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为开发菊花EST-SSR标记并用于万春菊资源分析,研究了菊花的EST-SSR特征、标记开发及其在万寿菊上的可转移性。结果表明,菊花EST-SSR出现频率为5.35%,平均每10.64 kb存在1个SSR位点。在这些SSR位点中,共有83种重复基元,2-6核苷酸重复类型分别为10、40、14、5和14种。以14个菊花品种DNA为模板,22对菊花EST-SSR引物中14对可以扩增到清晰且稳定的PCR产物,共检出49个位点,平均每对引物可扩增出3.5条多态性片段,平均多态性信息含量(PIC)为0.751。在14对有效引物中,8对可以在待检万寿菊样品中扩增到清晰稳定的条带,可转移率为57.14%。综上所述,菊花以三核苷酸重复类型占主导,六核苷酸重复类型高于其它植物种类,菊花EST-SSR引物多态性信息含量处于较高水平。本研究可为万寿菊分子标记辅助育种奠定科学基础。 相似文献
研究了不同Cd浓度(0、10、25、50、100、200mg.kg-1)对麻疯树的生理指标和Cd积累特征的影响。结果表明,在土壤中的Cd≤50mg.kg-1时,麻疯树的生长未受到明显影响(P〉0.05),当Cd≥100mg.kg-1时,其生长受到明显抑制(P〈0.05);同时,麻疯树叶中叶绿素含量随土壤中Cd浓度的增加而下降,而其体内Cd含量则呈增加趋势,且表现根〉茎〉叶的富集特征;麻疯树叶中的SOD、POD活性随Cd浓度的增加呈先升高后降低趋势,而CAT活性仅在Cd为200mg.kg-1时显著增加,麻疯树叶中的MDA、脯氨酸、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白、酸溶性巯基和谷胱甘肽含量随Cd浓度的增大呈增加趋势,这可在一定程度上缓解金属Cd对麻疯树的毒害。因此,麻疯树在重金属镉污染土壤修复方面具有一定的应用潜能。 相似文献
硫对超积累植物东南景天生长和镉累积的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过营养液培养试验研究了不同硫镉水平对超积累东南景天生长和镉累积的影响。结果表明,不同处理下东南景天根、茎和叶片的生物量、镉含量、镉累积量均以叶片>茎>根,且以Cd100>Cd10,显示出东南景天对镉的超积累特性。供硫1.5~2.25 mmol/L显著提高超积累东南景天根、茎和叶片的生物量、镉含量、镉累积量及整株镉累积总量。超积累东南景天地上部分(叶片 茎)镉累积量/地下部分(根)镉累积量的比值(S/R)远大于1,表明东南景天植株体内可能存在增硫诱导镉需求现象,而从植物修复角度来说,利用增硫手段提高超积累东南景天生长和地上部镉的积累能力具有重要的应用价值。超积累东南景天Cd的吸收速率和转运速率随营养液中硫(S)浓度的增加而增加,二者可分别用对数方程和直线方程来描述。 相似文献
A hydroponic experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of sulfur (S) on growth inhibition and oxidative stress caused by Cd2+ toxicity, using two rice cultivars with different grain Cd2+ content. Treatments consisted of factorial arrangement of three S levels (0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 mmol), two cadmium (Cd) levels (0 and 1 μ mol), and two rice cultivars (‘Bing 97252,’ a cultivar with low grain Cd2+ content, and ‘Xiushui 63,’ a cultivar with high grain Cd2+ content). The results showed that Cd2+ addition in the medium generally increased Cd2+ and malondialdehyde (MDA) content in both roots and shoots; the increases were more pronounced in ‘Xuishui 63’ than in ‘Bing 97252.’ Dramatic reductions in growth parameters, including plant height, root and shoot weight, tillers per plant, chlorophyll content, and net photosynthetic rate were found in the plants exposed to Cd stress relative to the plants without Cd2+ treatment. ‘Xiushui 63’ showed more sensitivity than ‘Bing 97252’ under Cd2+ exposure. In comparison with the lower S level (0.2 mmol), the higher S levels (0.4 and 0.6 mmol) helped alleviate Cd toxicity, characterized by a significant increase in growth parameters, and a decrease in Cd2+ and MDA content in both roots and shoots. In addition, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the plants varied among tissues, cultivars, and Cd treatments. High Cd2+ and MDA content was consistently accompanied by higher SOD activity, and higher S levels caused a marked increase in glutathione content and a reduction in SOD activity, indicating a positive effect of S in alleviating oxidative stress. 相似文献
