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Cool white fluorescent (CWF) light reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+ while low pressure sodium (LPS) light does not. Cotton plants grown under CWF light are green, while those yrown under LPS light develop a chlorosis very similar to the chlorosis that develops when the plants are deficient in iron (Fe). It could be that CWF light (which has ultra violet) makes iron more available for plant use by maintaining more Fe2+ in the plant. Two of the factors commonly induced by Fe‐stress in dicotyledonous plants‐‐hydroyen ions and reductants released by the roots‐‐were measured as indicators of the Fe‐deficiency stress response mechanism in M8 cotton.

The plants were grown under LPS and CWF light in nutrient solutions containing either NO3‐N or NH4‐N as the source of nitrogen, and also in a fertilized alkaline soil. Leaf chlorophyll concentration varied significantly in plants grown under the two light sources as follows: CWF+Fe > LPS+Fe > CWF‐Fe ≥ LPS‐Fe. The leaf nitrate and root Fe concentrations were significantly greater and leaf Fe was generally lower in plants grown under LPS than CWF light. Hydrogen ions were extruded by Fe‐deficiency stressed roots grown under either LPS or CWF light, but “reductants”; were extruded only by the plants grown under CWF light. In tests demonstrating the ability of light to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ in solutions, enough ultra violet penetrated the chlorotic leaf of LPS yrown plants to reduce some Fe3+ in a beaker below, but no reduction was evident through a yreen CWF grown leaf.

The chlorosis that developed in these cotton plants appeared to be induced by a response to the source of liyht and not by the fertilizer added. It seems possible that ultra violet liyht could affect the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ in leaves and thus control the availability of this iron to biological systems requiring iron in the plant.  相似文献   

The effect of manganese [Mn(II)] on the pigments of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L., cv Poinsett 76) leaf and cotyledon tissues was investigated. Tissue disks (7 mm) were exposed to increasing Mn(II) concentrations from 100 μM to 2.5 mM. Acetone (carotenoid‐rich fraction) and acidified methanol (flavonoid‐rich fraction) extracts were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. Although none of the Mn(II)‐treated tissues showed visible damage, Mn(II) at concentrations of 250 μM and above significantly reduced (60%) the ß‐carotene levels of light‐incubated leaf tissues. A major Mn(II)‐induced, UV‐absorbing compound was observed in methanol extracts of cotyledonary tissues exposed to Mn(II) in the dark. In leaf tissues, Mn(II) reduced the levels of certain UV‐absorbing compounds under both light conditions. These results demonstrate that excess leaf Mn(II) can rapidly impair isoprenoid metabolism, altering tissue carotenoid composition. Furthermore, Mn(II) may also modify phenylpropanoid metabolism, changing the tissue flavonoid composition. Both situations could sensitize plant tissues to oxidative stresses, particularly enhanced solar UV‐B radiation, and may reduce the nutritional quality of leafy vegetables.  相似文献   

Many producers are using foliar fertilizers on seedling cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with the intent of promoting early vigor and increasing yields. However, the hypothesis that foliar feeding young cotton increases seedling vigor and yield has not been rigorously tested. We conducted 5 studies during 1990 to 1992 to investigate the value of one, two or three foliar applications of 12–48–8 fertilizer to seedling cotton. Two studies also included foliar‐applied urea. Plant height and whole‐plant phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N) were determined two weeks after each application in two studies. Yield and P and N concentrations were not influenced by foliar fertilizers in any study. Seedling height was not influenced by applications of 12–48–8. A slight early‐season height advantage was observed with foliar‐applied urea at one location. Our results suggest that application of foliar N and P fertilizers to seedling cotton has little agronomic value.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness of phosphorus (P) applications on growth and the effect of added P on the extent of infection of roots of narrowleaf birsfoot trefoil (Lotus tenuis) and of broadleaf birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) by an indigenous VAM fungi (Glomus sp.) was studied on a P‐deficient soil (Typic Natraquoll). In terms of rate of increase of shoot growth per unit of added P, broadleaf was more efficient than narrowleaf birsdfoot trefoil but they did not differ in the relative effectiveness of P for growth. For the two Lotus species, when increasing the level of added P there was an initial increase in the percentage of root length infected, and then with further additions, there was a consistent decrease of the infection. For narrowleaf, the maximum percentage of root length infected was when plants reached 11% of their maximum shoot growth. Whereas for broafleaf, the maximum percentage of root infected was when plants reached the 66% of their maximum shoot growth. Despite differences in both, the shape of the response curve of shoot growth to P and the extent of infection between Lotus species, they did not differ in their ability to utilize the P that had reacted with the soil for a period of time.  相似文献   

