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An experiment developed in soilless culture was used to study the cadmium (Cd) accumulation, and distribution of Cd in cucumber (Cucumis sativus var. peonero‐mixfl) plant. Four treatments were established (0, 5, 10, and 20 mg Cd+2 L‐1). Uptake, and transport of Cd were increased with time, and Cd concentration in the nutrient solution. Fruit accumulation of Cd varied from 16 to 92 mg kg‐1 depending on the treatments. The fresh weight, and dry matter accumulation of cucumber plant organs (roots, stem, leaves, and fruits) was affected by cadmium treatment. A decrease of the total, a, and b chlorophyll increasing Cd concentration in nutrient solution, and time of experiment were observed. The incidence of this metal on the content of chlorophyll b seem to be faster than chlorophyll a. Cucumber plant could be a feasible plant for pollution experiments due to their high sensibility, and transport efficiency.  相似文献   

Oiltea camellia (Camellia oleifera Abel.), an aluminium (Al) hyperaccumulator, grows well on acid soils in tropical or subtropical areas. In this study, the growth of oiltea camellia in response to Al application and the characteristics of Al uptake and accumulation were investigated using laboratory and field experiments. The growth of oiltea camellia seedlings in the nutrient solution tended to be stimulated by addition of Al. Results of the field experiment showed that oiltea camellia accumulated 11000 mg kg-1 Al in leaves within 10 months, and the average rate of Al accumulation in new leaves was about 1100 mg kg-1 month?1; however, the monthly rate varied and was highest in spring and autumn. The results of the laboratory experiment on Al uptake by oiltea camellia seedlings in CaCl2 solutions with various forms of Al showed that large amounts of Al supplied as Al3+ and Al complexes Al-malate (1:1) and Al-F (1:1) were influxed into oiltea camellia roots, whereas Al supplied as Al-citrate (1:1), Al-F (1:6), Al-oxalate (1:3), and Al-oxalate (1:1) complexes exhibited low affnity to oiltea camellia roots. The kinetics of Al3+ cumulative uptake in excised roots and intact plants showed a biphasic pattern, with an initial rapid phase followed by a slow phase. The Al cumulative uptake was una?ected by low temperature, which indicated that Al uptake in oiltea camellia was a passive process. The effcient influx of Al into the roots and the high transport rate in specific seasons were presumed to account for the plentiful Al accumulation in leaves of oiltea camellia.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine relationships between Al toxicity and mineral uptake of triticale (X Triticosecale, Wittmack), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and rye (Secale cereale L.). Two culti‐vars of each species were grown in 1/5‐strength Steinberg solution with 0, 3, 6, or 12 ppm Al added. The solutions were adjusted to pH 4.8 at transplanting and were not adjusted thereafter. The plants were grown in a growth chamber for 19 days before harvesting to determine nutrient solution pH, dry weights, and Al, Ca, Mg, K, and P levels in plants. Increasing Al concentration reduced the final pH of solutions. The addition of 12 ppm Al severely reduced the growth and increased Al concentration of plant tops. The Al levels in roots generally increased with increments of added Al up to 6 ppm. Increasing Al decreased the uptake of Ca, Mg, and P by plant tops more than that of K. Regression analyses indicated that Al toxicity was associated with increasing K/Ca + Mg equivalent ratios and decreasing P concentration in plant tops. Differences between species were: higher Al concentration in rye than wheat with 6 and 12 ppm Al, higher translocation of Ca from roots to tops in wheat than in rye and Mg in triticale and wheat than rye; K/Ca + Mg equivalent ratios associated with 50% reduction in top growth followed the order: triticales > tolerant wheat > sensitive wheat > rye. Differences in mineral uptake associated with Al toxicity in wheat were more indicative of differential Al sensitivity in wheat than in triticale and rye which have higher internal Al tolerance.  相似文献   

