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The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of three boron rates applied to the soil on the distribution and relative abundance of 12 chemical elements in various alfalfa plant parts at four successive stages of growth.

Plant samples were separated into lower leaves, lower stems, upper leaves, upper stems, and tips. These plant parts were analyzed for Zn, B, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, P, K, Na, Al, Si, and Cu.

Results of this study indicated: i. application of B to the soil resulted in increases in concentration of B in alfalfa tissue proportional to the rate of B applied. For most elements, a decrease in concentration was generally obtained when the rate of soil‐applied boron was increased from 6.3 to 12.6 kg/ha;

ii. a continual increase in the B concentration from early vegetative to bloom stage of growth and then, a decrease in the B concentration from bloom to seed set was observed for the entire alfalfa plant;

iii. the concentration of an element found in leaf tissue was generally greater than the concentration in stem tissue. Furthermore, the concentration of an element found in the lower leaves was generally greater than the concentration found in the upper leaves.



Boron applied in 2 soybean field experiments at rates up to 2.12 kg/ha was not detectable in Ap or B2 horizon soil extracts approximately 6 weeks after B addition, although leaf B contents reflected added B. There was a measurable difference between the 2 fields in extractable B. Where the Ap horizon averaged 0.05 ppm B, soybean leaf content ranged 14 to 40 ppm B and no yield response was obtained with 0.56 to 2.24 kg/ha of added B. Where the Ap horizon averaged 0.11 ppm B, and leaf content reached 63 ppm B, soybean yield was reduced approximately two‐thirds by 2.24 kg/ha of added B.

Data from these 2 field experiments and previous micronutrient field studies, where yield response to B fertilization was obtained when leaf B was 9 to 10 ppm in soybean leaves, suggest that plant tissue analyses for B can be used to evaluate B fertilization needs. Soil tests may not be useful for detecting B deficiency in coarse‐textured soils, but may aid in detection of areas where B levels are high.  相似文献   

针对国内外有关土壤中和植物体内硼的含量,硼在维持细胞壁结构、对细胞膜通透性和功能的影响,综述了植物必需微量元素硼的生理功能与硼在植物体中与其它元素的相互作用.  相似文献   

Yang  Yuhua  Lei  Yang  Bai  Zhiyuan  Wei  Baoguo  Zhang  Haiping  Zhang  Ruijun 《Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution》2021,68(7):2907-2921
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Branch number on the main stem (BNMS) is an important factor that affects crop plant architecture and yield in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. With the aim...  相似文献   

为了对含铜肥料、农药的使用提供科学依据,对桂北地区柑桔园不同品种,不同树龄植株的叶片样品60个、根系样品60个和植株耕地表层土壤样品46个,进行铜含量分析。结果表明,桂北地区柑桔园植株叶片铜含量极不均匀,介于3.5~72.3 mg/kg之间,平均7.90 mg/kg;根系铜含量较丰富,平均19.83 mg/kg,无缺铜现象,也不存在过量的现象;土壤有效铜含量范围为0.80~22.41 mg/kg,平均6.37 mg/kg,为高含量水平;同时发现耕作层土壤有效铜含量与土壤成土母质、土壤pH值、土壤有机质含量有关;土壤有效铜与植株铜含量呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

硼钼肥浸种对鲜食大豆的增产效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验于2006年在泰顺县司前镇台边村进行;供试土壤为泥砂田,0~20 cm土壤有机质含量3.1%、全氮(N)0.151%、速效磷(P2O5)12.4 mg/kg、速效钾(K2O)148 mg/kg、pH 5.5、有效硼(B)0.14 mg/kg、有效钼(Mo)0.12 mg/kg;供试作物为大豆,品种为台75.  相似文献   