The effect of 2(N‐morpholino)ethane)sulfonic acid (MES) on the growth of cucumber (Cucumis sativa L. var. Marketer) in hydroponic culture was determined at 0, 1, 5, and 10 mM concentrations. The effect of adding the MES to the solution at the time of transfer to hydroponic culture or waiting one week was also determined. MES was observed to strongly affect plant growth with increasing concentration in nutrient solution. Tissue and nutrient solution analysis determined that MES affects manganese (Mn) uptake. MES appears to be reduced by Mn, precipitating the Mn out of solution. The suitability of MES as a pH buffer in hydroponic culture is discussed in terms of this effect.  相似文献   


Effects of fertilizer timing and placement on the grain yield and leaf nutrients of uninoculated sole‐crop cowpeas in two experiments during the minor cropping season on Njala upland soil of Sierra Leone were studied. Timing and placement and their interaction had no significant effects on grain yield. Placement affected highly significantly lamina Mg, Cu and Co and significantly lamina N and Ca. Placement and timing x placement interaction affected highly significantly petiole N and petiole P respectively. Timing affected highly significantly petiole N, which decreased as fertilizer application was delayed. The spectrum of nutrient distribution in both lamina and petiole was decidedly different. Multiple regression studies indicated that variability in only petiole Mg, Cu and Co significantly contributed to grain yield variability. By the introduction of 15 nutrients (6 lamina and 9 petiole) after examining the linear regression coefficients into a composite multiple regression study, lamina Ca, petiole Fe and petiole Co were selected as significant contributors to grain yield variability with marked improvement in R2. Removal of the effects of the correlated variables produced significances in the effects of fertilizer placement and timing x placement interaction on grain yields.  相似文献   

Using a water culture technique, 0.05 ppm zinc (Zn) was found to be the critical deficiency concentraction for one‐year American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L) plants, 0.3 ppm was optimum, 0.5 ppm the critical Zn‐toxicity concentration, and 10 ppm the concentration when severe toxicity occurs. Therefore, the optimum Zn concentration for the growth of American ginseng plants was between 0.1 ppm ‐ 0.3 ppm. Zinc deficiency symptoms of one‐year old American ginseng plants were indicated by the inhabition of root growth, with little fibrous root development, and smaller leaves compared to normal leaves. The symptoms of toxicity were also indicated by the inhibition of root growth, and when seedlings were suffering from an acute toxicity, no fibrous roots appeared, and eventually the roots yellowed and leaves grew slowly or even entirely ceased to grow, the final result being very small leaves which are also chlorotic. Zinc maintained within the 0.1 ppm to 0.3 ppm sufficiency range promoted the synthesis and accumulation of ginsenosides by American ginseng plants, and both low and high Zn concentrations restrained the synthesis and accumulation of ginsenosides. Both Zn deficiency and the optimum Zn concentration (0.3ppm) are beneficial to the accumulation of amino acids in the roots of American ginseng plants. Close to the optimum Zn concentration, the ratios of P/Zn and Fe/Zn in the shoot of American ginseng plants were maintained at 77 and 9.4, respectively.  相似文献   

The growth and production of miniature dwarf tomato selection Lycopersicon esculentum ’Micro‐Tom’ plants grown from seedling to harvest in solution batph culture’ at four different NaCl salinity levels (2.4 [control, no NaCl], 7.6, 12.8, or 18 dS‐m‐1 solution conductivities) was monitored. Incremental reductions in canopy extent and shoot area of ‘Micro‐Tom’ were observed with increasing solution NaCl level. Root growth and shoot height were somewhat less responsive to imposed salinity. Fruit number, fruit size, and leaf tissue osmotic potential decreased as NaCl concentration increased. Fruit yield was highly correlated with total canopy and shoot area, but not with tissue osmotic or total water potential. ‘Micro‐Tom’ plants survived and continued fruit production at higher salinity levels despite reduced canopy growth. Treatment effects on vegetative growth and fruit production became more pronounced later in the growth cycle.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10-11):2069-2079

