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Pot experiments were conducted in the greenhouse to study the effect of nitrogen (N) nutrition on photosynthesis and water relations of barley plants under salinity conditions. Nitrogen decreased the sodium (Na) content and increased the potassium (K) content in shoots. The net photosynthetic rate of leaves increased significantly with added N increasing from 0 to 100 mg N/kg soil. The activity of ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) in leaves of high‐salt plants was lower, and in leaves of the low‐salt plants higher than that in control plants. The photosynthetic rate was reduced by sodium chloride (NaCl) and was significantly correlated with total soluble protein per unit leaf area. At each N level, stomatal conductance in leaves was reduced considerably by salt. Proline content of leaves increased with increasing N level. It was higher in leaves of salt‐treated plants than in those of control plants. The osmotic potential of leaves decreased with increasing N applied, and the turgor pressure of high N plants remained higher under salt treatment condition.  相似文献   


Application of soluble forms of nitrogen (N) fertilizers to sandy soils may cause leaching of nitrate N (NO3‐N) resulting in contamination of groundwater. The leaching loss of N may be reduced to a certain extent by the use of controlled‐release N formulations. A leaching column study was conducted to evaluate the leaching of urea, ammonium N (NH4‐N), and NO3‐N forms from selected urea‐based controlled‐release formulations (Meister, Osmocote, and Poly‐S) and uncoated urea under eight cycles of intermittent leaching and dry conditions. Following leaching of 1,760 mL of water (equivalent to 40 cm rainfall) through the soil columns, the recovery of total N (sum of all forms) in the leachate accounted for 28, 12, 6, or 5% of the total N applied as urea, Poly‐S, Meister, and Osmocote, respectively. Loss of urea‐N from all fertilizer sources was pronounced during the initial leaching events (with the exception of Meister). Cumulative leaching of urea‐N was 10% for uncoated urea while <1.7% for the controlled‐release formulations. Cumulative leaching of NH4‐N was 6.2% for uncoated urea while <0.5% for the controlled‐release formulations. Cumulative leaching loss of NO3‐N was 3.78% for Osmocote, 4.6% for Meister, 10.4% for urea, and 10.5% for Poly‐S. This study demonstrates a significant reduction in leaching of N forms from controlled‐release formulations as compared to that from the soluble form.  相似文献   


Pansies are one of the most popular annual bedding plants in the United States. Growth and uptake of essential nutrients as influenced by N‐form ratio was evaluated in pansy as well as what role pansy nutrition plays in the protection of pansy against feeding damage by white‐tailed deer provided by selected repellents. Plants were grown under three N‐form ratios: 100:0, 50:50, and 0:100NO3:NH4. Dry weight was highest for pansy treated with 100:0 and lowest for plants treated with 0:100 NO3:NH4 Mean quality ratings were 4.07 for pansies grown with 100:0,1.80 for pansies grown with 50:50, and 0.78 for pansies grown with 0:100. Potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and manganese (Mn) content was lower in plants treated with 0:100 than in those treated with 100:0. Ammonium may have competed with these cations for uptake. Boron (B), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), and aluminum (Al) content was highest in plants treated with N‐NH4. There was no significant difference shown in nutrient levels caused by repellent treatments. Feeding damage was shown to be affected by N‐form ratio only on Day 3 of the study. Of the three repellent treatments [Deer and Rabbit Repellent (Thiram), Deer Away purrescent egg spray, and no spray], Thiram provided the greatest protection to pansies over the study period.  相似文献   

Cool white fluorescent (CWF) light reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+ while low pressure sodium (LPS) light does not. Cotton plants grown under CWF light are green, while those yrown under LPS light develop a chlorosis very similar to the chlorosis that develops when the plants are deficient in iron (Fe). It could be that CWF light (which has ultra violet) makes iron more available for plant use by maintaining more Fe2+ in the plant. Two of the factors commonly induced by Fe‐stress in dicotyledonous plants‐‐hydroyen ions and reductants released by the roots‐‐were measured as indicators of the Fe‐deficiency stress response mechanism in M8 cotton.

The plants were grown under LPS and CWF light in nutrient solutions containing either NO3‐N or NH4‐N as the source of nitrogen, and also in a fertilized alkaline soil. Leaf chlorophyll concentration varied significantly in plants grown under the two light sources as follows: CWF+Fe > LPS+Fe > CWF‐Fe ≥ LPS‐Fe. The leaf nitrate and root Fe concentrations were significantly greater and leaf Fe was generally lower in plants grown under LPS than CWF light. Hydrogen ions were extruded by Fe‐deficiency stressed roots grown under either LPS or CWF light, but “reductants”; were extruded only by the plants grown under CWF light. In tests demonstrating the ability of light to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ in solutions, enough ultra violet penetrated the chlorotic leaf of LPS yrown plants to reduce some Fe3+ in a beaker below, but no reduction was evident through a yreen CWF grown leaf.

