Purification of the root exudates and identification by HPLC indicated that under Zn as well as under Fe deficiency, wheat roots of the cv. Ares released the phytosiderophore 2′-deoxymugineic acid. Additional experiments with barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Europa) showed that in this species another phytosiderophore (epi-3-hydroxymugineic acid) was released under both Zn and Fe deficiencies. These results demonstrate that the enhanced release of phytosiderophores by roots of grasses is not a response mechanism specific for Fe deficiency, but also occurs under Zn deficiency. The ecological relevance of enhanced release of phytosiderophore also under Zn deficiency is discussed.  相似文献   

用溶液培养的方法研究了玉米幼苗对短暂供锌的反应及缺锌后再供锌的恢复效果.结果表明:10~12小时的正常供锌后再缺锌培养,对玉米幼苗的危害比一直缺锌的还大;缺锌培养使玉米幼苗出现缺锌症状后再正常供锌,可使之恢复,低锌使玉米出现的缺锌症状比缺锌培养的更难以恢复,证明低锌比缺锌对玉米造成的危害更大,缺锌使玉米的有机酸分泌增加,低锌增加的更多.  相似文献   

Poor zinc (Zn) nutrition of wheat is one of the main causes of poor human health in developing countries. A field experiment with no zinc and foliar zinc application (0.5% ZnSO4.7H2O) on bread wheat (8), durum wheat (3), and triticale (4) cultivars was conducted in a randomized block design with three replications in 2 years. The experimental soil texture was loamy sand with slightly alkalinity. The grain yields of bread wheat, triticale, and durum wheat cultivars increased from 43.6 to 56.4, 46.5 to 51.6, and 49.4 to 53.5 t ha?1, respectively, with foliar application of 0.5% ZnSO4.7H2O. The highest grain yield was recorded by PBW 550 (wheat), TL 2942 (triticale), and PDW 291 (durum), which was 5.22, 4.24, and 4.56% and significantly higher over no zinc. Foliar zinc application increased zinc in bread wheat, triticale, and durum wheat cultivars grains varying from 31.0 to 63.0, 29.3 to 61.8, and 30.2 to 62.4?mg kg?1, respectively. So, agronomic biofortification is the best way which enriching the wheat grains with zinc for human consumption.  相似文献   

High levels of phosphorus (P) often induce zinc (Zn) deficiency in plants grown on Zn-poor soils. We investigated P-induced Zn deficiency in durum wheat (Triticum durum L. ‘Carpio’) grown on 16 noncalcareous and 31 calcareous soils differing in levels of available (Olsen) P and available (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable) Zn using micropots. A completely randomized factorial design with two levels of P (0 and 40 mg P kg?1 soil) and Zn (0 and 3 mg Zn kg?1 soil), i.e. four treatments (‘control’, + P, + Zn, and + PZn), were used. Grain yield of control plants depended mainly on the Olsen P level. Phosphorus had a negative effect on yield in 6 soils with Olsen P/ZnDTPA > 25, and Zn a positive one in 5 soils with Olsen P/ZnDTPA > 50; and the + PZn treatment generally resulted in the highest yield. Grain Zn concentration of control plants was negatively correlated with growth and Olsen P. Calcareous soils were less sensitive to P-induced Zn deficiency than noncalcareous soils because phosphate is sorbed by calcite rather than being co-adsorbed with Zn on the Fe oxides. Co-application of P and Zn to soil at low and application of Zn at high Olsen P ensured both maximum yield and grain Zn bioavailability.  相似文献   


The diurnal rhythm of release of phytosiderophores and uptake rate of zinc (Zn) was studied in iron (Fe) deficient wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Ares) plants grown in nutrient solution under controlled environmental conditions. Different forms of Zn (e.g. ZnSO4, ZnEDTA) were used to obtain different degrees of loading of the root apoplasmic pool with Zn.

