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随着转基因产业的飞速发展,转基因食品的安全性逐步引起人们的广泛关注.外源基因的非预期效应可能引起转基因食品的营养成分发生改变,甚至产生一些新的毒性物质,可能对人类和动物健康以及环境形成潜在的危害,是转基因食品安全性评价的重要内容之一.由于外源基因的非预期效应具有潜在性,非预见性,因此以“实质等同性”为基础的定向评价方法很难充分考虑到由遗传修饰引起的非预期效应.文章主要阐述了转基因植物整合位点的分布和机制、转基因作物可能产生的非预期效应,以及利用基因芯片技术、蛋白质组定量分析技术、代谢组分析技术分别从mRNA水平、蛋白质水平、代谢水平上比较转基因作物和非转基因作物基因表达的差异,在食品安全评价中会是完善定向方法的补充方案,对转基因食品的安全性评价至关重要.  相似文献   

欧盟不同国家对转基因生物的注册审批是有差异的,尤其是在转基因作物的培育上存在很大的争议。一些成员国允许培育转基因作物,而另一些成员国则禁止培育。其中一个解决方案是将审批流程国有化,这或许可以为当前的僵局提供一个解决方法(取决于它的实施情况)。随着世界上新型转基因生物的应用越来越多,进口转基因生物的注册审批流程陷入困境,导致注册审批的不同步和结构贸易破坏的发生率日益增高。当务之急就是需要可以超越目前国有化审批流程的改革措施。国际贸易中审批流程的不同步也会影响其他国家,因此,急需一个国际层面的解决方案。  相似文献   

Analyses of the role of technological development in agriculture are central to an understanding of social change in agri-food systems. The objective of this paper is to contribute to the formation of a broader perspective of how farmers are positioning themselves with respect to controversial agricultural technologies through an empirical analysis of Washington State farmers’ willingness or unwillingness to try Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) technology on their farms. The use of this type of biotechnology in farming has been criticized for its potential harmful effects on natural environments and socio-cultural systems, while proponents highlight the possibilities for increasing production with minimal use of other inputs. An analysis of the extent of farmers’ expressed willingness to use GMOs provides an opportunity to better understand how their diverse thoughts about controversial agricultural technologies are shaped not only by their own experiences but also by social context. The present study does this by analyzing data from a farm survey conducted on a random sample of farmers from across Washington State. The results show that the production practices farmers utilize and the market strategies they employ may be at least as useful as farmers’ socio-economic characteristics in explaining what types of farmers appear to be more or less interested in potentially using this technology. Furthermore, the relationship between level of formal education and willingness to use GMOs is not straightforward. It may hide differences between farmers with respect to where and how they received their formal education as well as the type(s) of knowledge they gained. It is argued that future research should recognize the diversity that exists in farmers’ interests vis-á-vis particular technologies and should also explore how these interests are shaped by farmers’ past and present social networks and life experiences. Kazumi Kondoh is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology at Washington State University. Her research interests include environmental policies, science and technology, and sustainable agriculture. Raymond Jussaume is an Professor and Chair, Community and Rural Sociology at Washington State University. His primary areas of interest are sociology of agriculture, development sociology, and political sociology.  相似文献   

We simulated the effects of the introduction of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) crops on weed populations and the consequences for seed-eating birds. We predict that weed populations might be reduced to low levels or practically eradicated, depending on the exact form of management. Consequent effects on the local use of fields by birds might be severe, because such reductions represent a major loss of food resources. The regional impacts of GMHT crops are shown to depend on whether the adoption of GMHT crops by farmers covaries with current weed levels.  相似文献   

抗虫转基因作物研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了转基因作物 (GMO)的发展概况 ,对近年来国内外抗虫 GMO在转 B.t.毒素蛋白GMO;转蛋白酶抑制剂 GMO;转植物凝集素 GMO;其他类型抗虫 GMO;抗虫的基因沉默与失活现象等 5个方面的研究进展进行了论述。最后 ,对抗虫 GMO的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

转基因作物商品化生产进程中面临的问题与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转基因作物的研究进展非常迅速,规模也不断扩大,但转基因作物在商品化进程中还存在许多问题.其中包括转基因作物研究中存在的问题、转基因作物的潜在危险、安全性保障等问题.针对这些问题作了简要综述.  相似文献   

