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Homogenates were prepared from the leaves of hydroponically cultivated sunflowers (Helianthus annuus, L.) under deficient, normal and toxic B conditions and the polyphenol oxidase activity together with the ortho‐diphenolic and micronutrient content was measured every week from one month to flowering.

B deficiency slightly depressed polyphenol oxidase activity and B toxicity decreased it significantly at all times, the response fitting a line versus the logarithm of the B concentration in solution. We found a positive correlation between polyphenol oxidase activity and the B content in leaves.

B action on enzymatic activity seemed not to be caused by direct interaction with substrates as the infiltration of B into deficient leaves did not restore the normal activity

According to our results we suggest that polyphenol oxidase activity may be a valid functional parameter to indicate the nutritional status of B in sunflower plants, if its specificity for B can be demonstrated.

The ortho‐diphenolic content did not change with the B levels used in our experiments. Neither did we find any correlation between enzymatic activity and the o‐diphenolic content of the leaves.  相似文献   

Both enzymatic activities increased under B‐deficient and B‐toxic treatments. The ortho‐diphenolic content did not change with B levels.

Our results suggest that the primary B action on the OPP pathway is at the first enzyme (glucose‐6P‐dehydrogenase) level and that the B effect on 6P‐gluconate‐dehydrogenase is secondary to this. The B action on the enzymatic activities seems not to be caused by any direct interaction with substrates, as B infiltration of B‐deficient culture “in vivo”; seems to result in long term effects on cell structures and/or processes not easily r

In this paper the glucose‐6P‐dehydrogenase and 6P‐gluconate ‐ dehydrogenase activities and ortho‐diphenolic content of hydroponically‐cultivated sunflower‐leaves with moderately deficient, normal and toxic B levels were measured. The change in these parameters during time was considered, together with the restoration of enzymatic activities by means of borate infiltration of deficient and normal leaves. The micronutrient content of the leaves was alsversible by B infiltration of leaves. The positive correlation found between the 6P‐gluconate‐dehydrogenase activity and the Zn content in leaves might be interpretable as and indirect B effect on that activity through modification of Zn content.  相似文献   

Cataiase, peroxidase and IAA‐oxidase activities, so as odiphenolics content in sunflower leaves grown in hydroponics with 4 B levels (0.05; 0.25; 0.5 and 2.0 ppm) were determined. The biochemical assays were made when visual symptons were clearly developed.

Cataiase activity significantly increased in B deficient leaves. Peroxidase, IAA‐oxidase activities and o‐diphenolics content did not significantly change with B levels. The lag period for IAA‐oxidase activity was significantly reduced in B deficient and toxic leaves with respect to the normal ones. These results are in accordance with the hypothesis that one of the B action could be to enhance cataiase activity, the “in vivo” decrease of H2O2 levels beeing the cause of the variation in other enzymatic activities related with that substrate.  相似文献   

Two lines of sunflower (Helianthrus annuus L.), a salt‐tolerant Euroflor and a salt‐sensitive SMH‐24, were grown for three weeks in sand culture containing 0 or 150 mol/m3 NaCl in full strength Hoagland nutrient solution. Distribution of cations in the leaves of varying ages was determined. The older leaves of SMH‐24 contained more sodium (Na) in the laminae than the younger leaves at the salt treatment, whereas laminae of leaves of varying ages of Euroflor maintained Na concentration almost uniform. Distribution of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) in the laminae was strongly age‐dependent in both lines, i.e., the older leaves contained greater concentrations of these cations than did the younger leaves. The lines did not differ in concentrations of the three cations. The older leaves of SMH‐24 had significantly lower K/Na ratios than those of Euroflor, but the lines did not differ in lamina Ca/Na ratios. It is concluded that distribution of K, Ca, and Mg in the leaf laminae is age‐dependent. Salt‐tolerance in sunflower is related to exclusion of Na in the leaf laminae and to maintenance of almost uniform concentrations of this ion in leaves of all ages.  相似文献   