采用营养液培养法研究了镉胁迫条件下龙葵幼苗生长、生理响应及镉积累特性。结果表明,镉胁迫下,龙葵幼苗生长受到一定程度的抑制,并且具有浓度效应和时间效应。镉胁迫还导致龙葵叶片色素含量下降。叶绿素a、b和类胡萝卜素平均含量在高浓度镉(150μmol·L^-1)处理条件下分别较对照降低55.5%、63.9%和43.3%。低浓度镉(25μmol·L^-1)处理15d内显著促进龙葵幼苗根系活力,平均根系活力较对照上升10.4%,而高浓度镉处理下,根系活力呈现先升后降的趋势,镉处理10d之后达到峰值;随着镉浓度的升高和胁迫时间的延长,龙葵幼苗叶片相对电导率、丙二醛(MDA)含量和渗透调节物质均呈现显著上升趋势。相对于对照植株,低浓度镉处理下龙葵叶片平均相对电导率、MDA含量、可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量上升17.7%、117.7%、5.6%和95.3%,而高浓度镉处理下上升幅度更大,分别为39.0%、194.6%、56.3%和758.0%。从积累部位来看,镉主要积累在龙葵幼苗地上部,镉含量由高到低依次为叶片〉茎〉根系,高浓度镉胁迫20d之后根茎叶镉含量为5d时的1.73、1.49和1.40倍,分别为1287.25、1718.14和2385.27μg·g^-1DW。 相似文献
镉胁迫对白车轴草生长、镉含量及养分分配的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解镉(Cd)胁迫对白车轴草(Tritolium repens L.)生长发育以及养分的吸收、累积与分配的影响,采用盆栽试验,研究了不同浓度镉处理下白车轴草幼苗的生长、生物量及碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)和钾(K)的积累与分配特征。结果表明:随镉胁迫浓度增加,植株幼苗叶面积、主根长、侧根数、侧根长及地上部高先升高后降低,叶柄长明显降低;而根、茎、叶中镉含量逐渐升高,且根系大于茎叶。同时,植物各器官生物量生产及C、N、P和K积累量均表现出随镉添加量的增加而先升高后降低,高浓度镉胁迫处理(50.00、100.00和200.00 mg·kg-1)明显抑制植株生物量生产以及C、N、P和K的积累,显著改变了生物量及其C、N、P和K积累量的分配格局,但低浓度镉处理(12.50mg·kg-1)却无明显影响。一定浓度的镉胁迫处理(12.50和25.00 mg·kg-1)降低植株N、P、K的利用效率,但高浓度镉处理(200.00 mg·kg-1)则提高植株N、P、K的利用效率。本研究为城市园林绿化及镉污染土壤的修复提供了应用潜力,同时也为牧草的安全评估提供了科学借鉴。 相似文献
龙葵(Solanum nigrumL.)是Cd超累积植物,可用于植物冶金和Cd污染土壤的植物修复。超累积植物的生理基础研究有助于提高其对Cd的富集效率。龙葵种子在含有不同浓度CdCl(20、30、50、100、150、200μmol·L-1和300μmol·L-1)的琼脂培养基上萌发7d。结果表明,龙葵在200μmol·L-1和300μmol·L-1Cd时发芽率显著降低,而低浓度Cd(30~150μmol·L-1)胁迫下无显著差异;在Cd≥30μmol·L-1时,活力指数、发芽势均显著降低,幼苗的生长受到显著抑制。幼苗生长分析表明:在30~150μmol·L-1Cd处理下根长下降约17%~35%,显著低于200~300μmol·L-1Cd处理(下降79%~90%);株高随Cd浓度的升高逐渐下降。子叶抗氧化酶活性分析表明:100~150μmol·L-1Cd胁迫下,CAT和APX活性显著上升;在Cd胁迫下,SOD活性降低但维持在较高的活性水平。表明龙葵幼苗能忍耐小于150μmol·L-1Cd,抗氧化酶活性在抵抗Cd毒害方面发挥重要作用。 相似文献
通过水培实验研究了细胞分裂抑制剂(青鲜素 MH)和蛋白合成抑制剂(放线菌酮 CHI)对万寿菊镉积累及化学形态的影响。结果表明,在溶液Cd浓度为0.1 mg·L^-1的条件下,投加浓度为2、4 mmol·L^-1青鲜素及3、6 μmol·L^-1放线菌酮显著抑制了万寿菊的相对生长速率及地上部镉含量,另外两种抑制剂也降低了万寿菊地上部可溶性蛋白含量,但对叶绿素a、b及总叶绿素含量并无显著影响,证明细胞分裂及蛋白合成过程直接影响着万寿菊地上部镉积累。通过采用逐步提取法对万寿菊体内镉的化学存在形态分析,表明在单独Cd处理条件下万寿菊体内移动性较差的醋酸提取态及NaCl提取态镉占有较高比例,其中地上部两种结合态镉约占万寿菊地上部总镉量的68%,而施加植物生长抑制剂后万寿菊地上部两种结合态镉含量显著降低,放线菌酮处理下仅为31%,进一步证实镉主要与万寿菊体内蛋白质等物质结合后才能在其体内长久固定,否则不能在其体内发生累积。 相似文献
I. S. Fazili A. Jamal S. Ahmad Muzain Masoodi J. S. Khan M. Z. Abdin 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(7):1203-1220