Depositions originating from a central Slovak Al smelter may increase metal solubility in adjacent soils because they contain F (mainly HF). The reason for fluoro‐mobilization of metals may be the formation of soluble fluoro‐metal complexes or the mobilization of organic matter and subsequent formation of organo‐metal complexes. The objectives of our work were (1) to assess the extent of metal mobilization by fluoride in a Slovak Lithic Eutrochrept affected by the emissions of an Al smelter and (2) to model the dissolved metal species with the help of a chemical equilibrium model (MINEQL+). The O (Moder), A, and B horizons were equilibrated with solutions at F concentrations of 0, 0.9, 2.7, and 9.0 mmol l—1. In the extracts, the concentrations of Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), free and complexed F, and the pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were determined. The heavy metal concentrations in the O horizon (Cd: 0.99, Cr: 18.0, Cu: 44, Ni: 26, Pb: 110, and Zn: 84 mg kg—1) were 2.5 to 9 times larger than those in the A and B horizons. The concentrations of H2O‐soluble F decreased from the O (261 mg kg—1) to the A (103 mg kg—1) and B horizon (92 mg kg—1). In batch experiments increasing addition of F increased the equilibrium concentrations of Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and DOC in all samples, of Cd in the A, and of K in the B horizon. At the same time the concentrations of complexed F and pH increased whereas EC decreased. Chemical equilibrium modelling indicated that the mobilizing effect of F resulted from the formation of fluoro‐Al complexes and organo‐complexes of all other metals.  相似文献   

We have studied the quantitative analysis of potassium in agricultural materials by measuring the radioactivity of K4o by means of Radiation Counter since 1951. When the fundamental experiment was almost over and we were to begin the applications in fertilizers and crops, we found unexpectedly in May 1954, rain containing fission products presumably carried from H-bomb explosion test at Bikini. Temporarily abstaining from the experiment, we surveyed the degree of contamination of radioactive substances in crops, especially grapes, which are the main horticultural crop in this prefecture. Here, we explain the experimental data of the radioactivity in the grapes and the relations between the contamination of the artificial radioactivity and the potassium content in them.  相似文献   

Six cultivars of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), were screened under controlled environmental conditions for tolerance to Al stress and water stress imposed separately and in combination with one another. Plants were grown for 4 weeks in waxed cartons containing 1 kg of acid, Al‐toxic Tatum, subsoil (clayey, mixed, thermic, Typic Hapludult) at high (pH 4.3) or low (pH 6.3) Al stress. During the final 2 weeks they were also subjected to low (‐20 to ‐40 kPa) or high (‐60 to ‐80 kPa) water stress. Plant growth responses and symptoms of Al toxicity suggested that a wide range of cultivar sensitivity existed. ‘Manchurian’, ‘S‐212’, ‘S‐254’, and ‘S‐265’ were relatively tolerant to Al toxicity while cultlvars ‘Romania HS‐52’ and ‘RM‐52’ were extremely sensitive. Under high Al stress and high water stress, chloroplasts in cells from the Al‐sensitive cultivar ‘Romania HS‐52’ were smaller and contained less starch than chloroplasts from the Al‐tolerant cultivar ‘Manchurian’. Furthermore, the smaller chloroplasts tended to have fewer grana stacks per unit area than did the chloroplasts from tolerant plants. These differences were not apparent when the Al‐sensitive cultivar was grown either in the absence of Al or water stress. In general, Al‐sensitive cultivars of sunflower were more tolerant to water stress than were Al‐tolerant cultivars. Increasing the soil moisture level reduced Al toxicity in Al‐sensitive cultivars. Similarly, decreasing Al stress partially overcame the detrimental effects of high water stress. Hence, Al stress and water stress are interrelated factors which must be considered in the characterization and breeding of plants for better adaptation to acid soils.  相似文献   