The aspartic acid,tyrosine and serine contents of leaves were found reduced in prematurely reddened leaves of hirsutum cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) as compared to healthy green leaves. Amino acids other than those listed above were higher in the affected red leaves. Amino acids threonine and proline increased 63.7 and 2.3 fold over green leaves respectively. Chemical sprays not only maintained the levels of various amino acids at par with green leaf but tended to increase the concentration above the levels obtained in normally found green leaf. However, threonine level was dropped in treated leaves as compared to partly affected red leaf and chemical sprays significantly reduced the leaf reddening when it was sprayed before flowering. It can be suggested that the leaf reddening can possibly be arrested by monitoring threonine content in leaves of hirsutum cotton ov. L‐147.  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) is not only essential as a component of a number of different plant enzymes and necessary for the activity of several specific enzymes, it is also an important constituent of blood proteins necessary for the normal physiological functioning of the animal body. The role of Cu in agricultural production has been documented by several authors and these reviews mainly relate to work in the temperate regions.

This review has attempted to extract all available information in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) on the role of Cu on the soil, plant and animal systems. It discusses the content of Cu in the soil and plant, its role and biochemistry and methods of analysis with special reference to research in SSA. The need to maintain adequate levels of Cu levels in the soil and forage crops for ruminant animal consumption is emphasised. Factors such as age, physiological state, breed, dry matter intake and source of Cu which influence dietary Cu requirements of ruminant animals were reviewed. Deficiency and toxicity cases of Cu in animals have been diagnosed in many SSA countries. Although there are several ways of correcting Cu deficiency and toxicity problems, success depends on the ability to identify the underlying causes. The interaction of Cu with other minerals, in particular molybdenum (Mo) and sulfur (S), is an important factor determining whether a deficiency or toxicity is “simple”; or “conditioned”;.  相似文献   

Reports relating the separate and combined influences of soil aeration, nitrogen and saline stresses on the germination, growth and ion accumulation in sunflowers are lacking in the literature. The sunflowers of this report were grown in sand culture in the greenhouse. Separate and combined treatments of two levels of aeration, three levels of nitrogen and three levels of NaCl were applied to plants which were harvested at 40 and 56 days. Seed germination was excellent in all treatments. Plant height and dry weight decreased with each type of stress. Low oxygen (0.20 μg O2 cm‐2 min‐1) and nitrogen (10 ppm) combined with 70 meq/1 NaCl caused the greatest reduction of plant growth. Leaf number was reduced by low nitrogen and excess salt. Low oxygen reduced the accumulation of K, Ca and Mg and increased the Na and N‐NO3 content of sunflower leaves. Potassium to sodium ratios in plant on sunflower growth could be partially ameliorated with the tissue were decreased by greater EC values of the nutrient solution and low soil ODR. The adverse effects of salt and oxygen stresses addition of nitrogen. Ion accumulation was an earlier indicator of plant stress than plant growth and both parameters provided excellent methods for assessing plant tolerance to soil aeration, nitrogen and saline stresses.  相似文献   


A laboratory experiment evaluated the rate of urea hydrolysis and ammonia volatilization from urea (U) mixed in organo‐mineral (O‐M) fertilizers. These fertilizers were incubated in soil in the presence or absence of N‐(n‐butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) as a urease inhibitor. Two organic matrices, leather (L) and peat (P), were used to prepare the O‐M fertilizers. In the absence of NBPT, the highest ammonia losses and the fastest rate of urea hydrolysis were in the soil treated with the fertilizer containing leather (UL50). Significantly lower ammonia losses occurred with peat‐based fertilizers. Although the fertilizer containing peat (UP50) stimulated the rate of urea hydrolysis with respect to the urea alone, no increase in ammonia volatilization was detected. NBPT‐containing fertilizers were stored for different times (0,7, 30, and 60 days) and temperatures (25°C and 40°C), and the NBPT recovery was monitored by extraction and analysis by HPLC. The NBPT recovery decreased by increasing either the storage time or the storage temperature. Differences among the fertilizers occurred after storage at 40°C for 30 or 60 days. With UN, in spite of about 25% extracted amount of NBPT, the ammonia losses did not increase with respect to the non‐stored fertilizer. On the contrary, no inhibitor was recovered from either of the O‐M fertilizers (UNL and UNP). However, in the presence of leather, NBPT reduced the volatilization losses by 35 to 40%, whereas in the presence of peat, a complete loss of NBPT efficiency occurred. In general, either the inhibitor recovery or efficiency were affected by the storage conditions or the type of organic matrix.  相似文献   


