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ZEKI ÖZER 《Weed Research》1979,19(4):247-254
Bei den mit 10-monatigen Schafböcken durchgeführten Versuchen wurden folgende Ergebnisse erhalten: Die Ausscheidungsrate (Versuehsdauer 96 Stunden nach Verfutterung) der Samen von lOverfutterten Weidepflanzenarten betrug bei Medicago sativa 55,5%, Phteum pratense 53,4%, Coronitta varia 42,8%, Lotus cornicutatus 34,8%, Agrostis alba 32,9%, Trifotium repens 24,5%, Stipaviriduta 16,6%, Vicia sativa 9,3%, Hordeum nodosum 1,4%, Onobrychis sativa 0,8%. Ausscheidungszeiten: Ohne bestimmte zeitliche Regelmäßigkeiten wurden die Samen von Hordeum nodosum im Verlauf der 96-stündigen Versuehsdauer ausgeschieden. Bei Medicago sativa wurde ein Ausscheidungsmaximum bei 62 Stunden, bei Phteum pratense bei 86 Stunden festgestellt. Bei den anderen 7 Samenarten lag das Ausscheidungsmaximum zwischen 38–48 Stunden. Wahrend bei 8 Samenarten eine Verminderung der Keimfähigkeit nach Passieren des Verdauungstrakts im Vergleich zu frischen Samen festgestellt wurde, konnte man eine Erhöhung des Keimwertes bei Agrostis atba und Hordeum nodosum feststellen. Keimfahig waren die Samen von Vicia sativa bis zu einer Ausscheidungszeit von 38 Stunden, Onobrychis sativa bis 48 Stunden. Samen von Hordeum nodosum waren keimfahig bis zu einer Ausscheidungszeit von 62–96 Stunden, Trifotium repens 24–86 Stunden. Bei den restlichen 6 Arten waren die Samen auch nach 96-stündiger Verweildauer im Verdauungstrakt zumindest noch teilweise keimfähig. Nach 3-monatiger Mistgärung waren die Samen von Vicia sativa, Hordeum nodosum und Onobrychis sativa vollig vernichtet. Bei den restlichen 7 Samenarten betrug die Keimpotenz bei Coronitta varia 6,8%, Lotus cornicutatus 6,1%, Trifotium repens 5,1%, Phteum pratense 4,9%, Medicago sativa 4,6%, Agrostis alba 3,2% und Stipa viridula 1,1%.  相似文献   

In 2001 and 2002, two field trials were performed by the Plant Protection Service (PPS) of the Landwirtschaftskammer Weser-Ems in Oldenburg and the Institute for Plant Protection of the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL) in Freising respectively to examine the transmission of the bacterial ring rot pathogen of potato (Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus) by haulm cutting. In the experiment conducted by the PPS in Oldenburg a lawn-trimmer was used to simulate haulm cutting, before a bacterial suspension was sprayed on the ends of the cut haulms. Two cultivars (early and late) were tested and also the effect of an additional chemical measure for haulm destruction on the transmission of the pathogen was determined. In the trial performed at the LfL in Freising plots with infected plants for the contamination of the haulm cutter were treated immediately prior to plots with healthy plants. Infections of stems (re-growth) and tubers of the plants were determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and indirect immunofluorescence antibody staining (IFAS). In the trials conducted with the haulm cutter, ring rot could be detected in the re-growth of 60% of the plants derived from healthy tubers 4 weeks after haulm cutting. It was confirmed in a bioassay, that the isolated pathogens were viable and virulent. Although the ring rot pathogen was transmitted to a great extent to the leaf material, no infection of progeny tubers occurred in a total of 450 tested plants. However in general a migration of the transmitted pathogen to the tubers cannot be excluded. Therefore further on it is advisable to clean and disinfect the haulm cutter before each use.  相似文献   

In field trials performed by the Institute for Plant Protection of the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL) in Freising in 2001 and 2002, it was studied, whether Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Cms), the bacterial ring rot pathogen of potato, could be transmitted to seed potatoes by the use of contaminated crates. Healthy seed tubers were brought into contact with Cms before planting by (i) storage in freshly contaminated crates at 8°C for 4 weeks, (ii) storage at unregulated cellar temperature (between 1 and 15°C) for 8 months in crates, which were already contaminated and empty at filling time for 5 months and (iii) storage in freshly contaminated crates at 4°C for 5 months. Infections of stems and tubers of the plants were determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and indirect immunofluorescence antibody staining (IFAS). Storage of healthy tubers in contaminated crates produced infected plants in all three treatments: PCR results of the tubers were positive in 2 (ii) to 9% (i) of the plants.  相似文献   