To assess the potential effects of Al toxicity on the roots of young European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), seeds were sown in soil monoliths taken from the Ah and B horizons of forest soils with very low base saturation (BS) and placed in the greenhouse. The Ah horizons offered a larger supply of exchangeable cation nutrients than the B horizons. After 8 weeks of growth under optimal moisture conditions, the seedlings were further grown for 14 d under drought conditions. Root‐growth dynamics were observed in rhizoboxes containing soils from the Ah and B horizons. The concentrations of Al3+, base cations, and nitrate in the soil solution and element concentrations in the root tissue were compared with above‐ and belowground growth parameters and root physiological parameters. There was no strong evidence that seedling roots suffered from high soil‐solution Al3+ concentrations. Within the tested range of BS (1.2%–6.5%) our results indicated that root physiological parameters such as O2 consumption decreased and callose concentration increased in soils with a BS < 3%. In contrast to the B horizons, seedlings in the Ah horizons had higher relative shoot‐growth rates, specific root lengths, and lengths and branching increments, but a lower root‐to‐shoot ratio and root‐branching frequency. In conclusion, these differences in growth patterns were most likely due to differences in nutrient availability and to the drought application and not attributable to differences in Al3+ concentrations in the soil solution.  相似文献   


Some of the common methods used for the evaluation of available phosphate in soils were studied with respect to their power of releasing phosphate present in certain phosphatic compounds and in the sorbed form. Considerable differences in the amounts extracted were observed, The anion resin extracted relatively larger quantities from Ca than from Al or Fe phosphate materials. EDTA extracted very small amounts from the Al‐phosphates in comparison with the amounts obtained from the Ca and the iron materials. Ammonium fluoride at low pH released considerable amounts of phosphate from all the phosphate materials including sorbed phosphate. The quantities of phosphate extracted by sodium bicarbonate and water were relatively low as well as those determined by isotopic exchange.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted with two Prunus genotypes (GF 677 and Mr.S.2/5, commercial rootstocks for peach), which are widely used in Italy and other European countries. Selenium (Se) was added as sodium selenate to 3‐month‐old micropropagated plants at a rate of 0 (control), 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0 mg Se (kg soil)–1. Plant growth, gas exchange, and Se accumulation were studied. Selenium added at a rate of 2.5 and 5.0 mg Se kg–1 appeared to be highly toxic for the two young peach rootstocks. Thirty‐three days after the treatment, the plants showed a high mortality rate. The fast growing rootstock, GF 677, appeared to be more sensitive to Se toxicity, the mortality rate reaching 52%. The higher the Se concentration in the soil, the higher it also was in the plant. In general, both genotypes were able to take up Se and to translocate high amounts from root to leaf. After selenate addition to the soil, both GF 677 and Mr.S.2/5 plants showed reduced plant growth with the highest Se treatments. Furthermore, Se induced a partial stomatal closure, as evidenced by the values of stomatal conductance, resulting in a reduction in net assimilation, and thus a decrease in dry‐matter production. Selenate applied at a low rate (1 mg Se kg–1) stimulated plant growth in GF 677. One year after the Se treatment, a remobilization of Se from the storage organs to the young shoots was detected. This study demonstrates genotypic variation in Se uptake and accumulation in peach rootstocks.  相似文献   

Root border cells, which form a cell layer around the root tip, seem to play multiple roles in the rhizosphere of the apical root. As these cells (species‐dependent dozens to several thousand per root tip) are rapidly sloughed off in water, studies in hydroponic culture fail to elucidate their role in most conventional physiological studies. The common method for harvesting these cells consists in germination of seeds in a humid atmosphere (usually a Petri dish), but labor and time constraints allow to yield only very limited amounts of uniform cells. We thus developed a low‐cost mist‐culture method, where intact border cells can be collected in the range of several grams. We applied this technique in a preliminary experiment where the influence of aluminum (Al) supply on calcium (Ca) release and viability of this cell type was studied. Purified detached border cells of pea were incubated with 0, 50, and 500 mmol m–3 AlCl3 solution (pH 4.5) for 90 min at a ratio of 3 × 105 cells (4 mL)–1. After incubation, cells contained 4.27 and 13.28 mg Al g–1 C at 50 mmol m–3 and 500 mmol m–3 AlCl3, respectively, while their total Ca content decreased correspondingly. Cell viability of border cells as tested by fluorescein diacetate‐propidium iodide (FDA‐PI) fluorescence yielded unexpected results: the test exhibited significantly lower vitality at 50, but not at 500 mmol m–3 AlCl3. Assessing mitochondrial activity by 3‐(4,5)‐dimethylthiazol‐2‐yl‐2,5 diphenyl‐tetrazolium‐bromide (MTT) reduction showed that viability decreased in a dose‐dependent manner with increasing Al concentrations. This apparent contradiction is attributed to the formation of dense mucilage around border cells at high Al concentrations, which likely inhibits the access of the dye PI or may chemically inactivate this compound and thus wrongly suggest higher viability. Mist culture allows harvesting selectively large amounts of homogeneous border cells quickly and to study their physiological reactions separated from the root tip.  相似文献   

