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The aims of the study were (1) to quantify the influence of selected imaging parameters on the image quality (slice thickness, mAs, and beam orientation) defining optimal conditions for scan protocols and (2) to evaluate the benefits of the 3D reconstruction techniques for visualization of NDS structures in dogs. CT-DCG was performed bilaterally in 32 heads of dogs. CT transverse images were obtained using a combination of two slice thickness values (0.8 mm and 2 mm) and two mAs values (50 mAs and 300 mAs). Two beam projection orientations were also tested: transverse plane (perpendicular to the hard palate) and oblique to the hard palate. Three-dimensional images were obtained using Volume Rendering (VR). Transverse beam projection proved to be superior for the assessment of the inferior and superior lacrimal canaliculi and lacrimal sac. In this study, there was no statistical difference regarding mAs values (50 mAs and 300 mAs) and slice thickness values (0.8 mm and 2 mm). Three-dimensional images were helpful for the assessment of topographic relationship between nasolacrimal structures and cranial landmarks.  相似文献   

This study investigated the location of the nasolacrimal orifice (NLO) and course of the nasolacrimal duct in the mule using visual examination, gross dissection and computed tomography (dacryocystography [CT‐DCG]) and concluded that the location of the NLO is distinct from that described for horses and donkeys and is easily located, by visual examination alone, within the internal cutaneous tissue of the lateral wall of the external nares. The course of the nasolacrimal duct caudal to the nasal vestibule is similar to that of the horse.  相似文献   

This case report describes the clinical, diagnostic, computed tomography findings, and surgical treatment of a 2‐year‐old Morgan filly with bilateral, proximal, and distal anomalous nasolacrimal duct openings.  相似文献   

To describe the differential diagnoses, investigation, and management of a periocular swelling close to the nasolacrimal duct in a horse that was consistent with a nasolacrimal duct dacryops (lacrimal cyst). A 16‐year‐old gelding, Connemara cross presented with a history of a periocular swelling rostroventral medial to the right eye that had been sampled by the referring veterinary surgeon. A cystic lesion was diagnosed following standing computed tomography. Surgical removal of the cystic lesion was performed, and the tissue was submitted for histopathologic and immunohistochemical examination. Surgical removal of the cyst was curative, and there was no recurrence of clinical signs 7 months later. There was a small amount of mineralized material in the center of the cyst. Histopathologic and immunohistochemical examination confirmed a nasolacrimal duct cyst. Dacryops can form in horses as well as other species and appears to have a favorable outcome if surgically removed.  相似文献   

A 13‐year‐old Quarter Horse gelding was presented for repair of a central tarsal bone fracture. Radiographs showed a single large nondisplaced sagittal slab fracture; however, computed tomography (CT) revealed an additional small, displaced central tarsal bone fragment. The complex fracture was repaired, under the same anaesthetic period as the CT examination, using the CT hard copies images, intraoperative fluoroscopy and radiographs. The horse recovered well and after rehabilitation showed no residual lameness at work. Computed tomography was instrumental in achieving precise screw placement and successful fracture repair.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old Paso Fino mare was evaluated for a chronic nasal and ocular discharge. A calcification was identified eroding through the nasal mucosa of the middle meatus. Differential considerations for this mass included dacryolith, nasal calculus, or calcified tooth root abscess. Anatomical location and case history and progression supported a dacryolith. Following removal, the calculus was submitted for mineralogic analysis. The calculus was primarily carbonate hydroxylapatite (Ca10(PO4)3(CO3)3(OH)2) with a minor NaCl halite constituent. Dacryoliths, or nasolacrimal calculi, are an uncommon occurrence in animals, and sparsely reported in humans. The etiopathogenesis of dacryolith formation is unknown. The objective of this article was to report the first case report of an equine nasolacrimal system dacryolith and its mineralogic composition.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) uses x‐ray beams and reconstructive computer technology to create tomographic slices (sections) of the area being imaged. Computed tomography has higher contrast resolution than conventional radiography allowing for more accurate differentiation of soft tissues and fluids. This form of 3D imaging removes problems caused by superimposition of multiple anatomical structures, which is a major impediment when viewing radiographs of the equine head. Once the images are acquired, multi‐planar and 3D reconstructions can be performed to view different teeth or associated structures in an optimal way. Anatomical and pathological changes in the dental tissues, periodontal tissues, alveolar bone and adjacent sinuses can then be assessed. Scintigraphy with 99m technetium methyl‐diphosphate (methylene‐diphosphonate) can detect changes in bone that precede radiographic changes, and this makes it a very useful imaging modality for diagnosis of early periapical infection of the equine cheek teeth. Additionally, it is invaluable for imaging suspected infections of supernumerary or dysplastic teeth where the results of radiography or even CT may be equivocal. Periapical infections of the cheek teeth typically result in focal and intense increased radionuclide uptake located over the apical region of the affected tooth.  相似文献   

