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Manganese (Mn) tolerance response in two aluminum (Al)‐tolerant triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack) varieties was characterized by measurements of growth and dry matter production of seedlings in nutrient solution culture containing 100 mg L‐1 Mn. Root weight index (RWI) and total weight index (TWI) based on relative plant growth were two indicators of differentiating genotypic Mn tolerance; these two indices were used to make a comparative assessment of the degree of Mn tolerance in a group of eight Australian and South African genotypes which differ in apparent Al tolerance. The G4–95A was more Mn‐tolerant than its Al‐tolerant counterpart Tahara. A wide range of Mn tolerance was found in the eight genotypes, but few were tolerant of both Al and Mn stresses; measurements of RWI at 100 mg L‐1 Mn stress differentiated them into three response types (i.e., Mn‐tolerant, moderately Mn‐tolerant/Mn‐sensitive, and Mn‐sensitive) at the two critical values of 0.30 and 0.60. Covariation analysis indicated no association between Mn tolerance and Al tolerance; selective breeding for acidic stress tolerance should focus on both stress tolerances.  相似文献   


Manganese (Mn) is an essential micronutrient in all organisms, but may become toxic when present in excess. Four maize (Zea mays L.) varieties, Kneja 605, Kneja 434, Kneja 509 and Kneja 537, were studied with respect to their responses to excess Mn in hydroponic solution. In the varieties Kneja 605, Kneja 509 and Kneja 537, increasing Mn concentrations in the nutrient solution negatively affected biomass accumulation, photosynthetic rate, transpiration, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content. In addition, these varieties showed increased electrolyte leakage and lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde [MDA] content). Increased Mn leaf concentrations, higher contents of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, higher photosynthetic rate and transpiration, lower concentrations of MDA and insignificant changes in the electrolyte leakage in the leaves were found in var. Kneja 434 compared with the other maize varieties studied. This variety appeared to possess a stronger ability to cope with Mn phytotoxicity, suggesting high potential for Mn detoxification and var. Kneja 434 could be a good candidate for improving maize productivity on acid soils under non-tropical conditions.  相似文献   

Nineteen bush bean cultivars were screened for tolerance to excess Mn in nutrient solution and sand culture experiments. Seven‐day‐old seedlings were treated with full strength Hoagland No. 2 nutrient solution containing different Mn concentrations for 12 days in the greenhouse.

Cultivars showing the greatest sensitivity to Mn toxicity were ‘Wonder Crop 1’ and ‘Wonder Crop 2'; those showing the greatest tolerance were ‘Green Lord’, ‘Red Kidney’ and ‘Edogawa Black Seeded’.

Leaf Mn concentration of plants grown in sand culture was higher than that for plants grown in solution culture. The lowest leaf Mn concentration at which Mn toxicity symptoms developed, was higher in tolerant than in sensitive cultivars. The Fe/Mn ratio in the leaves at which Mn toxicity symptoms developed, was higher in the sensitive cultivars than in the tolerant ones.

We concluded that Mn tolerance in certain bush bean cultivars is due to a greater ability to tolerate a high level of Mn accumulation in the leaves.  相似文献   


Setaria and paspalum were found to be very tolerant of excess Mn. Green panic and sorghum were somewhat less tolerant with foliar symptoms due to excess Mn being exhibited in plants containing 1000 ppm Mn and yield reductions occurring in plants containing Mn concentrations of the order of 2000 ppm. Excess Mn did not effect the early seedling growth of sabi grass but regrowth was severely depressed. Rhodes grass and buffel grass were severely effected by excess manganese. Regrowth of these two species was more adversely effected than initial seedling growth indicating that these species probably would not survive to maintain a stable pasture in Mn toxic situations.

Accumulation of excess Mn was accompanied by a linear decline in Ca concentrations in all species.  相似文献   

