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Roots of iron (Fe)‐efficient dicots react to Fe‐deficiency stress by strongly enhancing the ferric (Fe3+)‐reductase system and by lowering the rhizo‐sphere pH. In this study, we tested whether such adaptation mechanisms characterize pear and quince genotypes known to have differential tolerance to calcareous and alkaline soils. Two trials were performed using micropagated plants of three quince rootstocks (BA29, CTS212, and MC), three Pyrus communis rootstocks (OHxF51 and two selections obtained at the Bologna University: A28 and B21) and of two pear cultivars (Abbé Fétel and Bartlett, own‐rooted). In the first trial, plants were grown in a nutrient solution with [Fe(+)] and without [Fe(‐)] Fe for 50 days. Their root Fe‐reducing capacity was determined colorimetrically using ferrozine and FeEDTA, and Fe uptake of Fe(+) plants was estimated. In the second trial, the rhizosphere pH of plants grown in an alkaline soil was measured by a micro‐electrode. With the only exception of pears OHxF51 and A28, whose Fe‐reduction rates were similar in Fe(+) and Fe(‐) plants, the Fe‐deficiency stress resulted in a significant decrease in Fe reduction. Among the Fe(‐) plants, the two pear cultivars, OHxF51 and A28, had a higher Fe‐reducing capacity than the quince rootstocks and the cv. Abb6 F. When plants were pre‐treated with Fe, reduction rate was highest in the P. communis rootstocks, intermediate in the own‐rooted cultivars, and lowest in the quinces. Root Fe‐reducing capacity of Fe(+) plants proved to be linearly and positively correlated with Fe uptake and root proton release. Rhizosphere pH was highest in quince MC, intermediate in the other two quinces and in the cv. Abbe F., and lowest in the pear rootstocks and in the cv. Bartlett. Our results indicate that roots of pear and quinces do not increase their ability to reduce the Fe under Fe‐deficiency stress. The genotypical differential tolerance to Fe chlorosis likely reflects differences in the standard reductase system and in the capacity of lowering the pH at the soil/root interface. The determination of the root Fe‐reducing capacity is a promising screening technique for selecting pear root‐stocks efficient in taking up Fe.  相似文献   

Solution culture with four pH levels was employed in this experiment to evaluate root and rhizosphere responses of Malus xiaojinensis [iron (Fe)‐efficient species] and M. baccata (Fe‐inefficient species) in order to pursue some of their physiological mechanism for Fe absorption. The results showed that M. xiaojinensis had a higher fresh weight per seedling than M. baccata at any of the solution pH levels tested and the differences were significant between the two species with increasing of the solution pH levels, particularly at the pH of 7.4 or 8.4. The reducing abilities of root exudates for the two species under test were decreased with increasing of the solution pH from 5.4 to 8.4, in which the reducing abilities for M. xiaojinensis were always more than two times higher than those for M baccata. The significant decrease of the reducing ability was found only at pH of 8.4 for M. xiaojinensis or at both 7.4 and 8.4 for M. baccata, respectively. Malus xiaojinensis had significantly higher respiration rates than M. baccata at the higher solution pH levels. Both rhizosphere pH and rhizosphere redox potential were influenced by the solution pH levels remarkably in distances of 0–4 mm to root surface or in distances of 5–10 mm along the root from the root tip, respectively. Genotypic differences in these two parameters were clearly showed at the solution pH of 7.4, in which rhizosphere pH of M xiaojinensis was clearly lower than that of M. baccata, while the rhizosphere redox potential of the former was much higher than that of the latter.  相似文献   