The chlorosis that developed in these cotton plants appeared to be induced by a response to the source of liyht and not by the fertilizer added. It seems possible that ultra violet liyht could affect the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ in leaves and thus control the availability of this iron to biological systems requiring iron in the plant.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment with beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was performed in order to investigate the effect of nitrogen and sulphur application and seed inoculation on the yield, leaf area, distribution of different nitrogen and sulphur fractions and N/S ratio in shoot, fruit and root.

Inoculation of plants together with nitrogen or sulphur application produces an increase in the concentration of total nitrogen and a decrease in the accumulation of nitrate‐nitrogen and sulphate‐sulphur in shoot, fruit and root. Leaf area increased more with nitrogen than with sulphur application while the highest amounts of fruit dry matter were obtained with sulphur application.

N: S ratios obtained were different according to the part of the plant tested. Sulphur fertilization decreased the N: S ratios in shoot, fruit and root. The data obtained indicate that and adequate N: S ratio can insure maximum production of yield.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the effect of supplemental nitrogen (N) (20 hg/ha) applied as a foliar spray or to the soil on seed production, protein percentage, and protein fractions of rice. Plants were grown in a greenhouse over two different periods of time, i.e., August 1988 to January 1989 (Period I), and December 1988 to April 1989 (Period II). Nitrogen was applied to the leaves 10 and 20 days after anthesis (DAA), and to the soil at anthesis and at 15 DAA. Average temperature was 28.7°C during Period I and 32°C during Period II, corresponding to 18.7 and 22.0 growing degree‐day/day (GDD/day), respectively. The difference in GDD/day reduced the plant cycle from 130 days during Period I to 109 days during Period II. Plants grown during Period II had larger numbers of spikelets, a higher percentage of “full grown grains”;, and higher grain weight. Although percentage crude protein was about the same for the two periods, prolamin content was increased and the albumin+globulin fraction was decreased during Period II, but with no difference in glutelin content. The increase in number of spikelets, percent full grains, and grain weight appeared to result in a greater energy demand for plants grown during Period II. This may explain the increase in prolamins, since prolamin synthesis requires less energy than globulin or albumin synthesis. There was a simultaneous decrease in albumin and globulin synthesis during Period II. The content of glutelins, which represent the major reserve proteins in rice grains, was constant during both periods.  相似文献   

A pot experiment evaluated the growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgar) and accumulation of molybdenum (Mo) in plants and soils following amendments of Mo compost (1.0 g kg?1) to a Truro sandy loam. The treatments consisted of 0 (control), 12.5, 25, and 50% Mo compost by volume. The Mo compost did not affect dry‐matter yield (DMY) up to 25% compost, but DMY decreased at the 50% compost treatment. The 50% compost treatments increased the soil pH an average of 0.5 units and increased the nitric acid (HNO3)–extractable Mo to 150 mg kg?1 and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Mo to 100 mg kg?1 in the growth medium; the same treatment increased tissue Mo concentration to 569 and 478 mg kg?1 in the lettuce and barley, respectively. Plants grown in the 25% compost produced about 55 mg kg?1 of total Mo in the growth medium; this resulted in tissue Mo concentration of 348 mg kg?1 in lettuce and 274 mg kg?1 in barley without any phytotoxicity. Our results suggested that 55 mg Mo kg?1 soil would be an appropriate limit for Mo loading of soil developed from compost additions, a value which is presently greater than the Canadian Council for Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Guidelines for the use of type B compost in Canada.  相似文献   


Four treatments (no‐tillage plus subsoiling, no‐tillage, conventional tillage plus subsoiling, and conventional tillage) were continuously in place for 6 yr and a second set of no‐tillage plus subsoiling and conventional plus subsoiling treatments were continuously in place for 3 yr to study the long‐term effects of conventional and no‐tillage corn on soil organic matter (OM) and N contents. Soil samples were taken at random between the rows and in the rows to a depth of 60 cm, in 5‐cm increments to a depth of 30 cm, and then in 15‐cm increments from the 30 to 60‐cm depth for OM and N determination. No‐tillage resulted in A3 and 20% more Kjeldahl N than conventional tillage in the 0 to 5‐cm soil depth after 6 and 3 yr, respectively. after 6 yr, the 0 to 5‐cm depth had 36% more OM in no‐tillage treatments than in conventional tillage treatments, and soil from no‐tillage treatments averaged 27% more OM than the conventional tillage plus subsoiling treatment at the 0 to 15‐cm soil depth.  相似文献   