The ferric‐chelate reductase induced by Fe deficiency is also able to reduce other ions such as Cu2+. This Cu(II)‐reduction has been less studied and it has been suggested that Cu2+ ion rather than Cu2+‐chelate serves as the substrate. Ferric‐chelate reductase activity is inhibited by some metals, but the mechanisms implicated are not known. In the present work we use Fe‐deficient cucumber seedlings to study the interactions of Cu2+, Ni2+, Mn4+, and Fe3+ on both Fe(III)‐reduction and Cu(II)‐reduction activities. The response of Cu(II)‐reduction activity to Cu concentration, in the presence or absence of citrate, was also studied. Results showed that inhibition of the ferric‐chelate reductase activity by Cu2+ or Ni2+ could be partially reversed by increasing the concentration of Fe‐EDTA. The Cu(II)‐reduction activity was even stimulated by Fe‐EDTA or Ni2+; it was inhibited by a high concentration of Cu2+ itself; and it was not affected by the absence of citrate. Mn4+ caused a moderate inhibition of both Fe(III)‐reduction and Cu(II)‐reduction activities. Results agree with the hypothesis that free Cu2+ ion is the substrate for Cu(II)‐reduction and suggest that the mechanisms involved in Fe(III)‐reduction and Cu(II)‐reduction could have some differences and be affected by metals in different ways. The mode of action of metals on the reductase activity are discussed, but they are still not well known.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness of Amberlite IRC‐50 resin, in a recirculating ion exchange column, and several concentrations of MES [2(N‐mor‐pholino)ethanesulfonic acid] were evaluated for control of nutrient solution pH of hydroponically cultured soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Williams). A low buffering capacity, urea‐based nutrient solution was used. MES buffer, at the concentrations evaluated (1,2, 4, and 10 mM), was less effective at maintaining desired pH than the IRC‐50 resin system. The pH of the 4.0 mM MES buffered nutrient solution decreased from 6.5 to below 4.0 in five days with 25 to 30 day old plants. By comparison, the pH of the IRC‐50 resin buffered nutrient solution dropped from 6.5 to 5.9 during the same period. Nitrate uptake by 27 to 29 day‐old plants was significantly slower when solutions were buffered with MES than with IRC‐50 resin. Rate of nitrate uptake decreased with increasing MES buffer concentrations and decreasing pH in short‐term studies on plants previously grown on IRC‐50 resin buffered nutrient solution. Mass of the plants grown on IRC‐50 resin buffered nutrient solution equaled or exceeded that of plants grown on 1, 2, or 4 mM MES. Total elemental uptake (mg/plant) by plants grown on nutrient solution buffered by IRC‐50 resin, for the ten elements tested, was equal to or greater than uptake by plants grown on nutrient solution buffered by 1, 2, or 4 mM MES. It is concluded that IRC‐50 resin in recirculating columns provides better pH control than does MES buffer for hydroponically grown soybean.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of foliarly-applied Humic Acid (HA) and Salicylic Acid (SA) on strawberry (Fragaria × Ananassa cv. Camarosa). On average, HA applications, regardless of concentration, increased overall yield, Soluble Solids Concentrations (SSC), Titratable Acidity (TA), vitamin C, red tone (a*), leaf potassium (K), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) while had no effect on pH and fruit luminosity (L*). In contrast, fruit from the untreated control tended to have higher Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) and SSC: TA ratio than HA-treated plants. Application of SA significantly increased yield, vitamin C, SSC, SSC: TA ratio, TAC, a*, leaf P and Ca while had no effect on TA, fruit size, L* and pH. In general, application of either HA at 25 mg L1 or SA at 2 mM resulted in better strawberry performance than did other rates of these compounds.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of various nitrate/ chloride (NO3/Cl) ratios on growth, nitrate accumulation, and mineral absorption in carrot, Daucus carota L., plants in a controlled environment. The experiment included two Cl sources [potassium chloride (KC1) and calcium chloride (CaCl2)] and five NO/Clratios at 100/0, 90/10, 80/20, 70/30, and 60/40 with total‐nitrogen (N) concentration of 400 mg NO3 kg‐1 soil in 100/0 treatment. Fresh and dry weights of shoots and storage roots, and length and diameter of storage roots increased significantly with mixed NO3/C1 treatments with both Cl sources as compared to single NO3 (100/0) treatment. Growth was enhanced up to the 80/20 NO3/C1 treatments. With Cl present in the treatments, the concentration of total‐N unchanged and NO3 decreased in plants, and Cl and potassium (K) increased with the Cl sources. In KC1 treatments, Na absorption decreased. Calcium (Ca) content of the plants significantly differed by the treatments. It was concluded that N fertilization provided with combined Cl forms and NO3/Cl rates can enhance production of better quality carrot and at the same time decrease of the N fertilizer input.  相似文献   

