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Iron (Fe) though indispensable for the biosynthesis of chlorophyll, but its total content in the plant was not associated with the occurrence of chlorosis. Iron, which is the ferrous‐iron (Fe2+) form—termed “active”; Fe— and extracted with weak acids and some chelating agents, has been closely related to Fe chlorosis. In this study, three different methods were tested in order to determine suitable methods for extractable‐Fe analysis in a Dixired peach cultivar. In the first two methods, o‐phenantroline (o‐Ph) and 1N hydrochloric acid (HCl) were used to extract Fe2+ from fresh leaves. In the third method, 1N HCl were used as an extractant on dried leaf samples. The relationship between chlorophyll content of the leaves and Fe extracted by the three methods, was statistically significant. Hydrochloric acid extraction with dried leaves which gave the highest significant correlation (r = 0.930) with chlorophyll content, can be used for the determination of Fe2+ ("active”; Fe) status in peach trees.  相似文献   

The effect of Fe chlorosis on the mineral composition of field grown peach tree leaves was studied in two different areas. No significant differences in total Fe content were found, whereas 2,2’ bipyridyl extractable Fe, K and the K/Ca ratio were significantly affected in both experiments. Phosphorus and the P/Fe ratio were significantly affected only in one experiment.  相似文献   


The effect of Fe chlorosis on the mineral composition of field grown peach tree leaves was studied in two different areas. No significant differences in total Fe content were found, whereas 2,2’ bipyridyl extractable Fe, K and the K/Ca ratio were significantly affected in both experiments. Phosphorus and the P/Fe ratio were significantly affected only in one experiment.  相似文献   

为摸清重庆市梨生产状况,为该地区实现梨产业提质增效、绿色发展提供依据,调研分析了重庆地区具有代表性的7个梨优势主产区的32个梨园肥料投人和土壤养分状况,叶片养分含量及其与产量品质的相关性分析。结果表明,1.)重庆梨园N、P_2O_5、K_2O总投入量平均分别为687、426和434 kg/hm~2,N:P_2O_5:K_2O养分投入的配比为1:0.62:0.63。有机肥氮磷钾平均投人量仅占总养分投入量的20.52%、9.39%和15.21%。2.)梨园土壤pH值平均为5.33,整体呈酸性,土壤有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量总体均处于中等及以上水平。3)梨园叶片磷、钾、钙含量总体处于适宜状态,近半数梨园叶片氮、镁含量处于适宜范围。4)梨的产量范围在9~45 t/hm~2,平均产量为24 t/hm~2。可溶性糖、可滴定酸、维生素c、可溶性固形物含量范围分别为0.95%~6.98%、0.07%~0.15%、1.18%~2.77%、2.60%~3.95%。5.)梨园土壤pH值与叶片镁含量呈显著正相关,与叶片氮含量呈极显著负相关;土壤有效磷与叶片氮含量呈极显著正相关;梨果中可溶性固形物含量与叶片镁含量呈显著负相关;叶片钾含量与可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、固酸比均呈显著正相关,与糖酸比呈极显著正相关。调查区的肥料投入量较大且比例失衡严重,养分投人以化肥为主。各梨园间产量和品质差距较大,其增产潜力巨大;以目前重庆梨园平均产量24 t/hm~2为目标,重庆梨园推荐施肥量可参考如下标准:N、P_2O_5、K_2O分别为338、165、345 kg/hm~2。以叶片营养诊断为主,结合梨园土壤养分状况,可提早进行梨果品质诊断,做到提质增效。重庆梨园应采取"降酸、减氮磷、控钾、增镁,保有机肥"的措施,建议根据梨树需肥规律,结合土壤养分状况和叶片营养诊断方法,因地制宜调节养分供给,指导梨园合理施肥,提高梨果产量和品质。  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2000,14(3):213-222
As farm machinery has become heavier, concern has grown about its direct effects on soil physical conditions and its indirect effects on crop yields and soil biota. To study the relationships between these parameters, non-grazed temporary grassland plots on a loamy sand soil were subjected to full-width load traffic with widely different loads (0, 4.5, 8.5 and 14.5 t) one to four times per year for a period of 5 years. Soil bulk density was monitored as an indicator of soil compaction. Grass yield was measured throughout the experimental period. Root distribution over the soil profile and nematodes populations were assessed during the final year of the experiment. Results indicate that a moderate degree of compaction (∼4.5 t load) gave the highest crop yield and that at higher degrees of compaction roots failed to penetrate into the deeper soil layers (>20 cm depth). Total numbers of nematodes were not affected by compaction, but their distribution over the various feeding types shifted towards a population with increased numbers of herbivores and decreased numbers of bacterivores and omnivores/predators. This change in the structure of the nematode assemblage is associated with poorer conditions for crop growth.  相似文献   