我国转基因作物的应用面积只占世界的1%,并且只是转Bt基因抗虫棉,这是由于我国的转基因作物安全性评估研究相对滞后所致。转基因作物中可能存在一些人类不曾食用过的基因,转基因作物的大规模应用能否对人类的健康和环境造成不利影响是安全性评估的两个方面。生态评估是估测转基因作物的花粉及种子扩散能否形成遗传污染和生物多样性下降;转基因作物本身或近缘种能否成为超级杂草;以及对非目标生物的风险。评估新产品能否导致食品的致敏性,以及转基因作物花粉的致敏性是转基因产品对人与动物健康是否有害评估的重要方面。应深入开展安全性研究,尽快完善适合中国实际的评估程序和手段,使转基因安全性将不再是制约转基因作物商业化的主要因素。  相似文献   

转基因作物与土壤生态系统环境要素紧密相关。土壤微生物作为土壤生态系统的一个重要组成部分,转基因作物大面积种植是否会给土壤微生物带来影响已成为其生态风险评价中不可忽视的一个方面。土壤中的微生物种类繁多,因此在研究时有必要选取一些具有代表性的微生物进行分析。丛枝菌根真菌作为一类重要的土壤环境指示微生物,在改善土壤质量与健康状况、提高生物多样性、促进植物生长等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。文章就主要转基因作物对丛枝菌根真菌的影响和作用机制进行综述,认为可将丛枝菌根真菌作为评价转基因作物对土壤生态系统影响的指示生物。  相似文献   

The importance of socio-economic impacts (SEI) from the introduction and use of genetically modified (GM) crops is reflected in increasing efforts to include them in regulatory frameworks. Aiming to identify and understand the present knowledge on SEI of GM crops, we here report the findings from an extensive study of the published international scientific peer-reviewed literature. After applying specified selection criteria, a total of 410 articles are analysed. The main findings include: (i) limited empirical research on SEI of GM crops in the scientific literature; (ii) the main focus of the majority of the published research is on a restricted set of monetary economic parameters; (iii) proportionally, there are very few empirical studies on social and non-monetary economic aspects; (iv) most of the research reports only short-term findings; (v) the variable local contexts and conditions are generally ignored in research methodology and analysis; (vi) conventional agriculture is the commonly used comparator, with minimal consideration of other substantially different agricultural systems; and (vii) there is the overall tendency to frame the research upon not validated theoretical assumptions, and to over-extrapolate small-scale and short-term specific results to generalized conclusions. These findings point to a lack of empirical and comprehensive research on SEI of GM crops for possible use in decision-making. Broader questions and improved methodologies, assisted by more rigorous peer-review, will be required to overcome current research shortcomings.  相似文献   

转基因植物潜在的生物入侵问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对转基因植物安全性和外来物种的生物入侵问题的研究发现,转基因植物作为自然界中本来不存在的外来物种,由于其自身的生态幅宽、繁殖能力强等竞争优势,可以通过花粉散布、种子扩散和杂交等途径造成外缘基因的逃逸,从而导致其对生态环境及生物多样性产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

世界转基因农作物的应用现状和发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
本文简述了世界转基因(GM)农作物的应用现状、应用面积和国家、GM作物种类和性状等,并依据美国GM农作物的应用现状,提出了未来作物育种的发展方向,以及生物技术育种对传统育种的发展带来的冲击等。  相似文献   

转基因作物是生物技术研究的一个重要方面。作为21世纪我国及世界农业的一场新的科技革命和农业主导产业,转基因作物产业已经成为农业发展新的经济增长点,且对农民的收入、健康和环境产生积极影响。  相似文献   