在设施栽培条件下,研究甜瓜关键生育期不同叶位SPAD值的变异特征及与叶片、植株氮素含量的相关性,探索提出基于SPAD仪诊断氮素营养最佳的测定叶位。结果表明,在各施氮水平下,不同叶位间叶片SPAD值存在一定差异,各叶位叶片SPAD值随施氮量的增加而增加。在适宜施氮(N 210 kg/hm~2)水平下,各生育期顶3叶和顶4叶SPAD值变异系数显著低于顶1叶和顶2叶,不同叶位叶片SPAD值与叶片、植株含氮量有较好的相关性,其中顶3叶与叶片、植株含氮量相关性最高。因此,用叶绿素SPAD仪诊断甜瓜氮素营养,顶3叶为较理想的指示叶或参照叶。  相似文献   

对比研究冬枣果实发育期内结果枝叶和营养枝叶片矿质元素动态变化的差异性,可为制定冬枣不同类型叶片的营养诊断标准提供理论依据。以沾化冬枣为试验材料,比较研究了沾化冬枣不同果实发育阶段(始花期、盛花期、末花期、硬核期、完熟期)结果枝叶和营养枝叶中矿质元素N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Na的含量动态变化及其差异性。结果表明,冬枣果实发育过程中,自始花期至完熟期叶片N、P含量呈下降趋势,K含量呈逐渐增高趋势,而Ca及Mg含量则呈先增高后降低的变化趋势,叶片Na含量在果实发育过程中变化较小,只有在完熟期呈现突然增高现象。在上述各生长发育阶段内,结果枝叶K含量多大于营养枝叶,而N、P、Ca、Mg、Na含量则呈相反的变化规律。方差分析表明,在盛花期至末花期内,两种类型叶片Ca、Mg含量的差异均达到显著水平(P<0.05),N含量只有在盛花期存在显著差异,而两种类型叶片K和Na含量在各果实发育阶段内均无显著差异。叶片元素含量比值分析表明,冬枣叶片N/P在盛花期至完熟期逐渐增高,其值均大于16,可知该阶段冬枣叶片生长主要受P元素限制;K/Na、Ca/Na、Mg/Na在果实发育期内的变化规律与K、Ca、Mg元素变化规律基本类似,在完熟期这3个比值均较前期明显降低。相关分析结果表明,冬枣叶片中N/P主要由P含量决定,Ca/Na、Mg/Na分别由Ca与Na、Mg与Na共同决定,而在营养枝叶中K/Na主要由Na含量决定。综上,盛花期至末花期(6—7月)是冬枣矿质元素相对稳定时期,可作为冬枣结果枝叶和营养枝叶营养诊断的适宜时期,同时冬枣结果枝叶该时期可适当施加适量Ca、Mg肥料,从而保证冬枣的果实品质和产量。  相似文献   

In many parts of the world, soils deficient and/or toxic in micronutrients reduce potential soybean (Glycine max) yields. The objective of our study was to grow plants in low to high concentrations of boron (B) and zinc (Zn) to determine how B and Zn deficiencies and toxicities affect soybean growth and interact with other essential nutrients in roots, leaves, and seeds. We found that B significantly affected levels of all essential nutrients except manganese and iron, while Zn significantly affected all essential nutrients in at least one plant tissue tested. Some of the physiological responses and nutrient interactions were cultivar-dependent. This study showed how deficiencies and toxicities of B and Zn affect plant growth and how B and Zn fertility interacts with many of the other essential nutrients.  相似文献   

钼、硼对大豆光合效率的影响   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
以大豆(Glycinemax)浙春3号、浙春2号和3811等3个品种为材料,设置了不同的钼、硼处理(低钼低硼,施钼,施硼和钼、硼同施),研究了钼、硼对大豆光合效率的影响。结果表明,施钼或硼促进了大豆叶面积的扩大,提高了大豆光合速率和荚的可溶性糖含量,延缓了大豆生育后期叶绿素的衰退,增强大豆的呼吸作用,降低茎和叶的可溶性糖含量,从而提高了大豆的光合效率,且钼、硼同施作用更大。在对大豆光合叶面积、叶绿素含量和呼吸作用的影响强度上,钼的作用于大硼;对大豆光合速率和可溶性糖含量的影响强度,硼的作用大于钼。3个大豆品种对钼、硼的反应存在一定的基因型差异。  相似文献   