Increased above‐ground dry matter and grain yields were found for two hydroponically grown maize hybrids (Pioneer‐3925 and Pioneer‐3949) when plants were supplied with an NH4 +‐enhanced nutrient solution (31 percent of total N) compared with a control (4 percent of total N as NH4 +). The major difference in yield developed between silking and 2 weeks post‐silking and silking and 4 weeks post‐silking for the P‐3925 and P‐3949 respectively. The reduced nitrogen content of the stover (leaves plus stalk) was consistently higher on the NH4 +‐enhanced nutrient solution. The decreased production of the control treatment may have resulted from a reduced photsynthetic capacity.  相似文献   

The effects of silicon (Si) (0, 1, and 2 mM) and sodium chloride (NaCl) salinity (0, 20, and 40 mM) on the yield, photosynthesis, and ion content in strawberry grown in hydroponics were investigated. Salinity caused a reduction in leaf area and plant biomass, regardless of Si supplement. Leaf area in Si1Na20 treatment was 37% higher than that of Si0Na20 treatment. Salinity at 20 mM concentration had a 25% yield reduction in absence of Si, corresponding to no reduction in the yield in the presence of Si compared with the Si treatment without salinity. The highest reduction of photosynthetic rate (Pn) was observed in Si1Na40 treatment; however, in the presence of Si, there was no reduction in the Pn rate at 20 mM NaCl concentration. An obvious positive relationship was found between potassium/sodium (K/Na) and Pn rate. Within each Si concentration, the increased salinity increased Na concentration in the leaf tissue. However, when Si was supplied to the salinity treatments Na concentration was significantly lower than that of the similar treatments without Si. Supplement of Si to the nutrient solution increased the Si concentration in the roots, and old and young leaves. A clear negative relationship (r= 0.71) was found between Si and Na concentration in the leaves. Salinity (NaCl40) increased the proline level 2.5-fold in the absence of Si, corresponding to no changes the proline level in the presence of 1 mM Si concentration compared with the Si treatment without salinity. The salinity (40 mM) increased the electroleakage by 50% compared with 0 mM NaCl treatment in the absence of Si supplement. Findings from this study lead to the conclusion that Si supplement to the nutrient solution ameliorated the deleterious effect of salinity on the strawberry growth; these effects were attributed to an enhanced K/Na ratio and the reduction in Na content and electroleakage ability in the leaf tissue.  相似文献   


Field trials were established on a loamy fine sand and a silt loam using snapbeans and soybeans as test crops, respectively. Row fertilizer was placed with the seed (seed‐placed). Treatments were arranged in a 3×3×3 factorial experiment, and N, P, and K were applied in all combinations at three rates (0, 3.4, and 6.8 kg/ha). Ammonium nitrate (AN), monoammonium phosphate (MAP), concentrated superphosphate (CSP) and potassium chloride (KCl) were used as sources of N, P and K. Additional treatments compared MAP with diammonium phosphate (DAP) and KCl with potassium nitrate (KNO3).