Triticale (X Triticosecale, Wittmack) is generally accepted as a very rustic crop which can grow in difficult soils such as those with low pH, where aluminum (Al) and/or manganese (Mn) are frequently in excess. The first aim of the present work was to establish the parameters for the future evaluation of Mn excess tolerance. Plants were grown in pots with sand fed with a nutrient solution (pH 4.5) to which MnSO4 .4H2O was added. The biomass of plants (cv. Arabian) grown during one monm in a range of Mn concentrations (2,2.75,11, 16.5,22, 33, and 44 ppm) was determined in Experiment I. Subsequently a shorter range (10, 50, 100, and 200 ppm) was chosen and used with four cvs. (Arabian, Beagle, Borba, and TTE 9201) during the complete growth period (Experiment II). During this experiment the effects of Mn concentrations on the net photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic capacity, photochemical efficiency of PSII, quantum yield of photosynthetic non cyclic electron transport and leaf content of chlorophylls, and carotenoids in the several cvs. were studied. The final biomass and yield were taken as the ultimate criteria for ranking the cvs. It was concluded that 10 ppm Mn concentration was optimal for the growth and 50 ppm the lowest limit to produce toxicity which indicates that triticale was rather tolerant. All the physiological parameters determined after one month of growth and the performance of the photosystems were negatively affected by the Mn concentrations, but the changes were not sufficient to be used for an early (one month old plants) ranking of the cvs. consistent with the biomass and final grain yield. However, all the results agree that the cv. Arabian was the most sensitive because it suffered the strongest decreases and was affected by 50 ppm Mn concentration. The plants of the cv. TTE 9201 were the least affected as far as photosynthetic parameters are concerned.  相似文献   

High concentrations of manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), and aluminium (Al) induced in waterlogged acid soils are a potential constraint for growing sensitive wheat cultivars in waterlogged‐prone areas of Western Australian wheat‐belt. Tackling induced ion toxicities by a genetic approach requires a good understanding of the existing variability in ion toxicity tolerance of the current wheat germplasm. A bioassay for tolerance to high concentration of Mn in wheat was developed using Norquay (Mn‐tolerant), Columbus (Mn‐intolerant), and Cascades (moderately tolerant) as control genotypes and a range of MnCl2 concentrations (2, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 2000, and 3000 μM Mn) at pH 4.8 in a nutrient solution. Increasing solution Mn concentration decreased shoot and root dry weight and intensified the development of toxicity symptoms more in the Mn‐intolerant cv. Columbus than in Norquay and Cascades. The genotypic discrimination based on relative shoot (54% to 79%) and root dry weight (17% to 76%), the development of toxicity symptoms (scores 2 to 4) and the shoot Mn concentration (1428 to 2960 mg kg–1) was most pronounced at 750 μM Mn. Using this concentration to screen 60 Australian and 6 wheat genotypes from other sources, a wide variation in relative root dry weight (11% to 95%), relative shoot dry weight (31% to 91%), toxicity symptoms (1.5 to 4.5), and shoot Mn concentration (901 to 2695 mg kg–1) were observed. Evidence suggests that Mn tolerance has been introduced into Australian wheat through CIMMYT germplasm having “LERMO‐ROJO” within their parentage, preserved either through a co‐tolerance to Mn deficiency or a process of passive selection for Mn tolerance. Cultivars Westonia and Krichauff expressed a high level of tolerance to both Mn toxicity and deficiency, whereas Trident and Janz (reputed to be tolerant to Mn deficiency) were intolerant to Mn toxicity, suggesting that tolerance to excess and shortage of Mn are different, but not mutually exclusive traits. The co‐tolerance for Mn and Al in ET8 (an Al‐tolerant near‐isogenic line) and the absence of Mn tolerance in BH1146 (an Al‐tolerant genotype from Brazil) limits the effectiveness of these indicator genotypes to environments where only one constraint is induced. Wide variation of Mn tolerance in Australian wheat cultivars will enable breeding genotypes for the genetic solution to the Mn toxicity problem.  相似文献   

Salt and alkali stress limit crop growth and reduce agricultural productivity worldwide, which have led to increased interest in enhancing salt tolerance in crop plants. Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (Linn.) Moench) is a monocotyledonous crop species that shows greater tolerance to salt–alkali stress than most other crops, although the underlying mechanisms behind this tolerance remain unclear. Therefore, we investigated the effects of salt and alkali stresses on two sweet sorghum varieties M-81E, which is stress tolerant, and 314B, which is stress sensitive. Namely, we surveyed plant growth parameters, measured Na+ and K+ distributions at the level of the whole plant as well as in three specific tissues, and then determined the activities of H+-ATPase, H+-PPase and Na+/H+ exchange in root vacuole membranes under stress conditions. Following treatment of the seedlings for 3 days with salt or alkali solutions, the plant growth was inhibited and Na+ levels in the whole plant, leaves, sheath, and roots were increased in both genotypes. Under alkali stress, K+ levels in the whole plant, leaves, sheath, and roots were decreased in both genotypes. M-81E roots accumulated significantly higher levels of Na+ than leaves, whereas the opposite was true for 314B. Under salt stress, both the hydrolytic and proton-transporting activities of V-H+-ATPase were enhanced and Na+/H+ exchange activity was dramatically upregulated, whereas V-H+-PPase activity was decreased. M-81E showed a greater capacity to compartmentalize Na+ within root cell vacuoles and maintain higher levels of K+ uptake compared with 314B, resulting in higher K+/Na+ transport selectivity in this genotype. These results also demonstrated that H+-ATPase activity and ionic homeostasis (Na+/K+) were likely important contributors to the tolerance of saline-alkali stress and crucially important for understanding alkaline stress in both crops and wild plants.  相似文献   