Recent introduction of new boron (B) fertilizer materials prompted an examination of the efficacy of B uptake by cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) from foliar‐applied B originating from various sources. Conducted as a greenhouse study at four participating universities, cotton (Deltapineland 90) and soybean (Pioneer 9761) were sprayed at a rate equivalent to 0.22 kgha‐1 B when plants were 6 weeks old. Sources of B were: 1) boric acid (17.5% B), 2) sodium borate (Solubor® 20.5% B), 3) Solubor® at the pH of boric acid, 4) Traco Liquid B (10% B), and, 5) Smith and Ardussi Liquid B (10% B). Control plants that did not receive B were sprayed with water. Four plants were grown in each pot in sandy loam soils with a pH greater than 6.0. Plants were harvested during the eighth week. To determine if the solvents used to prepare the foliar liquids affected B absorption, two of the harvested plants per pot were washed with distilled water and two plants were left unwashed. All plants were oven dried and analyzed for B. All B sources produced significantly more tissue boron than the water‐sprayed check. Within a state, there were variations in tissue B responses to the sources of B in cotton and soybean. Combined data for all states showed no differences in tissue B due to source of B in cotton or soybean. In cotton, the average tissue concentration increase from the foliar B applications ranged from 8 to 11 mg‐kg‐1. In soybean, the average increase ranged from 16 to 22 mg‐kg‐1 B. Washing created a significant decrease in tissue B in cotton, but not soybean.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) plants normally abort a high percentage of flowers and pods. This study was conducted to determine the effect of P nutrition on flower and pod abscission in soybean. Williams 82 soybeans were established in hydroponic culture in the greenhouse at four levels of P (0.45 mM, 0.20 mM, 0.10 mM or 0.05 mM), and main stem flowers and pods were counted every two days from flowering to maturity. The two highest P treatments had similar flower production, pod production, pod abortion, seed weight and seeds per pod, but the 0.20 mM P treatment had 20% lower dry matter production and 19% lower seed yield. At P supplies of 0.10 or 0.05 mM, flower production, pod production, flowers per node, pods per node, seed yield, seed number and weight per seed were less (P < 0.05) than at 0.20 mM. Flowers produced per main stem node and seeds per pod were largely unaffected by limited P. Plants supplied 0.10 or 0.05 mM P aborted more flowers and pods than did those supplied 0.45 or 0.20 mM P. At P supply of 0.05 mM, flower, pod and total abortion was 80%, 49% and 90%, respectively. Flower and pod production were 50% and 78% less, while plant dry weight, seed yield and weight per seed were 83%, 90% and 23% less, respectively for the 0.05 mM P treatment compared to control. The data indicate that the primary effect of limited P on reproductive growth of soybean is to increase flower and pod abortion.  相似文献   


The concentrations of several elements were found to be different among the margin, midrib and blade of a corn leaf. The B, Mn and Si content of the margin was higher than that in the midrib or blade. The N, P, Ca, Mg, Si, Mn, B, Cu, Zn, Al, Sr and Mo content of the midrib was less than that in the blade and margin. Element contents of quarter length sections were different as the ratio of blade to margin or midrib varied. These data demonstrate the need to specifically describe leaf sampling technique and preparatory procedure when sampling corn plants for diagnostic purposes. The author recommends that Chapman's suggested leaf sampling procedure for corn be adopted in order to minimize the influence of margin and midribs on blade analyses.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the possibility of contamination of soil with trace elements by the application of sludges to soil, the contents of rare earth elements (REEs; La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu) and other trace elements (Be, As, Ag, Cd, Sb, Cs, Bi, and U) in wastewater treatment sludges were determined. In sludges of night soil treatment plants (night soil sludges) and sludges of wastewater treatment plants in the food industry (food industry sludges), the distribution patterns of REEs normalized versus average REEs in the continental crust were almost flat. It was considered that the REE patterns of uncontaminated sludges reflected the pattern of the continental crust. The crust-normalized REE patterns of sludges of wastewater treatment plants in the chemical industry (chemical industry sludges) and municipal sewage sludges did not always show flat plots. The sludges that did not show a flat REE pattern were considered to be contaminated with some of the REEs.

