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Our objectives were to document effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilizer rates on forage yields and uptake of N, P, and K by Midland bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] on a Minco fine, sandy loam in southern Oklahoma. After six years of this long-term experiment, forage yield responses to fertilization were mixed and depended on year. Stability analysis indicated forage yields responded positively to N fertilization during favorable weather conditions but negatively during poor weather conditions. Application of 112 kg N ha?1 provided the best yield stability and mean annual forage yield among treatments, 11.5 Mg ha?1, across years. In years with near-average weather conditions, uptake of N, P, and K increased linearly with N application rate. Limited water holding capacity of the soil and high soil P and K may have contributed to the limited yield responses to fertilization in this semi-arid environment.  相似文献   

A long-term field experiment (1998 to 2010) investigated the effects of vermicompost (VC) and chemical fertilizers (CF) application alone or in combination on biomass partitioning, nutrient uptake and productivity of arecanut. Trunk biomass (kg palm?1) was significantly higher with integrated treatments (40.8–43.0) than control (23.9). Biomass partitioning to kernel varied between 4.6% in control to 7.7% in CF 100 and 200% nitrogen (N)- phosphorus (P)- potassium (K). The leaf P and K content varied significantly among treatments. The N immobilized in trunk (g palm?1) was significantly higher in integrated treatments (119-127) than in control (93). Phosphorus and K uptake by trunk followed same trend. The leaf K uptake and total K removed were found significant. The nutrition treatments registered significantly higher kernel yield (2508–3176 kg ha?1) than control (1721 kg ha?1). The increased yield of arecanut from chemical fertilizers (73–85%) was more pronounced when compared to VC (48–59%) and integrated treatments (46–63%) over control.  相似文献   

The objective was to study the relationship between maize hybrids and their parents in potassium ion (K+)-uptake characteristics under the stress from a low amount of potassium. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, the malondialdehyde (MDA) content, the potassium utilization index (KUI), root volume, total and active root uptake area, Michaelis-Menten coefficient (Km), and the maximum rate of uptake (Vm) of different maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes were determined. SOD activity and MDA content in the leaves of Si144, Xianyu335 and PH4CV were significantly higher than the control, whereas for Jidan27, Si-287 and PH6WC, no differences were detected. Jidan27 showed a higher KUI than Xianyu335 under 0.1 mM potassium chloride (KCl), but no differences were observed under 3 mM KCl. Jidan27, Si287, and PH6WC had a greater root volume, total and active uptake areas, higher Vm and smaller Km than the other genotypes under 0.1 mM KCl. The differences in the KUI among maize genotypes resulted from variation in the Km to a greater extent than the Vm. These results indicate that potassium absorption characteristics of the low-K+-tolerance genotype, Jidan27 resembled its female parent, Si-287, whereas that of the stress-sensitive genotype, Xianyu335 was more like its male parent, PH4CV.  相似文献   

土施L-色氨酸对甘蓝产量和养分吸收的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
本文就土施L-色氨酸即L-TRP对盆栽甘蓝产量和养分吸收的影响进行了研究。结果表明,在移植前一周土施L-TRP,能明显提高甘蓝产量和干物质积累,并明显促进了甘蓝植株对N、P、K的吸收,提高了N、P在球叶中的分配,降低了K在球叶中的积累。  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the effect of nitrate (NO3) levels on nitrate uptake kinetics and nitrogen (N) metabolism in two rice varieties, Piaui (landrace) and IAC-47 (improved). At 27 days after germination (DAG) N supply was suspended for 72 h, and then restored as 0.2 or 2 mM nitrate. The nitrate uptake kinetics was determined by the depletion method. Plants were harvested at 0, 6, and 24 h. Plants of the Piaui variety under 0.2 mM nitrate showed higher Vmax and lower KM, indicating higher efficiency of nitrate uptake at low supply. In the sheaths of both varieties, there was a greater accumulation of nitrate and lower activities of nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase. The V-H+-ATPase activity increased between 0 and 6 h accompanying the nitrate influx, suggesting that the activity of this proton pump is necessary for the antiport activity (H+/2NO? 3) involved in the accumulation of nitrate into vacuoles.  相似文献   

通过液培试验研究了不同浓度硫(0.01、2、4、8、16和32mmol/L)处理对烤烟根、茎、叶及全株镁吸收及积累的影响。结果表明,2mmol/L处理显著提高了烤烟根系镁含量(0.6005%),促进了镁的吸收与积累量,4~32mmol/L处理的镁含量、积累量及吸收速率随硫浓度增加而降低,且显著低于0.01mmol/L处...  相似文献   