Associations between vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi and manganese (Mn) nutrition/toxicity are not clear. This study was conducted to determine the effects of excess levels of Mn on mineral nutrient uptake in shoots and roots of mycorrhizal (+VAM) and non‐mycorrhizal (‐VAM) sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench, cv. NB9040]. Plants colonized with and without two VAM isolates [Glomus intraradices UT143–2 (UT1 43) and Gl. etunicatum UT316A‐2 (UT316)] were grown in sand irrigated with nutrient solution at pH 4.8 containing 0, 270, 540, and 1080 μM of added Mn (as manganese chloride) above the basal solution (18 μM). Shoot and root dry matter followed the sequence of UT316 > UT143 > ‐VAM, and shoots had greater differences than roots. Shoot and root concentrations and contents of Mn, phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu were determined. The +VAM plants generally had higher mineral nutrient concentrations and contents than ‐VAM plants, although ‐VAM plants had higher concentrations and contents of some minerals than +VAM plants at some Mn levels. Plants colonized with UT143 had higher concentrations of shoot P, Ca, Zn, and Cu and higher root Mg, Zn, and Cu than UT316 colonized plants, while UT316 colonized plants had higher shoot and root K concentrations than UT143 colonized plants. These results showed that VAM isolates differ in enhancement of mineral nutrient uptake by sorghum.  相似文献   

Vital effects may be important in determining metal levels in bivalves and must be taken into account before the environmental ‘meaning’ of the data may be interpreted. Manganese concentrations in shells and soft tissues of several species of freshwater bivalves from three recent environments in northern Ohio and one archeological site from southern Ohio were determined by neutron activation analysis and show a species effect where Fusconaia flava Mn levels > Anodonta grandis grandis levels ≥ all Lampsilis species levels. Manganese is concentrated by a factor of 2 to 25 in soft tissues compared to shells. In addition, within-taxon variability of Mn concentration is high. The high intraspecies variability points to the necessity of processing many individuals before reliable numbers may be obtained.  相似文献   


The present study was undertaken to identify the effects of manganese (Mn) on the activity of peroxidase (PO) and the amount of ascorbic acid (AsA) and lignin, as well as the cell viability of suspension-cultured tea cells (Camellia sinensis L. cv. Yabukita). Cells were grown in B5 medium (containing 0.06 mmol L?1 Mn) and cultured for 24 h in medium with a Mn concentration of 0.9 mmol L?1 as an excess treatment. No significant difference was observed between cellular growth and the viability of the cultured tea cells after treatment with excess Mn compared with cells grown under control conditions, although the content of Mn in cells in the excess Mn treatment was 12-fold higher than that of the control cells. The amount of total AsA was also not affected by the Mn treatment. The activity of ionically wall-bound peroxidase (IPO) increased in the presence of excess Mn, unlike the content of lignin. Conversely, the activities of soluble PO and covalently wall-bound PO decreased with excess Mn. These findings suggested that IPO might contribute to Mn tolerance in tea cells. However, its role in the mechanism(s) of Mn tolerance has not been elucidated.  相似文献   

农作物N素利用效率基因型差异及其机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同农作物N素利用效率基因型差异主要与N素吸收效率和生理利用效率有关。根系N的吸收动力学、根系形态、吸收时间是影响N素吸收效率的重要因素;N素生理利用效率与N的同化、转运及光合作用、C转运效率等生理过程有关。分析农作物N素利用效率基因型差异机理对提高N肥利用效率,降低N肥损失,充分发挥N肥在农业生产中的作用,降低农业生产成本和保护生态环境,促进农业可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