Eragrostis lehmanniana (Lehmann lovegrass) is an invasive perennial bunchgrass in semi‐desert grasslands in the USA. We removed E. lehmanniana using glyphosate at three locations in south‐eastern Arizona in 2003 and 2004 to evaluate the community response. We also sampled the seedbank five times during the course of the experiment to characterise viable seeds at the sites. Two of the sites with histories of livestock grazing responded similarly to the continued removal of E. lehmanniana, with significant increases in native cover and species richness, mainly attributable to herbaceous annual species. Over the course of the study, progressively fewer E. lehmanniana seeds and higher numbers of native annual herb seeds were germinated from seedbank samples of treated plots. At the third site, characterised by a history of intense agricultural use and drier conditions than the other sites, there was a large decrease in E. lehmanniana cover in all plots, followed by an increase in aggressive non‐native species as well as native grasses. The seedbank at this site suggested potential for restoration, with native perennial grass species present in increasing quantities. The results of this study have implications for site restoration, should a means of permanently removing E. lehmanniana be found.  相似文献   

Unter Laborbedingungen wurde der modifizierende Einfluß der Temperatur auf die Reaktion mikrobieller Aktivitäten im Boden gegenüber einem Herbizid untersucht. Es wurde das relativ stark auf Bodenorganismen wirkende ‘Flüssig Herbogil’ (Dinoterb) mit zwei Dosierungen in zwei Boden eingesetzt. Bei einer Bebrutüng unter konstant 10°C hemmte das Präparat die Biomasse-abhängigen Parameter Glucose-induzierte Kurzzeit-Atmung und Dehydrogenaseaktivität (Reduktion von Triphenyltetrazoliumchlodd) in beiden Böden dosisabhängig, während die Stickstoffminer-alisierung — ohne Beeinflussung der Nitrifikation — stimuliert wurde. Erhöhung der konstanten Temperatur auf 20 °C bzw. Bebrütung bei einer zwölfstündig wechselnden Temperatur (5° 30 °C) verstärkten die Effekte der höheren Dosierung und verringerten die der Normal-dosierung auf die Dehydrogenaseaktivität und — nicht so ausgeprägt — auch auf die Kurzzeit-Atmung. Die Wirkung auf die Stickstoffminera-lisierung war im Sandboden erhöht, im Lehmboden dosisabhängig verändert. Zwischenzeitliches Einfrieren (?18°C) modifizierte die Effekte der Wechseltemperaturen, wobei es im Sandboden zusätzlich zu einer Nitrifikationshemmung durch die höhere Herbizid-dosierung kam. Die Bodenenzyme Arylsulfatase, ß-Glucosidase und alkalische Phosphatase wurden meistens nur geringfügig durch das Herbizid gehemmt, wobei die Temperatur ebenfalls modifizierend wirkte. Die meisten Herbizideffekte waren auch nach 12 Wochen noch erkennbar. Herbicide effects on microbial activity in the soil under varied ecological conditions: influence of soil temperature The modifying influence of soil temperature on the effects of herbicide on microbial activity in soil was investigated under laboratory conditions. The herbicide dinoterb (Flüssig Herbogil), known for its biocidal activity, was applied to two soils at two doses. During incubation at a constant temperature of 10°C, glucose-induced short-term respiration and dehydrogenase activity (reduction of tdphenyl-tetrazolium chlodde), both related to microbial biomass, were more strongly inhibited by the higher dosage, whereas nitrogen mineralization was stimulated without affecting nitdfication. At a constant temperature of 20°C or at a fluctuating temperature (5/30°C for 12-h pedods), the effects of the higher dosage on dehydrogenase activity was increased, whereas those of the lower dosage were decreased. The short-term respiration was affected to a lesser extent. In sandy soil the effect on nitrogen mineralization was increased; in the loamy soil, however, it was dependent on the dosage. Temporary freezing (?18°C) during fluctuating temperature modified the herbicide effects so that, in the sandy soil, inhibition of nitrification was induced by the higher dosage. The effects of the herbicide on the enzymes arylsulfatase, β-glucosidase and alkaline phosphatase were less marked, but nevertheless depended on the temperature. Most of the herbicide effects lasted over 12 weeks. Effets d'herbicides sur I'activité microbiologique du sol sous les conditions écologiques variées: influence de la température du sol L'influence modificatrice de la température du sol sur les effets des herbicides sur l'activité microbiologique dans le sol a étéétudiée en conditions de laboratoire. L'herbicide dinoterbe (Flüssig Herbogil) connu pour son activité biocide a été appliquéà 2 doses sur 2 sols. Pendant une incubation constante à 10°C la respiration à court terme induite par la glucose et l'activité de la deshydrogenase (réduction du chlorure de tdphenyltetrazolium) toutes les deux liées à la biomasse microbienne étaient beaucoup plus fortement inhibées par les doses les plus élevées tandis que la minéralisation de I'azote était stimulée sans que la nitdfication soit affectée. A une température constante de 20°C ou à une température vadable (5/30°C par période de 12 heures) les effets des doses les plus fortes sur l'activité de la deshydrogenase ont été accrus, tandis que ceux des plus faibles doses diminuaient. La respiration à court terme a été effectée de façon moindre. Dans le sol sableux l'effet sur la minéralisation de I'azote a augmenté; dans le sol limoneux cependant il a été dependant de la dose. Un gel temporaire (?18°C) pendant les températures variables a modifié l'effet de l'herbicide de telle sorte que, dans le sol sableux, une inhibition de la nitdfication a été induite par les doses fortes. Les effets herbicide sur les enzymes arylsulfatase, β- glucosidase et alkaline phosphatase ont été moins marqués mais néanmoins étaient dépendants de la température. La plupart des effets de l'herbicide ont persisté pendant 12 semaines.  相似文献   