ABSTRACT Field experiments were conducted to determine the interactive effect of sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N) on nitrogen accumulation, its distribution in various plant parts, and nitrogen harvest of oilseed crops viz. rapeseed (Brassica campestris L. cv. ‘Pusa Gold’) and taramira (Eruca sativa Mill.) differing in their N-assimilation potential. Two combinations of S and N (in Kg/ha): 0S + 100N (?S+N) and 40S + 100N (+S+N) were used. The results showed that combined application of S and N (+S+N) significantly (P < 0.05) increased the nitrogen accumulation in both the genotypes at all the growth stages compared with N applied alone (?S+N). This increase in nitrogen accumulation was due to the improvement in the reduction of nitrate into reduced nitrogen as evident from higher nitrate reductase (NR) activity in the leaves of plants grown with both S and N, compared with N alone. Nitrate-N content in the leaves of plants grown with only N (?S+N) was higher compared to those grown with both S and N (+S+N), showing that combined application of S along with N (+S+N) appreciably reduced the nitrate content in the leaves due to higher NR activity. This decline in nitrate (NO3 ?) was followed by an overall increase in N-accumulation in the plants. Consequently, the nitrogen content in the plant was increased by 29–148% in rapeseed and 38-166% in taramira with +S+N treatment. Combined application of S along with N (+S+N) also increased seed protein content and nitrogen harvest index of both the genotypes. It is concluded that combined application of S along with N (+S+N) not only increased the N-accumulation, but also its mobilization towards economic sinks. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(9):1444-1456
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effects of cadmium (Cd) on growth, biomass yield, and Cd uptake in three radish (Raphanus sativus L.) varieties at the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, India, during 2008–2009. Plants were subjected to different Cd levels by application of cadmium nitrate [Cd (NO3)2] at the rates of 0, 50, 100, and 200 mg Cd kg?1 soil. Length and fresh and dry biomass yields of shoots and roots decreased because of the phytotoxic effect of Cd. Among three varieties, Japanese White Long showed the greatest sensitivity to Cd toxicity. The accumulation of Cd in shoots and roots was greatest in Japanese White Long, which had greater bioconcentration factor values. Variety Arka Nishanth recorded lower bioconcentration factor values and greater transfer coefficient values, indicating lower Cd accumulation in root tubers in this variety. Hence, variety Arka Nishanth can be preferred in Cd-contaminated soils. 相似文献
Youzong Huang Guoping Zhang Feibo Wu Jinxin Chen Yuping Xiao 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(12):2215-2225
