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水培番茄、黄瓜营养液管理专家系统的构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对无土栽培的技术核心——营养液管理,构建了水培番茄、黄瓜的营养液管理专家系统,以促进无土栽培技术在中国大面积的推广和应用。该文详细介绍了该专家系统的设计目标、结构和功能设计的过程以及知识库的构成;构建了番茄、黄瓜在不同生育期对氮、磷、钾、钙等大量元素的吸收模型,组成动态模型库;优化了番茄、黄瓜在逆境(高温、低温、寡照等)生长条件下对营养液的管理。在大量搜集水培知识和营养液管理数据的基础上,基本实现了对水培番茄、黄瓜不同生育期的营养液浓度(EC),酸碱度(pH),氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)等营养元素浓度,以及营养液温度、溶解氧浓度的管理和决策。  相似文献   

Increasing salt concentration from 10?4N to 3 × 10?3N increased the uptake and percent of N and P in shoots and roots of barley and broad bean plants. This effect was higher the higher the cation valence and the lower the anion valence following the order CaCl2 > KCl ? K2SO4. The increase in N and P uptake was higher in broad bean plants having higher C.E.C. than in barley having lower C.E.C.  相似文献   

Wild relatives of wheat may possess useful traits or genes for efficient use of nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P). Forty-three wheat addition lines with alien chromosomes from Leymus, Agropyron, Hordeum, Psathyrostachys, Aegilops, and Secale cereale, along with their common parent Chinese Spring (CS) were cultured by hydroponics, and their phenotypic variation, N/P uptake and utilization efficiency were investigated at seedling stage. The phenotypic variation showed that N deficiency decreased plant height, shoot dry weight, and total dry weight, while increased root length, number of leaves, SPAD value, and root to shoot ratio (R/S); while P deficiency decreased all the measured traits except root dry weight and R/S. Aegilops longissima 2S and Aegilops searsii 4SS addition lines were identified as both N- and P-efficient germplasm, of which Ae. longissima 2S addition line showed significant increased N and P uptake efficiency than CS under all treatments.  相似文献   

Aerated solution culture is frequently used for studying plant growth. Few comparisons have been made of root growth in solution with that found in soil. The objective of this study was to compare root growth and root hair development in these two mediums. Corn (Zea mays L.) grown in aerated solution at two temperatures (18 and 25°C) and three P concentrations (2, 10, and 500 μmol L‐1) was compared with that in three soils, Raub (Aquic Argiudoll) and two Chalmers (Typic Haplaquoll) silt loams, in a controlled climate chamber over 21d. Corn plant weight and root growth were similar in solution culture and Raub soil when grown at an air and soil temperature of 18°C. At 25°C both yield and root growth were greater in Raub soil, even though P uptake by corn was 7‐fold greater in solution culture. The same difference was found when corn grown at 25°C in solution culture at 3 different P concentrations was compared with that grown in Chalmers soil at two P levels. Percentage of total root length with root hairs, root length and density and consequently root surface area, were all greater in the Chalmers soil than in solution culture. An increase in soil P, resulted in a decrease in root hair growth. No such relationship was found in solution culture. Although the recovery and measurement of plant roots and root hairs is more convenient in solution culture, results from this study indicate that the usefulness of solution culture for determining those factors which control root growth and root hair development in soil is limited.  相似文献   