为明确大理白族自治州(简称大理州)植烟土壤理化特征与烟叶化学成分的关系,采集并分析了大理州12个植烟县(市)的土壤和烟叶样品.结果 表明:①大理州植烟土壤质地为重壤土,pH值和速效钾适宜,有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、水溶性氯和有效硼偏高,其中大理市速效钾偏低,漾濞水溶性氯偏高.②大理州烟叶总糖和糖碱比偏高,其他指标适宜.其...  相似文献   

桃园残枝粉碎还田改善土壤理化性状提高桃品质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前北京地区桃园生产土壤覆盖方式单一的问题,该文对新的土壤管理模式进行了探索。于2013-2015年在北京市平谷区矮化密植桃园采用田间小区试验,进行3种处理对土壤团粒结构、土壤紧实度、土壤水分特性、土壤有机质、CO2释放速率、果品品质影响的试验研究。结果表明,在整个果树生长期,残枝粉碎覆盖对土壤特性具有显著影响,二月兰种植1 mm大团聚体含量比清耕和树枝覆盖分别多31.7%、22.2%;0~20 cm土壤紧实度,清耕无覆盖比二月兰种植大14.8%,比残枝覆盖大21.8%;与对照相比,土壤CO2释放速率提高193.46%;果园树枝覆盖、二月兰种植、清耕稳定入渗率分别为4.22、8.41、10.01 cm/h;二月兰种植和残枝覆盖土壤有机质含量较清耕分别增加183.2%、119.8%(P0.05);果园残枝覆盖较清耕处理可溶性固形物增加6.1%,单果质量提高7.9%。因此,果园残枝覆盖可以改善土壤理化性状,提高果实品质。  相似文献   

Following 13‐year treatments of soil pH and nitrogen (N) source in a peach orchard of North Carolina, the concentration of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), N, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in leaves, shoots, trunks and roots, as well as soil pH, soil exchangeable Ca, Mg, and K content, were determined. Through liming, higher soil pH treatment enhanced soil Ca and tissue Ca level. Among six N sources examined, the highest values of soil pH and soil Ca, Mg, and K were detected following poultry manure application. Compared to ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4], calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2] increased soil pH and soil Ca and K content, but reduced soil Mg. For most of macronutrients examined in peach tissues, the highest levels were found in manure treatment. Mineral N sources containing Ca(NO3)2 resulted in high tissue Ca and low tissue N. In the above‐ground tissues, Mg concentration was relatively low following application of mineral N materials containing Ca, K, or sodium (Na). Acid‐ forming N, especially (NH4)2SO4, reduced tissue Ca and P. The magnitude of impact of liming and N source on macronutrients was tissue‐type dependent, with leaves and other new growth the most sensitive ones while trunks seldom responded to the treatments.  相似文献   