The coefficient of variation of each element determined among the 10 samples of night soil sludges and the 14 samples of sewage sludges ranged from 34 to 77% and from 26 to 84%, respectively. Among the 10 samples of food industry sludges and the 10 samples of chemical industry sludges, the coefficient ranged from 60 to 143% and from 67 to 172%, respectively. The variations of the content of each element among the food industry sludges or the chemical industry sludges were larger than those among the night soil sludges or the sewage sludges.

The contents of Be, As, Cs, REEs, and U in all the sludges were lower than or the same as those in a field soil. Some of the food and chemical industry sludges contained larger amounts of Ag, Cd, and Sb than the soil. All the night soil sludges and sewage sludges contained much larger amounts of Ag and Bi than the soil.  相似文献   

籽粒大小是大豆产量和外观品质的重要构成要素,具有巨大的经济价值,一直以来都是育种的主要目标之一。大豆籽粒大小由胚、胚乳和种皮发育共同协调决定。目前已报道的与大豆籽粒重相关的QTL位点309个,但大多位点尚未进行功能验证。已发现的与大豆籽粒大小相关的基因有17个,多数与母本种皮发育调控相关,其它与合子组织和植物激素调控途径相关。其中,发挥正向和负向调控作用的基因分别有12个和4个。在不影响大豆品质情况下,PP2C-1、Gm20OX和CYP78A等基因在植物个体发育过程中对籽粒大小的调节发挥关键作用,有望成为大豆分子设计育种中的优良靶点。本文重点从连锁分析和关联分析方法,介绍了已鉴定的与大豆籽粒大小相关的QTL及其位点,综述了大豆籽粒大小调控分子机制的研究进展,并根据现阶段的研究探讨了未来的研究热点和研究方向,以期为大豆籽粒分子调控机制全面解析和高产育种技术创新提供理论参考。  相似文献   


Continued introduction of new boron (B) fertilizer materials prompted a second examination of the efficacy of foliar‐applied B materials on B content, B uptake, and dry matter yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.). Similar to a previous study, this greenhouse study was conducted at four participating universities using 6‐week‐old cotton (Deltapineland 90) and soybean (Pioneer 9761) plants. Sources and rates of B were 1) boric acid (17.5% B) at 0.22 kg ha‐1,2) sodium borate (Solubor® 20.5% B) at 0.22 kg ha‐1, 3) Smith & Ardussi Liquid B (10% B) at 0.22 kg ha‐1,4) Smith & Ardussi Liquid B at 0.11 kg ha‐1, 5) Borosol 10 (10% B) at 0.22 kg ha‐1, 6) Borosol 10 at 0.11 kg ha‐1, and 7) an untreated control. Control plants that did not receive B were sprayed with water. Four plants were grown in each 15‐cm diam. pot in sandy loam soil. Plants were sprayed at 6 weeks of growth and top growth was harvested at eight weeks. Whole‐plant samples were dried (70°C), ground, and analyzed for B content. Uptake of B, plant B concentration, and plant dry weight varied by state, so results were not combined over all states. In every state there were significant differences in B concentration and B uptake by cotton and soybean as affected by B treatment, but effects were not consistent with any one B source. In two of four cases (Alabama and Georgia) cotton plants receiving any B treatment had greater B concentration and B uptake than the water‐sprayed control. In Virginia and North Carolina, application of B treatments rarely affected B uptake by cotton or soybean. No one B source produced consistently greater B uptake than any other B source.  相似文献   