The relative rates of ferric‐iron (Fe3+) reduction and uptake by two citrus rootstocks were measured for a series of synthetic Fe3+ chelates and microbial siderophores. The rates of Fe3+ reduction by the citrus seedlings followed the order: FeHEDTA >> FeDPTA > FeCDTA. No reduction occurred for FeDFOB (ferrioxamine B) and FeTAF (ferric triacetylfusagen). Low rates of Fe3+ reduction occurred for Fe2RA3 (ferric rhodotorulic acid). The levels of 55Fe taken up the citrus seedlings showed good correlations with the reduction rates. These results indicate the importance of Fe3+ reduction in the Fe uptake by citrus rootstocks. The immobility of a large percent of the 55Fe taken up by the roots is attributed to the accumulation of Fe in the root apoplasts.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) or growth regulator application to small grain cereals near anthesis has been demonstrated to alter grain fill and grain yield, the protein yield and nutritional quality may also be modified by these management factors. The objective of this study was to determine whether delivery of N, growth regulator, or sucrose solutions into greenhouse‐grown barley (Hordeurn vulgare L. cv. Leger) or wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Katepwa), plants through peduncle perfusion altered the amino acid composition of the grain. The following treatments were tested: N (25 and 50 mM), chlormequat (30 μM), ethephon (15 μM), N + chlormequat, N + ethephon, detillering + N, sucrose (250 mM), distilled water check, and non‐perfused check. Perfusion lasted 30 d beginning 5 to 8 d after spike emergence. Addition of N via peduncle perfusion increased protein concentrations and concentrations of all amino acids in both barley and wheat when expressed in terms of grain dry matter. Protein yield and lysine content were also increased. However, the increase in essential amino acids such as lysine, methionine, threonine, isoleucine, arginine, and leucine was relatively small, and the proportions of these amino acids in the grain protein were actually reduced. The sucrose treatment only affected wheat, increasing lysine concentration and decreasing the total protein concentration. Growth regulators used in this study did not alter protein yield or amino acid composition in either crop.  相似文献   


Iron deficiency in PI54619–5–1 soybeans (Glycine max L.) decreased growth 37% and decreased the rate of photosynthesis by 33%, but had no influence on the rate of transpiration. In another experiment Fe deficiency resulted in a mild 18% decrease in the photosynthetic rate and a slight decrease in the transpiration rate. There were no differences in leaf resistances.  相似文献   

The diurnal pattern in concentrations of phytosiderophores (PS) and its precursor nicotianamine (NA) was studied in different root and shoot zones of iron (Fe)‐sufficient and Fe‐deficient barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Europa) grown in nutrient solution. Roots were separated into apical (0–3 cm) and basal zones (>3 cm) and shoots into young (3 cm basal zones of youngest two leaves) and old (remaining zones of youngest two leaves and oldest leaf) parts. The main PS in barley was identified as epi‐hydroxymugineic acid (epi‐HMA). Regardless of the sampling zone and time of day, epi‐HMA concentrations were several times higher in Fe‐deficient than in Fe‐sufficient plants and several times higher in the roots than in the shoots. In roots and shoots, epi‐HMA concentrations were always higher in the younger compared with the older zones. In both root zones of Fe‐deficient plants, an inverse diurnal rhythm occurred in epi‐HMA concentrations and in its release by the roots. In contrast, such a rhythm was absent in roots of Fe‐sufficient plants and in the shoots regardless of the Fe nutritional status. Nicotianamine concentrations in roots were not affected by the Fe nutritional status in apical zones but slightly enhanced under Fe deficiency in basal zones. In contrast to roots, NA concentrations in both shoot parts were lower in Fe‐deficient than in Fe‐sufficient plants. Regardless of the Fe nutritional status in roots and shoots, NA concentrations were higher in young than in old parts and no consistent diurnal variations were observed. The results suggest that PS are also synthesized in the shoot, although at much lower rates than in roots. As with roots, PS synthesis in the shoot is enhanced under Fe deficiency and is mainly localized in young growing tissue. The distinct diurnal rhythm in PS release in roots is apparently not regulated by variation in the rate of PS synthesis during the day.  相似文献   

