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Plant secondary compounds have an important role in defense responses against herbivores and pathogens. This study summarises published and some unpublished data from a series of fumigation experiments where Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings were exposed to different concentrations of gaseous air pollutants, ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2) or nitrogen dioxide (NO2), in growth chambers. Concentrations of monoterpenes, resin acids and total phenolics were studied. Overall, needle monoterpenes were not affected by pollutants. Only very high level of O3 (600 ppb) decreased concentration of some individual monoterpenes in pine needles. O3 did not have effect on concentrations of resin acids in pine needles. In contrast, the concentration of some individual resin acids increased in O3-exposed pine shoots and in O3-exposed needles of one spruce clone. The highest dose of SO2 decreased concentrations of resin acids in pine needles, but low exposure levels did not have effects. However, SO2 had no effects on the resin acids concentrations of spruce needles, except some minor individual compounds were affected in clonal spruces. Increased concentrations of resin acids was found in pine shoots exposed to NO2. Total phenolics of needles were not affected by pollutants. These observations suggest that among secondary compounds there is variation in sensitivity to air pollutants and genetically different trees have different responses to air pollutants.  相似文献   

Four-year old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees were pretreated at low and high water supply, and then placed into a growth chamber containing four compartments so that two levels of ozone exposure, 0.02 and 0.4 Μl l?1, could be replicated. They were exposed to ozone and drought stress for 59 days, and water use was determined by periodic weighing. Small effects of ozone treatment were detected on new shoot dry weight, and water use by trees receiving the high ozone treatment appeared higher. Both visual symptoms and ethylene biosynthesis showed that drought stress reduced damage to trees exposed to high ozone. Ethylene emission and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) levels increased after 18 days of exposure to 0.4 Μl l?1 ozone, while visual symptoms were seen at 30 days. After 59 days of exposure to the combined stresses, ethylene and ACC levels were lower, but showed an ozone x water interaction. Most ethylene and ACC were produced by wet trees at high ozone concentration, but dry trees also had high ethylene and ACC levels at low ozone. Levels of needle malonyl-ACC (MACC) were not significantly affected by treatment, and did not change with time, but root MACC levels, which were twice needle levels, were high in wet trees at high ozone concentration, but also high in dry trees at low ozone concentration. These results suggest that drought stress occurring during ozone exposure could be expected to reduce damage to young Norway spruce, and that this damage may be related to ethylene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Acid irrigation (pH 2.7 to 2.8; mean annual input 4.1 kmol H+ ha?1 as H2SO4) has caused significant changes in the chemistry of the soil of a mature Norway spruce stand (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) after 4 years of treatment. In the surface humus layer around 20% of the exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and Mn ions were leached. This was connected with a decrease of pH and cation exchange capacity. In the mineral soil no changes of pH and cation adsorption were observed. However there was a significant increase of Al3+ ions in the soil solution, exceeding 20 mg L?1, mainly caused by dissolution of Al-hydroxides and Al-hydroxosulphates. Also the concentrations of ionic Cu, Zn and Cd were nearly doubled. Manganese concentrations are fluctuating according to periods with and without acid irrigation, showing reduction and oxidation phases. In contrast to microorganisms, certain moss species and Oxalis acetosella, the mature spruce stand was not severely damaged up to now. It is hypothesized that Ca/Al and Mg/Al ratios of single horizons are insufficient for characterizing Al stress in the field. Liming (4 Mg ha?1) led to a significant increase of dissolved organic C, which is associated with mobilization of metals such as Pb, Cu and Al in organic complexation. Also nitrification increased in the surface humus layer. As a consequence the nitrate concentrations in the seepage water exceeded 250 mg NO3 L?1.  相似文献   

基于叶绿素叶面分布特征的黄瓜氮镁元素亏缺快速诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了快速、无损诊断作物氮(N)、镁(Mg)营养亏缺,该研究提出一种以叶绿素叶面分布特征诊断黄瓜N、Mg元素亏缺的方法。在设施栽培模式下精确控制N、Mg营养元素的供给,培养黄瓜缺N、缺Mg及对照植株(营养元素正常植株),然后采集对应的高光谱图像并结合化学计量学方法快速、无损检测叶绿素分布。与对照组叶片叶绿素分布相比,缺N叶片的叶绿素含量在整个叶面区域偏低,缺Mg叶片叶绿素在叶脉之间区域含量偏低。鉴于此,提取叶绿素叶面分布特征(叶片所有像素点对应的叶绿素含量均值及标准差)对N、Mg营养元素亏缺进行诊断,对预测集N、Mg元素亏缺正确诊断率达90%。研究结果表明叶绿素叶面分布特征可作为一种黄瓜N、Mg元素亏缺诊断依据。  相似文献   