水培技术用于蔬菜生产是对传统土壤栽培模式的重要补充,也是现代农业的重要手段,研究不同氮源配比营养液对水培生菜根系微生物群落组成及功能预测对水培生菜质量安全具有重要意义。水培试验地位于四川省成都市温江区,营养液处理包括:100%无机氮源(T1),100%有机氮源(T2),50%无机氮源和50%有机氮源(T3)。不同处理生菜生长过程控制完全相同,水培营养液成分除氮添加有差异外,其他成分均相同。采用高通量测序方法测定生菜根系微生物群落结构并进行功能预测。α多样性分析表明,3个处理细菌种类无显著性差异,T2处理生菜根系细菌丰富度和均匀度最高。主坐标分析表明,T2处理根系细菌群落结构与T1、T3之间差异较大,T1与T3处理细菌群落结构相对相似。物种组成分析表明,在目水平上,3个处理下分离到丰度排名前10的类群分别为假单胞菌目、鞘氨醇单胞菌目、黄色单胞菌目、β-变形菌目、柄杆菌目、根瘤菌目、黄杆菌目、类固醇杆菌目、Salinisphaerales和立克次氏体目。其中Pseudomonadales为TI和T3样品中的主要优势群类,Xanthomonadales为TI样品中的第二优势群类。Sphingomonadales为T2样品中的主要优势群类。在属水平发现10种差异显著的细菌,其中T2处理下生菜根系细菌中鞘脂菌属、Asticcacaulis、Pelomonas、Phenylobacterium、Uliginosibacterium、IS-44、Methylopila和Pseudolabrys的Indval值最高,为该处理中属水平的指示物种,T1处理下Stenotrophomonas和Aeromonas的Indval值最高,为该处理中属水平的指示物种,T3处理中Chryseobacterium的Indval值最高,为该处理中属水平的指示物种。PICRUSt2功能预测分析发现,碳水化合物代谢和氨基酸代谢是3个处理下根系细菌最丰富的代谢途径,区别在于氨基酸代谢、辅助因子和维生素的代谢活动在T2处理下显著增加,且与T1和T3差异显著或极显著,但脂质代谢、萜类和多酮类化合物的代谢、信号转导、细胞运动、内分泌系统、聚糖的生物合成与代谢及传染病活动显著低于T1和T3处理。因此加入有机氮的营养液生菜根系细菌丰富度更高,同时表现出更强的功能特征。但如果仅加入50%有机氮营养液对细菌群落和功能的影响不十分明显。100%有机氮来源营养液配方可能对生菜生长及品质带来更多正向的影响。  相似文献   

为对比两种磷效率棉花在两种磷水平(0.1和5 mmol/L)的根系形态和根际特征的差异。以磷高效型棉花ZM42和磷低效型棉花XLZ13为研究对象设计砂培花盆分层试验,测定生物量、吸磷量、根系形态数据、分层Olsen-P、 pH值和酸性磷酸酶。结果表明:在砂培条件下两种磷效率棉花生物量和磷素积累量随施磷量的增加均有不同程度增加; ZM42在两种磷处理的根部生物量、吸磷量以及根冠比都优于XLZ13。在两种磷处理下, ZM42根系中根径(0~0.4 mm)的细根长度较XLZ13长,细根在总根长中的比例较高。总根长中细根越多有利于促进植株对磷的吸收。生长介质中磷含量降低时,棉花根际pH值也随之降低,高效品种ZM42的根际pH值降低幅度显著高于XLZ13;两种磷效率棉花在两个时期的根际土壤磷酸酶活性均随着施磷量的减少而增加,磷高效棉花ZM42分泌的土壤磷酸酶活性均高于磷低效棉花XLZ13。由此可见,两种磷效率棉花在相同生长介质中根际机理存在差异,且在低磷胁迫下磷高效棉花根系形态特征改变是根际磷活化主要机理之一。  相似文献   

 The effects of a limed soil upon root and shoot growth of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) were investigated using soil tubes and pots. After 75 days in the soil tubes, the combined taproot and lateral root dry weight in limed soil (2.5% CaO w/w) was significantly less than in neutral pH soil (by 57%). However, the dry weight and numbers of cluster roots remained comparable between the treatments, demonstrating for the first time that the cluster roots respond differently to the rest of the root system. Cluster roots accounted for 17% of the total root biomass in neutral soil, increasing significantly to over 30% in limed soil. When grown for 43 days in pots containing soil with different additions of lime (0.5–2.5% CaO w/w), soil citrate concentrations were higher than in the neutral pH soil treatment in all except the 2.5% lime treatment, in which they were lower. In both experiments, shoot dry weights were lower in the presence of the limed soil compared with those in the neutral pH soil. Although a reduction in shoot dry weight was not apparent at 21 days in the limed-soil tubes, the initiation of fewer mainstem leaf primordia indicated a slower shoot development than occurred in the neutral soil. Plants grown in the limed-soil tubes showed leaf yellowing and some chlorosis within 9 days. At the final harvest, the shoot phosphorus and manganese concentrations were significantly lower in plants grown in limed soil compared with those in the neutral pH soil, whereas the concentration of calcium was higher. Received: 11 October 1999  相似文献   