The salt index of each treatment was inversely related to emergence, i.e. as the salt index increased, the emergence decreased. Level of N was more important than level of P or K in regards to reduction in emergence. Snapbeans grown on a loamy fine sand were extremely sensitive to damage from seed‐placed fertilizer, even at rates as low as 3.4 kg/ha of N, P or K. Soybeans planted on a silt loam soil were less sensitive than snapbeans planted on a loamy sand. The soybeans were able to tolerate up to 10.2 kg/ha of seed‐placed P plus K or 6.8 kg/ha of seed‐placed N plus P or N plus K without causing a significant delay in emergence.  相似文献   

The present study investigates oleuropein metabolism, as well as the involvement of β-glucosidase during the growth, development, and ripening of olive fruit. The results show that in olive fruit the in vivo formation and transformation of oleuropein takes place in three different stages. The first one is characterized by a net accumulation of oleuropein and occurs in the immature fruit. In the second stage, associated with the green and light-green fruits, oleuropein content is maintained practically constant, and finally, a third stage that begins in the green-yellow fruit is characterized by a progressive decline of the oleuropein concentration. Our findings confirm that in the absence of β-glucosidase the Damtoft-proposed pathway is active and that net synthesis of oleuropein is unquestionable. β-Glucosidase activity plays a key role in the oleuropein metabolism catalyzing its in vivo hydrolysis.  相似文献   


Field trials were established on an irrigated loamy sand using corn as a test crop. Row fertilizer was placed with the seed (seed‐placed) or in the conventional side placement position (side‐placed). The side‐placed treatments consisted of two carriers of UAPP (28–28–0 and 36–18–0), diammonium phosphate (DAP, 18–46–0) plus ammonium nitrate (AN, 33–0–0), and a control treatment. Two rates of application were used for each carrier. Seed‐placed treatments consisted of two carriers of UAPP (28–28–0 and 36–18–0), concentrated superphosphate (CSP, 0–45–0) plus AN, CSP, AN, and a control treatment. Two rates of application were used for each carrier, except AN, which was used at three rates.

High rates of side‐placed UAPP delayed emergence of corn and lowered the final population. Early season N concentration in corn seedlings was not affected by rate or carrier of side‐placed N. Early season P concentration in the corn seedlings was greater for AN + DAP than UAPP treatments at all rates of P, presumably due to toxic accumulation of free NH3 in the UAPP band. High rates of side‐placed UAPP also reduced the yield of corn.

High rates of seed‐placed AN + CSP and UAPP reduced the germination of corn. However, low rates of UAPP also reduced germination, whereas low rates of AN + CSP did not affect germination. Since UAPP has a lower salt index than AN + CSP, the “salt effect”; of low rates of UAPP does not explain its effect on germination and emergence. The deleterious effects of UAPP were due apparently to either NH3 or NO2‐N toxicity.  相似文献   

Siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum (DC) Urb.) is a vigorous perennial forage legume with good potential for improving pastures in the extensive neotropical regions of the world. It is well adapted to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions. The objective of these studies was to determine effects of Glomus fasciculatum colonization, rigorous defoliation, and soil fertility treatments to a Psammentic Paleustalf (Eufaula) soil on growth, regrowth, nodulation, and nitrogenase activity (C2H2 red.) of Siratro inoculated with Rhizobium leguminosarum Frank. Top growth increased significantly with soil K and P amendment and with mycorrhiza colonization. Nodulation and nitrogenase activity were correlated with highly significant increases from G. fasciculatum, P treatments and K additions to 300 mg K kg‐1 soil. Growth and peduncles of nonclipped plants increased about 4 fold from 90 to 225 day age with mature seed yield increasing about 10 fold; nodule mass and nitrogenase activity levels approximately doubled. Regrowth response of plants defoliated at 45 day intervals, following their initial 90 day age, was somewhat constant between clippings for magnitude of regrowth 12.3–13.8g, development in number of peduncles 4.0–6.8, seed yield 1.4–2.6g, nodulation 2.9–3.7g, and nitrogenase activity 73.9–95.8μ mol C2H4g‐1 nodule. Multiple regression for nitrogenase = 0.55 g top wt. + 0.63 g nodule wt. + 1.91 day age ‐ 0.07 peduncle no., R2 = 0.85 and C.V. = 14.3%. Favorable tripartite symbiosis with both effective Rhizobium and endophyte mycorrhiza were essential for high levels of symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

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