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Wheat kernels of the cultivar 'Tommi' were germinated for up to 168 h at 15, 20, 25, or 30 degrees C. Samples were taken at different stages of germination and were analyzed for the quantitative protein composition using an extraction/HPLC method, for folate vitamers using a stable isotope dilution assay, and for soluble, insoluble, and total dietary fiber using a gravimetric method. Gluten proteins were substantially degraded during germination. During the first stages of germination the degradation of glutenins was predominant, whereas longer germination times were required to degrade gliadins. The optimal temperature for gliadin degradation was 20 degrees C, and that for glutenin degradation was 25 degrees C. Omega5- and omega1,2-gliadins were less sensitive to proteolytic degradation than alpha- and gamma-gliadins, and LMW subunits of glutenin were less sensitive than HMW subunits. During germination a time- and temperature-dependent increase of total folate occurred. A maximum 3.6-fold concentration was obtained after 102 h of germination at 20 and 25 degrees C including 5-methyltetrafolate as the major vitamer. The concentration of dietary fiber remained constant or decreased during the first 96 h of germination. Prolonged germination times of up to 168 h led to a substantial increase of total dietary fiber and to a strong increase of the soluble dietary fiber by a factor of 3, whereas the insoluble fiber decreased by 50%.  相似文献   

The effect of germination and growth under illuminated and dark environments on canola seed reserves was investigated. Depletion of proteins and lipids in whole seedlings and their top (leaf/cotyledons) and bottom parts (stem/roots/seed coat) was independent of light, whereas the protein solubility increased at a faster rate under an illuminated environment than in the dark. A rapid increase in free fatty acids but a net decrease of dry matter content in seedlings grown in the dark environment was observed. The dry matter content of seedlings grown in the illuminated environment increased due to photosynthetic biomass accumulation.  相似文献   

The prevalence of food allergies in the world population requires integrated approaches to identify new potential allergens, especially those of plant origin. The aim of this work was the allergen in vitro analysis of Lupinus albus seed proteome, a promising food protein source, and the assessment of IgE cross-reactivities with other more diffused legume species. A combination of one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting analyses with specific IgGs for band identification and lupin-sensitized patients' circulating IgEs for allergenicity studies has been used. Two lupin proteins, namely, conglutin gamma and 11S globulin basic subunits, strongly reacted with all patients' sera. Also, cross-reactivities with the homologous polypeptides of other legume species were observed. Otherwise, no reaction at all was detected with a 2S-type lupin protein. This global electrophoretic approach has allowed the identification of a new potential lupin allergen and confirmed the cross-reactivity among the legume 11S globulin basic subunits.  相似文献   

The aim was to investigate how legume seed meal texture and corresponding quality affects N turnover at different temperatures. Therefore, the effect of size fractionation ‘fine’ and ‘coarse’ of seed meals of yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.), blue lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) on net N mineralization and turnover was investigated in an incubation experiment at 5°C, 12°C and 20°C. The differences in N release from the two particle size fractions could not be detected at 12 and 20°C incubation temperature. Moreover, net N mineralization at 5°C was higher during incubation of the coarse particle size fractions than during incubation of the fine fraction. In contrast to the common understanding of temperature dependence of microbial processes, the overall influence of incubation temperature on net N mineralization was less expressed. The formation of microbial biomass was highest at 5°C. The subsequent decrease of soil microbial biomass was only partly reflected by net N mineralization suggesting the formation of microbial residues as a preliminary N sink. The control of the N release from legume seed meals seems to be dominated by the N-immobilizing effects of polyphenols at lower temperatures and of C-rich polymers (hemicelluloses) at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