Despite a vast amount of data on the effect of tillage on crop productivity, surprisingly there is little detailed information available on the influence on below and aboveground crop growth dynamics. Such information is essential for developing sustainable cropping systems. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of tillage intensity on crop growth dynamics and soil structure. A tillage experiment was established in autumn 2002 on two Danish sandy loams (Foulum and Flakkebjerg) in a cereal‐based crop rotation. The tillage systems included in this study were direct drilling (D), harrowing 8–10 cm (H8‐10), and ploughing (P). A single‐disc drill was used in the H8‐10 and D treatments and a traditional seed drill in the P treatment. Measurements were carried out in 2004–05 and 2005–06 and winter wheat was grown in both years (first and second year winter wheat). Shoot and root growth was followed during the growing seasons using spectral reflectance and mini‐rhizotron measurements, respectively. A range of soil physical properties were measured. We found decreased early season shoot and root growth with decreasing tillage intensity. Differences diminished later in the growing season, although significant treatment effects were observed throughout the growing season for the second year winter wheat. The formerly ploughed layer in the D and H8‐10 treatments was noticeably compacted as indicated by increases in both penetration resistance and bulk density. Nitrate leaching increased with decreasing tillage intensity for the first year winter wheat at Foulum. In general ploughing resulted in the highest grain yields. This study highlights the important interaction between soil structure and crop growth dynamics.  相似文献   

The influence of nitrogen (N) forms and chloride (Cl) on solution pH and ion uptake in the hydroponic culture of Ageratum houstonianum [ammonium (NH4 +)‐tolerant] and Salvia splendens (NH4 +‐sensitive) for a period of 216 hours was investigated. The pH of the hydroponic solution (initially 6.50) containing either NH4 + or NH4 ++nitrate (NO3 ) was drastically lowered (3.08), whereas that of the same solution containing NO3 was raised (7.74). Solution pH changed more by ageratum than by salvia. The solution Cl concentration did not influence pH significantly. However, addition of Cl in the solution lowered transpiration rate in both NH4 + and NO3 treatments. Total N uptake was the greatest in the NH4 + + NO3 treatment and the lowest in the NO3 treatment. In the NH4 + + NO3 treatment, NO3 uptake was suppressed by NH4 + (to about 50%), while NH4 + uptake was not affected by NO3 . The rate of Cl uptake was the lowest in the NH4 + treatment, but was similar in the NH4 + + NO3 and NO3 treatments. Uptake of potassium (K+), dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4 ), sulfate (SO4 ‐2), manganese (Mn+2), and zinc (Zn+2) was significantly enhanced in the NH4 + treatment. The uptake rate of calcium (Ca+2) and magnesium (Mg+2) was the highest in the NO3 treatment. Absorption of copper (Cu+2) and boron (B) was not affected by N source. Ion uptake was more stable in the solution containing both NH4 + and NO3 than in the solution containing either NH4 + or NO3 . The uptake rate of total N, NH4 +, NO3 , Mn+2, Cu+2, and Zn+2 was higher, whereas that of Cl and molybdenum (Mo) was lower in ageratum than in salvia. Amounts of total anion (TA) and total cation (TC) absorbed, the sum of TC and TA, and the difference between TC and TA (TC‐TA) were affected by N source, Cl level, and their interactions. The NO3 treatment, as compared to the NH4 + or the NH4 + + NO3 treatment, reduced total cation and anion uptake while increasing TC‐TA, especially in the absence of Cl. Plant tissue ion contents were also affected by N source and Cl level.  相似文献   


Root exudate is derived from plant metabolites and its composition is affected by plant nutrient status. A deficiency of mineral nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), strongly affects the type and amount of plant metabolites. We applied a metabolite profiling technique to investigate root exudates of rice plants under N and P deficiency. Oryza sativa was grown in culture solution containing two N levels (0 and 60 mg N L?1) or two P levels (0 and 8 mg P L?1). Shoot extracts, root extracts, and root exudates were obtained from the rice plants 5 and 15 days after transplanting and their metabolites were determined by capillary electrophoresis/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Shoot N concentration and dry weight of rice plants grown at ?N level were lower than those of plants grown at +N level. Shoot P concentration and dry weight of rice plants grown at ?P level were lower than those of plants grown at +P level. One hundred and thirty-two, 127, and 98 metabolites were identified in shoot extracts, root extracts, and root exudates, respectively, at the two N levels. One hundred and thirty-two, 128, and 99 metabolites were identified in shoot extracts, root extracts, and root exudates, respectively, at the two P levels. Seventy-seven percent of the metabolites were exuded to the rhizosphere. The concentrations of betaine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and glutarate in root exudates were higher at both ?N and ?P levels than at their respective high levels. The concentration of spermidine in root exudates was lower at both ?N and ?P levels than at their respective high levels. The concentrations of the other metabolites in root exudates were affected differently by plant N or P status. These results suggest that rice roots actively release many metabolites in response to N and P deficiency.  相似文献   

The development of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) root systems was Investigated in two greenhouse pot experiments utilizing a modified cage technique. One soil at two levels of K availability was used to observe the effect of soil K fertility level on root weight and root length in 3 cm depth Increments to 24 cm. Experiments were terminated prior to restraint of root growth by the containers. Shoot mineral accumulation and dry matter partitioning between root and shoot components were Investigated.