A hydroponic experiment was carried out utilizing four barley genotypes with differing salt tolerances to investigate the influence of salinity (NaCl) and cadmium (Cd) on the activities of antioxidant enzymes, sodium (Na) and Cd concentrations, and accumulation in plants. The activities of the two antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD), were significantly increased when plants were exposed to both Na and Cd stresses for all genotypes, relative to the control. The increased enzymatic activity was more predominant with a prolonged time of stress exposure. The combined stress (NaCl+Cd) led to a further increase in POD activity, but had little effect on SOD activity. Two salt-tolerant genotypes, ‘Gebeina’ and ‘Zhou 1,’ showed a more rapid increase of POD and SOD activities than the two salt-sensitive genotypes, ‘Newgoutei’ and ‘Quzhou’ in response to the combined stress treatment. Additions of NaCl to the Cd-containing medium caused a significant reduction in both Cd concentration and accumulation. The extent of the reduction in Cd concentration was also dependent on genotypes. The salt-tolerant genotypes had lower Na concentrations than sensitive genotypes, and the effect of Cd stress on Na concentration and accumulation varied with genotypes. It may be concluded that a significant interaction exists between Na and Cd in their influence on antioxidant enzyme activity and the accumulation of each element in the plant. 相似文献
以淮稻6号为试验材料,采用水培的方法,研究了不同硫(S)浓度下(9、720mg·L-1)硒(Se)(5mg·L-1)和镉(Cd)(1、10mg·L-1)交互胁迫对水稻幼苗一些生理特性的影响,主要研究指标包括生物量、巯基物质含量和硒、镉含量。结果表明:(1)Cd对水稻幼苗各部分生长状况抑制能力大小不同,其对根长的抑制作用明显大于对茎长的抑制;(2)在无Se条件下,随着Cd浓度的增加,Cd对水稻幼苗生长的毒性不断增大,在加入一定浓度的Se后,Cd的毒性作用得到缓解;(3)在不同浓度S处理和Se、Cd交互胁迫下,随着S浓度增大,Cd对水稻幼苗毒性作用减轻;但高浓度的S处理反而对Cd与Se交互实验中Cd的毒性产生协同作用;(4)高浓度的S处理可以抑制水稻幼苗对Se的吸收;(5)巯基物质含量随着胁迫时间的增加呈先上升后下降的趋势。在Se、Cd交互实验中,低浓度S处理可以提高水稻幼苗中GSH和PCs的含量,从而促进植株体内重金属和PC的络合作用,缓减Cd对水稻幼苗的毒害。 相似文献
为了研究重金属镉(Cd)在植食性昆虫体内的累积和排泄规律,通过Cd慢性染毒的方法,用不同浓度Cd溶液培养的麦苗饲喂中华稻蝗(从4龄若虫至成虫),采用原子吸收法测定Cd在中华稻蝗(Oxyachinensis)整虫和中肠的蓄积及Cd在其粪便和蜕中的排泄量。研究结果表明,Cd在中华稻蝗整虫和中肠中的累积规律相似,即随着麦苗中Cd含量的增加,整虫和中肠中Cd的累积量明显升高,且各处理间存在显著差异(P〈0.05)。部分Cd可以通过粪便的排泄和蜕皮过程而排出体外。用不同Cd浓度的麦苗饲喂中华稻蝗后,其粪便和蜕中的Cd排泄量与对照组相比显著升高(P〈0.05),且各处理间差异显著(P〈0.05)。中华稻蝗整虫、中肠、粪便和蜕中的Cd含量与食物(麦苗叶片)中的Cd含量存在显著的剂量-反应关系,其相关系数分别为:整虫0.977、中肠0.920、粪便0.967、蜕0.840。研究结果可为进一步研究Cd在中华稻蝗体内积累和排泄的动态变化规律提供理论和实验依据。 相似文献
三种类型阻控剂对不同品种水稻富集镉的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
如何降低水稻中镉(Cd)的含量已经成为一个研究热点。在湖南省衡阳县某地受轻度镉污染的农田上种植两季水稻(早稻、晚稻),随机采购市场上销售的阻控剂(石灰、硅肥和叶面锌肥),研究这3种类型阻控剂对水稻富集镉及稻谷中镉含量的影响,这3种类型的阻控剂的施用方式是石灰和硅肥作为基肥施于土壤,叶面锌肥通过叶面喷施。结果表明:与没有施加阻控剂相比,除石灰和晚稻锌处理之外,其他处理增产效果显著。在3种类型的阻控剂中,叶面锌肥对籽实富集镉的阻控效果最佳,分别使早稻Y俩优792和晚稻农香130降低了51.28%和50.92%,基施硅肥阻镉效果次之。田间试验结果进一步表明施硅肥和喷施叶面锌肥可作为当地的水稻镉污染阻控剂,但叶面锌肥与稻谷中镉的交互作用需要更深入的探讨。 相似文献
通过水培试验,研究了海藻酸钠寡糖对水稻镉(Cd)毒害的缓解效果,并从Cd的吸收分布、非蛋白巯基(NPT)含量和抗氧化酶活性等方面,初步探讨了其可能的生理机制。结果表明,海藻酸钠寡糖预处理一定程度上可缓解水稻Cd毒害,其中20 mg/L处理的效果较明显,表现为促进了幼苗生长,提高了光合色素含量。进一步分析显示,海藻酸钠寡糖处理的水稻地上部和地下部Cd含量及转移效率均显著降低,Cd在根部细胞壁中的含量及所占比例则显著增加,叶片和根中NPT含量也分别提高了23.5%和14.9%,植物螯合肽(PCs)含量分别增加28.0%和15.0%,抗氧化酶活性和脯氨酸含量也有不同程度提高,丙二醛含量显著下降27.1%。这些结果初步说明细胞壁固持、巯基分子螯合和抗氧化系统均参与了海藻酸钠寡糖对水稻Cd毒害的缓解。 相似文献