The stepwise hot water extraction of soybeans, which were extractions in a series of procedures of whole soybean seeds, dehulled and sliced ones, and pressed ones carried out by autoclaving, was investigated to study the localization in the seed and their characteristics. The characteristics of each extraction were studied by HPLC, SDS-PAGE, components analysis, microscopic observation, and effect for some enzymes. Carbohydrates were easier to extract than protein. In the extractions, the ratio of uronic acid per total sugar was constantly about 0.3. A comparison of these extracts, soybean milk, extraction from defatted soybean meal, and soybean milk residues was also carried out, and the characteristics and the localization were investigated. Mid-sized proteins in soybean milk were easy to extract. However, hardly any high molecular weight proteins or high molecular weight carbohydrates were extracted. The proteins and carbohydrates were considered to be localized in the middle lamella and in the protein and/or oil bodies of the cell, and the proteins and carbohydrates were gradually extracted through seed and cell breaking. Gelation was observed only in the boiled extracts from whole seeds. Pepsin and trypsin digests of the high molecular weight protein had inhibitory activity against the angiotensin I converting enzyme.  相似文献   

Soybeans accumulate N in vegetative tissues up to pod initiation after which total vegetative N may remain constant during early phases of pod development. Eventually much of the vegetative N is mobilized to the pods. The mobilization of N from vegetative tissue to pods during the first few days of pod development is poorly understood but is important to an overall understanding of soybean N nutrition. The vegetative tissues of field grown soybeans were labelled with 15N and sampled weekly during the reproductive phase of plant growth. Three foliar applications of (15NH4)2SO4 were made prior to pod initiation at a combined rate of 3.3 kg N/ha. To immobilize soil N and to increase soybean dependance on N2‐fixation, sawdust was applied at a rate of 52 t ha‐1 . Irrigation was required almost weekly because of a shallow soil profile and below normal summer precipitation. Mobilization of vegetative N began immediately upon pod initiation and continued at a linear rate through pod development. It appeared that N2‐fixation was able to provide approximately half of the N in pods during early podfill. Nitrogen content of vegetative tissue declined as soon as pods began developing.  相似文献   

黑大豆种皮花色苷的提取及其抗氧化作用研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
以黑大豆皮为材料,采用二次回归正交旋转组合设计对其花色苷的提取工艺进行了优化研究。结果表明,最佳提取参数为温度60℃、时间1 h、乙醇浓度60%、料液比1∶40。对黑大豆种皮花色苷含量与总抗氧化能力之间的相关性分析表明,二者之间存在极显著的线性关系(P<0.01),且黑大豆种皮花色苷提取物表现出较强的清除OH·、O-2·及有机自由基DPPH·的体外抗氧化作用,其清除能力是维生素C的1.6倍、2.2倍、1.4倍。  相似文献   

The body complex of the soybean seed (BCSS) was isolated from the single cells (27.2%) by a sequential procedure of autoclaving with water, cellulase digestion for the primary cell wall, pectinase digestion for the secondary cell wall, and defatting with hexane washing. Its characteristics were then investigated. The defatted BCSS (DBCSS) consisted of protein (76.5%) and mannose-rich carbohydrates (3.2%). Screening of the food-processing protease for the digestion of DBCSS was carried out, and a kind of alkaline protease was selected. The inner protein of DBCSS was easily extracted with 0.1 M sodium carbonate buffer, pH 10, and the insoluble shell of the body complex (SDBCSS) was left. SDBCSS consisted of hydrophobic amino acid-rich protein. SDBCSS was easily digested by the selected alkaline protease. SDBCSS was dissolved by boiling with sodium dodecyl sulfate-mercaptoethanol, and it was found to consist of a protein of approximately 3 kDa. The high enzymatic digestion including the selected protease for soybean seed and defatted soybean meal was carried out; both were extracted and digested with a yield of >99.5%. The final indigestible residue was found as paired hexagonal and filamentous organs of the soybean cells.  相似文献   

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