Many soil properties and processes vary at different spatial scales. As a result, relationships between soil properties often depend on scale. In this paper we show this for two soil properties of biological importance, by means of a nested analysis of covariance. The variables were urease activity (UA) and soil organic carbon (SOC), sampled on an unbalanced nested design at three sites with different land uses (arable, forest and pasture). The objective of this study was to investigate the scale‐dependent relationships of UA and SOC at these three sites to exemplify the phenomenon of scale‐dependency in the covariation of biogeochemical variables. At each site the variables showed different scale dependencies, expressed in their correlations at different scales. At the pasture site, UA and SOC were uncorrelated at all scales in the sampling design (0.2 m, 1 m, 6 m and ≥15 m), and the overall product moment correlation was 0.10. A significant positive scale dependent correlation (0.65) was found at the 1‐m scale for the forested site. The soil properties were not spatially correlated at any of the other scales and the associated product moment correlation for this site was 0.14. Urease activity and soil organic C were found not to be correlated at the shorter scales in the arable site. However, significant positive correlation coefficients of 0.89 and 0.82 were obtained at the longer scales of 6 and ≥15‐m respectively for the arable site. The product moment correlation at this site was 0.65. At both the arable and forest site, we found that correlations at particular scales were stronger than the overall product moment correlation. This approach allowed us to identify significant relationships between urease activity and soil organic carbon and the scales at which these relationships occur and to draw conclusions about the spatial scales, which must be resolved in further studies of these variables in these contrasting environments. This study highlights the pervasive effect of scale in soil biogeochemistry and shows that scale‐dependence must not be disregarded by soil scientists in their investigations of biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   


The immobilization of P is a significant fertility limitation of Andisols in Central America. It is believed that soil Al and Fe fractions have an important influence on P availability. This study was conducted to obtain information on the various forms of Al and Fe in ten pedons derived from volcanic ash in Panama and Costa Rica. Correlations between these Al and Fe fractions and P immobilization were measured by different methods.

The Al and Fe fractions, extracted by acid ammonium oxalate, 4M KOH, sodium pyrophosphate and dithionite‐citrate, were determined, and the correlations between these fractions, P immobilization, and other soil properties made.

It was observed that oxalate extractable Al correlated significantly with P immobilization, which had values of over 85% by the New Zealand method and 96% by the isotherm method. The Al concentration corresponding to this immobilization was over 2%. The difference between oxalate extractable Al and pyrophosphate extractable Al (inorganic Al fraction) correlated with P immobilization also. The pyrophosphate extractable Al fraction had the lowest concentrations and did not correlate with P immobilization. The NaF‐pH and dithionite‐citrate extractable Al correlated significantly with P immobilization.

Oxalate extractable Fe correlated with the P retained by the isotherm method, but dithionite‐citrate extractable Fe was negatively correlation with P immobilized. No correlations were found between the pyrophosphate extractable Fe and other soil properties.  相似文献   

Nitrogen movement among microsites is thought to be an important control on patterns of ecosystem-level N cycling. In particular, N transfer between decomposing leaves may explain why litter mixtures sometimes decompose differently than would be predicted from the decomposition dynamics of each species separately. We evaluated how N moves between leaves of differing N status in leaf-pair microcosms. We collected litter from six species of trees from French Guiana (three with high N concentration, three with low) and 15N-labeled the microbial communities growing on each species. We then established microcosms with one labeled and one unlabeled leaf in a fully factorial design (each species with every species, 15N on each species) and measured 15N transfer over 28 days. There was substantial transfer of the 15N label in all cases, averaging between 15% and 30% of the 15N originally on the labeled leaf. Net N transfer from high-N to low-N leaves resulted from greater gross 15N transfer from high-N to low-N leaves than in reverse. Gross 15N transfer was controlled entirely by the N status of the source leaf, rather than by the difference in N-status of the leaves or by the characteristics of the sink leaf. For example, as much 15N was transferred from a high-N leaf to another high-N leaf as to a low-N leaf. These results support the assumption from N mineralization theories that microbes at a specific site have first access to that N and therefore control how much N is available to move to other microsites in the soil system. The strength of the gradient between microsites may then control the rate at which available N moves, but not how much N is available to move. If N transfer among different litter species is important for synergistic effects on decomposition of litter mixtures it would not be driven by the N gradient as is often hypothesized, but by the characteristics of the source leaf.  相似文献   

Pan  Yue  Lu  Xiaosong  Yu  Dongsheng  Huang  Jingjing  Sun  Xin  Xu  Zhichao 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(2):903-916
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Understanding space grain impact on soil landscape patterns is helpful to discover specific spatial heterogeneity of soil landscape. The objectives of this study...  相似文献   