The boron content of plant material was determined by ICP‐AES after a simple extraction with a mixture of HF and HC1. The method gave excellent agreement with the colorimetric determination by Azomethine H after dry‐ashing and with ICP‐AES after dry‐ashing. No significant interferences were found from 17 elements with ICP‐AES. A digestion procedure with only HNO3, followed by ICP‐AES determination, gave low results at higher B levels. The HF‐HC1 extraction was applied to both fresh and dried material; the boron values thus obtained compared very well, which indicates that no loss of boron compounds occurs during drying.  相似文献   

Lettuce plants (Lactuca saliva, cvs ‘Karlo’ and ‘Rosana') were subjected to three light levels (0, 50, and 100 μmol/m2/s) provided by supplementary lighting. Photoperiods extended to 16 h, 20 h, 24 h, and 24/16 h were compared with natural light in the course of five greenhouse trials. The use of supplementary lighting significantly reduced nitrate concentration in the leaves during the winter. Total nitrate reductase enzyme activity in terms of whole plants was higher owing to an increase in light levels, whereas there was no significant difference in terms of fresh weight for the various light treatments. Fluctuations in nitrate reductase activity were observed over a 24‐hour cycle. Enzyme activity was the lowest between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activity were the highest in the outer leaves.  相似文献   

Information on glutamine synthetase (GS) activity of roots and leaves in response to nitrogen (N) application at different growth stages is limited for field‐grown rice. Root and leaf GS activity was measured on field‐grown rice plants to compare the effects of fertilizer‐N application at midtillering, panicle initiation, and flowering. Leaf GS activity was greater than root GS activity, regardless of N application. Root and leaf GS activity generally declined as plant aged, and the decline was greater in roots than leaves. Leaf and root GS activity were significantly increased by urea‐N applied at different growth stages. Root GS activity was maximum three days after N application, while leaf GS activity peaked one day after N application. Root GS activity showed greater response to N application at midtillering and panicle initiation than leaf GS activity, but the opposite was found at flowering. The stimulation of GS activity by N was greatest at midtillering and reduced with plant age.  相似文献   

The effects on two‐week‐old plants of a salt‐tolerant line (Euroflor) and a salt‐sensitive (SMH‐24) line of sunflower, of varying sodium/calcium (Na/ Ca) ratios in a saline growth medium were assessed after three weeks growth in sand culture under greenhouse conditions. The different Na/Ca ratios of the salt treatment were 36.5, 74.0, and 149, at a constant concentration of 150 mol m‐3 NaCl. Euroflor was superior to SMH‐24 in fresh and dry matters of shoots and roots at varying external Na/Ca ratios. The leaf Na+ concentration in SMH‐24 increased consistently with increase in external Na/Ca ratio, whereas that in Euroflor remained almost unaffected. Although leaf chlorine (Cl) was significantly greater in SMH‐24 than Euroflor, there was no effect of decreasing Ca2+ concentration of the saline growth medium on the leaf Cl concentrations of both lines. The lines did not differ in K+, Ca2+ or Mg2+ concentrations of both shoots and roots. The leaf K/Na and Ca/ Na ratios, K versus Na selectivity were considerably higher in Euroflor than in SMH‐24. The lines also did not differ in leaf water potential and gas exchange and these variables were not affected due to decreasing Ca2+ concentration of the saline growth medium. Stomatal conductance and transpiration remained unchanged in Euroflor, whereas those in SMH‐24 decreased significantly at the highest external Na/Ca ratio. Euroflor had significantly greater stomatal conductance and transpiration than those of SMH‐24 at almost all external Na/Ca ratios, whereas the reverse was true for water use efficiency. It was established that Euroflor was tolerant to low Ca2+ concentrations of the saline growth medium as compared with SMH‐24. This was mainly attributable to accumulation of relatively low Na+ and Cl in the leaves, and maintenance of high leaf K/Na and Ca/Na ratios and K versus Na selectivity in Euroflor.  相似文献   