Pea (Pisum sativum L.) roots were exposed to various concentrations of Al and cell wall glycoproteins containing salt-extractable proteins, SDS-extractable proteins, covalently bound proteins (CBPs), and extensins were separately extracted. The changes in their levels and the amount of bound Al to glycoproteins upon Al stress were investigated. The content of CBPs, but not of others, increased significantly with the increase of Al levels. Extensins and the salt-extractable proteins, but not the others, exhibited a marked Al-binding capacity in vivo. The amount of Al bound to extensions in vivo and in vitro was highest among the glycoproteins. The high Al-binding capacity of extensins might be caused by the high content of the hydroxy groups in hydroxyproline of extensins and Al-binding capacity to glycoproteins in the root tips may be involved in the Al-binding response in the apoplast.  相似文献   

The assimilation of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen into amino acids of mature sunflower leaves and their transport to the other plant parts were investigated using nitrogen-15 as a tracer. In the leaf, to which 15N-labelled ammonium was vacuum-infiltrated, the 15N content of glutamine was always the highest of the amino acids tested and that of alanine was higher than that of glutamic acid and aspartic acid at 15 min after the infiltration. On the other hand in the leaf to which 15N-labelled nitrate was vacuum-infiltrated, the 15N content of glutamic acid and aspartic acid was superior to that of glutamine. The incorporation of 15N into serine was not active in the case of either 15N-labelled ammonium or nitrate. In the internodes above and below the treated leaf, through which photosynthates were transported into other parts, the 15N content of γ-aminobutyric acid and glutamine was markedly high when both nitrogen sources were supplied. There were no differences in the labelling patterns of amino acids between the upper and lower internodes. From these results it may be concluded that glutamine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid play an important role in the assimilation of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen in leaves and that nitrogen is transported mainly in the forms of γ-aminobutyric acid and glutamine from the leaves to the other plant parts,  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(7):1259-1270

The effect of cadmium (Cd) toxicity on growth, lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant enzymes was studied using two rice cultivars, Bing 97252 with low and Xiushui 63 with high grain Cd accumulation. Plants were exposed to 0–5 μ M Cd in hydroponic culture. Cadmium stress inhibited plant height and chlorophyll content and altered melondialdehyde (MDA) content and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and peroxidase (POD). Roots and shoots responded differently to Cd in terms of antioxidant enzyme activity. Generally, the activities of SOD, POD, and CAT decreased with increase in Cd level, while the activity of MDA increased with increase in Cd level. With the increase in Cd concentration in nutrient solution, MDA content in shoots and roots of Xiushui 63 increased at a much higher rate than did that of Bing 97252 at both growth stages. At booting stage, a decrease of 46%–52% in SOD activity was noted in plant roots grown under 5 μ M Cd, while at tillering stage the decrease was 13%–19% compared with the control. A significant decrease in chlorophyll content and plant height was noted under higher Cd treatment (1.0 and 5.0 μ mol) at two stages. The higher MDA and lower chlorophyll content in the cultivar Xiushui 63 showed that it is more sensitive to Cd than the cultivar Bing 97252.  相似文献   

孙清斌  赵学强  沈仁芳 《土壤学报》2009,46(6):1026-1032
分析比较了苏木精染色、荧光染色和扫描电镜3种显微观察技术在研究胡枝子A l胁迫下根尖形态变化中的优缺点。结果表明,苏木精染色法可以区分两种胡枝子品种及不同A l处理间的差异;荧光染色法可以显著区分对照和A l处理间的差别,而且在观察根表黏胶物质和A l在质外体分布时极为方便;扫描电镜可以区分A l处理同对照间的差别,但不能通过能谱分析区分品种间的耐A l性差异。  相似文献   