There is considerable global interest in using recycled organic materials because of perceived benefits to soil health and environment. However, information on the effects of organic waste products and their optimal application rates on the quality of heavy clay soils such as Vertisols is sparse. An incubation experiment was therefore conducted using five organic amendments at various rates to identify their optimal application rates, which could improve the quality of the Vertisol. Cotton gin trash, cattle manure, biosolids (dry weight basis 7.5–120 t/ha), chicken manure (dry weight basis 2.25–36 t/ha) and a liquefied vermicast (60–960 L/ha, volumetric basis) changed the soil chemical, physical and microbiological properties compared with a control where no amendments were applied, viz. higher light fraction of organic matter, nutrient content (N and P) and soil microbial activity. Higher application of chicken manure resulted in an increase in dry‐sieved mean weight diameter. Increasing rates of cattle manure increased exchangeable Na concentration and ESP. Although vermicast itself did not contribute a significant amount of N into the soil, when applied at higher rates (60–960 L/ha), its application resulted in increased concentration of NO3‐N in soil by amounts ranging from 43 to 429%. Optimal application rates for cattle manure and cotton gin trash were 30 t/ha, whereas for biosolids and chicken manure, the optimum rate was 60–18 t/ha, respectively.  相似文献   

Aggregate stability is a fundamental property influencing soil erodibility and hydraulic characteristics. Knowledge of soil components controlling aggregate stability is very important to soil structure conservation. The objective of this study, which was carried out in surface soils from central Greece, was to relate wet aggregate stability to selected soil properties, with emphasis on excessive free carbonate content. The wet‐sieving technique of air‐dried aggregates was used for structural stability evaluation, according to a test that calculates an instability index. The soils studied were developed on Tertiary marly parent material and ranged in calcium carbonate content from 5 to 641 g kg−1. From the texture analysis before and after removal of carbonates, it was concluded that carbonates mainly contributed to total silt and sand fractions, that is to the mechanical fractions which, as a rule, negatively affect aggregate stability. The results of the correlation analysis showed that aggregate stability was positively affected by aluminosilicate clay content, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and Al‐containing sesquioxides. Clay fraction from carbonates and total sand and silt negatively affected aggregate stability. CEC has been proved a very significant determinant of aggregate stability, which in a hyperbolic form relationship with instability index explained 78·9 per cent of aggregate stability variation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a combination of high-performance ion chromatography analysis and kinetic studies, the pathway of dephosphorylation of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate by the phytases purified from faba bean and lupine seeds, respectively, was established. The data demonstrate that the legume seed phytases under investigation dephosphorylate myo-inositol hexakisphosphate in a stereospecific way. The phytase from faba bean seeds and the phytase LP2 from lupine seeds degrade phytate by sequential removal of phosphate groups via D-Ins(1,2,3,5,6)P(5), D-Ins(1,2,5,6)P(4), D-Ins(1,2,6)P(3), and D-Ins(1,2)P(2) to finally Ins(2)P, whereas the phytases LP11 and LP12 from lupine seeds generate the final degradation product Ins(2)P via D-Ins(1,2,4,5,6)P(5), D-Ins(1,2,5,6)P(4), D-Ins(1,2,6)P(3), and D-Ins(1,2)P(2).  相似文献   

Numerous reports on boron nutrition of plants have been published since WARINGTON (15), using Vicia faba, first discovered in 1923 that boron is essential for the growth of higher plants. Inorganic (7, 9, 11) and organic (1) constituents of the growth medium and climatic conditions such as light intensity (13), photoperiod (5, 16), and drying and wetting of the soil (10) are some of the factors affecting boron uptake by plants.  相似文献   


Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is an important source of plant protein for humans and animals; however, nutritional value of seeds is notoriously deficient in sulphur (S)-containing amino acids. In this article, the effect of S fertilization on faba bean's capability of N2 fixation, grain yield and chemical characteristics in terms of protein fractions, fatty acids and minerals composition is reported. A randomized, complete block design with three replicates was used, and three S applications (0, 30 and 60 kg ha?1, respectively) for faba bean were performed. The S fertilization was split into two applications: 50% before sowing and 50% in the beginning of March as K2SO4. At the same time, both the legume and oat crops were fertilized uniformly with 10 kg N ha?1 as 15N NH4 15NO3 (10% 15N atomic excess) in solution form. In a Mediterranean climate under optimal spring rainfall situations, faba bean produced high yield of grain and protein. Sulphur application resulted in an increase in overall plant yield and N2 fixation. In addition, S fertilization enhanced the protein quality, increasing its degradable fraction. Fertilizing faba bean with 30 kg ha?1 of S resulted in a more appropriate dose in order to obtain a quantitative and qualitative crop improvement. From our findings, it can be concluded that S fertilization to faba bean should be recommended to soils with suboptimal S levels to obtain maximum seed and protein yields.  相似文献   