Liver contrast X-ray computed tomography (CT) has been used for evaluation of hepatic vessels for liver transplantation, liver lobectomy, interventional radiology and diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in humans. However, there remains scant available anatomical information on normal hepatic vessels in the veterinary field. In this study, visualization of hepatic vessels was evaluated in 32 normal beagle dogs by X-ray contrast CT using triple phase images. The following hepatic vessels were clearly visualized: arterial, portal and hepatic veins. With regards to the running patterns of the portal vein and hepatic vein, there were no significant differences between the dogs. However, the hepatic artery exhibited some differences in each dog. In particular, the hepatic artery of the quadrate lobe and the right lateral lobe had many running patterns. The results of the present study could be useful for veterinary diagnosis, surgery and interventional radiology.  相似文献   



To describe the successful use of endoscopy to visualize and place a soft canine ureteral stent to relieve a chronic nasolacrimal duct (NLD) obstruction in a horse.

Animal Studied

A 7-year-old, Quarter horse gelding.


Under general anesthesia, retrograde nasolacrimal endoscopy was performed using an 8.5 Fr Storz Flex XC ureteroscope through the nasal punctum (NP). An obstructive web of fibrous tissue was visualized approximately 20 cm proximal to the NP. A 0.035″/150 cm hydrophilic guidewire was passed normograde from the ventral lacrimal punctum and used to puncture the stenotic tissue. Then, a 5.0Fr/70 cm open-end ureteral catheter was threaded normograde over the guidewire and NLD patency was re-established. The catheter confirmed a NLD length of 30 cm and was then removed. A 5.0Fr/22–32 cm Universa© Soft Ureteral Stent was threaded normograde over the guidewire until the loops of the stent were exposed at each end. The guidewire was removed and the stent loops were sutured in place.


The stent was withdrawn 1 month after the procedure. Telephone follow-up with the client reported significant improvement in the amount of ocular discharge and decreased sensitivity around the face and ears.


Endoscopy is a safe and effective procedure allowing for definitive diagnosis of NLD obstruction and to assist in interventional procedures. Placement of a canine indwelling ureteral stent seems to be an effective alternative treatment option for equine NLD obstruction compared to conventional invasive surgical procedures.  相似文献   

A 9‐year‐old intact male Bluetick Coonhound presented for progressive subcutaneous emphysema of 5 days’ duration due to a suspected tracheal tear. Cervical computed tomography (CT) and thoracic CT were performed after failure to identify the tracheal tear with tracheoscopy. A longitudinal tracheal tear was identified starting 4.3 cm cranial to the tracheal bifurcation and extending caudally over a distance of 3.6 cm. Severe pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema, and retroperitoneal gas were also present. A follow‐up CT 7 days postoperatively confirmed the successful repair of the tear with partial resolution of the presurgical secondary pathology and the patient recovered uneventfully.  相似文献   

Periapical tooth disease in the equid has been extensively described. Rostral cheek tooth abscessation usually leads to external facial swelling, and in some cases, nasal drainage. Periapical infection of the caudal cheek teeth usually results in maxillary empyema and sinusitis. This case report describes a donkey with periapical tooth root infection of the left 3rd maxillary premolar (207) diagnosed with computed tomography, which drained exclusively into the adjacent/collateral nasolacrimal duct.  相似文献   