In the Fe-deficient plants the release of phytosiderophores from the roots followed a distinct diurnal rhythm with a steep peak about 4 h after the onset of the light period. These plants also showed a similar pattern in the rates of Zn uptake over the 24 h day-night cycle. During the light period there was a steep transient peak (factor 3.8) in Zn uptake rate in the Fe-deficient plants supplied with ZnSO4. This transient peak was much less distinct in plants supplied with ZnEDTA (factor 1.8) and absent in plants supplied with ZnEDTA plus free chelator (+ NaEDTA) in excess. The peak in Zn uptake coincided with the maximum rate of phytosiderophore release in the Fe-deficient plants. In the Fe-sufficient plants the release of phytosiderophores was very low and no such peak in Zn uptake rates could be observed.

These results demonstrate that phytosiderophores mobilize Zn not only in the rhizosphere, but also from the root apoplast. Thus, the apoplasmic pool of micronutrient cations has to be taken into account as potential source for both uptake and diurnal variation in uptake rates of Micronutrient cations.  相似文献   

A greenhouse study was conducted to examine the effects of four soil solution organic acids on the distribution of Zn within various soil micro nutrient pools and their influence on Zn uptake by wheat. L‐malic, malonic, oxalic, and succinic acids at four concentration levels, 0,10‐2 mol/L, 10‐3 mol/L, and 10‐4 mol/L were applied to pots growing wheat (Triticum aestivum) over a period of 10 weeks. A sequential Zn extraction technique was performed on the soil for each treatment, with the quantity amount of Zn in each fraction being determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Soil Zn fractions significantly affected by the organic acid treatments were the exchangeable, organic and Mn oxide fractions. An inverse relationship existed between Zn extracted from the exchangeable fraction and organic acid concentration for all acid treatments. Succinic and malonic acids at higher concentrations were the only treatments to be significantly higher in organic Zn compared to the control. All treatments were significantly less than the control for Zn levels in the manganese oxide fraction, however there were nonsignificant differences between organic acid treatments. Organic acids had no affect on the quantity of Zn associated with the amorphous and crystalline Fe oxide soil fractions. Zinc concentration in wheat tissue showed an inverse relationship between exchangeable Zn and organic acid concentration similiar to that in the exchangeable fraction. Differences in amounts of Zn in wheat tissue were attributed to both organic acid type and concentration. It was concluded that organic acids may be important in influencing the distribution of Zn between the various soil fractions and thus affecting its availability to the plant.  相似文献   

Zinc application is generally recommended to enrich wheat grains with Zn; however, its influence on Zn bioavailability to humans has not received appreciable attention from scientists. In this pot experiment, seven Zn rates (from 0 to 18 mg kg?1 soil) were applied to two wheat cultivars (Shafaq-2006 and Auqab-2000). Application of Zn significantly increased grain yield, grain Zn concentration and estimated Zn bioavailability, and significantly decreased grain phytate concentration and [phytate]:[Zn] ratio in wheat grains. The response of grain yield to Zn application was quadratic, whereas maximum grain yield was estimated to be achieved at 10.8 mg Zn kg?1 soil for Shafaq-2006 and 7.4 mg Zn kg?1 soil for Auqab-2000. These estimated Zn rates were suitable for increasing grain Zn concentration and Zn bioavailability (>2.9 mg Zn in 300 g grains) to optimum levels required for better human nutrition. Conclusively, Zn fertilization for Zn biofortification may be practiced on the bases of response curve studies aimed at maximizing grain yield and optimum Zn bioavailability. Moreover, additive Zn application progressively reduced the grain Fe concentration and increased the grain [phytate]:[Fe] ratio. However, a medium Zn application rate increased grain Ca concentration and decreased the grain [phytate]:[Ca] ratio. Hence, rate of Zn application for mineral biofortification needs to be carefully selected.  相似文献   

A solution culture study was conducted to compare the phosphorus (P) remobilization efficiency of four wheat cultivars under induced P deficiency. Wheat cultivars, i.e. Sarsabz, NIA-Sunder, NIA-Amber and NIA-Saarang were initially grown on adequate P nutrition for 30 days and then exposed to P-free nutrient solution for next 15 days to study P remobilization. Completely randomized design (CRD) with ten replicates per cultivar was employed. Cultivars varied for biomass production, P concentration, P uptake, and P utilization efficiency at both harvests. Overall, more than 75% of absorbed P was mobilized from older leaves to younger leaves as well as roots of all cultivars during P-omission period. However, cultivars could not produce significant variations (P < 0.05) in P remobilization, which implied that P remobilization was only a stress response to P deficiency in wheat cultivars and it could not be related to P utilization efficiency of these cultivars.  相似文献   