In saline soils under semi-arid climate, low matric and osmotic potential are the main stressors for microbes. But little is known about the impact of water potential (sum of matric and osmotic potential) and substrate composition on microbial activity and biomass in field collected saline soils. Three sandy loam soils with electrical conductivity of the saturated soil extract (ECe) 3.8, 11 and 21 dS m?1 (hereafter referred to EC3.8, EC11 and EC21) were kept at optimal water content for 14 days. After this pre-incubation, the soils were either left at optimal water content or dried to achieve water potentials of ?2.33, ?2.82, ?3.04 and ?4.04 MPa. Then, the soils were amended with 20 g?kg?1 pea or wheat residue to increase nutrient supply. Carbon dioxide emission was measured over 14 days; microbial biomass C was measured at the end of the experiment. Cumulative respiration decreased with decreasing water potential and was significantly (P?<?0.05) lower in soils at water potential ?4 MPa than in soils at optimal water content. The effect of residue type on the response of cumulative respiration was inconsistent; with residue type having no effect in the saline soils (EC11 and EC21) whereas in the non-saline soil (EC3.8), the decrease in respiration with decreasing water potential was less with wheat than with pea residue. At a given water potential, the absolute and relative (in percentage of optimal water content) cumulative respiration was lower in the saline soils than in the non-saline soil. This can be explained by the lower osmotic potential and the smaller microbial biomass in the saline soils. However, even at a similar osmotic potential, cumulative respiration was higher in the non-saline soil. It can be concluded that high salt concentrations in the soil solution strongly reduce microbial activity even if the water content is relatively high. The stronger relative decrease in microbial activity in the saline soils at a given osmotic potential compared to the non-saline soil suggests that the small biomass in saline soils is less able to tolerate low osmotic potential. Hence, drying of soil will have a stronger negative effect on microbial activity in saline than in non-saline soils.  相似文献   

磷以多种方式参与植物体内各种生物化学过程,对促进植物的生长发育和新陈代谢起着重要的作用[1]。可溶性蛋白质是植物所有蛋白质组分中最活跃的一部分,包括各种酶源、酶分子和代谢调节物[2]。磷是作物体内氮素代谢过程中的组成成分之一,与蛋白质的代谢关系极为密切[3-6]。因此,通过测定大豆叶片和子粒可溶性蛋白含量可了解多少施磷量更有利于促进大豆氮代谢。关于大豆可溶性蛋白含量与氮素关系的研究较多[7-11],而有关磷的研究报道较少。为此,本研究探讨不同施磷水平对高蛋白、高油和中间型3种基因型大豆生育期内叶片和子粒可溶性蛋白含量的…  相似文献   

The effect of soil redox potential on N2O and N2 emission from soil suspensions was studied under laboratory conditions. Crowley silt loam soil suspensions were equilibrated under controlled (?200, ?100, 0, +100, +200, +300, and +400 mV) redox levels, and the amounts of N2 and N2O evolved quantified. At higher redox levels (+300, and +400 mV) nitrification was the dominant soil biological process controlling N chemistry. A small amount of N2O evolved during nitrification. A redox value between +300 and +200 mV was found critical for denitrification to occur. Both N2 and N2O were produced during denitrification. The maximum amount of N2O evolved at a redox value of 0 mV. Dinitrogen emission increased at lower redox levels. The highest N2/N2O evolution ratio was observed at ?200 mV and the ratio decreased with increasing redox. A lack of N-balance during denitrification at redox levels of +100, and +200 mV is also reported.  相似文献   