In a field experiment with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), the effect of the percentage severity of take‐all on the production of dried tops and grain and the kernel weight (mg/seed) was measured when different amounts of phosphorus (P) fertiliser were applied. The soil was severely P deficient. The amounts of P fertitiser varied from nil P (deficient) to 40 kg P/ha (adequate) applied annually. The levels of Gaeumannomyces graminis tritici (Ggt) were generated by four cropping sequences. The levels of percent severity of Ggt on plant roots ranged from low (<10% of wheat plant roots infected) to high (70% of roots infected by Ggt). Yield of dried tops, grain, and kernal weight, all increased as the level of P applied increased, but the amount of Ggt infection decreased. No grain was produced where no P was applied. The percentage increase in yield due to declines in the severity of take‐all was greater as the level of P applied increased. Increasing levels of P fertiliser help control the severity of Ggt (%) only where the initial level of Ggt with nil P fertiliser are moderate to low. Where the levels of Ggt severity are >65% the effectiveness of P in reducing the levels of Ggt severity rapidly declined. The percentage severity of Ggt affected the efficiency of plants to use P fertilisers. For each cropping sequence, a Mitscherlich function described the grain yield response to P fertiliser. The maximum grain yield (A coefficient) and the curvature coefficient (C) both declined with increases in the level of Ggt severity (%). For example, the C was significantly reduced from 0.134±0.03 for the least Ggt severity (%) to 0.00446±0.001 where Ggt was not controlled. The kernal weight (mg/seed) was increased by P application and decreased by Ggt infection.  相似文献   

This research was conducted to correct the ion of zinc (Zn) deficiencies and to examine the efficiency of foliar Zn application on pear groves along with iron and boron. The treatments consisted of control, soil and foliar applications. Every foliar applied Zn elevated considerably Zn contents of the leaves. But, increases in fruit Zn contents were rather limited as compared to Zn contents of the leaves. It is thought that accumulation of Zn in the fruits was due to movement of Zn from the leaves well-supplied with Zn to the fruits. Therefore, foliar application of Zn should be conducted at least four times at the rate of 0.1% to increase Zn contents in the fruits in terms of human's daily Zn intake. Foliar applications of Zn alone and combined Zn + Fe, Zn + B and Zn + Fe + B applications significantly increased Zn, Fe and B concentrations, respectively, in the pear trees, as well.  相似文献   


In the attempt to find new products which release nutrients in gradual forms, the behavior of two commercial fertilizers was studied, Nitrophoska® (N) and urea (U), covered with two organic materials, humic acid (HA) and alginic acid (AA). The release of nitrogen from the fertilizers was determined by electroultrafiltration (EUF). These applied materials on the fertilizer surface resulted in a slowing of the release of nitrogen, although strictly speaking, these compounds do not function as coated fertilizers. Their effectiveness depends on the fertilizer, for with Nitrophoska®, the addition of alginic acid was more effective, while for urea, the addition of humic acid slowed the release of nitrogen.  相似文献   


An upland rice variety IAC‐47 was grown in a greenhouse to determine the effect of foliar nitrogen (N) supplementation during grain development on the activity of the N assimilation enzymes, nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS), on free amino‐N content and leaf soluble sugars, and on grain crude protein content. At 10 and 20 days after anthesis (DAA), the leaves were fertilized with a liquid fertilizer containing 32% N as 12.8% urea, 9.6% ammonium (NH4), and 9.6% nitrate (NO3) in increasing rates corresponding to 0,20+20, 40+40, and 60+60 kg N ha‐1. Leaves were collected twice (at 12 DAA and 14 DAA for GS activity, sugar and amino‐N content, and at 11 and 13 DAA for NRA) after each application of leaf N. The late foliar application of N increased significantly grain crude protein without a corresponding decrease in grain weight. The NR activity (NRA) increased after the foliar application of N. In the flag leaf, 60+60 kg N ha‐1 (21 DAA) resulted in higher NRA (20x over the control), while GS activity was smaller than the control. At 22 DAA there was an increase in GS activity in the flag leaf at 20+20 N level. However, the GS activity decreased as applied N levels increased. Also at the 20+20 level, there were increases in free amino‐N in the flag leaf and second leaf at the final harvest. Throughout the experiment, plants at the 60+60 N level had the lowest levels of soluble sugars. Increases in crude protein were highest at 40+40 N level (27.9%), followed by 60+60 (18.7%).  相似文献   