Unter Laborbedingungen wurde der modifizierende Einfluß der Bodenfeuchte auf die Reaktion mikrobieller Aktivitaten gegenüber einem Herbizid untersucht. Hierzu wurde das relativ stark auf Bodenmikroorganismen wirkende ‘Flüssig Herbogil’ (Dinoterb) mit zwei Dosierungen in zwei Böden eingesetzt. Das Präparat hemmte die von der Biomasse abhängigen Kenngrößen Glucose-induzierte Kurzzeit-Atmung und Dehydrogenaseaktivität (Reduktion von Triphenyltetrazoliumchlodd) dosisabhängig und stimulierte die Stickstoff-mineralisierung bei 60% der maximalen Wasserkapazität, ohne die Nitdfikation stark zu beeinflussen. Die Reduzierung der Bodenfeuchte auf 30% der maximalen Wasserkapazität erhöhte die Hemmwirkungen des Mittels auf die von der Biomasse abhängigen Parameter (besonders die Dehydrogenaseaktivität) im Sandboden, aber kaum im Lehmboden. Die Stimulation der Stickstoffumsetzung im Sandboden war dagegen bei 30% der maximalen Wasserkapazität am gedngsten. Zwischenzeitliches Anfeuchten modifizierte diese Effekte je nach Termin unterschiedlich stark, wobei teilweise zusätzlich eine Nitrifikationshemmung auftrat. Die meisten Wirkungen waren auch nach 12 Wochen noch feststellbar. Herbicide effects on microbial activity in the soil under varied ecological conditions: influence of soil moisture The modifying influence of soil moisture on the effects of herbicide on microbial activity in soil was investigated under laboratory conditions. The herbicide dinoterb (Flüssig Herbogil), known for its biocidal activity, was applied to two soils at two doses. At 60% water-holding capacity (w.h.c), glucose-induced short-term respiration and dehydrogenase activity (reduction of tdphenyltetrazolium chloride), both of which are related to microbial biomass, were more strongly inhibited by the higher dosage, whereas nitrogen mineralization was stimulated without marked inhibition of nitdfication. Reducing the soil moisture to 30% w.h.c. increased the inhibition of those activities related to microbial biomass (particularly dehydrogenase activity) in the sandy soil, but had hardly any effect in the loamy soil. However, the herbicide-induced stimulation of nitrogen transformation in sandy soil was only minimal at 30% w.h.c. Temporary moistening of the dry soil modified the herbicide effects depending on the sampling time. In some cases, however, an additional inhibition of nitrification occurred. Most herbicide effects lasted over 12 weeks. Effets d'herbicides sur I'activité microbiologique du sol sous des conditions écologiques variées: influence de I'humidité du sol L'influence modificatrice de I'humidité du sol sur les effets des herbicides sur I'activité microbiologique dans le sol a étéétudiée en conditions de laboratoires. L'herbicide dinoterbe (Flüssig Herbogil) connu pour son activité biocide a été appliquéà 2 doses sur 2 sols. A une capacité de rétention en eau de 60% (whc) la respiration à court terme induite par la glucose, et I'activité de la deshydrogenase (réduction du chlorure de tdphenyltetrazolium), toutes les deux liées à la biomasse microbienne, étaient beaucoup plus fortement inhibées par les doses les plus élevées, tandis que la minéralisation de I'azote était stimulée sans une inhibition sensible de la nitrification. La réduction de I'humidité du sol à 30% (whc) a augmenté l'inhibition de ces activités liées à la biomasse microbienne (spécialement I'activité de la deshydrogenase) dans les sols sableux, mais à pérne dans les sols limoneux. La stimulation induite par I'herbicide de la transformation de l'azote dans les sols sableux, cependant était seulement minimale à 30%. L'humidification temporaire d'un sol sec a modifié les effets de I'herbicide en relation avec l'époque d'échantillonnage, Dans certains cas, cependant, une inhibition complémentaire de la nutrification est intervenue. La plupart des effets de l'herbicide ont persisté pendant 12 semaines.  相似文献   