Shear stresses and soil properties modified due to stress play an important role during formation of seals in a series of rainfall events and during tillage. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the effects of the penetrometer geometry on the penetration resistance as affected by shearing under different initial soil conditions and to use the information on soil strength to elucidate shearing process. Nine homogenous air-dried soils (<2 mm) were sprayed and stored so as to obtain equilibrium soil water contents. The moist soils were sheared by horizontal displacement of layers of soil particles/aggregates in between hands in one direction. The soil cores were prepared with comparable bulk density before the measurement of maximum penetration resistance (Pmax) with a small flat tip and a cone tip penetrometers. At a wide range from 0.05 to 6.2 MPa, Pmax was linearly correlated between the small flat tip and the cone tip penetrometers. The conversion ratio was higher under the saturation condition irrespective of the shearing effect. The penetrometer with the small flat tip was more sensitive for the weak soils. Shearing generally increased Pmax in most cases, but it decreased Pmax for some sandy soils under both saturated and unsaturated conditions and for a clayey soil under the saturated condition. The soil consisting of swelling clay exerted a decrease in Pmax. Rearrangement and/or sliding of particles/aggregates and increase in soil suction during shearing were attributed to the increase in Pmax. Increase in porosity due to the aggregation during shearing was ascribed to the decrease in Pmax. In addition, it was shown that agricultural cultivation resulted in a reduction in soil strength.  相似文献   

防止种子掺假、以次充好,为快速无损检测高发芽率的种子,该文将不发芽的浙杂809番茄种子以不同比例掺入到发芽率为92.6%的番茄种子中,得到种子的发芽率分别为90%,80%,70%,60%,50%和0等6种比例,并利用电子鼻对其进行分析.结果表明:利用电子鼻可以很好的区分出番茄种子发芽率为90%、80%、50%~70%、和不发芽的4种情况;当种子发芽率为70%、60%、50%时,其图形信息部分重叠,利用电子鼻较难区分开.在主成分分析和线性判别分析的基础上,利用BP神经网络和支持向量机对上述情况进行分类识别,结果表明:两种识别模式的训练集的正确率分别为93.6%和97.4%,预测集的正确率分别为65.2%和72.7%,相对于BP神经网络模式识别,支持向量机预测系统的误差较小,具有很好的预测性能.  相似文献   

Long-term soil cultivation at the same depth affects soil characteristics and crop productivity. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of a long-term different intensity soil tillage methods and deep loosening on weed number, weed agrobiological group and soil seed bank changes in till Bathygleyic Dystric Glossic Retisol soil under the climatic conditions of the Western Lithuania (geographical coordinates 55°43′38″N, 21°27′43″E). The study included different soil tillage methods (conventional ploughing, shallow ploughing and shallow ploughless tillage) and deep loosening. During investigational years, the greatest weed number in crops and the greatest weed seed number in the seed bank were determined in the soil reduced tillage (shallow ploughing and shallow ploughless tillage). The weed number in crops of conventional ploughing soil was 35.8% lover compared to reduced tillage soil. The weed seed number in the seed bank of conventional ploughing was 49.6% lover compared to reduced tillage Decreasing soil tillage intensity resulted in weed seeds concentration in the upper topsoil. A one-time deep loosening had a significant effect during the crop rotation: the weed number in crops and weed seed number in the seed bank were determined to have increased by 26.6% and 51.6% in conventional ploughing soil and by 11.9% and 23.2% shallow ploughless soil respectively. However, after deep loosening, the number of Poa annua in crops decreased 2.9 times in plots of conventional ploughing and 1.7 times – in plots of shallow ploughing soil.  相似文献   