Six different methods for measuring total sulphur concentrations in plant material were applied to orchardgrass samples derived from three cuts of a field trial with combinations of sulphur and nitrogen fertilizer applications. The results from the methods were grouped into three pairs of high, intermediate and low measured total sulphur concentrations. Highest concentrations were obtained using an oxygen flask and the LECO CNS‐2000 automated dry combustion methods, intermediate concentrations with an alkaline digestion and the Fisher automated dry combustion instrument, and lowest with two perchloric acid digestion methods. The low results with the two perchloric acid methods likely occurred from sulphur volatilization and incomplete organic sulphur compound destruction. The results from the pairs of methods with similar total concentrations did not yield the same significant cut, sulphur and nitrogen main and interaction effects when analysis of variance was applied to the treatment results. The two dry combustion methods agreed reasonably closely regarding the main and interaction effects, but calculated recovery of applied sulphur varied. It is apparent that current methods do not agree precisely in their ability to measure total sulphur in plant material types, and for the same type of plant grown under different climate conditions and fertilizer treatments. It was concluded that values by LECO CNS‐2000 instrument provided the best measurement of total sulphur for fertilizer response trials.  相似文献   


Nitrogen concentrations were significantly higher in walnut leaves from trees planted with autumn‐olive than in leaves from walnut planted alone, while the reverse was true for potassium. The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium based on leaf weight was higher in leaves from walnut trees mixed with autumn‐olive than in leaves from walnut planted alone. The differences in nutrient content between the mixture and walnut alone increased over the sampling period as leaf weights increased proportionately more in the mixture. The increased mobilization of minerals into the leaf is attributed to the increased availability of nitrogen fixed by autumn‐olive and the subsequent uptake by walnut in the mixture. The better nutrition of trees in the mixture compared to walnut planted alone has resulted in better growth and a longer growth period.  相似文献   

Under greenhouse conditions, a study was made on the effects of nitrogen (N) source (N)O3 or NH4), mode of application (single vs. split) and nitrification inhibition on the N‐uptake and metabolism, of bahiagrass.

Variations in light and temperature in the greenhouse affected the N‐metabolism of bahiagrass plants. Nitrate fed plants had nitrate reductase activity (NRA) pattern different from that of NH4‐fed plants. Amino‐N accumulation patterns were similar for plants under both N‐sources, although amino‐N levels in leaves of NH4‐fed plants were much smaller than that of NO3 plants. Nitrate accumulation in leaves showed inverse trend to that of roots in plants fed both NO3 or NH4. To the sharp peaks in NO3 levels in roots due to increases in light and temperature corresponds a sharp decrease of its levels in leaves.

For both both NO3 or NH4 treatments, soluble‐N accumulated most in the rhizomes of bahiagrass plants, whereas protein N accumulated most in leaves, suggesting that rhizomes had a buffering effect on the NO3 fluxes to leaves. This presumably resulted in a lag in the NRA response of the NO3‐fed plants to increases in light and temperature.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) supply increased yield, leaf % N at 10 days after silking (DAS) and at harvesting, the contents of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase (RUBISCO) and soluble protein, and the activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), and ferredoxin‐glutamate synthase (Fd‐GOGAT), but not of glutamine synthetase (GS) for six tropical maize (Zea mays L) cultivars. Compared to plants fertilized with 10 kg N/ha, plants inoculated with a mixture of Azospirillum sp. (strains Sp 82, Sp 242, and Sp Eng‐501) had increased grain % protein, and leaf % N at 10 DAS and at harvest, but not grain yield. Compared to plants fertilized with either 60 or 180 kg N/ha, Azospirillum‐inoculated plants yielded significantly less, and except for GS activity, which was not influenced by N supply, had lower values for leaf % N at 10 DAS and at harvest, for contents of soluble protein and RUBISCO, and for the activities of PEPC and Fd‐GOGAT. Yield was positively correlated to leaf % N both at 10 DAS and at harvest, to the contents of soluble protein and RUBISCO, and to the activities of PEPC and Fd‐GOGAT, but not of GS, when RUBISCO contents and enzyme activities were calculated per g fresh weight/min. However, when enzyme contents and enzyme activities were expressed per mg soluble protein/min, yield was correlated positively to RUBISCO and PEPC, but negatively to GS. These results give support to the hypothesis that RUBISCO, Fd‐GOGAT, and PEPC may be used as biochemical markers for the development of genotypes with enhanced photosynthetic capacity and yield potential.  相似文献   

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