Differential response of groundnut genotypes to iron‐deficiency stress was studied in soils containing high calcium carbonate. Genotypes differed significantly for some traits that appeared to be important in determining adaptation to low iron. The genotypes TCGS 273, TCGS 2, TCGS 37, and Kadiri 3 had higher total chlorophyll, total dry matter, and active iron (Fe2+) contents under iron‐deficiency stress conditions. Total chlorophyll followed by active iron were found to be sensitive parameters to Fe deficiency. Based on the visual deficiency symptoms (chlorosis score), the genotypes were classified into three groups. Efficient (no genotype was found efficient), moderately efficient (TCGS 273, TCGS 2, TCGS 3, and Kadiri 3), and inefficient (TCGS 1, TCGS 7, TCGS 11, TCGS 26, TCGS 28, TCGS 29, TCGS 30, TCGS 1518, TPT 1, TPT 2, ICGS 11, ICGS 44, Girnar, JL 24, ICGS(E) 21, and TMV 2).  相似文献   


When Fe‐inefficient plants were grown in mixtures of calcareous Hacienda loam soil and noncalcareous Yolo loam soil compared with plants grown in unmixed soils, characteristics and composition of the plants including Fe deficiency were generally intermediate to those with either soil alone. Noncalcareous soil adjacent to calcareous soil allowed PI 54619–5–1 soybeans (Glycine max L.) to obtain sufficient Fe.  相似文献   

In order to study the iron (Fe) distribution pattern in bean plants with different Fe nutritional status, french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedlings were precultured in a complete nutrient solution with 8x10‐5 M FeEDTA for five days. Thereafter, plants were further supplied with 8x10‐5 M FeEDTA (Fe‐sufficient) or with only 2x10‐6 M FeEDTA (Fe‐deficient) for another eight days. At this stage, the Fe‐deficient plants had much lower chlorophyll contents and lower dry weight of the leaves but higher reducing capacity of the roots compared with the Fe‐sufficient plants. For studies on short‐term distribution of Fe, the Fe‐sufficient plants were supplied 8x10‐5 M 59FeEDTA (specific activity 9.9 GBq/mol) and the Fe‐deficient plants 1x106 M 59FeEDTA (specific activity 98.8 GBq/mol). The plants were harvested after 4 and 24 hours. Despite a much lower supply of 59FeEDTA/(factor 80), the Fe‐deficient plants took up significantly more 59Fe but translocated less to the shoots (14.6% after 24 h) compared with the Fe‐sufficient plants (29.4% after 24 h). However, regardless of the Fe nutritional status of the plants, the majority of 59Fe was translocated in the primary leaves. Our results demonstrate a similar distribution patterns of root‐derived 59Fe in the shoots of Fe‐sufficient and Fe‐deficient plants, and thus, no preferential direct translocation of Fe to the shoot apex in the Fe‐deficient plants.  相似文献   


Recent research has indicated that land application of municipal sewage sludge to calcareous soils can be used to ameliorate iron (Fe) deficiency of grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Monech]. A greenhouse study was conducted to determine the response of grain sorghum grown on three different soils to application of sewage sludge. Sludge applied at rates of 0, 7.5, 15.0, and 25.0 g/kg soil did not completely ameliorate grain sorghum Fe deficiency. When FeEDDHA was soil applied, sewage sludge application significantly increased plant growth due to increases in soil phosphorus (P) availability. Application of sewage sludge at rates greater than 7.5 g/kg reduced dry matter production of grain sorghum in the FeEDDHA amended Orelia SC soil, the soil with the lowest total neutralizing potential. The decreases yield was possibly due to toxic levels of soil and plant copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), and increased soil salinity.  相似文献   