H. H. HOPPE 《Weed Research》1980,20(6):371-376
Effect of diclofop-methyl on the growth und development of Zea mays L. seedlings Diclofop-mcthyl, a diphenoxypropionic acid herbicide, had no effect on the germination of maize (Zea mays) seed. Prc-ger-minated maize embryos showed inhibited radicle growth when treated with the herbicide, but those of beans were considerably less sensitive. The inhibitory effect of the herbicide on maize radicle growth was reversed when the embryos were transferred to herbicide-free medium within 24 h of treatment. The higher concentrations of diclofop-methyl tested (≥10?6 M) induced necrosis on the second day of treatment, which first appeared in the meristematic and elongation zone of the root tip and then via the rest of the root to the grain. The herbicide increased the fresh and dry weight as well as the dry matter content of the radicle tips of Zea mays. These effects were attributed in an accumulation of cell wall material in the herbicide-treated root lips. In the presence of hydroxyurea, a selective inhibitor of cell division, the effect of diclofop-melhyl on radicle elongation was reduced but did not cease complelely. From these results it can be concluded that diclofop-methyl interferes with the processes that effect both cell division and cell elongation.  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of a pesticide spray sequence on the behaviour of terbutryn residues and on soil microbial activity. Part II. Influence on microbial activity In laboratory incubation experiments (at 10 and 20°C and 30 and 60% soil water-holding capacity) soil microbial activities (dehydrogenase, respiration after glucose amendment and nitrogen transformations) were scarcely affected by 20·9 and 28·0 mg kg?1, respectively, of terbutryn in two soils of different sorption properties. In contrast, dinosebacetate, alone or mixed with terbulryn, triadimefon or parathion, inhibited dehydrogenase activity and respiration even at a low rate of application (2·87 mg kg?1). Following application of a 10 times higher rate to a highly adsorbent soil there was an initial inhibition of nitrification followed by an enhanced rate of nitrogen mineralization. Triadimefon and parathion, alone and in combination with other pesticides, caused both stimulation and inhibition of microbial activity; the reason is not clear. The effects on dehydrogenase and respiration were confirmed in field experiments. Dehydrogenase activity was the most sensitive and so could be a useful test for the side-effects of pesticides on soil micro-organisms. Additional work on nitrogen transformations is needed to interpret the results.  相似文献   

Residual effects of chlorotriazine herbicides in soil at three Rumanian sites. I. Prediction of the persistence of simazine and atrazine Persistence of simazine and atrazine in the top 10 cm soil was measured at three sites in Rumania with variations in climate and soil conditions. Both herbicides were applied at 1 and 3 kg ai ha?1 to uncropped plots and to plots cropped with maize (Zea mays L.). Rates of residue decline were independent of application rate and crop cover but varied between sites. The time for 50% loss of atrazine varied from 36 to 68 days and that of simazine from 48 to 70 days. Laboratory studies were made with atrazine to characterize degradation rates under standard conditions and to measure adsorption and leaching behaviour in the different soils. Weather records for the periods of the field experiments were used in conjunction with appropriate constants derived from the laboratory results, or from data in the literature, in a computer program to simulate persistence in the field. Results from the model were in reasonable agreement with the observed soil residues although there was a tendency to overestimate rates of loss on some occasions. The results suggest that the model of persistence was sufficiently accurate for practical purposes, and that its use could preclude the need for extensive analytical measurements of residues.  相似文献   

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