耐酸性土壤的草料作物基因型差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty eight species of forage crops were planted on acid soils derived from Quaternary red clay (pH 4.16) and red sandstone (pH 4.55) to study genotypic differences of the forage crops in tolerance to acid soils as affected by liming, phosporus and potassium fertilizer application. Eight forage species, Lolium multiflorum L., Brachiaria decumbens, Digitaria sumtisii, Melinis minutiflora, Paspalum dilatatum, Paspalum wettsteinii, Sataria viridis Beanv and Shcep's Festuca, were highly tolerant to acid soils, and grew relatively well in the tested soils without lime application, whereas most of the other 20 tested forage species such as Lolium perenne L., Meadow Festuca and Trifolium pratense L. were intolerant to acid soils, showing retarded growth when the soil pH was below 5.5 and significant increase in dry matter yields by phosphrus fertilizer application at soil pH 6.0. Results showed that large differences in tolerance to acid soils existed among the forage species, and tolerance of the forage species to acid soils might be closely associated with their tolerance to Al and P efficiency.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that limpograss, Hemarthria altissima (Poir), Stapf & C. E. Hubb (PI 364344) was tolerant to low temperature and to high concentrations of Al in acid soil, mine spoil and nutrient solution. Additional experiments were conducted to test the tolerance of this limpograss clone to excess Mn, another potential growth‐limiting factor in acid soils.

Cuttings from a single plant were grown in pots of Mn‐toxic Zanesville soil with no lime (pH 5.1) and 1250 ppm CaCO (pH 6.3) and in nutrient solutions containing 0, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 ppm Mn at pH 4.0. The grass was highly tolerant to excess Mn in both media. Liming the soil from pH 5.1 to 6.3 did not significantly affect top dry weight of the first harvest and significantly decreased that of the second. In nutrient solutions at pH 4.0 top dry weights were not significantly affected by Mn concentrations up to 64 ppm. Root dry weights were significantly increased by Mn additions of 16, 32 and 64 ppm. Limpograss (PI 364344) was not injured when Mn concentrations were as high as 930 and 9152 ppm in tops and roots, respectively. High Mn tolerance is yet another trait that should enhance the potential use of this grass in revegetating acid mine spoils and other acid sites.  相似文献   

Tolerance to aluminium and manganese toxicity at the seedling stage for 72 maize accessions was examined in solution culture. 0.22 mM Al and 2.0 mM Mn gave better genotypic separation for aluminium and manganese tolerance assessed on the basis respectively of relative root length, and visual symptoms of leaf chlorosis and necrosis. There was considerable variability among accessions for tolerance to aluminium and to manganese. Three accessions, Bozm 1335, Bozm 1337, and Bozm 1536 showed tolerance to Al, while 4, Chzm 01009, Champ, Bozm 0715, LG 20.80 exhibited tolerance to Mn. Accession, Zea 769 was tolerant to both metals. A significant Al x Mn interaction was found when five accessions were grown in a mixture of 0.22 mM aluminium and 2.0 mM manganese. Root length inhibition in Al alone was slightly ameliorated when the accessions were grown in the Al + Mn solution. Tolerance to aluminium and manganese does not necessarily coincide, different mechanisms being involved in tolerance to the two metals.  相似文献   

Manganese tolerant ‘Lee’ and Mn sensitive ‘Forrest’ soybean cultivars were grown in a potting soil with no known Mn toxicity and in Loring soil treated with excess Mn. Manganese toxicity in Loring soil was induced by the addition of Mn at 0, 100, 200 and 400 ug g‐1 as MnSO4.H2O. A preliminary experiment was conducted to determine the appropriate Mn stress levels for Lee and Forrest soybean cultivars in Loring soil. Because the Loring soil produced severe Mn toxicity in both cultivars, even with an intial pH of 4.9 and no added Mn, CaCO3 (2 g kg‐1 ) was added to Increase the pH to 6–6.3. Soil was analysed for extractable and water soluble Mn and plants for Mn, Ca and Fe.

A second experiment was conducted to determine the effect of Mn toxicity on stomatal function. The procedure was the same as in the first experiment except that the CaCO3 treatment was 2.5 g kg‐1 to raise soil pH to 6.2 ‐6.5. Plants were grown in a greenhouse for 10 days and then moved to a growth chamber before making stomatal conductance measurements. A steady state porometer (LI 1600) was used. Results indicated that Mn toxicity closed stomates and decreased transpiration rates. This effect was more pronounced in Mn sensitive Forrest than in Mn tolerant Lee.  相似文献   