It is not clear about the interactive effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium additions on carbohydrate accumulation in tree seedlings in the late-season of fall. In late September of 2009, 0 or 60 kg nitrogen ha?1 urea (46-0-0) was applied with 30 and 60 kg phosphorus ha?1 potassium hydrogen phosphate (0-41-45) to transplanted bareroot Changbai larch (Larix olgensis Henry) seedlings. One month after first fertilization, seedlings receiving nitrogen addition had higher nitrogen and phosphorus, but lower potassium, concentrations in combined stems and roots. The higher rate phosphorus and potassium treatment increased nitrogen concentration in coarse roots (diameter > 5 mm) without nitrogen addition and improved potassium reserves. Fertilization did not affect seedling growth and whole-plant carbohydrate accumulation. In conclusion, we recommend a fertilizer regime of 60 kg N ha?1 urea and 60 kg phosphorus ha?1 potassium hydrogen phosphate applied in fall to improve nutrient reserves and increase root carbohydrate accumulation in Changbai larch seedlings.  相似文献   

Growth parameters and nutrient uptake of faba bean with 12 different genotypes were studied at the end of four subsequent growth periods, viz. first vegetative (V1), second vegetative (V2), first reproductive (R1) and second reproductive (R2) periods for two years and correlated with final grain yield. All parameters including plant height, leaf number, leaf area index (LAI), above ground plant dry matter (DM) and root DM, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) uptake and concentration of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg showed different patterns with advancement of the growth period. All the mentioned parameters were fitted in either quadratic or linear equations. Significant correlations were found among nutrients, growth parameters and grain yield during different growth stages. On the basis of these experiments it was clear that nutrient uptake was directly related to biomass. In V2 and R1 biomass production was greatest resulting in high nutrient uptake. Among the growth parameters, biomass and LAI showed the highest significant correlation with grain yield. The findings especially models derived from two year data across twelve genotypes can be used for better fertilizer management of faba bean.  相似文献   

Application of phosphorus (P) fertilizer is important in crop production because of the low bioavailability of phosphorus to plants in both acidic and calcareous soils. Although rapeseed (Brassica napus) is generally sensitive to P deficiency, different cultivars differ widely in this respect. Differences in P uptake and utilization between two rapeseed cultivars, one P-efficient (‘97081’) and one P-inefficient (‘97009’), were evaluated in solution culture by studying the changes in root morphology and parameters of P uptake kinetics in response to low-P stress. The P-efficient cultivar had lower Km and Cmin values and higher Vmax and developed longer and denser lateral root hair with greater number of root tips and branches under low-P stress, which resulted in a better developed root system and more efficient uptake of P. That, in turn, led to higher concentration and accumulation of P in the plants, culminating in higher biomass production. However, P utilization efficiency (biomass production per unit P accumulated in plant) of the P-efficient ‘97081’ was lower than that of ‘97009’ when P was deficient. These results suggest that P efficiency in rapeseed is due to a better developed root system as well as efficient uptake of P.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is required by crop plants for many physiological and biochemical functions. Knowledge of phosphorus uptake and its use by crop plants is essential for adequate management of this essential nutrient. A field experiment was conducted during four consecutive years to determine P uptake and use efficiency by upland rice, dry bean, corn and soybean grown in rotation on a Brazilian Oxisol. Plant samples were taken at different growth stages during the growth cycle of each crop for phosphorus analysis. Phosphorus concentration (content per unit dry matter) significantly decreased in a quadratic fashion with the advancement of plant age in four crop species. Phosphorus concentration was higher in legumes compared to cereals. Phosphorus uptake in shoot, however, significantly increased in an exponential quadratic fashion with the advancement of plant age of crop species. At harvest, P uptake was higher in grain compared to shoot, indicating importance of this element in improving crop yields. Phosphorus use efficiency (grain or straw yield per unit P uptake) was higher in cereals compared to legumes. The P use efficiency for grain production was 465 kg kg?1 for upland rice, 492 kg kg?1 for corn, 229 kg kg?1 for dry bean and 280 kg kg?1 for soybean. The higher P use efficiency in cereals was associated with higher yield of cereals compared to legume species.  相似文献   

采用田间试验、室内分析与数理统计相结合的方法研究了不同施钾水平对扬麦158在不同生育期体内的氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)含量、吸收量及干物质积累量的影响,还比较了同一施肥水平下,扬麦158等7个品种的养分吸收差异。结果表明,拔节-孕穗阶段是小麦养分吸收和生物产量积累的最快时期。不同生育阶段除含磷量较为稳定外,氮、钾变幅大,因此,在制定施肥方案时,应重视氮、钾的合理配合,以满足小麦“高产、优质、高效”生产的营养需要。  相似文献   