从1994年到现在,全世界转基因作物的种植生产和消费已经超过20年。转基因作物刚开始出现便立即被农民所接受。单单在2013年,全世界范围内包括棉花、玉米、大豆、油菜、甜菜和苜蓿在内的转基因作物种植面积已高达1.75亿hm2,有14个国家的转基因作物种植面积超过50万hm2。绝大多数转基因作物的两个典型优点是抗除草剂和抗虫。主要生产国的转基因作物普及率已经达到90%。如今,转基因作物在发达国家的种植面积比发展中国家更大。截至目前,还没有关于人类消费转基因作物以及含转基因成分食品的数据统计,绝大部分(约90%)的主要转基因作物被用作动物饲料,少数转基因作物,如木瓜、南瓜及甜玉米则被直接消费,油、淀粉、高果糖甜味剂、蔗糖和卵磷脂等来源于转基因作物的原料普遍被应用于食品产业。在美国超市,高达70%的产品中含有转基因成分,很多其他国家的人们也在消费这样的产品,尤其是那些没有要求转基因标识的国家和地区。在许多国家,一些非政府组织经常散布关于转基因食物的谣言,以达到阻挠公众接受转基因食物和转基因作物商业化的目的。遗憾的是,政府决策者的决定常常基于政治考虑,而非出于转基因作物的重要科学意义。  相似文献   

It is particularly important for us not to lose sight of the fact that people have been around for a long time and that they achieved remarkable technical skills long before Western science was developed. An anonymous writer from the Food and Agriculture Organization has observed: "It is a commonplace that the fundamental discoveries which made civilization possible-fire- making, tool-making, agriculture, building, calculating, writing, money-were all apparently made outside the area which has given us the marvels of modern science" (19). The writer might well have added that it is also commonly overlooked that food technology was not suddenly developed in the 20th century but has been very much a part of the lives of people everywhere ever since they began doing more to their food than gathering it and eating it raw. Lamb's "Essay on Roast Pig" may not be an accurate account of the first conjunction of fire and food, but cooking is a rather ancient practice. Fermentation is another complicated processing technology which is a traditional part of most cultures, particularly those in warm climates-beer, yogurt, cheese, the fish pastes and sauces of Asia, the palm wine of Africa, and soy sauce, are butsome examples. Native Americans, besides accomplishing marvels in plant genetics and crop development, also developed water extraction methods for treating acorns to render the flour palatable and edible, and the alkali method of processing maize. Furthermore, they developed a cure for scurvy-by making a water extraction of pine needles which are rich in ascorbic acid-long before it was first reported by Jacques Cartier in the 16th century. Similarly, calcium-deficient diets of pregnant and nursing women were traditionally successfully supplemented by calcium-rich powdered deer antlers in northern China. Among the Chinese and Greeks, goiter was cured by eating certain kinds of seaweed centuries before the disease was traced to a lack of iodine, and Kenyans learned to suck salt-rich earth to avoid salt depletion symptoms after arduous exertion in tropical heat long before "modern science" learned why (20). The enumeration of examples could go on, but this was not meant to be an essay in folklore. The point is that all so-called primitive societies developed technologies, techniques, and a store of practical knowledge of a wide range of sophistication, by what must be admitted to be the scientific method, and neither their accomplishments and skills nor those of societies "en voie de développement" should be ignored or discounted. We are confident that modern food science and technology has much to contribute to helping the food-deficit nations eat adequately. First, we must find a way of using the best of Western technology without losing sight of the reality of the situation in the third world and without failing to take into account, better than we have done so far, the secondary and tertiary implications of the changes suggested. Second, we must encourage the examination of local problems in terms of the use and improvement of local technologies which are often quite sophisticated and the result of centuries of development. And third, we must inject a greater component of cultural awareness in the education of students to make them more creative in their application of scientific knowledge to local problems and more adaptable to the conditions that exist in developing countries. We should not lose sight of the fact that because of the precarious nature of their food supply, very often developing countries have much more rigid rules governing the production, preparation, and consumption of food than usually is the case in food-surplus societies, and disturbing these rules is a very serious matter. The time is past when "West is best" can be taken for granted; "adapt and adopt" is surely less offensively arrogant and much more to the point.  相似文献   

The following general conclusions appear valid. The developed countries cannot feed the world. On a short-term basis, food must be supplied to developing countries as needs exist. A long-continuing policy of supplying food grains, through donation or by sale, may be self-defeating if this practice tends to limit expansion of local food-production capabilities.  相似文献   

Ecological and population biology issues constitute serious challenges to the application of genetically modified mosquitos (GMM) for disease control.  相似文献   

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