The Fe‐inefficient T203 and the Fe‐efficient A7 and Pioneer 1082 (P1082) soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) were grown hydroponically with no (0 mg Fe L‐1 ; ‐Fe) and a minute level (0.025 mg Fe L‐1 ; +Fe) of Fe to (a) compare their responses to Fe‐deficiency stress and (b) relate Fe‐efficiency in soybeans to their ability to initiate the Fe‐stress‐response mechanism at low levels of Fe. With no Fe in solution, P1082 released similar levels of H+ ions, but released less reductant from their roots and there was less reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ by their roots than by A7 roots. These responses were also one day later and occurred after a more severe chlorosis and a lower leaf Fe had developed in P1082 than in A7. With 0.025 mg L‐1 of solution Fe, it was not necessary for the Fe‐stress response mechanism to be fully activated to make Fe available in A7 soybean, whereas a strongly enhanced Fe stress response was observed in P1082. Increased Fe uptake and regreening of leaves immediately succeeded initiation of the Fe stress response in both cultivars and at both levels of Fe. Thus, P1082 was slightly less efficient than A7 soybean, but would be classed more efficient than the previously studied soybean cultivars A2, Hawkeye, Bragg, Pride, Anoka, and T203. These results support the hypothesis that the most efficient soybeans are those which can initiate the Fe‐stress response mechanism with little or no Fe in the growth medium. The near simultaneous occurrence of the factors in the Fe‐stress response mechanism (H ion and reductant release, reduction of Fe to Fe by roots), and the immediate increase in leaf Fe and chorophyll contents following that response suggest that all these factors act in concert, not independently, to aid in the absorption and transport of Fe to plant tops.  相似文献   

Tumorous crown gall tissue in sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) initiates a mechanism for making Fe available to itself as evidenced by its ability to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+. The objective of this study was to determine if a limited Fe supply to the plant might affect the growth, nutrition and reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ by the tumorous crown gall. Healthy green 14‐day‐old sunflower plants (cv mammoth Russian) were either stem‐inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens to induce tumorous crown gall tissue development or were left uninoculated for comparison. The plants were grown in a modified Hoagland nutrient solution with treatments containing 0.0, 0.15, 0.6 and 2.0 mg Fe L‐1. The 0 mg Fe L‐1 treatment induced maximum Fe chlorosis, and consequently there was a release of hydrogen ions and of a yellow pigment by the roots, but there was no measureable release of ‘reductants’ by the roots. Iron‐deficiency stress (0 mg Fe L‐1) also resulted in reduced tumorous crown gall growth, less reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+, and lower levels of Fe in the tumorous tissue compared to tumorous tissues adequately supplied with Fe. The tumorous crown gall tissue on the stem reduced much more Fe3+ to Fe2+ than the nontumorous stem tissue regardless of Fe level in the treatment. Tumor tissue contained more Fe, Cu and P than the nontumorous stem tissues which may indicate a modified metabolism in this tissue. An abundant supply of Fe seems to enhance the development and growth of the tumorous crown gall tissue and a deficient supply of Fe retards its growth.  相似文献   

Plant growth, leaf chlorosis, root reductive capacity, rhizosphere pH, and phytosiderophore release capacity were used as indices to evaluate the responses of maize (Zea mays L. cv ‘clipper'), millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. cv. ‘Dwarf Gero'), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. cv. YG 5760), barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus galli L. cv: unknown), wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. ‘tonic'), and white lupin (Lupinus albus L. cv ‘lucky') to iron‐deficiency stress. Generally, root and shoot dry matter increased with iron treatment and leaves became less chlorotic. Neither the order nor the magnitude of the root reductive capacities of the monocots studied was affected by iron deprivation, but these reductive capacities and the changes in rhizosphere pH differed markedly. Significant iron stress‐induced phytosiderophore release was observed only in wheat and sorghum in which accompanying increases in rhizosphere pH were also evident. Such phytosiderophore release matched the severity of leaf chlorosis and iron uptake and depended on the form in which the element was supplied. These results, from experiments conducted in non‐axenic hydroponic cultures, indicate that in iron‐ deficiency stress mechanisms ‐ similar to those found in dicots ‐could account for iron uptake in some graminaceous monocots, and that strategy II‐type response proposed for all in this category of plants would be an over simplification.  相似文献   


Studies were conducted to; (1) measure the detrimental effects of manganese toxicity on vegetative and reproductive growth of soybeans, and (2) measure the influence of liming on the availability and uptake of manganese.