Canola (Brassica napus L.) is a very important agricultural and industrial crop. Hence, the effects of chemical and biological treatments on canola oil production and nutrient uptake, under calcareous conditions, were evaluated in a field experiment. Phosphorus (P) fertilizer and sulfur (S)-oxidizing bacteria (Thiobacillus sp.) increased canola oil production by a maximum of 548 and 335 kg ha?1, respectively. P-solubilizing bacteria (Bacillus sp.) and Thiobacillus sp. enhanced the uptake of different nutrients including nitrogen (N), P, potassium (K), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn). Monthly measurements of soil P indicated that soil P fluctuations can be managed using the applied treatments for proper P fertilization in canola production. The results indicated the important role of chemical and biological (Bacillus sp.) P sources and S-oxidizing bacteria for canola growth and oil production as they resulted in significant increase in canola oil production and nutrient uptake. This can be very beneficial for the farmers and industry.  相似文献   

氮素对温室番茄果实发育及其氮吸收量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李海平  郭荣  李灵芝  曹阳 《核农学报》2010,24(2):365-369
为了探索华北地区连栋温室栽培条件下番茄水培适宜的氮素管理方法,试验设4个处理:N5(扭送素浓度5mmol/L)、N10、N15和N30。其他营养元素的浓度是根据华南农业大学番茄营养液配方配制。比较不同处理间番茄每克鲜果实形成干物质的量、果实鲜重与其直径的关系、植株积累的生物量、产量和氮吸收量等。试验结果表明,在一定范围内,随营养液中氮素浓度越大,果实中每克鲜物质形成的干物质越多。处理N5、N10和N15中,每克鲜果实形成的干物质量分别是0.0733g、0.0804g和0.1316g。继续增加营养液中氮素浓度,每克鲜果实形成的干物质量却降低了,处理N30仅为0.0913g。其他几个指标显示相同的趋势。4个处理中植株的总干重依次为189.1、293.9、734.1和488.2g/m2。产量依次为3.68、6.55、15.50和11.01kg/m2。果实每克干物质的氮吸收量分别是0.0231g、0.0237g、0.0242g和0.0235g。果实鲜重与其直径成幂指数关系,氮素浓度对果实鲜重与其直径的关系影响不大。因此,番茄水培适宜的氮素浓度为15mmol/L。  相似文献   

菌根真菌对茶树吸收磷、钾素的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以辐照灭菌的酸性黄壤为供试土,种植有性繁殖的茶苗并接种VA菌根真菌,以不接种菌根真菌为对照,分别追施32P-过磷酸钙和^86Rb-氯化铷,试验结果表明:菌根侵染率,^32P组合合为52.60%,^86Rb组合为56.70%,茶树株高分别对照的2.10倍和2.50倍,对磷、钾元素的吸收量分别比对照增加4.60和3.10倍,磷肥利用率提高14.10%,钾肥利用率提高17.13%。  相似文献   

A three-site-year field experiment was conducted to determine nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilizer effects on grain filling dynamics and yield formation of high-yielding summer corn (Zea mays L.) in a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-corn double crop cropping system. Application of combined NPK fertilizers resulted in the greatest grain yield, largest grain number and grain weight when compared with the treatments receiving N, NP, or NK. Grain filling rate and duration, grain volume, and grain yield increased with NPK rates; however, doubling the rate of 180 kg N ha?1, 40 kg P ha?1, and 75 kg K ha?1 fertilizer only led to minimal increases in grain filling rate (0.8%), grain filling duration (1.6%), grain volume (1.3%) and grain yield (0.4%). Our results suggested that for the high-yielding summer corn, a combined NPK fertilization is required to enhance grain filling and yield, and that under well-fertilized circumstances, limited increases in both grain filling and sink capacity might be the main factor restricting further yield improvement.  相似文献   

Oxisols comprise large soil group in tropical America. These soils are acidic and have low fertility. Use of tropical legume cover crops in cropping systems is an important strategy to improve fertility of these soils for sustainable crop production. Data are limited on nutrient uptake and use efficiency of tropical cover crops under different acidity levels. The objective of our study was to evaluate growth and nutrient uptake parameters of sixteen tropical legume cover crops under three soil pH (5.1, 6.5, and 7.0) of an Oxisol. Shoot dry weight was influenced significantly by pH and cover crop treatments and their interactions, indicating that cover crops used had differential responses to changing soil pH levels. Overall, shoot dry weight decreased when soil pH was raised from 5.1 to 7.0, indicating acidity tolerance of cover crops. Nutrient concentration (content per unit of dry weight), uptake (concentration X dry weight), and nutrient use efficiency (dry weight of shoot per unit of nutrient uptake) varied significantly among cover crops. The variation in nutrient uptake and use efficiency among cover crop species was associated with variation in shoot dry matter production. Significant variation among crop species in dry matter production and low C/N ratios (average value of 14.25) suggest that cover crops which produced higher dry matter yield like white jack bean, gray mucuna bean, black mucuna bean, mucuna bean ana, and lablab are important choices for planting in tropical soils to recover large amount of macro and micronutrients, and to prevent such nutrient leaching in soil plant systems.  相似文献   