近红外光谱技术快速无损诊断黄瓜植株氮、镁元素亏缺   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
为了快速无损诊断黄瓜植株氮、镁元素亏缺,以K-最近邻域法(k-nearest neighbors, KNN)模型识别率作为遗传算法中染色体的适应度值,采用遗传算法(genetic algorithm, GA)优选近红外光谱特征子区间,交互验证优化主成分因子数和K值后建立了特征子区间对应的GA-KNN诊断模型。通过控制营养液中氮和镁的含量,在温室大棚内以无土栽培方式培育氮、镁元素亏缺植株,并用近红外光谱仪采集缺氮、缺镁植株老叶的光谱信息。结果表明:原始光谱经过标准正交变换预处理和子区间总数优化后,均匀划分为  相似文献   

Surveys conducted from 1987 to 1990 of Norway spruce [Picea abies(L.) Karst.] within 12 plantations across 4 northeastern states revealed symptoms of crown discoloration and defoliation on a site-specific basis. Foliar N. K. and Ca concentrations of most of the sampled trees were above deficiency ranges, while foliar Mg concentrations of most of the symptomatic trees were below the deficiency range within the plantations. Soil pH, exchangeable Mg, K, Ca, and their corresponding percent saturations in soils were lower, while soil Al concentrations were higher for most of the symptomatic trees in comparison to the healthy trees. Foliar concentrations of Mg, Ca, K, P, Al, Mn, Pb, and Zn were positively correlated with concentrations of corresponding soil elements. Knowledge of nutrient deficiency ranges may help diagnose foliar symptoms, but their exclusive use may overly simplify relationships between foliar symptoms and foliar elements. Principal component regression analysis of the data provided assessment of interactions and balances among foliar elements, and among soil elements and their possible influences on crown symptoms. Crown symptoms were not only associated with concentrations of individual elements of foliage and soils, but also associated with interactions and balances between these elements. The influences of individual soil elements on discoloration and defoliation may depend upon other elements in soils. Soil Al may induce crown discoloration and defoliation by interfering with Mg, Ca, and K uptake in acidic soils.  相似文献   

This study aims to describe macronutrient and boron deficiencies in pepper grown in a hydroponic system in the presence of a substrate during the vegetative and fruiting phases. The experiments were carried out into a greenhouse, and consisted of a randomized block design with eight treatments: complete solution (control) and nitrogen (-N), phosphorus (-P), potassium (-K), calcium (-Ca), magnesium (-Mg), sulfur (-S) and boron (-B) deficient solutions, with four repetitions for each assay. Visual diagnoses of certain macronutrient and boron deficiencies can be applied by farmers to aid in soil management, since they are observed in leaves, while N, P, Ca, S and B deficiencies led to roots symptoms. Pepper fruits showed nutritional deficiency symptoms when grown under N, K, Ca, Mg, S and B deficits. The appearance of nutrient deficiency symptoms in pepper plants occurs in the following order: N, K, P, Mg, S, Ca and B.  相似文献   

Wyttenbach  A.  Bajo  S.  Furrer  V.  Langenauer  M.  Tobler  L. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1997,94(3-4):417-430
The concentrations of As, Br and I were measured in needles, in the material deposited on the needle surface and in the soil. Results from 8 unpolluted and one polluted continental sites and from one maritime site are reported. The mass of al13 elements on the needle surface is similar to that in the needles. Needle concentrations increase linearly with the needle age class, but net accumulation during the first year is larger than during later years. There are significant correlations between the material on the needle surface and the needle concentrations for As and Br, but not between the soil and the needle concentrations. Bromine values are much higher at the polluted and at the maritime site than at the unpolluted sites.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the short-term reaction of fine root and mycorrhiza on changes in soil solution chemistry following application of MgSO4 (Kieserite) and (NH4)2SO4 (ammonium sulfate). The experiments were conducted within the ARINUS Experimental Watershed Area near Schluchsee in the Black Forest (SW Germany). Yellowing of the older needles as related to Mg deficiency was the typical symptom observed within this 45 yr old Norway spruce stand. On the N treated plot the relative mycorrhiza frequency declined and the percentage of nonmycorrhizal root tips increased, whereas in the Mg fertilized plot these parameters did not differ from the control. The observed changes cannot be caused by Al, because elevated concentrations of potentially toxic Al species and extremely low Ca/A1 molar ratios appeared in the soil solution of both treatments and did not result in reduced growth of long roots as reported from solution culture experiments. Moreover, the Al content of fine roots did not increase. Therefore, it is concluded that the thresholds for Al toxicity derived from solution culture experiments with nonmycorrhizal seedlings cannot be transferred to forest stands. A direct toxic effect of elevated NH4 + concentrations on mycorrhiza is unlikely, but cannot be excluded. Enhanced root growth due to a higher uptake of NH4 + from soil solution may provide a more plausible explanation for the observed increase in the percentage of nonmycorrhizal root tips after N application. Even though the N content of fine roots did not increase, the diminished K content gives some indirect indication for NH4 + uptake by the roots. This is also consistent with reduced Mg content due to NH 4 + /Mg2+ antagonism. On the MgSO4 treated plot, Mg contents of the fine roots increased thus reflecting Mg uptake by the deficient stand.  相似文献   

Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) requires adequate nitrogen (N) for optimum yields. Foliar applications of urea to supplement soil applied N have been tried for many years across the Cotton Belt, but responses have been highly variable. No published information is available regarding response by irrigated cotton to foliar applied N in subtropical South Texas. This study investigated the response of cotton to foliar applied urea and triazone N over a three-year period near Weslaco, Texas. In all years, foliar applied urea tended to increase seed cotton yield when soil applied N was limiting. In the absence of soil applied N, the increase due to foliar urea was significant in two of the three years (28.7 and 15.7% increases). Foliar applied triazone N was ineffective at increasing seed cotton yields.  相似文献   

Plant tissue accumulation of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn) was determined for six soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars at successive stages of development. No nutrient accumulation patterns among the cultivars were found. The results obtained showed that the highest concentrations of K were found at the vegetative stage (V) and the lowest towards the end of the life cycle of the plant (R55). By contrast, Ca was lowest at the vegetative stage while increasing in the leaves in later growth stages. No significant differences in Mg content were found between growth stages. Manganese levels were lower at R2 and R4 than at R55 stages of growth with an accumulation towards the end of the reproductive cycle. Changes in Zn content between stages were different for each cultivar. The differing behavior of these elements is related to the difference in their mobility and transport capacities within the plant.  相似文献   

The results of pH-stat.-titrations at six pH levels show increasing reactivities of the fertilizers under investigation in the order magnesite < Geosan < Mg-hydroxide. Further differences exist in the acid neutralization capacity of the three samples. By 3 mo after fertilization, Mg concentrations in soil solution down to 70 cm soil depth significantly increased. Differences between the fertilizers reflect their reactivities. Fertilization increases soil nitrate concentrations by 50 to 100% up to 55 ppm. It is unclear why the control plots already show high nitrate contents in soil solution. The top mineral soil shows significant increases of base saturation after fertilization. The highly reactive Mg-hydroxide produces the highest Mg concentrations in the soil solution, whereas the slower soluble magnesite has a stronger effect on the exchange complex.  相似文献   

The results of pH-stat.-titrations at six pH levels show increasing reactivities of the fertilizers under investigation in the order agnesite < Geosan < Mg-hydroxide. Further differences exist in the acid neutralization capacity of the three samples. By 3 mo after fertilization, Mg concentrations in soil solution down to 70 cm soil depth significantly increased. Differences between the fertilizers reflect their reactivities. Fertilization increases soil nitrate concentrations by 50 to 100% up to 55 ppm. It is unclear why the control plots already show high nitrate contents in soil solution. The top mineral soil shows significant increases of base saturation after fertilization. The highly reactive Mg-hydroxide produces the highest Mg concentrations in the soil solution, whereas the slower soluble magnesite has a stronger effect on the exchange complex.  相似文献   

In separate tests, rabbiteye blueberries (Vaccinium ashei Reade) grown in sand culture were subjected to varying levels of Ca (0–81 mg/liter) and Mg (0–24 mg/liter) applied at rates of 250 ml/plant daily. Other essential nutrients were kept constant. Leaf concentrations of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, B, Zn, Co, and Al were determined. The concentration of Ca in the leaves increased linearly but that of Cu decreased in response to increasing levels of Ca fertilization. Leaf concentrations of other elements were not significantly influenced by Ca fertilization. Leaf Mg and Al concentrations increased linearly in response to increasing levels of Mg fertilization. The P content in leaves followed a quadratic curve with increased Mg fertilization. Percent P increased from the 0 to 12 mg/liter levels and then decreased from the 12 to 24 mg/liter levels of Mg. High levels of Mg fertilization resulted in reduced Cu content of leaves.