With the advancement of technology, more tools and methods are being made available for the assessment of bone density in the live animal. Computed tomography (CT) is one such tool. In a CT scan, x-rays are passed through a subject and detectors record transmitted energy. The CT computer then constructs cross-sectional images from this data to represent the internal anatomy.The first objective of this study was to investigate CT as a means of estimating bone mineral content of the equine third metacarpal bone. Our hypothesis was that the cross-sectional area of the third metacarpal bone, as measured on CT images, would correlate significantly with ash weight of that section. Our second objective was to use CT to measure and compare bone density in the dorsal, palmar, lateral and medial cortices of the equine third metacarpus. We hypothesized that CT would detect differences in density by cortex.Twelve cadaver thoracic limb specimens, from horses of varying age, breed and prior use, were scanned on a CT 9800 (GE Medical Systems). Scanned sections of the limb were then skinned, dried, ether-extracted and ashed in a muffle furnace. Bone mineral content was expressed as grams of ash/cm section of bone. The image recorded by the CT was developed and assessed using an imaging photodensitometer and a corresponding software package to estimate the area of each bone section. Correlation was determined using SAS (6.12). Differences in bone density by cortex were calculated using a simple t-test. The maximum, minimum and mean estimates of third metacarpal bone cross-sectional area as determined by CT were 519, 351 and 423 mm2, respectively, while the maximum, minimum and mean ash weights were 8.9, 4.8 and 6.4 g/cm, respectively. Estimates of bone mineral content by ash and cross-sectional area as determined by CT were significantly correlated (r=.91, P=.0001). There was no difference in CT density numbers between lateral and medial cortices, however the dorsal cortex was lower in density than the lateral (P<.05) and the palmar cortex was lower in density than all other cortices (P<.05). This data suggests that in a research setting, CT is an effective method by which to calculate cross-sectional area and, hence, estimate bone mineral content. Computed tomography was also able to detect differences in bone density by cortex.  相似文献   

Objective Medical records of eight dogs presenting with acute onset of neurological signs and a diagnosis of brain infarction as determined by computed tomography (CT) imaging were reviewed. Design Retrospective single-centre case review Results Ischaemic infarction in the territory of the rostral cerebellar artery was identified in three spaniel-breed dogs. All cerebellar infarcts were non-haemorrhagic. Telencephalic infarcts were identified in five dogs, in the territories of the middle cerebral artery (2/5) and rostral cerebral artery (3/5). One of these dogs had an ischaemic infarction, but all other infarctions appeared haemorrhagic. All dogs were geriatric (≥8 years old), with concurrent medical conditions identified in six dogs. One dog was euthanased after diagnosis because of the severity of its neurological signs and one dog was euthanased as a result of associated renal disease 2 months after diagnosis. Six dogs were alive at least 1 year after diagnosis. Conclusions CT is useful in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular accident in dogs, which can present as a spectrum of images with early changes in attenuation and subtle mass effects detected after infarction. CT is particularly sensitive for detecting haemorrhagic infarction, but under-represent ischaemic and lacunar infarctions when compared with MRI.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The aetiology of temporohyoid osteoarthropathy (THO) is unknown; both primary infectious and degenerative causes have been suggested. Hypothesis: There is a significant association between increasing age and severity of temporohyoid joint degeneration. To examine the histopathology of the temporohyoid articulation in aged horses and to compare the appearance of the joint with computed tomography (CT) and peripheral quantitative CT (pQCT). Methods: pQCT scans of the temporohyoid articulations were obtained bilaterally from 31 horses (range age 1–44 years) post mortem and images were graded by 2 blinded observers on 2 occasions for the presence of osteophytes, irregularity of the joint surface and mineralisation. Eight heads had been examined previously by CT, with the images similarly graded for the shape and density of the proximal stylohyoid bones, bone proliferation surrounding the joint, mineralisation of the tympanohyoid cartilage and the relationship of the petrous temporal bone to the stylohyoid bone. Sixteen temporohyoid joints were then evaluated histologically. Results: There was significant association between the mean pQCT degeneration score and age (rho = 0.75; P<0.0001), between the pQCT and CT score (rho = 0.63; P = 0.01) and between the degenerative changes identified within each temporohyoid joint within each horse (rho = 0.81; P<0.0001). Age‐associated changes included the development of a club shape by the proximal stylohyoid bone, rounding of the synostosis with the petrous temporal bone and extension of osteophytes from the petrous temporal bone to envelope the stylohyoid head and bridge the joint. In no horse was there any evidence of osteomyelitis within the petrous temporal bone, stylohyoid bone or tympanohyoid cartilage. Conclusions: This study provides evidence that age is associated with increasing severity of degenerative changes in the equine temporohyoid joint and that similar changes are commonly found bilaterally. Potential relevance: The changes identified appear similar, albeit milder to the changes reported in horses with THO, suggesting that degenerative, rather than infectious causes may underlie the aetiology of THO. Future work should be directed at examining the histopathology of clinical THO cases.  相似文献   