Z1nc (Zn) deficiency of corn (Zea mays L.) has been detected in 20 or more states 1n the United States including Georgia. Since soil pH is a major factor in assessing the availability of soil Zn, this measurement has been included with acid extractable soil Zn in developing calibration Zn soil tests in North Carolina and Virginia. The objectives of this study were to develop a reliable soil test for Zn based on soil pH and Mehlich 1 soil Zn for corn gown on coarse‐textured soils and to compare our soil test values with those recently published from North Carolina where Mehlich 3 was the extractant. The study was conducted 1n 1979 to 1981 on a Tifton loamy sand (Plinthic Paleudult) site which had been used to study the influence of lime rates on micronutrient availability since 1970. Treatments consisted of four soil pH levels ranging from 5.3 to 6.6 and soil Zn levels ranging from 0.5 to 4.9 mg/kg. The Zn levels were established from the previous study where 5.6 kg Zn/ha had been applied annually for eight years (residual treatment) and by applying 3.36 or 6.72 kg Zn/ha during 1979, 1980 and 1981.

Soil Zn, corn shoot, and ear leaf Zn values were reflective of the amount of Zn applied except that the residual Zn treatment resulted in Zn concentrations > than the annual application of 3.36 kg Zn/ha. Zinc tended to accumulate in the soil and in corn leaf tissue more from the residual Zn than the recently applied Zn treatments, especially at the highest pH levels. Increasingly more soil Zn was required to increase corn shoot and ear leaf Zn one mg/kg as soil pH increased. In the initial year, each unit (kg/ha) of applied Zn increased corn shoot Zn approximately 4 units (mg/kg) at pH 5.3 and only 0.3 unit at pH 6.6. Zinc deficiency symptoms developed in corn shoots for the two highest soil pH levels in two of three years. Corn yields were increased by Zn only in 1980 and were increased by residual or applied Zn at pH levels of 6.2 and 6.6. Regression equations from these studies were utilized to develop predictive corn shoot and ear leaf Zn values over wide ranges in soil Zn and pH. Our field research data using Mehlich 1 extractant could possibly be used satisfactorily in North Carolina regression equations where Mehlich 3 was the extractant; however, certain limitations would need to be imposed in the North Carolina equations.  相似文献   

Whether a legume obtains its nitrogen (N) from the air, through dinitrogen fixation, or from the soil, as nitrate (NO3), may influence its susceptibility to zinc (Zn) deficiency. The influence of N source [potassium nitrate (KNO3)+ native soil N versus rhizobium‐inoculated seed + native soil N] and phosphorus (P) (0 and 200 mg P/kg), and Zn fertilizers (0, 1, and 8 mg Zn/kg) on growth and nutrient composition of soybean (Glycine max L. cv. McCall) and navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Seafarer) grown on a calcareous soil were studied under greenhouse conditions. Inoculated plants, but not their KNO3‐treated counterparts, had root nodules. However, due to N deficiency resulting from suboptimal N fixation, growth of these inoculated plants, especially of navy bean, was poorer than that of similarly treated KNO3‐fed plants. As a consequence of this restricted growth, responses to P and Zn fertilizers were generally greater in KNO3‐treated plants. Added P decreased the yield of KNO3‐treated navy bean in the absence of added Zn, but P‐induced Zn deficiency had little effect on the growth of similarly treated inoculated plants. Plant excess bases (EB)/total plant N ratios [EB = 1/2 Ca + l/2Mg + Na + K ‐ Cl ‐ total S (S = divalent) ‐ total P (P = monovalent)] were less in KNO3‐treated soybean than in correspondingly treated navy bean. Therefore, rhizosphere pH values around navy bean roots were probably less than those around soybean roots. Despite the hypothesized lower rhizosphere pH values, KNO3‐treated navy bean was more susceptible to Zn deficiency than soybean. This greater susceptibility of navy bean to Zn deficiency was apparently at least partly due to poor translocation of Zn from the roots to the tops.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassay of deoxynivalenol in wheat and corn   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
With the availability of antibody against deoxynivalenol triacetate (DON-triacetate), a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for DON in wheat was developed. DON is extracted from the sample with acetonitrile-water (84 + 16), defatted with hexane, and then reacted with acetic anhydride to form DON-triacetate. The reaction mixture is loaded onto a C-18 cartridge to remove excess reagents and impurities. Acetylated DON is eluted from the cartridge with 50% methanol in water, and then analyzed by radioimmunoassay utilizing antiserum against DON-triacetate and tritiated DON-triacetate. Overall recovery for DON added to wheat between 50 and 5000 ppb was 86% with a standard deviation of 7% and coefficient of variation of 8%. The limit of detection for DON was about 20 ppb. Analysis of 12 naturally contaminated wheat, corn, and mixed feed samples for DON revealed that RIA results agreed well with thin layer chromatographic analyses performed by other laboratories.  相似文献   