Fertilization rates of Ca or Mg had little effect on shoot dry weight except at the 0 mg/liter levels. As leaf Ca decreased below 0.20% Ca, Ca deficiency symptoms became more prevalent. Magnesium deficiency symptoms increased as leaf Mg decreased below 0.15% Mg.  相似文献   


Boric acid (H3BO3) fertilization as source of boron (B) is a common practice in modern agriculture, aims to correct the deficiency of this micronutrient in the Cerrado soils, and ensure the maintenance of plant metabolism for the proper crops’ development. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of H3BO3 fertilization on soil and leaves during the soybean development. The experimental design was completely randomized with six replicates. The treatments were obtained in a 3 × 2 factorial scheme, fertilization with H3BO3 for three doses of B in the soil: 0 (control); 0.62 and 3.4 kg ha?1 and two foliar supplementation conditions: absence and presence. The best results for the variables length, dry mass and leaf area of soybean plants occurred with B applied to soil at doses 0 and 3.4 kg ha?1 in the absence of foliar supplementation. B content in the plants gradually increased with the micronutrient supply via soil and in leaves. Physiological apparatus of the plants was more efficient in the absence of foliar supplementation, independently of the fertilization with doses in the soil. The grain mass was up to 57% higher in the control treatment. Fertilization with H3BO3 in the soil and foliar did not improve the morphophysiological traits and the production of soybeans grown in greenhouse using clayey soil with initial B content of 0.30 mg dm?3.  相似文献   


This study evaluated the effects of the nitrophenolate-based protein enhancer Chaperone? on yield and fiber quality of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) grown under two irrigated and two rain-fed growing conditions. Treatments included four foliar spray rates: 0.183, 0.365, 0.731, and 1.462 L ha? 1 applied at early bloom when plants had between 8 and 10 nodes above white flower. Results showed that Chaperone? applied at 0.365 L ha? 1 increased lint yields significantly (at 5% probability level) over the untreated check (UTC) in one of the two irrigated experiments and marginally (10% probability level) in the other irrigated experiment and one of the two rain-fed experiments, when water supply, during the rapid boll growth stage, was adequate. Yield increases in these experiments were related to increases in boll mass. Chaperone? also affected fiber quality properties, specifically, decreased micronaire values and increased fiber strength, but only in the highest yielding irrigated conditions and the lowest yielding rain-fed conditions.  相似文献   

冲积潮土镁的释放特征及相对植物有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WANG Hong  CHU Tian-Duo 《土壤圈》2000,10(3):281-288
Experiments including two in laboratory and one in greenhouse were carried out to study non-exchangeable magnesium release from fluvo-aquic soils sampled from Daxing and Changping counties located in the suburbs of Beijing and Mg relative availability of the two soils to plants.In a batch experiment in labortory the soils were incubated under wet conditions and alternation of dry and wet conditions and determined for amount of Mg relesed at the 4th,8th and 12th week,respectively,after extraction of exchangeable Mg with 1molL^-1 NH4Ac.The amount of Mg released from the soil of Daxing was higher than from the soil of Changping,which was in accordance with the fact that the soil of Daxing had higher contents of all forms of Mg than that of Changping.There was little difference in Mg release from soils between wet conditions and alternation of dry and wet conditions.About 1%-2% of the total non-exchangeable Mg might be released within 12 weeks of incubation.restoring about 30%-35% of the original soil exchangeable Mg.Results of the experiment on kinetics of Mg release from the soils through continuous extractions with 0.5molL^-1 NH4Ac(pH7.0) on a continuous flow apparatus in laboratory showed that Mg released rapidly in the beginning,decreased sharply with time and kept stable at 60 and 240 min for the soile of Changping and Daxing,respectively,Among the five mathematical models used to describe the kinetics of Mg release,the parabolic diffusion equation best fitted the cumulative Mg release,indicating that diffusion of Mg out of the soils might be the controlling processa.The experiment of exhaustive cropping with 1 crop of tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) followed by six crops of corn(Zea mays L.)in greenhouse showed that soil exchangeable Mg decreased remarkably with cropping .After three crops,the percentage of the total plant Mg uptake that came from soil non-exchangeable Mg was 29.5% for the soil from Changping and 35% for the soil from Daxing,About 50% of the total Mg uptake by plants in the six crops was believed to come from the soil non-exchangeable Mg form.  相似文献   