Soil water-retention characteristics at measurement scales are generally different from those at application scales, and there is scale disparity between them and soil physical properties. The relationships between two water-retention parameters, the scaling parameter related to the inverse of the air-entry pressure (αvG, cm-1) and the curve shape factor related to soil pore-size distribution (n) of the van Genuchten water-retention equation, and soil texture (sand, silt, and clay contents) were examined at multiple scales. One hundred twenty-eight undisturbed soil samples were collected from a 640-m transect located in Fuxin, China. Soil water-retention curves were measured and the van Genuchten parameters were obtained by curve fitting. The relationships between the two parameters and soil texture at the observed scale and at multiple scales were evaluated using Pearson correlation and joint multifractal analyses, respectively. The results of Pearson correlation analysis showed that the parameter αvG was significantly correlated with sand, silt, and clay contents at the observed scale. Joint multifractal analyses, however, indicated that the parameter αvG was not correlated with silt and sand contents at multiple scales. The parameter n was positively correlated with clay content at multiple scales. Sand content was significantly correlated with the parameter n at the observed scale but not at multiple scales. Clay contents were strongly correlated to both water-retention parameters because clay content was relatively low in the soil studied, indicating that water retention was dominated by clay content in the field of this study at all scales. These suggested that multiple-scale analyses were necessary to fully grasp the spatial variability of soil water-retention characteristics.  相似文献   


Problems are invariably encountered when attempts are made to explain the variability in Bray percent yields or plant response in terms of soil or plant iron (Fe). To resolve this inconsistency, the present investigation was initiated to identify a combination of soil extractable Fe, soil properties and form of plant Fe that may be used as a measure of Fe deficiency. The study involved 16 diverse soils, using upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) as the test crop and Fe‐EDDHA [ferric ethylenediamine di (o‐hydroxyl‐phenyl acetic acid)] as source of Fe. The results showed that Bray percent yields were neither related to DTPA (diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) or EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) extractable Fe nor with total plant Fe. Even the inclusion of pH, lime, organic carbon and clay data in the regression equations was of no value. However, Bray percent yields were significantly and positively (r = 0.57* ) associated with ferrous Fe (Fe2+) in 40‐day‐old rice plants. The explanation concerning variability in Bray percent yields obtained on diverse soils could be increased about one and half 2 times (R2= 0.59*) if the contribution of lime and soil pH was also incorporated in the stepwise regression analysis. The individual contribution to R of lime, pi respectively. Thus, it appears that Fe2+ concentration in plants (along with soil pH) may identify Fe deficiency. The critical limit to separate Fe deficient from green rice plants was set at 45 ug Fe2+/g in the leaves.  相似文献   

土壤性质与不同土壤Hg形态的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correlation and path analysis methods were used to study the relationship between soil properties and the distribution of different soil Hg fractions with nine representative soils from Chongqing, China. Results showed that clay (< 2 m) could increase water-soluble Hg (r = 0.700*). Soil organic matter (OM) could enhance the increase of elemental Hg (r = 0.674*). The higher the base saturation percentage (BSP), the more the residual Hg (r = 0.684*). Organic Hg, the sum of acid-soluble organic Hg and alkali-soluble Hg, was positively affected by silt (2~20 μm) but negatively affected by pH, with the direct path coefficients amounting to 1.0487 and 0.5121, respectively. The positive effect of OM and negative effect of BSP on organic Hg were the most significant, with the direct path coefficients being 0.7614 and -0.8527, respectively. The indirect effect of clay (< 2 μm) via BSP (path coefficient = 0.4186) was the highest, showing that the real influencing factor in the effect of clay (< 2 μm) on acid-soluble organic Hg was BSP. Since the available Hg fraction, water-soluble Hg, was positively affected by soil clay content, and the quite immobile and not bioavailable residual Hg by soil BSP, suitable reduction of clay content and increase of BSP would be of much help to reduce the Hg availability and Hg activity in Hg-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