The data suggests that the cultivar Forrest may be more sensitive than either Bragg or Lee 68 to manganese concentrations but this is not reflected in foliar levels. Liming the soil to pH 5.5 or above significantly reduced the concentration of extractable soil manganese, decreased foliar concentrations and eliminated the toxic effects, and increased the yields.

Soybean yields and foliar manganese concentrations correlated better with NH4OAc‐ or CaCl2‐extractable manganese than with water‐soluble manganese.  相似文献   

Although a positive response to iron (Fe) is, usually, expected in calcareous soils; this has not been always the case; and in some instances a depressing effect has been observed. An induced micronutrient imbalance is suspected. This experiment was designed to study the effect of Fe fertilizer on the plant micronutrients. Twenty three highly calcareous soils (18–46% calcium carbonate equivalent; pH 7.7–8.4; and a wide range of extractable Fe) from southern Iran were used in an eight‐week greenhouse experiment to study the effect of Fe fertilizers on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] growth and chemical composition. The statistical design was a 23 × 3 factorial arranged in a completely randomized block with three replications. Treatments consisted of 23 soils and three levels of applied Fe (0, 10, and 20 mg Fe/kg as FeEDDHA). Uniform doses of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) were applied to all pots. Dry matter (DM) and micronutrients concentrations and uptakes of plant tops were determined and used as the plant responses. Application of Fe either had no significant effect on DM or even decreased it. The plant concentration and uptake of Fe increased significantly in all soils. The concentrations and uptakes of Cu and Zn did not change but those of Mn decreased significantly. The negative effect of Fe application was, therefore, attributed to the interference of Fe with Mn nutrition. The mechanism involved appears to be the restriction in Mn translocation from soil to root and/or from root to the plant tops.  相似文献   


3,3'5,5’ Tetramethyl benzidine, 3‐Amino‐9‐ethylcarbazol and chlorpromazine are suggested as alternatives for benzidine as H‐donors in the peroxidase assay for diagnosing iron deficiency in plant leaves. Procedures with these reagents, which have been used successfully with citrus and other plants, are described.  相似文献   


If calcifuges are forced to grow on a calcareous soil, they usually develop chlorosis. However, total leaf iron (Fe) does not often correlate well with Fe deficiency symptoms. The extraction of ‘active’ Fe by 1 M HCl or Fe chelators, e.g., 1,10‐phenanthroline, may reflect the relation between chlorosis and Fe‐concentration in the leaves better than total Fe does. Extraction of ‘active’ Fe from leaves of wild plants by 1,10‐phenanthroline, citric acid and HC1 was compared. The 1,10‐phenanthroline was chosen for further methodological studies. All samples were extracted at indoor light conditions and analyzed by AAS because dark incubation did not influence the oxidation state of Fe and non‐specific light absorbance seemed to be high in colorimetric analysis. Washing of leaf material with H2O seemed to clean the leaf surfaces equally well as with 0.1 M HCl. Only fresh leaf material was extracted, as pretreatment (freezing or drying) changed the extractability of Fe. An extraction time of 16 h was adequate for the herbaceous plants tested but not for Carex pilulifera, where extracted Fe increased linearly with time. The age of the extractant solution may play a role because 1,10‐phenanthroline had lost part of its chelation capacity after 6 weeks. The ratio of leaf weight:extractant volume did not influence the amount of Fe extracted, provided the same amount of chelator was supplied. The 1,10‐phenanthroline did not interfere with the Fe determination by AAS, and HCl pH 3 as used for the preparation of the extractants had only a marginal influence on Fe extractability compared to 1,10‐phenanthroline at pH 3. To get comparable results the extraction method should be standardized as much as possible. Samples can be stored in the refrigerator for several hours before adding the extractant and the extracts can be stored for a few days or frozen and measured on the same day, with the same instrument setting.  相似文献   