The influence of plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and spruce seedlings on the composition and activity of forest soil microbial communities was studied in a microcosm experiment in which sterile, sand-filled 25mm×150mm glass tubes were treated with a forest soil suspension containing Bacillus or Pseudomonas PGPR and 2-week-old spruce seedlings. Eighteen weeks after treatments were established, bacterial, actinomycete and fungal population sizes were determined by dilution plating, as were seedling dry weights and soil carbon substrate utilization profiles using Biolog plates. PGPR inoculation had little influence on the population sizes of actinomycetes or fungi. However, significant effects were detected on the total bacterial population size, primarily in microcosms without seedlings. Euclidean distances between treatments plotted on two dimensions by multidimensional scaling showed that the introduction of PGPR strains changed the type of microbial community, particularly when inoculated into soil without seedlings. Significant changes were also detected in one soil type in the presence of seedlings. Our results suggest that the type of soil community and the presence of seedlings are significant factors influencing the responses of soil communities to bacterial inoculation, and that for some soil communities, the presence of seedlings may mitigate perturbations caused by the introduction of PGPR. Received: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

It is surmised that domestication has reduced geneticvariability in the common bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L.). However, little is known about leaf anatomy responses to water stress in wild or domesticated forms ofP. vulgaris. In this study,anatomical variation was evaluated in watered and water stressed plants of wild and domesticated genotypes of P.vulgaris from Mexico, growing under greenhouse conditions. Five terminal leaflets of completely expanded leaves wereused to evaluate leaf area (LA) and theirmiddle-regions to evaluate leaf thickness (LT), and various anatomical features. Domesticated genotypes showed bigger LAthan that of the wild ones; there was an effect due to the origin of materials, LA being bigger in genotypes from warm and humid lands that those from dry and temperate ones. No differences were detected in LT among materials; however, in domesticated plants the palisadeparenchyma predominated over the spongy one, contrasting with thewild genotypes. Under drought conditions, stomatal abortion was observed in wild and domesticated genotypes, especially on theabaxial surface. We conclude that, in fact, there are contrasting differences in leaf anatomy among wild and domesticated forms of Mexican Phaseolus vulgaris. Results suggest that domestication not only favours the enlargement of the LA, but also an increase in palisade parenchyma, suggesting a divergence toward assimilation in domesticated forms, in contrast with a better internal gas diffusion in wild forms. Domestication seems to have accentuated stomatal abortion as means of a transpirational control mechanism to counteract the effects of drought.  相似文献   

In order to restore the forest ecosystem in the vicinity of an industrial park, Ulsan, southeastern Korea, which has been heavily acidified by air pollution, a preliminary experiment by applying tolerant plants selected through several procedures, and dolomite and sewage sludge as soil ameliorators was carried out. Furthermore, a restoration based on the results was executed and the effects were evaluated based on the creation of safe sites, where new species can establish: regeneration of the forest with species similar in composition to the natural vegetation of native forests that are distant from the industrial park; increase in species diversity. In a preliminary study, the necessity of soil amelioration was diagnosed. Quercus serrata, Alnus firma and Ligustrum japonicum, which represent for tree, subtree, and shrub layers of vegetation in this region, were used as sample plants. Dolomite, sludge, and a mixture of both materials were applied as soil ameliorators. Bare ground (BG), and two grasslands dominated by forbs (GF) and grass (GG), respectively were designated as experimental plots based on a vegetation map of the corresponding area. BG and GF plots, which have lower organic matter contents, increased the growth of sample plants in response to soil amelioration, whereas that with higher contents, GG plot, did not show this response. The result suggests that necessity of soil amelioration depends on site quality. The effects of soil amelioration depended also on the sample plants. This difference is due to an ecological property of A. firma, which can fix atmospheric nitrogen through a symbiotic relationship with actinomycetic fungi. This result implies that this alder could be used as a substitute for soil ameliorators in restoration plan of this area. The height and standing crop of undergrowth, which forms dense grass mat and thereby impedes establishment of new plants, decreased in the restored stands. Such a decrease in the height and biomass of undergrowth could be recognized as providing safe sites, in which the other plants can invade, by removing the dense carpet formed by Miscanthus sinensis. The results of stand ordination showed a progression of the former bare grounds to either M. sinensis (GG) or Pueraria thunbergiana (GF) stands, suggesting a natural recovery through succession toward the stands dominated by both plants. But the change was not progressed beyond the grassland stage. Active restoration practice, which was carried out by applying tolerant plants, however, led to a change toward species composition similar to the natural vegetation before devastation. Furthermore, restored stands reflected the restoration effect by showing higher diversity than the stands in the degraded state. These results showed that the restorative treatment carried out by introducing tolerant plants functioned toward increasing both biological integrity and ecological stability and thereby could meet the restoration goal.  相似文献   

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