玉米根系对局部氮磷供应响应的基因型差异   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
【目的】土壤养分具有异质性,揭示不同基因型玉米根系对于养分异质性的响应规律,对提高不同玉米品种氮、磷利用效率具有重要意义。 【方法】本试验在水培条件下,利用分根系统研究3个玉米杂交种苗期根系对氮、磷两种养分局部供应响应的基因型差异。 【结果】根系对局部供氮的响应存在基因型差异,浚单20和中农玉99侧根生长对局部供氮的响应较敏感,显著提高了局部供氮(+N)一侧的侧根长,增幅达到79%、50%,而NE15无显著响应;浚单20和中农玉99主要提高了+N一侧直径大于0.12 mm的侧根长度。根系生长对于局部供磷(+P)的反应同样存在基因型差异,NE15显著提高+P一侧根系生物量和轴根长,增幅达到38%和24%,中农玉99显著提高+P一侧的侧根长达到35%;在+P侧,浚单20主要增加了直径大于0.12 mm的侧根长度,NE15主要增加直径介于0.12~0.24 mm的侧根长度,而中农玉99主要增加直径小于0.12 mm的极细侧根长度。局部供氮对3个品种侧根生长的促进作用强于局部供磷,而对缺氮一侧根系生长的抑制作用均大于缺磷一侧。不同玉米基因型苗期根系生物量、侧根长(尤其是直径>0.12 mm的侧根)对于局部供应氮、磷存在显著的互作效应,局部供氮对浚单20的侧根生长(尤其是直径>0.12 mm的侧根)的促进作用显著高于局部供磷,而NE15的根系生长(尤其是根系生物量)对局部供磷的响应强度大于局部供氮。 【结论】对于不同养分特性的玉米杂交种,苗期根系对局部供应不同种类养分的响应存在显著的基因型差异,在生产中可以针对品种特性采取不同的施肥措施,以便发挥其生物学潜力。  相似文献   

Relatively low amounts of the phosphorus (P) added to soils is recovered by plants. Many plants show differences in their ability to take up and use P, but the mechanisms for these differences are not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to determine differences among sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] genotypes for P uptake rates and distribution in plant parts.

Differences in P uptake rates were determined for six sorghum genotypes at 24, 38, and 52 days of age at three P levels. Larger differences were noted among genotypes in 24‐day‐old plants than for older plants. Uptake rates were 6‐ to 14‐times higher (dependent on genotype) in 24‐day‐old plants than in 52‐day‐old plants. NB9040 which had the highest dry matter yield at each age had the lowest rate of P uptake, and CK60‐Korgi which had the lowest dry matter yield at each age had the highest rate of P uptake.

Only small differences were noted among genotypes for distribution of P within plant parts for younger plants. Older plants showed differences in P distribution, and NB9040 translocated more P from lower to upper leaves, had higher efficiency ratios (dry matter produced/unit P), and had a larger root system than CK60‐Korgi.

The sorghum genotypes that produced more dry matter under low P conditions had lower uptake rates of P and had the ability to distribute P from older to younger developing tissues. When grown in soils, plants that have lower P uptake rates, greater ability to distribute P, and larger root systems may not deplete P from soil solutions as rapidly, could explore more soil, and possibly use P more efficiently than plants that do not possess these traits.  相似文献   

The relative response of poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) and eight crop and vegetable species to excess manganese was investigated in a glasshouse, solution culture experiment. Plant yields and manganese concentrations were measured after two and six weeks growth at five levels of manganese (10–800 μM).

Poppies were highly sensitive to manganese toxicity in solution culture and reductions in shoot yield occurred at lower manganese levels in solution and at lower shoot manganese concentrations than that for the following sensitive species, ranked in order of increasing tolerance : brussels sprout, barley, green beans, lucerne and grean pea. In contrast lupins, oats and sugar beet were relatively tolerant producing about 80% or more of maximum shoot yield at the highest solution manganese level (800 μM Mn).

In this study the sensitivity of poppy, and brussels sprout, to manganese excess was attributed to their low shoot manganese “toxicity threshold values”; and their capacity to partition a high proportion of total plant manganese and dry matter to the shoot at solution manganese levels ≥ 100 μM.

The application of these results to field grown poppy is discussed in relation to interactions between manganese and other elements which modify plant tolerance to manganese excess.  相似文献   

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] seeds were planted into ‘white quartz flintshot’ sand and watered with 0.01M sodium acetate at pH 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, or 4.0 plus 0, 1.4, 14.0, or 140.0 mg/L manganese (Mn2+). Cultivars used were 38M, 58M, GP‐140, SC283, SC574, 5C599, TAM428, and Funk G522DR. Lengths, fresh weights, and dry weights of roots were decreased as hydrogen (H+) or Mn2+ concentrations increased. Interactions of H+ and Mn2+ concentrations were synergistic for length, fresh weight, and dry weight of roots in 38M and 58M. Interaction of H+ and Mn2+ stresses on root length was additive in GP‐140, SC283, SC574, SC599, and TAM428 but interactions of these stresses were antagonistic in root length of Funk GS22DR.  相似文献   

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