The present study reports a fast, economical, and feasible way to extract antioxidant phenolics from artichoke byproducts: raw artichoke (RA), blanched (thermally treated) artichoke (BA), and artichoke blanching waters (ABW). These byproducts represent a huge amount of discarded material in some industries. Two protocols, with possible industrial applicability, based on both methanol and water extractions were used. Phenolic contents (expressed as caffeic acid derivatives) (grams per 100 g of dry extract) were 15.4 and 9.9 for RA when extracted with methanol and water, respectively; 24.3 and 10.3 for BA when extracted with methanol and water, respectively; and finally, 11.3 g of phenolics/100 mL of ABW. Therefore, methanol extracts yielded more phenolics than water extracts, especially when BA byproducts were used. The higher amount of phenolics in BA could be due to the inactivation of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) at the industrial scale (due to blanching process), avoiding PPO-catalyzed oxidation of these phenolics, a phenomenon that could occur in RA byproducts. Artichoke extracts from industrial byproducts showed a high free radical scavenging activity (versus both DPPH* and ABTS*+ radicals) as well as capacity to inhibit lipid peroxidation (ferric thiocyanate method). According to these results, the use of artichoke extracts from industrial byproducts as possible ingredients to functionalize foodstuffs (to decrease lipid peroxidation and to increase health-promoting properties) is suggested.  相似文献   


An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of palm oil mill effluent (POME) application on soil chemical properties. The POME was incorporated into the top 0–30 cm of Batang Merbau soil, an Ultisol. POME was applied at 0, 5, 10, 20, and 40 t ha‐1, both in the presence and absence of 2 t ground magnesian limestone (GML). A succeeding crops of maize and groundnut were planted. The results of the experiment showed that POME application up to the rate of 40 t ha‐1 did not significantly change the topsoil pH and exchangeable calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and aluminum (Al). The addition of POME improved the soil fertility, which resulted in an increase of maize yield. The Ca and Mg from the POME accumulated in the topsoil, being held by the negative charge present on the exchange complex. The beneficial effects of POME and/or GML application lasted for about 3 years. The study indicated that application of POME together with GML is a good agronomic option to alleviate soil acidity in Ultisol for maize production.  相似文献   

Reproduction, intrinsic rate of natural increase and population density of naidid worms were investigated in submerged paddy fields and the laboratory. No tillage plus legume-mulching increased the population density of naidid worms. Soil treatments with neither tillage nor legume mulch, and tillage practice alone, did not increase the number of worms. Dero dorsalis Ferronnière was dominant in soil of the no-tillage treatment. In laboratory experiments, legume-mulching with the proper amount of dissolved O2 accelerated asexual reproduction of D. dorsalis through zooid budding. For the legume and aeration treatment, (Ni+1-Ni) Ni-1 values (where Ni and Ni+1 are the populations at times t=i and t=i+1) were plotted against Ni+1. Utilizing this linear relation, this data fitted the logistic curve (r2=0.885, P<0.05). Based on the linear relation, the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r), carrying capacity (K), and doubling time (T) were calculated as 0.2125 day-1, 12,666 m-2, and 3.26 days, respectively. The amounts of legumes applied were highly correlated with the population of D. dorsalis, indicating that the weight of legume is a limiting factor with respect to carrying capacity. A literature review indicated a significant correlation (P<0.01) between intrinsic rate of natural increase and maximum body length of naidids with temperature conversion of the growth rate. Sexually mature worms were rarely found in submerged paddy fields. Sexual reproduction seems to be adopted in response to soil desiccation after paddy field drainage.  相似文献   

Myrothecium verrucaria and Fusarium compactum were isolated from diseased Orobanche ramosa plants collected in southern Italy to find potential biocontrol agents of this parasitic weed. Both fungi grown in liquid culture produced metabolites that inhibited the germination of O. ramosa seeds at 1-10 muM. Eight metabolites were isolated from M. verrucaria culture extracts. The main metabolite was identified as verrucarin E, a disubstituted pyrrole not belonging to the trichothecene group. Seven compounds were identified by spectroscopic methods as macrocyclic trichothecenes, namely, verrucarins A, B, M, and L acetate, roridin A, isotrichoverrin B, and trichoverrol B. The main metabolite produced by F. compactum was neosoloaniol monoacetate, a trichothecene. All the trichothecenes proved to be potent inhibitors of O. ramosa seed germination and possess strong zootoxic activity when assayed on Artemia salina brine shrimps. Verrucarin E is inactive on both seed germination and zootoxic assay.  相似文献   

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