Iron (Fe) deficiency chlorosis (FeDC) results in extensive reduction in yield of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) grown on high pH calcareous soils. Three cultivars differing in response to FeDC were grown on a high pH (8.2) calcareous soil (25.4% calcium carbonate equivalent in surface 20 cm) in the field (Choueifat, coastal area of Lebanon) to determine the effects of FeDC on fruit yield of cultivars sprayed with FeEDDHA [ferric ethylene‐diiminobis (2‐hydroxyphenyl) acetate]. The unsprayed plots were used as a control. No significant interaction (P<0.05) between cultivars x FeEDDHA spray treatment, and no significant differences (P<0.05) between one and two FeEDDHA spray(s)/week treatment was noted for visual FeDC, fruit number, and fruit yield. Sprayed cultivars once a week produced higher yields than unsprayed ones; overall increases were 33% (13% for ‘Motto’, 30% for ‘Chandler’, and 56% for ‘Douglas'). Even though only slight FeDC was noted on the ‘Motto’ cultivar receiving no Fe EDDHA spray, fruit yields were increased when sprayed with FeEDDHA. However, significant increases in yield for ‘Chandler’ and ‘Douglas’ cultivars with severe FeDC ratings were rioted when sprayed with FeEDDHA.  相似文献   

Susceptible Trifolium plants often exhibit symptoms of iron (Fe)‐deficiency chlorosis when grown on high pH, calcareous soils. A greenhouse method was developed to screen seedlings for Fe‐deficiency chlorosis. ‘Yuchi’ arrowleaf (T. vesiculosum Savi.) and ‘Dixie’ crimson (I. incarnatum L.) clover seedlings were grown in “Super Cell”; Cone‐tainers in six calcareous Texas soils differing in Fe and selected other chemical characteristics. At the fourth trifoliolate leaf stage, chlorosis was induced by saturating the soil for a minimum of 2 weeks. The soils differed in their capacity to induce chlorosis in both clovers. Yuchi was more susceptible than Dixie, showing a higher percentage of chlorosis in five of the six soils. The results indicate that this screening method would be a useful tool for studying Fe‐deficiency chlorosis in Trifolium spp.  相似文献   

As limited information is available on the nutrition of freesias an experiment was carried out to examine the influence of nutrients on foliage and corm growth, and flowering of container‐grown plants. The experiment ran for 10 months using seedlings grown in a peat:sand (3:1,v:v) medium with combinations of varying levels of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and lime. Nitrogen fertilization had a significant effect on many aspects of flowering and growth while the response to P was similar except for a lack of influence on spike production. Fertilization of 600–800 g N m‐3 and at least 200 g P m‐3 are recommended for strong leaf and corm growth with good flowering. There were few significant responses to added K, except in early foliage growth, while liming increased foliage development. High flowering, leaf, and corm growth should be achieved with a media pH of 5.9 and foliar nutrients of 2.2–2.3% N, 0.25–0.30% P, 4.0–4.5% K, 0.65–0.80% calcium (Ca) and 0.20–0.25% magnesium (Mg).  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in the phytotron with barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Minorimugi) grown in nutrient solution to compare iron (Fe) deficiency caused by the lack of Fe with manganese (Mn)‐induced Fe deficiency. Dark brown spots on older leaves and stems, and interveinal chlorosis on younger leaves were common symptoms of plants grown in either Mn‐toxic or Fe‐deficient treatments. Dry matter yield was affected similarly by Fe deficiency and Mn toxicity. The Mn toxicity significantly decreased the translocation of Fe from roots to shoots, caused root browning, and inhibited Fe absorption. The rate of Fe translocated from roots to shoots in the 25.0 μM Mn (toxic) treatment was similar to the Fe‐deficient treatment. Manganese toxicity, based on the release of phytosiderophore (PS) from roots, decreased from 25.0>250>2.50 uM Mn. The highest release of PS from roots occurred 7 and 14 days after transplanting (DAT) to Mn‐toxic and Fe‐deficient treatments, respectively; but was always higher in the Fe‐deficient treatment than the Mn‐toxic treatments. The release of PS from roots decreased gradually with plant age and with severity of the Mn toxicity symptoms. The PS content in roots followed the PS release pattern.  相似文献   