柴达木农田土壤Cd的积累影响及风险预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】土壤重金属空间结构特征是土壤环境质量评价及重金属污染评价的基础。本文用地质统计学方法研究了柴达木盆地原生地和耕种50年的农田土壤镉的空间分布特征,对土壤镉进行质量评价,同时分析了农业耕种对土壤镉积累的影响,调查统计了灌溉水、肥料、农药等农业源土壤镉的输入量,为农田镉积累的风险预测提供参考。【方法】以柴达木盆地诺木洪农场的一块原生地(从未耕种过的土地,可以认为无化肥污染)和一块耕种地(已种植了50年的农田)为研究对象,从原生地采集22个土壤样本,耕种地采集50个土壤样本进行镉含量的测定,同时检测灌溉水、农药、化肥中的镉含量,并进行每年农田输入量的统计。用Excel软件进行数据处理,反比权重法(IDW,Inverse Distance Weighting)插值,GIS9.3进行空间分析和图像处理;以单项污染指数法评价土壤镉质量,评价模式为Pi=Ci/Si(Pi为污染物镉的单项污染指数,Ci为污染物镉的实测数据,Si为污染物的评价标准)。评价标准分别以农业部公布的行业标准《无公害食品 枸杞生产技术规程》(NY/T 5249-2004)和《绿色食品 枸杞》(NY/T1051-2006)产地环境标准要求下的《绿色食品 产地环境技术条件》(NY/T 391-2000)为依据。依据农业源土壤镉输入量,以土壤现状值为起点,以绿色食品标准限量值为终点,测算输入量积累突破两端差值的年限。【结果】原生地22个土壤样品的镉平均含量为0.30 mg/kg,是土壤背景值的两倍(0.14 mg/kg),达到无公害食品(0.60 mg/kg)和绿色食品(0.40 mg/kg)标准;种植50年农田的50个土壤样品的镉平均含量为0.43 mg/kg,是土壤背景值的3倍,达到无公害食品标准,但超过绿色食品标准。用于灌溉的河水的镉含量为0.0036 ng/kg。检测生产中使用的15种农药和7种肥料,其中的镉导致每年土壤镉增加3444 mg/hm2。最严重的污染源是鸡粪,施入土壤后每年导致土壤镉增加2025 mg/hm2,其次依次为复合肥(使土壤镉增加576 mg/hm2),磷酸二铵(增加432 mg/hm2),有机肥(增加360 mg/hm2)。【结论】以小尺度空间分布和全量统计研究的诺木洪农场土壤镉含量这一单一指标衡量,可以看出诺木洪原生地土壤是清洁的,能够满足无公害、绿色食品的生产;但是研究选择的多年耕种田已经遭到重金属镉的污染,只能达到无公害食品标准,而达不到绿色食品标准。现行生产中的施肥措施是导致诺木洪土壤重金属镉污染的一个重要因素,其中鸡粪对镉污染的贡献最大,其次是复合肥、磷酸二铵和有机肥。如果继续现在这种耕种方式,以现有的原生地镉含量均值为0.30 mg/kg进行计算,76.3年后该土地镉含量将超过0.40 mg/kg的绿色标准上限。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate the spatial distribution of roots and cracks in two clay soils cropped with sunflower under different inter-row spacing in order to identify the optimal management. A latin square experimental design was applied to compare bare soil and soil cropped with sunflower, with three plant densities, obtained by keeping constant the number of plants on the row (3 plants m?1) and varying the row spacing (0.4, 0.6, 0.8 m). The presence of the crop and the different distance between rows influenced soil moisture content as well as the root spatial distribution and thus the structural features of cracks. Increasingly lower values of moisture were found in both soils as the distance between rows decreased; an opposite trend was observed for both root density and crack size. The volume of cracks in the soil grown with sunflower at 0.4 m row spacing was 201.4 m3 ha?1, thus 8 times higher than the value on the bare soil and 2.5 times higher compared to the one grown at 0.8 m between rows. Optimal results in terms of root density, soil moisture and crack size were obtained with an inter-row spacing of 0.6 m.  相似文献   