Klimentina Demirevska-Kepova Lyudmila Simova-Stoilova Zlatimira Petrova Stoyanova Urs Feller 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(3):451-468
Barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L., cv. ‘Obzor’) were exposed for 5 d to 0, 5, 50, and 500 μM CdCl2 in nutrient solution. Cadmium (Cd) treatment caused a reduction of plant length, biomass, and leaf pigment content. The level of soluble leaf proteins was not changed significantly. SDS-PAGE revealed a slight diminution of Rubisco subunits and the appearance of a new low molecular mass band after exposure to 50 or 500 μM Cd. The antioxidative protection in leaves under Cd toxicity was studied in its complexity. Slightly diminished superoxide dismutase, enhanced catalase, and drastically increased total peroxidase activities were found at the highest Cd level. Ascorbate peroxidase activity was not changed significantly. The isoenzyme patterns of the antioxidant enzymes under study were only slightly altered without synthesis of new isoforms. The content of oxidized ascorbate increased during exposure to 50 and 500 μM Cd. The level of H2O2 rose only at 500 μM Cd without accumulation of malondialdehyde and oxidized proteins. Non-protein thiol groups increased up to four-fold after exposure to 50 and 500 μM Cd. The results are in accordance with the induction of mechanisms allowing an immobilization and sequestration of Cd in barley leaves, and suggest only minor effects via oxidative damage. 相似文献
采用室内盆栽试验,研究了在不同浓度cd处理下,两种生态型水蜈蚣的生长和对cd的吸收和富集特性。结果表明:(1)在2mg·kg^-1Cd处理时,Cd对两种生态型水蜈蚣生物量的影响较小。之后随着cd处理浓度的增加,两种生态型水蜈蚣生物量均呈降低的趋势,且差异显著。在200mg·kg^-1Cd处理时,矿山生态型水蜈蚣死亡,而非矿山生态型仍能维持一定生长,表现出较强的cd耐性。(2)在高浓度cd处理下,非矿山生态型水蜈蚣比矿山生态型具有更强的Cd富集能力。在2、10、50mg·kg^-1Cd处理时,两种生态型水蜈蚣Cd含量和积累量均呈增加的趋势。在200mg·kg^-1Cd处理时,非矿山生态型水蜈蚣地上部和地下部Cd含量分别达到498.66mg·kg^-1和1016.09mg·kg^-1,积累量分别为86.00μg·pot^-1和123.82μg·pot^-1,具有较强的cd富集能力。(3)在不同浓度Cd处理下,两种生态型水蜈蚣地上部富集系数均大于1,表现出较强的cd富集能力;矿山生态型水蜈蚣转移系数最大值为0.55,非矿山生态型为0.53。两种生态型水蜈蚣对cd均有一定的富集特性,而在高浓度Cd处理时非矿山生态型水蜈蚣的cd富集能力更强。 相似文献
高温诱导银白杨花粉染色体加倍研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
以银白杨为试验材料,在掌握小孢子母细胞减数分裂规律的基础上采用高温处理诱导花粉染色体加倍,对不同处理温度和处理持续时间在不同减数分裂时期的诱导效果进行了研究。结果表明:温室水培条件下,银白杨完成小孢子母细胞减数分裂大约需3~4d,不同时期和花药颜色变化有相关性;高温诱导银白杨2n花粉的最佳时期是中期Ⅰ,处理条件为36℃持续4h,最高2n花粉百分率39.6%,平均2n花粉百分率32.75%。高温处理后导致银白杨散粉延迟,相对于同一环境条件下的正常花芽散粉晚大约2~3d, 且花粉量很少。 相似文献
Andon Vassilev Araceli Perez-Sanz Brahim Semane Robert Carleer Jaco Vangronsveld 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(12):2159-2177