土壤中积累态磷活化动力学的研究Ⅰ.有机质的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
邵宗臣  赵美芝 《土壤学报》2002,39(3):318-325
研究了潮土和红壤中积累态磷的活化动力学及其有机质的影响。四种动力学方程均能很好地描述积累态磷的活化。用H2 O2 去除有机质加快了潮土中积累态磷的活化 ,对红壤影响不明显。施加 2 %葡萄糖培育促进了红壤中积累态磷的活化 ,对潮土影响不大  相似文献   

Pollutants can have detrimental effects on living organisms. They can cause toxicity, damaging cells, tissues and organs because of their high concentrations or activities. Plants provide a useful system for screening and monitoring environmental pollutants. Among pollutants, aluminum is considered as a primary growth limiting factor for plants resulting in decreased plant growth and development. Although considered to be a non-essential and highly toxic metal ion for growth and development, aluminum (Al) is easily absorbed by plants. Urticaceae family members have high nutrient requirements demonstrated by leaves containing high levels of calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), and nitrogen (N). Urtica pilulifera is one of the important traditional medicinal plants in Turkey. In this study, U. pilulifera was used as a bioindicator to investigate the possible differences in the absorption and accumulation of mineral nutrients at different levels of the Al exposure and examine the mineral nutrition composition of U. pilulifera under Al stress. Also, some growth parameters (leaf-stem fresh and dry weights, root dry weights, stem lengths and leaf surface area) were investigated. U. pilulifera seedlings were grown for two months in growth-room conditions and watered with spiked Hoagland solution, which contained 0, 100, and 200 μM aluminium chloride (AlCl3). It was observed that macro- and micro-nutritional status of roots and leaves was altered by Al exposure. The concentrations of some macro- and micronutrients were reduced while concentrations of others were increased by excess of Al. Some macro- and micronutrients were increased at low level of Al whereas reductions were observed at high level of Al, and vice versa. The patterns were dependent on the macro- or micronutrient and the plant part.  相似文献   

The effects of seed bed shaping on nutrient variation in soil and plant under two different irrigation intervals were investigated on wheat (Triticum asetivum L.) plants with a split plot design in a field plot in Zahak Agricultural Research Station in Sistan province in 2005. Irrigations after 80 and 160 mm evaporation from class A evaporation pan were used as main plots. Flat surface irrigation, single, triple, and 6-row beds with four replications were subplots. Total soil nitrogen (N), available phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sodium (Na) were measured in a 30 cm depth top layer at five sampling times. Shoot samples were analyzed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Na. Results showed that the 3-row and the 6-row beds with more frequent irrigation (shorter irrigation interval) increased soil solution sodium content in beds resulting in increased plant sodium absorption. With the 3-row and the 6-row beds, increased solution sodium concentration in soil increased solution ionic strength, dissolution of lime and hence soluble Ca and Mg. With the more frequent irrigation (shorter irrigation interval), only grain nitrogen and sodium contents were increased with no change in the absorption of other nutrients. The shoot N, P, and K uptake with more frequent irrigation (shorter irrigation interval) was greater, however the grain P and K uptakes were similar with the less frequent irrigation (longer irrigation interval), suggesting a lack of transfer from other tissues to grain. The transfer of nitrogen and all other major elements from other tissues to grain was greatest with single row bed with both irrigation intervals, suggesting grain yield might not have been affected by a greater N, P and K fertilizer application. A key to grain yield increase with a more frequent irrigation (shorter irrigation interval) might be using a limiting micronutrient, effective in major nutrients transfer to grain from the other plant tissues or a bed shaping method enhancing its uptake.  相似文献   

六种水培的苋科植物对134Cs的吸收和积累   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对营养液栽培 42d后的 6种苋科植物用不同13 4 Cs比活度处理 ,1周后收获并分析13 4 Cs比活度。结果表明 ,不同植物组织的烘干重和最大生长高度存在差异。不同植物和同种植物不同器官间13 4 Cs积累量表现为显著差异 ,但差异取决于初始加入到营养液中的13 4 Cs比活度。放射性自显影结果表明 ,各种植物叶片积累的13 4 Cs比根茎积累的多。籽粒苋 (AmaranthuscruentusL .)较其它植物生物量高、根系密度大、生长速率快 ,虽然籽粒苋中13 4 Cs比活度较低 ,但其茎叶器官从13 4 Cs水培液中剔除的13 4 Cs明显高得多 ,且表现出很高的13 4 Cs去除速率。研究还发现 ,6种植物叶部含钾量与13 4 Cs比活度之间存在较弱的线性相关性。  相似文献   

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