Dental agenesis is a congenital disease defined as failure of formation of one or more teeth, which has been extensively described in human literature and that has been documented in several other species including cats, dogs, seals and sea lions, mice, and ungulates. The aim of this study was to review the clinical and computed tomographic (CT) features of tooth agenesis in a population of horses. Retrospective review of the imaging records from the Langford Equine Hospital was performed, including all horses that underwent head CT between January 2015 and June 2017. Of a total number of 167 CT scans, three horses with hypodontia were found. All three cases had agenesis of the maxillary 08s and one case had additional agenesis of the 307 and 308 teeth. Delayed resorption of the corresponding deciduous teeth was reported in all cases. The empty space left by the absent teeth was filled either by heterogeneous bone tissue alone (two cases) or by a combination of bone and soft tissue (one case). Alignment between teeth was preserved, and there was no displacement of the neighbouring teeth adjacent to the agenesis site. All three horses presented a symmetric pattern of dental agenesis within the maxillary arcades. The maxillary 08s, which are the latest to erupt, were the most affected teeth. This was similar to that reported in human literature, where the teeth that form later during development are the most vulnerable to dental agenesis.  相似文献   

Bronchomalacia and bronchial collapse are important causes of chronic coughing in dogs. The current reference standard diagnostic tests for these problems are flexible bronchoscopy and biopsy. Previous human studies have also supported inspiration/expiration computed tomography (CT) as a diagnostic test. The current prospective, pilot study aimed to determine whether inspiration/expiration CT is also a feasible test for quantifying bronchial collapsibility in dogs. Thoracic CT images were acquired using a 64‐row multidetector CT for 10 healthy Beagle dogs during maximal inspiration and expiration. For each scan, one observer measured transverse sectional areas of the mainstem and lobar bronchi, and the dorsal and ventral segmental bronchi of the left cranial lobar bronchus. Diameters for each bronchus were also measured in transverse, sagittal, and dorsal planes. Bronchial collapsibility (%) was calculated as the difference between inspiration/expiration transverse sectional areas divided by the inspiration transverse sectional areas. Mean bronchial collapsibility of all bronchi was 38.20 ± 15.17%. A collapsibility of over 50% was found in the dorsal (n = 7) and ventral (n = 4) segmental bronchi of the left cranial lobar bronchus, and the left caudal (n = 5) and right middle (n = 2) lobar bronchus. Bronchial collapsibility measurements were greater in the dorsal and ventral segmental bronchi of the left cranial lobar bronchus and the left caudal lobar bronchus (P < 0.001). Findings supported inspiration/expiration CT as a modality to noninvasively assess bronchial collapse in dogs and a bronchial collapsibility value greater than 50% for detecting pathologic bronchial collapse in clinically affected dogs.  相似文献   

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