Abstract In general, according to previous studies, pioneer species do not require arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to increase their growth and survival in tropical systems. The aim of this study was to determine the dependence response to AMF of Heliocarpus appendiculatus, a pioneer species, at different phosphorus (P) levels. In a greenhouse experiment, H. appendiculatus seedlings were grown in pots with a sterile vermiculite-sand mixture (1:1). Two sets of pots were set up: One set was inoculated (150 spores per pot) with indigenous AMF from a tropical rain forest at “Los Tuxtlas” (Veracruz, Mexico); the other set was not inoculated. To each set, 0, 0.02, 0.2, and 2 g L?1P was added. All pots were watered with 250 mL of nutrient solution. Mycorrhizal plants showed a higher total dry weight and relative growth rate in 0.02 g L?1P concentration, while nonmycorrhizal plants responded positively at 0.2 g L?1P; a decrease in plant responses at higher P levels was observed in both treatments. H. appendiculatus showed to have higher relative dependence at lower P concentration (≈50%). As levels of P increased, mycorrhizal colonization decreased. Successful growth of pioneer species during succession process may be improved if there is AMF content in soils, prior to disturbance. 相似文献
A greenhouse hydroponic experiment was performed out to study the cadmium (Cd) uptake by four different barley cultivars at two Cd levels. The results showed that Cd concentrations in roots and shoots increased with Cd levels in the solution and Cd concentration in roots was much higher than that in shoots. The amount of Cd accumulated by plants increased continually with the duration of treatment, and the highest Cd concentration in roots and aboveground tissues was found approximately at the 100th and 70th day after Cd addition, respectively. Genotypes differed significantly in relation to Cd concentration in roots and aboveground tissues. Wumaoliuling showed a higher Cd concentration than the other three genotypes, while Mimai 114 had the lowest concentration. Cadmium uptake rate per plant increased slowly before the booting stage, then increased sharply during the 70–100 d period (approximately late elongation to booting stage), and after that Cd uptake rate tended to slow dramatically. However, the Cd uptake rate per unit of dry biomass showed a significant reduction after booting stage (70 d after Cd exposure), and the Cd uptake pattern varied by Cd levels in the medium. At the lower Cd level (0.1 μM), there were two peaks in Cd uptake rate, appearing at the seedling (20–30 d after Cd exposure) and stem elongation stages (50–70 d after Cd exposure), respectively, while there was only one peak at the stem elongation stage at the higher Cd level (1 μ M). 相似文献