Effects of varying additions of phosphorus (0, 0.8, 8 and 80 μM P) on the concentrations of total and monomeric aluminum (Al) and on calculated sum of activities of monomeric Al species (SaAl mono) were investigated during 21 d of aging in deionised water containing 40 μM Al with either 0 or 1500 μM calcium (Ca). These P and Ca treatments were also maintained in deionised water without the addition of Al. The concentrations of total and monomeric Al decreased with an increase in P additions at the 8 and 80 μM P although the effect was negligible at the 0.8 μM P. The effects of increase in P additions on the monomeric Al were almost instant as evident from 12 to 49 percent decrease in its concentration after only an hour of aging. However, marked effects of P on the total Al were observed after 3 d of aging. On 21 d of aging in solutions with 8 and 80 pH P, the concentrations of total and monomeric Al decreased by 17 to 34 percent and 20 to 60 percent, respectively. The presence of Ca had negligible effects on the concentrations of either total or monomeric Al at the varying P additions. However, the calculated SaAl mono for a given P concentration treatment over Al mono 21 d of aging were considerably lower in solutions with 1500 μM Ca than with 0 Ca. At each P concentration treatment, SaAl mono were considerably lower than the concentration of monomeric Al in solutions with 1500 μM Ca, while in solutions with 0 Ca the above difference was negligible. During the 21 d of aging, in solutions containing 40 μM Al, the measured P concentrations in the 0.8, 8 and 80 μM nominal P concentration treatments decreased by 44, 37, and 19 percent respectively, at the 0 Ca treatments and 50, 56 and 24 percent respectively, at the 1500 μM Ca treatments.  相似文献   

Species of Amaranthus are grown extensively as leafy green vegetables in tropical Africa and Asia and as high yielding grain crops in Western South America, Central America, Northern India, Western Nepal, and Pakistan. The crop is often grown on acid, marginal soils, under subsistence conditions, where liming even the soil plow layer may not be economically feasible. Hence, the identification or development of strains with high tolerance to acid soils would be beneficial. Aluminum and Mn toxicities are the most important growth‐limiting factors in many acid soils. The objective of our research was to determine the tolerances of selected Amaranthus strains to high levels of these elements in acid soils.

Fifteen strains, representing five species, were grown in greenhouse pots of an acid, Al‐toxic Tatum soil limed to pH 4.8 and 5.8. Strains differed significantly in tolerance to the acid soil. Relative yields (pH 4.8/pH 5.8%) ranged from 50.1 to 6.3% for tops and from 54.5 to 5.7% for roots. Four strains of A. tricolor L. (vegetable type) were significantly more tolerant than six strains of A. cruentus L. (seed and vegetable type). Strains of A. hypochondriacus L. and A. caudatus L. studied were intermediate in tolerance.

Twelve strains, representing four species, were grown on an acid, Mn‐toxic Zanesville soil at pH 4.6 and 6.3. Strains also differed significantly in tolerance to this acid soil; however, overall growth was better and strain differences were smaller than on Al‐toxic Tatum soil at pH 4.8. On Zanesville soil the relative top yields (pH 4.6/pH 6.3%) ranged from 74.1 to 18.6%. The most tolerant group included three strains of A. tricolor and one strain of A. hypochondriacus, but four strains of A. cruentus were also fairly tolerant. The sensitive end of the scale included one strain of A. cruentus and two strains of A. hypochondriacus.

In general, strains that were most tolerant to the Al‐toxic Tatum soil were also among the most tolerant to the Mn‐toxic Zanesville soil. Likewise, those most sensitive to the high Al soil were most sensitive to the high Mn soil. But some strains that were sensitive to excess Al in Tatum soil were fairly tolerant to high Mn in Zanesville soil.

Results suggest that superior strains of Amaranthus can be selected or developed for use on acid soils.  相似文献   

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