High K plants were shorter and had a greater root:shoot mass ratio than low K plants. A trend for greater root dry matter production in soil layers below 12 cm under high K conditions was observed. There were no differences in root length between the treatments at any depth. Tissue K content was greater in the high K treatments and this Increase was equivalents offset by decreased tissue Mg concentrations. The taller low K plants had a greater leaf area and a lower specific leaf weight, resulting in part from decreased starch content. Daily evapotranspirational water losses per pot tended to be greater under the low K availability regime. This Information led to the speculation that under low K conditions, the soybean plant may increase K accumulation by promoting transpirational water use, aiding soil K acquisition by mass flow and diffusion. Tissue carbohydrate analyses suggest greater translocation of photosynthate out of the leaf in the low K plants for use in root absorption metabolism, rather than for production of increased root dry matter and/or increased root length.  相似文献   

Root dry weight and the relationship between shoot and root characteristics for 119 white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cultivars and breeding lines were examined at five (40, 120, 200, 400, and 500 mg P/kg soil) phosphorus (P) levels. There were significant (P<0.01) differences among cultivars for root dry weight and root/shoot ratio. Instantaneous root/shoot ratio decreased with increasing P supply up to 200 mg P/kg, and then increased again from 400 to 500 mg P/kg soil. Allometric analysis indicated that root growth relative to shoot growth increased with increasing P supply. There was a significant (P<0.01) cultivar x P level interaction such that for the cultivars, the root/shoot ratio was either unaffected, increasing, or decreasing with increasing level of P supply. However, root/shoot ratio appeared to be unrelated to the functions used to describe the P response of the 119 cultivars studied. Shoot characters such as dry weight, leaf number, and stolon length were most closely correlated with root dry weight at the moderately low P levels of 120 and 200 mg added P/kg, where average P response was 9 and 24% of yields at 500 mg P/kg soil, respectively, rather than at the higher P levels. Root/shoot ratio was significantly correlated (r>0.6) with root dry weight over all P levels but not with any of the measured shoot characters (‐0.2> r <0.3).  相似文献   

Nineteen bush bean cultivars were screened for tolerance to excess Mn in nutrient solution and sand culture experiments. Seven‐day‐old seedlings were treated with full strength Hoagland No. 2 nutrient solution containing different Mn concentrations for 12 days in the greenhouse.

Cultivars showing the greatest sensitivity to Mn toxicity were ‘Wonder Crop 1’ and ‘Wonder Crop 2'; those showing the greatest tolerance were ‘Green Lord’, ‘Red Kidney’ and ‘Edogawa Black Seeded’.

Leaf Mn concentration of plants grown in sand culture was higher than that for plants grown in solution culture. The lowest leaf Mn concentration at which Mn toxicity symptoms developed, was higher in tolerant than in sensitive cultivars. The Fe/Mn ratio in the leaves at which Mn toxicity symptoms developed, was higher in the sensitive cultivars than in the tolerant ones.

We concluded that Mn tolerance in certain bush bean cultivars is due to a greater ability to tolerate a high level of Mn accumulation in the leaves.  相似文献   