The excretion of phytosiderophores by barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) has recently been documented and a major difference in the Fe‐stress response of gramineous species and dicotyledonous species proposed. However, currently used methods of quantifying and measuring phytosiderophore are tedious or require specialized equipment and a cultivar easily accessible to U.S. scientists is needed. The objectives of this study were (a) to determine if “Steptoe”; and “Europa”; (used as a control cultivar) barleys would release Fe3+ solubilizing compounds in response to Fe‐deficiency stress and (b) to develop a technique to determine the efficiency of solubilization of Fe(OH)3 by the released chelating substances. Two cultivars of barley were place under Fe‐stressed (‐Fe) and nonstressed (+Fe) conditions in modified Hoagland solutions (14 L). The solutions were periodically monitored for H+ and reductant release from the roots and plants were rated daily for chlorosis development. Periodic (6 or 7 harvests) evaluation of the release of Fe3+ solubilizing substances was performed as herein described. Neither H+ nor reductant extrusion occurred with either cultivar during Fe stress. However, Fe3+ solubilizing substances were released by both cultivars at relatively high levels under Fe‐stress conditions compared to the nonstressed plants. A convenient technique was developed to measure the release of Fe solubilizing substances released by barley roots.  相似文献   

Bush bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Contender) were grown for twenty days in nutrient solution (pH=5), containing 0.13, 0.3, 0.5 or 0.75 mg 1‐1 Zn as ZnSO4‐7H2O. The plant yield decreased linearly with the increase of the Zn concentration supplied. The phytotoxic threshold content (for 10% growth reduction) was about 486, 242, 95 and 134 μg Zn g‐1 for roots, steins, mature primary and trifoliate leaves, and developing leaves, respectively. High inverse correlation coefficients with the Zh concentration supplied were found for the Mn content of all organs, for the P content of roots, and for the Cu and Ca contents of developing leaves. Significant positive relations were found for the Fe, Zn and Cu contents in roots and for the Zn con‐ tents in stems and fully expanded leaves. The ratios of the mineral contents between organs suggest inhibition of uptake of Mn and P, and inhibition of translocation of Fe, Cu and Ca. The relation between dry weight decrease and Zn‐induced nutrient content disorders were discussed.  相似文献   


Paddy soils of over 500 hectares had been polluted by arsenic (As) from tailings at an abandoned lead‐zinc mine at Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China. Several field experiments were conducted to establish measures for reducing As toxicity to rice plants. The results obtained were as follows. Fresh Chinese milkvetch (Astragalus sinicus L.) was not supposed to be used as green manure in arsenic polluted paddy soils. Although liming (1,500 kg CaO hectare‐1) could reduce water‐soluble As (H2O‐As) in the soil, the rice plant grew badly. The treatments of FeCl3 (25 mg Fe kg‐1 soil) and MnO2 (25 mg Mn kg‐1 soil) could markedly lower the H2O‐As and arsenite [As(III)] percentage in the soil and make the plant grow better than the control experiment (CK). Without adding any materials to the soil, wetting and drying (furrowing and draining) in the paddy soil could increase soil redox potential greatly and lower the H2O‐As and As(III) percentage obviously leading to better rice growth. In addition, the As contents of roots, flag leaf, grain, and husked rice of 11 new cultivare of early rice were determined and correlation analysis was conducted. Uptake and accumulation of As in different parts of cultivars Zhefu‐802 and Erjiufeng at the 4 As levels of the paddy soil demonstrated that the As contents in husked rice of both cultivars exceeded the hygienic standard (0.7 mg As kg‐1) when they grew in the paddy soil having total As content of about 70 mg kg‐1 for Zhefu‐802 and 100 mg kg‐1 for Erjiufeng, respectively.  相似文献   

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