玉米整秸覆盖地小麦免耕播种技术初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在玉米整秸覆盖条件下,在玉米行间免耕播种小麦是中国北方小麦、玉米一年两熟地区小麦免耕播种的一种全新方法。介绍了玉米整秸覆盖地小麦全免耕播种技术、所需机具、作业工艺、技术要点及试验结果。研究结果表明:该项技术及配套机具能够保证小麦免耕播种、施肥的农艺技术要求,且具有蓄水保墒效果;作业收费较传统的作业方式降低50%左右。具有省工、省力、省时、省钱、节能、增产、增收之功效;配套机具充分利用了农村小型拖拉机保有量多的特点,具有良好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

In no-tillage (NT) system, precedent crop residue retains on the soil surface to preserve soil water for crop growth. In response to the negative impact of soil degradation under conventional tillage (CT) system based on soil tillage, NT system without tillage practice and with protective cover of crop residue is being developed in many parts of the world. However, NT is a successful system especially in the South of America, but the impacts of this system on the Mediterranean climate especially in the southeast (SE) of France is less known; therefore, this study has been carried out within the scope of a European project. Durum wheat and corn were sown under CT and NT. Time requirement and fuel consumption in these two systems were measured. The results showed that durum wheat and corn yields were the same in both systems except of 2008, while work duration and energy requirement were 87% and 83% lower in NT system, respectively. Furthermore, NT could mitigate CO2 emission up to 50% as compared with CT. These results show that NT can be considered as a relevant alternative for CT regarding economical and environmental advantages.  相似文献   


Zinc (Zn) deficiency in crops, including rapeseed and mustard, is a widespread nutritional disorder especially in alkaline soils. However, plant analysis diagnostic criteria for interpreting Zn analysis in rapeseed and mustard are scarcely reported in the literature. Use of seeds for diagnosing Zn fertility status of soils has certain advantages over foliar analysis—ease of sampling, processing, and chemical analysis. Despite this, mature seeds of these species were hardly evaluated as an index tissue for this purpose. Our study determined Zn requirement in foliar tissues and also evaluated Zn composition of mature seeds as an index of Zn status of soils and plants. Zinc concentration in mature seeds of the test crops reflected the Zn status of the soil where plants were grown. In fact, the range of Zn concentration in grains was almost comparable with the ranges in foliar plant parts. Critical Zn concentration (mg/kg) in diagnostic plant parts of rapeseed was: whole shoots, 29; leaves, 33; and seeds, 29; while the Zn requirement of mustard was a little higher: whole shoots, 35; leaves, 41; and seeds, 33.  相似文献   