广西蔗区土壤肥力和叶片养分状况调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
广西是我国第一大甘蔗产地,了解广西蔗区土壤肥力及叶片养分丰缺状况,可对广西蔗区提出针对性的施肥建议.对广西南宁、崇左、来宾、百色、柳州、河池、贵港、玉林和防城港等主要甘蔗产区进行土壤和叶片调研,各采集了110份样品进行养分测定分析.结果表明:(1)广西蔗区调研土壤pH值平均为5.21,pH值<4.5的强酸性地块占比为4...  相似文献   


The effect of salinity in inducing soil macro and micronutrient deficiencies that can decrease crop growth was evaluated in a corn (Zea mays L.) field located in east central Wyoming. In this study water soluble Na was found to be a better predictor of salinity than pH and other cations. Soil saturated paste extracts had electrical conductivities that were negatively correlated with soil total K, Cu, Fe, and Mn. Total N, NO3‐N, PO4‐P, Zn, pH, and water soluble Na, Ca, and Mg of the soil were positively correlated with EC. Significant positive relationships existed between soil EC and N, P, Mo, and Zn, and negative relationships with K, Cu, Fe, and Mn of corn leaves and kernels. Concentrations of nutrients in the kernels were positively correlated with corresponding nutrient concentrations in the leaves and with AB‐DTPA extractable soil nutrients. The analysis of variance of EC data indicated that soil samples possessing high salinity were higher in pH and contained significantly higher soluble Na, Ca and Mg, total N, N03‐N, PO4‐P, and Zn and significantly lower Mn compared to samples having low salinity. The kernel weight per cob and plant height were significantly reduced as salinity increased.  相似文献   

纸坊沟流域土壤酶活性与土壤肥力关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过野外调查和室内分析相结合,运用相关分析和通径分析等方法,研究了纸坊沟流域空间尺度范围内不同土地利用方式土壤肥力与土壤酶活性的内在关系。结果表明:土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾、脲酶、蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶之间均呈极显著正相关;有机质、全氮和碱解氮通过直接作用和彼此间接作用成为影响脲酶、蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性的主要因素,它们对4种酶的直接通径系数分别为0.148、0.415、0.345、-0.018;0.241、0.202、0.190、0.318和0.394、0.375、0.507、0.277;而pH对这4种酶活性的直接作用在很大程度上是通过其它因素的间接作用所抵消;4种土壤酶活性可以作为黄土丘陵沟壑区小流域土壤肥力的评价指标。  相似文献   

The objective was to determine to what extent foliar nutrient contents in different stages of the vegetative cycle are related to yield. The study was conducted on 180 peach trees (Prunus persica, L. Batsch) in several orchards located in the Ebro Basin. Leaf sampling (at 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days after full bloom) and crop harvesting were carried out individually on each of the 180 trees. Leaf samples were analyzed for N, P, K, Ca and Mg. The relationships of mineral analysis data (nutrient contents and their ten binary ratios) with yield were explored by applying three different calculation procedures. First, we analyzed the degree of significance of the differences in nutrient contents and binary ratios between two blocks of trees, separated according to yield level. This degree of significance was highest for leaf samples taken 60 and 120 days after full bloom, although the differences in K content and N/P and Ca/Mg ratios were not significant 120 days after full bloom. Second, we analyzed the correlations between mineral analysis data (nutrients and nutrient ratios) and yield. The best correlation coefficients were found for samples taken 60 and 120 days after full bloom. Again, samples taken 60 days after full bloom had a better performance than samples taken at a later stage. Third, we used multiple covariance studies to obtain a mathematical expression reflecting the effect of nutrient contents on yield. This type of analysis indicated again that the best time to take samples was 60 days after full bloom. Therefore, we conclude that the nutrient contents of the leaves and their ten binary ratios at 60 and 120 days after full bloom are the factors best related to yield in our study. Furthermore, all three calculation procedures showed that using samples taken 60 days after full bloom may offer significant advantages over samples taken at a later stage, thus opening the possibility to establish an early diagnosis of the nutritional status of peach trees.  相似文献   

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