The effect of organic amendment with sewage sludge composts of varying heavy metal content on the organic matter content and enzymatic activity of an agricultural soil supporting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) or lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) crops was studied. The organic amendments did not improved lettuce growth, the contaminated composts having a negative effect on yield. However, all organic amendments improved barley straw yields although they did not affect grain yields. The addition of the organic materials increased the total carbohydrate content of the soil although this content decreased with cultivation. There was a clearly observed effect of crop type and the degree of heavy metal contamination of the amendment on the most labile carbon (C) fractions (water‐soluble C, carbohydrates, and polyphenolics). In general, soil enzymatic activities were stimulated by addition of sewage sludge compost with low heavy metal content. The compost containing high level of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) inhibited protease‐BAA activity with respect to the other composts. After cultivation, urease activity increased in soil amended with the high dose of composts, regardless their degree of metallic contamination. Both crop type and metallic contamination contained in the organic materials added influenced phosphatase and ß‐glucosidase activity.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of various nitrate/ chloride (NO3/Cl) ratios on growth, nitrate accumulation, and mineral absorption in carrot, Daucus carota L., plants in a controlled environment. The experiment included two Cl sources [potassium chloride (KC1) and calcium chloride (CaCl2)] and five NO/Clratios at 100/0, 90/10, 80/20, 70/30, and 60/40 with total‐nitrogen (N) concentration of 400 mg NO3 kg‐1 soil in 100/0 treatment. Fresh and dry weights of shoots and storage roots, and length and diameter of storage roots increased significantly with mixed NO3/C1 treatments with both Cl sources as compared to single NO3 (100/0) treatment. Growth was enhanced up to the 80/20 NO3/C1 treatments. With Cl present in the treatments, the concentration of total‐N unchanged and NO3 decreased in plants, and Cl and potassium (K) increased with the Cl sources. In KC1 treatments, Na absorption decreased. Calcium (Ca) content of the plants significantly differed by the treatments. It was concluded that N fertilization provided with combined Cl forms and NO3/Cl rates can enhance production of better quality carrot and at the same time decrease of the N fertilizer input.  相似文献   


The influence of the nitrate nutritional status and increasing ammonium concentrations on the nitrate reductase activity of shoots and roots of Carex pseudocyperus L. was investigated. The activity of this enzyme was correlated with the relative growth rates of the plant. Nitrate reductase activity was determined by a modified in vivo test (1). A specially developed test system allowed a large amount of samples to be handled easily.

The optimization procedure of the incubation buffers led to different assay conditions for the shoot and the root, respectively. Enzyme activity in the shoot was dependent on the length of the incubated leaf pieces. Incubation had to take place under dark, anaerobic conditions.

Enzyme activity was influenced by an evident diurnal rhythm with an optimum six hours after starting illumination, so that harvesting occurred always at that day time.

Increasing nitrate concentrations of up to 2.5mM NO3‐ in the nutrient solution induced an increasing nitrate reductase activity in the shoot. The enzyme activity of the root was already fully induced at 1mM NO3 ?. A nitrate concentration above 5mM NO3 ? inhibited enzyme activity in shoots as well as in roots. The addition of increasing amounts of ammonium to a solution containing 2mM NO3 ? led to a significant inhibition of the enzyme activity in both parts of the plant.

Relative growth rates of the shoot, as a function of increasing nitrate concentrations in the nutrient solution, were highly positively correlated to the corresponding nitrate reductase activity, but only a slight, negative correlation was observed between these two parameters in the root.  相似文献   


Joffell described in his book “Pedology” that in the process of weathering, autotrophic organisms grow on the bare surface of rocks and their metabolic products contribute much to the weathering. Treub2) observed also that the surface of volcanic ash was covered by the vigorous growth of algae in less than three years after the eruption of Krakatoa. From these statements it appears evident that microorganisms play an important part through the production of organic matter at the early period of soil formation. As soil-forming-process advances, however, microBrganisms are replaced by the higher chlorophyllbearing plants with regards to organic matter production in land, and they become more important in the decomposition of than in the production of organic matter.  相似文献   

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