An incubation study was conducted for 30 days in Taloka (fine, mixed, thermic mollic Albaqualf) and Leadvale (fine, silty, siliceous, thermic typic Fragiudult) silt loam soils to evaluate carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralization from soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], corn (Zea mays L.), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) residues. Corn and soybean residues were collected at the tasseling and late vegetative stages, respectively. Wheat straw was collected after harvest. Carbon dioxide (CO2) evolution and inorganic N accumulation were measured. Carbon mineralization was described by a sequential decomposition model with a rapid and slow phase, each described by first‐order kinetics. Rapid and slow fraction rate constants and percent rapid were determined. Decomposition ranged from 39% for wheat to 67% for soybean. Carbon dioxide evolution peaked on the third day, and 30 to 50% of residue C was decomposed during the first six days of incubation. Decomposition and N mineralization were higher in the Taloka compared to the Leadvale soil, and generally followed the sequence soybean > corn > wheat residues as did percent rapid fraction, and rapid and slow fraction rate constants. Rapid fraction rate constants ranged from 0.039±0.005 to 0.115±0.005 per day. Slow fraction rate constants ranged from 0.013±0.002 to 0.030±0.002 per day. Percent rapid fraction ranged from 13±2% to 38±2%. The half‐lives of the slow fraction ranged from 23.4±3.5 to 51.8±3.5 days. Nitrogen mineralization, as estimated by ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO3) formation occurred only with the soybean residue, whereas the corn and wheat residues were characterized by N immobilization throughout the study.  相似文献   

用溶液培养法研究不同Zn浓度对玉米缺Zn后恢复效果及胚乳在缺Zn中作用结果表明,不同基因型玉米缺Zn后恢复所需的适宜Zn浓度不同,敏感品种比非敏感品种要求更高的Zn浓度。缺Zn后恢复所需适宜Zn浓度高于正常培养所需适宜Zn浓度,低浓度Zn(0.1μmol/L)无恢复作用(生物量)。带上胚乳使敏感品种在缺Zn、低Zn下受抑程度(缺Zn与供Zn生物量差值)提高,而非敏感品种受抑程度反而减小。缺Zn与低Zn培养时体内P含量提高,胚乳可缓解这种影响。缺Zn后再供Zn可使体内Zn含量提高,而P含量降低,玉米对Zn产生奢侈吸收,使体内Zn含量超过正常供Zn水平,表明缺Zn后植物对Zn的要求提高。0.1μmol/L Zn恢复对“吉单120”玉米Zn含量无明显影响,但“辽单22”玉米Zn含量显著提高,这表明非敏感品种比敏感品种利用低Zn的能力更强。  相似文献   

试验研究证明,麦-棉-辣-米立体种植模式采用优化田间结构配置及配套技术措施,农田生态位、作物边际效应及病虫生态控制效应显著,与麦棉、麦辣间套及麦米轮作种植模式相比,其产值分别提高34.1%、27.5%和94.0%,纯收入分别增加8188元/hm~2、6090.5元/hm~2和12066元/hm~2。  相似文献   


Canola plants (Brassica napus cv. Eureka) were grown in soil culture with seven levels of zinc (Zn) supply (0, 67, 133, 200, 267, 533, and 1,067 μg Zn/kg soil) for 39 days. Critical Zn concentrations in young leaf blades and petioles were established for the diagnosis of Zn deficiency in canola plants during vegetative growth by assessing the relationship between the Zn concentration in the leaves and shoot dry matter on 22 and 39 days after sowing (DAS). Zinc concentrations in leaf blades and petioles increased with increasing Zn supply, but Zn concentrations were always 50% higher in the youngest open leaf (YOL) than in the youngest mature leaf (YML). The relationship between shoot dry matter and Zn concentrations in leaf petioles exhibited Piper‐Steenbjerg curvature, indicating their unsuitability for Zn‐deficiency diagnosis either alone or by inclusion with leaf blades. By contrast, inclusion of leaf mid‐ribs with leaf blades did not alter the relationship between shoot dry matter and Zn concentrations, nor the critical Zn concentration. Critical Zn concentrations in the YOL, YOL+1, and YOL+2 blade on 39 DAS, corresponding with the stem elongation stage, were 15–17, 9–10, and 7–8 mg Zn/kg dry matter, respectvely. In comparison, the critical Zn concentration in the YOL+2 leaf blades with mid‐ribs was 7–8 mg Zn/kg dry matter. In conclusion, during the vegetative stage up to stem elongation, YOL+2 leaf blades which are also the YML are recommended for the diagnosis of Zn deficiency in canola plants with the critical Zn concentration being 7–8 mg Zn/kg dry matter.  相似文献   

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