为了探明水分和氮素对棉花生长发育的影响,设置了3个灌溉水量和4个施氮量,研究了棉花生育时期地下(根)和地上部分(冠)的生长特性,揭示了水氮调控对棉花根、冠生长以及产量的影响效应。试验结果表明:不同生育时期,灌溉水量为3 900 m3·hm-2、施氮量为300 kg·hm-2时能提高棉花叶片光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、叶绿素SPAD值和水分利用效率(WUE)。随着施氮量的增加,棉花根系干物质量呈先增加后降低而地上部分干物质量呈逐渐增加的趋势,在不同灌溉水量下,施氮量为300 kg·hm-2时棉花各生育期根系干物质量均达到最大,但棉花根冠比呈逐渐降低的趋势,且随着灌溉水量的增加棉花根冠比也呈降低趋势。水分亏缺(W3 300处理)有利于棉花根冠比的增大,但显著降低了棉花光合参数(Pn、Tr)、叶绿素SPAD值和WUE。在本试验条件下,当灌溉水量为3 900 m3·hm-2、施氮量为300 kg·hm-2时棉花株高适宜(79 cm左右),有效铃数和单铃重较高,较W3 300处理和W4 500处理有效铃数分别增加1.0、0.4个·株-1,单铃重增加0.16、0.09 g,产量提高8.35%、4.62%,衣分增加1.4%、0.7%,棉花适宜的根冠比为0.111。  相似文献   


Can humic acid (HA) and glutamic acid (GA), when added to tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. ‘Hongyangli’) nutrient solution in a hydroponic system, improve growth? Tomato seedlings were grown in six nutrient solutions: (1) control (C), (2) C + 25 mg L?1 HA (HA1); (3) C + 50 mg L?1 HA (HA2); (4) C + 100 mg L?1 GA; (5) HA1 + GA; (6) HA2 + GA. Various biochemical and physiological parameters were measured. HA increased photosynthesis rate and mesophyll conductance. HA did not significantly affect transpiration, stomatal conductance, titratable acidity, or antioxidant activity. In addition, GA improved protein and sugar content, mesophyll conductance and yield. The combination of HA and GA was more effective, especially with 50 mg L?1 HA. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidases (POD) did not change in the presence of HA or GA. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content increased by 30% in HA2 together with GA. HA has a positive effect on tomato hydroponic growth when applied with GA. This expands the use of HA and GA for horticultural commodities in hydroponic systems.  相似文献   

采前营养液处理对水培小白菜硝酸盐积累的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
开展了在采收前减少小白菜营养液中的氮量或在去除硝态氮的基础上加入渗调离子以试图降低小白菜的硝酸盐积累的试验。结果表明,在去除营养液中的硝态氮后,在营养液中加入Cl-、SO42-、苹果酸根离子、山梨酸根离子、乙酸根离子是降低溶液培养小白菜硝酸盐积累的有效措施,但处理后采收的时间不可推迟太久。而只减少营养液中氮肥用量会使产量迅速下降,硝酸盐含量降低却缓慢,加入渗调离子可缓解因去除氮肥引起的小白菜产量的下降。  相似文献   

Optimisation of the mineral composition of the nutrient solution is one of the most important factors affecting crop productivity and quality under hydroponic cultivation. Considering the role of minerals in nutrition and the lack of studies on the K+:Ca++ ratio of nutrient solution on fruit quality, a study was carried out to evaluate the effects of K+:Ca++ ratios on growth, yield, vitamin C content of the fruit and total carbohydrate and phenolic compounds of the ‘Paros’ strawberry under hydroponic conditions. The highest total phenolic compounds, photosynthetic capacity, including leaf area, photosynthetic pigments, stomatal conductance and yield were observed at the 1.4 ratio (K > Ca). Enzymatic (peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase) and non-enzymatic (total phenol, phenolic compounds and anthocyanin) antioxidant capacities were affected significantly by the K+:Ca++ ratio. The highest antioxidant capacity was observed in ratios with K > Ca in the solution. We recommend growers to maintain an appropriate K+:Ca++ ratio in the nutrient solution, as this affects growth parameters, productivity and strawberry quality.  相似文献   

密植条件下玉米冠根生长抑制的因果关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
密植条件下玉米地上部及根系生长均受到抑制。以澄海3719(DH3719)为材料,通过种植密度×施氮量2因素4处理田间试验,研究了密植条件下玉米地上部及根系生长受抑制的因果关系。结果表明,高密度群体具有较高的叶面积指数(LAI),但拔节期后单株叶面积、冠根干物重、茎粗、总根长及含氮量均小于低密度种植的植株,生长受到抑制。叶面积与根长的消长变化趋势相同,各生育期不同处理植株的冠根比没有明显差异。吐丝期剪去穗位叶以上连续两个叶片或切去地上部最上层节根均减少了植株体内的氮素累积。尽管剪叶使根系生物量的减少远远低于切根的影响,但剪叶造成植株含氮量的减少多于切根的影响。综合结果表明,密植引起地上部生长空间竞争加剧,使地上部生长受到抑制,从而影响根系生长。  相似文献   

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